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By Faisal Hoque 
founder of:
An entrepreneur’s 2ps
for staying strong…
The most unflappable leaders develop all
sorts of coping strategies, forged in the
cauldron of potential failure.

An entrepreneur, who starts out with the certainty that there is a
75% chance of failure, these pressures are o?en the direct cause
of business failure rather than a side-effect of it.
“You have to put in incredible amounts of
efforts and huge amounts of stress — and it’s
much more painful than most people realize.
And most companies die. On a certain level in
your brain, your brain — we didn’t evolve, like,
with companies; we evolved to respond to real
death. And even though a company’s death is
not real, it’s not like someone is physically
dying, your brain doesn’t quite understand
that on the limbic system level. So it’s really
sort of painfully stressful. You probably don’t
want to go through that more than once.”
- Elon Musk
Everyone has a different relationship with
Some are mo2vated by it, some like to nip it in the bud, while
other prefer to delegate it.

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TED TALKS was created in 1984 with a big mission in mind: to gather the most interesting people in the world, sharing their passion in about 18 minutes. TED stands today as the benchmark for the best presentations. Why? Because the best presentations entail a well-thought storytelling structure that easily sings to the audience. Curly Films - Storytelling Office shares 7 tips you can use in your own business presentations.

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The document uses a metaphor of filling a jar with sand, pebbles, and golf balls to represent priorities in life. It states that if you fill the jar with sand (small stuff) first, there will be no room for the pebbles (things that matter) or golf balls (important things). Similarly, if you spend all your time on small unimportant things, you won't have room for what's truly important like health, family, friends, and passions. It encourages setting priorities by focusing first on the "golf balls" - the things critical to your happiness.

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10 Digital Hacks Every Marketer Should Know

I've spent the last 10 years discovering the best digital marketing hacks to move the awareness and revenue needle. I'm giving you 3 examples and 10 hacks to improve your marketing game dramatically.

Inspira2onal author Zig Ziglar suggested that you
should be able to manage yourself before you can
manage others, and, in a similar vein, you should
be able to manage yourself before you can manage
your business.

If your head is not clear, there is no way that your
decisions will be consistent, and this will lead to
unpredictable outcomes.
It is worth talking to a trusted advisor, like a spouse, friend,
or a coach, about what seems to cause you the most stress. 

When you realize what is causing problems, you can take
ac2on to address it.
Stress tends to take us to an uncomfortable place.
It dominates the mind, and it is all too easy to
forget our “why.” You might be in business to
make a difference in the world, to help others to
develop, or simply to provide a future for your

When you lose sight of those simple things, stress
can overcome you preSy quickly.
Just stay at home in bed — that is a stress-free
environment. Temp2ng as it may seem, this isn’t
an op2on for any of us, but it is possible to make
decisions which will allow you to avoid certain
pressure points. You can delegate work to others
before things get to be too much. 

You can set aside 2me in the day to switch off, go
for a walk or listen to some music.

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The document outlines 10 steps that great leaders take when things go wrong: 1) Accept that failure is inevitable. 2) Confront failure by reflecting on mistakes. 3) Be vulnerable by openly admitting mistakes. 4) Fail forward by changing perspectives and learning from failures. 5) Recover fast by helping people understand problems and providing solutions. 6) Fight back by rising above failure and looking for opportunities. 7) Make tough choices by deciding whether to abandon or continue with mistakes. 8) Realize their responsibility to influence others positively. 9) Take one for the team by supporting risky decisions. 10) Know when to take a step back to reflect on lessons learned.

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*As seen on ProductCamp, altMBA and PMI Austin Chapter* Professionals are becoming aware that the journey to success increasingly includes moments in which reality does not match expectations. Recent Neuroscience findings shed light on how humans process those situations and open the door for us to act confidently and compassionately grow when faced with the inevitable of failure. Can we mature our individual and collective emotions to where we process these situations more freely, learn in the process, and come back willing to perform better as a team? What if we could increase our ability to bounce back stronger from these situations? This interactive, two-way presentation will challenge participants to do just that. In this presentation, you’ll learn: 1. Defining failure and learning 2. The Neuroscience findings on how humans learn 3. Strategies to connect and influence others: the SCARF model 4. The Drama Triangle: 3 roles we often use to tell stories... And the issues involved in those narratives 5. How cognitive reappraisal can improve individual and team's ability to connect and learn 6. Leading change using these constructs: failure, insights, patterns, lessons, commitments 7. A step-by-step process to make all these things happen, graciously

I write about mindfulness a fair amount. Stress
happens when your head is occupied with worries
that are rarely related to the present moment. 

If your head is elsewhere when you need to be
“present” for a decision, you won’t make the best
decision and add to your future stresses.
Any moderately ambi2ous person understands
that you won’t always win. Learning from your
failures will make you a stronger person, and there
is a reason why many of the leading figures in
world business have considerable blemishes in
their careers. 

If losing comes naturally to you, like water off a
duck’s back, coping with it is that much easier..
Often, things are not as bad as you think.

When things are star2ng to get the best of you, an external
perspec2ve is some2mes all you need.
How Not To Crumble Under Pressure

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Succeeding in today's increasingly competitive global landscape calls for our organizations to leverage everything they can, and increasingly, that leverage is coming down to your employees' soft skills. But while it's easy (well, easier) to measure and hire for hard-skills competency, it's very difficult to recognize and hire for soft skills. And once hired, it becomes even more of a task to build these soft skills in our employees. In this slideshare we'll take a hard look at the soft skills that really enable organizations to succeed. From recruiting to learning and development and performance management to the exit interview, we'll show how soft-skills focus can dramatically impact your company's bottom line. In this slideshare, you will learn: • Soft skills: What are they anyway? • Soft skills and recruiting: The secret to successful hires • What the bottomline results are for soft skills • How to teach, measure, and mentor soft skills

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Stop putting off having difficult conversations. Seven practical tips to ensure your next difficult conversation go smoothly.

