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Presented By:
Yaser Shahbaaz
 Phonebloks is an open-source modular
smartphone concept.
 primarily to reduce electronic waste.
 By attaching individual third-party
components (called "bloks") to a main board,
a user would create a personalized
 These bloks can be replaced at will to replace
a broken blok, to upgrade an existing blok
 Bloks would be available in Blokstore, "an app
store for hardware", where users could buy
new and used bloks as well as sell back their
old ones
- In September 2013,Dutch designer
Dave Hakkens announced the
Phonebloks modular phone concept
independently in September 2013
- Motorola publicly announced Project
Ara on October 29,2013 and said they
will be working collaboratively with
Dave Hakkens-Master
mind behind the
concept ‘Phonebloks’

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Google Project ara presentation
Google Project ara presentationGoogle Project ara presentation
Google Project ara presentation

Project Ara is Google's initiative to develop an open hardware platform for highly modular smartphones. The platform will include a structural frame that holds interchangeable modules like displays, keyboards, and batteries chosen by the user. This will allow users to swap out malfunctioning modules or upgrade individual modules as innovations emerge. The first model is scheduled for release in January 2015 and aims to offer advantages like low prices, cheaper repairs, customization, and extended device lifespan through modular replacements.

googlegoogle aragoogle project ara
Seminar Ara Project
Seminar Ara ProjectSeminar Ara Project
Seminar Ara Project

Project Ara is an initiative by Google to develop a modular smartphone platform that allows users to customize their device by swapping components. The platform includes an endoskeletal frame into which modules like cameras, batteries, and displays can be hot-swapped without powering off the phone. This allows longer device lifecycles and reduces electronic waste. Google plans developer conferences in 2014 and a commercial release of Project Ara phones in early 2015.

Project ara report 2
Project ara report 2Project ara report 2
Project ara report 2

Project Ara is Google's initiative to develop an open hardware platform for modular smartphones. Users will be able to populate a structural frame called an endoskeleton with interchangeable modules for functions like the display, battery, and camera. This will allow customization and upgrading of individual modules. The first prototype is scheduled for release in January 2015. Key aspects of the design include the modular structure, interchangeable modules, and an online marketplace for browsing and purchasing modules.

 The Project Ara smartphone will allow
everyone to build their own perfect
 Where one person may want to spend more
money on a high power camera, another may
wish to splash out on more memory.
Whatever the desired goal a user should be
able to modify their device to suit that need.
 The Ara is a modular smartphone.
 The name of mechanical designer of this
smartphone is Ara.
First prototype of Ara launched in 0ct 2014.
 The newest Project Ara prototype is called Spiral 2.
 It's a block-based modular smartphone and builds
upon the MDK version 0.20.
 1280 x 720 display
 light and proximity sensors
 5-megapixel camera
 Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
 3G modem with a Band 2 antenna, separate Band 5
 Battery
 speaker module
 Marvell PXA1928 or NVIDIA Tegra K1 processor block.

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Google ARA
Google ARAGoogle ARA
Google ARA

Project Ara is Google's initiative to create a highly modular and customizable smartphone platform led by Paul Eremenko. The phone consists of an endoskeleton frame and interchangeable modules that can be swapped out to customize the device. Examples of modules include batteries, cameras, and speakers. The project aims to make hardware innovation more accessible and allow phones to be continually updated and upgraded by users. Some challenges include the potential for size, weight and connectivity issues between modules. Once resolved, a modular design could allow consumers to buy only the features they need and upgrade parts individually, extending the life of their device.

Google ara project
Google ara project Google ara project
Google ara project

Project Ara is Google's modular smartphone project that allows users to customize their device by swapping in and out hardware modules. The smartphone consists of an endoskeletal frame with slots for modules like displays, cameras, batteries etc. This allows users to upgrade individual components rather than the entire device. Google aims to make the core frame affordable at $50 and allow third parties to create additional modules without licensing fees. This approach intends to extend the lifespan of devices and reduce e-waste. Various prototypes were unveiled between 2013-2016, and pilot tests were planned but delayed. Other companies like Motorola and LG have also introduced modular devices with modules for accessories, but Project Ara aims for greater customization. Potential challenges include higher costs for modules

