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AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 1
Top 10 Takeaways
Agile2017 Conference in Orlando
by Agile Alliance
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AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
AGILE2017 Conference Overview
• August 7-11th in Orlando, FL
• 2,200 participants from 40+ countries
– 18 tracks, 284 sessions
• 4 Special Tracks
– Stalwarts
– Experience Reports
– 3-7 min Lightning Talks
– Audacious Salon
• Inspiring Keynotes
– David Marquet, best-selling author of Turn the Ship Around
– Jez Humble, Founder and CTO, DevOps Research and Assessment LLC, UC Berkeley
– Denise Jacobs, Founder and CEO, The Creative Dose
Vinayak Joglekar, CTO
Hemant Elhence, CEO
Top 10 Takeaways
presented by
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
18 Tracks + OpenJam
• Agile Companies (New)
• Agile Foundations
• Audacious Salon
• Coaching & Mentoring
• Collaboration: Culture & Teams
• Customers & Products
• Development Practices & Craftsmanship
• DevOps
• Enterprise Agile
• Experience Reports
• Leadership
• Learning
• Lightning Talks
• Project, Program & Portfolio Management
• Stalwarts
• Testing & Quality
• The Future of Agile Software Development
(IEEE Software)
• User Experience

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Scrum day scaled agile - wolfgang hilpert - sascha gessler
Scrum day   scaled agile - wolfgang hilpert - sascha gesslerScrum day   scaled agile - wolfgang hilpert - sascha gessler
Scrum day scaled agile - wolfgang hilpert - sascha gessler

This document summarizes Sophos' transition to scaled agile practices from 2015-2016. It describes challenges with predictability and transparency in their previous process. Their goals for agile transformation included planning in 3 month cycles with 2 week sprints. Key insights included giving teams new experiences, aiming for feature teams, and investing in engineering excellence long-term. Scaling agile helped with alignment, quality, agility across teams, and continuous improvement.

enterprise agilityagile transformationscaled agile
DOES16 London - Jonathan Fletcher - Re-imagining Hiscox IT: A DevOps Story
DOES16 London - Jonathan Fletcher - Re-imagining Hiscox IT: A DevOps StoryDOES16 London - Jonathan Fletcher - Re-imagining Hiscox IT: A DevOps Story
DOES16 London - Jonathan Fletcher - Re-imagining Hiscox IT: A DevOps Story

Re-imagining Hiscox IT: A DevOps Story Jonathan Fletcher, Enterprise Architect & Platform Services lead, Hiscox Description: DevOps at Hiscox is a journey without an obvious destination! Come and hear about why this is so important to them and how its redefining much of what they do. In this session, we'll examine some practises for making a start with DevOps and what it's like to be the annoying guy that's driving things forward. DevOps Enterprise Summit London 2016

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cPrime Agile Enterprise Transformation
cPrime Agile Enterprise TransformationcPrime Agile Enterprise Transformation
cPrime Agile Enterprise Transformation

cPrime provides enterprise agile transformation services including training, coaching, and consulting. They have experience transforming over 50 Fortune 100 companies to agile. cPrime has a large team of certified agile experts and thought leaders with experience across industries. They use assessments, planning, training, and coaching to drive organizational transformations through changing mindsets and processes one team at a time.

AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Our Top 12 from AGILE2017
1. VJ: We Are Going Back Full Circle
2. HE: Agile Executive Leadership
3. VJ: Whole Team Does UX
4. HE: Agile Beyond Engineering
5. VJ: Containerized Microservices=NoOps
6. HE: ATDD/BDD Holy Grail
7. VJ: Dynamic Re-Teaming!
8. HE: Estimating Time/Cost
9. VJ: Get Them Hooked!
10. HE: Scaling Agile / SAFe 4.5
11. VJ: Surprises at Spotify!
12. HE: Architect/Architecture
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
1. We Are Going Back Full Circle
2000 2010 Today Test Engg
New UX
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Shared by Paul Merrill
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Machine Learning in Testing
Hundreds of
serving their
Millions of
log entries
generated by
tool such as
NewRelic &
senses exact
patterns in
the log entries
to predict and

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How do digital innovation and the adoption of Agile methods within the enterprise fit together? What prerequisites are needed to achieve Business Agility? What influence does the leadership culture have on the success of the Agile transformation? What features of a modern leadership role are needed to win in the age of digitization and agility? What does „Leadership Agility“ mean and why is this a critical success factor for the transformation? What do typical hurdles of an Agile transformation look like? How can we measure the success of the transformation?

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This document summarizes T-Mobile's journey to achieving business agility through HR continuous delivery. It discusses three initiatives between 2012-2020 to implement agile and DevOps practices within HR technology and processes. The most recent initiative from 2017-2020 focused on business and technology alignment, prioritizing value and outcomes, improving flow from idea to feedback, and establishing a collaborative culture. Metrics showed improvements in areas like lead time, deployments, and business satisfaction. The document advocates for empathy, resilience, and joy in change efforts through listening, empowerment, and continuous improvement.

Connecting the Dots: Agile, DevOps, Lean IT - Mike Orzen - AgileNZ 2017
Connecting the Dots: Agile, DevOps, Lean IT - Mike Orzen - AgileNZ 2017Connecting the Dots: Agile, DevOps, Lean IT - Mike Orzen - AgileNZ 2017
Connecting the Dots: Agile, DevOps, Lean IT - Mike Orzen - AgileNZ 2017

"Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful”. This quote captures the fact that, in the complex world of IT, we need the best insights and methods Agile, DevOps and Lean IT offer to drive radical improvement. About Mike Orzen: Mike Orzen has been learning and applying lean and continuous improvement for over 25 years. Considered a pioneer in the field of Lean IT, Mike is co-author of Lean IT: Enabling and Sustaining Your Lean Enterprise which was awarded the Shingo Prize. Last year, he co-authored a second book The Lean IT Field Guide which provides a deployment framework to make Lean IT transformation a reality. An internationally recognised consultant, coach and keynote speaker, Mike is an advisor and instructor with the Lean IT Association, an assessor with The Shingo Institute for Operational Excellence and faculty member of the Lean Enterprise Institute. He also teaches at several universities. A lifelong learner of lean and IT, Mike coaches C-level leaders, managers and transformation coaches in several different industries. As President of Mike Orzen & Associates, he works with organisations to leverage lean thinking while emphasising respectfully engaging people, improving business process capability and leveraging technology to enable a culture of enterprise excellence.

