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Early Childhood Literacy
     Lesson Planning

      Muriel K. Rand, Ed.D.
    New Jersey City University
Getting Started with
   Start with Standards
    ◦ NJ Preschool Standards
    ◦ Common Core State Standards, K-3
   Choose one or two standards to
    focus lesson
 What do you want the children to
     (NOT what you want to teach!)
 What will the children be able to
  do as a result of the lesson?
 Align objectives to standards
 Stay focused on one or two
 Write in measurable, behavioral
Objectives Examples
   Measurable/ Observable
    ◦ “The children will be able to identify
      the rhyming words in the story”
    NOT: The children will understand

    ◦ “The children will write complete
      sentences using proper capitalization.
    NOT: The children will learn about

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Emergent Literacy and Theories of Learning
Emergent Literacy and Theories of Learning Emergent Literacy and Theories of Learning
Emergent Literacy and Theories of Learning

The document discusses emergent literacy and its key concepts. It defines emergent literacy as the stage where children first begin interacting with reading and writing before formal schooling. This stage involves children developing knowledge of concepts like directionality and the relationship between spoken and written words. The document also outlines five stages of reading development: emergent, early, transitional, self-extending, and advanced. It notes that emergent writing is experimental and meant to communicate. Finally, it discusses the important role of the home environment in promoting early literacy through activities like reading to children and involving them in literacy-related activities.

Theories of learning and early literacy
Theories of learning and early literacyTheories of learning and early literacy
Theories of learning and early literacy

This document discusses theories of learning and early literacy. It defines emergent literacy as how young children interact with books through reading and writing even before they can do so conventionally. Emergent literacy develops gradually from birth until conventional reading and writing skills are acquired. The process involves speaking, listening, reading, writing, and viewing visual materials. Early literacy begins as children are exposed to communication through signs, books being read to them, and scribbling. Reading and writing develop concurrently through engagement with books and writing. Listening to books read aloud helps literacy development. Parents can promote early literacy in infants through books with pictures and rhymes and in toddlers by providing literature and supporting writing. Home literacy experiences are important for school readiness and achievement

Sample Detailed Lesson Plan
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Sample Detailed Lesson Plan

This lesson plan discusses the course descriptions, goals, and objectives of language subjects like English and Filipino. It aims to help students understand the importance of language learning and demonstrate expected competencies in listening, speaking, reading, and writing for each grade level. The teacher leads a discussion where students explain the objectives for different grades in each language subject drawn from the Basic Education Curriculum. The lesson emphasizes that learning the country's languages helps develop communication skills and international competitiveness, making students more successful. For evaluation, students answer short questions about the lesson and write an insight about one language subject area.

course descriptiondetailed lesson planlesson plan
Objectives' Checklist
 Do your objectives directly relate
  to the standards for the lesson?
 Are they appropriate for the age
  group/ ability level of the children?
 Are they written in
  measurable/observable terms
  (“the children will be able to….”)
 Are there one or two objectives
  that are focused on throughout
  the lesson?
 All materials that are needed for
  the lesson
 Books require complete citations
Introduction/ Anticipatory Set
 Connect to previous knowledge
 Motivate children to participate
 Hands-on
 Multisensory
 NOT discussion
 Main portion of the lesson
 Step-by-step description of what
  the teacher does and what the
  children do
 Align procedures with objectives
 Think through classroom
    ◦ Whole group? Small group? Center?
    ◦ Transition? Seating?

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This document outlines the 8 steps to developing an effective lesson plan for early childhood education. It explains that lesson plans should include: 1) knowing the age and context of implementation, 2) understanding the activity, 3) how to implement the activity, 4) an evaluation method, 5) safety considerations, 6) curriculum integration, 7) input from evaluators, and 8) self-reflection. Each step provides examples of the types of information that should be included in a lesson plan to ensure educational objectives are met and children's safety, learning, and development are supported.

Steps to Growing a Successful School Garden
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Steps to Growing a Successful School Garden

The document outlines 11 steps for growing a successful school garden, which include finding volunteers and funding, selecting a site, taking a soil sample, preparing the soil, ordering seeds, amending the soil based on soil test results, installing irrigation, using mulch, planting transplants, providing ongoing maintenance, and harvesting. The overall goal is to allow students to grow plants from start to finish while learning about agriculture, teamwork, and healthy eating.

Successful schools
Successful schoolsSuccessful schools
Successful schools

The document discusses factors that contribute to successful schools based on research. It notes that high-performing schools plan instruction starting with their special education and English as a second language students, unlike most schools that mold curriculum to above-average students. It identifies 9 central factors in education planning, including teaching essential content, understanding each student, integrating research, and breaking learning into small parts. Additionally, it states that high-performing schools believe all children can learn, focus first on the needs of hardest-to-serve students, and are placing special education and ESL educators in leadership roles.

