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Have 3 pieces of paper.
 Be ready to make an origami –
utility box.
 Follow the instructions given

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Observing Young Children

Ms. Smith

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1. The document discusses curriculum planning, observation, and documentation for infant and toddler care. It emphasizes the importance of play, interactions, caregiving routines, and relationships as the core components of the curriculum. 2. Teachers are encouraged to closely observe infants through engagement and all senses to understand their development, needs, and interests in order to be highly responsive and support attachment. 3. Curriculum planning is an ongoing reflective process of observing, documenting, assessing, and discussing with families to continuously adapt to each child's unique learning and development.

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Early childhood mathematics and development
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Early childhood mathematics and development

Humans are born with basic mathematical abilities that allow them to use simple math concepts even without a written language. Early childhood math education aims to build on these innate skills by introducing mathematical vocabulary and concepts through familiar materials and integrating math into other subjects like art, science, music, and nature. Key early math skills taught in preschool include number identification, counting, one-to-one correspondence, sorting, patterning, and classification.

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"Plays Nice with Others" - New research on how social-emotional development and preschool teachers support school readiness.

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Get tips to deal your child positively and get importance of attending parent teacher meeting and how you be involved in their education. Get free tips and guidance.

The History of Early Childhood Education
The History of Early Childhood EducationThe History of Early Childhood Education
The History of Early Childhood Education

The document provides an overview of the history of early childhood education. It discusses influential early thinkers such as John Amos Comenius, John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Johann Pestalozzi who emphasized the importance of early experiences and education according to a child's natural development. Later influential figures included Friedrich Froebel, Sigmund Freud, John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, B.F. Skinner, and Howard Gardner. The document examines their various theories and contributions to understanding child development and early education.

Types of Early Childhood Curricula by Arianny Calcagno, M.Ed.
Types of Early Childhood Curricula by Arianny Calcagno, M.Ed.Types of Early Childhood Curricula by Arianny Calcagno, M.Ed.
Types of Early Childhood Curricula by Arianny Calcagno, M.Ed.

1. The document describes 7 types of early childhood curricula models including developmental, cognitive, constructivist, ecological/functional, behavioral, psychosocial, and developmentally appropriate practice curricula. 2. It provides details on each model including the underlying theory, examples of interventions, and instructional approaches. For example, the cognitive curriculum is based on Piaget's cognitive psychology theories and focuses on developing thinking skills through direct experiences and age-appropriate activities. 3. The document also discusses the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), which are used to guide curriculum planning for children with disabilities ages 3-5 and infants/toddlers respectively. The

types of early childhood curricula

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Student Teacher relationship, rights and responsibilities of students and teachers, ideal teacher and student, reasons for bad teacher student relationship and ways to improve it.


This document discusses classroom management strategies for teachers. It defines classroom management as creating an environment where learning can take place despite disruptive behaviors. Effective classroom management involves preventing disruptions, developing positive relationships with students, establishing clear rules and routines, and implementing engaging instruction. The document outlines various techniques for classroom management, including preventative approaches that focus on building community rather than punishment. It also discusses the importance of time management in the classroom to maximize engaged and academic learning time.

Responding to the emotional needs of children
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Responding to the emotional needs of children

This document discusses responding to children's emotional needs and helping them develop emotional regulation. It outlines Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development and why children experience emotional outbursts. It recommends removing upset children from the situation until they calm down, and providing opportunities for children to express emotions through activities like drawing, storytelling, music and play. The document stresses the importance of helping children identify, label and talk about their feelings to help them develop emotional intelligence. Caregivers should be sensitive to children's communication styles and monitor them for signs of distress.

 Call on somebody to demonstrate
how to make an origami box.
 Display your origami boxes on top of
your table.
Get a copy of the Learning Style
Inventory and the Learning Assessment
Style worksheets.
Accomplish the worksheets and
determine your score per learning
 Read the interpretation of your
1.Active Involvement
Learning requires the active, constructive
involvement of the learner
In the classroom
*Avoid situations where the students are
passive listeners for long periods of time
*Provide students with hands-on activities,
such as experiments, observations, projects
*Encourage participation in classroom
discussions and other collaborative activities

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Multi-Sensory Learning
Multi-Sensory LearningMulti-Sensory Learning
Multi-Sensory Learning

What makes Multi-Sensory learning available to every student? How do students achieve more using Multi-Sensory Learning?

#multi-sensory learning
Montessori Presentation
Montessori PresentationMontessori Presentation
Montessori Presentation

The document provides an overview of the Montessori method. It describes some key principles of Montessori education including natural development, creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking. It also discusses the Montessori triangle which emphasizes the relationship between the student, teacher, and prepared environment. Several types of Montessori materials are then outlined, including practical life materials, sensorial materials, math materials and language materials. The document concludes by listing sources for further information on Montessori education.

