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Testing Mobile JavaScript
John Resig

June 2010
I’ve been researching and trying to make
         sense of the mobile space recently.
Started preparations in 2009 (with the creation of TestSwarm).
Cross-browser mobile web development is crazy.
         (...but not nearly as crazy as it use to be.)

                     I’ve seen things...
A Simple Goal

✤   Started with a simple goal:

    ✤   To make sure that jQuery works on the most popular mobile
        platforms and browsers.

✤   As it turns out, it’s really hard to define the scope of the problem.

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Learning from the Best jQuery Plugins
Learning from the Best jQuery PluginsLearning from the Best jQuery Plugins
Learning from the Best jQuery Plugins

The document discusses lessons learned from examining popular jQuery plugins. It summarizes 30 top plugins, describing why each was created and how it grew. Key takeaways are that authors build plugins to make something better, for fun/exploration, or client needs. Managing features and user feedback is challenging. The best plugins have great demos, documentation, browser support testing, and are fun. The author is available for questions.

Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - Devoxx France 2016
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - Devoxx France 2016Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - Devoxx France 2016
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - Devoxx France 2016

The document promotes the JHipster development tool for generating Spring Boot and AngularJS projects and provides an overview of its features such as entity generation, authentication, deployment options, and testing tools. It also demonstrates generating a blog application using JHipster and discusses how JHipster can help developers stay on top of the latest trends in Java and web development.

High Performance JavaScript (Amazon DevCon 2011)
High Performance JavaScript (Amazon DevCon 2011)High Performance JavaScript (Amazon DevCon 2011)
High Performance JavaScript (Amazon DevCon 2011)

The document summarizes techniques for improving JavaScript performance in web applications. It discusses how JavaScript execution blocks the browser UI thread, leading to unresponsive user experiences if scripts run for too long. It then provides recommendations to limit JavaScript execution times to under 50ms and describes load time techniques like placing scripts at the bottom of the page, combining files, and loading scripts dynamically or deferring their execution to improve page load performance.

Questions: Answered

✤   Three questions that need to be answered before doing mobile

    ✤   What platforms and browsers are popular?

    ✤   What browsers are capable of supporting modern scripting?

    ✤   What devices and simulators do I acquire to test with?

✤   To answer those questions we need good data.
Best Stats?

✤   Who has the best statistics on the mobile market?

✤   StatCounter and Gartner seem to be tops.

    ✤   StatCounter covers billions of hits per month.

    ✤   Gartner is well-respected and knows sale information well.

✤   AdMob is decent for specific platforms (iPhone, Android).

✤   That being said: Very little actually-useful information leaks out.
Lack of Information

✤   Right now finding this information is a challenge.

✤   As a result, developers develop for what’s in front of them:

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Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016

Microservices are all the rage and being deployed by many Java Hipsters. If you’re working on a large team that needs different release cycles for product components, microservices can be a blessing. If you’re working at your VW Restoration Shop and running its online store with your own software, having five services to manage and deploy can be a real pain. Share your knowledge and experience about microservices in this informative and code-heavy talk. We’ll use JHipster (a Yeoman generator) to create Angular + Spring Boot apps on separate instances with a unified front-end. I’ll also show you options for securing your API gateway and individual applications using JWT. Heroku, Kubernetes, Docker, ELK, Spring Cloud, Stormpath; there will be plenty of interesting demos to see!

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This document contains information from a presentation on testing Angular applications. It discusses various testing strategies like unit testing, end-to-end testing, and continuous integration/deployment. It also covers tools like Angular CLI, TypeScript, setting up tests, mocking dependencies. Examples of unit testing Angular services and components are provided. Resources like style guides, books, and the presenter's contact details are listed at the end.

Testing Angular 2 Applications - Rich Web 2016
Testing Angular 2 Applications - Rich Web 2016Testing Angular 2 Applications - Rich Web 2016
Testing Angular 2 Applications - Rich Web 2016

The best reason for writing tests is to automate your testing. Without tests, you'll likely be testing manually. This manual testing will take longer and longer as your codebase grows. In this session, you’ll learn how to test an Angular 2 application. You'll learn how to use Jasmine to unit test components and Protractor for integration testing. We’ll also take a look at code coverage options and explore continuous integration tools.

