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IdP, SAML, OAuth 
New Acronyms for a Cloud World 
Dan Brinkmann 
About Me 
BriForum 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 
Citrix Synergy 2012, 2013, 2014 
Former VMware vExpert
IdP, SAML, OAuth
I am not an identity expert

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OAuth 2.0 and OpenId Connect
OAuth 2.0 and OpenId ConnectOAuth 2.0 and OpenId Connect
OAuth 2.0 and OpenId Connect

This document discusses authentication and authorization frameworks like OAuth and OpenID Connect. It provides an overview of key concepts like authentication, authorization, roles in OAuth like resource owner, client, authorization server and resource server. It explains the authorization code grant flow in OAuth and how OpenID Connect builds upon OAuth to provide identity features. It also compares OpenID Connect to SAML and discusses Microsoft and TechCello implementations of these specifications.

Single sign on (SSO) How does your company apply?
Single sign on (SSO) How does your company apply?Single sign on (SSO) How does your company apply?
Single sign on (SSO) How does your company apply?

This document discusses Single Sign On (SSO), which allows a user to access multiple services or applications with a single set of login credentials. It describes common SSO protocols like SAML and OpenID Connect and where SSO can be implemented, such as on-premise or in the cloud. Examples of SSO use cases and product categories are provided.

OpenID Connect Explained
OpenID Connect ExplainedOpenID Connect Explained
OpenID Connect Explained

OpenID Connect is a simple identity/SSO protocol based on OAuth 2.0. This presentation explains its intent and core business features in 15 slides.

oauthjwtopenid connect
The Problem 
Identity & Service Providers 
Office 365 Federation example 
Verifying Identity 
Authentication (AuthN) - Verifies who you are 
• Username/password 
• 2FA / strong authentication 
• Certificates 
Enterprise: Username / Password 
Consumer: Drivers license
Verifying Identity 
Authentication (AuthN) - Verifies who you are 
• Username/password 
• 2FA / strong authentication 
• Certificates 
Enterprise: Username / Password 
Consumer: Drivers license 
Massively broken

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OAuth & OpenID Connect Deep Dive
OAuth & OpenID Connect Deep DiveOAuth & OpenID Connect Deep Dive
OAuth & OpenID Connect Deep Dive

OAuth and OpenID Connect are the two most important security specs that API providers need to be aware of. In this session, Travis Spencer, CEO of Curity, will cram in as much about these two protocols as will fit into 20 minutes.

nordic apisaustin api summitapi
Hacking identity: A Pen Tester's Guide to IAM
Hacking identity: A Pen Tester's Guide to IAMHacking identity: A Pen Tester's Guide to IAM
Hacking identity: A Pen Tester's Guide to IAM

Know your opponent and know yourself. It held true for Sun Tzu 2500 years ago, and it holds true for pen testers today. A pen tester who has worked in sec ops role has a distinct advantage, especially if that pen tester has a solid grasp of the good, the bad, and the ugly of identity and access management (IAM) in an enterprise setting. For red teams, this presentation will cover pen testing tips and tricks to circumvent weak or missing IAM controls. For blue teams, we’ll also cover the steps you can take to shore up your IAM controls and catch pen testers in the act. Purple teaming, FTW!

information securitypenetration testingidentity management
Single Sign On Considerations
Single Sign On ConsiderationsSingle Sign On Considerations
Single Sign On Considerations

Single sign-on (SSO) allows users to access multiple systems after one authentication. Common SSO protocols discussed include SAML, OAuth, and username/password. SAML is best for single sign-on across websites while OAuth is for secure API access. Best practices include high availability, proactive certificate management, custom error pages, and testing. The document provides an overview of SSO concepts and recommendations for implementation and troubleshooting.

Possession is 9/10ths of ownership 
Authorization (AuthZ) - What you are able to do
Start car, lock doors, deny trunk 
Definition of Terms 
• Security Assertion Markup Language 
• Open standard for authorization 
• You’ve authenticated to a different system than the one you’re tyring to access and your identity 
has been proven by a 3rd party and on that basis you’re being allowed to this system
• 1.0 - 2002 
• 1.1 - 2003 
• 2.0 - 2005 (not backwards compatible with 1.x) 
• 1.0 - 2010 
• 2.0 - 2012 (not backwards compatible with 1.0)

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SIngle Sign On with Keycloak
SIngle Sign On with KeycloakSIngle Sign On with Keycloak
SIngle Sign On with Keycloak

Talk given at Open Source Datacenter Conference 2019 about open source iam with Keycloak, a red hat project around OpenID Connect and Saml 2.0


This 20-minute presentation introduces OAuth through defining it, explaining why it is useful, providing background information, defining key terminology, outlining the workflow, and including a live example. It defines OAuth as a method for users to grant third-party access to their resources without sharing passwords and to grant limited access. It highlights issues with traditional client-server authentication and how OAuth addresses them. The presentation then covers OAuth background, terminology like consumer and service provider, the redirection-based authorization workflow, and concludes with a live example and references for further information.

oauthauthorizationinternet service provider
Building secure applications with keycloak
Building secure applications with keycloak Building secure applications with keycloak
Building secure applications with keycloak

Building an enterprise level single sign-on application with the help of keycloak (Open Source Identity and Access Management). And understanding the way to secure your application; frontend & backend API’s. Managing user federation with minimum configuration.

The Problem 
Why does federation exist?
u: bob 
p: password1 
u: bob1 
p: logmein 
u: bobby 
p: 123
Along came Active Directory 
u: bobjones 
p: ComplexP1!
And then came SaaS / Cloud apps

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AWS IAM Introduction
AWS IAM IntroductionAWS IAM Introduction
AWS IAM Introduction

by Apurv Awasthi, Sr. Technical Product Manager, AWS This session introduces the concepts of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and walks through the tools and strategies you can use to control access to your AWS environment. We describe IAM users, groups, and roles and how to use them. We demonstrate how to create IAM users and roles, and grant them various types of permissions to access AWS APIs and resources. We also cover the concept of trust relationships, and how you can use them to delegate access to your AWS resources. This session covers also covers IAM best practices that can help improve your security posture. We cover how to manage IAM users and roles, and their security credentials. We also explain ways for how you can securely manage you AWS access keys. Using common use cases, we demonstrate how to choose between using IAM users or IAM roles. Finally, we explore how to set permissions to grant least privilege access control in one or more of your AWS accounts. Level 100

awsamazon web servicescloud
Iam presentation
Iam presentationIam presentation
Iam presentation

