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Responsive images in the
Vlad Zelinschi
Front-end developer @
Iasi code camp 12 october 2013 responsive images in the wild-vlad zelinschi
var codecamper = ‘you’;
if (codecamper && ‘responsive images’)
console.log(‘Oh no!’);
var codecamper = ‘you’;
if (codecamper && ‘responsive images’)
console.log(‘Oh no!’);

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2022.04 - CSS Day IT - Images Optimisation 4.0
2022.04 - CSS Day IT - Images Optimisation 4.02022.04 - CSS Day IT - Images Optimisation 4.0
2022.04 - CSS Day IT - Images Optimisation 4.0

Responsive images automator, to automatically audit, generate and test responsive images, presentated at CSS Day 2022 in Faenza, Italy.

csscss dayresponsive images
Getting Intimate with Images on Android with James Halpern
Getting Intimate with Images on Android with James HalpernGetting Intimate with Images on Android with James Halpern
Getting Intimate with Images on Android with James Halpern

Save 10% off ANY FITC event with discount code 'slideshare' See our upcoming events at OVERVIEW As most Android developers know, dealing with the extreme degree of fragmentation in the Android ecosystem is often challenging. Among the more difficult challenges is managing memory usage, as devices that are in the market today can have as little as 13MB of memory. Now imagine the pains that developers go through when faced with the headache of having massive bitmaps eat up memory in a millisecond. In this presentation, James Halpern will talk about the complexities of image and memory management in Android and walk you through the creation of a successful, powerful and open source image management utility. Come to this presentation to learn about techniques that will help you optimize the performance of your apps. Learn about Android’s memory limitations and the role the garbage collector plays in your app’s performance and complexity. Learn how to communicate android graphics issues to developers, and how good design can create fewer bugs. James will conclude this presentation by briefly walking you through his open sourced image management solution that gracefully handles most of these issues in a simple to use package.

Rwd slidedeck
Rwd slidedeckRwd slidedeck
Rwd slidedeck is the biggest Russian knowledge bank about presentations. We publish best presentations.

‘’Responsive’’ +/- ‘’design’’

• term(s) coined by Ethan Marcotte in 2010 in an
article written for A list apart
• a new mindset
• invaded by a plethora of devices
• break from standard web development process
Responsive design challenges

• it’s a must in these days
• users want the same (if not better) experience

• compatibility & A LOT of devices
• bandwith, slow connectivity, latency, data traffic

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Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.
Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.
Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.

This document summarizes Vitaly Friedman's talk on responsive design techniques and tricks. The talk covered resolution independence using SVG/icon fonts, content choreography with Flexbox, compressive images that maintain quality at different sizes, conditional loading of assets based on breakpoints, and lazy loading of JavaScript and social buttons. It also discussed maintaining aspect ratios for images and videos across screens, and serving different video files for different devices. The overall message was that responsive design requires a new mindset and pragmatic solutions rather than rigid rules.

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Responsive Web Design - Web & PHP Conference - 2013-09-18
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Responsive Web Design - Web & PHP Conference - 2013-09-18

There is no mobile Web, there is no desktop Web, and there is no tablet Web. We view the same Web just in different ways. So how do we do it? By getting rid of our fixed-width, device-specific approaches and use Responsive Web Design techniques. This session will focus on what is Responsive Web Design and how you can use his 3-pronged approach on your current apps today which will also adapt to new devices in the future.

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FITC - Exploring Art-Directed Responsive Images
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FITC - Exploring Art-Directed Responsive Images

Responsive images are crucial to delivering stunning responsive web sites. Now that the <picture> element and srcset feature have found their way into every browser with to a certain degree following a common standard, there is no excuse for refusing to add art-directed responsive images to your grunt, gulp or webpack build flow or backend CMS/blog. This talk will explore the state of the art in building art-directed responsive images and will showcase several tools and techniques that web designers can use to automate art-directed responsive images.

web designcsshtml5


• visual impact
• create & define user emotions
• art
• no img = designer will kill you
• a big/ important part of the web - sept, 15, 2013 - sept, 15, 2013

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Improving Game Performance in the Browser