Holistic development of children
Holistic development of childrenHolistic development of children
Holistic development of children

Children have potential for holistic development through active learning and exploration both in and out of school. Their development is a gradual, continuous process across physical, social, cognitive, and emotional dimensions. For healthy development, children need opportunities to develop skills in all areas, meet challenges, and have fun while staying emotionally strong and physically fit. After school programs that focus on arts, sports, academics and more can provide these opportunities for holistic growth depending on the options available to each child. Both structured programs and unstructured free time can positively or negatively impact development.

all round developmentholistic developmentudgam school for children
2. Social Participation
Learning is primarily a social activity and
participation in the social life of the school is
central for learning to occur.
In the Classroom
*Assign students to work in groups and assume the
role of a coach who provides guidance and
support to the groups.
*Link the school to the community at large
3. Meaningful Activities
People learn best when they participate in
activities that are perceived to be useful in
real life and are culturally relevant.
In the Classroom
*Oral language and communication skills can be
improved by letting students participate
in debates.
*Writing skills can be improved by letting
students be involved in news writing
4. Relating new information to prior knowledge
New knowledge is constructed on the basis of
what is already understood and believed
In the classroom
*Teachers need to investigate students’ prior
knowledge in detail so that false beliefs and
misconceptions can be identified.
5. Being Strategic
People learn by employing effective and
flexible strategies that help them to
understand, reason, memorize and solve
In the classroom
*Teachers should ensure that students learn to
use strategies on their own.

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01 classroom mangement
01   classroom mangement01   classroom mangement
01 classroom mangement

Classroom management is important for teachers. A survey of 100 beginning teachers found that classroom management was their top concern. Effective classroom management involves creating an inviting environment where students feel comfortable learning, increasing positive student behavior through respectful interactions, and preparing students for success in society. Key aspects of good classroom management include a productive learning environment, a positive classroom atmosphere where students feel encouraged, and students who cooperate, show respect, and stay focused on their work. Teachers must also set clear expectations, provide engaging instruction, and get to know each student as an individual to meet their different needs.

How children think and learn
How children think and learnHow children think and learn
How children think and learn

1. Teaching children is different than teaching adults in several key ways. Children learn based on their interests, needs, and developmental characteristics which are physical, emotional, and conceptual. 2. Children have less control over their lives and learn best in their native language as they are still developing physically, emotionally, and conceptually. They also have shorter attention spans and get bored more easily. 3. Younger children are focused on developing literacy and numeracy skills while older children nearing puberty can learn more complex grammatical expressions. All children benefit from stimulating learning experiences.

How children learn (Educational Psychology)
How children learn (Educational Psychology)How children learn (Educational Psychology)
How children learn (Educational Psychology)

The document discusses the book "How Children Learn" by John Holt and describes how it argues that children are naturally curious, confident, resilient, enterprising and compassionate learners who develop important social, thinking, personal and emotional skills through learning. The book's central message is that educators should trust children and understand how each child learns best in order to encourage independent and responsible learning without humiliating or discouraging them.

6. Engaging in self-regulation and being
Learners must know how to plan and monitor
their learning, how to set their own learning
goals and how to correct errors
In the classroom
*Teachers can help students become self-regulated
and reflective by providing opportunities:
--To check their thinking and ask themselves
questions about their understanding(Why am I
doing what I am doing?, How well am I doing ?,
What remains to be done?)
7. Restructuring prior knowledge
Sometimes prior knowledge can stand in the way
of learning something new. Students must learn
how to solve internal inconsistencies and
restructure existing conceptions when necessary.
In the classroom
*Teachers need to be aware that students have
prior beliefs and incomplete understandings that
can conflict with what is being taught at school.
*It is important to create the circumstances where
alternative beliefs and explanations can be
externalized and expressed.
8. Aiming towards understanding rather than
Learning is better when material is organized
around general principles and explanations, rather
than when it is based on memorization of isolated
facts and procedures.
In the classroom
*Ask students to explain a concept in their own
*Show students how to provide examples that
illustrate how a principle applies or how a law
9. Helping students learn to transfer
Learning becomes more meaningful when the
lessons are applied to real-life situations
In the classroom
*Insisting on mastery of subject matter
*Applying what has been learned in one subject-
matter area to other areas to which it may be

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How children learn languages
How children learn languagesHow children learn languages
How children learn languages

Power Point Presentation on how children learn languages. Practice II, didactics of ELT and practicum at primary school level, third year subject of the English Language Teaching Course at UNLPam.

