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Google AMP
(Accelerated Mobile Pages)
By Chitpong Wuttanan (iFew)
Updated as of 6 Mar 2019
Google AMP is?
● AMP = Accelerated Mobile Pages
● Open-source library
● Library for create web pages for smooth, and load near instantaneously for
○ Stripped down version of HTML 5.
○ Async loading of JS files and images. (Lazy loading of JS file and
○ Use of Google AMP Cache This is nothing but proxy based CDN for
delivering AMP Pages. Cache validates AMP pages and delivered
through HTTP 2.0.
How Google AMP Works
AMP and Without AMP

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Accelerated Mobile Pages
Accelerated Mobile PagesAccelerated Mobile Pages
Accelerated Mobile Pages

A presentation I gave at the Fort Collins WordPress meetup about the benefits of adding AMP to your WordPress site.

accelerated mobile pagesampwordpress
google amp pages
google amp pagesgoogle amp pages
google amp pages

Creating Google AMP Pages allows websites to load faster on mobile and desktop. AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) requires rewriting pages in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to meet speed requirements. Websites create AMP versions of pages that are validated and cached by Google. When users search on mobile, AMP versions may load up to 10x faster than regular pages. AMP works best for static content like news articles and blogs but may not be needed if pages already load quickly. Websites must maintain original and AMP versions of pages and add metadata to link between them.

google ampamp pages
Google's AMP project for web users
Google's AMP project for web usersGoogle's AMP project for web users
Google's AMP project for web users

A brief guide to how Google's new Accelerated Mobile Pages (aka AMP) are displayed and navigated. Includes details on the fundamental change to how Google AMP pages differ to ‘normal’ search results.

googleseomobile marketing
AMP and Without AMP
How Google AMP Works
● Increase Website Page Speed
● Increase Ad views
Concern Point
● More work and less analytics
● Less control over content and design
● Limiting the design styles
○ Only Inline styles are allowed that too with maximum of 50 kb size.
○ Only async JavaScripts are allowed. If at all third-party JavaScript needed, those should be
loaded through iframe.
○ Sizes of resources like images, ads should be specified statically in AMP HTML.
○ Minimize style and layout recalculations.
○ HTML Forms are not allowed.
○ AMP needs to be validated.

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Amp it UP! Using Google Accelerated Mobile Pages with WordPress - WordCamp An...Amp it UP! Using Google Accelerated Mobile Pages with WordPress - WordCamp An...
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Google is pushing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in a big way. AMP pages restrict what you can do all for the sake of performance on mobile devices. In this talk we’ll cover the basics of AMP, how it’s different than mobile-ready and responsive design, and the plugins you’ll need to take advantage of AMP on your WordPress site.

Get AMP'ed for Accelerated Mobile Pages - SEO Grail Philadelphia 1/20/16
Get AMP'ed for Accelerated Mobile Pages - SEO Grail Philadelphia 1/20/16Get AMP'ed for Accelerated Mobile Pages - SEO Grail Philadelphia 1/20/16
Get AMP'ed for Accelerated Mobile Pages - SEO Grail Philadelphia 1/20/16

All about AMP, Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages project - at SEO Grail Philadelphia on January 20th, 2016.

digital marketingsearch engine marketingsearch engine optimization
What Are Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs)?
What Are Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs)?What Are Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs)?
What Are Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs)?

AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, is Google’s framework for fast-loading mobile pages. This enables publishers to hit two birds with one stone: increase page load times and improve user experience. And we’re not just talking about Google’s “Top Search” results; Google will display AMP’s anytime it’s detected.

mobile webdigital marketingmarketing online
AMP pages are built with 3 core components
● AMP HTML - Is HTML with some restrictions for reliable performance.
○ Most tags in an AMP HTML page are regular HTML tags
○ Some HTML tags are replaced with AMP-specific tags
● AMP JS - Library ensures the fast rendering of AMP HTML pages.
● AMP Cache - Can be used to serve cached AMP HTML pages.
○ Is a proxy-based content delivery network for delivering all valid AMP documents
○ Using HTTP 2.0 for maximum efficiency
○ The cache also comes with a built-in validation system which confirms that the page is
guaranteed to work
○ Perform additional user-beneficial performance optimizations to content.
○ The cache is automatically updated each time someone accesses content
● Implement AMP Page
○ Removing restricted elements and attributes
○ Resolving complex requirements for specific HTML tags
○ Replacing HTML tags by their AMP equivalents
○ Inserting compulsory AMP markup
○ Inserting CSS stylesheet
● Validation
● Publish for Discovery
Basic Required mark-up
Start with the <!doctype html> doctype. Standard for HTML.
Contain a top-level <html ⚡> tag
(<html amp> is accepted as well).
Identifies the page as AMP content.
Contain <head> and <body> tags. Optional in HTML but not in AMP.
Contain a <meta charset="utf-8"> tag as the first child of their <head>
Identifies the encoding for the page.
Contain a <script async
src=""></script> tag inside their
<head> tag. As a best practice, you should include the script as early as
possible in the <head>.
Includes and loads the AMP JS library.
Contain a <link rel="canonical" href="$SOME_URL"> tag inside their
Points to the regular HTML version of the AMP HTML
document or to itself if no such HTML version exists.
Learn more in Make Your Page Discoverable.
Contain a <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-
width,minimum-scale=1">tag inside their <head> tag. It's also
recommended to include initial-scale=1.
Specifies a responsive viewport. Learn more in Create
Responsive AMP Pages.
Contain the AMP boilerplate code in their <head> tag. CSS boilerplate to initially hide the content until AMP JS
is loaded.

