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Lana Coleman
Project and portfolio 1: Personal Branding
Business and digital Marketing
June 16th, 2024
Career Goals
Career Category: Starting Career
Immediate (Short-Term) Career
Goal: To build and expand inventory
for "Temptresses Botanicals &
Oddities" by acquiring a diverse
range of metaphysical items and
gardening essentials from new
vendors within the next 6 months.
This goal is defined in SMART
Specific: Increase inventory
diversity and quantity for
metaphysical items and gardening
Measurable: Acquire products from
at least 5 new vendors offering bulk
Achievable: Utilize available
resources to establish relationships
with vendors and negotiate favorable
Relevant: Enhance product
offerings to attract a broader
customer base interested in
metaphysical items and gardening
Time-bound: Achieve this goal
within the next 6 months post-
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Number of new vendor agreements
secured within the first 3 months.
Target: Establish partnerships with
at least 3 new vendors offering bulk
Long-Term Career Goal: To
establish a physical storefront in a
local market and cultivate
partnerships to enhance product
quality and customer satisfaction.
This goal emphasizes expanding
business operations and improving
product offerings.
Industry Focus:
Metaphysical Retail
Occupation of
Entrepreneur in
Metaphysical Retail
Founder & Owner of
Botanicals &
Responsibilities include
overseeing daily operations,
strategic planning, and
business development for a
metaphysical retail
business specializing in
spiritual items and
gardening essentials.
Metaphysical Store
Responsibilities involve
managing retail operations,
customer service, inventory
management, and staff
supervision within a
metaphysical retail store
Online Metaphysical
Retail Specialist
Responsibilities include
curating online product
offerings, managing e-
commerce platforms, digital
marketing, customer
engagement, and fulfillment
operations for an online
metaphysical retail
Job Titles
- The Target Audience for
Temptresses Botanicals & Oddities
- Primary Category of People I Will
Seek to Serve:
- Metaphysical Enthusiasts and
New Age Practitioners

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Content marketing is a technique that involves creating and distributing valuable content to attract and engage a target audience with the goal of driving customer action. It is important because 80% of buyers prefer getting product information through articles rather than advertisements. The keys to successful content marketing are understanding buyer personas, their purchase journey, and creating content that addresses their needs and problems without directly selling. An effective content marketing strategy follows a continuous process of planning topics, producing content, distributing it, analyzing performance, and repeating.

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NIDM India, Bangalore - Was Founded By Shri M.S.Kumar, India's Top Digital Marketing Faculty In year 2011 with a vision to create Successful Careers in The Digital Marketing Industry, With his expertise and guidance we have trained more than 30,000+ Students, 2500+ Batches, Students from 20+ Countries, Trainees got placed in Top MNC companies in India and he has guided over 100+ Startups. Mr. Kumar is India's Top Digital Marketing Faculty.

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In today’s digital age, social media is the beating heart of customer connection. It’s a vibrant space where brands can build communities, share stories, and foster meaningful relationships with their audience. But simply having a presence isn’t enough. The true magic lies in igniting customer engagement, transforming passive followers into active participants.