Platform Sales
Hard Question

✤   What versions of those platforms are popular?
    ✤   No one seems to know, or isn’t talking about it.
Hard Question

✤   What versions of those browsers are popular?
    ✤   No one seems to know, or isn’t talking about it.
✤   Supposedly Yahoo is going to be releasing some
    information soon, we’ll see.
    ✤   Right now it’s considered to be a competitive
        advantage to keep it private.

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Performance on the Yahoo! Homepage

Overhauling one of the most visited web sites in the world is a major task, and add on top of it the pressure of keeping performance the same while adding a ton of new features, and you have quite a task. Learn how the Yahoo! homepage team achieved performance parity with the previous version even while adding a ton of new features.

High Performance JavaScript - WebDirections USA 2010
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High Performance JavaScript - WebDirections USA 2010

This document summarizes Nicholas C. Zakas' presentation on high performance JavaScript. It discusses how the browser UI thread handles both UI updates and JavaScript execution sequentially. Long running JavaScript can cause unresponsive UIs. Techniques to ensure responsive UIs include limiting JavaScript execution time, using timers or web workers to break up processing, reducing repaints and reflows, and grouping style changes. Hardware acceleration and optimizing JavaScript engines have improved performance but responsive UIs still require discipline.

High Performance JavaScript 2011
High Performance JavaScript 2011High Performance JavaScript 2011
High Performance JavaScript 2011

For much of its existence, JavaScript has been slow. No one complained until developers created complex web applications with thousands of lines of JavaScript code. Although newer JavaScript engines have improved the situation, there’s still a lot to understand about what makes JavaScript slow and what you can do to speed up your code.

Testing Strategy

✤   Draw a line in the sand

✤   Buy Devices, Download Simulators

✤   Automate testing (TestSwarm!)
Drawing a Line

✤   Yahoo!s Graded Browser Support technique is optimal.

✤   Qualify which browsers you will support (actively test against) and
    give them a grade.

✤   A = Full support, C = Fall back to old site, Other = Assume full
Testing Mobile JavaScript
My God... it’s full of browsers...

Mobile Graded Browser Support: Market share + Browser quality

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High Performance JavaScript - jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2010
High Performance JavaScript - jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2010High Performance JavaScript - jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2010
High Performance JavaScript - jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2010

Learn the inner workings of JavaScript to learn what makes things slow and how to speed them up. Heavily focused on DOM manipulation and UI updates.

JavaScript Timers, Power Consumption, and Performance
JavaScript Timers, Power Consumption, and PerformanceJavaScript Timers, Power Consumption, and Performance
JavaScript Timers, Power Consumption, and Performance

This document discusses how timers, power consumption, and performance are related on web pages. It explains that CPUs can enter low-power sleep states when idle, but timers used in JavaScript can prevent this and increase power usage. The document recommends using higher interval timers (over 15ms) when possible to improve battery life on mobile devices. It also notes that having too many concurrent timers can flood the browser's queue and negatively impact rendering performance.

jQuery Conference San Diego 2014 - Web Performance
jQuery Conference San Diego 2014 - Web PerformancejQuery Conference San Diego 2014 - Web Performance
jQuery Conference San Diego 2014 - Web Performance

This document discusses jQuery and web performance. It describes how the jQuery Foundation maintains jQuery code and supports developers. It then discusses recent jQuery releases and how jQuery can be customized and used in different environments. The document outlines how the browser loads pages and the importance of prefetching resources. It recommends tools for analyzing page performance like YSlow, PageSpeed, and It provides tips for improving performance such as avoiding unnecessary layouts, optimizing JavaScript loops, and using developer tools to profile scripts and identify bottlenecks.

developer toolsweb performancejquery
Testing Browsers

✤   Two options:

    ✤   Buy devices and/or

    ✤   Download simulators

✤   Simulators are good for most automated testing.

