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 Introduction
 What is a Firewall
 Applications of Firewall
 Software Firewall vs Hardware Firewall
 History
 Design goals for Firewall
 Types
 Basic Concepts of Firewall
 Role of Firewall
 Advantages
 Disadvantages
 Conclusion
 The Internet has made large amount of information available to
the average computer user at home, in business and education.
 For many people, having access to this information is no longer
just an advantage; it is essential.
 Therefore, security of network is the main criteria here and
firewalls provide this security.

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This document presents a project investigating Network Access Control (NAC) as a network security solution. It provides background on NAC, describing how it controls network access through policies that assess devices. The project implements the PacketFence NAC solution in three phases: setting up the network and PacketFence appliance; configuring policies through the web GUI; and testing administration and user access. Other NAC technologies are briefly discussed. The conclusion evaluates PacketFence and the project phases, noting limitations and recommendations.

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What is a Firewall?
 A Firewall is simply a program or hardware device that
filters the information coming through the internet
connection into your private network or computer system.
What is an application firewall?
 An application firewall is a special firewall that is specifically
coded for the type of traffic it is inspecting.
 The most widely developed application firewall is the web
application firewall.
What is the difference between a host-based firewall
and a network-based firewall?
 A host-based firewall is installed on an individual computer to
protect it from activity occurring on its network.
 A network-based firewall is implemented at a specified point in
the network path and protects all computers on the “internal” side
of the firewall from all computers on the “external” side of the
Hardware firewall vs Software firewall
 Hardware firewalls are integrated into the router that sits
between a computer and the Internet.
 Software firewalls are installed on individual servers. They
intercept each connection request and then determine whether the
request is valid or not.

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This presentation discusses different types of firewalls and their functions. It begins by defining a firewall as a device or software that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on security rules. It then discusses hardware and software firewalls, with hardware firewalls protecting entire networks at the router level while software firewalls protect individual computers. The presentation also covers four main types of firewall techniques: packet filtering, application proxy, stateful inspection, and circuit-level gateways. It concludes by stating that while firewalls provide important security, no single tool can handle all security functions on its own.

firewallhardware firewallsoftware firewall

A firewall is a system or group of systems that controls network traffic between trusted and untrusted networks according to pre-configured rules. There are different types of firewalls including packet filtering, stateful packet inspection, application-level gateways, and circuit-level gateways. Firewalls work by examining packets and filtering traffic based on criteria like source/destination addresses and ports to enforce a security policy between networks.

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Virtual Private Network is a type of private network that uses public telecommunicaton, such as the Internet, instead of leased lines to communicate

History of Firewalls
 Firewall technology first began to emerge in the late 1980s.
Internet was still a fairly new technology in terms of its global
usage and connectivity.
 In 1988 an employee at the NASA Ames Research Center in
California sent a memo by email to his colleagues that read, "We
are currently under attack from an Internet VIRUS!
History of Firewalls…
 The first paper published on firewall technology was in 1988,
when Jeff Mogul from Digital Equipment Corp. developed filter
systems know as packet filter firewalls.
 One of the largest internet security companies in the world
released the product to the public in 1997.
Design goals for a firewall
 The first design goal for a firewall is that collectively
the sum of all the network traffic from internal to
external must go through the firewall physically
cutting off all access to the local network except via
the firewall.
 The second design goal would be only authorized
traffic which is delineated by the local security policy
will be allowed to proceed.
 Finally the last design goal is that the firewall itself is
resistant to penetration inclusive is a solid trustworthy
system with a protected operating system.
Types of firewalls
 Packet-filtering Router

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This document provides an overview of firewalls, including what they are, different types, basic concepts, their role, advantages, and disadvantages. It defines a firewall as a program or device that filters network traffic between the internet and a private network based on a set of rules. The document discusses software vs hardware firewalls and different types like packet filtering, application-level gateways, and circuit-level gateways. It also covers the history of firewalls, their design goals, and how they concentrate security and restrict access to trusted machines only.

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Virtual private networks (VPNs) allow users to securely access an organization's intranet from remote locations using public networks like the internet. VPNs use encryption and tunneling protocols to securely transmit data and authenticate users, providing privacy and access similar to a private network. The main benefits of VPNs are reduced costs compared to dedicated private networks, as VPNs can leverage existing broadband internet connections instead of expensive leased lines. Common VPN protocols include PPTP, L2TP, and IPsec, with "tunneling" referring to the encapsulation of packets within other protocol packets to create and maintain virtual connections.