The last smartphone – Project Ara
The last smartphone – Project AraThe last smartphone – Project Ara
The last smartphone – Project Ara

Tired of upgrading your phone every few years? Meet the modular chameleon that might just be the only portable gadget you’ll ever need…

project aragoogle projectssmartphone
 LED-packed flashlight
powered by Energizer
 Extended battery
 A fingerprint reader
 A breathalyzer
 Abreath strips dispenser
 It also sports a leather
flip cover that uses an E-
ink secondary display
 Spiral 3, the next Project Ara prototype.
 It will feature an inductive data connection
on the phone so modules and the endo can
communicate with no actual contact.
 Spiral 3 will also support 4G/LTE.
 Spiral 2 has a 1x1 block that includes a
microUSB port for charging and syncing, but
Spiral 3 will feature wireless connections
 Launch in Puerto Rico
 MDK 0.5
 20-30 modules

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Project araProject ara
Project ara

This slide is about new latest technology developed by Google that is know as project ARA. The concept of new kind of modular smart phones will be all around the world very soon.

aranew technologygoogle project
Project Ara
Project AraProject Ara
Project Ara

Project Ara is an initiative by Google to create a highly modular smartphone. The phone consists of modules like cameras, batteries, and processors that are inserted into an endoskeleton frame called an endo. Modules can be customized for the user and easily swapped in and out as needed. The modular design aims to make phones more affordable, reduce e-waste, and offer infinite customization possibilities, though the design may lack some specs and the phone is not flexible.

googleproject aravipin yadav
Project ara
Project araProject ara
Project ara

The slide is about the new technology "ARA" that is being developed by Google. The concept of modular smartphone that is cheap and will be available soon in the market. This will create a history in the world of smartphones.

google project aranew technologyproject ara
 The most important piece of hardware is the
chassis called the "Endoskeleton
 it's where all the modular components will slide
in and attach to the Endo’s slots.
 In that a central "spine" traverses the length of
Project Ara phones, with "ribs" branching out to
split the phone into rectangular subsections.
 The sizes of the Endoskeletons are:
Small – 45x118x9.7mm (about the size of classic
Nokia 3310)
Medium – 68x141x9.7mm (about the size of
Samsung Galaxy S5)
Big – 91x164x9.7mm (slightly bigger than iPhone
6 Plus)
 Modules are building
blocks of phone
 It fits in the endo
 These modules, which can
be 1x1, 1x2, or 2x2 blocks
 The brains of a Project Ara
phone the CPU and
memory live in a primary
Application Processor
module, which takes up a
2x2 module.
 you won't be able to split
up the the AP--- processor,
memory, SD card slot

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Project Ara is an initiative by Google to develop a modular smartphone platform. The phone is made of swappable modules that can be customized by the user, such as the camera, battery, and processor. This allows users to upgrade or replace individual parts as needed. The endoskeleton provides the frame and electrical connections for modules. Project Ara aims to produce highly customizable, sustainable phones that generate less e-waste.

#ara #projectara #google #modularsmartphone
The Project ARA
The Project ARAThe Project ARA
The Project ARA

Project Ara is a development effort to create a modular hardware ecosystem--rivaling mobile apps in the pace and level of innovation--around smartphones, with the goal of delivering the mobile internet to the next 5 billion people.

future phoneandroidproject ara

Project Ara. Its a project Google is working on. Its a complete new type of mobile phone. You can customize your mobile phone the way you want. Your device Your way.

 3D printed module cases
 Customers can select:
- Colour
- Material
- Image
- Text
- Inscriptions
 Easily replaceable cases
 Even though the modules know how to speak
to each other, they need a way to physically
connect to the Endo.
 The second technology Project Ara uses is
capacitive M-PHY, a physical layer developed
by the MIPI Alliance and made to work with
 M-PHY is a capacitive interface, which means
that the connection points won't be worn
down over time from swapping modules in
and out of the phone
 M-PHY interface block calls for 10 connection
points, eight of which are for data (four pairs
of lanes), one for power, and one for ground.
 UniPro/M-PHY interface has enough
bandwidth 10Gb/s for most modules, 20Gb/s
for large modules
 The final technology in Project Ara's module
design is the use of electropermanent
magnets for affixing the modules in place in
the Endo
 electropermanent magnets only use current
to flip magnetization on and off

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project araproject ara
project ara

Project Ara is Google's initiative to create a modular smartphone platform. The phone consists of an endoskeleton frame with slots that house interchangeable modules. Modules come in different sizes and functions, like the front screen module or rear camera module, and are secured to the frame using electro permanent magnets. The goal is to make phones more customizable, upgradable, and sustainable by allowing users to replace individual components rather than the entire device.