How children learn langages
How children learn langagesHow children learn langages
How children learn langages

This document discusses theories of how children learn languages. It covers: 1) Behaviorist, cognitivist, social-interactionist, and nativist theories of language acquisition. 2) The typical process of acquiring a first language from babbling to complex sentences between ages 0-12. 3) Factors that influence how much and what parts of additional languages children learn under different conditions, such as their age, motivation, and learning environment.

steps in children acquiring a language
steps in children acquiring a languagesteps in children acquiring a language
steps in children acquiring a language

This document summarizes the key stages of language development in children. It discusses four main perspectives on how language is acquired: learning, nativist, interactionist, and cognitive. Children progress through prelinguistic, one-word, telegraphic speech, and early grammar stages from ages 0-5. Piaget's theory of cognitive development also explains language acquisition through its sensory-motor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages. The critical period hypothesis suggests there is an ideal time window for acquiring language skills.

10. Taking time to practice
Learning is a complex cognitive activity that
cannot be rushed. It requires considerable time
and periods of practice to start building
expertise in an area
In the classroom
*Increase the amount of time students spend on
learning in the classroom
*Do not try to cover too many topics at once . Give
students time to understand the new information
*Be in contact with parents so that they can learn
to provide richer educational experiences for
their children.
11. Developmental and individual differences
Children learn best when their individual
differences are taken into consideration
In the classroom
*Learn how to assess children’s knowledge,
strategies and modes of learning adequately.
*Create connections to the real world by
introducing problems and materials drawn
from everyday situations
12. Creating motivated learners
Learning is critically influenced by learner
motivation. Teachers can help students become
more motivated learners by their behavior and the
statements they make.
In the classroom
*Teachers must use encouraging statements that
reflect an honest evaluation of learner performance
*Recognize student accomplishments.
*Refrain from grouping students according to their
*Provide cooperation rather than competition
 Common learning styles
- Visual
- Auditory
- Tactile

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Three major theoretical schools of learning
Three major theoretical schools of learningThree major theoretical schools of learning
Three major theoretical schools of learning

There are three major theoretical schools of learning: behaviorism, cognitive psychology, and humanistic psychology. Behaviorism emphasizes conditioning behavior through reinforcement and punishment. Cognitive psychology focuses on how people process information and structure knowledge. Humanistic psychology stresses meeting students' basic needs and allowing free learning. Together these theories recognize the importance of environmental stimuli and reinforcement in the learning process, while acknowledging individual differences that can be addressed through customized stimulus. Elements of all three theories have influenced the American education system with varying levels of success.

behaviorismhumanistic psychologycognitive psychology
Learning slideshow
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Learning slideshow

Constructivism is a theory that learning is an active process where learners construct knowledge from their own experiences and interpret information through personal and cultural lenses. Jean Piaget's model of cognitive development outlined four stages - sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational - where children progress in their ability to understand abstract concepts. Jerome Bruner's discovery learning theory proposed that learning occurs through problem-solving and relating new information to prior knowledge. Lev Vygotsky's social development theory emphasized that social interaction and guidance from more knowledgeable others aids learning, and defined the zone of proximal development as what one can learn with assistance versus independently. Constructivist classrooms allow students to learn through hands-on activities appropriate to their

Study skills
Study skillsStudy skills
Study skills

The document provides tips for effective study skills and note-taking strategies. It recommends developing a study plan by writing down assignments, setting study times, and taking breaks. The best environment for studying has proper lighting and organization. When studying, one should focus on difficult material first, avoid procrastinating, and take breaks if concentration is lost. Effective note-taking involves attending class prepared, dating notes, including all information like charts and diagrams, and reviewing notes. The document also discusses different learning styles like visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic and appropriate study methods for each style.

Understanding how students learn
starts by understanding how you as a
teacher learn.
It is best achieved when insights
gained from understanding
psychological principles are valued
and put into the teaching practice.
 Visual
- Minds sometimes strays during verbal
- Observes rather than act or talk
- Likes to read
- Memorizes by seeing graphics
- Finds verbal instructions difficult
- Meticulous, neat in appearance
- Notices details
 Auditory
- Talks to self aloud
- Enjoys talking
- Easily distracted
- Likes to be read to
- Enjoys music
- Hums or sings
- Outgoing by nature
- Enjoys listening activities
 Kinesthetic
- Likes physical rewards
- In motion most of the time
- Likes to touch people when talking
- Taps pencil or foot when studying
- Enjoys doing activities
- Poor speller
- Tries new things
- Outgoing by nature
- Dresses for comfort

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How children learn language
How children learn languageHow children learn language
How children learn language

1. The document discusses the development of children's speech production and comprehension from babbling to first words to telegraphic speech to rule formation. It explains that speech comprehension precedes production and the relationship between thought, comprehension, and production. 2. It describes characteristics of parentese/baby talk that aid language learning like exaggerated intonation and simplified grammar and vocabulary. Imitation, rule learning, and correction play roles in acquisition. 3. Memory and logic also facilitate language learning as children form word-object associations through memory and use inductive and deductive reasoning. Abstract words are learned later through experience and metaphor.