Improving Game Performance in the Browser with Mickey MacDonald Presented on September 17 2014 at FITC's Web Unleashed 2014 event in Toronto Poor performance is the easiest way to wreck the experience of any game; with web-based games, performance is even more crucial. In this talk, Mickey will discuss the various ways that we can optimize web-based games. He will look at the how the use of WebWorkers can increase performance, as well as tricks to improve load times and audio performance. So join Mickey and learn how to optimize your game to be lightning fast in every browser. OBJECTIVE Demonstrate techniques for increasing game performance in browsers TARGET AUDIENCE Web-based game developers ASSUMED AUDIENCE KNOWLEDGE Basic web-based game development skills FIVE THINGS AUDIENCE MEMBERS WILL LEARN Using WebWorkers to increase performance How to speed up load times Audio performance techniques Best practices for graphics compression Pooling techniques

The high resolution web
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The high resolution web

The document discusses techniques for high resolution images on the web, including adaptive images, srcset attribute, <picture> element, and browser scaling. It provides examples of client-side and server-side solutions for serving adaptive images, such as libraries and services. Guidelines are given for when to use techniques like SVG, icon fonts, and media queries to control images. The document concludes that bandwidth will limit downloading high resolution images over slower networks and to trust cellular optimizations.

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"Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques". Vitaly Friedman, Smashin...
"Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques". Vitaly Friedman, Smashin..."Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques". Vitaly Friedman, Smashin...
"Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques". Vitaly Friedman, Smashin...

Responsive web design challenges web designers to apply a new mindset to their design processes, as well as to techniques they are using in design and coding. This talk provides an overview of various practical techniques, tips and tricks that you might want to be aware of when working on a new responsive design project.

Responsive design limitations
HQ lovely images
Iasi code camp 12 october 2013 responsive images in the wild-vlad zelinschi
Performance is a must also because...

• starting from 2010 Google includes loading time in
Page Rank

• for online businesses every wasted second is lost
• your product is a reflection of who you are as a
47% of users expect a web
page to load in two seconds

40% of users will abandon a
web page if it takes more than
three seconds to load

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This presentation was originally presented at Drupal Camp Toronto, 2012. To view the video cast of this presentation visit -----DESCRIPTION----- was launched in February of 2012, and it was well received. It was our first mobile-first responsive site. We built it quickly and knew it wasn’t perfect, but the game plan was to launch early and incrementally improve the site over time. It’s not even a year later we use whole new workflows, creative design methods, modules, and development tools in our responsive websites. This talk will highlight how we created the original project and what we’ve since learned regarding workflow and development including: Responsive Images Modules Creative Concept Development Device vs. Natural Breakpoints SASS / Compass + Mixins we use Dealing with IE Benchmarking ----- Originally Presented at Drupal Camp Toronto 2012 -----

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Responsive Images and Performance
Responsive Images and PerformanceResponsive Images and Performance
Responsive Images and Performance

Talk delivered in New York, Sep 19, 2016 during an O'Reilly meetup before Velocity Conference about Web Performance and Images, including HTTP Client Hints and new Image Formats

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Picture Perfect: Images for Coders
Picture Perfect: Images for CodersPicture Perfect: Images for Coders
Picture Perfect: Images for Coders

Let's face it; we're not really artists (except for the artists). But that doesn't mean we can't contribute to the images on the internet. Whether you're a Photoshop guru, or don't even own a Mac, we can still make valuable contributions to ensure our digital assets are crisp and professional. In this talk, we'll look at some basic command-line tools for creating, modifying, and managing images, and look at how we can manage them properly on the web. We'll play with sprites, responsive images for these new retina displays, and techniques for optimizing performance on lower bandwidth connections and mobile web.

Iasi code camp 12 october 2013 responsive images in the wild-vlad zelinschi
Site summary
• no distinction between mobile/desktop images

• 285 requests
• 13.6 MB transferred (no cache)

• onLoad event after 11s (on cable connection)
• 181 images requests = 7.2 MB

• it’s OPTIMIZED! (no kidding...)

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Mobile usage is increasing, so Drupal 8 is designed with a mobile-first approach. It features responsive themes, images, and administration for optimal mobile experiences. Drupal 8 also improves front-end performance, supports HTML5, and includes a RESTful API for building mobile apps and services. Overall, Drupal 8 enhances the mobile experience for users and developers compared to previous versions.

Mobile Monday Presentation: Responsive Web Design
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Real world aspects of implementing flexible, mobile and future-friendly sites through responsive design.