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Accelerated Mobile Pages - WordCamp Kansas City

AMP is an open spec for lightweight, mobile-friendly pages. You can use it as the mobile view on your site, and having it enabled actually allows the AMP version of your page to be used by Google for search previews and in other places on their platform. In addition, many SEO experts recommend adopting AMP as Google is likely to reward those who do in terms of rankings. You will learn why AMP is important, how to easily add it to your WordPress site, and different techniques you can use to customize it to your specific needs.

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AMP up Your WordPress Site
AMP up Your WordPress SiteAMP up Your WordPress Site
AMP up Your WordPress Site

1. What is AMP 2. Why should you care about AMP 3. The AMP way of doing things 4. How to get started with AMP 5. Additional resources

Amp Overview #YGLF 2016
Amp Overview #YGLF 2016Amp Overview #YGLF 2016
Amp Overview #YGLF 2016

An overview of Accelerated Mobile Pages Project. See how you can leverage this important open source project today in production and improve your sites' performance and the happiness of your users.

mobile webweb developmentamp
Example structure
<!doctype html>
<html ⚡>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="canonical" href="hello-world.html">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,minimum-scale=1,initial-scale=1">
<style amp-boilerplate>body{-webkit-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-moz-animation:-amp-
start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-ms-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;animation:-amp-
start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both}@-webkit-keyframes -amp-
start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-moz-keyframes -amp-
start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-ms-keyframes -amp-
start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-o-keyframes -amp-
start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@keyframes -amp-
start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}</style><noscript><style amp-boilerplate>body{-webkit-
<script async src=""></script>
<body>Hello World!</body>
In Body, Using Only Whitelist Syntax, AMP tag and some special rules
Must Use: HTML Tag Whitelist (Cover popular tag)
The root element Grouping Content Text-level semantics Source
<html> <p> <em> <source>
Document metadata <hr> <strong> SVG
<head> <pre> <small> <svg>
<title> <blockquote> <s> Most SVG elements are allowed.
<link> <ol> <q> Tabular data
<meta> <ul> <abbr> <table>
<style> <li> <data> <caption>
Sections <dl> <time> <colgroup>
<body> <dt> <code> <col>
<article> <dd> <var> <tbody>
<section> <figure> <sub> and <sup> <thead>
<nav> <figcaption> <i> <tfoot>
<aside> <div> <b> <tr>
<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, and <h6> <main> <u> <td>
<header> Edits <span> <th>
<footer> <ins> <br> Scripting
<address> <del> <wbr> <script>
Forms Links <noscript>
<button> <a> See more
Must Use: Replace some HTML Tag
noscript Allowed. Can be used anywhere in the document. If specified, the content inside the <noscript> element displays if JavaScript is
disabled by the user.
img Replaced with amp-img. , <amp-img> does have an end tag </amp-img>.
video Replaced with amp-video.
audio Replaced with amp-audio.
iframe Replaced with amp-iframe.
form Allowed. Require including amp-form extension.
input elements Mostly allowed with exception of some input types, namely, <input[type=image]>, <input[type=button]>, <input[type=password]>,
<input[type=file]> are invalid. Related tags are also allowed: <fieldset>, <label>
style Required style tag for amp-boilerplate. One additional style tag is allowed in head tag for the purpose of custom styling. This style tag
must have the attribute amp-custom.
link rel values registered on are allowed. If a rel value is missing from our white list, please submit an issue. stylesheet
and other values like preconnect, prerender and prefetch that have side effects in the browser are disallowed. There is a special case
for fetching stylesheets from white listed font providers.
meta The http-equiv attribute may be used for specific allowable values; see the AMP validator specification for details.
a The href attribute value must not begin with javascript:. If set, the target attribute value must be _blank. Otherwise allowed.
svg Most SVG elements are allowed.
Not Use: Prohibited Tag
script Prohibited unless the type is application/ld+json or text/plain. (Other non-executable values may be added as
needed.) Exception is the mandatory script tag to load the AMP runtime and the script tags to load extended
base Prohibited.
frame Prohibited.
frameset Prohibited.
object Prohibited.
param Prohibited.
applet Prohibited.
embed Prohibited.

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The document discusses Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), an open-source initiative started by Google and Twitter to improve the mobile web experience. It provides an overview of AMP, including its origins, how AMP HTML pages are structured, how site speeds are improved, potential search engine results page impacts, client usage scenarios, supported advertisements, and limitations. A live demo of an AMP page is also included.

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How to Win at Search Engine Marketing (SEM) by Michael CollinsHow to Win at Search Engine Marketing (SEM) by Michael Collins
How to Win at Search Engine Marketing (SEM) by Michael Collins

This document provides tips on how to win at search engine marketing (SEM). It emphasizes focusing on search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing over pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Some key points covered include keeping technical elements like site speed, security, and metadata optimized; focusing on unique, keyword-rich content; understanding search intent; and staying up-to-date on trends like mobile-first indexing and site speed penalties. Ongoing optimization, social sharing, and monitoring analytics and search console are important for success with SEM.