This document discusses best practices for AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). It defines IAM as a service that helps securely control access to AWS resources. The main IAM components are users, groups, roles, and policies. It provides several rules for security best practices, including: never using the root account for daily tasks; locking away root access keys; granting least privileges; using roles to delegate permissions; using roles for EC2 applications; rotating credentials regularly; and monitoring account activity.

amazon web servicesaws
Amazon API Gateway
Amazon API GatewayAmazon API Gateway
Amazon API Gateway

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. It allows developers to manage multiple versions and stages of APIs, monitor access by third party developers, and handle traffic spikes without operational burden. API Gateway supports features like throttling, authorization, caching of responses, and SDK generation to make APIs easy to consume.

awsaws cloudcloud computing
Why not use Active Directory?
Why not use Active Directory? 
Bad admin 
Why not use Active Directory? 
No Trust 
Bad admin 
IdP / SP Architecture 
SaaS Solution Enterprise 
Active Directory

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Rest API Security - A quick understanding of Rest API Security
Rest API Security - A quick understanding of Rest API SecurityRest API Security - A quick understanding of Rest API Security
Rest API Security - A quick understanding of Rest API Security

This document discusses REST API security methods. It provides an overview of authentication and authorization and describes common security methods like cookie-based authentication, token-based authentication, OAuth, OpenID, and SAML. It then compares OAuth2, OpenID, and SAML and discusses best practices for securing REST APIs like protecting HTTP methods, validating URLs, using security headers, and encoding JSON input.

rest api securitya quick understanding of rest api securitysecurity
Single Sign On 101
Single Sign On 101Single Sign On 101
Single Sign On 101

These slides are supposed to help you understand the basics of application security, and how the latest technologies come together to enable you to reduce the number of times people at your organization need to authenticate. For more information visit.

An Introduction to OAuth2
An Introduction to OAuth2An Introduction to OAuth2
An Introduction to OAuth2

Slides from my O'Reilly Webcast on OAuth 2. Book coming in 2013

oreilly oauth2 facebook google auth
Common IdP’s 
Ping Identity PingFederate 
CA SiteMinder 
Microsoft ADFS 
Microsoft ADFS 
ADFS 1.0 - Part of Windows 2003 R2 
ADFS 1.1 - Part of Windows 2008 and R2 (Installed as Role from Server Mgr) 
Used SAML 1.x so forget about these
Microsoft ADFS 
ADFS 2.0 - Released after Windows 2008 R2 as a standalone download 
ADFS 2.1 - Part of Windows Server 2012 and installed as a Role 
ADFS 3.0 - Part of Windows Server 2012 R2 and installed as a Role Service 
ADFS 2.x rely on IIS 
ADFS 3.x is built on http.sys (IIS is not installed or needed)
IdP / SP Architecture 
Trust / Configuration

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API Security Best Practices & Guidelines
API Security Best Practices & GuidelinesAPI Security Best Practices & Guidelines
API Security Best Practices & Guidelines

This document provides guidelines for securing managed APIs. It discusses defining an API's audience and whether they are direct users or relying parties. It also covers bootstrapping trust either directly through user credentials or brokerd through a third party. The document then discusses various OAuth 2.0 grant types and federated access scenarios. It emphasizes using TLS, strong credentials, short-lived tokens, and access control to secure APIs and their communication.

apiapi securityoauth 2.0
Introduction to SAML & OIDC
Introduction to SAML & OIDCIntroduction to SAML & OIDC
Introduction to SAML & OIDC

This document provides an introduction and overview of SAML and OIDC for single sign-on and federated authentication. It describes the key components of each standard, including identity providers, service providers, assertions, flows, and tokens. SAML enables users to authenticate once and access multiple sites using circles of trust, while OIDC builds on OAuth2 and provides additional functionality for authentication with RESTful endpoints and easier token and claims handling.

Developing and deploying Identity-enabled applications for the cloud
Developing and deploying Identity-enabled applications for the cloudDeveloping and deploying Identity-enabled applications for the cloud
Developing and deploying Identity-enabled applications for the cloud

Joint session by and on ADFS, federation and claims based authentication in the cloud.

IdP / SP Architecture 
How is trust established? 
SaaS Solution Enterprise 
Active Directory
IDP Configuration: Metadata
IDP trusts Service Provider: Relying Party ID 
When a user requests claims 
from this Federation Service for 
the relying party, the relying party 
identifier will be used to identify 
the relying party for which the 
claims should be targeted 
Translate: Match incoming SP 
request to IdP Relying Party 
Trust configuration
IDP trusts Service Provider: Signature 
SAML request from the Service 
Provider is signed 
Not always used

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Azure Global Bootcamp 2017 Azure AD Deployment
Azure Global Bootcamp 2017 Azure AD DeploymentAzure Global Bootcamp 2017 Azure AD Deployment
Azure Global Bootcamp 2017 Azure AD Deployment

Overview of Azure AD Deployment lessons from the real world Outline items that can accelerate your deployment Avoid things that can slow you down Deep Dive on common technical challenges and how to overcome them

azureazure active directoryphidiax
Single Sign On using ADFS.pptx
Single Sign On using ADFS.pptxSingle Sign On using ADFS.pptx
Single Sign On using ADFS.pptx

An specific detail on how ADFS works as Microsoft Single-SignOn solution for enterprises using Active Directory.

adfssecurity practicessecurity
TechEd Africa 2011 - Collaborating with Extranet Partners on SharePoint 2010
TechEd Africa 2011 - Collaborating with Extranet Partners on SharePoint 2010TechEd Africa 2011 - Collaborating with Extranet Partners on SharePoint 2010
TechEd Africa 2011 - Collaborating with Extranet Partners on SharePoint 2010

Organizations planning for Extranet access to SharePoint 2010 or faced with providing access to an Intranet from multiple internal authentication platforms often find it challenging to properly architect SharePoint for extranets, to isolate content, and to manage identities across disparate systems. The complexity involved in understanding how to isolate content from a security perspective but still provide for a collaborative space for end users is complex, and if not done correctly can lead to security breaches and confusion. This session focuses on understanding the various extranet models for SharePoint 2010 and providing real world guidance on how to implement them. Covered are extranet content models and extranet authentication options, including Claims-based authentication and also covering advanced options using tools such as Microsoft's Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) 2010 to centralize identity management to SharePoint 2010 farms, allowing for better control, automatic account provisioning, and synchronization of profile information across multiple SharePoint authentication providers. • Review Extranet design options with SharePoint 2010 • Understand the need for identity management across SharePoint farms • Examine real world deployment guidance and architecture for SharePoint environments using multiple authentication providers

people pickercontent publishinguag
Service Provider trusts IDP: Token-signing certificate
IdP / SP Architecture 
IdP / SP Architecture 
Authentication (AuthN) 
SaaS Solution Enterprise 
Active Directory
ADFS Authentication 
Active Directory 
ADFS Proxy - 2.x 
Web Application Proxy - 3.x