Guided or Independent
 How will children be able to use or
  practice what they have learned?
 Independent work/ Seatwork/
Check for Understanding
 How will you know that your
  objectives are met?
 Reword objectives as questions
 Provide method of assessment
    ◦   Observation?
    ◦   Checklist?
    ◦   Rubric?
    ◦   Quiz?
Sample Storytelling Lesson Plan
Subject Area: Listening, Emergent Reading

Grade Level: Preschool

Lesson Title: “Mouse Paint”

Objectives :
• Students will show interest and pleasure in the story by mixing
play dough and participating in the storytelling
• Students will be able to identify the letter M and the sound it

Preschool Standards:

3.1.4      Show interest, pleasure, and enjoyment during
           listening activities by responding with appropriate
           eye contact, body language, and facial expressions.

3.3.A.3    Identify some alphabet letters, especially those in
           his/her own name.
Book: Stoll Walsh, Ellen. (1989). Mouse Paint. California: San

Supplies: Cut out and laminated all the important characters
in the story, to include: nine mice, one set of three white mice,
one mouse of each color: red, yellow, and blue, one red
mouse with bottom half orange, one yellow mouse with
bottom half green, and one blue mouse with bottom half
purple. Nine puddles in red, yellow, blue, yellow with orange
stripes, orange, blue with green stripes, green, red with purple
stripes, and purple. Three jars of paint in red, yellow, and blue.
Seven rectangle shapes to represents walls in red, yellow,
blue, orange, green, and purple; and one black cat with its
milk bowl.

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How to be a good teacher
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How to be a good teacher

This document provides tips for being a good teacher. Some key aspects include having passion for teaching, strong communication skills, flexibility, compassion for students, establishing clear rules and authority, using humor, teamwork, respect, ethics, planning lessons in advance, giving students responsibilities, patience, making connections to students' experiences, establishing order and cleanliness in the classroom, dealing with disruptions privately, keeping high expectations, consistency in enforcing rules, using proximity to manage behavior, never touching students, and following up with students who are absent or misbehaving. Good teachers also show care for students, set positive relationships, and reflect an image worthy of emulation.

How Do Children Learn?
How Do Children Learn?How Do Children Learn?
How Do Children Learn?

The document discusses the different learning styles that children have and how they learn best. It identifies the main learning styles as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, analytic, global, and environmental. Visual learners learn best by seeing information like pictures and objects. Auditory learners learn best by listening and talking. Kinesthetic learners learn best through movement and touch. Analytic learners learn best through organization, lists, and details. Global learners learn best through intuition and quick processing. Environmental learners learn best through factors like sound, light, and temperature. The document concludes that recognizing these different learning styles can help teachers be more effective.

Introduction: I will gather students together for “Circle Time.” I
will give each child three small pieces of Play Dough, one
red, one yellow, and one blue. I will ask the children to name
the color for each piece of Play Dough given to them.

The children will have time to play with the Play Dough and
discover how the colors mix.

Finally, I will tell the students that they will listen to a story
about three mice and how much fun they have playing with
different colors.

I will tell the story using the laminated cut outs. I will stop at the
appropriate points and ask them to predict what color will result
from the mixture.

I will ask the following questions during and after the story:
What are the animals in the story?
How many mice were in the story?
What is the first letter in the word “mouse” and “mice?”
What sound does the letter “M” make?
What is the difference between the words “mouse” and
Did your colors mix the same way the colors in the story did?
Why do you think the mice mixed the colors?
How else can we mix colors?
Is this a true story? Can mice really play with colors?
Guided Practice

Art Center: I will divide children into groups of three like the three
mice in the story. On a large sheet of white paper will be "puddles" of
yellow, blue, and red paint, and I will instruct the students to use their
two fingers as mouse feet to "dance" in the puddles like the mice in
the story. Students will then be asked how they made new colors, and
will be encouraged to create as many new colors as they want.
When dry, the pictures will be hung on the wall.

Writing Center: The students will be asked to think about words that
start like “mouse” and “mice” and write them on the paper, drawing
a picture and underlining the letter “M” for each word. The teacher
will give students red, yellow, and blue mouse-shaped paper with the
letter “M” written on it, and ask them to draw pictures of objects that
start with the letter “M.” I will also encourage them to try to write the
words to label their pictures or I will write it for them.
Check for Understanding:
I will use anecdotal records to evaluate which students:

Showed interest and pleasure in the story by mixing
play dough and participating in the storytelling.

Were able to identify the letter M and the sound it

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1. Teaching children is different than teaching adults in several key ways. Children learn based on their interests, needs, and developmental characteristics which are physical, emotional, and conceptual. 2. Children have less control over their lives and learn best in their native language as they are still developing physically, emotionally, and conceptually. They also have shorter attention spans and get bored more easily. 3. Younger children are focused on developing literacy and numeracy skills while older children nearing puberty can learn more complex grammatical expressions. All children benefit from stimulating learning experiences.