AMP and the instant web - WebPerformance NYC MeetUp group
AMP and the instant web - WebPerformance NYC MeetUp groupAMP and the instant web - WebPerformance NYC MeetUp group
AMP and the instant web - WebPerformance NYC MeetUp group

This talk was designed to give the developer the basics of the AMP technology. The talk offers the pros and cons of the technology as well as a technical overview of the structure of an AMP pages. The information covers several tools and integration with popular CMS and how to implement AMP in the development testing and build process.

ampjavascriptweb performance
Not Use: Comment Tag
Not Use: Name Restricted
● Not use attributes prefixed with i-amp-
● Not use class names prefixed with -amp- and i-amp-
● Not use IDs name prefixed with -amp- and i-amp-
● Attribute names starting with on (such as onclick or onmouseover) are
disallowed in AMP HTML. The attribute with the literal name on (no suffix) is
● XML-related attributes, such as xmlns, xml:lang, xml:base, and xml:space are
disallowed in AMP HTML.
Not Use: Javascript in Link
● The javascript: schema is disallowed.
Not Use: These tags may be removed in future versions of AMP

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Principles of AMPhtml within TYPO3 CMS built by an example of From NeosCon 2019 on May 11th, 2019 by @bennimack

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AMP in WordPress, the WordPress Way

What is AMP? Why should I learn what it offers? And how can I take advantage of it in WordPress? This deck was used to guide a discussion about these topics at the awesome PDX WP Meetup on August 5th, 2019.

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Rowan Merewood Developer Advocate Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) HTML delivers outstanding page-load performance for users browsing content on the mobile web, which is hugely important on limited or flaky networks. Progressive Web Apps deliver reliable performance for re-visits to sites thanks to Service Workers and allows unprecedented engagement via push notifications and Add To Homescreen. AMP gets content in front of users fast – PWAs enable rich experiences and engagement. What if I told you there’s a way to utilize the unique power of both? To build a web experience that loads in an instant and upgrades you to maximum interactivity and engagement? We’re making it happen. Come to learn how.

ampaccelerated mobile pagespwa
Recommended: Stylesheet
The following @-rules are allowed in stylesheets:
@font-face, @keyframes, @media, @page, @supports.
@import will not be allowed. Others may be added in the future.
Custom stylesheets
Authors may add custom styles to a document using a single <style amp-custom> tag in the head of the
document or inline styles.
@keyframes rules are allowed in the <style amp-custom>. However, if they are too many of them, it's
recommended to place them in the additional <style amp-keyframes> tag, which must be located at the
end of the AMP document. For details, see the Keyframes stylesheet section of this document.
!important is not allowed
Recommended: Font
Use from Whitelist
Font providers can be white listed if they support CSS-only integrations and serve over HTTPS.
● Google Fonts:
● Font Awesome:
● Typekit: (replace kitId accordingly)
Authors are free to include all custom fonts via an @font-face CSS instruction via their custom CSS. Fonts included via
@font-face must be fetched via the HTTP or HTTPS scheme.
Use custom from @font-face
Recommended: Javascript
Must Have
● The <script> tag must have an async attribute
● a custom-element attribute referencing the name of the element.
● The script URL must start with and
must follow a very strict pattern of /vd+/[a-z-]+-
Must Use: Amp Specific Tags (Components)
Component Required Component JS
Ads & analytics
amp-pixel (Built-in) No
amp-ad-exit Yes
amp-ad / amp-embed Yes
amp-analytics Yes
amp-auto-ads Yes
amp-call-tracking Yes
amp-experiment Yes
amp-share-tracking FUTURE FUNCTION
amp-sticky-ad Yes
Component Required Component JS
amp-layout (Built-in) No
amp-accordion Yes
amp-app-banner Yes
amp-carousel Yes
amp-fx-collection Yes
amp-fx-flying-carpet Yes
amp-iframe Yes
amp-image-lightbox Yes
amp-image-slider Yes
amp-lightbox-gallery Yes
amp-lightbox Yes
amp-orientation-observer No
amp-position-observer Yes
amp-sidebar Yes

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The document discusses Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), which is a framework for building mobile-optimized content that loads instantly. It describes the key components of AMP including AMP HTML, AMP JS, and the Google AMP Cache. It also outlines how to integrate AMP into a Drupal 8 site using various AMP modules and libraries. The benefits of AMP include faster load times and improved mobile search rankings, while drawbacks include limited functionality and the need to implement AMP-compatible code.

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Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in Magento
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in MagentoAccelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in Magento
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in Magento

The document discusses Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) capabilities for Magento projects. It covers what AMP is, the benefits of using AMP like faster page speeds and improved SEO, required code elements for AMP pages, common AMP components for Magento like forms and images, and how to add features like analytics and validate AMP pages. It also provides examples of using AMP features in Magento like custom layouts, templates, and dynamic content with AMP Bind.

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AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an open-source library that creates web pages that load instantly. It uses HTML with restrictions and AMP-specific components to optimize page performance. The AMP cache delivers cached AMP pages via a CDN. AMP works by asynchronously loading resources, statically sizing elements, prioritizing loads, and only allowing certain animations. It improves user engagement through speed while allowing mobile-friendliness and SEO benefits. AMP has requirements like specific tags and boilerplate but also limitations like disallowing external CSS, JavaScript, and certain elements.

