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Bootstrap Framework
Bootstrap Framework Bootstrap Framework
Bootstrap Framework

Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. How to use bootstrap, a framework for web design

websiteresponsiveweb design
Death of a Themer
Death of a ThemerDeath of a Themer
Death of a Themer

Video at Large Drupal projects will generally have a themer or five working alongside the developers, site builders and designers. Themers are the magicians who transform what Drupal wants to do into what the designer wants it to do. Smaller projects also usually need someone on the team who can make sense of Drupal's output, knows more CSS and JS than anyone else and can configure Views with their eyes closed. The thing is — and whisper this, if possible redundancy concerns you — we can bypass the themer entirely. With some simple configuration, a site builder can get Drupal to output exactly the semantic, lightweight markup that any modern front-end designer would be proud of. The designer can be left alone to write the most appropriate HTML, CSS and JS, while the site builder need only choose a couple of options when putting together content types, views and panels to make Drupal behave. A friendly developer may have to lend a hand every now and then, but that’s it. You can get rid of the themer altogether.

drupaltheme"drupalcamp london"
JavaScript Presentation Frameworks and Libraries
JavaScript Presentation Frameworks and LibrariesJavaScript Presentation Frameworks and Libraries
JavaScript Presentation Frameworks and Libraries

This document compares several JavaScript presentation frameworks: Reveal.js, Impress.js, Google Slides Template (GST), Deck.js, and Shower. It provides information on their features such as support for CSS transitions, browser support, extensions, and PDF export capabilities. Reveal.js and Deck.js support the most features, including CSS transitions, extensions, and PDF export, while Impress.js focuses on CSS transitions and browser support.

browser supportdeckjs
Skeleton with
Design with
Interact with
<div class="hello">
hello <span class="highlight">world</span>
.hello { font-size: 50px; color: red; }
.highlight { font-weight: bold; }
hello world

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Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web DesignResponsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

This presentation provides an overview of Responsive Web Design with some practical information about how to create responsive web designs.

Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and TechniquesResponsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques

Responsive Web design challenges Web designers to adapt a new mindset to their design and coding processes. This talk provides an overview of various practical techniques, tips and tricks that you might want to be aware of when working on a new responsive design project.

cssweb design and developmentresponsive
Creating a Responsive Drupal Theme: Presentation from DrupalCamp Montreal 2012
Creating a Responsive Drupal Theme: Presentation from DrupalCamp Montreal 2012Creating a Responsive Drupal Theme: Presentation from DrupalCamp Montreal 2012
Creating a Responsive Drupal Theme: Presentation from DrupalCamp Montreal 2012

Everyone is going mobile these days and Drupal is no exception. There are lots of techniques for building mobile-friendly websites with Drupal from full-blown mobile applications to using a mobile-specific theme. Responsive design is a simpler way of designing for mobile. The goal of responsive design is to design a site so that the layout adapts to the width of the user's screen, making websites usable on all kinds of devices from mobile phones to large monitors. This session will discuss how you can apply responsive design techniques to your Drupal website and how to make design choices that work within a responsive framework. Topics will include: Steps to building a responsive Drupal 7 theme Challenges when designing a responsive layout Drupal elements that are particularly challenging to adapt CSS techniques for responsive design Responsive Drupal base themes

<title>The title of my page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<div class="header">This is my header</div>
<script src="myscript.js"></script_>
We primarily use : div & span
and a, img, form, input, button.
to identify HTML tags and apply design
.container {}
.container .item:first-child {}

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How to use CSS3 in WordPress
How to use CSS3 in WordPressHow to use CSS3 in WordPress
How to use CSS3 in WordPress

The document provides an overview of how to use CSS3 in WordPress. It introduces the presenter and their goal to teach the audience at least one new thing. It then covers CSS/CSS3 basics, terminology, syntax, properties, specificity, inspecting CSS, new CSS3 modules like colors, gradients, border radius, and how to add CSS in WordPress through themes, plugins or inline styles. Resources for further learning CSS are also provided, followed by time for questions.

Basics of Front End Web Dev PowerPoint
Basics of Front End Web Dev PowerPointBasics of Front End Web Dev PowerPoint
Basics of Front End Web Dev PowerPoint

Here are some tips for hands-on part 2: - Add a class like .paragraph to the <p> tags containing your sentences - Add an ID like #image to the <img> tag - In an internal or external CSS file: .paragraph { color: blue; font-size: 20px; } #image { padding: 10px; display: block; margin: 0 auto; } - For background: body { background-color: lightgray; } - Play around with other CSS properties like text-align, font-family etc.

