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Dr. Roland Huß | Red Hat
… and Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift
fabric8 ... and Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift
fabric8 ... and Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift
fabric8 ... and Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift
» Developer (mostly Java)
» Open Source
– Jolokia: JMX-HTTP Bridge
– docker-maven-plugin
» Software Engineer @ Red Hat
– (since May)
» Contact:
– Blog:
– Twitter: @ro14nd
OS Level Virtualisation
Docker Orchestration
PaaS Platform on top
of Kubernetes
Services and Tools for
Kubernetes and OpenShift
» OS level virtualisation tool suite
» Client-Server architecture
– Server communicates via Unix- or INET-
Sockets with a REST API
» Docker commands via CLI
» Written in Go
» Current version: 1.6
Lightweight Container vs. VM
Containers are isolated, but
sharing the kernel and (some) files
➜ faster & lighter
» Image
– Read-only filesystem layer
– Deploy & Share
– Blueprint for a container
» Container
– Read-write filesystem layer (copy-on-write)
– Instance of an image
– Has a lifecycle (start & stop)
» Repository
– Collection of layered images
– often synonym for “Image”
– Has a name: registry/user/repository:tag
» Registry
– Storage for repositories
– Default: (public docker hub)
» CLI for managing Docker
– docker <sub-command> …
ps Show all containers
images Show all images
run Create and run a container
search Seaarch for images on a registry
pull Dowmload of images
rm Remove container
rmi Remove image
» Open Source orchestration platform for
Docker containers
– Rewrite of Google’s internal framework “Borg”
» Declarative specification of a desired state
» Self-healing
» Service discovery
» Scheduling across hosts
» Simple replication
» Pods
– Collection of one or more Docker containers
» Replication Controller
– Creates and takes care of Pods
» Services
– Proxy for a collection of Pods
» Labels
– Grouping and organisation of Objects
» Collection of Docker containers running
on the same host.
» Pods have a unique IP
» Containers in a Pod ….
– …. share the same IP
– …. can reach each other via local ports
– …. can share data via volumes
» Pods can have one or more Labels
Replication Controller
» Controls Pods selected by Labels
» Ensures that a specified number of Pod
replicas is running
» Holds Pod Templates for creating new
» Autoscaling
» Rolling Updates
"template": …
» View on a set of Pods with
single IP address and port
» Pods are selected by Label
» Services are referenced by
environment variables
» Service addresses stay
– Pods come and go (with
different IPs)
"ports": [{
» CLI for managing Kubernetes
– kubectl <sub-command> …
get pods
get services
get rc
Show pods/service/replication
create Create objects
update Update objects
delete Delete objects
resize New size for a RC
fabric8 ... and Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift
» 2011: Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) from
Red Hat
» Three variants:
– Online - Public PaaS
– Enterprise - Private PaaS
– Origin - Community PaaS
» OpenShift V3: Complete rewrite on basis
of Kubernetes
» Adds the “Build” aspect to Kubernetes
» Developer and Operation Tools
» Application Component Libraries
» Infrastructure Services
– Registry, Router, OAuth2 Security
» Team and user isolation (multi-tenancy)
» Management UI
» Extension for building images
» Docker Builds
– Build images get access to enclosing Docker
» Source-To-Image
– Assembly of new image from a builder image
and source code
– Often combined with a Webhook for automatic
» Templates allow the specifications of
replication controller, services, …
» Parameter slots can be filled in …
– from the CLI wit osc process
– from the User Interface
» might become a Kubernetes feature in the
"apiVersion": "v1beta1",
"kind": "Template",
"metadata": {
"name": "Template_Name",
"annotations": {
"description": "Description"
"parameters": [{
"name": "username"
"value": "admin"
"description": "administrative user"
"labels": {
"custom_label": "Label_Name"
"items": [{
» Update of a replication controller’s pod
– based on triggers
‣ image change
‣ configuration change
– custom deployment strategies
– rollback support
– replication scaling
» OpenShift provides an own Docker
registry as service
» OpenShift projects are mapped to registry
– e.g. for an image “fabric8/console” to be
pushed there must exist a OpenShift project
» External DNS mapping to services
– based on HAProxy
» Different types of TLS termination
– edge : TLS terminates at the router
– passthrough: TLS stream is handle through
to the service
– re-encryption: TLS terminates at the router
