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9 Unique Traits of High-Performing Teams
To spot a strong team, look
for the teams that everyone
wants to be on.
Some people don't want to
join a team that works
longer and harder and has
sky-high expectations.
Look for potential stars who
want to be on teams with
high standards where they
can demonstrate their skills
and have a real impact.
Google recruits people who
have passion, intelligence
and a “learning animal”
HPTs -
What are the top 9
traits of HPTs and
how can we put
them into action?
Heated debate doesn't
cause HPTs to fragment.
Instead of becoming more
isolated during tough times,
these teams actually gain
strength and develop
HPTs contributed more
equally to the team’s
discussions, rather than
letting 1 or 2 people
dominate the group.
Talk and listen in roughly
equal measure, keep
contributions short.
Members face one another,
keep conversations and
gestures energetic.
Heated debate doesn't
cause HPTs to fragment.
Instead of becoming more
isolated during tough times,
these teams actually gain
strength and develop
HPTs contributed more
equally to the team’s
discussions, rather than
letting 1 or 2 people
dominate the group.
Talk and listen in roughly
equal measure, keep
contributions short.
Members face one another,
keep conversations and
gestures energetic.
Opsware founder Ben
Horowitz believes great
team managers spend 90%
of the meeting listening and
10% talking.
Diversity unlocks innovation
and drives market growth.
Most engaged teams
welcome diversity of age,
gender, and race, while
disengaged teams may do
the opposite.
TIP: Embrace diversity by
putting teams together with
different backgrounds,
gender and strengths.
Example: Apple has made
diversity a priority by hiring
65% more women, 50%
more Black and 66% more
Hispanic employees.
Hire and recruit more
women on your team or
company who also have
other “high-performing”
Intel, Facebook and Google
are all committed to
increasing the percentage
of female employees.
HPT members scored
higher on a test called
Reading the Mind in the
Eyes - measures how well
people read complex
emotional states from
images of faces with only
the eyes visible.
People with high emotional
IQ work well with others
and are effective in leading
Find a suitable test or
interview format to find
people with higher emotional
IQ. Ask your coworkers or
friends to recommend people
with high emotional IQ.
Google relies more on
recruits with emotional
intelligence rather than the
grades they received in
9 Unique Traits of High-Performing Teams
Hire and recruit more
women on your team or
company who also have
other “high-performing”
Teams with more women
outperformed teams with
more men. It's not
“diversity” that matters for a
team’s intelligence, but
simply having more women.
It's partly explained by the
fact that women, on
average, are better at
“mindreading” than men.
Intel, Facebook and Google
are all committed to
increasing the percentage
of female employees.
HPTs are able to keep the
larger goal in view.
Members of HPTs are
consistently able to put
what's best for the
organization ahead of their
own egos.
They seek out evidence and
try to remain as objective
as possible. Once a
decision is made, these
teams are remarkably quick
to rally around it.
Google uses Objectives and
Key Results method to set
and measure their goals
throughout the company.
Establish an overall goal
and make it visible for the
whole team. Set key
metrics to measure it.
Deloitte set out a clear goal:
“We want to spend more
time helping people use
their strengths”.
Most powerful commonality
between HPTs is the belief
that they are doing their
best every day.
Help members to define their
strengths and give tasks
Deloitte set out a clear goal:
“We want to spend more
time helping people use
their strengths”.
Help members to define their
strengths and give tasks
Most successful teams
have members who are
highly engaged in their work
and highly satisfied with
their personal lives.
Mervyn Davies, former chairman of Standard Chartered's, said he
took as much pride in the amount of time he spent with family as
he did in his bank's extraordinary performance.
As hard as you work for the company, bring the same level of
energy and intensity to your family and social life.
Best predictors of
productivity are team's
energy and engagement
outside formal meetings.
These two factors
explained 1/3 of the
variations in dollar
productivity among groups.
Create communication
opportunities for your team
outside the formal
A call center manager made
the employees have a
coffee break at the same
time (8% efficiency increase
overall, 20% increase in
worst-performing teams)
Test your social intelligence:

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9 Unique Traits of High-Performing Teams

  • 2. To spot a strong team, look for the teams that everyone wants to be on. Some people don't want to join a team that works longer and harder and has sky-high expectations. TALENT MAGNET Look for potential stars who want to be on teams with high standards where they can demonstrate their skills and have a real impact. Google recruits people who have passion, intelligence and a “learning animal” mindset. EXAMPLE TIP HPTs - High-Performance Teams What are the top 9 traits of HPTs and how can we put them into action?