Lastest Trends in Web Development
Lastest Trends in Web DevelopmentLastest Trends in Web Development
Lastest Trends in Web Development

In the talk, it starts with highlighting the new HTML5 and CSS3 features in modern browsers, then it illustrate how easy it is to convert a web application to a modern app. Finally it introduces Apache Cordova project and how feasible it is to leverage the web content (HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript) and convert it into an app that will run cross platforms on Android, iOS and Windows.

css3app developmentweb development
position, float, display
margin, padding
font‐family, font‐size, font‐weight
color, background
LIVE CODING (slides/htmlcss/css/example.html)
is a CSS preprocessor
simplify reading of the code
structure code in multiple files
Don't write :
.hero { background: black; }
.hero h1 { color: red; }
.hero .highlight { font-weight: bold; }
But write :
.hero {
background: black;
h1 {
color: red;
.highlight { font-weight: bold; }

Recommended for you

CSS in React
CSS in ReactCSS in React
CSS in React

This document discusses different approaches for using CSS in React applications. It begins by outlining some of the issues with plain CSS, including lack of encapsulation and global namespace pollution. It then examines different methodologies for organizing CSS, including OOCSS, BEM, and SUIT CSS. Next, it covers pre/post-processors like Sass, LESS, and PostCSS. The document dives into examples of implementing styles in React using inline styles, CSS modules, Radium, and Styled Components. For each approach, it highlights the syntax and notes advantages and limitations. Finally, it closes with a brief look at emerging technologies that may impact future CSS practices.

Web topic 9 navigation and link
Web topic 9  navigation and linkWeb topic 9  navigation and link
Web topic 9 navigation and link

Navigation bars and links allow users to easily navigate between different pages and sections of a website. Frames divide the browser window into separate panes that each display a different HTML document, enabling relevant information to remain visible. A frameset document uses <FRAMESET> tags to define the layout and properties of frames and specify the files displayed in each frame. Links between frames use target attributes to indicate where referenced documents should open. Nested frames involve multiple levels of framesets, with one set contained within another.

Best Practices for Embedded UA - WritersUA 2012, Scott DeLoach, ClickStart
Best Practices for Embedded UA - WritersUA 2012, Scott DeLoach, ClickStartBest Practices for Embedded UA - WritersUA 2012, Scott DeLoach, ClickStart
Best Practices for Embedded UA - WritersUA 2012, Scott DeLoach, ClickStart

1) The document provides best practices for writing embedded user assistance (UA) including using an informal friendly writing style, integrating content from other sources, allowing user feedback, customization, and learning. 2) It demonstrates HTML5 techniques for UA like adding subtitles to videos, editing content, and saving user-provided content using local storage. 3) Forms guidelines are discussed like requiring input, validating formats, and spellchecking. Examples of applications and websites using these techniques are provided.

techcommtechnical communicationembedded ua
Don't write all your CSS in 1 file ...
.hero { color: red; }
/* ... > 1000 CSS messy lines */
.footer { font-size: 12px; }
But split it in multiple files, sort by categories :
@import '_header';
@import '_layout';
// ...
@import '_footer';
 en français !
Twitter Bootstrap (
Foundation (
Bootstrap has a grid of 12 columns.

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Responsive design
Responsive designResponsive design
Responsive design

This document discusses responsive web design techniques including: - Using viewports and media queries to adapt layouts for different screen sizes. - Sizing images fluidly using max-width: 100% so they are responsive. - Design patterns for responsive tables, hiding/showing content, and converting menus to dropdowns. - Tools like Modernizr, Respond.js, and frameworks like LESS to support responsive design goals. - Tips like using relative units (ems/percentages) over fixed pixels and transitions for visual changes.

Doing More with LESS for CSS
Doing More with LESS for CSSDoing More with LESS for CSS
Doing More with LESS for CSS

As CSS3 adds support for rich styling in standards-based web applications, style sheet markup can quickly get out of control! Many CSS effects today require repetitive rules to cover the proprietary browser CSS prefixes. LESS for CSS is an open source framework that makes modern CSS more manageable. With support for variables, mix-ins, nested CSS rules, and operations, LESS finally makes complex CSS easy to maintain. In this session, you will discover how LESS can be easily adopted in any ASP.NET project and learn about tools that make it easy to work with LESS in Visual Studio 2010.