agileagile software developmentagilenz
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Impact of Machine Learning on Testers
• Some of the repetitive tasks in testing
can be learned by machine learning.
• It is possible to simulate human actions
like scrolling and swiping on mobile
phones using ML.
• A new breed of testers who will
understand ML enough so that they
can train the machines.
• This new breed will face ambiguous
expectations and less repeatable
workflows because ML will generate
rules at runtime.
• Record and playback will be replaced by
train and test.
• ML will help us by pointing to most
susceptible parts that need our attention.
• ML will work from within the application
to inform us what to test -- in a way
writing test cases and scenarios.
• This implies that most of the testers will
have to acquire developer skills.
Alternatively testing can be done by
developers who will find it more
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
2. Agile Executive Leadership
Attention to Agile (mindset) at Executive Leadership Level
1. Intent Based Leadership - David Marquet's Keynote
2. Business Agility - Steve Denning's Learning Consortium
a. The SD Learning Consortium (SDLC) is a nonprofit organization whose members are
organizations committed to discover together the world’s most advanced Agile goals,
principles and practices and disseminate them globally.
b. The SDLC conducts site visits to its members, synthesizes their findings, and disseminates
globally, including reports, web posts, social media and participation in conferences.
3. The Leadership Circle – An Agile framework for leadership
development, Reactive Tendencies vs. Creative Competencies
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Intent Based Leadership
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
SDLC - Steve Denning
Core Business Agility Practices
1. Delighting Customers
2. Descaling Work
3. Nurturing Culture
4. Enterprise-wide Agility

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Building an agile culture
Building an agile cultureBuilding an agile culture
Building an agile culture

Explore what is an Agile culture Explore the Agile Mindset Explore what is an Agile culture Explore the Agile Mindset Review the 6 basic steps required to transition to an agile culture that will accept the Agile Mindset

Wolfgang hilpert scaling agile war stories - scrum germany 2017-11-17
Wolfgang hilpert   scaling agile war stories - scrum germany 2017-11-17Wolfgang hilpert   scaling agile war stories - scrum germany 2017-11-17
Wolfgang hilpert scaling agile war stories - scrum germany 2017-11-17

The product development of a team with over 200 engineers at 5 globally distributed locations had to be organized such that one software product with a bunch of functional and significant quality improvements could be delivered on a single day. In this talk we discuss techniques and concepts that have been applied to drive the agile transformation and the scaling of agile methods within a mid-size, globally distributed enterprise. We talk about challenges that we faced and measures to address these.

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Driving Lean Innovation on Agile Teams
Driving Lean Innovation on Agile TeamsDriving Lean Innovation on Agile Teams
Driving Lean Innovation on Agile Teams

The Lean Startup© methodology has taken the business world by storm, and is revolutionizing product development through the application of a Build-Measure-Learn cycle, and the systematic application of techniques such as Customer Discovery, Customer Development, and Pirate Metrics. With agile teams in place, how can organizations now drive lean product innovation on their agile teams? How can we bootstrap product development with product roadmaps and business requirements that are truly aligned with end-user needs? Learn how to drive Lean Innovation on your agile teams by: _ Setting up clear, short-term experiments using the popular Lean Canvas tool; _ Structuring direct customer interaction through systematic customer interviews; _ Release planning informed by both qualitative & quantitative feedback through the design of actionable metrics; _ Generating user stories and acceptance criteria directly evolved from the above data; _ Creating a _dual-track_ of no- and low-cost UX prototyping in conjunction with agile delivery to reduce the cost of iteration while validating ideas and features; and _ Designing collaborative workspaces that enable tight collaboration and higher productivity through visual management, creative lighting, lounge space and other proven techniques. The Lean Startup© is a registered trademark of Eric Ries.

lean startupinnovationagile software development
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Leadership Circle
Assessment on Reactive Tendencies vs. Creative Competencies
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Empirical Evidence
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Big Consultants onto Agile
Recent trend of bigger companies acquiring Agile
competencies (Tools, Training/Coaching, Transformation)
– Accenture acquiring SolutionsIQ (Jun 2017)
– Deloitte partnering with ICAgile (Aug 2017)
– CA acquiring Rally (May 2015)
– HP
McKinsey on Agile – uptick of Agile writings
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
3. Whole Team Does UX

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Agile Evangelist 22 - Freddie Quek - How Not To Do Agile

This document provides an overview of lessons learned from Freddie Quek's experience implementing Agile practices at Wiley. Some key points: - Quek has been using Agile since 1999 and leading Agile implementations at Wiley since 2009 involving teams as large as 150 people. - Common mistakes include not making stand-ups quick and useful, not having retrospectives with action items, and treating remote teams differently. - When starting a new project, an Agile assessment is helpful to understand the current process. Training, an Agile coach, and experienced practitioners can help teams learn Agile. - For a large, important project at Wiley involving migrating an existing partnership to a new system, Quek

The Agile Way
The Agile WayThe Agile Way
The Agile Way

This document discusses the foundations and principles of the Agile way of working. It covers key topics like the nature of software development, Agile values and principles, building an Agile culture and mindset. The document emphasizes that software development involves discovering solutions to complex problems through teamwork and tacit knowledge. It stresses that an Agile approach requires a growth mindset, continuous experimentation, and collaboration to deliver value frequently. Sustaining an Agile way of working long-term requires evolving an Agile culture.

complexityagile principlesagile
Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)
Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)
Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)

Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (SAFe 3.0) - Scaled: SAFe is designed for large-scale software development ecosystems of 50-125 people who need to resolve inter-dependencies - Agile: SAFe is based on 9 Lean-Agile principles - Framework: SAFe is a collection of a proven efficacy tools, and you only have to use what you need El objetivo de la Lightning Talk es dar una visión "light" pero completa de lo que propone Scaled Agile Framework 3.0 como marco de referencia para el escalado de Agile. Scaled Agile Framework es uno de los marcos de referencia para escalado de Agile que mayor aceptación está teniendo a día de hoy, sobre todo cuando hablamos de grandes organizaciones. El marco SAFe parte de las capas de abstracción clásicas de una organización para estructurar un cambio de perspectiva y de cultura basándose en los 4 valores y 9 principios Lean-Agile, apoyándose además en las prácticas Scrum-XP de desarrollo de productos. En la charla descubriremos de manera rápida los roles, artefactos y ceremonias que plantea el marco para conseguir un cambio de paradigma sostenible en las organizaciones. Unai Roldán UST Global

AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
3. Whole Team Does UX
• To start with UX is paired with the Dev
• It’s the Dev team not the product
owner who manages the backlog.
• The whole team is involved in the
Build-Measure-Learn loop.
• Everyone participates in user
interviews and notes responses-
preferably direct quotes.
• Whole team participates in interpreting
the response by using tools like affinity
• Redgate offered beer for those
participating in research calls. Not
much beer was drunk but everyone
started talking about it.
• Research is published making it freely
accessible to the team.
• Dropping names of subjects is
encouraged -- that gives credibility.
• Result: Dev teams at Redgate were
able to aim better and knew why they
were doing what they were doing.
• Session by Elizabeth Ayer.
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
4. Agile Beyond Engineering
Expanding application of Agile outside of the
engineering organization
• Early adopters: Marketing, Operations, HR
• Lagging adopters: Finance/Accounting, ...
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Agile Marketing
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Agile Marketing @CA/Rally
Total marketing team of ~300 at CA
~50 Adopted Agile, off those
~20 came from Rally acquisition
Made appropriate changes to terminology,
e.g. Product Owner >> Marketing Owner,
Story >> Jobs-to-be-done
Moved from Shared Services (w/ SLA)
model to Persistent “feature teams” with
clear metrics/goals
Encouraged “T” shaped skills

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Opportunities for Project Managers in the Lean-Agile Enterprise with SAFe
Opportunities for Project Managers in the Lean-Agile Enterprise with SAFeOpportunities for Project Managers in the Lean-Agile Enterprise with SAFe
Opportunities for Project Managers in the Lean-Agile Enterprise with SAFe

The shift towards Lean-Agile approaches for software and systems development continues to grow at an accelerated rate. As a result, the opportunities for Project Managers in the midst of this transition have never been greater. Over 70% of the Fortune 100 are using the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) to implement Lean-Agile practices. In this webinar, SAFe Fellow Richard Knaster (PMP, PMI-ACP) and SAFe Senior Program Consultant Trainer Dr. Steve Mayner (PMP, PMI-ACP) will outline the opportunities for Project Managers within the context of SAFe, as well as how SAFe addresses core PMI knowledge areas such as: - Scope management - Time management - Cost management - Quality management - Risk management There will be an opportunity for Q&A at the end of the presentation.

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AgileLIVE Webinar: Agile Leadership for the Enterprise
AgileLIVE Webinar: Agile Leadership for the EnterpriseAgileLIVE Webinar: Agile Leadership for the Enterprise
AgileLIVE Webinar: Agile Leadership for the Enterprise

This webinar discussed agile leadership for the enterprise. It began with an overview of the increasing pace of change and the need for enterprise agility. However, sustaining agility across the entire organization is challenging. The webinar then profiled three companies that achieved thriving enterprise agility through aligning their unique cultures with agile approaches tailored for each. Finally, it explored how leadership can both influence culture toward greater agility and develop more agile leadership competencies to enable ongoing organizational change and flexibility.

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Push or pull agile leadership model - 2019-11-06 w hilpert-rmederer
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Push or pull agile leadership model - 2019-11-06 w hilpert-rmederer

In this presentation we discuss our approach to balance alignment with autonomy of teams to help teams across the business to transition to an agile way of working

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AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Agile HR
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Agile Finance
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
5. CD in High Performing IT Orgs
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
5. Containerized Microservices=NoOps
• No need of scripts to bring up virtual
• Bye-bye deploying code in environments
configured by chef or puppet; welcome
container images=config+code in the
deployment pipeline.
• Low friction way to distribute software
across Dev, test, pre-prod and prod.
• Faster startup and shutdown. No need to
re-boot the OS.
• Better env fidelity = reduced ops role.
• Applications are decoupled from the
• Orchestration platforms provide scaling
and resiliency.
• License costs: one server can have
many containers.
• Containers are programmatically
generated and have smaller attack
surface - hence more secure.
• Each microservice does one thing well
and is loosely coupled with other
microservices - ideally suited for CD.

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DOES16 London - Andrew Hawkins - Horses for Courses
DOES16 London - Andrew Hawkins - Horses for CoursesDOES16 London - Andrew Hawkins - Horses for Courses
DOES16 London - Andrew Hawkins - Horses for Courses

Andrew Hawkins, CTO Automation & Delivery Lead, LV= This presentation is titled "Horses for Courses" and will outline a story of improvement at LV= recognizing that as organisations we will all adopt new and improved ways of working in different ways and with varying degrees of pace. As an organisation very much aligned to ITIL and through introduction of automation practices we continue to see steady improvement in quality of service and throughput of change. We’ll share our story along with challenges faced and the opportunities we see ahead.

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Lean Management: Lessons from the Field
Lean Management: Lessons from the FieldLean Management: Lessons from the Field
Lean Management: Lessons from the Field

The document summarizes a presentation by Sanjiv Augustine on timeless lean management solutions. It discusses three key solutions: 1) Organizing around a network of small, self-organizing teams. 2) Driving lean innovation through techniques like lean startup methodology. 3) Practicing wise leadership through empowering teams, flattening hierarchies, and trusting the team. The presentation provides examples of how companies like Ericsson have successfully implemented these lean-agile principles at scale.

Enterprise scaled agile overview (1)
Enterprise scaled agile overview (1)Enterprise scaled agile overview (1)
Enterprise scaled agile overview (1)

Agile SCRUM SAFe IBM approach to SAFe Why Scale Agile? IBM’s Point of ViewScaling Agile –The Recipe SAFe® Overview IBM’s Support for SAFe 5 Simple Value Propositions Evolving to SAFe How IBM uses SAFe to deliver ALM tooling Summary

scrumsafeagile software development
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
6. ATDD/BDD Holy Grail
• Focus on clarifying
requirements upfront/early
• “Amigo Review” & collaboration
- PO, Developer, Tester
• Come up with Acceptance
tests before development
25, John Riley’s session on ATDD
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
ATDD/BDD Holy Grail (cont’d)
Format: Given...when, and, …, then
Tools: Gherkin, Cucumber, SpecFlow
Automate: 194mins of manual down to 1.5mins!!
26, John Riley’s session on ATDD
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
ATDD/BDD Holy Grail (cont’d)
• Key is to get to “Test First”
• “Once a team starts this
process, it spreads like wildfire,
and they never go back”
• Getting started is hard - needs
mindset change
• Do Unit TDD before
27, John Riley’s session on ATDD
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Value of Test Automation
From Jez Humble’s keynote on DevOps
Before (2008) After (2011)