Project ARA
Project ARAProject ARA
Project ARA

Project ARA is a modular smartphone project by Google. Need Advantages Disadvantages Modules Required Future Scope

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Digital locker

DigiLocker is a cloud storage service launched by the Indian government to store important documents and share them digitally with government agencies. It is linked to individual's Aadhaar number for authentication. Users can upload documents and share them by providing URIs. This reduces the need for physical documents and makes accessing services paperless. Some key benefits are lower costs for the government, reduced fraud, and more convenient access to documents for verification by agencies.

 Each interface block is composed of 4
electrical connections (2 for power, 1
detect/wake, and 1 RF) and 8 data interfaces
transferred by means of 4 contactless
inductive pads as shown in figure below (1×2
modules have 2 sets of electrical connections
to enable module insertion in both
 The Project Ara team would sell the exoskeleton for a set price
$ 50
 Includes
-Wi-Fi chip
- Processor
- Screen
- Battery
 Then make a module store, much like the Google Play app
marketplace, available so you can buy modules to upgrade your
 Many third-party developers are working with the Project Ara
team. Sennheisser will be developing specialised audio modules
and Toshiba has recently announced the first camera modules for
the smartphone.
 . It's expected that in the future other companies will be able to
sell their hardware add-ons through this platform
 The latest Android operating system will be
modified slightly to make it suitable for the
Ara. The project's team leader. Paul
Eremenko, has promised the Android team is
working to make sure the Ara phone is a
priority and gets the latest updates.

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Motorola's Modular smart phone
Motorola's Modular smart phone Motorola's Modular smart phone
Motorola's Modular smart phone

Google's Motorola has unveiled Project Ara, an open hardware platform for building modular smartphonesThe idea behind the project, led by Motorola's Advanced Technology and Projects group, is to turn almost everything in a smartphone — display, keyboard, battery, processor — into a module that can be replaced.Motorola envisions two basic components of such a smartphone: an endoskeleton (or endo), the structural frame that holds all the pieces together, and the modules which are fitted on the endo. The goal is to drive a more thoughtful, expressive, and open relationship between users, developers, and their phones. To give you the power to decide what your phone does, how it looks, where and what it’s made of, how much it costs, and how long you’ll keep it. With a Project Ara phone, modules can be replaced one at a time. Want a new Bluetooth model? Just snap it in. New battery, camera, processor? Easily done. The concept should give you, the user, the power to decide what goes into your phone: how it looks, how much it costs and what it does. As Motorola puts it, all of this should do for hardware what the Android platform has done for software. The results should be a third-party developer ecosystem and faster innovation. Motorola has been working on Project Ara for a year. Immediate plans involve sending an invitation to developers to start creating modules for the platform in a couple of months. If the project becomes a consumer-level reality available to billions of users, the effect on the smartphone industry as a whole could be very interesting indeed to witness. For one, it could affect the rate at which manufacturers release new models. Assuming the prototype functions well enough to continue, and assuming the public launch is received well — which is still a long ways off — this could be a major win for consumers over the long haul.

modular smart phone.motorolagoogle
Project Ara (Phonebloks)
Project Ara (Phonebloks)Project Ara (Phonebloks)
Project Ara (Phonebloks)

Project Ara is Google's modular smartphone platform that allows users to customize their device by adding or replacing hardware modules. It was originally developed by Motorola under Google but is now led by Google. The goal is to give users more flexibility to update parts instead of replacing the whole phone. The modular design consists of an endoskeleton frame with slots for interchangeable modules that provide functions like cameras, processors, and batteries. Challenges include ensuring reliable connections between modules and addressing issues of weight, size, and battery life.