Joomla Templates101
Joomla Templates101Joomla Templates101
Joomla Templates101

This document provides an agenda and overview for a Joomla templates 101 workshop. The agenda includes introductions, discussing module positions and template ingredients in Joomla, building HTML/CSS templates with PHP snippets, the templateDetails.xml file, uploading and activating templates, and tips/tricks. The presenter's background is also provided. The workshop will demonstrate creating a Joomla template using various software tools and cover best practices like paths for images and the templateDetails.xml file. Resources from the workshop are available online.

How to use the grid ?
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6">Column 1</div>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6">Column 2</div>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6">Column 3</div>
The grid will have :
3 columns for a medium screen (width >= 992px)
2 columns for a small screen (768px >= width > 992px)
1 columns for a tiny screen (width < 768px)
DEMO (slides/bootstrap/grid/demo.html)
Standard :  Button
<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">Button</button>
Color :  Button
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Button</button>
Size :  Button   Button
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" type="submit">Button</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" type="submit">Button</button>
Sign in
<form class="form-horizontal">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<input type="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Email">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<input type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Passwor
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Sign in</button>

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Responsive & Responsible Web Design in DNN
Responsive & Responsible Web Design in DNNResponsive & Responsible Web Design in DNN
Responsive & Responsible Web Design in DNN

DNN is an excellent platform for a responsive website, but its important to know the ''Do's'' and ''Don'ts'' when designing responsively. This presentation will cover all things responsive: from wireframes and mockups, to media queries and javascript snippets. Get valuable tips on how to create a responsive site following modern web standards, while harnessing the power of the DNN framework. Learn how to design and plan your site, develop layouts with a fluid grid, and test to ensure your site looks great on tons of devices!

web designdotnetnukeresponsive web design
Css responsive
Css responsiveCss responsive
Css responsive

Responsive web design provides an optimal experience across different devices like desktops, mobiles, and tablets. It uses a flexible grid and media queries to automatically adjust the layout depending on screen size. Bootstrap is a popular framework that helps design websites in a responsive way, using features like a responsive grid system and generic styling for common elements.

Zepto and the rise of the JavaScript Micro-Frameworks
Zepto and the rise of the JavaScript Micro-FrameworksZepto and the rise of the JavaScript Micro-Frameworks
Zepto and the rise of the JavaScript Micro-Frameworks

The document discusses nano and pico frameworks for mobile JavaScript development. It highlights advantages of micro-frameworks like Zepto.js over larger frameworks, including smaller file size for faster loading, using native browser features instead of duplicating functionality, and focusing on the most common use cases. The document promotes micro-frameworks for mobile as they are lightweight, modular, and optimize for key tasks on resource-constrained devices.

SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS) is a
style guide for CSS.
We split the code into functional modules
|- bower_components : external plugins
|- node_modules : tools to build the project
|- scss : my common styles
|- src
|- app : the page
|- assets : media files
|- images
|- index.html : the homepage
|- bower.json : list of the external plugins
|- gulpfile.js : JS makefile
|- package.json : list of tools to build the project
|- scss
|- _base.scss : basics styles
|- _form.scss : forms
|- _layout.scss : all about structure
|- _mixins.scss : functions
|- _variables.scss : common configuration
|- index.scss : import the previous
|- vendor.scss : import the external styles
|- src
|- app
|- _header.scss : header of the page
|- _features.scss : feature part
|- _footer.scss : footer of the page
|- _hero.scss : hero part
|- _prices.scss : prices part
|- navbar.js : navbar behavior JS
|- index.js : misc behavior JS

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ECMA5 approach to building JavaScript frameworks with Anzor Bashkhaz
ECMA5 approach to building JavaScript frameworks with Anzor BashkhazECMA5 approach to building JavaScript frameworks with Anzor Bashkhaz
ECMA5 approach to building JavaScript frameworks with Anzor Bashkhaz

Save 10% off ANY FITC event with discount code 'slideshare' See our upcoming events at ECMA5 has given JavaScript a number of new ways to define and manipulate objects. In this session, attendees will learn how to combine Require.js and ECMA5’s object manipulation functions to create an inheritance model similar to class-based languages.