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A school becomes a best platform for a child to find out his/her innate qualities that would help them grow better and prepare themselves better for the future. A school must plan out in the beginning of the every academic year how it can make the child to learn better and make learning more interesting

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Early childhood literacy lesson planning

  • 1. Early Childhood Literacy Lesson Planning Muriel K. Rand, Ed.D. New Jersey City University
  • 2. Getting Started with Standards  Start with Standards ◦ NJ Preschool Standards ◦ Common Core State Standards, K-3  Choose one or two standards to focus lesson
  • 3. Objectives  What do you want the children to learn? (NOT what you want to teach!)  What will the children be able to do as a result of the lesson?  Align objectives to standards  Stay focused on one or two  Write in measurable, behavioral terms
  • 4. Objectives Examples  Measurable/ Observable ◦ “The children will be able to identify the rhyming words in the story” NOT: The children will understand rhymes. ◦ “The children will write complete sentences using proper capitalization. NOT: The children will learn about capitalization.
  • 5. Objectives' Checklist  Do your objectives directly relate to the standards for the lesson?  Are they appropriate for the age group/ ability level of the children?  Are they written in measurable/observable terms (“the children will be able to….”)  Are there one or two objectives that are focused on throughout the lesson?
  • 6. Materials  All materials that are needed for the lesson  Books require complete citations
  • 7. Introduction/ Anticipatory Set  Connect to previous knowledge  Motivate children to participate  Hands-on  Multisensory  NOT discussion
  • 8. Procedures  Main portion of the lesson  Step-by-step description of what the teacher does and what the children do  Align procedures with objectives  Think through classroom management ◦ Whole group? Small group? Center? ◦ Transition? Seating?
  • 9. Guided or Independent Practice  How will children be able to use or practice what they have learned?  Independent work/ Seatwork/ Centers
  • 10. Check for Understanding  How will you know that your objectives are met?  Reword objectives as questions  Provide method of assessment ◦ Observation? ◦ Checklist? ◦ Rubric? ◦ Quiz?
  • 11. Sample Storytelling Lesson Plan Subject Area: Listening, Emergent Reading Grade Level: Preschool Lesson Title: “Mouse Paint” Objectives : • Students will show interest and pleasure in the story by mixing play dough and participating in the storytelling • Students will be able to identify the letter M and the sound it makes Preschool Standards: 3.1.4 Show interest, pleasure, and enjoyment during listening activities by responding with appropriate eye contact, body language, and facial expressions. 3.3.A.3 Identify some alphabet letters, especially those in his/her own name.
  • 12. Materials: Book: Stoll Walsh, Ellen. (1989). Mouse Paint. California: San Diego. Supplies: Cut out and laminated all the important characters in the story, to include: nine mice, one set of three white mice, one mouse of each color: red, yellow, and blue, one red mouse with bottom half orange, one yellow mouse with bottom half green, and one blue mouse with bottom half purple. Nine puddles in red, yellow, blue, yellow with orange stripes, orange, blue with green stripes, green, red with purple stripes, and purple. Three jars of paint in red, yellow, and blue. Seven rectangle shapes to represents walls in red, yellow, blue, orange, green, and purple; and one black cat with its milk bowl.
  • 13. Introduction: I will gather students together for “Circle Time.” I will give each child three small pieces of Play Dough, one red, one yellow, and one blue. I will ask the children to name the color for each piece of Play Dough given to them. The children will have time to play with the Play Dough and discover how the colors mix. Finally, I will tell the students that they will listen to a story about three mice and how much fun they have playing with different colors.
  • 14. Procedures: I will tell the story using the laminated cut outs. I will stop at the appropriate points and ask them to predict what color will result from the mixture. Closure I will ask the following questions during and after the story: What are the animals in the story? How many mice were in the story? What is the first letter in the word “mouse” and “mice?” What sound does the letter “M” make? What is the difference between the words “mouse” and “mice?” Did your colors mix the same way the colors in the story did? Why do you think the mice mixed the colors? How else can we mix colors? Is this a true story? Can mice really play with colors?
  • 15. Guided Practice Art Center: I will divide children into groups of three like the three mice in the story. On a large sheet of white paper will be "puddles" of yellow, blue, and red paint, and I will instruct the students to use their two fingers as mouse feet to "dance" in the puddles like the mice in the story. Students will then be asked how they made new colors, and will be encouraged to create as many new colors as they want. When dry, the pictures will be hung on the wall. Writing Center: The students will be asked to think about words that start like “mouse” and “mice” and write them on the paper, drawing a picture and underlining the letter “M” for each word. The teacher will give students red, yellow, and blue mouse-shaped paper with the letter “M” written on it, and ask them to draw pictures of objects that start with the letter “M.” I will also encourage them to try to write the words to label their pictures or I will write it for them.
  • 16. Check for Understanding: I will use anecdotal records to evaluate which students: Showed interest and pleasure in the story by mixing play dough and participating in the storytelling. Were able to identify the letter M and the sound it makes.