phone blocksgoogle araphone bloks
Project ara
Project araProject ara
Project ara

This document provides an overview of Project Ara, Google's initiative to develop a modular and customizable smartphone platform. It discusses the history and goals of Project Ara, including allowing users to swap out individual modules as needed. The key components are an endoskeleton frame and interchangeable modules like displays, cameras and batteries. The technology behind it includes UniPro for module communication, M-PHY capacitive connections, and electro permanent magnets to securely attach modules. Potential advantages include lower costs from buying only needed modules, easier repairs and upgrades, while disadvantages may be larger size and issues from improper module combinations.

google project ara ppt
 Processor module
 pollution sensor module that turns your
smartphone into a portable air-quality gage
of sorts.
 biometric sensor
 Sennheiser Audio Modules
 game controller,
 fingerprint scanner
 media control button module
 NFC chip
 Toshiba camera module
 Marvell and Nvidia (application processors)
 Vestigen (health modules)
 Yezz (wide range of modules with different
 InnoLux (display module)
 Phison in partnership with Kingston (data
storage modules)
 Intersoft Eurasia (radiation sensor module),

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14 57514 575
14 575

Project Ara is a modular smartphone platform developed by Google that allows users to customize their phone by swapping modules. The platform includes an endoskeleton frame that holds interchangeable modules for functions like display, camera, battery. This modularity provides longer usage by allowing users to replace broken modules or upgrade individual parts. The first developer version is scheduled for late 2016 with a basic phone costing around $50. Success depends on a vibrant ecosystem of third-party developed modules.

Project ARA
Project ARAProject ARA
Project ARA

Project Ara is Google's modular smartphone project that allows users to customize their device by adding or replacing hardware modules. It consists of an endoskeleton frame onto which modules like displays, processors, batteries and more can be inserted or swapped out. This makes the phone customizable for each user's needs, reduces e-waste by replacing only parts that need upgrading, and opens the market to third-party module manufacturers. While it offers significant customization benefits, challenges include potential damage from module swapping, compatibility issues between certain module combinations, and higher prices of individual modules.

The modular smartphone
The modular smartphoneThe modular smartphone
The modular smartphone

Modular smartphone is a new type of technology started by Google where we can swap parts of the smartphone according to your needs. This was my topic selected for my technical seminar about the new technology.

 Project Ara will launch a pilot programme
that will take place in Puerto Rico.
 This was scheduled for 2015 but got moved
back to 2016.
 There will be an initial test market in a few
US locations.
 An entry-level Ara device is expected to be
 Solar powered batteries
 Customization
 Eco-friendly/reduces E-waste
 Spiral 2 supports hot-swapping those modules.
 Modules are hot swappable
 Modules can have multiple functions
 dummy module that does nothing. The dummy
module showed that developers will have about
40% of the PCB add their own hardware
 used a Samsung screen that didn't take up all
of the space available, so they packed in
another small battery
 gamer phone
 it could even be your car key.
 You can upgrade different parts of your
phone when you need
 Share a module with your family, or swap one
with your friends.
 Now you don’t have to throw your phone
away every few years
 It will be bigger and heavier than a
standard phone
 It will be more expensive
 The connectors are bound to cause
 Certain combinations won’t work:
 It won’t be optimized
 How many combinations can there really

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This document describes a proposed smart home security system called AstroBell. The system uses a Wi-Fi enabled device with a push button, LCD screen, and USB camera located on the front door. It allows users to see and interact with visitors via their smartphone. Messages can be sent to the LCD screen and photos of visitors can be emailed. The system is powered by a cloud server that enables communication between the door device and smartphone. It aims to provide home security and visitor identification through internet of things technology in an early stage of development.

engineeringinformation technologyinternet
Hi 140810112940-phpapp01
Hi 140810112940-phpapp01Hi 140810112940-phpapp01
Hi 140810112940-phpapp01

Project Ara is a Google initiative led by Paul Eremenko to develop a modular smartphone platform. The phone consists of an endoskeleton frame and interchangeable modules that can be customized by the user. Modules connect to the frame using new technologies like UniPro and electropermanent magnets. The goal is to make phone hardware upgradable and repairable, allowing users to replace individual components and customize their device as needed. However, some challenges remain around size, weight, and ensuring component compatibility.