Educ 1821 teaching reading & writing
Educ 1821 teaching reading & writingEduc 1821 teaching reading & writing
Educ 1821 teaching reading & writing

This document provides an overview of a course on teaching reading and writing. It discusses various reading genres like fiction, non-fiction, diaries and academic writing. It also covers bottom-up and top-down processing models of reading, as well as extensive, intensive and interactive reading approaches. For writing, it discusses product-oriented and process-oriented approaches and compares L1 and L2 writing. A variety of reading and writing activities are presented, along with techniques for assessing writing using minimal marking.

esl methodologyellesl
Parentese and Baby Talk
Parentese and Baby TalkParentese and Baby Talk
Parentese and Baby Talk

some psycholinguistics concepts are presented: innatism, input and imitation. Definition and characteristics of parentese (Motherese) and baby talk. A thorough explanation of parentese with examples, questions and details.

language acquisitionparentesepsycholinguistics
 Teacher Behavior
 Teacher Characteristics
 Student Behavior
 Student Characteristics
 Curriculum
 Time
 School Policies
 Community Characteristics
 Classroom Set-up
Determine why you learn the way you
do. A good teacher knows his/her own
strengths and weaknesses, as well as
the basic understanding of the way
students prefer to learn.
 Recognize how personality type
affects one’s teaching style.
 It is easy to teach students when
their preferred learning styles are
 Develop varied strategies to
help students with different
learning styles.
 Provide the most productive
learning environment possible.

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How do children learn a language
How do children learn a language How do children learn a language
How do children learn a language

The term first language acquisition refers to children's natural acquisition of the language or languages they hear from birth.

Learning to Learn: Leveraging your Circadian Rhythm
Learning to Learn: Leveraging your Circadian RhythmLearning to Learn: Leveraging your Circadian Rhythm
Learning to Learn: Leveraging your Circadian Rhythm

The document discusses how a person's circadian rhythm, or biological clock, impacts their cognitive ability and productivity at different times of the day. It explains that circadian rhythms vary between individuals and discovering your own rhythm through self-awareness and tracking can help you schedule tasks during the times when you are most focused and creative. Optimizing your schedule according to your circadian rhythm allows you to leverage your peak periods of cognitive performance for increased efficiency.

learning to learnsciencebrain
#How children learn language
#How children learn language#How children learn language
#How children learn language

Children learn language through everyday experiences, understanding words before saying them. Routines and repetition are important for language learning, as the more exposure a child has to a word through a familiar experience, the easier it is for them to understand and use that word. Children progress from understanding simple words and instructions to combining words and communicating, with patience and exposure over time leading to language development.

 Working by learning team, brainstorm on
teaching practices/strategies to ensure
positive learning environment and address
the different learning styles of learners.
 Write these strategies on manila paper to be
posted on the board.
 Ask a representative from the group to read
the output.
Thoughts from William Glasser
We learn:
10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
30% of what we see
50% of what we both see and hear
70% of what we discuss with others
80% of what we experience personally
95% of what we teach each other

