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Get Hip with JHipster!
Matt Raible •
Blogger on
Founder of AppFuse
Father, Skier, Mountain
Biker, Whitewater Rafter
Web Framework Connoisseur
Who is Matt Raible?
Bus Lover
What about YOU?
Are you a Java Developer?

How long have you been doing web development?

Do you like JSF? Do you like GWT? 

Do you like JavaScript?
Do you want to be a hip Java Developer?

Recommended for you

Play Framework vs Grails Smackdown - JavaOne 2013
Play Framework vs Grails Smackdown - JavaOne 2013Play Framework vs Grails Smackdown - JavaOne 2013
Play Framework vs Grails Smackdown - JavaOne 2013

The Play vs. Grails Smackdown. A comparison done by James Ward and Matt Raible. Includes detailed analysis from building the same webapp with these two popular JVM Web Frameworks. See the HTML5 version of this presentation at

Getting Started with Angular - Stormpath Webinar, January 2017
Getting Started with Angular - Stormpath Webinar, January 2017Getting Started with Angular - Stormpath Webinar, January 2017
Getting Started with Angular - Stormpath Webinar, January 2017

This document provides an overview of Angular and highlights some key points about Matt Raible and his experience with Angular. It discusses Angular's speed, security features, and easy API. It also shows trends in Angular's popularity compared to other frameworks and provides code examples to demonstrate how to get started with Angular. The document encourages learning Angular and directs readers to additional resources like Matt's open source projects and presentations.

Testing Mobile JavaScript
Testing Mobile JavaScriptTesting Mobile JavaScript
Testing Mobile JavaScript

A talk that I gave at Texas JavaScript and Web Directions @Media on my current work into testing mobile JavaScript code.

Java 8
Parallel Collections

JSR 310 Date and Time API

Functional Interfaces with default method

Lambda Expressions (a.k.a. Closures)

Nashorn JavaScript Engine
// sort a list by lastName
List<Person> persons = ...;
persons.sort((p1, p2) ->
n. noun

1. One who is exceptionally aware of or interested in the latest trends
and tastes.
Latest trends in JavaLand?

Environments: dev, test, production


Container-less Deployment

Spring Boot
Create stand-alone Spring applications

Embeds Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow directly 

Provides opinionated 'starter' POMs to simplify your Maven

Also supports/promotes using Gradle

Recommended for you

Java Web Application Security with Java EE, Spring Security and Apache Shiro ...
Java Web Application Security with Java EE, Spring Security and Apache Shiro ...Java Web Application Security with Java EE, Spring Security and Apache Shiro ...
Java Web Application Security with Java EE, Spring Security and Apache Shiro ...

This document provides an overview of options for implementing security in Java web applications, including Java EE, Spring Security, and Apache Shiro. It discusses developing secure applications, common vulnerabilities, and tools for testing security like OWASP Zed Attack Proxy. The document emphasizes that security should be built into applications from the start through following best practices and using security frameworks.

The Modern Java Web Developer - JavaOne 2013
The Modern Java Web Developer - JavaOne 2013The Modern Java Web Developer - JavaOne 2013
The Modern Java Web Developer - JavaOne 2013

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular JS, Bootstrap, Mobile, CoffeeScript, GitHub, functional programming, Page Speed, Apache, JSON with Jackson, caching, REST, Security, load testing, profiling, Wro4j, Heroku, Cloudbees, AWS. These are just some of the buzzwords that a Java web developer hears on a daily basis. This talk is designed to expose you to a plethora of technologies that you might've heard about, but haven't learned yet. We'll concentrate on the most important web developer skills, as well as UI tips and tricks to make you a better front-end engineer. Some of the most valuable engineers these days have front-end JS/CSS skills, as well as backend Java skills.