NodeMCU || Controlling and observing a robotic car with a smartphone through...
NodeMCU || Controlling and observing a robotic car with a  smartphone through...NodeMCU || Controlling and observing a robotic car with a  smartphone through...
NodeMCU || Controlling and observing a robotic car with a smartphone through...

Project link and video: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Nafiz Md Imtiaz Uddin B.Sc. student of Computer Science & Technology (江西理工大学) [2019-2022] personal Email: Academic Email: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The NodeMCU board communicates to the MIT app cloud through WiFi when the WIFI-controlled automobile is turned on. The data will be communicated to the NodeMCU board through the cloud when hit the Commands (Forward, Backward, Left, Right) buttons on the interface built in the MIT app. The gear motors then rotate in accordance with those values. This is done with the L298N motor driver board. The speed of these motors may also be changed via the MIT app's slider.

Puzzlephone Fairyphone 2 Project Ara
64-bit ARM
Octa-core 3 GB
of RAM, a 5-
megapixel front
camera, 12-
megapixel main
2,800 mAh
battery pack
Screw driver
needed to
5-inch phone,
which is fitted
with a
Snapdragon 801
SoC, 2 GB of
RAM, 8-
megapixel main
camera, a 2,420
mAh battery
and 32 GB of
eMMc storage
Screw driver
needed to
$100 (basic)
Marvell PXA1928
or NVIDIA Tegra
K1 processor
No need of
screw driver to
separate the
 YEZZ offers a lineup of additional 28 module
 Keyboard Case module is a a slim, compact, and
completely cable-free keyboard
 Laser Pointer & PPT Controller modul
 eMask Connector module allows for the viewing of
messages and incoming calls, music control, see
friend’s locations as well as speed and analysis of
 Microscope with LED Light module is a microscope
with built-in LED light for analysis
 Mini high-capacity flash drive module based on solid
state storage technology
 Mirror module. May be useful for women
 MP3 module stores and manages music
 An identity module is just in the conception stages at
this point but could contain all your IDs, security
certificates, and other information.
Thus we could say Next-Gen Smartphone
Project Ara is a kind of innovation that would
allow individual to intellectually design a
modular smart phone based on there desired
It has also made a step towards reducing the e-
waste and contributing to the healthier side of

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This presentation introduces the Phonebloks concept created by Dave Hakkens to reduce electronic waste by making smartphones modular and customizable. Phonebloks proposes a smartphone made of detachable third-party components called "Bloks" that can be replaced individually to upgrade functions, expand storage or replace damaged pieces. This would allow users to customize their device and potentially keep phones longer rather than throwing them out entirely when one component fails. However, some critics argue that the modular design could actually increase e-waste if users frequently replace blocks as new versions become available. The project is now being developed collaboratively with Motorola as "Project Ara".

#phonebloks #davehakkens #sts

International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research and review articles in the fields of Computer Science, Neural Networks, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Plastic Engineering, Food Technology, Textile Engineering, Nano Technology & science, Power Electronics, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computational mathematics, Image processing, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, VLSI Testing & Low Power VLSI Design etc.

international journal of engineering research and

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IRJET- Smart Home: Speech Recognition based Home Automation using IoT
IRJET-  	  Smart Home: Speech Recognition based Home Automation using IoTIRJET-  	  Smart Home: Speech Recognition based Home Automation using IoT
IRJET- Smart Home: Speech Recognition based Home Automation using IoT