Must Use: Amp Specific Tags (Components)
Component Required Component JS
Dynamic content
amp-access-laterpay Yes
amp-access Yes
amp-bind Yes
amp-byside-content Yes
amp-consent Yes
amp-date-picker Yes
amp-form Yes
amp-geo Yes
amp-gist Yes
amp-google-document-embed Yes
amp-install-serviceworker Yes
amp-list Yes
amp-live-list Yes
Component Required Component JS
Dynamic content
amp-mustache Yes
amp-next-page Yes
amp-selector Yes
amp-subscriptions-google Yes
amp-subscriptions Yes
amp-user-notification Yes
amp-web-push Yes
Must Use: Amp Specific Tags (Components)
Component Required JS
amp-3d-gltf Yes
amp-img (Built-in) No
amp-3q-player Yes
amp-anim Yes
amp-apester-media Yes
amp-audio Yes
amp-bodymovin-animation Yes
amp-brid-player Yes
amp-brightcove Yes
amp-dailymotion Yes
amp-embedly-card Yes
amp-google-vrview-image Yes
amp-hulu Yes
amp-ima-video Yes
amp-imgur Yes
Component Required JS
amp-izlesene Yes
amp-jwplayer Yes
amp-kaltura-player Yes
amp-mowplayer Yes
amp-nexxtv-player Yes
amp-o2-player Yes
amp-ooyala-player Yes
amp-playbuzz Yes
amp-powr-player Yes
amp-reach-player Yes
amp-soundcloud Yes
amp-springboard-player Yes
amp-video-iframe Yes
amp-video Yes
amp-vimeo Yes
amp-viqeo-player Yes
Component Required JS
amp-wistia-player Yes
amp-yotpo Yes
amp-youtube Yes
Must Use: Amp Specific Tags (Components)
Component Required Component JS
amp-animation Yes
amp-date-countdown Yes
amp-dynamic-css-classes Yes
amp-fit-text Yes
amp-font Yes
amp-mathml Yes
amp-pan-zoom Yes
amp-story Yes
amp-timeago Yes
amp-viz-vega Yes
Component Required Component JS
amp-addthis Yes
amp-beopinion Yes
amp-facebook-comments Yes
amp-facebook-like Yes
amp-facebook-page Yes
amp-facebook Yes
amp-gfycat Yes
amp-instagram Yes
amp-pinterest Yes
amp-reddit Yes
amp-riddle-quiz Yes
amp-social-share Yes
amp-twitter Yes
amp-vine Yes
amp-vk Yes
Recommend: Common Attributes

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AMP with WordPress by Pradeep Sonawane @ Google AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018
AMP with WordPress by Pradeep Sonawane @ Google AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018AMP with WordPress by Pradeep Sonawane @ Google AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018
AMP with WordPress by Pradeep Sonawane @ Google AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018

AMP WordPress plugin is heading towards v1.0 release. It has many new features, including something called the “Native AMP” mode. Native AMP enables a WordPress site to be served entirely as a valid AMP without any coding efforts. Pradeep Sonawane, VP Engineering @rtCamp covered AMP Native and other aspects of AMP which benefits WordPress users in this talk.

What is Amp (Accelerated Mobile Pages)?
What is Amp (Accelerated Mobile Pages)?What is Amp (Accelerated Mobile Pages)?
What is Amp (Accelerated Mobile Pages)?

It is an open source framework based on HTML, which can be used for creating quick loading web pages for mobile users. Speed is an integral part of designing web pages. Data shows that “about 40% of people will abandon a web page that takes more than 3 seconds to load.”

Webwing Technologies - Procedure to Implement AMP in your Website
Webwing Technologies - Procedure to Implement AMP in your WebsiteWebwing Technologies - Procedure to Implement AMP in your Website
Webwing Technologies - Procedure to Implement AMP in your Website

AMP provides a great user experience across many platforms. So let's implement AMP. Walk through below steps to enable AMP for your website.

app developerssearch engine optimizationandroid
Must Use: CORS
Implement Step
● Allow requests for specific CORS origins
● Allow same-origin requests
● Restrict requests to source origins
See how to
Must Use: AMP Cache
AMP Cache is a proxy-based content delivery network (CDN) for delivering valid
AMP documents. AMP Caches are designed to:
1. Serve only valid AMP pages.
2. Allow AMP pages to be preloaded efficiently and safely.
3. Perform additional user-beneficial performance optimizations to content.
Currently, there are two AMP Cache providers:
● Google AMP Cache
● Cloudflare AMP Cache
Must Use: AMP Cache
● As a publisher, you don't choose an AMP Cache provider, it's actually the
platform that links to your content that chooses the AMP Cache (if any) to
● Publishing a valid AMP document automatically opts it into cache
● Should you desire not to have your document cached, one option is to
remove the amp attribute from the HTML tag. This makes the document
technically invalid AMP
● Cached AMP pages are accessed by platforms and mobile apps.
(platforms like Google Search, Google News, and Cloudflare)
Must Use: AMP Cache
● As a publisher, you don't choose an AMP Cache provider, it's actually the
platform that links to your content that chooses the AMP Cache (if any) to
● Publishing a valid AMP document automatically opts it into cache
● Should you desire not to have your document cached, one option is to
remove the amp attribute from the HTML tag. This makes the document
technically invalid AMP
● Cached AMP pages are accessed by platforms and mobile apps.
(platforms like Google Search, Google News, and Cloudflare)

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Amp your site an intro to accelerated mobile pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a framework for building web pages that are optimized for mobile devices. It addresses issues like slow load times and poor user experiences on mobile by simplifying pages and parallelizing resource loading. AMP pages use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to load quickly. They are cached globally through Google's AMP Cache for fast delivery. Publishers can easily implement AMP pages and monetize them while embracing an open web.

amp mobile
Step by-step procedure to implement amp in website
Step by-step procedure to implement amp in websiteStep by-step procedure to implement amp in website
Step by-step procedure to implement amp in website

AMP provides a great user experience across many platforms. So lets implement AMP. Walk through below steps to enable AMP for your website.

mobile marketingmobile application developmentamp
Get AMP’ed for AMP!
Get AMP’ed for AMP!Get AMP’ed for AMP!
Get AMP’ed for AMP!