Web Frameworks of the Future: Flex, GWT, Grails and Rails
Web Frameworks of the Future: Flex, GWT, Grails and RailsWeb Frameworks of the Future: Flex, GWT, Grails and Rails
Web Frameworks of the Future: Flex, GWT, Grails and Rails

The document introduces a session on web frameworks of the future that will discuss Flex, GWT, Rails and Grails. It provides background on the speaker, Matt Raible, who is a Java blogger and author with experience in various web frameworks. The session agenda outlines that it will discuss SOFEA and SOUI, introduce Rails, Grails, GWT and Flex, and help attendees choose between frameworks by focusing on eliminating rather than including options.

Spring Boot
Automatically configures Spring whenever possible

Provides production-ready features such as metrics, health checks and
externalized configuration

Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML

Grails 3.0 is based on Spring Boot
Spring Boot Demo
Latest trends in Web Development?
JavaScript MVC Frameworks

CSS 3 with Animations

Mobile First

Front-End Optimization


Recommended for you

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Ember.js
Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Ember.jsAvoiding Common Pitfalls in Ember.js
Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Ember.js

1. Common routing pitfalls in Ember.js include incorrectly using resources vs routes, not understanding the validation vs setup phase of routing, and assuming route nesting matches template nesting. 2. Other common mistakes include forgetting to use the property helper with computed properties, not passing actions correctly to components, and having invalid JSON that silently fails in Ember Data. 3. Debugging challenges include swallowed promise errors and not using the debugger, console.log, or Ember Inspector tools effectively. Understanding function scope, native array methods, and action bubbling in CoffeeScript can also trip developers up.

Learning from the Best jQuery Plugins
Learning from the Best jQuery PluginsLearning from the Best jQuery Plugins
Learning from the Best jQuery Plugins

The document discusses lessons learned from examining popular jQuery plugins. It summarizes 30 top plugins, describing why each was created and how it grew. Key takeaways are that authors build plugins to make something better, for fun/exploration, or client needs. Managing features and user feedback is challenging. The best plugins have great demos, documentation, browser support testing, and are fun. The author is available for questions.

Refreshing Your UI with HTML5, Bootstrap and CSS3
Refreshing Your UI with HTML5, Bootstrap and CSS3Refreshing Your UI with HTML5, Bootstrap and CSS3
Refreshing Your UI with HTML5, Bootstrap and CSS3

Many startups and open source projects have the luxury of starting greenfield projects. Unfortunately, the corporate world rarely works this way. It's more maintenance coding and a few new features every now and then. This session covers how you can use three of the hottest technologies (HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap) to spruce up a legacy application. It describes a real-world situation where a redesign was implemented in a few short weeks, making an old site look brand new. It also does a deep dive into Bootstrap, explains LESS, and shows pitfalls with older browsers. After this session, you'll be motivated to integrate Bootstrap into your applications and turn that legacy UI into something sexy! See blog post about this presentation at

Get Hip with JHipster - Colorado Springs OSS Meetup April 2016
Google Trends
Google Trends
Google Trends

Recommended for you

Java Web Application Security - Denver JUG 2013
Java Web Application Security - Denver JUG 2013Java Web Application Security - Denver JUG 2013
Java Web Application Security - Denver JUG 2013

During this presentation, you'll learn how to implement authentication in your Java web applications using good ol' Java EE 6 Security, Spring Security and Apache Shiro. You'll also learn how to secure your REST API with OAuth and lock it down with SSL. After learning how to integrate security, I'll show how to use Zed Attack Proxy to pentest your app and fix vulnerabilities.

spring securitysecurityapache shiro
What's New in Spring 3.1
What's New in Spring 3.1What's New in Spring 3.1
What's New in Spring 3.1

This talk covers the history of Spring, as well as what's new in Spring 3.1. Specific areas discussed: - Environments and Profiles - Servlet 3.0 Support - Hibernate 4 Support - Cache Abstraction - Java Configuration - Test Context Support for Configuration Classes and Profiles Read more about this presentation at:

Microservices with Spring Boot
Microservices with Spring BootMicroservices with Spring Boot
Microservices with Spring Boot

Josh Long is a Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal. He discusses various Spring and microservices related topics including: - The single responsibility principle and how it relates to microservices and Unix tools. - Exposing services simply using REST which has no strict rules but embraces HTTP verbs and status codes. - The Richardson Maturity Model for grading APIs on their REST compliance from Level 0 to Level 3. - Security topics like OAuth, SSL/TLS, and ensuring applications are production ready with monitoring and management.