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O365con14 - moving from on-premises to online, the road to follow
O365con14 - moving from on-premises to online, the road to followO365con14 - moving from on-premises to online, the road to follow
O365con14 - moving from on-premises to online, the road to follow

This document provides links to numerous Microsoft technical support and documentation pages related to Office 365, Azure Active Directory, identity management, multi-factor authentication, and directory synchronization. The pages cover topics such as configuring directory synchronization between on-premises Active Directory and Azure AD, managing user identities and authentication in hybrid cloud environments, and using multi-factor authentication to secure access to Office 365 applications and services.

Building Secure Extranets with Claims-Based Authentication #SPEvo13
Building Secure Extranets with Claims-Based Authentication #SPEvo13Building Secure Extranets with Claims-Based Authentication #SPEvo13
Building Secure Extranets with Claims-Based Authentication #SPEvo13

Slides from my session at the SharePoint Evolution Conference 2013 about building secure extranets with Claims-Based Authentication

claimssharepoint evolutionspevo13
SPCA2013 - It’s Me, and Here’s My ProofIdentity & Authentication in SharePoin...
SPCA2013 - It’s Me, and Here’s My ProofIdentity & Authentication in SharePoin...SPCA2013 - It’s Me, and Here’s My ProofIdentity & Authentication in SharePoin...
SPCA2013 - It’s Me, and Here’s My ProofIdentity & Authentication in SharePoin...

This document provides an overview of identity and authentication in SharePoint 2013 and Office 365. It begins with a primer on authentication and authorization concepts. It then covers Windows authentication, trusted claims providers, service delegation between servers, and authorization for apps. It discusses the various identity management options for integrating on-premises Active Directory with Office 365 through options like online IDs, directory synchronization, and federation.

office 365sharepointsharepoint connections amsterdam
ADFS Authentication 
Basic Authentication 
• Username & password sent in clear 
text over network 
• You should always use SSL/TLS 
Windows Integrated (IWA) 
• Kerberos, NTLMSSP 
• Can work silently / background
ADFS Authentication 
• Webpage 
• 2FA 
• Works with virtually any device 
X509 / Client Certificates
ADFS Authentication Matrix 
ADFS 2.x ADFS 2.x Proxy ADFS 3.x Web Application 
Basic Auth 
Windows Integrated 
X509 / Client Cert
Manipulating Authentication Priority

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Office 365 identity
Office 365 identityOffice 365 identity
Office 365 identity

This document discusses identity management options for integrating on-premises directories with Office 365. It describes scenarios for cloud identity without integration, directory synchronization using password sync or federation, and federation options like ADFS, Shibboleth, and third-party identity providers. Directory synchronization can be used to integrate Active Directory or non-AD sources with options like DirSync, FIM, and PowerShell for provisioning users.

A Technical Guide To Deploying Single Sign On
A Technical Guide To Deploying Single Sign OnA Technical Guide To Deploying Single Sign On
A Technical Guide To Deploying Single Sign On

This document provides instructions for configuring different single sign-on options for IBM Notes clients, including Notes Shared Logon, LDAP authentication, Kerberos/SPNEGO/IWA, and SAML. It describes what each option does, examples of how it works, and requirements to set it up. SAML provides single sign-on across multiple systems using a centralized identity provider, but has more complex setup involving configuring identity providers, service providers, certificates, and policies in both Active Directory and Domino.

SAML and Other Types of Federation for Your Enterprise
SAML and Other Types of Federation for Your EnterpriseSAML and Other Types of Federation for Your Enterprise
SAML and Other Types of Federation for Your Enterprise

This document discusses federated authentication and SAML. It defines key concepts like identity management, identification, authentication and authorization. It explains how federation works using standards like SAML and allows single sign-on across organizational boundaries. Specific examples are provided of SAML identity providers, service providers and how products like Active Directory Federation Services, NetScaler and XenApp/XenDesktop support federated authentication.

IdP / SP Architecture 
IdP / SP Architecture 
SaaS Solution Enterprise 
Active Directory
SAML assertions contain claims 
Attribute claims contain information about the user (email address) 
Transformations can convert / modify data before creating the claim
Example SAML Token 
With a lot trimmed out 
<samlp:Response ID="_97c40e4a-d04e-409d-8ecc-1a2728f87873" Version="2.0" IssueInstant="2013-01-21T17:50:41.470Z" 
Destination="" Consent="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:consent:unspecified" 
InResponseTo="_ef94eec3026e4b49b86d6d162a3def59" xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"><Issuer 
Code Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success" /></samlp:Status><Assertion ID="_f1ad9c25-5632-414e-9b9c-e80d08c1f3ca" 
IssueInstant="2013-01-21T17:50:41.470Z" Version="2.0" 
xmlns:ds=""><ds:SignedInfo><ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=" 
c14n#" /><ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="" /><ds:Reference URI="#_f1ad9c25-5632-414e- 
9b9c-e80d08c1f3ca"><ds:Transforms><ds:Transform Algorithm="" /><ds:Transform 
Algorithm="" /></ds:Transforms><ds:DigestMethod 
</ds:Signature><Subject><NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format: 
Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer"><SubjectConfirmationData InResponseTo="_ef94eec3026e4b49b86d6d162a3def59" 
NotOnOrAfter="2013-01-21T17:55:41.470Z" Recipient="" 
/></SubjectConfirmation></Subject><Conditions NotBefore="2013-01-21T17:50:41.467Z" NotOnOrAfter="2013-01- 
ibute></AttributeStatement><AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="2013-01-21T17:50:41.429Z" SessionIndex="_f1ad9c25-5632-414e-9b9c-e80d08c1f3ca">< 

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Andy Malone - The new office 365 for it pro's
Andy Malone - The new office 365 for it pro'sAndy Malone - The new office 365 for it pro's
Andy Malone - The new office 365 for it pro's

This document provides an overview of Office 365 for IT professionals presented by Andy Malone. It begins with an introduction of Andy Malone and his background. The bulk of the document then explores various components and capabilities of Office 365 including exploring Office 365, understanding data storage locations, identity management with Azure Active Directory, provisioning accounts, and Exchange Online. It provides summaries of key Office 365 services and components. The document concludes with some final tips and thoughts on Office 365 and links to additional tools and resources.