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1. A.RAE Designs
2. Pure Resonance
3. Country Creations and
Analysis and Differentiation:
Unique Strengths: My approach centers on personalized
care and attention to detail, ensuring each client receives
a lovingly curated experience. I take pride in hand-
cultivating every item, infusing each with a personal touch
and unique flair. This dedication results in products that
are not only distinctive but also imbued with a sense of
craftsmanship and authenticity.
Competitive Advantage: In contrast to competitors who
often rely on mass-produced items, my focus on artisanal
craftsmanship guarantees that each piece is one-of-a-kind
and cannot be replicated. This commitment to quality and
individuality sets my offerings apart, appealing directly to
customers seeking meaningful connections with their
metaphysical tools and botanical supplies.
Discovering My Golden Circle: Vision, Purpose, Values, Principles, and
Who Are You?
• Origin: From a family of taxidermists and natives who embraced the land to
create beauty.
• Background: Studying at Full Sail University to refine business skills and
foster valuable connections.
• Capability: Demonstrated ability to excel in various endeavors with the right
Where Are You Going?
• Future Plans: Continuing to develop and expand my business plan, aiming
for a physical store in addition to online and market sales.
- What Are Your Values and Principles?
• Core Values: Dedication to empathy, caring deeply for everyone
encountered and treating them like family.
• Principles: Commitment to craftsmanship and authenticity in every product,
echoing familial roots and personal ethos.
What Is Your Superpower?
• Empathy: Naturally connecting with others and fostering genuine
relationships, a cornerstone of personal and professional interactions.
Promise & Position
Personal Brand Statement: "I handcraft unique metaphysical
items with empathy and authenticity, inspired by generations of
artisans and my deep connection to the land, to enrich the
spiritual practices of individuals seeking genuine connections."
- Brand Position (3 Words): Empathetic Artisanal
Key Concepts:
• What You Do: Handcraft unique metaphysical items.
• How You Do It: With empathy and authenticity.
• Why You Do It: To enrich spiritual practices and foster
genuine connections.
• For Whom: Individuals seeking meaningful spiritual tools
and connections.
Industry Events and Professional Organizations
- 1. Event: Metaphysical Market at The Norns by The Witches Closet
• Date and Time: June 15th, 12pm - 7pm
• Location: The Norns by The Witches Closet
• Objective: Showcase and sell handmade metaphysical items (witch boxes, oddities,
knickknacks), connect with potential customers, and network with fellow vendors in
the metaphysical retail community.
- 2. Event: Metaphysical Market at The Norns by The Witches Closet
• Date and Time: July 20th, 4pm - 9pm
• Location: The Norns by The Witches Closet
• Objective: Expand sales opportunities for handmade items, build brand awareness,
and foster relationships with attendees interested in unique metaphysical products.
Elevator Pitch: "You know how seekers of metaphysical tools often struggle to find
unique, handmade items that resonate with their spiritual journey? Well, what I do is
handcraft one-of-a-kind witch boxes, oddities, and knickknacks imbued with authenticity
and care. In fact, my creations are inspired by generations of artisans and my deep
connection to the natural world."
Mentorship: I will seek out a mentor who has successfully navigated the metaphysical
retail industry, with experience in both online and physical markets. This mentor will
provide guidance on scaling my business, optimizing product offerings, and navigating
the complexities of retail operations.

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My Mini Club marketing plan aims to increase Facebook fans to 1,000+ and sales by 5-10% by December 31st. It targets Stephy Chen, a 19-year-old Chinese international student in Richmond who enjoys taking selfies and uses social media daily. The plan provides an in-depth persona profile of Stephy to understand her goals, interests and online behavior. It will promote My Mini Club's new photo products and ideas on Facebook to appeal to Stephy's passion for photography and fashion.

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This document discusses developing and implementing a content strategy for social media. It covers translating business objectives into content objectives, segmenting target customer groups by understanding their digital behaviors, the art of online storytelling and content theme development, and identifying the role of content in moving customers along the purchase path. The presentation includes examples from food and drink brands like Panera Bread, Innocent Drinks, and HB Ice Cream to illustrate best practices in content strategy and social media marketing.

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The document provides information about the IFLA BibLibre International Library Marketing Award. The objectives of the award are to reward the best library marketing projects worldwide, encourage marketing in libraries, and allow libraries to share marketing experiences. Any library worldwide that markets its products or services can apply. Applications must be submitted in one of seven IFLA languages and include an original marketing project proposal that answers application questions and describes the benefits, components, targeted customers, marketing strategy, and results of the project. Proposals will be judged on their strategic approach, creativity, potential for visibility and support, effectiveness, and commitment to ongoing marketing activities.

Digital Marketing
Online ID Calculator Results:
- Volume: Low
- Relevance: Low
- Priority Focus: Improve Volume and Relevance scores to enhance visibility and content
Brand Archetype: Caregiver
- Description: Driven by empathy and compassion, prioritizing nurturing relationships and
providing support.
Exuding Your Brand Archetype:
- Approach: Emphasize personal connection and authenticity in customer interactions.
Highlight handmade items with stories of craftsmanship and care.
Primary Content Type:
- Content: Regularly share stories, testimonials, and behind-the-scenes content
showcasing the personal touch behind your metaphysical items.
Primary Social Media Tools:
- Platforms: Use Instagram and Facebook for visual storytelling and community
engagement. Utilize LinkedIn for professional networking in metaphysical and artisanal crafts.
Skills Development Plan
Technical Skills:
1. Skill: Online Marketing
1. Task: Develop proficiency in social media advertising for promoting metaphysical retail products.
2. Organization: Online Marketing Course on Udemy
3. Due Date: Complete by September 30th, 2024
2. Skill: E-commerce Management
1. Task: Enhance skills in managing online store operations, including inventory management and
customer service.
2. Organization: Full Sail University E-commerce Management Workshop
3. Due Date: Attend workshop by December 15th, 2024
Transferable Skills:
1. Skill: Customer Relationship Management
1. Task: Improve ability to build and maintain strong customer relationships through effective
communication and personalized service.
2. Organization: Join Toastmasters International for public speaking and leadership development
3. Due Date: Start attending meetings by July 1st, 2024
2. Skill: Time Management
1. Task: Strengthen time management skills to prioritize tasks effectively and meet business deadlines.
2. Organization: Time Management Seminar by Dale Carnegie Training
3. Due Date: Complete seminar by October 15th, 2024
[Non-food vendor considerations ]. (2022).
[SHIFT New York Holistic & Psychic Fair]. (2024).
(2024). cover photo.
Other sources:
OnlineIDCalculatorQuiz. (n.d.).
Brand quiz. (2023, May 23). Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand
Book yourself solid illustrated: The fastest, easiest, and most reliable system for
getting more clients than you can handle even if you hate marketing and selling.
(n.d.). O’Reilly Online Learning.