✤   Any sort of interaction testing you’ll want to do on a physical device.

    ✤   Always good to do a sanity check on a physical device before going

✤   Simulators are available for most platforms and browsers.

    ✤   Most simulators require Windows to run (some require Perl or

✤   Some browsers even provide standalone executables (Opera, Fennec).

✤   Getting the simulators running can be a real bear.
Automated Testing

✤   Once you have simulators (or physical devices) up and running you’ll
    want to interact with them as little as possible.

✤   Automated test execution will be really important.

✤   TestSwarm was developed for this express purpose: Make it easy to
    push tests out to a large number of clients (even mobile).

✤   Symbian (S60 / UIQ)

✤   iPhone OS

✤   Blackberry OS

✤   Android

✤   Windows Mobile

✤   WebOS

✤   Maemo / Meego

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The Play vs. Grails Smackdown. A comparison done by James Ward and Matt Raible. Includes detailed analysis from building the same webapp with these two popular JVM Web Frameworks. See the HTML5 version of this presentation at

Responsive interfaces
Responsive interfacesResponsive interfaces
Responsive interfaces

The document discusses responsive interfaces and how to keep the user interface responsive when executing JavaScript. It explains that the UI thread is used for both drawing updates and running JavaScript, so no updates can happen while JavaScript runs. It recommends keeping JavaScript execution under 50ms to avoid unresponsiveness, and describes using timers and web workers to split processing over multiple ticks to keep the UI responsive.

Developing PWAs and Mobile Apps with Ionic, Angular, and JHipster - Devoxx Mo...
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In this session, I show how to build a Progressive Web App (PWA) AND a mobile app using Ionic, Angular and JHipster. PWAs are being hyped as the next big thing in mobile development. This talk describes the trials and tribulations of developing the Ionic Module for JHipster. It will show how you can easily generate Ionic UIs and describe the pain points of working with Node and Yeoman to develop this module. My Dev Story about Ionic for JHipster on YouTube:

Symbian S60

��   The most popular mobile OS - heavily used by Nokia.

✤   v5.0 is for touch screen devices (Equiv. to Safari 3.1)

✤   v3.0 is the latest for ‘regular’ devices (Equiv. to Safari 2.0)

    ✤   2 ‘feature packs’ have been released

    ✤   The oldest, active, mobile browser that should be supported.

✤   Simulators available on
Symbian S60

              A       B?
Symbian UIQ

✤   A now-dead implementation of the Symbian OS last released in 2008.

✤   Appears to still be in use, some what, but quickly becoming

✤   Uses Opera Mobile (8.6, 8.65) as its built-in browser.

✤   UIQ is dead and Nokia doesn’t distribute the simulator any more. I
    found a guy in Russia that has some extra copies (totally legit, heh).

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Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (Conference Agnostic)

In the beginning, progressive enhancement was simple: HTML layered with CSS layered with JavaScript. That worked fine when there were two browsers, but in today's world of multiple devices and multiple browsers, it's time for a progressive enhancement reboot. At the core is the understanding that the web is not print - the same rules don't apply. As developers and consumers we've been fooled into thinking about print paradigms for too long. In this talk, you'll learn just how different the web is and how the evolution of progressive enhancement can lead to better user experiences as well as happier developers and users. This deck is a conference-agnostic one, suitable to be shown anywhere without site-specific jokes!

htmlcssprogressive enhancement
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Take some time to try various art mediums on your own, recognize your strengths, do research to learn basics, get necessary supplies, observe the world, make time for art daily, and seek feedback to develop your style. Enrolling in classes, studying masters, and visiting art studios can further help you learn from others. While it takes practice, just start creating to become an artist.

Learning jQuery in 30 minutes
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Learning jQuery in 30 minutes

- jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, animation, and Ajax. - It works by allowing the selection of HTML elements and running functions on those elements via a simple and consistent API. - Common uses of jQuery include modifying HTML content, CSS styling, handling user events, animating elements, and loading data from web servers via Ajax.