office365andy malonenic

This document discusses important identity and access management (IAM) considerations for selecting a software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider. It outlines key questions to ask the SaaS provider regarding support for single sign-on protocols, ease of provisioning and de-provisioning users, whether their technical environment fits the organization's constraints, and ability to test integration before going live. The document also covers identity lifecycle management standards like SCIM and questions for IAM experts on how federation can be made easier.

irmsmart421irm summit
Planning Extranet Environments with SharePoint 2010
Planning Extranet Environments with SharePoint 2010Planning Extranet Environments with SharePoint 2010
Planning Extranet Environments with SharePoint 2010

Organizations planning for Extranet access to SharePoint 2010 or faced with providing access to an Intranet from multiple internal authentication platforms often find it challenging to properly architect SharePoint for extranets, to isolate content, and to manage identities across disparate systems. The complexity involved in understanding how to isolate content from a security perspective but still provide for a collaborative space for end users is complex, and if not done correctly can lead to security breaches and confusion. This session focuses on understanding the various extranet models for SharePoint 2010 and providing real world guidance on how to implement them. Covered are extranet content models and extranet authentication options, including advanced options using tools such as Microsoft's Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) 2010 to centralize identity management to SharePoint 2010 farms, allowing for better control, automatic account provisioning, and synchronization of profile information across multiple SharePoint authentication providers.

people pickercontent publishinguag
SAML Assertion 
<NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format: 
Attribute Store 
(Active Directory) 
Rule Transform 
Create a Claim Rule 
IdP / SP Architecture 
What does a SP do with the claim? 
Verify trust information (cert) 
Match claim against an user object in 
its database/directory 
This database usually needs to be pre-populated 
although it is possible to use 
the assertion / claims to do this 
SaaS Solution 
IdP / SP Architecture 
SaaS Solution Enterprise 
Active Directory 
Populate with 

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Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) is the Microsoft technology to bridge your on-premises Identity systems towards cloud Identity providers like Azure Active Directory. Colleagues depend on a reliable, yet cost effective deployment of AD FS and it’s our jobs as IT Pros to make it happen. This session covers the 10 most common mistakes we see in the field In organizations that have deployed AD FS and performed a hybrid identity deployment. Learn from their mistakes, so you don’t have to make them.

2. Day 2 - Identify and SSO
2. Day 2 -  Identify and SSO2. Day 2 -  Identify and SSO
2. Day 2 - Identify and SSO

This document provides an overview of identity management options in Office 365 and describes the Synchronized Identity Model (DirSync), Federated Identity Model (SSO), and key considerations for each. It compares the models based on organization size and capabilities like single sign-on and management of credentials. The Synchronized Identity Model uses Azure Active Directory Connect to synchronize on-premises directories with Azure AD. The Federated Identity Model implements Security Assertion Markup Language for single sign-on using federation servers like Active Directory Federation Services.

Extending Oracle SSO
Extending Oracle SSOExtending Oracle SSO
Extending Oracle SSO

With a complete new Identity/Access Management Suite on the Oracle market, one might forget the good old SSO server, bundled with each and every IAS server. Although it has some out-of-the-box capabilities like WNA and X509 certificate support, it can be quite hard to set up an authentication scheme just the way you (or your customers) like it. Using a case study, this presentation discusses how you can extend Oracle’s Single Sign On (SSO) server to your needs. It will discuss : - Integration & authentication with smartcard passports (eID) - Authentication with digital certificates - Implementing fallback authentication schemes - Integration with SSL terminators and reverse proxies - DIY federated authentication - writing your own SSO plugin The solutions presented are part of AXI NV/BV's portfolio.

IDP / SP Sign-on Flow
IdP / SP Architecture 
SaaS Solution Enterprise 
Active Directory
SAML: IDP-Initiated Sign-On 
Identity Provider 
Service Provider 
Go to 
302 + Claims + Claims
SAML: SP-Initiated Sign-On (Passive) 
Identity Provider 
Service Provider 
302 + Request 
../adfs/ls + 
401(Auth Challenge) 
../adfs/ls + R e q u e s t + 
302 + Claims + Claims

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SPS Sydney - Office 365 and Cloud Identity – What does it mean for me?
SPS Sydney - Office 365 and Cloud Identity – What does it mean for me?SPS Sydney - Office 365 and Cloud Identity – What does it mean for me?
SPS Sydney - Office 365 and Cloud Identity – What does it mean for me?

Office 365 brings a host of productivity options, but one of the most overlooked components is how we'll authenticate to The Cloud™. With Microsoft Azure Active Directory driving access and authentication to our Office 365 tenants, it is important to understand how we can interact with it. Join us as we explore Cloud Identity, identity federation, directory synchronisation, and most importantly Azure and its impacts on user experience and access Office 365. Throughout this session, we'll answer the questions that impact you and how your decisions around identity shape your Office 365 experience.

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Office 365 MCSA TechEd
Office 365 MCSA TechEdOffice 365 MCSA TechEd
Office 365 MCSA TechEd

This document provides an overview of identity management and authentication options for Office 365. It discusses the key concepts of identity federation using protocols like SAML and WS-Federation. It also summarizes the different identity synchronization and single sign-on options available in Office 365 for organizations of different sizes, including password synchronization, directory synchronization, federated identity, and cloud identity. The advantages and requirements of each approach are outlined.

office 365mcsastudy guide
70 346 Managing office 365 identities
70 346 Managing office 365 identities70 346 Managing office 365 identities
70 346 Managing office 365 identities

This course focuses on skills required to set up an Office 365 tenant, including federation with existing user identities and for more infomation

IdP / SP federation issues
Common IdP Issues 
1. Attribute claim doesn’t match up 
2. Certificate is incorrect 
3. IdP time is out of whack (5 minute tolerance)
How to debug SAML 
Google Chrome Developer Tools 
Internet Explorer Developer Tools 
Firefox Firebug 
SAML debugger
IdP, SAML, OAuth

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Develop iOS and Android apps with SharePoint/Office 365
Develop iOS and Android apps with SharePoint/Office 365Develop iOS and Android apps with SharePoint/Office 365
Develop iOS and Android apps with SharePoint/Office 365

This document provides an agenda and overview for developing iOS and Windows Store apps using Office 365/SharePoint 2013. It discusses what mobile apps are, why to build them, and how to use SharePoint/Office 365 as a backend. It demonstrates sample apps and covers development platforms, SharePoint APIs, authentication, and code reviews.