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The document discusses how DevOps can help transform enterprises from traditional slow and siloed software development processes to more agile and collaborative processes. It introduces a "Sonar model" to visualize how DevOps establishes feedback loops between development, testing, operations, and business users to continuously improve products and give businesses a competitive advantage. The model shows how Agile development, DevOps practices like continuous integration and delivery, and incorporating long-term business feedback can work together to achieve project, product, and business goals.

transformationeco-systemcontinuous deployment
AGILE2016 Conference Top 10 Presented by Synerzip
AGILE2016 Conference Top 10 Presented by SynerzipAGILE2016 Conference Top 10 Presented by Synerzip
AGILE2016 Conference Top 10 Presented by Synerzip

Fresh from #Agile2016, Check out @Synerzip Top 10 #Takeaways by @HemantElhence @vinayakj. The latest development methods, technologies, tools, leadership principles, management philosophies, policies and processes fresh from AGILE2016 - the world's largest conference for Agile methodology. Agile2016 Top 12 - 1. Lean UX 2. Modern Agile 3. Lean UX Toolkit 4. Agile is Mindset 5. DevOps Antipatterns 6. Lean Startup Subsumed 7. Design Thinking 8. #NoEstimates 9. Roles Not Personas 10. Architecture/ Architect 11. Visual Test Automation 12. Scaling Agile About Synerzip - Synerzip offers in-depth expertise in Agile software product development to venture funded small/mid-sized software companies focused on social media, mobile, big data analytics, cloud and enterprise software. It was established in 2004 and is based in the United States, with its software development center in India. Synerzip works as a co-development partner for venture-backed software companies in their growth phase. Following Agile practices, it seamlessly dovetails with each client’s engineering team helping them scale up, in a flexible, capital-efficient and frictionless manner.

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Synerzip-Agile2016-Top10 Webinar
Synerzip-Agile2016-Top10 WebinarSynerzip-Agile2016-Top10 Webinar
Synerzip-Agile2016-Top10 Webinar

The document summarizes key takeaways from the Agile2016 conference attended by the authors. It includes a list of 19 tracks at the conference and the authors' top 14 learnings. Some of the notable learnings discussed scaling agile, lean UX practices, the architect role, modern agile principles and #NoEstimates. The document promotes the services of Synerzip for agile software product development.

AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
7. Dynamic Re-teaming!
• Mob programming to get the new team
members assimilated
• Email introduction highlighting
achievements and quirks
• Time-sharing across multiple projects is
a bad idea
• Re-teaming is inevitable, might as well be
good at it
– To scale and grow
– Split as growth overwhelms
– Cross pollination/learning
– In pursuit of passion
– For business reason
• Both formal and the informal role needs to
be backfilled
• Over-communication helps
• Trading places in mobs at Hunter
• Deliberate re-teaming at Spotify; teams
formed by self selection
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Patterns of Re-teaming
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
8. Estimating Time/Cost
1. Estimating Time/Effort/Cost - Troy Magennis
a. Use sampling - 7 to 11 samples sufficient for 90% confidence
b. Use statistical tools to estimate/predict
c. All of Troy’s docs and spreadsheets tools available free
2. Don’t even use story points! If you do, just use 1, 3, 5. Better yet, slice
them small & just count them.
3. #NoEstimate Update - still a passionate and raging debate!
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
• #Noestimates is a hashtag for the topic of
exploring alternatives to estimates for
making decisions in software
development. That is, ways to make
decisions with “no estimates”
• This is the main premise behind
#noestimates: estimates do not directly
add value to your process, so we want
to find ways to reduce the estimation
process or even stop it where possible
• #Noestimates isn’t about ditching
estimates. It is about improving the
way we work such that estimates
become redundant
Key thought leaders, their blogs
• Woody Zuill
• Vasco Duarte
• Neil Killick

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State of Agile 2017
State of Agile 2017State of Agile 2017
State of Agile 2017

The document provides an overview of agile software development principles and practices. It discusses benefits of agility such as faster time to market and better responsiveness. Common agile frameworks like Scrum and Kanban are summarized. Extreme programming practices for engineering are outlined. The document also discusses scaling agile through frameworks like SAFe and applying lean principles to software development. Overall it serves as a high-level introduction to agile concepts, methods and roles.

agile software developmentscrumkanban
How to create awesome customer experiences
How to create awesome customer experiencesHow to create awesome customer experiences
How to create awesome customer experiences

Personal customer experiences are and will be more and more vital. People to people, but also people to machine. Today, there are several providers of the same services, and the new ones are faster, more flexible, and more personalized in their communications with their customers & users. How do we ensure that we provide the right information to our employees as well as to our customers so they can better serve and increase customer satisfaction? This webinar will focus on how you as an organization will have to restructure, rethink and redesign your technological platform to support increasing employee- and customer demands. Key takeaways: Holistic understanding of how to make a successful cloud transition Learn why modern organizations excel in customer treatment, productivity, flexibility, and agility High-level architecture and how and why DevOps changes organizations

Dev ops
Dev opsDev ops
Dev ops

The document discusses DevOps, which aims to improve collaboration between development and operations teams. It notes past failed attempts to implement systems where operations took 9 months to set up virtual machines but they were not ready for development teams. Similarly, development once spent 2 months on automated deployments but operations still wanted a user interface. The document advocates adopting a DevOps culture and mindset to continuously deliver value to customers by reducing time to market through collaboration between teams and automation. DevOps integrates development and operations to improve productivity and measure application performance.

software developmentagileagile software development
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Example: Defect Estimation
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Example: Total Scope
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Estimation Do’s & Don’ts
• Use real historical date
• Use statistical techniques
• Use heuristics
• Same level of attention on
“value” estimate as on “cost”
• Use it for dialog and learning
• Don’t do bottom-up, task based
• Don’t spend a lot of time doing
it - it is a waste!
• Negotiate decisions NOT
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
9. Behavioral Design by Chris Shinkle

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Owasp summit debrief v1.0 (jun 2017)Owasp summit debrief v1.0 (jun 2017)
Owasp summit debrief v1.0 (jun 2017)

First debrief of the Outcomes of the Owasp Summit 2017 (with keynote slides and photos) Full details at Outcomes at

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The Agile Journey
The Agile JourneyThe Agile Journey
The Agile Journey

The document describes a company's transition to Agile and Lean principles to address issues like a shifting market, slow delivery times, low morale, and cultural divides. It overviews key Agile concepts like customer collaboration, prioritizing by value, and incremental delivery. The company then mapped its value streams, limited work-in-progress, made work visible, and eliminated waste. This resulted in being 40% more efficient with a 95% employee approval rating.

Scaling agile. Agile across the enterprise
Scaling agile. Agile across the enterpriseScaling agile. Agile across the enterprise
Scaling agile. Agile across the enterprise

This document discusses scaling agile across large organizations. It introduces agile mindset, values, principles and practices. It also covers several frameworks for scaling agile such as Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), and Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD). Adopting agile requires changes to organizational culture and giving autonomy and mastery to self-organizing teams. Scaling agile is not just about processes but transforming the mindset and empowering people.

agilecultural changescaled agile
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
9. Get Them “Hooked”!
• Prioritise based on outcomes- do what
is most effective in changing user
behavior is of high value and should be
done first.
• If user stories don’t intend changing
user behaviour then something is
• Most decisions are made emotionally
and automatically.
• Herding: Everyone is doing it.
• Artificial scarcity: Only 20 in stock.
• Anchoring: Maximum order 12.
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
10. Scaling Agile / SAFe 4.5
SAFe has the momentum
and a supporting
ecosystem of consultants
and training material
SAFe framework seems to
connect better with larger
enterprises and
IT/executive leadership
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
SAFe 4.5
SAFe 4.5, can be configured to match an organization’s
needs, and allows them to:
• Test ideas more quickly using the Lean Startup Cycle and Lean User Experience
(Lean UX)
• Deliver much faster with Scalable DevOps and the Continuous Delivery Pipeline.
• Simplify governance and improve portfolio performance with Lean Portfolio
Management (LPM) and Lean Budgets.
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 40

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The document provides an overview of an upcoming workshop on Agile Fundamentals for Project Managers. It includes an agenda with various activities planned such as icebreakers, explanations of Agile principles and values, simulations of Agile practices like daily stand-ups, and discussions of different Agile methods like Scrum and Kanban. The goal is for attendees to understand Agile fundamentals, differentiate Agile methods, learn Agile practices, and have fun.

Agile transformationatscale
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Agile transformationatscale

This document provides an overview of approaches to scaling agile practices in large organizations. It discusses common challenges in scaling teams and popular scaling frameworks including Scrum of Scrums, Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Spotify model, Scrum at Scale, and Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD). The document also provides case studies of organizations that have implemented agile transformations at scale and suggests metrics for measuring agile success.

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Agile Transformation at Scale
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Agile Transformation at Scale

Presenter: Dr. Gail Ferreira, Agile Practice Leader, MATRIX Resources, San Francisco Center of Excellence Rapid scale directly impacts all levels of decision-making, planning, execution, culture, and communications for executives in hypergrowth companies. In this session, we will discuss how to organize, support, and tailor agile practices for teams and sub-teams in companies with a rapid growth cycle. We will share contemporary case studies of hypergrowth companies who have delivered agile at scale. Topics will include: • Basic agile and lean methods • Scrum of Scrums • SAFe • Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) • Agility at Scale (Ambler/Lines) • Spotify model (Tribes, Squads, Chapters & Guilds, DSDM).

AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
11. Surprises at Spotify!
• No Model exactly represents reality.
Some models are useful.
• Pairing is used differently in different
• TDD is practiced in some squads but not
in most squads.
• Light coding standards- devs not aware of
buzzwords like “Clean Code” or ”SOLID
• Spotify is trying to implement; Pivotal’s
pairing model- but squads are pushing
• They prefer “Move fast & break things”
over “Move slow to move fast”.
• Spotify compensates for lack of process
by hiring bright engineers.
• No squads have agile estimates,
burndown charts or visual aids.
• Some of these problems are rooted in
Spotify’s hyper growth.
• Too much autonomy, when everyone is
accountable no one is and complacency
are the reasons.
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Different Ways of Pairing
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
12. Architect Role/Architecture
• Architecture is a shared responsibility, no "official" architect role
• Define "Landing Zones" upfront - a range (min, target, outstanding) of
acceptable values of essential system characteristics/qualities
– e.g. thruput - min 150K, target 270K, outstanding 320K
– tweak them along the way
• Architecture work “rolled into” user stories, and keep it visible
• Actively manage Technical Debt, and keep it visible
– “Floss” Refactoring: small, regular done, like hygiene
– “Root Canal” Refactoring: protracted, infrequent, undertaken only when in pain
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock session on Intentional Architecture
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Color Your Backlog

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Fundamentals of Agile
Fundamentals of AgileFundamentals of Agile
Fundamentals of Agile

This one day course covers fundamentals of agile. The course will explore the origins and history of agile, understand the agile mindset, and learn techniques for planning, estimation, tracking progress, and adapting processes. The instructor has over 15 years of experience in areas like business analysis, project management, agile coaching, and is certified in several agile frameworks. The course will help participants apply agile beyond software development and establish an agile mindset focused on continuous learning, feedback, and improvement.

Introduction to Agile, by J.D. Meier
Introduction to Agile, by J.D. MeierIntroduction to Agile, by J.D. Meier
Introduction to Agile, by J.D. Meier

A brief and visual introduction to the Agile. Learn the Agile mindset and the big 3 (Extreme Programming, Scrum, and Kanban). Be able to whiteboard a simple view of how each one works to get things done and make things happen.

Agile Comes to You (Mironov, Bellevue)
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Agile Comes to You (Mironov, Bellevue)

Rich Mironov's keynote for one-day agile workshop. Intro to agile development and agile organizations, tools, impact on whole organization, product management and product planning. Co-sponsored by AccuRev, Coverity, Electric Cloud, Enthiosys, Rally and Agile Journal.

AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Soundbites - VJ
• Set based design works better than point
based design. Keep multiple options
• Avoid taking design decisions when cone
of uncertainty is wide-wait for the last
opportune moment.
• Way to change culture at NUMI was not
by changing how people think but by
changing how the behave. -Jez Humble
• Every business is a software business. -
Anders Wallgren
• Metrics that compare the team to
themselves are less toxic. Use ratios to
compare across teams.
• “Time taken to get the feedback” is the
single metric that matters.
• If you don’t know how to measure what
you want, you will end up wanting what
you measure. -Cheryl Hammond
• The longer you delay the release the
more is the pressure to accommodate
• Plans are useless but planning is
indispensable. -Johanna Rothman
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Soundbites - HE
1. There are two chronic complaints about software development
a. Requirement are not clear (enough!)
b. Estimates are not accurate (enough!)
2. To reduce bias of HiPPO, vote first and then discuss, rather than
discuss and then vote (people get to know leader's opinion and align
along that)
3. Two different types of refactoring
a. Flossing: small, regular done, like hygiene
b. Root Canal: protracted, infrequent, undertaken only when in pain
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Soundbites - HE (cont’d)
4. Outcome (customer impact) vs. output (working software). Same team
should own both, today someone higher-up owns the outcome, while
team owns the output.
5. Pair programming and peer code reviews are far more helpful (for risk
management) than any other external review.
6. Build a system (dev/test) where the ”right” thing to do is also the
easier thing to do, e.g. automated testing.
AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 48AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways

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This document discusses Agile, DevOps, and their implementation at USPTO. It provides background on Agile being a lightweight framework based on the Agile Manifesto. DevOps aims to improve collaboration between development and operations teams through practices like automation. USPTO adopted DevOps to enable continuous rapid development through continuous rapid deployment, overcoming barriers of legacy production processes. The document outlines USPTO's DevOps journey, including adopting practices like a deployment pipeline and production monitoring. It also discusses top challenges to DevOps adoption like fear of failure and bureaucracy, and how to start small and show value to gain support.

40 Agile Methods in 40 Minutes
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This document provides an overview of various agile methods and frameworks. It discusses Scrum, Extreme Programming, Crystal, DSDM, RAD/ASD, Evolutionary Project Management, Lean, Kanban, Lean Startup, SAFe, Disciplined Agile and others. For each, it summarizes the originators, key principles, benefits and criticisms. It also covers hybrid and scaled frameworks that combine multiple agile approaches. The document aims to concisely explain this landscape of agile methods.

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Appendix II
Backup Template Slides
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53©SYNERZIP2017AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways
Synerzip Clients
54©SYNERZIP2017Corporate Overview 54©SYNERZIP2017Corporate Overview
Connect with Synerzip
Not only do we help them scale their engineering
capacity and accelerate their roadmap, we
become their long-term partner and trusted
Headquartered in the US, Synerzip has its development center in
Pune, India. We have more than 450 developers in our state-of-
the-art facility, where we hire the best people and do great work.
While many companies pay lip
service to Agile, at Synerzip Agile
is in our DNA. We deeply
understand Agile values and
mindset. For every client, we
tailor our Agile practices to suit
their context.
Our India-based team of high-
caliber software professionals
allows us to offer over 50% cost
advantage to our clients. Our US-
based architects and product
managers work on-site with
clients to reduce the challenge of
time-zone difference.
Our experienced software
professionals provide product
and technology leadership. You
don’t need to provide detailed
directions to our team. When
appropriate, our professionals
push back to help you make
better technology decisions.

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Final synerzip-agile2017-top10-v1

  • 1. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 1 Top 10 Takeaways from Agile2017 Conference in Orlando by Agile Alliance brought to you by
  • 2. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways AGILE2017 Conference Overview • August 7-11th in Orlando, FL • 2,200 participants from 40+ countries – 18 tracks, 284 sessions • 4 Special Tracks – Stalwarts – Experience Reports – 3-7 min Lightning Talks – Audacious Salon • Inspiring Keynotes – David Marquet, best-selling author of Turn the Ship Around – Jez Humble, Founder and CTO, DevOps Research and Assessment LLC, UC Berkeley – Denise Jacobs, Founder and CEO, The Creative Dose 2
  • 3. Vinayak Joglekar, CTO @vinayakj Hemant Elhence, CEO @HemantElhence Top 10 Takeaways presented by
  • 4. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 18 Tracks + OpenJam • Agile Companies (New) • Agile Foundations • Audacious Salon • Coaching & Mentoring • Collaboration: Culture & Teams • Customers & Products • Development Practices & Craftsmanship • DevOps • Enterprise Agile • Experience Reports • Leadership • Learning • Lightning Talks • Project, Program & Portfolio Management • Stalwarts • Testing & Quality • The Future of Agile Software Development (IEEE Software) • User Experience 4
  • 5. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Our Top 12 from AGILE2017 1. VJ: We Are Going Back Full Circle 2. HE: Agile Executive Leadership 3. VJ: Whole Team Does UX 4. HE: Agile Beyond Engineering 5. VJ: Containerized Microservices=NoOps 6. HE: ATDD/BDD Holy Grail 7. VJ: Dynamic Re-Teaming! 8. HE: Estimating Time/Cost 9. VJ: Get Them Hooked! 10. HE: Scaling Agile / SAFe 4.5 11. VJ: Surprises at Spotify! 12. HE: Architect/Architecture 5
  • 6. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 1. We Are Going Back Full Circle 6 1980 Dev 2000 2010 Today Test Engg Dev QA Dev QA Ops Dev QA Ops UX Dev TE Ops UX NoOps Dev TE DevOps UX New UX Dev TE DevOps UX-Dev
  • 7. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Shared by Paul Merrill 7
  • 8. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Machine Learning in Testing 8 Hundreds of simultaneous users Multiple containers serving their requests Millions of log entries generated by monitoring tool such as NewRelic & Logstash Unsupervised Machine Learning senses exact patterns in the log entries to predict and reproduce errors
  • 9. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Impact of Machine Learning on Testers • Some of the repetitive tasks in testing can be learned by machine learning. • It is possible to simulate human actions like scrolling and swiping on mobile phones using ML. • A new breed of testers who will understand ML enough so that they can train the machines. • This new breed will face ambiguous expectations and less repeatable workflows because ML will generate rules at runtime. • Record and playback will be replaced by train and test. • ML will help us by pointing to most susceptible parts that need our attention. • ML will work from within the application to inform us what to test -- in a way writing test cases and scenarios. • This implies that most of the testers will have to acquire developer skills. Alternatively testing can be done by developers who will find it more interesting! 9
  • 10. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 2. Agile Executive Leadership Attention to Agile (mindset) at Executive Leadership Level 1. Intent Based Leadership - David Marquet's Keynote 2. Business Agility - Steve Denning's Learning Consortium a. The SD Learning Consortium (SDLC) is a nonprofit organization whose members are organizations committed to discover together the world’s most advanced Agile goals, principles and practices and disseminate them globally. b. The SDLC conducts site visits to its members, synthesizes their findings, and disseminates globally, including reports, web posts, social media and participation in conferences. 3. The Leadership Circle – An Agile framework for leadership development, Reactive Tendencies vs. Creative Competencies 10
  • 11. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Intent Based Leadership 11
  • 12. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways SDLC - Steve Denning 12 Core Business Agility Practices 1. Delighting Customers 2. Descaling Work 3. Nurturing Culture 4. Enterprise-wide Agility
  • 13. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Leadership Circle Assessment on Reactive Tendencies vs. Creative Competencies 13
  • 14. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Empirical Evidence 14
  • 15. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Big Consultants onto Agile Recent trend of bigger companies acquiring Agile competencies (Tools, Training/Coaching, Transformation) – Accenture acquiring SolutionsIQ (Jun 2017) – Deloitte partnering with ICAgile (Aug 2017) – CA acquiring Rally (May 2015) – HP – IBM McKinsey on Agile – uptick of Agile writings 15
  • 16. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 3. Whole Team Does UX 16
  • 17. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 3. Whole Team Does UX • To start with UX is paired with the Dev team. • It’s the Dev team not the product owner who manages the backlog. • The whole team is involved in the Build-Measure-Learn loop. • Everyone participates in user interviews and notes responses- preferably direct quotes. • Whole team participates in interpreting the response by using tools like affinity map. • Redgate offered beer for those participating in research calls. Not much beer was drunk but everyone started talking about it. • Research is published making it freely accessible to the team. • Dropping names of subjects is encouraged -- that gives credibility. • Result: Dev teams at Redgate were able to aim better and knew why they were doing what they were doing. • Session by Elizabeth Ayer. 17
  • 18. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 4. Agile Beyond Engineering Expanding application of Agile outside of the engineering organization • Early adopters: Marketing, Operations, HR • Lagging adopters: Finance/Accounting, ... 18
  • 19. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Agile Marketing 19
  • 20. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Agile Marketing @CA/Rally 20 Total marketing team of ~300 at CA ~50 Adopted Agile, off those ~20 came from Rally acquisition Made appropriate changes to terminology, e.g. Product Owner >> Marketing Owner, Story >> Jobs-to-be-done Moved from Shared Services (w/ SLA) model to Persistent “feature teams” with clear metrics/goals Encouraged “T” shaped skills
  • 21. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Agile HR 21
  • 22. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Agile Finance 22
  • 23. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 5. CD in High Performing IT Orgs 23
  • 24. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 5. Containerized Microservices=NoOps • No need of scripts to bring up virtual machines. • Bye-bye deploying code in environments configured by chef or puppet; welcome container images=config+code in the deployment pipeline. • Low friction way to distribute software across Dev, test, pre-prod and prod. • Faster startup and shutdown. No need to re-boot the OS. • Better env fidelity = reduced ops role. • Applications are decoupled from the infrastructure. • Orchestration platforms provide scaling and resiliency. • License costs: one server can have many containers. • Containers are programmatically generated and have smaller attack surface - hence more secure. • Each microservice does one thing well and is loosely coupled with other microservices - ideally suited for CD. 24
  • 25. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 6. ATDD/BDD Holy Grail • Focus on clarifying requirements upfront/early • “Amigo Review” & collaboration - PO, Developer, Tester • Come up with Acceptance tests before development begins 25, John Riley’s session on ATDD
  • 26. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways ATDD/BDD Holy Grail (cont’d) Format: Given...when, and, …, then Tools: Gherkin, Cucumber, SpecFlow Automate: 194mins of manual down to 1.5mins!! 26, John Riley’s session on ATDD
  • 27. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways ATDD/BDD Holy Grail (cont’d) • Key is to get to “Test First” mindset • “Once a team starts this process, it spreads like wildfire, and they never go back” • Getting started is hard - needs mindset change • Do Unit TDD before ATDD/BDD 27, John Riley’s session on ATDD
  • 28. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Value of Test Automation From Jez Humble’s keynote on DevOps 28 Before (2008) After (2011)
  • 29. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 7. Dynamic Re-teaming! • Mob programming to get the new team members assimilated • Email introduction highlighting achievements and quirks 29 • Time-sharing across multiple projects is a bad idea • Re-teaming is inevitable, might as well be good at it – To scale and grow – Split as growth overwhelms – Cross pollination/learning – In pursuit of passion – For business reason • Both formal and the informal role needs to be backfilled • Over-communication helps • Trading places in mobs at Hunter • Deliberate re-teaming at Spotify; teams formed by self selection
  • 30. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Patterns of Re-teaming 30