The most starred projects on GitHub?
Get Hip with JHipster - Colorado Springs OSS Meetup April 2016
November 2015
Wouldn’t it be hip if…?

Recommended for you

Java Web Application Security - Utah JUG 2011
Java Web Application Security - Utah JUG 2011Java Web Application Security - Utah JUG 2011
Java Web Application Security - Utah JUG 2011

During this presentation, I demonstrate how to implement authentication in your Java web applications using Spring Security, Apache Shiro and good ol' Java EE Container Managed Authentication. You'll also learn how to secure your REST API with OAuth and lock it down with SSL. After learning how to develop authentication, I'll introduce you to OWASP, the OWASP Top 10, its Testing Guide and its Code Review Guide. Much of this talk is contained in demos and I plan on uploading those as screencasts throughout May and June. I'll also be delivering this talk at ÜberConf in July 2011.

Javascript Frameworks
Javascript FrameworksJavascript Frameworks
Javascript Frameworks

This document provides an overview and comparison of popular JavaScript MV* frameworks, including AngularJS, Knockout, Backbone, and Ember. It outlines the frameworks, compares their dependencies, data binding, routing, views, testing support, how to get data from servers, their communities and documentation, and third-party integration. Guidelines are provided that frameworks should fit tasks naturally and have low learning curves for development teams.

Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - Devoxx 2010
Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - Devoxx 2010Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - Devoxx 2010
Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - Devoxx 2010

Comparing JVM Web Frameworks Presentation from Devoxx 2010. Compares many different JVM-based web frameworks, ranks them based on 20 different criteria and compares the Pros, Cons and other stats of the top 5.

Spring Boot

Spring Security




Maven or Gradle

Authentication Type: cookie-based (with
Social), JWT or OAuth2

Type of Database: SQL or NoSQL

Caching: EhCache or Hazelcast


Foundational Frameworks Project Options
JHipster Features
Authentication and Security

Spring Boot Metrics Dashboard

Bootstrap and AngularJS Integrated

REST API with Spring MVC

JPA Support and NoSQL Support

CRUD Generation

The web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps

Helps you kickstart new projects

Promotes the Yeoman workflow

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jQuery Conference San Diego 2014 - Web Performance
jQuery Conference San Diego 2014 - Web PerformancejQuery Conference San Diego 2014 - Web Performance
jQuery Conference San Diego 2014 - Web Performance

This document discusses jQuery and web performance. It describes how the jQuery Foundation maintains jQuery code and supports developers. It then discusses recent jQuery releases and how jQuery can be customized and used in different environments. The document outlines how the browser loads pages and the importance of prefetching resources. It recommends tools for analyzing page performance like YSlow, PageSpeed, and It provides tips for improving performance such as avoiding unnecessary layouts, optimizing JavaScript loops, and using developer tools to profile scripts and identify bottlenecks.

developer toolsweb performancejquery
The Future Of Web Frameworks
The Future Of Web FrameworksThe Future Of Web Frameworks
The Future Of Web Frameworks

This document summarizes Matt Raible's presentation on the future of web frameworks. It discusses how web frameworks have evolved from early technologies like CGI and PHP to modern frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Grails. It also explores emerging trends like HTML5, mobile development, APIs, and the growing importance of speed. Raible believes future frameworks will focus on performance, support plugins and mobile/desktop, and encourage innovation while building on past successes. The most important factors will be hiring smart developers and focusing on APIs and applications over meetings.

Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016

Microservices are all the rage and being deployed by many Java Hipsters. If you’re working on a large team that needs different release cycles for product components, microservices can be a blessing. If you’re working at your VW Restoration Shop and running its online store with your own software, having five services to manage and deploy can be a real pain. Share your knowledge and experience about microservices in this informative and code-heavy talk. We’ll use JHipster (a Yeoman generator) to create Angular + Spring Boot apps on separate instances with a unified front-end. I’ll also show you options for securing your API gateway and individual applications using JWT. Heroku, Kubernetes, Docker, ELK, Spring Cloud, Stormpath; there will be plenty of interesting demos to see!