Javascript Framework Acessibiliity Review
Javascript Framework Acessibiliity ReviewJavascript Framework Acessibiliity Review
Javascript Framework Acessibiliity Review

This document summarizes a presentation about JavaScript frameworks and accessibility. It discusses that while JavaScript frameworks are popular, they can cause accessibility issues if not implemented properly. It provides examples of accessibility challenges with different frameworks like Angular, React, and Ember. It emphasizes that all frameworks require the use of custom elements, which need ARIA attributes to work with assistive technologies. The key takeaways are that native HTML elements should be used where possible, and that understanding ARIA is critical to make custom elements accessible across browsers and screen readers.

Offline Mode - Web Applications Offline
Offline Mode - Web Applications OfflineOffline Mode - Web Applications Offline
Offline Mode - Web Applications Offline

An introduction to the ApplicationCache and LocalStorage HTML5 APIs that allow you to write web applications that seamlessly transition from online to offline and back.

html html5 web applicationcache localstorage
Separate into functional part
<div class="hero">
<div class="hero-header"></div>
<div class="hero-header-title">Use the best, use Jobboard.</div>
<div class="hero-header-subtitle">and stay on top</div>
<div class="hero-calltoaction">
<button class="btn-register">Register</button>
.hero {
padding: 100px 0;
.hero-header { color: gray; }
.hero-header-title { font-size: 40px; }
.hero-header-subtitle { font-size: 20px; }
.hero-calltoaction { margin-top: 50px; }
.btn-register { color: white; background: orange; }
CSS styles can quickly become messy
So, we organize styles as :
1.  position
2.  display
3.  colors
4.  font
5.  miscellaneous
.myitem {
/* Position */
position: absolute;
top: 0;
/* Display */
display: block;
width: 100px;
height: 50px;
margin: 0 5px 20px 10px;
padding: 5px 5px;
/* Colors */
color: whitesmoke;
background: green;
/* Font */
font-family: 'Arial';
font-size: 12px;
/* Miscellaneous */
border-radius: 50%;

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Metaprogramming JavaScript
Metaprogramming  JavaScriptMetaprogramming  JavaScript
Metaprogramming JavaScript

JavaScript allows for metaprogramming through manipulating programs as data. It relies on few but powerful constructs including working with functions, arguments, built-in types, and mechanisms like inheritance at runtime. The key building blocks are objects, numbers, strings, booleans, and undefined, with everything else being objects. Functions are objects that can return other functions, taking advantage of closures to refer to outer variables from inner functions. This flexibility allows for patching implementations, self-optimizing code, custom APIs, and domain-specific languages.

Paweł Danielewski, Jak wygenerować 56% konwersji na Landing Page i 193.000 zł...
Paweł Danielewski, Jak wygenerować 56% konwersji na Landing Page i 193.000 zł...Paweł Danielewski, Jak wygenerować 56% konwersji na Landing Page i 193.000 zł...
Paweł Danielewski, Jak wygenerować 56% konwersji na Landing Page i 193.000 zł...

Paweł Danielewski, Jak wygenerować 56% konwersji na Landing Page i 193.000 zł sprzedaży w 14 dni?, I ♥ Marketing, 1.03.2017

i love marketingilovemktsocial media
Creating responsive landing pages using LeadSquared
Creating responsive landing pages using LeadSquaredCreating responsive landing pages using LeadSquared
Creating responsive landing pages using LeadSquared

Responsive landing pages adapt to different screen sizes and provide an optimal viewing experience across devices. A responsive page will look good on any device without needing to scroll or resize text. It is important for user experience and conversions, as responsive pages convert 40% more than unresponsive pages. This document demonstrates how to create a responsive landing page in LeadSquared using various blocks like images, text, forms, features and testimonials and provides tips on formatting, styling and customization.

landing pagesleadsquaredresponsive
(RWD) ?
Create a site which can be read across a wide range of
devices, from desktop to mobile.
Find screens size here :
1.  First, develop for desktop !
2.  Second, adapt mobile and tablet :)
Example :
<div class="hero">…</div>
.hero { width: 960px; }
@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
.hero { width: 600px; }

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WebApps e Frameworks Javascript
WebApps e Frameworks JavascriptWebApps e Frameworks Javascript
WebApps e Frameworks Javascript

Visão geral sobre frameworks javascript populares e o uso para desenvolvimento de aplicações web ricas.