Briforum 2011 Chicago
Briforum 2011 ChicagoBriforum 2011 Chicago
Briforum 2011 Chicago

The document discusses how to deliver a Windows 7 experience on Windows Server 2008 R2. It describes that the Windows 7 experience refers to features included in the Desktop Experience package. It then details various methods to enable these features, including manually configuring settings, using tools from Citrix, and scripts available on the Citrix code sharing site. The presentation recommends using the XenApp 6 Service Provider Automation Pack to enable the Windows 7 look and feel.

xenappcitrix xenappbriforum 2011 chicago
The Tools I Use
The Tools I UseThe Tools I Use
The Tools I Use

This document discusses the tools used by Dan Brinkmann to consume, organize, and create data. It outlines the RSS feeds, Twitter, and Pocket apps he uses to gather content from across the web. It also describes the Office Suite, Evernote, Google Docs, WordPress, and OmniGraffle tools he leverages to consolidate insights and produce new written works, diagrams, and blog posts. He is still on the lookout for solutions that can manage follow-up tasks and allow sharing of data across all of his devices.

briforum 2012 chicago
SAML Token 
<saml:Attribute AttributeName="UPN" 
<saml:Attribute AttributeName="ImmutableID" 
Service Provider trusts IDP: Token-signing certificate

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VDI Design Guide
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VDI Design Guide

This document provides guidance on designing a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). It discusses key decision points around the hypervisor, servers, and storage. It recommends determining user groups, applications, and requirements through piloting before finalizing the design. The document also analyzes options for the hypervisor, servers including CPU, memory, and local storage considerations, and storage including the impact of VM density and hidden capacity needs. Monitoring IOPS and latency is emphasized as critical to ensuring a successful VDI deployment.

vdi design guidebriforum 2012 chicago
How to Fail at VDI
How to Fail at VDIHow to Fail at VDI
How to Fail at VDI

VDI projects often fail due to lack of proper planning and testing. Key reasons for failure include not understanding compute and storage requirements, guessing at user needs rather than measuring them, and insufficient testing with real users and applications. Proper testing is needed to understand peak usage periods, application impacts on performance over time, and how the system performs at scale.

Citrix Remote Access Solution Soup
Citrix Remote Access Solution SoupCitrix Remote Access Solution Soup
Citrix Remote Access Solution Soup

This document summarizes Citrix's remote access solutions, including the Citrix Secure Gateway (CSG), Citrix Access Gateway Standard (CAG), and Citrix Access Gateway Enterprise Edition (CAG-EE). It also discusses the Netscaler platform. The CSG is now end-of-life with no support for newer features. The CAG provides ICA proxy and SSL VPN capabilities on a physical or virtual appliance. The CAG-EE has additional features like endpoint analysis and load balancing. The Netscaler provides all CAG-EE functions plus load balancing of StoreFront and XenApp/XenDesktop resources. The document discusses factors in choosing between a physical or virtual appliance deployment.

How to handle IDP Errors:
Further information on IDP logs… 
Bad Signature Bad Identifier
Authentication Issues 
One common issue using Integrated (prompt comes up but auth always fails)
Office 365 Federation Example

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Denver VMUG nov 2011
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Denver VMUG nov 2011

This document provides an overview of new features in vSphere 5 including: - ESXi only architecture with no service console and smaller security footprint. - New ESXi shell and vCLI commands for simplified management. - Enhancements to features like vMotion, DRS, HA, and new features like Auto Deploy, Storage DRS, and ESXi firewall. - Performance improvements and support for new hardware like USB 3.0 and larger VMs. - Summary of changes to management tools including new vSphere Web Client.

VMware vSphere Performance Troubleshooting
VMware vSphere Performance TroubleshootingVMware vSphere Performance Troubleshooting
VMware vSphere Performance Troubleshooting

vSphere provides tools like vCenter, ESXTOP, and PowerCLI to monitor the performance of CPU, memory, network, and storage. Key metrics include CPU and memory usage, network packet drops, storage latency, and swap rates. Issues like oversubscription, capacity limitations, and configuration errors can be identified by watching for saturated resources, dropped packets, and high latency or queueing. External monitoring of physical infrastructure can also provide useful visibility.

7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf
7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf
7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf

Solar Storms (Geo Magnetic Storms) are the motion of accelerated charged particles in the solar environment with high velocities due to the coronal mass ejection (CME).

solar storms
Office 365 & Azure Active Directory Services 
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Local Active Directory 
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Local Active Directory
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(SP) Azure Active Directory 
Local Active Directory
DirSync populates Azure Active Directory 
with user accounts and groups from a 
local Active Directory

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CIO Council Cal Poly Humboldt September 22, 2023

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Six months into 2024, and it is clear the privacy ecosystem takes no days off!! Regulators continue to implement and enforce new regulations, businesses strive to meet requirements, and technology advances like AI have privacy professionals scratching their heads about managing risk. What can we learn about the first six months of data privacy trends and events in 2024? How should this inform your privacy program management for the rest of the year? Join TrustArc, Goodwin, and Snyk privacy experts as they discuss the changes we’ve seen in the first half of 2024 and gain insight into the concrete, actionable steps you can take to up-level your privacy program in the second half of the year. This webinar will review: - Key changes to privacy regulations in 2024 - Key themes in privacy and data governance in 2024 - How to maximize your privacy program in the second half of 2024

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Slide of the tutorial entitled "Paradigm Shifts in User Modeling: A Journey from Historical Foundations to Emerging Trends" held at UMAP'24: 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (July 1, 2024 | Cagliari, Italy)

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DirSync Configuration
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Enabling Federation 
Install Azure Active Directory Powershell module 
Run Powershell commands 
• $cred=Get-Credential 
• Connect-MsolService –Credential $cred 
• Convert-MsolDomainToFederated –DomainName <domain>
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Kief Morris rethinks the infrastructure code delivery lifecycle, advocating for a shift towards composable infrastructure systems. We should shift to designing around deployable components rather than code modules, use more useful levels of abstraction, and drive design and deployment from applications rather than bottom-up, monolithic architecture and delivery.