Demo Time!
Generate a basic blog application

Look at its configuration

Generate the CRUD entities

Limit blogs to current user, allow HTML

Deploy to
Demo Goals
… all in 20 minutes!
Demo Entity Diagram

Recommended for you

Testing Angular Applications - Jfokus 2017
Testing Angular Applications - Jfokus 2017Testing Angular Applications - Jfokus 2017
Testing Angular Applications - Jfokus 2017

This document contains information from a presentation on testing Angular applications. It discusses various testing strategies like unit testing, end-to-end testing, and continuous integration/deployment. It also covers tools like Angular CLI, TypeScript, setting up tests, mocking dependencies. Examples of unit testing Angular services and components are provided. Resources like style guides, books, and the presenter's contact details are listed at the end.

Cloud Native PWAs (progressive web apps with Spring Boot and Angular) - DevNe...
Cloud Native PWAs (progressive web apps with Spring Boot and Angular) - DevNe...Cloud Native PWAs (progressive web apps with Spring Boot and Angular) - DevNe...
Cloud Native PWAs (progressive web apps with Spring Boot and Angular) - DevNe...

In this session, we show how to build microservices with Spring, deploy them to the cloud and expose their functionality with an progressive web application that can run offline. You’ll learn how to “build to fail” and create a quality, resilient application. Live coding will show how to use: Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Security, Cloud Foundry, IntelliJ IDEA, Angular 2, JWT, Stormpath, and Progressive Web Apps. Demo code:

Building a PWA with Ionic, Angular and Spring Boot - Jfokus 2017
Building a PWA with Ionic, Angular and Spring Boot - Jfokus 2017Building a PWA with Ionic, Angular and Spring Boot - Jfokus 2017
Building a PWA with Ionic, Angular and Spring Boot - Jfokus 2017

This document discusses building progressive web apps. It introduces Matt Raible and his background working with web frameworks like Spring Boot. It then covers the PRPL pattern for progressive web apps, which involves pushing critical resources, rendering, pre-caching remaining routes, and lazy-loading routes. It also discusses using tools like Lighthouse and Chrome DevTools for testing mobile performance. The rest covers a demo of creating a beer API and UI using Stormpath and deploying it to iOS, as well as resources for learning Ionic and staying in touch with Matt Raible.

Demo Entity Diagram
JHipster Tools
IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse

Vagrant JHipster Development Box

Docker Installation

Docker Compose

JDL and JDL Studio

JDL Studio
JHipster UML
12 entities, 17 relationships:

JHipster: 1h 15 minutes

JHipster UML: 30 minutes

Recommended for you

What's New in JHipsterLand - DevNexus 2017
What's New in JHipsterLand - DevNexus 2017What's New in JHipsterLand - DevNexus 2017
What's New in JHipsterLand - DevNexus 2017

JHipster is an application generator that allows you to create monoliths or microservices based on Spring Boot and Angular. It leverages Spring Cloud for microservices and contains best-of-breed JavaScript and CSS libraries for creating your UI. In this session, you’ll learn about what’s new in JHipster. Topics explored include Angular 2, Progressive Web Apps, HTTP/2, JUnit 5, and Spring 5.

Microservice With Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
Microservice With Spring Boot and Spring CloudMicroservice With Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
Microservice With Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

Spring Boot and Spring Cloud are an ideal foundation for creating Microservices based on Java. This presentation explains basic concepts of these libraries.

spring bootmicroservicespring cloud
Spring Cloud and Netflix Components
Spring Cloud and Netflix ComponentsSpring Cloud and Netflix Components
Spring Cloud and Netflix Components

This document outlines several Spring Cloud components: Hystrix for fault tolerance, Eureka for service discovery, Zuul for routing and filtering, Ribbon for load balancing, Feign for declarative REST clients, Spring Cloud Config for external configuration, and Spring Cloud Bus for distributed messaging between apps. It provides brief descriptions and configuration examples for each component.