  • 2.  Phonebloks is an open-source modular smartphone concept.  primarily to reduce electronic waste.  By attaching individual third-party components (called "bloks") to a main board, a user would create a personalized smartphone  These bloks can be replaced at will to replace a broken blok, to upgrade an existing blok  Bloks would be available in Blokstore, "an app store for hardware", where users could buy new and used bloks as well as sell back their old ones
  • 4. - In September 2013,Dutch designer Dave Hakkens announced the Phonebloks modular phone concept independently in September 2013 - Motorola publicly announced Project Ara on October 29,2013 and said they will be working collaboratively with Phonebloks Dave Hakkens-Master mind behind the concept ‘Phonebloks’
  • 5.  The Project Ara smartphone will allow everyone to build their own perfect smartphone.  Where one person may want to spend more money on a high power camera, another may wish to splash out on more memory. Whatever the desired goal a user should be able to modify their device to suit that need.
  • 6.  The Ara is a modular smartphone.  The name of mechanical designer of this smartphone is Ara. First prototype of Ara launched in 0ct 2014.
  • 8.  The newest Project Ara prototype is called Spiral 2.  It's a block-based modular smartphone and builds upon the MDK version 0.20.  1280 x 720 display  light and proximity sensors  5-megapixel camera  Wi-Fi and Bluetooth  3G modem with a Band 2 antenna, separate Band 5 antenna  Battery  speaker module  Marvell PXA1928 or NVIDIA Tegra K1 processor block.
  • 10.  LED-packed flashlight powered by Energizer  Extended battery  A fingerprint reader  A breathalyzer  Abreath strips dispenser  It also sports a leather flip cover that uses an E- ink secondary display
  • 11.  Spiral 3, the next Project Ara prototype.  It will feature an inductive data connection on the phone so modules and the endo can communicate with no actual contact.  Spiral 3 will also support 4G/LTE.  Spiral 2 has a 1x1 block that includes a microUSB port for charging and syncing, but Spiral 3 will feature wireless connections instead  Launch in Puerto Rico  MDK 0.5  20-30 modules
  • 13.  The most important piece of hardware is the chassis called the "Endoskeleton  it's where all the modular components will slide in and attach to the Endo’s slots.  In that a central "spine" traverses the length of Project Ara phones, with "ribs" branching out to split the phone into rectangular subsections.  The sizes of the Endoskeletons are: Small – 45x118x9.7mm (about the size of classic Nokia 3310) Medium – 68x141x9.7mm (about the size of Samsung Galaxy S5) Big – 91x164x9.7mm (slightly bigger than iPhone 6 Plus)
  • 15.  Modules are building blocks of phone  It fits in the endo structure  These modules, which can be 1x1, 1x2, or 2x2 blocks  The brains of a Project Ara phone the CPU and memory live in a primary Application Processor module, which takes up a 2x2 module.  you won't be able to split up the the AP--- processor, memory, SD card slot
  • 17.  3D printed module cases  Customers can select: - Colour - Material - Image - Text - Inscriptions  Easily replaceable cases
  • 19.  Even though the modules know how to speak to each other, they need a way to physically connect to the Endo.  The second technology Project Ara uses is capacitive M-PHY, a physical layer developed by the MIPI Alliance and made to work with UniPro  M-PHY is a capacitive interface, which means that the connection points won't be worn down over time from swapping modules in and out of the phone  M-PHY interface block calls for 10 connection points, eight of which are for data (four pairs of lanes), one for power, and one for ground.
  • 20.  UniPro/M-PHY interface has enough bandwidth 10Gb/s for most modules, 20Gb/s for large modules  The final technology in Project Ara's module design is the use of electropermanent magnets for affixing the modules in place in the Endo  electropermanent magnets only use current to flip magnetization on and off
  • 21.  Each interface block is composed of 4 electrical connections (2 for power, 1 detect/wake, and 1 RF) and 8 data interfaces transferred by means of 4 contactless inductive pads as shown in figure below (1×2 modules have 2 sets of electrical connections to enable module insertion in both orientations)
  • 22.  The Project Ara team would sell the exoskeleton for a set price $ 50  Includes -Wi-Fi chip - Processor - Screen - Battery  Then make a module store, much like the Google Play app marketplace, available so you can buy modules to upgrade your exoskeleton  Many third-party developers are working with the Project Ara team. Sennheisser will be developing specialised audio modules and Toshiba has recently announced the first camera modules for the smartphone.  . It's expected that in the future other companies will be able to sell their hardware add-ons through this platform
  • 23.  The latest Android operating system will be modified slightly to make it suitable for the Ara. The project's team leader. Paul Eremenko, has promised the Android team is working to make sure the Ara phone is a priority and gets the latest updates.
  • 25.  Processor module  pollution sensor module that turns your smartphone into a portable air-quality gage of sorts.  biometric sensor  Sennheiser Audio Modules
  • 26.  game controller,  fingerprint scanner  media control button module  NFC chip
  • 28.  Marvell and Nvidia (application processors)  Vestigen (health modules)  Yezz (wide range of modules with different functionalities)  InnoLux (display module)  Phison in partnership with Kingston (data storage modules)  Intersoft Eurasia (radiation sensor module),
  • 29.  Project Ara will launch a pilot programme that will take place in Puerto Rico.  This was scheduled for 2015 but got moved back to 2016.  There will be an initial test market in a few US locations.  An entry-level Ara device is expected to be $100.
  • 30.  Solar powered batteries  Customization  Eco-friendly/reduces E-waste  Spiral 2 supports hot-swapping those modules.  Modules are hot swappable  Modules can have multiple functions  dummy module that does nothing. The dummy module showed that developers will have about 40% of the PCB add their own hardware
  • 31.  used a Samsung screen that didn't take up all of the space available, so they packed in another small battery  gamer phone  it could even be your car key.  You can upgrade different parts of your phone when you need  Share a module with your family, or swap one with your friends.  Now you don’t have to throw your phone away every few years
  • 32.  It will be bigger and heavier than a standard phone  It will be more expensive  The connectors are bound to cause problems:  Certain combinations won’t work:  It won’t be optimized  How many combinations can there really be?
  • 33. Puzzlephone Fairyphone 2 Project Ara $333 64-bit ARM Octa-core 3 GB of RAM, a 5- megapixel front camera, 12- megapixel main shooter, 2,800 mAh battery pack Screw driver needed to separate modules $580 5-inch phone, which is fitted with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 SoC, 2 GB of RAM, 8- megapixel main camera, a 2,420 mAh battery and 32 GB of eMMc storage Screw driver needed to separate modules $100 (basic) Marvell PXA1928 or NVIDIA Tegra K1 processor block No need of screw driver to separate the modules
  • 34.  YEZZ offers a lineup of additional 28 module  Keyboard Case module is a a slim, compact, and completely cable-free keyboard  Laser Pointer & PPT Controller modul  eMask Connector module allows for the viewing of messages and incoming calls, music control, see friend’s locations as well as speed and analysis of jumps  Microscope with LED Light module is a microscope with built-in LED light for analysis  Mini high-capacity flash drive module based on solid state storage technology  Mirror module. May be useful for women  MP3 module stores and manages music  An identity module is just in the conception stages at this point but could contain all your IDs, security certificates, and other information.
  • 36. Thus we could say Next-Gen Smartphone Project Ara is a kind of innovation that would allow individual to intellectually design a modular smart phone based on there desired feature It has also made a step towards reducing the e- waste and contributing to the healthier side of environment
  • 37.   le-delays-project-ara-modular-phone-launch- until-2016-729099  release-date-news-specs-features  