  • 31. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 8. Estimating Time/Cost 1. Estimating Time/Effort/Cost - Troy Magennis a. Use sampling - 7 to 11 samples sufficient for 90% confidence b. Use statistical tools to estimate/predict c. All of Troy’s docs and spreadsheets tools available free 2. Don’t even use story points! If you do, just use 1, 3, 5. Better yet, slice them small & just count them. 3. #NoEstimate Update - still a passionate and raging debate! 31
  • 32. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways #NoEstimates • #Noestimates is a hashtag for the topic of exploring alternatives to estimates for making decisions in software development. That is, ways to make decisions with “no estimates” • This is the main premise behind #noestimates: estimates do not directly add value to your process, so we want to find ways to reduce the estimation process or even stop it where possible • #Noestimates isn’t about ditching estimates. It is about improving the way we work such that estimates become redundant Key thought leaders, their blogs • Woody Zuill • Vasco Duarte • Neil Killick 32
  • 33. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Example: Defect Estimation 33
  • 34. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Example: Total Scope 34
  • 35. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Estimation Do’s & Don’ts DO • Use real historical date • Use statistical techniques • Use heuristics • Same level of attention on “value” estimate as on “cost” estimate • Use it for dialog and learning DON’T • Don’t do bottom-up, task based estimates • Don’t spend a lot of time doing it - it is a waste! • Negotiate decisions NOT estimates 35
  • 36. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 9. Behavioral Design by Chris Shinkle 36
  • 37. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 9. Get Them “Hooked”! • Prioritise based on outcomes- do what is most effective in changing user behavior is of high value and should be done first. • If user stories don’t intend changing user behaviour then something is missing. • Most decisions are made emotionally and automatically. • Herding: Everyone is doing it. • Artificial scarcity: Only 20 in stock. • Anchoring: Maximum order 12. 37
  • 38. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 10. Scaling Agile / SAFe 4.5 38 SAFe has the momentum and a supporting ecosystem of consultants and training material SAFe framework seems to connect better with larger enterprises and IT/executive leadership
  • 39. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways SAFe 4.5 SAFe 4.5, can be configured to match an organization’s needs, and allows them to: • Test ideas more quickly using the Lean Startup Cycle and Lean User Experience (Lean UX) • Deliver much faster with Scalable DevOps and the Continuous Delivery Pipeline. • Simplify governance and improve portfolio performance with Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) and Lean Budgets. 39
  • 40. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 40
  • 41. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 11. Surprises at Spotify! • No Model exactly represents reality. Some models are useful. • Pairing is used differently in different squads. • TDD is practiced in some squads but not in most squads. • Light coding standards- devs not aware of buzzwords like “Clean Code” or ”SOLID principles”. • Spotify is trying to implement; Pivotal’s pairing model- but squads are pushing back. • They prefer “Move fast & break things” over “Move slow to move fast”. • Spotify compensates for lack of process by hiring bright engineers. • No squads have agile estimates, burndown charts or visual aids. • Some of these problems are rooted in Spotify’s hyper growth. • Too much autonomy, when everyone is accountable no one is and complacency are the reasons. 41
  • 42. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Different Ways of Pairing 42
  • 43. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 12. Architect Role/Architecture • Architecture is a shared responsibility, no "official" architect role • Define "Landing Zones" upfront - a range (min, target, outstanding) of acceptable values of essential system characteristics/qualities – e.g. thruput - min 150K, target 270K, outstanding 320K – tweak them along the way • Architecture work “rolled into” user stories, and keep it visible • Actively manage Technical Debt, and keep it visible – “Floss” Refactoring: small, regular done, like hygiene – “Root Canal” Refactoring: protracted, infrequent, undertaken only when in pain 43 Rebecca Wirfs-Brock session on Intentional Architecture
  • 44. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Color Your Backlog 44
  • 45. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Soundbites - VJ • Set based design works better than point based design. Keep multiple options open. • Avoid taking design decisions when cone of uncertainty is wide-wait for the last opportune moment. • Way to change culture at NUMI was not by changing how people think but by changing how the behave. -Jez Humble • Every business is a software business. - Anders Wallgren • Metrics that compare the team to themselves are less toxic. Use ratios to compare across teams. • “Time taken to get the feedback” is the single metric that matters. • If you don’t know how to measure what you want, you will end up wanting what you measure. -Cheryl Hammond • The longer you delay the release the more is the pressure to accommodate changes/additions. • Plans are useless but planning is indispensable. -Johanna Rothman 45
  • 46. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Soundbites - HE 1. There are two chronic complaints about software development a. Requirement are not clear (enough!) b. Estimates are not accurate (enough!) 2. To reduce bias of HiPPO, vote first and then discuss, rather than discuss and then vote (people get to know leader's opinion and align along that) 3. Two different types of refactoring a. Flossing: small, regular done, like hygiene b. Root Canal: protracted, infrequent, undertaken only when in pain 46
  • 47. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Soundbites - HE (cont’d) 4. Outcome (customer impact) vs. output (working software). Same team should own both, today someone higher-up owns the outcome, while team owns the output. 5. Pair programming and peer code reviews are far more helpful (for risk management) than any other external review. 6. Build a system (dev/test) where the ”right” thing to do is also the easier thing to do, e.g. automated testing. 47
  • 48. AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways 48AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways QUESTIONS?
  • 49. Your Trusted Agile Product Development Partner 49
  • 52. Your trusted outsourcing partner for Agile software product development. Synerzip • Accelerate the delivery of your product roadmap • Address technology skill gaps • Save at least 50% with offshore software development • Augment your team with optional on-site professionals 52
  • 53. 53©SYNERZIP2017AGILE2017 Top 10 Takeaways Synerzip Clients 53
  • 54. 54©SYNERZIP2017Corporate Overview 54©SYNERZIP2017Corporate Overview Connect with Synerzip @Synerzip 54
  • 55. Not only do we help them scale their engineering capacity and accelerate their roadmap, we become their long-term partner and trusted advisor. Headquartered in the US, Synerzip has its development center in Pune, India. We have more than 450 developers in our state-of- the-art facility, where we hire the best people and do great work. THERE’S A REASON CLIENTS CHOOSE SYNERZIP 55
  • 56. WE ARE YOUR DEVELOPMENT PARTNER WE ARE TRULY AGILE While many companies pay lip service to Agile, at Synerzip Agile is in our DNA. We deeply understand Agile values and mindset. For every client, we tailor our Agile practices to suit their context. US + INDIA TEAM Our India-based team of high- caliber software professionals allows us to offer over 50% cost advantage to our clients. Our US- based architects and product managers work on-site with clients to reduce the challenge of time-zone difference. THOUGHT LEADERS Our experienced software professionals provide product and technology leadership. You don’t need to provide detailed directions to our team. When appropriate, our professionals push back to help you make better technology decisions. 56
  • 57. How Can Our Teams Help You? At Synerzip, we pride ourselves on hiring talented people, paying well, and retaining and nurturing our talent. Happy employees result in great work. Just ask our clients, all of whom serve as references for Synerzip. We know that’s unprecedented, but so is the experience you’ll have working with Synerzip. Our teams practice Lean Startup principles and are comprised of cross- functional professionals. Agile teams are dedicated to a specific client, exclusively. Since an employee selects the client project they work on, they are engaged and produce high quality work. 57
  • 58. We believe our growing list of awards speaks to our capabilities. In 2016, Synerzip was names to the prestigious Inc. Magazine 500/5000 list for the sixth year in a row for continuous growth. Synerzip also was named by SiliconIndia Magazine as one of the Top 100 Tech Companies Founded and Managed by Indians in the US. 58