VPN - Virtual Private Network
VPN - Virtual Private NetworkVPN - Virtual Private Network
VPN - Virtual Private Network

Overview of VPN protocols. VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) are often viewed from the perspective of security with the goal of providing authentication and confidentiality. However, the primary purpose of VPNs is to connect 2 topologically separated private networks over a public network (typically the Internet). VPNs basically hook a network logically into another network so that both appear as one private local network. Security is a possible add-on to VPNs. In many cases it makes perfectly sense to secure the VPNs communication over the unsecure public network. VPN protocols typically employ a tunnel where data packets of the local network are encapsulated in an outer protocol for transmission over the public network. The most important VPN protocols are IPSec, PPTP and L2TP. In recent years SSL/TLS based VPNs such as OpenVPN have gained widespread adoption.

Packet-filtering Router
 Applies a set of rules to each incoming IP packet and then
forwards or discards the packet
 Filter packets going in both directions
 The packet filter is typically set up as a list of rules based on
matches to fields in the IP or TCP header
 Two default policies (discard or forward)
Types of firewalls…
 Application-level Gateway
Application-level Gateway
 Also called proxy server
 Acts as a relay of application-level traffic
Types of firewalls…
 Circuit-level Gateway

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This document discusses firewalls and packet filters. It defines a firewall as a device that provides secure connectivity between networks and can be hardware, software, or a combination. There are two main types of firewalls - hardware and software. It also describes how firewalls and packet filters work, including inspecting packets and applying rules to determine if packets should be allowed through or blocked. The functions of packet filters are to control traffic and provide security. Manufacturing companies that provide firewall and packet filtering solutions are also listed.

Wireless LAN security
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Wireless LAN security

Wireless networks allow devices to connect to a wired network without cables. An access point connected to the wired network allows devices like computers and phones to connect wirelessly at broadband speeds. However, wireless networks pose security risks if not configured properly, as unencrypted wireless traffic can be intercepted and users can gain unauthorized access. It is important to set up security measures like access restrictions, encryption, and isolating wireless networks when deploying wireless networks.

Zero Trust Network Access
Zero Trust Network Access Zero Trust Network Access
Zero Trust Network Access

1. Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a security model that provides secure remote access to applications and services based on defined access policies, unlike VPNs which grant complete network access. 2. ZTNA gives users access only to approved services without placing them on the network or exposing apps to the internet. 3. The document discusses the principles and methodology of ZTNA, including continuous authentication, authorization for every interaction, microsegmentation, and least privilege access.

Circuit-level Gateway
 Stand-alone system or
 Specialized function performed by an Application-level
 Sets up two TCP connections
 The gateway typically relays TCP segments from one
connection to the other without examining the contents
 The security function consists of determining which
connections will be allowed
Basic concepts of a firewall
 Source
 Destination
 Service
 Action
The Role of Firewalls
 A firewall is a term used for a ``barrier'' between a network of
machines and users that operate under a common security policy
and generally trust each other, and the outside world.
 There are two basic reasons for using a firewall at present: to
save money in concentrating your security on a small number of
components, and to simplify the architecture of a system by
restricting access only to machines that trust each other.
Advantages of firewall
 Concentration of security all modified software and logging is
located on the firewall system as opposed to being distributed on
many hosts;
 Protocol filtering, where the firewall filters protocols and services
that are either not necessary or that cannot be adequately secured
from exploitation;
 Information hiding, in which a firewall can ``hide'' names of
internal systems or electronic mail addresses, thereby revealing
less information to outside hosts;
 Application gateways, where the firewall requires inside or
outside users to connect first to the firewall before connecting
further, thereby filtering the protocol;

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Firewall Firewall

Hai...!! Here the powerpoint gives you a clear idea about Firewall and its types.. Make use of it..

Traditional Firewall vs. Next Generation Firewall
Traditional Firewall vs. Next Generation FirewallTraditional Firewall vs. Next Generation Firewall
Traditional Firewall vs. Next Generation Firewall

Traditional firewalls control traffic entering and exiting a network using stateless or stateful methods. Next-generation firewalls combine traditional firewall features with additional capabilities like deep packet inspection, intrusion prevention, and application awareness. While traditional and next-generation firewalls both provide static packet filtering and stateful inspection, next-generation firewalls offer more advanced protection through deep packet inspection at the application level and integration of outside threat intelligence. The document compares features of leading next-generation firewall vendors Cisco, CheckPoint, Fortinet, WatchGuard and Dell.

firewallngfwnext generation firewall
Network security
Network securityNetwork security
Network security

Network security consists of the provisions and policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized  access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources

Disadvantages of firewall
 The most obvious being that certain types of network access may
be hampered or even blocked for some hosts, including telnet,
ftp, X Windows, NFS, NIS, etc.
 A second disadvantage with a firewall system is that it
concentrates security in one spot as opposed to distributing it
among systems, thus a compromise of the firewall could be
disastrous to other less-protected systems on the subnet.
 One of the best things about a firewall from a security standpoint
is that it stops anyone on the outside from logging onto a
computer in your private network.
 While this is a big deal for businesses, most home networks will
probably not be threatened in this manner. Still, putting a firewall
in place provides some peace of mind.