  • 3. HEALTHY HEATED DEBATES Heated debate doesn't cause HPTs to fragment. Instead of becoming more isolated during tough times, these teams actually gain strength and develop cohesion. HPTs contributed more equally to the team’s discussions, rather than letting 1 or 2 people dominate the group. Talk and listen in roughly equal measure, keep contributions short. Members face one another, keep conversations and gestures energetic. EXAMPLE TIP HEALTHY HEATED DEBATES Heated debate doesn't cause HPTs to fragment. Instead of becoming more isolated during tough times, these teams actually gain strength and develop cohesion. HPTs contributed more equally to the team’s discussions, rather than letting 1 or 2 people dominate the group. Talk and listen in roughly equal measure, keep contributions short. Members face one another, keep conversations and gestures energetic. Opsware founder Ben Horowitz believes great team managers spend 90% of the meeting listening and 10% talking. EXAMPLE TIP
  • 4. Diversity unlocks innovation and drives market growth. Most engaged teams welcome diversity of age, gender, and race, while disengaged teams may do the opposite. TIP: Embrace diversity by putting teams together with different backgrounds, gender and strengths. Example: Apple has made diversity a priority by hiring 65% more women, 50% more Black and 66% more Hispanic employees. DIVERSITY EXAMPLE TIP
  • 5. Hire and recruit more women on your team or company who also have other “high-performing” qualities Intel, Facebook and Google are all committed to increasing the percentage of female employees. EXAMPLE TIP TIP HPT members scored higher on a test called Reading the Mind in the Eyes - measures how well people read complex emotional states from images of faces with only the eyes visible. People with high emotional IQ work well with others and are effective in leading change. Find a suitable test or interview format to find people with higher emotional IQ. Ask your coworkers or friends to recommend people with high emotional IQ. Google relies more on recruits with emotional intelligence rather than the grades they received in school EXAMPLE MIND READING
  • 7. Hire and recruit more women on your team or company who also have other “high-performing” qualities Teams with more women outperformed teams with more men. It's not “diversity” that matters for a team’s intelligence, but simply having more women. It's partly explained by the fact that women, on average, are better at “mindreading” than men. Intel, Facebook and Google are all committed to increasing the percentage of female employees. MORE WOMEN EXAMPLE TIP
  • 8. HPTs are able to keep the larger goal in view. Members of HPTs are consistently able to put what's best for the organization ahead of their own egos. They seek out evidence and try to remain as objective as possible. Once a decision is made, these teams are remarkably quick to rally around it. LASER-LIKE FOCUS ON GOALS Google uses Objectives and Key Results method to set and measure their goals throughout the company. Establish an overall goal and make it visible for the whole team. Set key metrics to measure it. EXAMPLE TIP
  • 9. Deloitte set out a clear goal: “We want to spend more time helping people use their strengths”. TIP DOING YOUR BEST EVERY DAY Most powerful commonality between HPTs is the belief that they are doing their best every day. Help members to define their strengths and give tasks accordingly. Deloitte set out a clear goal: “We want to spend more time helping people use their strengths”. EXAMPLE TIP
  • 10. Help members to define their strengths and give tasks accordingly. Most successful teams have members who are highly engaged in their work and highly satisfied with their personal lives. WORK-LIFE BALANCE Mervyn Davies, former chairman of Standard Chartered's, said he took as much pride in the amount of time he spent with family as he did in his bank's extraordinary performance. As hard as you work for the company, bring the same level of energy and intensity to your family and social life. EXAMPLE TIP
  • 11. Best predictors of productivity are team's energy and engagement outside formal meetings. These two factors explained 1/3 of the variations in dollar productivity among groups. GROUP ENGAGEMENT OUTSIDE FORMAL MEETINGS Create communication opportunities for your team outside the formal environment EXAMPLE TIP A call center manager made the employees have a coffee break at the same time (8% efficiency increase overall, 20% increase in worst-performing teams)
  • 12. USE WEEKDONE TO KNOW WHAT YOUR TEAM IS UP TO SOURCES me-teams-are-smarter-than-others.html?_r=2 eams-common.aspx ms s-heres-why-people-want-to-work-for-you/ s-best-talent/ Test your social intelligence: emotional-intelligence-the-cornerstone-of-your-hiring-strategy efits-gender-diversity.aspx ce-management-a-deloitte-case-study/ company/weekdone