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Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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Office 365 Federated Login is a Federated
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After typing the username it 
automatically redirect to my IdP
Office 365 Federated Login 
Login to ADFS 3.0 (Windows 2012 R2) 
ADFS server then redirects to:
Office 365 Federated Login 
<saml:Attribute AttributeName="UPN" 
<saml:Attribute AttributeName="ImmutableID" 

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Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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Office 365 Federated Login 
Authorization succeeds, account is 
matched to O365 mail account
Problem Solved? 
How many times would you want to do this on a mobile device? 
SAML / WS-Federation is a heavy process 
2-factor authentication is a common enterprise 
IdP implementation 
Cumbersome to end users
Problem Solved? 
How can we streamline AuthN? 
Cache password on mobile device 
• What about 2FA? 
• Apps get complete access to a users account 
• Users can’t revoke access to an app / device except by 
changing their password 
• Compromised apps expose the user’s password 
• Remember WebDav?
Enter OAuth 
Authorization (AuthZ) without passwords 
Tokens can be revoked 
Tokens can be scoped 
Tokens can be time-limited 

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Everything that I found interesting last month about the irresponsible use of machine intelligence

Example OAuth Token 
OAuth vs SAML Token 
And I even trimmed out the signing certificate of the SAML Token 
<samlp:Response ID="_97c40e4a-d04e-409d-8ecc-1a2728f87873" Version="2.0" IssueInstant="2013- 
01-21T17:50:41.470Z" Destination="" 
t</Issuer><samlp:Status><samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success" 
/></samlp:Status><Assertion ID="_f1ad9c25-5632-414e-9b9c-e80d08c1f3ca" IssueInstant="2013-01- 
21T17:50:41.470Z" Version="2.0" 
Algorithm="" /><ds:SignatureMethod 
Algorithm="" /><ds:Reference URI="#_f1ad9c25-5632- 
Algorithm="" /><ds:Transform 
Algorithm="" /></ds:Transforms><ds:DigestMethod 
InResponseTo="_ef94eec3026e4b49b86d6d162a3def59" NotOnOrAfter="2013-01-21T17:55:41.470Z" 
/></SubjectConfirmation></Subject><Conditions NotBefore="2013-01-21T17:50:41.467Z" 
AuthnInstant="2013-01-21T17:50:41.429Z" SessionIndex="_f1ad9c25-5632-414e-9b9c-e80d08c1f3ca">< 
OAuth in Consumer Lives 
Creating a separate username / 
password not required
OAuth in Consumer Lives 
Scoped Access

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

a11yaccessibilityalt text
OAuth in Consumer Lives 
The irony of this slide
How OAuth is used in Enterprise Apps 
Instead of AuthN each time use AuthZ 
Protect mobile application using PIN / Passcode
Mobile App Solution 
SAML Token for 
OAuth Token 
Use OAuth 
Access Token to 
access the 
Mobile App Solution 
If the Access 
Token fails get a 
new one using 
the Refresh 
If the Refresh 
Token fails then 
prompt user to 
via IdP

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Have you noticed the OpenSSF Scorecard badges on the official Dart and Flutter repos? It's Google's way of showing that they care about security. Practices such as pinning dependencies, branch protection, required reviews, continuous integration tests etc. are measured to provide a score and accompanying badge. You can do the same for your projects, and this presentation will show you how, with an emphasis on the unique challenges that come up when working with Dart and Flutter. The session will provide a walkthrough of the steps involved in securing a first repository, and then what it takes to repeat that process across an organization with multiple repos. It will also look at the ongoing maintenance involved once scorecards have been implemented, and how aspects of that maintenance can be better automated to minimize toil.

Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world
Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling  in real worldImplementations of Fused Deposition Modeling  in real world
Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world

The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

fdmffffused deposition modeling
Research Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces
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Research Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces

An invited talk given by Mark Billinghurst on Research Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces. This was given on July 2nd 2024 as part of the 2024 Summer School on Cross Reality in Hagenberg, Austria (July 1st - 7th)

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Federation necessary for next-generation & mobile applications 
IdP, SAML, OAuth