Jacob Lial from Greenlane Search Marketing presents on AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) - December 2015. Learn about what AMP means to SEO, Google, and mobile site improvements to benefit your users. Visit to learn more about Google's big 2016 focus.

Must Use: How does my AMP page get cached?
● Platform discovery: Platforms discover your AMP content via the <html ⚡> or
<html amp> tag and cache the content.
● Cache URL request: Platforms can specifically request an AMP page by
using the AMP Cache URL format. The AMP Cache acts as a reverse proxy,
therefore, when the platform accesses the page, it results in the page being
cached automatically.
○ Cloudflare AMP Cache URL example:
○ Google AMP Cache URL example: https://foo-
Recommend to Read: Optimization AMP to better
● Best practices for creating an AMP story
● Optimizing your hosted AMP pages
● Improve user engagement
Recommended: Meta Tag
Open Graph Protocol, Twitter Cards, etc.
Can use other standard tag
● :
Recommended: Tools convert HTML to AMP
[PHP] AMP PHP Library
[PHP] AMP for Wordpress (Google Official Contribute)
[PHP] AMP for WP
[.NET Core] HtmlToAmpConverter
[.NET Framework] HtmlToAmp

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Setting up & Tracking AMP Pages in Google Analytics
Setting up & Tracking AMP Pages in Google AnalyticsSetting up & Tracking AMP Pages in Google Analytics
Setting up & Tracking AMP Pages in Google Analytics

This document provides guidance on setting up and tracking Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in Google Analytics. It discusses what AMP pages are, how to set them up on a WordPress website using plugins, validate AMP pages, and make them discoverable to Google. It also covers using the amp-analytics tag to track user interactions on AMP pages in Google Analytics. Key steps include installing AMP and related plugins, adding tracking code to plugin template files, validating pages, and monitoring traffic in Google Analytics reports. While AMP works well for publishing sites, it may not be needed for e-commerce sites with complex pages due to restrictions of the AMP format.

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A Holistic View of Website PerformanceA Holistic View of Website Performance
A Holistic View of Website Performance

As programmers, we concentrate so much on the server/backend side of things that we often forget to measure performance from the Client's viewpoint. This presentation describes a bunch of techniques that can be used to speed up our websites.

Website Development Guidelines
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Website Development Guidelines

The document provides guidelines for website and CMS development with a focus on SEO best practices. It includes sections on page titles, navigation, accessibility, code structure, front-end coding standards, back-end coding standards, CMS features that help with SEO like modifying metadata and sitemaps, and techniques for improving page speed. The guidelines were created by Amit Kute and cover a wide range of topics to help make websites more usable, accessible, and optimized for search engines.

website devlopementwebsite guidelinesseo
Must Use: Check Validate my AMP Page
Method1: Browser Developer Console
The AMP Validator comes bundled with the AMP JS library, so it is available on every AMP page out of
the box. To validate:
1. Open your AMP page in your browser.
2. Append "#development=1" to the URL, for example,
3. Open the Chrome DevTools console and check for validation errors.
Must Use: Check Validate my AMP Page
Method2: Web Interface
The AMP Validator can be used as a web interface at
Must Use: Check Validate my AMP Page
Method3: Browser Extension
AMP Validator Extension for Chrome and Opera.

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AMP is a way to build static pages that render fast in search engine result pages on mobile devices. It consists of AMP HTML, AMP JS, and the Google AMP Cache. AMP HTML is a restricted subset of basic HTML with some extensions for rich content. AMP JS ensures fast rendering, and the Google AMP Cache serves cached AMP pages quickly in search results.

EPiServer Web Parts
EPiServer Web PartsEPiServer Web Parts
EPiServer Web Parts

Web Parts allow for greater flexibility in designing pages by enabling editors to modify content, appearance and behavior directly in a browser. They are similar to Dynamic Content but can also contain Dynamic Content. The presentation is separated from the Web Part markup to allow for uneven zone widths. Properties and names can be translated. Static Web Parts are useful for template functionality.

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Flash Security, OWASP Chennai
Flash Security, OWASP ChennaiFlash Security, OWASP Chennai
Flash Security, OWASP Chennai

The document discusses security issues related to Flash applications. It introduces Flash and ActionScript, and outlines various vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting, cross-site flashing, insecure crossdomain policies, and sensitive data storage in Flash. It provides examples of how these vulnerabilities can be exploited and recommendations for more secure development practices.