Editor's Notes

  1. Made from aluminium Water and dust-proof
  2. Front modules reach across the entire width of a particular Endoskeleton frame, while rear modules come in three standard sizes (1×1, 1×2, and 2×2) and can fit into multiple frame sizes. The rear of the Endo is parceled into 1×1 unit squares. Each 1×1 square is approximately 22mm. 1×2 and 2×2 modules are approximately 22x44mm and 44x44mm respectively.
  3. The interface block is itself mounted and printed on a separate PCB (printed cirquit board). The interface block PCB is then soldered to the main PCB. When installed into the module, the interface block PCB should be completely flush with the corresponding opening in the module base. The interface block PCB must follow the geometry specified in the module template CAD and EDA files provided in the reference implementation withing MDK (Module Developers Kit). The interface block in the current prototype platform differs from the objective specification. Instead of contactless data transfer with inductive pads, the prototype uses electrical signaling between the gold-plated copper pads on the module interface block and spring pins on the Endo for data transfer (i.e., the same method used for power transfer). The shape of the prototype interface block pad is round to match the spring pins on the Endo. The module template section provides design artifacts for the prototype interface block reference implementation. The prototype interface block provides 8 data pads: two bidirectional M-PHY data lanes with 8 differential pairs (2 TX pairs and 2 RX pairs), a power pad, a ground pad, a detect/wake pad, and an RF pad. Figure and table below detail the pinouts of the prototype interface block.