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  • 1. PERSONAL BRAND EXPLORATION Lana Coleman Project and portfolio 1: Personal Branding Business and digital Marketing June 16th, 2024
  • 2. Career Goals Career Category: Starting Career Immediate (Short-Term) Career Goal: To build and expand inventory for "Temptresses Botanicals & Oddities" by acquiring a diverse range of metaphysical items and gardening essentials from new vendors within the next 6 months. This goal is defined in SMART terms: Specific: Increase inventory diversity and quantity for metaphysical items and gardening essentials. Measurable: Acquire products from at least 5 new vendors offering bulk items. Achievable: Utilize available resources to establish relationships with vendors and negotiate favorable terms. Relevant: Enhance product offerings to attract a broader customer base interested in metaphysical items and gardening supplies. Time-bound: Achieve this goal within the next 6 months post- launch. Key Performance Indicator (KPI): Number of new vendor agreements secured within the first 3 months. Target: Establish partnerships with at least 3 new vendors offering bulk supplies. Long-Term Career Goal: To establish a physical storefront in a local market and cultivate partnerships to enhance product quality and customer satisfaction. This goal emphasizes expanding business operations and improving product offerings.
  • 3. Profession Industry Focus: Metaphysical Retail Occupation of Interest: Entrepreneur in Metaphysical Retail Founder & Owner of "Temptresses Botanicals & Oddities" Responsibilities include overseeing daily operations, strategic planning, and business development for a metaphysical retail business specializing in spiritual items and gardening essentials. Metaphysical Store Manager Responsibilities involve managing retail operations, customer service, inventory management, and staff supervision within a metaphysical retail store environment. Online Metaphysical Retail Specialist Responsibilities include curating online product offerings, managing e- commerce platforms, digital marketing, customer engagement, and fulfillment operations for an online metaphysical retail business. Job Titles
  • 4. Target Audiences - The Target Audience for Temptresses Botanicals & Oddities - Primary Category of People I Will Seek to Serve: - Metaphysical Enthusiasts and New Age Practitioners
  • 5. Competition 1. A.RAE Designs 2. Pure Resonance 3. Country Creations and Crystals Analysis and Differentiation: Unique Strengths: My approach centers on personalized care and attention to detail, ensuring each client receives a lovingly curated experience. I take pride in hand- cultivating every item, infusing each with a personal touch and unique flair. This dedication results in products that are not only distinctive but also imbued with a sense of craftsmanship and authenticity. Competitive Advantage: In contrast to competitors who often rely on mass-produced items, my focus on artisanal craftsmanship guarantees that each piece is one-of-a-kind and cannot be replicated. This commitment to quality and individuality sets my offerings apart, appealing directly to customers seeking meaningful connections with their metaphysical tools and botanical supplies.
  • 6. Identity Discovering My Golden Circle: Vision, Purpose, Values, Principles, and Passions Who Are You? • Origin: From a family of taxidermists and natives who embraced the land to create beauty. • Background: Studying at Full Sail University to refine business skills and foster valuable connections. • Capability: Demonstrated ability to excel in various endeavors with the right tools. Where Are You Going? • Future Plans: Continuing to develop and expand my business plan, aiming for a physical store in addition to online and market sales. - What Are Your Values and Principles? • Core Values: Dedication to empathy, caring deeply for everyone encountered and treating them like family. • Principles: Commitment to craftsmanship and authenticity in every product, echoing familial roots and personal ethos. What Is Your Superpower? • Empathy: Naturally connecting with others and fostering genuine relationships, a cornerstone of personal and professional interactions.
  • 7. Promise & Position Personal Brand Statement: "I handcraft unique metaphysical items with empathy and authenticity, inspired by generations of artisans and my deep connection to the land, to enrich the spiritual practices of individuals seeking genuine connections." - Brand Position (3 Words): Empathetic Artisanal Connection Key Concepts: • What You Do: Handcraft unique metaphysical items. • How You Do It: With empathy and authenticity. • Why You Do It: To enrich spiritual practices and foster genuine connections. • For Whom: Individuals seeking meaningful spiritual tools and connections.