Symbian UIQ

         C    C
iPhone OS

✤   Apple’s super-popular mobile OS

✤   Apple is very good about pushing
    updates, almost all users are on the
    latest OS version.

✤   Current with Safari 4

✤   A gotchya: Does not have fixed position support (making it difficult
    to implement toolbars). Recommend: TouchScroll library.

✤   Simulator is part of the iPhone SDK.
iPhone Simulator

                     No 2.x


Blackberry OS

✤   Blackberry continues to be enormously popular - and growing

✤   Ships with a custom browser, will be switching to a WebKit-based one
    in 6.0.

✤   Anything older than Blackberry 4.6 is really frightening.

    ✤   Andrew Dupont calls 4.6 the “rubicon”.

✤   4.6/4.7 have some strange quirks, 5.0 is pretty decent.

✤   Blackberry provides simulator downloads on their dev site.

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jQuery Essentials
jQuery EssentialsjQuery Essentials
jQuery Essentials

The document discusses jQuery and its uses and methods. It introduces jQuery as a way to write JavaScript code that works across browsers. It provides examples of how jQuery can be used to select and manipulate HTML elements using simpler syntax compared to vanilla JavaScript. Key jQuery methods are also summarized, including how to select elements, modify attributes, handle events, add/move elements, and perform animations and AJAX requests.

jQuery vs AJAX Control Toolkit
jQuery vs AJAX Control ToolkitjQuery vs AJAX Control Toolkit
jQuery vs AJAX Control Toolkit

A short discussion of the difference in purpose between AJAX Control Toolkit and jQuery and when one should be used over the other.

3w-abc课程介绍(四天版)(2012-2-7版) 3w-abc课程介绍(四天版)(2012-2-7版)
Blackberry OS




✤   Rapidly growing OS from Google.

    ✤   Tons of manufacturers are
        modifying and shipping it.

    ✤   Expect Android to grow
        drastically over the next couple

✤   Lack of control has yielded
    extreme version fracturing.

✤   Simulators are an easy download.


Windows Mobile

✤   Windows Mobile 6.5 is the current release.

    ✤   Uses IE 6 as its rendering engine.

✤   Window Mobile 7.0 is coming soon.

    ✤   Uses IE 7 as its rendering engine. :-( :-( :-( :,(

✤   Window Mobile 6.1 is still relatively popular but is based off of IE 4.0
    - this is a non-starter.

✤   Windows Mobile 6.5 simulator is an easy download.

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Technical Testing Introduction

The document discusses technical testing of trading systems. It outlines the key approaches to performance, stability, and operability testing. The main tasks involved are using test tools to emulate real loads and conditions, preparing test environments and load shapes based on production data, executing automated tests, and thoroughly analyzing results to validate findings. Technical testing helps validate systems' non-functional requirements around performance, stability, and handling high volumes of data and users.

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Learn how a web tester can move to mobile application testing. Softheme's presentation for SQA Days 2012

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jQuery Proven Performance Tips & Tricks

Performance optimization is a crucial aspect of building ‘snappy’ client-side applications and something which all developers using jQuery should bear in mind. In this talk, we're going to take a look at some of the best practices, tips and tricks for improving the performance of your jQuery code in 2011 with some quick wins and a few new surprises along the way.

javascriptperformanceperformance management
Windows Mobile

                     7.0? :-(


✤   Palm’s (HP’s?) Mobile OS

    ✤   Has a minimal amount of traction.

✤   Built off of WebKit, easy to support.

✤   1.4 simulator ships with 1.3 browser (wtf!?)

    ✤   I’m testing using a physical Palm Pre.

✤   Palm Pre simulator is an easy download.
Maemo / Meego

✤   Linux-based OS used for tablets (and
    potentially phones). Used by Nokia.

    ✤   Not very popular.

✤   Has a browser called ‘MicroB’ that     C
    uses Gecko.

    ✤   Mostly interesting as Fennec is
        capable of running on it.