Must Use: Link to AMP document for discovery
In document, should point link in <header> to AMP Version :
● <link rel="amphtml"
In AMP document, should point link canonical back to original document:
● <link rel="canonical"
Must Use: Setup Schema for discovery
Use for most search engines
● Follow schema from
● Example
Use Open Graph Protocol (OGP) to provide rich snippets on Facebook
● The Open Graph Protocol (OGP) provides Facebook with the metadata necessary to allow web
pages to have the same functionality as other Facebook objects.
Use Twitter Cards to provide rich snippets on Twitter
● Twitter Cards are an extension to the Open Graph Protocol applicable for Twitter. They allow you to
add media attachments like images and video to Tweets with a link to your web page
See How To and Best Practice

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Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

  • 1. Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) By Chitpong Wuttanan (iFew) Updated as of 6 Mar 2019
  • 2. Google AMP is? ● AMP = Accelerated Mobile Pages ● Open-source library ● Library for create web pages for smooth, and load near instantaneously for users. ○ Stripped down version of HTML 5. ○ Async loading of JS files and images. (Lazy loading of JS file and images) ○ Use of Google AMP Cache This is nothing but proxy based CDN for delivering AMP Pages. Cache validates AMP pages and delivered through HTTP 2.0. Reference:,
  • 3. How Google AMP Works Reference:
  • 4. AMP and Without AMP Reference: Without AMP With AMP
  • 5. AMP and Without AMP Reference: Without AMP With AMP
  • 6. How Google AMP Works Reference:
  • 7. Benefits ● Increase Website Page Speed ● SEO ● Increase Ad views Reference:
  • 8. Concern Point ● More work and less analytics ● Less control over content and design ● Limiting the design styles ○ Only Inline styles are allowed that too with maximum of 50 kb size. ○ Only async JavaScripts are allowed. If at all third-party JavaScript needed, those should be loaded through iframe. ○ Sizes of resources like images, ads should be specified statically in AMP HTML. ○ Minimize style and layout recalculations. ○ HTML Forms are not allowed. ○ AMP needs to be validated. Reference:, amp-part-one/
  • 9. AMP pages are built with 3 core components ● AMP HTML - Is HTML with some restrictions for reliable performance. ○ Most tags in an AMP HTML page are regular HTML tags ○ Some HTML tags are replaced with AMP-specific tags ● AMP JS - Library ensures the fast rendering of AMP HTML pages. ● AMP Cache - Can be used to serve cached AMP HTML pages. ○ Is a proxy-based content delivery network for delivering all valid AMP documents ○ Using HTTP 2.0 for maximum efficiency ○ The cache also comes with a built-in validation system which confirms that the page is guaranteed to work ○ Perform additional user-beneficial performance optimizations to content. ○ The cache is automatically updated each time someone accesses content Reference:
  • 10. How Convert HTML TO AMP HTML ● Implement AMP Page ○ Removing restricted elements and attributes ○ Resolving complex requirements for specific HTML tags ○ Replacing HTML tags by their AMP equivalents ○ Inserting compulsory AMP markup ○ Inserting CSS stylesheet ● Validation ● Publish for Discovery
  • 12. Basic Required mark-up RULE DESCRIPTION Start with the <!doctype html> doctype. Standard for HTML. Contain a top-level <html ⚡> tag (<html amp> is accepted as well). Identifies the page as AMP content. Contain <head> and <body> tags. Optional in HTML but not in AMP. Contain a <meta charset="utf-8"> tag as the first child of their <head> tag. Identifies the encoding for the page. Contain a <script async src=""></script> tag inside their <head> tag. As a best practice, you should include the script as early as possible in the <head>. Includes and loads the AMP JS library. Contain a <link rel="canonical" href="$SOME_URL"> tag inside their <head>. Points to the regular HTML version of the AMP HTML document or to itself if no such HTML version exists. Learn more in Make Your Page Discoverable. Contain a <meta name="viewport" content="width=device- width,minimum-scale=1">tag inside their <head> tag. It's also recommended to include initial-scale=1. Specifies a responsive viewport. Learn more in Create Responsive AMP Pages. Contain the AMP boilerplate code in their <head> tag. CSS boilerplate to initially hide the content until AMP JS is loaded. Reference:
  • 13. Example structure <!doctype html> <html ⚡> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="canonical" href="hello-world.html"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,minimum-scale=1,initial-scale=1"> <style amp-boilerplate>body{-webkit-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-moz-animation:-amp- start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-ms-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;animation:-amp- start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both}@-webkit-keyframes -amp- start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-moz-keyframes -amp- start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-ms-keyframes -amp- start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-o-keyframes -amp- start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@keyframes -amp- start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}</style><noscript><style amp-boilerplate>body{-webkit- animation:none;-moz-animation:none;-ms-animation:none;animation:none}</style></noscript> <script async src=""></script> </head> <body>Hello World!</body> </html> Required Required Required Required Required Required Required In Body, Using Only Whitelist Syntax, AMP tag and some special rules