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Responsive websites. Toolbox
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Responsive websites. Toolbox

A talk given at Appspirina workshop on March 29th, 2012 organized by Event page:

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Iasi code camp 12 october 2013 responsive images in the wild-vlad zelinschi
Iasi code camp 12 october 2013 responsive images in the wild-vlad zelinschi
Iasi code camp 12 october 2013 responsive images in the wild-vlad zelinschi
Main problem

Serve the user only what he needs in terms of:
• bytes
• image resolution
Also don’t break the layout and keep the site fluid
and adaptive

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These are the slides for the Austin Adobe User Group presentation on Responsive Web Design and Retina Displays on 9/14/12. The code example files are at:

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With great power, comes great responsive-ability web design. Responsive web design (RWD) will be demystified. Believe it or not, it's more than just media queries, although those will be discussed. It starts with proper UI design and application architecture, and then the dive into CSS - but not too deep! You don't have to be an expert to do RWD, but it helps to have some idea of what you are doing.

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This document discusses experience and decision making through three case studies. In Case I, decisions were made hastily under time constraints, resulting in fragile code. Case II involved choosing a database, where Cassandra proved better than the initial choice of MySQL. Case III showed benefits of thorough understanding and high test coverage leading to better outcomes. The conclusion advocates questioning assumptions, respecting experience stages, and using diverse teams to gain different perspectives for improved decision making at the "edge of experience."

Solution one (CSS)

div {
background-image: url(img/large.png);

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
background-image: url(img/small.png);
• easy to implement

• good user control (because of mq)
• multiple backgrounds

• no separation of style & content
• losing semantics (add role=‘’img”)
• request each time (ex: browser resize)
Solution two (SVG)

• late recommendation from W3C
• vectors, vectors, vectors...
• use it as image source, background-image, directly
in your markup, data-uri, etc.
• scales nicely, no blur, vector based

• lots of possibilities
• one request

• no IE 8 (that’s a shame...)

• no Android 2.3 or lower
• complex shapes can take up lots of space (bytes)

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Cloud powered search

This document discusses cloud powered search using Azure Search. It begins with an introduction to search engines and how they work using indexing and relevance scoring. Lucene is presented as an example open source search library. The document then covers how Azure Search works as a managed search service, including indexing data from sources like SQL databases, performing CRUD operations, querying, filtering, faceting and highlighting results. Scaling and storage capabilities of Azure Search are also discussed. Examples of using Azure Search for online retail/ecommerce and user generated content are provided.


This document discusses important leadership concepts for junior developers to understand early in their careers, including: - Leadership is not defined by formal authority but by influence through trust, communication, and belonging. - As a junior, constantly contributing to the team and product, communicating when extra support is needed, and understanding the bigger picture can help you develop leadership skills. - Small actions can have ripple effects, so it's important to consider how your work may impact others.

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Cristian Leon presents six techniques that business analysts can use to better perform their role: (1) Planning, such as using a requirements management plan and RACI matrix; (2) Listening actively to stakeholders; (3) Mind mapping and brainstorming to map concepts; (4) Analyzing requirements using techniques like MoSCoW prioritization; (5) Creating artifacts like user stories with details like acceptance criteria; and (6) Keeping requirements visible and understood by stakeholders through ongoing communication. The presentation aims to help business analysts and those wanting to be analysts exercise their "6-pack" of analysis skills.

Solution three - picturefill.js

<span data-picture>
<span data-src="medium.jpg"
data-media="(min-width: 400px)">
<span data-src="large.jpg"
data-media="(min-width: 800px)">

<img src="external/img/small.jpg">
• lightweight ~0.5kb
• better semantics because of img
• good browser support (even IE8 and non-js browsers
if needed)
• support for retina

• nasty markup
Future solutions

• picture element and srcset attribute
• proposed, not yet implemented
• can (and should) be used together

• aim to solve the responsive images problem and
keep things coupled in markup only
<source media="(min-width: 45em)"
<source media="(min-width: 18em)"
<source src="small.jpg">
<img src="small.jpg">
<p>Accessible text</p>

<source media="(min-width: 45em)"
srcset="large.jpg 2x">

<source srcset="small.jpg 1x, small.jpg 2x">

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This document discusses configuration vs coding in Pega and provides an overview of the Pega platform. It introduces the presenters and describes what is needed to run Pega including an operating system, application server, and database. The Pega environment is modeled and executes flows using a business rules engine and rules are assembled into Java at runtime. Situational processes are built in frameworks and specialized in frameworks and implementations. Directly capturing objectives can model processes, close the gap between business and IT, and automatically transform objectives into executable Java to automate work.