JHipster UML
Supported UML Editors


UML Designer

GenMyModel (not free)

Visual Paradigm (not free, but proposes a community edition)
High Performance

Scala, Akka and Netty

Nice HTML-based Reporting

Scenario Recorder
Load Testing with Gatling
val scn = scenario("Test the Blog entity")

.exec(http("First unauthenticated request")








.formParam("username", "admin")

.formParam("password", "admin")



.exec(http("Authenticated request")





.repeat(2) {

exec(http("Get all blogs")




.pause(10 seconds, 20 seconds)

.exec(http("Create new blog")



.body(StringBody("""{"id":null, "name":"SAMPLE_TEXT", "handle"!/news/entry/adding-protractor-tests
What about UI Testing?
JHipster Modules 

Entity Audit


Bootstrap Material Designs + many more!

Recommended for you

Cloud Native Progressive Web Applications - Denver JUG 2016
Cloud Native Progressive Web Applications - Denver JUG 2016Cloud Native Progressive Web Applications - Denver JUG 2016
Cloud Native Progressive Web Applications - Denver JUG 2016

In this session, we covered how to build microservices with Spring, deploy them to the cloud and expose their functionality with an progressive web application that can run offline. You’ll learn how to “build to fail” and create a quality, resilient application. Live coding will show how to use: Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Security, Cloud Foundry, IntelliJ IDEA, Angular 2, JWT, Stormpath, and Progressive Web Apps.

AngularJS roadmap.
AngularJS roadmap.AngularJS roadmap.
AngularJS roadmap.

This document provides an overview of Angular including its key features, open source community, and tips for use. Angular offers features like dependency injection, MVC structure with modules, views, controllers and services, custom directives, testing utilities, and an active open source community. It recommends tools like Angular Material, UI Bootstrap, and UI Router. The document also provides links to documentation and resources on key Angular concepts and best practices like change detection, communication between components, and performance optimization.

Hands-on Hystrix - Best Practices und Stolperfallen
Hands-on Hystrix - Best Practices und StolperfallenHands-on Hystrix - Best Practices und Stolperfallen
Hands-on Hystrix - Best Practices und Stolperfallen

Ausfälle im Betrieb kennt jeder – und dennoch ist man selten ausreichend darauf vorbereitet. Allerdings könnten viele dieser Ausfälle deutlich abgemildert oder gar gänzlich verhindert werden. Netflix hat das Problem erkannt und die Bibliothek Hystrix entwickelt, die Entwickler bei der Implementierung von Resilience Patterns wie „Fail Fast“ und „Graceful Degradation“ unterstützt. In einer Microservice-Architektur vergleichbar mit Netflix kann die Anzahl von abhängigen Services nochmal deutlich ansteigen und Hystrix in einem solchen Szenario seine Stärken ausspielen. Überraschungen kann es aber auch bei Hystrix geben. Um diesen entgegenzuwirken bietet dieser Talk Erfahrungen und Beispiele aus bereits angepassten Anwendungen für die Integration von Hystrix. Eine Demo mit den kleinen Diensten zeigt, wie kleine Ursachen große Ausfälle auslösen können. Mit Hystrix im Einsatz dagegen werden die Folgen durch automatische Behandlung der Fehler minimiert. Event: JAX 2016, 19.04.2016 Speaker: Gerrit Brehmer Mehr Tech-Voträge:

JHipster 3.0
Microservices based on Spring Cloud and Netflix Stack

JJWT instead of XAuth

Docker image to

Pluralization of generated entities

Remove the "fast" profile

Restructuring based on John Papa’s Style Guide
Released March 23, 2016
JHipster 3.0 Microservices
1. Generate Gateway for web traffic
and Angular UI

2. Install JHipster Registry

3. Generate microservice apps

4. Install JHipster Console for
JHipster as Knowledge
How sweet is JHipster?!
AngularJS, Java 8, Microservices - what more could you want?