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  • 2. Content  Introduction  What is a Firewall  Applications of Firewall  Software Firewall vs Hardware Firewall  History  Design goals for Firewall
  • 3. Content….  Types  Basic Concepts of Firewall  Role of Firewall  Advantages  Disadvantages  Conclusion
  • 4. Introduction  The Internet has made large amount of information available to the average computer user at home, in business and education.  For many people, having access to this information is no longer just an advantage; it is essential.  Therefore, security of network is the main criteria here and firewalls provide this security.
  • 5. What is a Firewall?  A Firewall is simply a program or hardware device that filters the information coming through the internet connection into your private network or computer system.
  • 6. What is an application firewall?  An application firewall is a special firewall that is specifically coded for the type of traffic it is inspecting.  The most widely developed application firewall is the web application firewall.
  • 7. What is the difference between a host-based firewall and a network-based firewall?  A host-based firewall is installed on an individual computer to protect it from activity occurring on its network.  A network-based firewall is implemented at a specified point in the network path and protects all computers on the “internal” side of the firewall from all computers on the “external” side of the firewall.
  • 8. Hardware firewall vs Software firewall  Hardware firewalls are integrated into the router that sits between a computer and the Internet.  Software firewalls are installed on individual servers. They intercept each connection request and then determine whether the request is valid or not.
  • 9. History of Firewalls  Firewall technology first began to emerge in the late 1980s. Internet was still a fairly new technology in terms of its global usage and connectivity.  In 1988 an employee at the NASA Ames Research Center in California sent a memo by email to his colleagues that read, "We are currently under attack from an Internet VIRUS!
  • 10. History of Firewalls…  The first paper published on firewall technology was in 1988, when Jeff Mogul from Digital Equipment Corp. developed filter systems know as packet filter firewalls.  One of the largest internet security companies in the world released the product to the public in 1997.
  • 11. Design goals for a firewall  The first design goal for a firewall is that collectively the sum of all the network traffic from internal to external must go through the firewall physically cutting off all access to the local network except via the firewall.  The second design goal would be only authorized traffic which is delineated by the local security policy will be allowed to proceed.  Finally the last design goal is that the firewall itself is resistant to penetration inclusive is a solid trustworthy system with a protected operating system.
  • 12. Types of firewalls  Packet-filtering Router
  • 13. Packet-filtering Router  Applies a set of rules to each incoming IP packet and then forwards or discards the packet  Filter packets going in both directions  The packet filter is typically set up as a list of rules based on matches to fields in the IP or TCP header  Two default policies (discard or forward)
  • 14. Types of firewalls…  Application-level Gateway
  • 15. Application-level Gateway  Also called proxy server  Acts as a relay of application-level traffic
  • 16. Types of firewalls…  Circuit-level Gateway
  • 17. Circuit-level Gateway  Stand-alone system or  Specialized function performed by an Application-level Gateway  Sets up two TCP connections  The gateway typically relays TCP segments from one connection to the other without examining the contents  The security function consists of determining which connections will be allowed
  • 18. Basic concepts of a firewall  Source  Destination  Service  Action
  • 19. The Role of Firewalls  A firewall is a term used for a ``barrier'' between a network of machines and users that operate under a common security policy and generally trust each other, and the outside world.  There are two basic reasons for using a firewall at present: to save money in concentrating your security on a small number of components, and to simplify the architecture of a system by restricting access only to machines that trust each other.
  • 20. Advantages of firewall  Concentration of security all modified software and logging is located on the firewall system as opposed to being distributed on many hosts;  Protocol filtering, where the firewall filters protocols and services that are either not necessary or that cannot be adequately secured from exploitation;  Information hiding, in which a firewall can ``hide'' names of internal systems or electronic mail addresses, thereby revealing less information to outside hosts;  Application gateways, where the firewall requires inside or outside users to connect first to the firewall before connecting further, thereby filtering the protocol;
  • 21. Disadvantages of firewall  The most obvious being that certain types of network access may be hampered or even blocked for some hosts, including telnet, ftp, X Windows, NFS, NIS, etc.  A second disadvantage with a firewall system is that it concentrates security in one spot as opposed to distributing it among systems, thus a compromise of the firewall could be disastrous to other less-protected systems on the subnet.
  • 22. Conclusion  One of the best things about a firewall from a security standpoint is that it stops anyone on the outside from logging onto a computer in your private network.  While this is a big deal for businesses, most home networks will probably not be threatened in this manner. Still, putting a firewall in place provides some peace of mind.