✤   Simulator requires Linux to run -
    haven’t figured it out yet.
Platform-Independent Browsers

✤   A number of browsers target multiple platforms. Some work directly
    with carriers (Opera, Netfront) whereas others provide downloads
    (Opera, Fennec).

    ✤   Opera

    ✤   Fennec

    ✤   Netfront

    ✤   Phonegap (App Platform)

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12th March 2017 - What is the proper way to Pray
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12th March 2017 - What is the proper way to Pray

1) The Bible does not prescribe a specific posture or location for prayer, but rather that prayer should be a sincere connection between the individual and God without attention seeking. 2) Jesus teaches that prayer should be done privately and without empty, repetitive words. He provides the Lord's Prayer as a model for elements that should be included in prayer like worship, trust in God, requests, confession, and submission to God's will. 3) The proper way to pray is with an open heart to God, being honest while keeping in mind God's will and asking for things that would honor him. God is interested in the intentions and content of our hearts rather than the exact words used.

proper wayjesus christgod
2.vacas sagradas
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2.vacas sagradas

Este documento analiza las costumbres culturales desde una perspectiva no etnocéntrica. Examina la tradición hindú de no comer carne de vaca y cómo tiene razones prácticas como el uso de las vacas para el trabajo agrícola y el estiércol como fertilizante. Luego critica las prácticas occidentales de consumo excesivo de carne, uso ineficiente de recursos para alimentar ganado y pérdida de tierras que podrían cultivarse para alimentar personas. El objetivo es mostrar que ninguna cultura es intr

Opera Mobile and Opera Mini

✤   Hugely popular mobile browser (especially Mini).

    ✤   Available on a large number of platforms.

    ✤   Even ships as the default browser on some.

✤   Opera Mobile and Opera Mini couldn’t be more different.

    ✤   Mobile is a full-featured browser.

    ✤   Mini is a glorified bitmap viewer.

        ✤   Pulls from a proxy, no JS executing on client.
Opera Mobile and Opera Mini


                     Simulator is awesome!

✤   Codename for Firefox on mobile

✤   Released for Maemo, alpha release
    out for Android (watch this!)
                                                               A   B
✤   Equivalent to the latest releases of
    Firefox                                Simulator is awesome!

✤   Used on Playstation and N-Gage

    ✤   Download available for Windows Mobile.

✤   Highly crippled, custom, browser.

    ✤   Not worth supporting.
✤   Compatibility can be a real pain.

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This document summarizes trends in DNA sequencing methods and applications. It discusses the purpose and historical methods of DNA sequencing, including the Maxam-Gilbert and Sanger methods. Next generation sequencing methods like Roche 454, Illumina, SOLiD, Ion Torrent, and PacBio are described. Applications of sequencing include analyzing gene structure, detecting mutations, microbial identification, and whole genome sequencing. The document provides details on sequencing techniques, platforms, yields, and error rates.

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end timespostmillennialismreformed
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wapwap pptwireless

✤   Not a browser, a way to
    develop cross-platform

✤   Uses WebKit as the rendering

✤   Use HTML/CSS/JS to
    develop deployable apps.
✤   Quite popular, easy to
Other Browsers

✤   Not worth the time for such small market share.

    ✤   Ozone (Uses WebKit)

    ✤   Openwave (Dead)

    ✤   Bolt (Uses WebKit)
    ✤   JIL (Uses WebKit, Widget Platform)
Testing Mobile JavaScript

✤   What do we need to support? Roughly:

    ✤   Opera 9.5, 10

    ✤   Internet Explorer 6, 7

    ✤   Firefox 3.5+

    ✤   Safari 2, 3, 4

    ✤   (and Blackberry... weeee...)

✤   Don’t assume it’ll work, download the simulators and test!

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The document provides instructions on how to perform various accounting tasks in Tally.ERP 9 such as creating a company, ledger accounts, inventory items, voucher entries, and generating reports. It explains how to configure accounting features and statutory/tax settings. It also summarizes the key advantages of Tally.ERP 9 like increased audit efficiency through remote access and its limitations like lack of alerts for credit limit exceeds.