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How children learn

  • 1. 1
  • 2. Have 3 pieces of paper.  Be ready to make an origami – utility box.  Follow the instructions given you. 2
  • 3. 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. 9
  • 10. 10
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. 17
  • 18.  Call on somebody to demonstrate how to make an origami box.  Display your origami boxes on top of your table. 18
  • 19. Get a copy of the Learning Style Inventory and the Learning Assessment Style worksheets. Accomplish the worksheets and determine your score per learning area.  Read the interpretation of your scores. 19
  • 20. 1.Active Involvement Learning requires the active, constructive involvement of the learner In the classroom *Avoid situations where the students are passive listeners for long periods of time *Provide students with hands-on activities, such as experiments, observations, projects *Encourage participation in classroom discussions and other collaborative activities
  • 21. 2. Social Participation Learning is primarily a social activity and participation in the social life of the school is central for learning to occur. In the Classroom *Assign students to work in groups and assume the role of a coach who provides guidance and support to the groups. *Link the school to the community at large
  • 22. 3. Meaningful Activities People learn best when they participate in activities that are perceived to be useful in real life and are culturally relevant. In the Classroom *Oral language and communication skills can be improved by letting students participate in debates. *Writing skills can be improved by letting students be involved in news writing
  • 23. 4. Relating new information to prior knowledge New knowledge is constructed on the basis of what is already understood and believed In the classroom *Teachers need to investigate students’ prior knowledge in detail so that false beliefs and misconceptions can be identified.
  • 24. 5. Being Strategic People learn by employing effective and flexible strategies that help them to understand, reason, memorize and solve problems In the classroom *Teachers should ensure that students learn to use strategies on their own.
  • 25. 6. Engaging in self-regulation and being reflective Learners must know how to plan and monitor their learning, how to set their own learning goals and how to correct errors In the classroom *Teachers can help students become self-regulated and reflective by providing opportunities: --To check their thinking and ask themselves questions about their understanding(Why am I doing what I am doing?, How well am I doing ?, What remains to be done?)
  • 26. 7. Restructuring prior knowledge Sometimes prior knowledge can stand in the way of learning something new. Students must learn how to solve internal inconsistencies and restructure existing conceptions when necessary. In the classroom *Teachers need to be aware that students have prior beliefs and incomplete understandings that can conflict with what is being taught at school. *It is important to create the circumstances where alternative beliefs and explanations can be externalized and expressed.
  • 27. 8. Aiming towards understanding rather than memorization Learning is better when material is organized around general principles and explanations, rather than when it is based on memorization of isolated facts and procedures. In the classroom *Ask students to explain a concept in their own words *Show students how to provide examples that illustrate how a principle applies or how a law works
  • 28. 9. Helping students learn to transfer Learning becomes more meaningful when the lessons are applied to real-life situations In the classroom *Insisting on mastery of subject matter *Applying what has been learned in one subject- matter area to other areas to which it may be related
  • 29. 10. Taking time to practice Learning is a complex cognitive activity that cannot be rushed. It requires considerable time and periods of practice to start building expertise in an area In the classroom *Increase the amount of time students spend on learning in the classroom *Do not try to cover too many topics at once . Give students time to understand the new information *Be in contact with parents so that they can learn to provide richer educational experiences for their children.
  • 30. 11. Developmental and individual differences Children learn best when their individual differences are taken into consideration In the classroom *Learn how to assess children’s knowledge, strategies and modes of learning adequately. *Create connections to the real world by introducing problems and materials drawn from everyday situations
  • 31. 12. Creating motivated learners Learning is critically influenced by learner motivation. Teachers can help students become more motivated learners by their behavior and the statements they make. In the classroom *Teachers must use encouraging statements that reflect an honest evaluation of learner performance *Recognize student accomplishments. *Refrain from grouping students according to their ability *Provide cooperation rather than competition
  • 32.  Common learning styles - Visual - Auditory - Tactile Source: 32
  • 33. Understanding how students learn starts by understanding how you as a teacher learn. It is best achieved when insights gained from understanding psychological principles are valued and put into the teaching practice. 33
  • 34.  Visual - Minds sometimes strays during verbal activities - Observes rather than act or talk - Likes to read - Memorizes by seeing graphics - Finds verbal instructions difficult - Meticulous, neat in appearance - Notices details 34
  • 35.  Auditory - Talks to self aloud - Enjoys talking - Easily distracted - Likes to be read to - Enjoys music - Hums or sings - Outgoing by nature - Enjoys listening activities 35
  • 36.  Kinesthetic - Likes physical rewards - In motion most of the time - Likes to touch people when talking - Taps pencil or foot when studying - Enjoys doing activities - Poor speller - Tries new things - Outgoing by nature - Dresses for comfort 36
  • 37.  Teacher Behavior  Teacher Characteristics  Student Behavior  Student Characteristics  Curriculum  Time  School Policies  Community Characteristics  Classroom Set-up 37
  • 38. Determine why you learn the way you do. A good teacher knows his/her own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the basic understanding of the way students prefer to learn. 38
  • 39.  Recognize how personality type affects one’s teaching style.  It is easy to teach students when their preferred learning styles are addressed. 39
  • 40.  Develop varied strategies to help students with different learning styles.  Provide the most productive learning environment possible. 40
  • 41.  Working by learning team, brainstorm on teaching practices/strategies to ensure positive learning environment and address the different learning styles of learners.  Write these strategies on manila paper to be posted on the board.  Ask a representative from the group to read the output. 41
  • 42. Thoughts from William Glasser We learn: 10% of what we read 20% of what we hear 30% of what we see 50% of what we both see and hear 70% of what we discuss with others 80% of what we experience personally 95% of what we teach each other 42