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IdP, SAML, OAuth

  • 1. IdP, SAML, OAuth New Acronyms for a Cloud World Dan Brinkmann @dbrinkmann
  • 2. About Me @dbrinkmann BriForum 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Citrix Synergy 2012, 2013, 2014 Former VMware vExpert
  • 4. I am not an identity expert
  • 5. Agenda Definitions The Problem Identity & Service Providers Office 365 Federation example OAuth
  • 7. Authentication Verifying Identity Authentication (AuthN) - Verifies who you are • Username/password • 2FA / strong authentication • Certificates Enterprise: Username / Password Consumer: Drivers license
  • 8. Authentication Verifying Identity Authentication (AuthN) - Verifies who you are • Username/password • 2FA / strong authentication • Certificates Enterprise: Username / Password Consumer: Drivers license Massively broken
  • 9. Authorization Possession is 9/10ths of ownership Authorization (AuthZ) - What you are able to do
  • 10. Authorization Start car, lock doors, deny trunk Valet key
  • 11. Definition of Terms SAML • Security Assertion Markup Language Oauth • Open standard for authorization Federation • You’ve authenticated to a different system than the one you’re tyring to access and your identity has been proven by a 3rd party and on that basis you’re being allowed to this system
  • 12. History SAML • 1.0 - 2002 • 1.1 - 2003 • 2.0 - 2005 (not backwards compatible with 1.x) OAuth • 1.0 - 2010 • 2.0 - 2012 (not backwards compatible with 1.0)
  • 13. The Problem Why does federation exist?
  • 14. Genesis u: bob p: password1 u: bob1 p: logmein u: bobby p: 123
  • 15. Along came Active Directory u: bobjones p: ComplexP1!
  • 16. And then came SaaS / Cloud apps
  • 17. Why not use Active Directory?
  • 18. Why not use Active Directory? Bad admin >>passwords.txt
  • 19. Why not use Active Directory? No Trust Bad admin >>passwords.txt
  • 20. IdP / SP Architecture SaaS Solution Enterprise Service Provider (SP) Identity Provider (IDP) Trust Claims LDAP Signed Active Directory
  • 21. Common IdP’s Ping Identity PingFederate CA SiteMinder Microsoft ADFS Shibboleth Okta
  • 22. Microsoft ADFS ADFS 1.0 - Part of Windows 2003 R2 ADFS 1.1 - Part of Windows 2008 and R2 (Installed as Role from Server Mgr) Used SAML 1.x so forget about these
  • 23. Microsoft ADFS ADFS 2.0 - Released after Windows 2008 R2 as a standalone download ADFS 2.1 - Part of Windows Server 2012 and installed as a Role ADFS 3.0 - Part of Windows Server 2012 R2 and installed as a Role Service ADFS 2.x rely on IIS ADFS 3.x is built on http.sys (IIS is not installed or needed)
  • 24. IdP / SP Architecture Trust / Configuration
  • 25. IdP / SP Architecture How is trust established? SaaS Solution Enterprise Service Provider (SP) Identity Provider (IDP) Trust LDAP Active Directory
  • 26. IDP Configuration: Metadata
  • 27. IDP trusts Service Provider: Relying Party ID When a user requests claims from this Federation Service for the relying party, the relying party identifier will be used to identify the relying party for which the claims should be targeted Translate: Match incoming SP request to IdP Relying Party Trust configuration
  • 28. IDP trusts Service Provider: Signature SAML request from the Service Provider is signed Not always used
  • 29. Service Provider trusts IDP: Token-signing certificate
  • 30. IdP / SP Architecture Authentication
  • 31. IdP / SP Architecture Authentication (AuthN) SaaS Solution Enterprise Service Provider (SP) Identity Provider (IDP) Trust LDAP Active Directory
  • 32. ADFS Authentication ADFS Proxy ADFS Server Enterprise LDAP Active Directory ADFS Proxy - 2.x Web Application Proxy - 3.x
  • 33. ADFS Authentication Basic Authentication • Username & password sent in clear text over network • You should always use SSL/TLS Windows Integrated (IWA) • Kerberos, NTLMSSP • Can work silently / background
  • 34. ADFS Authentication Forms • Webpage • 2FA • Works with virtually any device X509 / Client Certificates
  • 35. ADFS Authentication Matrix ADFS 2.x ADFS 2.x Proxy ADFS 3.x Web Application Proxy Basic Auth Windows Integrated Forms X509 / Client Cert
  • 37. IdP / SP Architecture Claims
  • 38. IdP / SP Architecture Claims SaaS Solution Enterprise Service Provider (SP) Identity Provider (IDP) Trust Claims LDAP Signed Active Directory
  • 39. Claims SAML assertions contain claims Attribute claims contain information about the user (email address) Transformations can convert / modify data before creating the claim
  • 40. Example SAML Token With a lot trimmed out <samlp:Response ID="_97c40e4a-d04e-409d-8ecc-1a2728f87873" Version="2.0" IssueInstant="2013-01-21T17:50:41.470Z" Destination="" Consent="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:consent:unspecified" InResponseTo="_ef94eec3026e4b49b86d6d162a3def59" xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"><Issuer xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"></Issuer><samlp:Status><samlp:Status Code Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success" /></samlp:Status><Assertion ID="_f1ad9c25-5632-414e-9b9c-e80d08c1f3ca" IssueInstant="2013-01-21T17:50:41.470Z" Version="2.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"><Issuer></Issuer><ds:Signature xmlns:ds=""><ds:SignedInfo><ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=" c14n#" /><ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="" /><ds:Reference URI="#_f1ad9c25-5632-414e- 9b9c-e80d08c1f3ca"><ds:Transforms><ds:Transform Algorithm="" /><ds:Transform Algorithm="" /></ds:Transforms><ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="" /><ds:DigestValue>KXdq8sGKJoFSBSB9YkF9LN7/8Ik=</ds:DigestValue></ds:Reference></ds:SignedInfo><ds:SignatureValue>aUaw…dzA==</ds:Sig natureValue><KeyInfo xmlns=""><ds:X509Data><ds:X509Certificate>MIIC…KOw==</ds:X509Certificate></ds:X509Data></KeyInfo> </ds:Signature><Subject><NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format: emailAddress"></NameID><SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer"><SubjectConfirmationData InResponseTo="_ef94eec3026e4b49b86d6d162a3def59" NotOnOrAfter="2013-01-21T17:55:41.470Z" Recipient="" /></SubjectConfirmation></Subject><Conditions NotBefore="2013-01-21T17:50:41.467Z" NotOnOrAfter="2013-01- 21T18:50:41.467Z"><AudienceRestriction><Audience></Audience></AudienceRestriction></Conditions ><AttributeStatement><Attribute Name=""><AttributeValue></AttributeValue></Attr ibute></AttributeStatement><AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="2013-01-21T17:50:41.429Z" SessionIndex="_f1ad9c25-5632-414e-9b9c-e80d08c1f3ca">< AuthnContext><AuthnContextClassRef>urn:federation:authentication:windows</AuthnContextClassRef></AuthnContext></Auth nStatement></Assertion></samlp:Response>
  • 41. SAML Assertion <NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format: emailAddress”></NameID>... Attribute Store (Active Directory) Rule Transform Claims
  • 42. Create a Claim Rule Claims
  • 43. IdP / SP Architecture What does a SP do with the claim? Verify trust information (cert) Match claim against an user object in its database/directory This database usually needs to be pre-populated although it is possible to use the assertion / claims to do this SaaS Solution Service Provider (SP) Claims Signed
  • 44. IdP / SP Architecture Claims SaaS Solution Enterprise Service Provider (SP) Identity Provider (IDP) Trust Claims LDAP Signed Active Directory Populate with accounts
  • 45. IDP / SP Sign-on Flow
  • 46. IdP / SP Architecture SaaS Solution Enterprise Service Provider (SP) Identity Provider (IDP) Trust Claims LDAP Signed Active Directory