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What Devices to Buy?

✤   For A level:

    ✤   1 iPhone 3GS: Latest running 3.x (* Watch for new 4.x iPhone)

    ✤   1 iPad: Running 3.2

    ✤   1 Nokia N97 Running S60v5

    ✤   1 Palm Pre: Running 1.4

    ✤   2 Android Phones: HTC Magic (1.5/1.6), Droid Incredible (2.1)
        (* Watch for new 2.2 Android)

    ✤   And download the Opera and Fennec Simulators and Phonegap
A   -Grade Costs

✤   $315 - iPhone 3GS

✤   $499 - iPad

✤   $370 - Nokia N97

✤   $399 - Palm Pre

✤   $349 - HTC Magic

✤   $637 - Droid Incredible

✤   Total: $2569
What Devices to Buy?

✤   For B level (in addition to A level):

    ✤   1 1st Gen iPhone: Running 2.x

    ✤   1 Nokia N96: Running 3.0v2

    ✤   3 Blackberry Devices: Curve 8900 (4.6), 2x Tour 9630 (4.7 and 5.0)

    ✤   1 HTC HD2: Running Windows Mobile 6.5
B   -Grade Costs

✤   $315 - 1st Gen iPhone

✤   $360 - Nokia N96

✤   $310 - Curve 8900

✤   $350 x 2 - Tour 9630

✤   $600 - HTC HD2

✤   Total: $2285

    A -Grade + B -Grade: $4854

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The document describes the process of analyzing sequencing reads from raw sequence data to analysis-ready reads. It discusses obtaining raw reads in FASTQ format, assessing read quality, mapping reads to a reference genome, sorting and indexing alignments, realigning around indels, marking duplicate reads, and recalibrating base quality scores to produce analysis-ready reads for downstream analyses like variant calling and gene expression quantification.

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by Jisc
More Information

✤   Coming Soon at:


✤   See also:

    ✤ and


✤   And:


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Testing Mobile JavaScript

  • 2. I’ve been researching and trying to make sense of the mobile space recently. Started preparations in 2009 (with the creation of TestSwarm).
  • 3. Cross-browser mobile web development is crazy. (...but not nearly as crazy as it use to be.) I’ve seen things...
  • 4. A Simple Goal ✤ Started with a simple goal: ✤ To make sure that jQuery works on the most popular mobile platforms and browsers. ✤ As it turns out, it’s really hard to define the scope of the problem.
  • 5. Questions: Answered ✤ Three questions that need to be answered before doing mobile development: ✤ What platforms and browsers are popular? ✤ What browsers are capable of supporting modern scripting? ✤ What devices and simulators do I acquire to test with? ✤ To answer those questions we need good data.
  • 6. Best Stats? ✤ Who has the best statistics on the mobile market? ✤ StatCounter and Gartner seem to be tops. ✤ StatCounter covers billions of hits per month. ✤ Gartner is well-respected and knows sale information well. ✤ AdMob is decent for specific platforms (iPhone, Android). ✤ That being said: Very little actually-useful information leaks out.
  • 7. Lack of Information ✤ Right now finding this information is a challenge. ✤ As a result, developers develop for what’s in front of them:
  • 10. Hard Question ✤ What versions of those platforms are popular? ✤ No one seems to know, or isn’t talking about it.
  • 12. Hard Question ✤ What versions of those browsers are popular? ✤ No one seems to know, or isn’t talking about it. ✤ Supposedly Yahoo is going to be releasing some information soon, we’ll see. ✤ Right now it’s considered to be a competitive advantage to keep it private.
  • 13. Testing Strategy ✤ Draw a line in the sand ✤ Buy Devices, Download Simulators ✤ Automate testing (TestSwarm!)
  • 14. Drawing a Line ✤ Yahoo!s Graded Browser Support technique is optimal. ✤ Qualify which browsers you will support (actively test against) and give them a grade. ✤ A = Full support, C = Fall back to old site, Other = Assume full support.
  • 16. My God... it’s full of browsers... Mobile Graded Browser Support: Market share + Browser quality
  • 17. Testing Browsers ✤ Two options: ✤ Buy devices and/or ✤ Download simulators ✤ Simulators are good for most automated testing. ✤ Any sort of interaction testing you’ll want to do on a physical device. ✤ Always good to do a sanity check on a physical device before going live.
  • 18. Simulators ✤ Simulators are available for most platforms and browsers. ✤ Most simulators require Windows to run (some require Perl or Java) ✤ Some browsers even provide standalone executables (Opera, Fennec). ✤ Getting the simulators running can be a real bear.
  • 19. Automated Testing ✤ Once you have simulators (or physical devices) up and running you’ll want to interact with them as little as possible. ✤ Automated test execution will be really important. ✤ TestSwarm was developed for this express purpose: Make it easy to push tests out to a large number of clients (even mobile).
  • 20. Platforms ✤ Symbian (S60 / UIQ) ✤ iPhone OS ✤ Blackberry OS ✤ Android ✤ Windows Mobile ✤ WebOS ✤ Maemo / Meego
  • 22. Symbian S60 ✤ The most popular mobile OS - heavily used by Nokia. ✤ v5.0 is for touch screen devices (Equiv. to Safari 3.1) ✤ v3.0 is the latest for ‘regular’ devices (Equiv. to Safari 2.0) ✤ 2 ‘feature packs’ have been released ✤ The oldest, active, mobile browser that should be supported. ✤ Simulators available on
  • 23. Symbian S60 B A B?
  • 24. Symbian UIQ ✤ A now-dead implementation of the Symbian OS last released in 2008. ✤ Appears to still be in use, some what, but quickly becoming irrelevant. ✤ Uses Opera Mobile (8.6, 8.65) as its built-in browser. ✤ UIQ is dead and Nokia doesn’t distribute the simulator any more. I found a guy in Russia that has some extra copies (totally legit, heh).
  • 25. Symbian UIQ C C
  • 26. iPhone OS ✤ Apple’s super-popular mobile OS ✤ Apple is very good about pushing updates, almost all users are on the latest OS version. ✤ Current with Safari 4 ✤ A gotchya: Does not have fixed position support (making it difficult to implement toolbars). Recommend: TouchScroll library. ✤ Simulator is part of the iPhone SDK.