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High-performing teams have several traits in common that make them successful. Some of the key traits include embracing diversity of backgrounds, prioritizing work-life balance for all members, and maintaining laser-like focus on goals. These teams also engage well together both during formal meetings and outside of meetings through open communication. Fostering strengths of all members, healthy debates, and group cohesion are other characteristics of top teams.

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Shadoka’s por4olio of offerings enables
entrepreneurship, growth, and social impact. Our
customers and partners aspire to create sustainable
value. They are focused on repeatable and
measurable impact. We enable their aspira2ons.

We bring together the management frameworks,
digital pla4orms, and thought leadership for:

•  EvaluaCon, execuCon, and monitoring of
•  Scaling sales, revenue, and profitability
•  CreaCon and management of digital
communiCes and marketplaces
Follow us @shadokaventures
About Me
Founder of Shadoka and other companies. Shadoka
enables entrepreneurship, growth, and social impact. 

Formerly of GE and other global brands. Author of
several books, including Everything Connects – How
to Transform and Lead in the Age of Crea:vity,
Innova:on and Sustainability (McGraw Hill) and
Survive to Thrive – 27 Prac:ces of Resilient
Entrepreneurs, Innovators, And Leaders (MoCvaConal

Follow me @faisal_hoque

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How Not To Crumble Under Pressure

  • 1. By Faisal Hoque founder of: HOW NOT TO CRUMBLE UNDER PRESSURE An entrepreneur’s 2ps for staying strong…
  • 2. The most unflappable leaders develop all sorts of coping strategies, forged in the cauldron of potential failure. An entrepreneur, who starts out with the certainty that there is a 75% chance of failure, these pressures are o?en the direct cause of business failure rather than a side-effect of it.
  • 3. “You have to put in incredible amounts of efforts and huge amounts of stress — and it’s much more painful than most people realize. And most companies die. On a certain level in your brain, your brain — we didn’t evolve, like, with companies; we evolved to respond to real death. And even though a company’s death is not real, it’s not like someone is physically dying, your brain doesn’t quite understand that on the limbic system level. So it’s really sort of painfully stressful. You probably don’t want to go through that more than once.” - Elon Musk
  • 4. Everyone has a different relationship with pressure. Some are mo2vated by it, some like to nip it in the bud, while other prefer to delegate it.
  • 5. Inspira2onal author Zig Ziglar suggested that you should be able to manage yourself before you can manage others, and, in a similar vein, you should be able to manage yourself before you can manage your business. If your head is not clear, there is no way that your decisions will be consistent, and this will lead to unpredictable outcomes. ORGANIZE YOURSELF
  • 6. It is worth talking to a trusted advisor, like a spouse, friend, or a coach, about what seems to cause you the most stress. When you realize what is causing problems, you can take ac2on to address it. RECOGNIZE YOUR TRIGGERS
  • 7. Stress tends to take us to an uncomfortable place. It dominates the mind, and it is all too easy to forget our “why.” You might be in business to make a difference in the world, to help others to develop, or simply to provide a future for your family. When you lose sight of those simple things, stress can overcome you preSy quickly. REMEMBER YOUR “WHY.”
  • 8. Just stay at home in bed — that is a stress-free environment. Temp2ng as it may seem, this isn’t an op2on for any of us, but it is possible to make decisions which will allow you to avoid certain pressure points. You can delegate work to others before things get to be too much. You can set aside 2me in the day to switch off, go for a walk or listen to some music. STRESS PREVENTION
  • 9. I write about mindfulness a fair amount. Stress happens when your head is occupied with worries that are rarely related to the present moment. If your head is elsewhere when you need to be “present” for a decision, you won’t make the best decision and add to your future stresses. PRACTICE MINDFULNESS
  • 10. Any moderately ambi2ous person understands that you won’t always win. Learning from your failures will make you a stronger person, and there is a reason why many of the leading figures in world business have considerable blemishes in their careers. If losing comes naturally to you, like water off a duck’s back, coping with it is that much easier.. LEARN TO LOSE
  • 11. Often, things are not as bad as you think. When things are star2ng to get the best of you, an external perspec2ve is some2mes all you need.
  • 13. Shadoka’s por4olio of offerings enables entrepreneurship, growth, and social impact. Our customers and partners aspire to create sustainable value. They are focused on repeatable and measurable impact. We enable their aspira2ons. We bring together the management frameworks, digital pla4orms, and thought leadership for: •  EvaluaCon, execuCon, and monitoring of programs •  Scaling sales, revenue, and profitability •  CreaCon and management of digital communiCes and marketplaces About SHADOKA Follow us @shadokaventures
  • 14. About Me Founder of Shadoka and other companies. Shadoka enables entrepreneurship, growth, and social impact. Formerly of GE and other global brands. Author of several books, including Everything Connects – How to Transform and Lead in the Age of Crea:vity, Innova:on and Sustainability (McGraw Hill) and Survive to Thrive – 27 Prac:ces of Resilient Entrepreneurs, Innovators, And Leaders (MoCvaConal Press). Follow me @faisal_hoque