50 Landing Page Best Practices
50 Landing Page Best Practices50 Landing Page Best Practices
50 Landing Page Best Practices

50 of our most coveted landing page best strategies: from templates to testing, targeting, messaging, and more!

qr code landing pagesb2b marketinga/b testing
Unobtrusive JavaScript with jQuery
Unobtrusive JavaScript with jQueryUnobtrusive JavaScript with jQuery
Unobtrusive JavaScript with jQuery

Slides from a three hour tutorial presented at XTech 2008 on the 6th of May. See also <a href="">the supporting notes</a>.

Intégrer une maquette, Grafikart (french)
UX :  , 
Fonts :  , 
Colors : 
Icons : 
Codrops ( Cody House
Google Fonts ( Da
Font (
Adobe Color (
Font Awesome

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Writing Efficient JavaScript
Writing Efficient JavaScriptWriting Efficient JavaScript
Writing Efficient JavaScript

Writing Efficient JavaScript discusses common issues that can slow down JavaScript performance and provides recommendations to address them. It covers scope management, data access, loops, DOM manipulation, and avoiding browser limits. The document recommends minimizing scope chain lookups, storing frequently accessed properties in local variables, optimizing loops, performing DOM changes off-document to reduce reflows, and using setTimeout() to avoid locking up the browser thread.

HTML5, the new buzzword
HTML5, the new buzzwordHTML5, the new buzzword
HTML5, the new buzzword

The document is a presentation about HTML5. It discusses what HTML5 is, some of the new elements it introduces like canvas, video, audio, and geolocation. It also covers new features like CSS3 media queries, web fonts using WOFF, and whether HTML5 is ready for use. The presentation encourages trying out HTML5 and provides some resources for learning more.

Web Development for UX Designers
Web Development for UX DesignersWeb Development for UX Designers
Web Development for UX Designers

An overview of web development essentials that will help you as a user experience designer to not only understand how to integrate designs with development components, but also to learn some tips on interacting effectively with developers.

user experience designhtml5web development
In a shell, execute :
$ brew install node
$ sudo npm -g install gulp grunt grunt-cli yo sass node-sass bower
In a shell, execute :
$ curl -sL | sudo bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs git
$ sudo npm -g install gulp grunt grunt-cli yo sass node-sass bower
Download & Install 
Download & Install 
Download & Install 
Add python executable to the PATH
In a shell, execute :
Git Extensions
NodeJS 0.10.33
Python 2.X.X
npm -g install gulp grunt grunt-cli yo sass node-sass bower
$ git clone
$ cd stweb-landingpage-tutorial/
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ git reset --hard q0
$ gulp serve
1.  Add the HTML in index.html
2.  Add the SCSS

Recommended for you

CSS Architecture - JSIL.pdf
CSS Architecture - JSIL.pdfCSS Architecture - JSIL.pdf
CSS Architecture - JSIL.pdf

Elad Shechter presents a methodology for CSS storytelling architecture. The methodology involves organizing CSS into folders and partial files that follow specific conventions. Configuration files define base styles and variables. Local files override base styles. Elements, components, sequences, entities and pages are defined in partial files for reusability and organization. Mixins and utilities are also defined. The methodology aims to make CSS more maintainable, scalable and organized through logical grouping and naming.

Html5 & less css
Html5 & less cssHtml5 & less css
Html5 & less css

The document provides an overview of HTML5, CSS3, and LESS CSS. It describes new HTML5 elements like <canvas>, <audio>, <video>, and attributes for existing tags. CSS3 features covered include rounded corners, animations, and media queries. LESS CSS allows snippets to be reused through mixins and nested rules. The document recommends tools like Modernizr, polyfills, and Crunch to compile LESS into CSS.

htmlcss3less css
Pfnp slides
Pfnp slidesPfnp slides
Pfnp slides

1) The document provides resources for a front-end development session including working files, slides, and an agenda. 2) It reviews HTML tags, CSS selectors, the box model, positioning, and Flexbox. 3) Instructions are given to install Atom plugins and review JavaScript and JQuery before adding an Express server to a webpage.

$ git reset --hard q1
$ gulp serve
1.  Add the HTML in index.html
2.  Add the SCSS
$ git reset --hard q2
$ gulp serve
Use Bootstrap's columns for features
© Fabien Vauchelles (2015)
$ git reset --hard q3
$ gulp serve

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