  • 27. iPhone Simulator No 2.x simulator! B A A
  • 28. Blackberry OS ✤ Blackberry continues to be enormously popular - and growing rapidly. ✤ Ships with a custom browser, will be switching to a WebKit-based one in 6.0. ✤ Anything older than Blackberry 4.6 is really frightening. ✤ Andrew Dupont calls 4.6 the “rubicon”. ✤ 4.6/4.7 have some strange quirks, 5.0 is pretty decent. ✤ Blackberry provides simulator downloads on their dev site.
  • 29. Blackberry OS B B B
  • 30. Android ✤ Rapidly growing OS from Google. ✤ Tons of manufacturers are modifying and shipping it. ✤ Expect Android to grow drastically over the next couple years. ✤ Lack of control has yielded extreme version fracturing. ✤ Simulators are an easy download.
  • 31. Android A A A
  • 32. Windows Mobile ✤ Windows Mobile 6.5 is the current release. ✤ Uses IE 6 as its rendering engine. ✤ Window Mobile 7.0 is coming soon. ✤ Uses IE 7 as its rendering engine. :-( :-( :-( :,( ✤ Window Mobile 6.1 is still relatively popular but is based off of IE 4.0 - this is a non-starter. ✤ Windows Mobile 6.5 simulator is an easy download.
  • 33. Windows Mobile 7.0? :-( F B
  • 34. WebOS ✤ Palm’s (HP’s?) Mobile OS ✤ Has a minimal amount of traction. ✤ Built off of WebKit, easy to support. ✤ 1.4 simulator ships with 1.3 browser (wtf!?) ✤ I’m testing using a physical Palm Pre. ✤ Palm Pre simulator is an easy download. A
  • 35. Maemo / Meego ✤ Linux-based OS used for tablets (and potentially phones). Used by Nokia. ✤ Not very popular. ✤ Has a browser called ‘MicroB’ that C uses Gecko. ✤ Mostly interesting as Fennec is capable of running on it. ✤ Simulator requires Linux to run - haven’t figured it out yet.
  • 36. Platform-Independent Browsers ✤ A number of browsers target multiple platforms. Some work directly with carriers (Opera, Netfront) whereas others provide downloads (Opera, Fennec). ✤ Opera ✤ Fennec ✤ Netfront ✤ Phonegap (App Platform)
  • 37. Opera Mobile and Opera Mini ✤ Hugely popular mobile browser (especially Mini). ✤ Available on a large number of platforms. ✤ Even ships as the default browser on some. ✤ Opera Mobile and Opera Mini couldn’t be more different. ✤ Mobile is a full-featured browser. ✤ Mini is a glorified bitmap viewer. ✤ Pulls from a proxy, no JS executing on client.
  • 38. Opera Mobile and Opera Mini C A C Simulator is awesome!
  • 39. Fennec ✤ Codename for Firefox on mobile devices ✤ Released for Maemo, alpha release out for Android (watch this!) A B ✤ Equivalent to the latest releases of Firefox Simulator is awesome!
  • 40. Netfront ✤ Used on Playstation and N-Gage ✤ Download available for Windows Mobile. ✤ Highly crippled, custom, browser. ✤ Not worth supporting. C ✤ Compatibility can be a real pain.
  • 41. Phonegap ✤ Not a browser, a way to develop cross-platform applications. ✤ Uses WebKit as the rendering engine. ✤ Use HTML/CSS/JS to develop deployable apps. A ✤ Quite popular, easy to support.
  • 42. Other Browsers ✤ Not worth the time for such small market share. ✤ Ozone (Uses WebKit) ✤ Openwave (Dead) ✤ Bolt (Uses WebKit) C ✤ JIL (Uses WebKit, Widget Platform)
  • 44. Summary ✤ What do we need to support? Roughly: ✤ Opera 9.5, 10 ✤ Internet Explorer 6, 7 ✤ Firefox 3.5+ ✤ Safari 2, 3, 4 ✤ (and Blackberry... weeee...) ✤ Don’t assume it’ll work, download the simulators and test!
  • 45. What Devices to Buy? ✤ For A level: ✤ 1 iPhone 3GS: Latest running 3.x (* Watch for new 4.x iPhone) ✤ 1 iPad: Running 3.2 ✤ 1 Nokia N97 Running S60v5 ✤ 1 Palm Pre: Running 1.4 ✤ 2 Android Phones: HTC Magic (1.5/1.6), Droid Incredible (2.1) (* Watch for new 2.2 Android) ✤ And download the Opera and Fennec Simulators and Phonegap
  • 46. A -Grade Costs ✤ $315 - iPhone 3GS ✤ $499 - iPad ✤ $370 - Nokia N97 ✤ $399 - Palm Pre ✤ $349 - HTC Magic ✤ $637 - Droid Incredible ✤ Total: $2569
  • 47. What Devices to Buy? ✤ For B level (in addition to A level): ✤ 1 1st Gen iPhone: Running 2.x ✤ 1 Nokia N96: Running 3.0v2 ✤ 3 Blackberry Devices: Curve 8900 (4.6), 2x Tour 9630 (4.7 and 5.0) ✤ 1 HTC HD2: Running Windows Mobile 6.5
  • 48. B -Grade Costs ✤ $315 - 1st Gen iPhone ✤ $360 - Nokia N96 ✤ $310 - Curve 8900 ✤ $350 x 2 - Tour 9630 ✤ $600 - HTC HD2 ✤ Total: $2285 ✤ A -Grade + B -Grade: $4854
  • 49. More Information ✤ Coming Soon at: ✤ ✤ See also: ✤ and ✤ ✤ And: ✤