Recommended for you



Testing Angular 2 Applications - Rich Web 2016
Testing Angular 2 Applications - Rich Web 2016Testing Angular 2 Applications - Rich Web 2016
Testing Angular 2 Applications - Rich Web 2016

The best reason for writing tests is to automate your testing. Without tests, you'll likely be testing manually. This manual testing will take longer and longer as your codebase grows. In this session, you’ll learn how to test an Angular 2 application. You'll learn how to use Jasmine to unit test components and Protractor for integration testing. We’ll also take a look at code coverage options and explore continuous integration tools.

Rethinking Cloud Proxies
Rethinking Cloud ProxiesRethinking Cloud Proxies
Rethinking Cloud Proxies

An edge gateway is an essential piece of infrastructure for large scale cloud based services. This presentation details the purpose, benefits and use cases for an edge gateway to provide security, traffic management and cloud cross region resiliency. How a gateway can be used to enhance continuous deployment, and help testing of new service versions and get service insights and more are discussed. Philosophical and architectural approaches to what belongs in a gateway vs what should be in services will be discussed. Real examples of how gateway services are used in front of nearly all of Netflix's consumer facing traffic will show how gateway infrastructure is used in real highly available, massive scale services.

engineeringnetworkingcloud computing
Angular 2.0
<input type="text" [value]="firstName">
<button (click)="addPerson()">Add</button>
<input type="checkbox" [checked]="someProperty">
Concepts Eliminated in Angular 2.0

Directive Definition Object



Angular 2: Template Syntax
Getting Started with Angular 2

Recommended for you

Microservices - java ee vs spring boot and spring cloud
Microservices - java ee vs spring boot and spring cloudMicroservices - java ee vs spring boot and spring cloud
Microservices - java ee vs spring boot and spring cloud

Spring Boot and Spring Cloud provide an easier and more productive framework for building cloud-native microservices compared to Java EE. Spring Boot simplifies the development, deployment, and management of microservices. Spring Cloud adds helpful capabilities for service discovery, external configuration, load balancing, and monitoring that are missing from Java EE. While Java EE adoption is declining, the use of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud is growing rapidly among developers.

Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - February 2014
Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - February 2014Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - February 2014
Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - February 2014

My Comparing JVM Web Frameworks talk as presented at Denver's Open Source User Group (@dosug) and vJUG (@virtualjug). Covers the history of web frameworks as well as various methods for choosing one. Video on YouTube at

Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016

YouTube of this presentation's JHipster Demo: Building a modern web (or mobile) application requires a lot of tools, frameworks and techniques. This session shows how JHipster unites popular frameworks like AngularJS, Spring Boot and Bootstrap. Using Yeoman, a scaffolding tool for modern webapps, JHipster will generate a project for you and allow you to use Java 8, SQL or NoSQL databases, Spring profiles, Maven or Gradle, Grunt or Gulp.js, WebSockets and Browsersync. It also supports a number of different authentication mechanisms: classic session-based auth, OAuth 2.0, or JWT authentication. For cloud deployments, JHipster includes out-of-the-box support for Cloud Foundry and Heroku.

The JHipster Mini-Book
Written with Asciidoctor

Quick and to the point, 130 pages

Developed a Real World App: 

Free Download from
Lines of Code in 21-Points
Project Created Entities Generated Business Logic and UI
Project Creation
Entities Generated
Biz Logic and UI
0 3500 7000 10500 14000
Java JavaScript HTML
Lines of Code by Language
Learn More

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This slides were used at "5th Machine Learning 15minetes!" Introduce important things to tackle machine learning in a company.

machine learning
Riot.jsを用いたweb開発 takusuta tech conf #1
Riot.jsを用いたweb開発   takusuta tech conf #1Riot.jsを用いたweb開発   takusuta tech conf #1
Riot.jsを用いたweb開発 takusuta tech conf #1

takusuta tech conf #1 で使用したスライドです。 Riot.jsを使ったweb開発に触れています。

Getting Help
The JHipster Mini-Book
1.0 Release on October 30 


Write your own InfoQ mini-book!
Stay hip by following me!




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