  • 14. Must Use: HTML Tag Whitelist (Cover popular tag) The root element Grouping Content Text-level semantics Source <html> <p> <em> <source> Document metadata <hr> <strong> SVG <head> <pre> <small> <svg> <title> <blockquote> <s> Most SVG elements are allowed. <link> <ol> <q> Tabular data <meta> <ul> <abbr> <table> <style> <li> <data> <caption> Sections <dl> <time> <colgroup> <body> <dt> <code> <col> <article> <dd> <var> <tbody> <section> <figure> <sub> and <sup> <thead> <nav> <figcaption> <i> <tfoot> <aside> <div> <b> <tr> <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, and <h6> <main> <u> <td> <header> Edits <span> <th> <footer> <ins> <br> Scripting <address> <del> <wbr> <script> Forms Links <noscript> <button> <a> See more
  • 15. Must Use: Replace some HTML Tag Reference: noscript Allowed. Can be used anywhere in the document. If specified, the content inside the <noscript> element displays if JavaScript is disabled by the user. img Replaced with amp-img. , <amp-img> does have an end tag </amp-img>. video Replaced with amp-video. audio Replaced with amp-audio. iframe Replaced with amp-iframe. form Allowed. Require including amp-form extension. input elements Mostly allowed with exception of some input types, namely, <input[type=image]>, <input[type=button]>, <input[type=password]>, <input[type=file]> are invalid. Related tags are also allowed: <fieldset>, <label> style Required style tag for amp-boilerplate. One additional style tag is allowed in head tag for the purpose of custom styling. This style tag must have the attribute amp-custom. link rel values registered on are allowed. If a rel value is missing from our white list, please submit an issue. stylesheet and other values like preconnect, prerender and prefetch that have side effects in the browser are disallowed. There is a special case for fetching stylesheets from white listed font providers. meta The http-equiv attribute may be used for specific allowable values; see the AMP validator specification for details. a The href attribute value must not begin with javascript:. If set, the target attribute value must be _blank. Otherwise allowed. svg Most SVG elements are allowed.
  • 16. Not Use: Prohibited Tag Reference: script Prohibited unless the type is application/ld+json or text/plain. (Other non-executable values may be added as needed.) Exception is the mandatory script tag to load the AMP runtime and the script tags to load extended components. base Prohibited. frame Prohibited. frameset Prohibited. object Prohibited. param Prohibited. applet Prohibited. embed Prohibited.
  • 17. Not Use: Comment Tag Reference: <!-- HTML Code -->
  • 18. Not Use: Name Restricted Reference: ● Not use attributes prefixed with i-amp- ● Not use class names prefixed with -amp- and i-amp- ● Not use IDs name prefixed with -amp- and i-amp- ● Attribute names starting with on (such as onclick or onmouseover) are disallowed in AMP HTML. The attribute with the literal name on (no suffix) is allowed. ● XML-related attributes, such as xmlns, xml:lang, xml:base, and xml:space are disallowed in AMP HTML.
  • 19. Not Use: Javascript in Link Reference: ● The javascript: schema is disallowed.
  • 20. Not Use: These tags may be removed in future versions of AMP <acronym> <center> <dir> <hgroup> <listing> <multicol> <nextid> <nobr> <spacer> <strike> <tt> <xmp> Reference:
  • 21. Recommended: Stylesheet @-rules The following @-rules are allowed in stylesheets: @font-face, @keyframes, @media, @page, @supports. @import will not be allowed. Others may be added in the future. Reference: Custom stylesheets Authors may add custom styles to a document using a single <style amp-custom> tag in the head of the document or inline styles. @keyframes rules are allowed in the <style amp-custom>. However, if they are too many of them, it's recommended to place them in the additional <style amp-keyframes> tag, which must be located at the end of the AMP document. For details, see the Keyframes stylesheet section of this document. !important is not allowed
  • 22. Recommended: Font Use from Whitelist Font providers can be white listed if they support CSS-only integrations and serve over HTTPS. ● ● Google Fonts: ● Font Awesome: ● Typekit: (replace kitId accordingly) Authors are free to include all custom fonts via an @font-face CSS instruction via their custom CSS. Fonts included via @font-face must be fetched via the HTTP or HTTPS scheme. Reference: Use custom from @font-face
  • 23. Recommended: Javascript Must Have ● The <script> tag must have an async attribute ● a custom-element attribute referencing the name of the element. ● The script URL must start with and must follow a very strict pattern of /vd+/[a-z-]+- (latest|d+|d+.d+).js. Reference:
  • 24. Must Use: Amp Specific Tags (Components) Reference: Component Required Component JS Ads & analytics amp-pixel (Built-in) No amp-ad-exit Yes amp-ad / amp-embed Yes amp-analytics Yes amp-auto-ads Yes amp-call-tracking Yes amp-experiment Yes amp-share-tracking FUTURE FUNCTION amp-sticky-ad Yes Component Required Component JS Layout amp-layout (Built-in) No amp-accordion Yes amp-app-banner Yes amp-carousel Yes amp-fx-collection Yes amp-fx-flying-carpet Yes amp-iframe Yes amp-image-lightbox Yes amp-image-slider Yes amp-lightbox-gallery Yes amp-lightbox Yes amp-orientation-observer No amp-position-observer Yes amp-sidebar Yes
  • 25. Must Use: Amp Specific Tags (Components) Reference: Component Required Component JS Dynamic content amp-access-laterpay Yes amp-access Yes amp-bind Yes amp-byside-content Yes amp-consent Yes amp-date-picker Yes amp-form Yes amp-geo Yes amp-gist Yes amp-google-document-embed Yes amp-install-serviceworker Yes amp-list Yes amp-live-list Yes Component Required Component JS Dynamic content amp-mustache Yes amp-next-page Yes amp-selector Yes amp-subscriptions-google Yes amp-subscriptions Yes amp-user-notification Yes amp-web-push Yes