  • 47. SAML: IDP-Initiated Sign-On Identity Provider (IDP) Service Provider (SP) Go to 302 + Claims + Claims
  • 48. SAML: SP-Initiated Sign-On (Passive) Identity Provider (IDP) Service Provider (SP) 302 + Request ../adfs/ls + Request 401(Auth Challenge) ../adfs/ls + R e q u e s t + 302 + Claims + Claims
  • 49. Troubleshooting IdP / SP federation issues
  • 50. Common IdP Issues 1. Attribute claim doesn’t match up 2. Certificate is incorrect 3. IdP time is out of whack (5 minute tolerance)
  • 51. How to debug SAML Fiddler Google Chrome Developer Tools Internet Explorer Developer Tools Firefox Firebug SAML debugger
  • 54. SAML Token <saml:Attribute AttributeName="UPN" AttributeNamespace=""> <saml:AttributeValue>?????</saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> <saml:Attribute AttributeName="ImmutableID" AttributeNamespace="” >
  • 55. Service Provider trusts IDP: Token-signing certificate
  • 57. How to handle IDP Errors:
  • 58. Further information on IDP logs… Bad Signature Bad Identifier
  • 59. Authentication Issues One common issue using Integrated (prompt comes up but auth always fails)
  • 61. Office 365 & Azure Active Directory Services Identity Provider (IDP) Service Provider (SP) Azure Active Directory Local Active Directory Claims
  • 62. Office 365 & Azure Active Directory Services Identity Provider (IDP) Service Provider (SP) Azure Active Directory Local Active Directory
  • 63. Office 365 & Azure Active Directory Services Identity Provider (IDP) Service Provider (SP) Azure Active Directory Local Active Directory
  • 64. DirSync DirSync populates Azure Active Directory with user accounts and groups from a local Active Directory
  • 66. Office 365 & Azure Active Directory Services Identity Provider (IDP) Service Provider (SP) Azure Active Directory Local Active Directory
  • 67. Enabling Federation Install Azure Active Directory Powershell module Run Powershell commands • $cred=Get-Credential • Connect-MsolService –Credential $cred • Convert-MsolDomainToFederated –DomainName <domain>
  • 68. Office 365 Federated Login
  • 69. Office 365 Federated Login is a Federated
  • 70. Office 365 Federated Login After typing the username it automatically redirect to my IdP
  • 71. Office 365 Federated Login Login to ADFS 3.0 (Windows 2012 R2) ADFS server then redirects to:
  • 72. Office 365 Federated Login <saml:Attribute AttributeName="UPN" AttributeNamespace=""> <saml:AttributeValue></saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> <saml:Attribute AttributeName="ImmutableID" AttributeNamespace="” >
  • 73. Office 365 Federated Login Authorization succeeds, account is matched to O365 mail account
  • 74. Problem Solved? How many times would you want to do this on a mobile device? SAML / WS-Federation is a heavy process 2-factor authentication is a common enterprise IdP implementation Cumbersome to end users
  • 75. Problem Solved? How can we streamline AuthN? Cache password on mobile device • What about 2FA? • Apps get complete access to a users account • Users can’t revoke access to an app / device except by changing their password • Compromised apps expose the user’s password • Remember WebDav?
  • 76. Enter OAuth AuthZ Authorization (AuthZ) without passwords Tokens can be revoked Tokens can be scoped Tokens can be time-limited Lightweight
  • 77. Example OAuth Token {"expires_in”:28800,"token_type":"bearer","apicp":"", "access_files_folders":true,"change_my_settings":true,"admin_users” :true,"expires_at_unix":"1,405,816,443.33826","refresh_token":"m5r U7aWB….","subdomain":"danbrinkmann","modify_files_folders":true, "web_app_login":true,"admin_accounts":true,"appcp":"", "access_token":"m5rU7aWB….."}
  • 78. OAuth vs SAML Token And I even trimmed out the signing certificate of the SAML Token {"expires_in”28800,"token_type":"beare r","apicp":"”,"access_fil es_folders":true,"change_my_settings": true,"admin_users”:true,"expires_at_un ix":"1,405,816,443.33826","refresh_tok en":"m5rU7aWB….","subdomain":"danbrink mann","modify_files_folders":true,"web _app_login":true,"admin_accounts":true ,"appcp":"”,"access_token ":"m5rU7aWB….."} <samlp:Response ID="_97c40e4a-d04e-409d-8ecc-1a2728f87873" Version="2.0" IssueInstant="2013- 01-21T17:50:41.470Z" Destination="" Consent="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:consent:unspecified" InResponseTo="_ef94eec3026e4b49b86d6d162a3def59" xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"><Issuer xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"> t</Issuer><samlp:Status><samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success" /></samlp:Status><Assertion ID="_f1ad9c25-5632-414e-9b9c-e80d08c1f3ca" IssueInstant="2013-01- 21T17:50:41.470Z" Version="2.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"><Issuer> ces/trust</Issuer><ds:Signature xmlns:ds=""><ds:SignedInfo><ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" /><ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="" /><ds:Reference URI="#_f1ad9c25-5632- 414e-9b9c-e80d08c1f3ca"><ds:Transforms><ds:Transform Algorithm="" /><ds:Transform Algorithm="" /></ds:Transforms><ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="" /><ds:DigestValue>KXdq8sGKJoFSBSB9YkF9LN7/8Ik=</ds:DigestValue></ds:Reference></ds:SignedInfo> <ds:SignatureValue>aUaw…dzA==</ds:SignatureValue><KeyInfo xmlns=""><ds:X509Data><ds:X509Certificate>MIIC…KOw==</ds:X50 9Certificate></ds:X509Data></KeyInfo></ds:Signature><Subject><NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format: emailAddress"></NameID><SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer"><SubjectConfirmationData InResponseTo="_ef94eec3026e4b49b86d6d162a3def59" NotOnOrAfter="2013-01-21T17:55:41.470Z" Recipient="" /></SubjectConfirmation></Subject><Conditions NotBefore="2013-01-21T17:50:41.467Z" NotOnOrAfter="2013-01- 21T18:50:41.467Z"><AudienceRestriction><Audience></Audien ce></AudienceRestriction></Conditions><AttributeStatement><Attribute Name=""><AttributeValue>juliano.malda</AttributeValue></Attribute></AttributeStatement><AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="2013-01-21T17:50:41.429Z" SessionIndex="_f1ad9c25-5632-414e-9b9c-e80d08c1f3ca">< AuthnContext><AuthnContextClassRef>urn:federation:authentication:windows</Authn ContextClassRef></AuthnContext></AuthnStatement></Assertion></samlp:Response>
  • 79. OAuth in Consumer Lives Creating a separate username / password not required
  • 80. OAuth in Consumer Lives Scoped Access
  • 81. OAuth in Consumer Lives The irony of this slide
  • 82. How OAuth is used in Enterprise Apps Instead of AuthN each time use AuthZ Protect mobile application using PIN / Passcode
  • 83. Mobile App Solution Authenticate via IdP (FTU) Exchange SAML Token for OAuth Token Use OAuth Access Token to access the application
  • 84. Mobile App Solution If the Access Token fails get a new one using the Refresh Token If the Refresh Token fails then prompt user to re-authenticate Re-authenticate via IdP
  • 85. Summary Federation necessary for next-generation & mobile applications Authentication (AuthN) Authorization (AuthZ) SAML OAuth

Editor's Notes

  1. <saml:Attribute AttributeName="UPN" AttributeNamespace=""><saml:AttributeValue></saml:AttributeValue></saml:Attribute><saml:Attribute AttributeName="ImmutableID" AttributeNamespace="">
  2. with refresh token send API request with access token If access token is invalid, try to update it using refresh token if refresh request passes, update the access token and re-send the initial API request If refresh request fails, ask user to re-authenticate