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This document outlines an agenda for a presentation with 5 chapters covering contact information, tools for database development and testing, usage of those tools, providing proof of their effectiveness, and closing with a question and answer session. Chapter 1 discusses issues with database development. Chapter 2 introduces tools to help solve problems. Chapter 3 demonstrates creating database and unit test projects, adding tests, and testing transactional behavior. Chapter 4 discusses proving the value of these tools. Chapter 5 allows for questions.

Agility and life
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Agility and life

The document discusses agility in life and relationships on micro and middle levels. It argues that an agile approach to life involves experimentation, trust, giving freedom and space to others, focusing on solutions rather than blame, and prioritizing value to "customers" like family and friends through continuous effort. Key aspects of agility include diversity, shared goals, responsibility, courage to change, and appreciating different perspectives. Applying agile principles like experimentation, trust and encouragement can help people and teams grow.

• it will be a native solution (someday....)
• control everything from markup

• nasty markup...AGAIN!
• based only on device resolution & DPR
• it will be a native solution (someday...)
Thoughts and things to look after
• think about server too (resize after upload, Matt
Wilcox’s adaptive images)
• always, always, ALWAYS optimize your images (Grunt
tasks, online services, CLI, etc.)
• NetworkInformation.connection (experimental – only in
Android, Gecko 12.0 and above)
var conn = navigator.connection;
Iasi code camp 12 october 2013 responsive images in the wild-vlad zelinschi

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This document provides an overview and agenda for developing Windows 10 apps, covering topics like the new Windows Core, universal app platform, app-to-app communications enhancements, and the Action Center for managing notifications. It demonstrates new controls like the RelativePanel and MonthCalendar, and how to use the SplitView control. It also shows how to check for capabilities, target platform versions, and use platform extensions.

The bigrewrite
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The bigrewrite

The document discusses the challenges of deciding whether to rewrite an existing codebase from scratch or work with the legacy code. It outlines reasons for not working with the existing code, such as missing documentation or tools. It also notes potential issues with rewriting from scratch, such as the impact on other teams and office politics. The document recommends starting by automating infrastructure and tests, learning the essential business concepts, and trying to introduce incremental changes to the legacy code before deciding to fully rewrite it.

The case for continuous delivery
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The case for continuous delivery

The document discusses the benefits of adopting continuous delivery (CD) principles for software development. It outlines how CD can (1) create a repeatable, reliable release process that automates tasks, (2) empower teams through shared responsibility and increased collaboration, and (3) provide business value through faster feedback, consistent processes, and lower costs. While initial costs may increase for training and new tools, CD can ultimately shift costs from releases to other activities and deliver software faster. The document provides a sample deployment pipeline and maturity model, and discusses managing expectations for change when adopting CD practices.

There is no
perfect solution!
How to chose your solution
• do I have legacy content I can’t update/modify
• do I care about semantics, validity and accessibility
• do I care about non-JS users
• can I afford extra requests
• is a 3rd party solution acceptable (cloud services,
• browser legacy & support
Take away

• have a strategy from the beginning
• analyze & try to predict problems

• chose depending on your context
Iasi code camp 12 october 2013 responsive images in the wild-vlad zelinschi

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SpriteKit is a framework for building 2D games and graphics-intensive apps. It provides nodes for sprites, shapes, particles, video and more. SpriteKit handles animation, physics simulation and the game loop. Key features include sprite nodes, emitter nodes, actions for animation, a physics engine, and scenes to display content in the game world.

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The knights in the Agile Kingdom faced challenges sizing epics due to their variable size, complexity, and uncertainty. They developed two recipes - the Blue Recipe which involved planning poker and multiplication, and the Green Recipe which broke down an epic into user stories first. However, neither scale worked well for very large epics. They adapted by using a recently sized existing epic as a benchmark and rescaling. This allowed them to estimate the sizes of three sample epics as 5, 8, and 20 epic points, providing high-level sizing while addressing the issues of comparing variable epics.

Scale net apps in aws
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This document discusses how to auto scale .NET applications in Amazon Web Services. It covers key concepts like scalability versus auto scaling, using a load balancer and solving session issues for web applications, and monitoring applications to enable auto scaling. The document provides an example of scaling an application from 2 web servers and 3 application servers in 2012 to 3 SQL servers and more elastic resources like SQS and ElastiCache by 2015. It also discusses best practices for auto scaling like using out-of-process sessions, log collection, and setting CloudWatch alarms to trigger auto scaling rules.