  • 26. Must Use: Amp Specific Tags (Components) Reference: Component Required JS Media amp-3d-gltf Yes amp-img (Built-in) No amp-3q-player Yes amp-anim Yes amp-apester-media Yes amp-audio Yes amp-bodymovin-animation Yes amp-brid-player Yes amp-brightcove Yes amp-dailymotion Yes amp-embedly-card Yes amp-google-vrview-image Yes amp-hulu Yes amp-ima-video Yes amp-imgur Yes Component Required JS Media amp-izlesene Yes amp-jwplayer Yes amp-kaltura-player Yes amp-mowplayer Yes amp-nexxtv-player Yes amp-o2-player Yes amp-ooyala-player Yes amp-playbuzz Yes amp-powr-player Yes amp-reach-player Yes amp-soundcloud Yes amp-springboard-player Yes amp-video-iframe Yes amp-video Yes amp-vimeo Yes amp-viqeo-player Yes Component Required JS Media amp-wistia-player Yes amp-yotpo Yes amp-youtube Yes
  • 27. Must Use: Amp Specific Tags (Components) Reference: Component Required Component JS Presentation amp-animation Yes amp-date-countdown Yes amp-dynamic-css-classes Yes amp-fit-text Yes amp-font Yes amp-mathml Yes amp-pan-zoom Yes amp-story Yes amp-timeago Yes amp-viz-vega Yes Component Required Component JS Social amp-addthis Yes amp-beopinion Yes amp-facebook-comments Yes amp-facebook-like Yes amp-facebook-page Yes amp-facebook Yes amp-gfycat Yes amp-instagram Yes amp-pinterest Yes amp-reddit Yes amp-riddle-quiz Yes amp-social-share Yes amp-twitter Yes amp-vine Yes amp-vk Yes
  • 28. Recommend: Common Attributes Reference: fallback heights layout media noloading on placeholder sizes width height
  • 29. Must Use: CORS Reference: Implement Step ● Allow requests for specific CORS origins ● Allow same-origin requests ● Restrict requests to source origins See how to
  • 30. Must Use: AMP Cache Reference: AMP Cache is a proxy-based content delivery network (CDN) for delivering valid AMP documents. AMP Caches are designed to: 1. Serve only valid AMP pages. 2. Allow AMP pages to be preloaded efficiently and safely. 3. Perform additional user-beneficial performance optimizations to content. Currently, there are two AMP Cache providers: ● Google AMP Cache ● Cloudflare AMP Cache
  • 31. Must Use: AMP Cache Reference: ● As a publisher, you don't choose an AMP Cache provider, it's actually the platform that links to your content that chooses the AMP Cache (if any) to use. ● Publishing a valid AMP document automatically opts it into cache delivery. ● Should you desire not to have your document cached, one option is to remove the amp attribute from the HTML tag. This makes the document technically invalid AMP ● Cached AMP pages are accessed by platforms and mobile apps. (platforms like Google Search, Google News, and Cloudflare)
  • 32. Must Use: AMP Cache Reference: ● As a publisher, you don't choose an AMP Cache provider, it's actually the platform that links to your content that chooses the AMP Cache (if any) to use. ● Publishing a valid AMP document automatically opts it into cache delivery. ● Should you desire not to have your document cached, one option is to remove the amp attribute from the HTML tag. This makes the document technically invalid AMP ● Cached AMP pages are accessed by platforms and mobile apps. (platforms like Google Search, Google News, and Cloudflare)
  • 33. Must Use: How does my AMP page get cached? Reference: ● Platform discovery: Platforms discover your AMP content via the <html ⚡> or <html amp> tag and cache the content. ● Cache URL request: Platforms can specifically request an AMP page by using the AMP Cache URL format. The AMP Cache acts as a reverse proxy, therefore, when the platform accesses the page, it results in the page being cached automatically. ○ Cloudflare AMP Cache URL example: ○ Google AMP Cache URL example: https://foo-
  • 34. Recommend to Read: Optimization AMP to better Reference: ● Best practices for creating an AMP story ● Optimizing your hosted AMP pages ● Improve user engagement
  • 35. Recommended: Meta Tag Open Graph Protocol, Twitter Cards, etc. Can use other standard tag ● : Recommend Reference:
  • 36. Recommended: Tools convert HTML to AMP [PHP] AMP PHP Library [PHP] AMP for Wordpress (Google Official Contribute) [PHP] AMP for WP [.NET Core] HtmlToAmpConverter [.NET Framework] HtmlToAmp
  • 38. Must Use: Check Validate my AMP Page Method1: Browser Developer Console The AMP Validator comes bundled with the AMP JS library, so it is available on every AMP page out of the box. To validate: 1. Open your AMP page in your browser. 2. Append "#development=1" to the URL, for example, http://localhost:8000/released.amp.html#development=1. 3. Open the Chrome DevTools console and check for validation errors. Reference:
  • 39. Must Use: Check Validate my AMP Page Method2: Web Interface The AMP Validator can be used as a web interface at Reference:
  • 40. Must Use: Check Validate my AMP Page Method3: Browser Extension AMP Validator Extension for Chrome and Opera. Reference:
  • 42. Must Use: Link to AMP document for discovery In document, should point link in <header> to AMP Version : ● <link rel="amphtml" href=""> In AMP document, should point link canonical back to original document: ● <link rel="canonical" href=""> Reference:
  • 43. Must Use: Setup Schema for discovery Use for most search engines ● Follow schema from ● Example Use Open Graph Protocol (OGP) to provide rich snippets on Facebook ● The Open Graph Protocol (OGP) provides Facebook with the metadata necessary to allow web pages to have the same functionality as other Facebook objects. Use Twitter Cards to provide rich snippets on Twitter ● Twitter Cards are an extension to the Open Graph Protocol applicable for Twitter. They allow you to add media attachments like images and video to Tweets with a link to your web page See How To and Best Practice Reference: