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Messaging platforms are the kings of mobile
Messaging platforms are the kings of mobileMessaging platforms are the kings of mobile
Messaging platforms are the kings of mobile

The document discusses the growing popularity and usage of messaging apps globally. Some key points: - Messaging apps make up 6 of the top 10 most used apps worldwide based on usage and sessions. - Popular global messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, KakaoTalk, LINE, and WeChat are continuing to grow rapidly in monthly active users and daily engagement. - Messaging platforms have evolved beyond just messaging to incorporate additional features like payments, games, commerce, media, and more. - Different users in different regions tend to use multiple messaging apps for various purposes rather than just one dominant app.

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There are over 5 billion cell phones worldwide and a fierce competition between mobile app stores. This creates huge opportunities for mobile developers, especially in Vietnam. The document discusses the top app stores and their user bases, content, and downloads. It then recommends developing for the domestic Vietnamese app store, which supports multiple platforms, has an integrated payment system, and makes it easy to control content within Vietnamese law and design for local users. Statistics are provided showing rapid growth of from 2011 to a predicted 750,000 users and 13 million downloads by the end of 2011.

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The Evolution of Mobile Apps

A lot has changed in mobile technology since the smartphone's inception, but what has changed about how we engage with our consumers via mobile?

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What is a beacon? Why all this hype around it?
Beacon is the enabling technology for individual mobile devices to alert apps or websites carrying
contextual and proximity based information when somebody approaches or leaves a location.
It has more than less marked a ‘revolution in customer experience’ and for retailers and
companies, had helped overcome a major hindrance; free, easy and effortless communication with
their customers.
It’s no wonder, beacons are expected to drive $44 billion by this year which is $4 billion more than
it did in 2015.
How does Eddystone contribute to this?
Eddystone is a Google authorized, but open-format, medium or platform for broadcasting of
Bluetooth Low Energy data from beacons.
What makes it different from Apple’s ibeacon?
Eddystone is an answer to the exhaustive number of apps on which ibeacon works.
Unlike ibeacon it can broadcast a pre-programmed website URL which is pushed to individual
mobile devices within the ambit of the beacon.
What are the peculiarities of Eddystone’s three frame types?
Eddystone’s featuring of three frame types is what makes it distinct from other beacon formats.
Eddystone-UID, which is similar to iBeacon, communicates with apps installed in individual
devices to trigger push notifications or app actions.
Eddystone-URL, broadcasts a URL that can be picked up by the users’ Physical Web browsers
based on location and proximity to a beacon.
Eddystone-TLM , works with the other two frame types and is designed to broadcast telemetry
Can a single device support all three Eddystone frames and ibeacon?
This is possible, even though, most beacons is not yet supportive of this feature due to the huge
battery drain this might cause.
Some beacons already support both ibeacon and Eddystone though the user will have to switch
between the two as only one format can be used at a time.
Is Eddystone technology compatible with both Android and iOS?
Yes, though Eddystone currently doesn’t wake up iOS apps that is not working in the background.

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Clicking on the real world with iBeacon and eddystoneClicking on the real world with iBeacon and eddystone
Clicking on the real world with iBeacon and eddystone

This document discusses how Bluetooth beacons like iBeacon and Eddystone can be used to provide location-based interactions and notifications. iBeacon broadcasts an identifier that iOS apps can use to provide proximity-based notifications and interactions even when terminated. Eddystone supports attaching URLs and messages to physical locations. Both standards allow triggering actions and notifications on a user's device based on entering or exiting the range of particular beacons. The document provides examples of using beacons to click on the real world, such as sending a notification when entering a coffee shop or obtaining a user's seat location.

Mobile Mobile

Mobile devices are ubiquitous and their usage is increasing rapidly. By 2015, there could be more smartphones than humans. Users frequently multitask on their phones, like using apps while watching TV. Phones offer constant connectivity and entertainment. Mobile apps allow businesses to integrate with customers and provide company information, news, and details. The mobile gaming industry is growing and predicted to reach $54 billion by 2015 with the majority of downloads being games. The future of mobility includes augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and constant connectivity.

mobile computingpresentationmobile phone
Web 3 Tom Gruber
Web 3 Tom GruberWeb 3 Tom Gruber
Web 3 Tom Gruber

The document discusses how semantic computing in the cloud will revolutionize the consumer experience on mobile phones. It argues that cloud computing will allow for more powerful interfaces on phones that understand natural language, perceive the environment through sensors, and help solve everyday problems. By connecting open data and APIs in the cloud, mobile phones can act as virtual personal assistants that understand speech, provide location-aware information and services, and apply multiple sources to address users' needs.

What about Windows phone support?
To the utmost relief of consumers, with windows 10, Microsoft has come up with a beacon supportive system.
What are the basic requirements for the functioning of Eddystone beacons?
A Bluetooth enabled, internet connected, Android, iOS or Windows 10 mobile device.
Why do Eddystone beacons need Bluetooth turned on?
Eddystone beacons, like any other beacons, are a Bluetooth Low Energy signal that works on the Bluetooth
function of a smart phone.
However unlike Classic Bluetooth, BLE, which is marketed as smart Bluetooth is intended to work on
comparatively low power consumption while maintain a similar communication range.
What is a physical web page?
Physical Web Browser is the built in app for the Android phones which is enabled to receive the URL pushed by a
beacon in its proximity.
It allows users to get hold of web objects without having an exhaustive number of apps installed.
Does Eddystone work with all web browsers?
Currently, NO. Google Chrome version 44 for iOS is the first Eddystone enabled mobile web browser.
To the utmost happiness of the Android Chrome users, on the 11th of February this year, the search giant had
announced the release of version 49 for Android that would include Physical Web content.
This feature will be compatible with all Android 4.0 devices and up.
How is the beacon URL delivered to the user’s devices?
Android devices receive a push notification while passing by a beacon for the first time which helps
to enable the Physical Web content on Android Chrome, allowing communication with the nearby
Used beacons will be saved by the Physical Web to provide easy access in the future.
In iOS devices it needs the chrome today widget included in the iOS notification panel in order to
receive the push notifications.
What would it mean to live in an Eddystone beacon enabled world?
What it basically offers is an easy and accessible platform to make use of the Internet of Things
(IoT), to collect crucial information from the physical devices around us at the right place, at the
right time.
Say, you enter a restaurant or shopping mall, your Eddystone enabled device receives a
notification with all you want to know about there.
The same applies for railway stations, bus stops or any beacon enabled location.

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Evolution of Mobile Apps

Mobile apps have evolved significantly since their introduction in 2007 with the iPhone. By 2014, over 1.75 billion people used smartphones and downloaded an average of 2.5 new apps per month. Early iPhone apps included maps, photos, messages, and weather, but now the variety and quality of mobile apps has increased substantially across many domains like social media, dating, games, education, and creative tools for music, video, and document production. The future of mobile apps is limitless as the technology becomes more flexible and applicable to any mobile machine.

Mobile Future
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Mobile Future

Mobile apps are no longer limited to single platforms, and by the end of 2016 there will be over 10 billion internet-connected devices. Future trends in mobile app development include cross-platform apps that work across Android and iOS, the rise of apps for the Internet of Things, and increased use of developer tools and cloud computing. Other growing areas are enterprise apps, location-based services, and mobile security apps as people's lives increasingly involve mobile devices.

Mobliciti's Mobile & Cloud Technical Showcase
Mobliciti's Mobile & Cloud Technical Showcase Mobliciti's Mobile & Cloud Technical Showcase
Mobliciti's Mobile & Cloud Technical Showcase

Mobliciti’s Annual Technical Showcase is the Mobile-IT event of the year. The event took place on 15th September 2016, at the Blue Fin Venue in London. The event has helped educate hundreds of companies around the emerging opportunities and threats for Mobile and Cloud, often introducing them first to new technologies which are now commonplace amongst the Enterprise. KEY AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS: - Hear first-hand from leading international Financial Services institutions on their Mobile and Cloud journey - An eye opening live iOS hack - Key Technology Demo’s from: Aerohive, SecureAuth, Check Point and MobileIron - 4 x 30 Minute Interactive Roundtable Sessions

bfonics empower Small Businesses to engage with
customers through the hyperlocal mobile platform
driven by WiFi Beacons.
Proximity Marketing Simplified
To know more about this innovative technology :
bfonics bFonics

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Eddystone FAQ's

  • 3. Eddystone is one of the most widely talked about topics in the digital world, its existing and potential customers are out on different platforms with dozens of queries.
  • 4. Your queries on Eddystone answered
  • 5. FAQ’s What is a beacon? Why all this hype around it? Beacon is the enabling technology for individual mobile devices to alert apps or websites carrying contextual and proximity based information when somebody approaches or leaves a location. It has more than less marked a ‘revolution in customer experience’ and for retailers and companies, had helped overcome a major hindrance; free, easy and effortless communication with their customers. It’s no wonder, beacons are expected to drive $44 billion by this year which is $4 billion more than it did in 2015.
  • 6. FAQ’s How does Eddystone contribute to this? Eddystone is a Google authorized, but open-format, medium or platform for broadcasting of Bluetooth Low Energy data from beacons. What makes it different from Apple’s ibeacon? Eddystone is an answer to the exhaustive number of apps on which ibeacon works. Unlike ibeacon it can broadcast a pre-programmed website URL which is pushed to individual mobile devices within the ambit of the beacon.
  • 7. FAQ’s What are the peculiarities of Eddystone’s three frame types? Eddystone’s featuring of three frame types is what makes it distinct from other beacon formats. Eddystone-UID, which is similar to iBeacon, communicates with apps installed in individual devices to trigger push notifications or app actions. Eddystone-URL, broadcasts a URL that can be picked up by the users’ Physical Web browsers based on location and proximity to a beacon. Eddystone-TLM , works with the other two frame types and is designed to broadcast telemetry information.
  • 8. FAQ’s Can a single device support all three Eddystone frames and ibeacon? This is possible, even though, most beacons is not yet supportive of this feature due to the huge battery drain this might cause. Some beacons already support both ibeacon and Eddystone though the user will have to switch between the two as only one format can be used at a time. Is Eddystone technology compatible with both Android and iOS? Yes, though Eddystone currently doesn’t wake up iOS apps that is not working in the background.
  • 9. FAQ’s What about Windows phone support? To the utmost relief of consumers, with windows 10, Microsoft has come up with a beacon supportive system. What are the basic requirements for the functioning of Eddystone beacons? A Bluetooth enabled, internet connected, Android, iOS or Windows 10 mobile device. Why do Eddystone beacons need Bluetooth turned on? Eddystone beacons, like any other beacons, are a Bluetooth Low Energy signal that works on the Bluetooth function of a smart phone. However unlike Classic Bluetooth, BLE, which is marketed as smart Bluetooth is intended to work on comparatively low power consumption while maintain a similar communication range.
  • 10. FAQ’s What is a physical web page? Physical Web Browser is the built in app for the Android phones which is enabled to receive the URL pushed by a beacon in its proximity. It allows users to get hold of web objects without having an exhaustive number of apps installed. Does Eddystone work with all web browsers? Currently, NO. Google Chrome version 44 for iOS is the first Eddystone enabled mobile web browser. To the utmost happiness of the Android Chrome users, on the 11th of February this year, the search giant had announced the release of version 49 for Android that would include Physical Web content. This feature will be compatible with all Android 4.0 devices and up.
  • 11. FAQ’s How is the beacon URL delivered to the user’s devices? Android devices receive a push notification while passing by a beacon for the first time which helps to enable the Physical Web content on Android Chrome, allowing communication with the nearby beacons. Used beacons will be saved by the Physical Web to provide easy access in the future. In iOS devices it needs the chrome today widget included in the iOS notification panel in order to receive the push notifications.
  • 12. FAQ’s What would it mean to live in an Eddystone beacon enabled world? What it basically offers is an easy and accessible platform to make use of the Internet of Things (IoT), to collect crucial information from the physical devices around us at the right place, at the right time. Say, you enter a restaurant or shopping mall, your Eddystone enabled device receives a notification with all you want to know about there. The same applies for railway stations, bus stops or any beacon enabled location.
  • 13. bfonics empower Small Businesses to engage with customers through the hyperlocal mobile platform driven by WiFi Beacons.
  • 14. Proximity Marketing Simplified To know more about this innovative technology : bfonics bFonics