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Denis Platonov

About me
   2008 – 2011


   Since 2011          JavaScript


Evolution of the web
HTML                      HTML 4.01                                Today
                                             12 years of silence

                                                HTML5                                 3
Gradients   Border radius   Box shadow   Font face

HTML5 is backwards compatible
 <br>                    valid   HTML5   
 <br />                  valid   HTML5   
 <BR>                    valid   HTML5   
 <BR />                  valid   HTML5   
 <META CHARSET="UTF-8"> valid    HTML5   
 <meta charset=utf-8>    valid   HTML5   
 <meta charset="utf-8"> valid    HTML5   
 <meta charset="utf-8" />valid   HTML5   
 <MeTa CHARset=utF-8>    valid   HTML5   

HTML5 – keeping it simple
   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD
    XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    dir="ltr" lang="ru" xml:lang="ru">

   <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="ru">

Offline data Storage - overview
   Web Storage
     Store key/value pairs locally
     Same-origin restriction
     Each origin gets 5MB of storage space
      ○ QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR exception

 Indexed Database API
 Web SQL Database
 File API: Directories and System

Offline data Storage - Web Storage

   //Getter
    var foo = localStorage["bar"];

   //Setter
    localStorage["bar"] = foo;

   //Getter for integer
    var foo =

Offline web applications
    <html manifest="/cache.manifest">

Offline web applications
# Version 1
/ /offline.html

Web workers
 Background JavaScript
 Multiple threads

Web sockets
 Full-duplex communication channel
 Web Sockets provide an enormous
  reduction in unnecessary network traffic
                    Use case A:          Use case B:
                    1,000 clients        10,000 clients
                    polling every second polling every second

                    Use case C:
                    100,000 clients
                    polling every second

   IP address
   Triangulation:
     Wi-Fi, GSM or GPS

 type="text"
 type="password"
 type="checkbox"
 type="radio"
 select
 type="button"
 type="submit"
 type="file"
 textarea

<form> - input types
<input type="email">
<input type="url">
<input type="tel">

<form> - input types

      Default layout   type="email"

      type="url"       type="tel"

<form> - input types
   <input type="number" min="0"
    max="10" step="2" value="6">

   <input type="range" min="0"
    max="10" step="2" value="6">

<form> - input types
<input   type="date">
<input   type="datetime">
<input   type="datetime-local">
<input   type="month">
<input   type="week">
                            time   datetime-local
<input   type="time">

date         datetime    month        week
<form> - input types
<input type="search">

<input type="color">

<form> - Placeholder text

<input type="text“
  onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value
  = 'search this site';}“
  onfocus="if(this.value == 'search this
  site') {this.value = '';}“
  value="search this site">

<form> - Placeholder text

<input type="text” placeholder="search this site">

<form> - datalist
<input type="search" list="search-
<datalist id="search-suggestions">
  <option label="DM"
  value="Depeche Mode">
  <option label="Moz"
  <option label="NO"
  value="New Order">
  <option label="TC"
  value="The Cure">

<form> - autofocus

<input type="text" autofocus />

<form> - validation

 <input type="email">

 <input type="text" required>

<canvas> - introduction
 Bitmap
 2D
 JavaScript
 Simple shapes, lines, gradients, text,

<canvas> - IE support

<audio>, <video> - markup
<audio controls>
  <source src="music.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
  <source src="music.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">

<video width="300" height="200" controls>
 <source src="video.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'>
 <source src="video.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'>
 <source src="video.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'>


<audio>, <video> - browser support
          Browser                   (H.264/AAC)   (VP8/Vorbis)   (Theora/Vorbis)
                                    .MPEG-4       .WebM          .Ogg
             Mozilla Firefox 3.6+                      a                a

             Opera 10.63+                              a                a
             Google Chrome 8.0+          a             a                a
             Apple Safari 5.0.3+         a
             Microsoft IE9+              a             a

          Browser                   (MP3)         (Vorbis)
                                    .MPEG-4       .Ogg
             Mozilla Firefox 3.6+                      a

             Opera 10.63+                              a
             Google Chrome 8.0+          a             a
             Apple Safari 5.0.3+         a
             Microsoft IE9+              a

Feature detect
                               Detects support for
                                HTML5 & CSS3 features

Do not reinvent the wheel   Use Modernizr!

Yes, You Can Use HTML5

Questions & answers?


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Html5 and css3

  • 2. About me  2008 – 2011 HTML CSS  Since 2011 JavaScript Front-End 2
  • 3. Evolution of the web HTML HTML 4.01 Today 12 years of silence HTML5 3
  • 4. CSS3 Gradients Border radius Box shadow Font face 4
  • 5. HTML5 is backwards compatible  <br> valid HTML5   <br /> valid HTML5   <BR> valid HTML5   <BR /> valid HTML5   <META CHARSET="UTF-8"> valid HTML5   <meta charset=utf-8> valid HTML5   <meta charset="utf-8"> valid HTML5   <meta charset="utf-8" />valid HTML5   <MeTa CHARset=utF-8> valid HTML5  5
  • 6. HTML5 – keeping it simple  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " l1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="ru" xml:lang="ru">  <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ru"> 6
  • 7. Offline data Storage - overview  Web Storage  Store key/value pairs locally  Same-origin restriction  Each origin gets 5MB of storage space ○ QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR exception  Indexed Database API  Web SQL Database  File API: Directories and System 7
  • 8. Offline data Storage - Web Storage  //Getter var foo = localStorage["bar"];  //Setter localStorage["bar"] = foo;  //Getter for integer var foo = parseInt(localStorage["bar"]); 8
  • 9. Offline web applications  <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html manifest="/cache.manifest"> <body> </body> </html> 9
  • 10. Offline web applications CACHE MANIFEST # Version 1 CACHE: /style.css /javascript.js NETWORK: /script.cgi FALLBACK: / /offline.html 10
  • 11. Web workers  Background JavaScript  Multiple threads 11
  • 12. Web sockets  Full-duplex communication channel  Web Sockets provide an enormous reduction in unnecessary network traffic Use case A: Use case B: 1,000 clients 10,000 clients polling every second polling every second Use case C: 100,000 clients polling every second 12
  • 13. Geolocation  IP address  Triangulation:  Wi-Fi, GSM or GPS  13
  • 14. <form>  type="text"  type="password"  type="checkbox"  type="radio"  select  type="button"  type="submit"  type="file"  textarea 14
  • 15. <form> - input types <input type="email"> <input type="url"> <input type="tel"> 15
  • 16. <form> - input types Default layout type="email" type="url" type="tel" 16
  • 17. <form> - input types  <input type="number" min="0" max="10" step="2" value="6">  <input type="range" min="0" max="10" step="2" value="6"> 17
  • 18. <form> - input types <input type="date"> <input type="datetime"> <input type="datetime-local"> <input type="month"> <input type="week"> time datetime-local <input type="time"> date datetime month week 18
  • 19. <form> - input types <input type="search"> <input type="color"> 19
  • 20. <form> - Placeholder text <input type="text“ onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'search this site';}“ onfocus="if(this.value == 'search this site') {this.value = '';}“ value="search this site"> 20
  • 21. <form> - Placeholder text <input type="text” placeholder="search this site"> 21
  • 22. <form> - datalist <input type="search" list="search- suggestions"/> <datalist id="search-suggestions"> <option label="DM" value="Depeche Mode"> <option label="Moz" value="Morrissey"> <option label="NO" value="New Order"> <option label="TC" value="The Cure"> </datalist> 22
  • 23. <form> - autofocus <input type="text" autofocus /> 23
  • 24. <form> - validation <input type="email"> <input type="text" required> 24
  • 25. <canvas> - introduction  Bitmap  2D  JavaScript  Simple shapes, lines, gradients, text, images 25
  • 26. <canvas> - IE support excanvas.js 26
  • 27. <audio>, <video> - markup <audio controls> <source src="music.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> <source src="music.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> <!-- Flash fallback ( --> </audio> <video width="300" height="200" controls> <source src="video.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'> <source src="video.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'> <source src="video.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'> <!-- Flash fallback ( --> </video> 27
  • 28. <audio>, <video> - browser support Browser (H.264/AAC) (VP8/Vorbis) (Theora/Vorbis) .MPEG-4 .WebM .Ogg Mozilla Firefox 3.6+ a a <video> Opera 10.63+ a a Google Chrome 8.0+ a a a Apple Safari 5.0.3+ a Microsoft IE9+ a a Browser (MP3) (Vorbis) .MPEG-4 .Ogg Mozilla Firefox 3.6+ a <audio> Opera 10.63+ a Google Chrome 8.0+ a a Apple Safari 5.0.3+ a Microsoft IE9+ a 28
  • 29. Feature detect  Detects support for HTML5 & CSS3 features  Do not reinvent the wheel Use Modernizr! 29
  • 30. Yes, You Can Use HTML5 Today! 30
  • 32. 32