Further resources



Vlad Zelinschi

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Iasi code camp 12 october 2013 responsive images in the wild-vlad zelinschi

  • 1. Responsive images in the wild Vlad Zelinschi Front-end developer @ @vladzelinschi
  • 3. var codecamper = ‘you’; if (codecamper && ‘responsive images’) { console.log(‘Happy!’); } else { console.log(‘Oh no!’); }
  • 4. var codecamper = ‘you’; if (codecamper && ‘responsive images’) { console.log(‘Happy!’); } else { console.log(‘Oh no!’); }
  • 7. ‘’Responsive’’ +/- ‘’design’’ • term(s) coined by Ethan Marcotte in 2010 in an article written for A list apart • a new mindset • invaded by a plethora of devices • break from standard web development process
  • 8. Responsive design challenges • it’s a must in these days • users want the same (if not better) experience • compatibility & A LOT of devices • bandwith, slow connectivity, latency, data traffic plan
  • 10. Images • visual impact • create & define user emotions • art • no img = designer will kill you • a big/ important part of the web
  • 13. Responsive design limitations + HQ lovely images = ...
  • 15. Performance is a must also because... • starting from 2010 Google includes loading time in Page Rank • for online businesses every wasted second is lost money • your product is a reflection of who you are as a company/developer/etc.
  • 16. 47% of users expect a web page to load in two seconds 40% of users will abandon a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load
  • 20. Site summary • no distinction between mobile/desktop images • 285 requests • 13.6 MB transferred (no cache) • onLoad event after 11s (on cable connection) • 181 images requests = 7.2 MB • it’s OPTIMIZED! (no kidding...)
  • 24. Main problem Serve the user only what he needs in terms of: • bytes • image resolution Also don’t break the layout and keep the site fluid and adaptive
  • 25. Solution one (CSS) div { background-image: url(img/large.png); @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { background-image: url(img/small.png); } }
  • 26. Advantages • easy to implement • good user control (because of mq) • multiple backgrounds Disadvantages • no separation of style & content • losing semantics (add role=‘’img”) • request each time (ex: browser resize)
  • 27. Solution two (SVG) • late recommendation from W3C • vectors, vectors, vectors... • use it as image source, background-image, directly in your markup, data-uri, etc.
  • 28. Advantages • scales nicely, no blur, vector based • lots of possibilities • one request Disadvantages • no IE 8 (that’s a shame...) • no Android 2.3 or lower • complex shapes can take up lots of space (bytes)
  • 29. Solution three - picturefill.js <span data-picture> <span data-src="medium.jpg" data-media="(min-width: 400px)"> </span> <span data-src="large.jpg" data-media="(min-width: 800px)"> </span> <!-- Non-JS browsers --> <noscript> <img src="external/img/small.jpg"> </noscript> </span>
  • 30. Advantages • lightweight ~0.5kb • better semantics because of img • good browser support (even IE8 and non-js browsers if needed) • support for retina Disadvantages • nasty markup
  • 31. Future solutions • picture element and srcset attribute • proposed, not yet implemented • can (and should) be used together • aim to solve the responsive images problem and keep things coupled in markup only
  • 32. <picture> <source media="(min-width: 45em)" src="large.jpg"> <source media="(min-width: 18em)" src="med.jpg"> <source src="small.jpg"> <img src="small.jpg"> <p>Accessible text</p> </picture> <picture> <source media="(min-width: 45em)" srcset="large.jpg 2x"> <!-- assume media all --> <source srcset="small.jpg 1x, small.jpg 2x"> </picture>
  • 33. Advantages • it will be a native solution (someday....) • control everything from markup Disadvantages • nasty markup...AGAIN! • based only on device resolution & DPR • it will be a native solution (someday...)
  • 34. Thoughts and things to look after • think about server too (resize after upload, Matt Wilcox’s adaptive images) • always, always, ALWAYS optimize your images (Grunt tasks, online services, CLI, etc.) • NetworkInformation.connection (experimental – only in Android, Gecko 12.0 and above) var conn = navigator.connection; console.log(conn.speed);
  • 37. There is no perfect solution!
  • 38. How to chose your solution • do I have legacy content I can’t update/modify • do I care about semantics, validity and accessibility • do I care about non-JS users • can I afford extra requests • is a 3rd party solution acceptable (cloud services, etc.) • browser legacy & support
  • 39. Take away • have a strategy from the beginning • analyze & try to predict problems • chose depending on your context • DO NOT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS!
  • 41. Further resources • • • • • • • • • • • •