  • 8. Networking Industry Events and Professional Organizations - 1. Event: Metaphysical Market at The Norns by The Witches Closet • Date and Time: June 15th, 12pm - 7pm • Location: The Norns by The Witches Closet • Objective: Showcase and sell handmade metaphysical items (witch boxes, oddities, knickknacks), connect with potential customers, and network with fellow vendors in the metaphysical retail community. - 2. Event: Metaphysical Market at The Norns by The Witches Closet • Date and Time: July 20th, 4pm - 9pm • Location: The Norns by The Witches Closet • Objective: Expand sales opportunities for handmade items, build brand awareness, and foster relationships with attendees interested in unique metaphysical products. Elevator Pitch: "You know how seekers of metaphysical tools often struggle to find unique, handmade items that resonate with their spiritual journey? Well, what I do is handcraft one-of-a-kind witch boxes, oddities, and knickknacks imbued with authenticity and care. In fact, my creations are inspired by generations of artisans and my deep connection to the natural world." Mentorship: I will seek out a mentor who has successfully navigated the metaphysical retail industry, with experience in both online and physical markets. This mentor will provide guidance on scaling my business, optimizing product offerings, and navigating the complexities of retail operations.
  • 9. Digital Marketing Online ID Calculator Results: - Volume: Low - Relevance: Low - Priority Focus: Improve Volume and Relevance scores to enhance visibility and content alignment. Brand Archetype: Caregiver - Description: Driven by empathy and compassion, prioritizing nurturing relationships and providing support. Exuding Your Brand Archetype: - Approach: Emphasize personal connection and authenticity in customer interactions. Highlight handmade items with stories of craftsmanship and care. Primary Content Type: - Content: Regularly share stories, testimonials, and behind-the-scenes content showcasing the personal touch behind your metaphysical items. Primary Social Media Tools: - Platforms: Use Instagram and Facebook for visual storytelling and community engagement. Utilize LinkedIn for professional networking in metaphysical and artisanal crafts.
  • 10. Professional Development Skills Development Plan Technical Skills: 1. Skill: Online Marketing 1. Task: Develop proficiency in social media advertising for promoting metaphysical retail products. 2. Organization: Online Marketing Course on Udemy 3. Due Date: Complete by September 30th, 2024 2. Skill: E-commerce Management 1. Task: Enhance skills in managing online store operations, including inventory management and customer service. 2. Organization: Full Sail University E-commerce Management Workshop 3. Due Date: Attend workshop by December 15th, 2024 Transferable Skills: 1. Skill: Customer Relationship Management 1. Task: Improve ability to build and maintain strong customer relationships through effective communication and personalized service. 2. Organization: Join Toastmasters International for public speaking and leadership development 3. Due Date: Start attending meetings by July 1st, 2024 2. Skill: Time Management 1. Task: Strengthen time management skills to prioritize tasks effectively and meet business deadlines. 2. Organization: Time Management Seminar by Dale Carnegie Training 3. Due Date: Complete seminar by October 15th, 2024
  • 11. References Images: [Non-food vendor considerations ]. (2022). [SHIFT New York Holistic & Psychic Fair]. (2024). events/shift-new-york-holistic-psychic-fair-18th-annual/?mc_id=338 (2022). and-engaging/ (2024). cover photo. Other sources: OnlineIDCalculatorQuiz. (n.d.). 3486d635-1cd1-4829-9ce6-f54ffa166306/OnlineIDCalculatorQuiz- 032020.xlsx?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Content- Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz- Credential=AKIARE7PEONU35M5ITYW%2F20240617%2Fus-east- 1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240617T005003Z&X-Amz- Expires=3600&X-Amz- Signature=45ae6e17b3679ade11dbd49d48806752c30028a4600895041d6e7cf7 f440074a&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&response-content- disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3D%22OnlineIDCalculatorQuiz- 032020.xlsx%22&x-id=GetObject Brand quiz. (2023, May 23). Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist. Book yourself solid illustrated: The fastest, easiest, and most reliable system for getting more clients than you can handle even if you hate marketing and selling. (n.d.). O’Reilly Online Learning. yourself-solid/9781118611357/9781118611357c2.xhtml#c02_level1_1