and is re-encrypted for the service
» OpenShift CLI
» Extension to kubectl
process Process Templates
project Change namespace/project
get routes Show created routes
port-forward Port forwarding into pod
exec Execute process in running pod
fabric8 ... and Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift
» Tools and Services for value add to
Kubernetes and OpenShift
– Management: console, logging, metrics, …
– Continous Delivery Workflow
– iPaaS: Camel route visualisation, API registry,
Messaging as a Service, …
– Tools: Kubernetes/OpenShift build integration,
Kubernetes component test support, CDI
» Fuse ESB: Open Source integration
platform by FuseSource
» Fabric: Extension for managing many
» Red Hat acquired FuseSource in 2012
– Fuse ESB JBoss Fuse
– Fabric (closed) fabric8 (open source)
» fabric8 1.x is based on Zookeeper as
central view of the system
– JBoss Fuse 6.1: fabric8 1.0
– JBoss Fuse 6.2: fabric8 1.2.x
» fabric8 2.x sits on top of Kubernetes
– fabric8 1.x functionality became Jube, a pure
Java implementation of the Kubernetes API
» Web console for Kubernetes
– Starting/Stopping of pods
– Changing Replicas
– Individual management of pods
– based on
fabric8 ... and Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift
Continous Delivery
» Console for visualising and working with
integration services
– e.g. showing the Camel routes
» API registry for a global view of all
RESTful and WebServices
» MQ provides Messaging as a Service
– based on ActiveMQ
– allows autoscaling
» fabric8-maven-plugin
– Creates and apply Kubernetes
descriptors out of build informations
– Creates OpenShift routes
– Deploys kubernetes.json as Maven
» Arquillian extension for testing
– Provision containers to Kubernetes
– Separate namespace per test (isolation)
– Annotations for injecting Kubernetes objects
– Assertions on Kubernetes objects
» Java Libraries
– Access to Kubernetes API
– CDI injections of Kubernetes Services
– ….
» Docker is the perfect foundation for a
container based infrastructure
» Kubernetes is a powerful Docker
orchestration platform backed with great
» OpenShift as a PaaS adds the “Build”
dimension to Kubernetes
» Fabric8 adds services and Java tooling to
Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift
Questions ?

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fabric8 ... and Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift

  • 1. Dr. Roland Huß | Red Hat fabric8 … and Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift
  • 4. ?
  • 6. Me » Developer (mostly Java) » Open Source – Jolokia: JMX-HTTP Bridge – docker-maven-plugin » Software Engineer @ Red Hat – (since May) » Contact: – Blog: – Twitter: @ro14nd
  • 7. OS Level Virtualisation Docker Orchestration PaaS Platform on top of Kubernetes Services and Tools for Kubernetes and OpenShift
  • 9. Facts » OS level virtualisation tool suite » Client-Server architecture – Server communicates via Unix- or INET- Sockets with a REST API » Docker commands via CLI » Written in Go » Current version: 1.6
  • 10. Lightweight Container vs. VM Containers are isolated, but sharing the kernel and (some) files ➜ faster & lighter
  • 11. Concepts » Image – Read-only filesystem layer – Deploy & Share – Blueprint for a container » Container – Read-write filesystem layer (copy-on-write) – Instance of an image – Has a lifecycle (start & stop)
  • 12. Concepts » Repository – Collection of layered images – often synonym for “Image” – Has a name: registry/user/repository:tag » Registry – Storage for repositories – Default: (public docker hub)
  • 13. docker » CLI for managing Docker – docker <sub-command> … ps Show all containers images Show all images run Create and run a container search Seaarch for images on a registry pull Dowmload of images rm Remove container rmi Remove image
  • 15. Facts » Open Source orchestration platform for Docker containers – Rewrite of Google’s internal framework “Borg” » Declarative specification of a desired state » Self-healing » Service discovery » Scheduling across hosts » Simple replication
  • 17. Concepts » Pods – Collection of one or more Docker containers » Replication Controller – Creates and takes care of Pods » Services – Proxy for a collection of Pods » Labels – Grouping and organisation of Objects
  • 18. Pod » Collection of Docker containers running on the same host. » Pods have a unique IP » Containers in a Pod …. – …. share the same IP – …. can reach each other via local ports – …. can share data via volumes » Pods can have one or more Labels
  • 19. Replication Controller » Controls Pods selected by Labels » Ensures that a specified number of Pod replicas is running » Holds Pod Templates for creating new Pods » Autoscaling » Rolling Updates
  • 21. Service » View on a set of Pods with single IP address and port » Pods are selected by Label » Services are referenced by environment variables » Service addresses stay stable – Pods come and go (with different IPs)
  • 23. kubectl » CLI for managing Kubernetes – kubectl <sub-command> … get pods get services get rc Show pods/service/replication controllers create Create objects update Update objects delete Delete objects resize New size for a RC
  • 25. History » 2011: Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) from Red Hat » Three variants: – Online - Public PaaS – Enterprise - Private PaaS – Origin - Community PaaS » OpenShift V3: Complete rewrite on basis of Kubernetes
  • 26. Features » Adds the “Build” aspect to Kubernetes » Developer and Operation Tools » Application Component Libraries » Infrastructure Services – Registry, Router, OAuth2 Security » Team and user isolation (multi-tenancy) » Management UI
  • 27. Builds » Extension for building images » Docker Builds – Build images get access to enclosing Docker daemon. » Source-To-Image – Assembly of new image from a builder image and source code – Often combined with a Webhook for automatic builds
  • 28. Templates » Templates allow the specifications of replication controller, services, … » Parameter slots can be filled in … – from the CLI wit osc process – from the User Interface » might become a Kubernetes feature in the future
  • 29. Templates { "apiVersion": "v1beta1", "kind": "Template", "metadata": { "name": "Template_Name", "annotations": { "description": "Description" } }, "parameters": [{ "name": "username" "value": "admin" "description": "administrative user" }], "labels": { "custom_label": "Label_Name" }, "items": [{ ... }] }
  • 30. Deployments » Update of a replication controller’s pod template – based on triggers ‣ image change ‣ configuration change – custom deployment strategies – rollback support – replication scaling
  • 31. Registry » OpenShift provides an own Docker registry as service » OpenShift projects are mapped to registry user – e.g. for an image “fabric8/console” to be pushed there must exist a OpenShift project “fabric8”
  • 32. Router » External DNS mapping to services – based on HAProxy » Different types of TLS termination – edge : TLS terminates at the router – passthrough: TLS stream is handle through to the service – re-encryption: TLS terminates at the router and is re-encrypted for the service
  • 34. osc » OpenShift CLI » Extension to kubectl process Process Templates project Change namespace/project get routes Show created routes port-forward Port forwarding into pod exec Execute process in running pod
  • 36. fabric8 » Tools and Services for value add to Kubernetes and OpenShift – Management: console, logging, metrics, … – Continous Delivery Workflow – iPaaS: Camel route visualisation, API registry, Messaging as a Service, … – Tools: Kubernetes/OpenShift build integration, Kubernetes component test support, CDI extensions
  • 37. History » Fuse ESB: Open Source integration platform by FuseSource » Fabric: Extension for managing many ESBs » Red Hat acquired FuseSource in 2012 – Fuse ESB JBoss Fuse – Fabric (closed) fabric8 (open source)
  • 38. » fabric8 1.x is based on Zookeeper as central view of the system – JBoss Fuse 6.1: fabric8 1.0 – JBoss Fuse 6.2: fabric8 1.2.x » fabric8 2.x sits on top of Kubernetes – fabric8 1.x functionality became Jube, a pure Java implementation of the Kubernetes API
  • 39. Management » Web console for Kubernetes – Starting/Stopping of pods – Changing Replicas – Individual management of pods – based on
  • 42. iPaas » Console for visualising and working with integration services – e.g. showing the Camel routes » API registry for a global view of all RESTful and WebServices » MQ provides Messaging as a Service – based on ActiveMQ – allows autoscaling
  • 43. Tools » fabric8-maven-plugin – Creates and apply Kubernetes descriptors out of build informations – Creates OpenShift routes – Deploys kubernetes.json as Maven artefacts
  • 44. Tools » Arquillian extension for testing – Provision containers to Kubernetes – Separate namespace per test (isolation) – Annotations for injecting Kubernetes objects – Assertions on Kubernetes objects » Java Libraries – Access to Kubernetes API – CDI injections of Kubernetes Services – ….
  • 45. Summary » Docker is the perfect foundation for a container based infrastructure » Kubernetes is a powerful Docker orchestration platform backed with great momentum » OpenShift as a PaaS adds the “Build” dimension to Kubernetes » Fabric8 adds services and Java tooling to Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift