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Cloud Computing:
Technologies and Trends
                                Marcelo Sávio
                            IT Architect – IBM

                                  © 2012 IBM Corporation
Talking about trends....

2                              © 2012 IBM Corporation
Some definitions…

                    © 2012 IBM Corporation
Cloud is a new Consumption & Delivery Model that relies on the
     industrialization of delivery for IT supported Services

              “Cloud” is:                    “Cloud” enables:

    a new consumption and                  Self-service
    delivery model inspired by             Sourcing options
    consumer Internet                      Economies-of-scale

     “Cloud” represents:                      “Cloud” can be:

    The Industrialization of              Private, Public and Hybrid
    delivery for IT supported             Workload and/or
    Services                              Programming Model Specific

4      Cloud Computing - Strategic View                         © 2012 IBM Corporation

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Virtualization in cloud computing
Virtualization in cloud computingVirtualization in cloud computing
Virtualization in cloud computing

Virtualization is a technique, which allows to share single physical instance of an application or resource among multiple organizations or tenants (customers).. Virtualization is a proved technology that makes it possible to run multiple operating system and applications on the same server at same time. Virtualization is the process of creating a logical(virtual) version of a server operating system, a storage device, or network services. The technology that work behind virtualization is known as a virtual machine monitor(VM), or virtual manager which separates compute environments from the actual physical infrastructure.

introduction of virtualizationarchitecture of virtualizationhardware virtualization
What Is Cloud Computing? | Cloud Computing For Beginners | Cloud Computing Tr...
What Is Cloud Computing? | Cloud Computing For Beginners | Cloud Computing Tr...What Is Cloud Computing? | Cloud Computing For Beginners | Cloud Computing Tr...
What Is Cloud Computing? | Cloud Computing For Beginners | Cloud Computing Tr...

This Cloud Computing presentation will help you understand what is Cloud Computing, benefits of Cloud Computing, types of Cloud Computing and who uses Cloud Computing. In simple words, Cloud Computing is the use of a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage and process data rather than a local server. With the increased importance of Cloud Computing, qualified Cloud solutions architects and engineers are in great demand. Organizations have moved to cloud platforms for better scalability, mobility, and security. Cloud solutions architects are among the highest paid professionals in the IT industry. With the cloud market set to grow more than ever before the need for IT staff with the appropriate technical and business skills has never been greater. This video will introduce you to Cloud Computing by explaining what it is and how do you get benefited from this Cloud Computing technology. Below topics are explained in this Cloud Computing presentation: 1. Before Cloud Computing 2. What is Cloud Computing? 3. Benefits of Cloud Computing 4. Types of Cloud Computing 5. Who uses Cloud Computing? Simplilearn’s Cloud Architect Master’s Program will build your Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure cloud expertise from the ground up. You’ll learn to master the architectural principles and services of two of the top cloud platforms, design and deploy highly scalable, fault-tolerant applications and develop skills to transform yourself into an AWS and Azure cloud architect. Why become a Cloud Architect? With the increasing focus on cloud computing and infrastructure over the last several years, cloud architects are in great demand worldwide. Many organizations have moved to cloud platforms for better scalability, mobility, and security, and cloud solutions architects are among the highest paid professionals in the IT industry. According to a study by Goldman Sachs, cloud computing is one of the top three initiatives planned by IT executives as they make cloud infrastructure an integral part of their organizations. According to Forbes, enterprise IT architects with cloud computing expertise are earning a median salary of $137,957. Learn more at:

what is cloud computingcloud computing tutorial for beginnerscloud computing tutorial
New Trends in Cloud Computing
New Trends in Cloud ComputingNew Trends in Cloud Computing
New Trends in Cloud Computing

The document discusses several new trends in cloud computing including cloud as an innovation platform for mobile, social, and big data applications. It also discusses the growth of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), software-defined hardware, big data analytics in the cloud, security in the cloud, and cloud-based collaboration across generations in the workplace. A survey found that cloud adoption is now strategic for many companies and SaaS adoption has grown significantly while IaaS and PaaS are reaching a tipping point. The amount of data residing in the cloud is also expected to grow significantly in the next two years.

Cloud exhibits a set of well-defined characteristics

Cloud Characteristic      Details
Advanced virtualization   IT resources -from servers to storage, network and applications- are
                          pooled and virtualized to provide an implementation independent,
                          efficient infrastructure

Self service through      Uniform offerings readily available from a services catalog based on
Standardized offerings    public interfaces
Elastic scaling           Resources scale up and down by large factors as the demand
Flexible pricing          Utility pricing, variable payments, pay-by-consumption and
                          subscription models make pricing of IT services more flexible

Rapid provisioning        IT and network capacity and capabilities are – ideally automatically,
                          via Self Service capabilities – rapidly provisioned using Internet
                          standards without transferring ownership of resources

5                                                                                   © 2012 IBM Corporation
Major factors driving cloud
                      Virtualization of                Drives lower capital
                         Hardware                         requirements

                        Utilization of               Virtualized environments
                                                    only get benefits of scale if
                                                      they are highly utilized

                                                  Reduced complexity, increased
                     Standardization of           automation possible; reduced
                        Workloads                        admin burden

                       Automation of                Take repeatable tasks and
                       Management                           automate

                                                      Clients who can “serve
                        Self Service                 themselves” require less
                                                     support and get services
6                                                                              © 2012 IBM Corporation
Standardization, Automation and Self Service have changed
          many other industries become more efficient.

       Telcos automate traffic
     through switches to assure
       service and lower cost.

     Manufacturers use robotics
       to improve quality and
             lower cost.

         Banks use automated
      teller machines to improve
        service and lower cost.

7                                                       © 2012 IBM Corporation
Cloud computing is more than the sum of the parts…

                                                             Cloud Computing

         Virtualization           +         Standardization         +          Automation            +                Self Service

 With                                    With                           With                                With
     Enables flexibility                   Simplification                 Low human involvement               User in control
     Increase utilization                  Few configurations             Rapid deployment & mgt              Cost and usage choices
     Energy efficient                      Enables automation             Repeatable configuration            Increased visibility
     Soft configuration                    Easier support                 Improves compliance                 IT/Business alignment
     Infrastructure abstraction
 Without                                 Without                        Without                             Without
     Physically constrained                Physically constrained         Manually intensive                  Dependency of availability
                                                                                                              of data centre staff
     Capital intensive                     Many configurations            Skill dependent
                                                                                                              Lack of awareness
     Hard configuration                                                   Error prone
     Linked to PO process                                                 Costly

Operational Exp            Capital Exp             Agility              Timeline               Compliance

 8                                                                                                                        © 2012 IBM Corporation

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Research in Cloud Computing
Research in Cloud ComputingResearch in Cloud Computing
Research in Cloud Computing

This document summarizes a paper on mathematical models, simulations, and test beds used for cloud computing research. It defines cloud computing and discusses key areas of research. It also outlines various mathematical models, simulation software like CloudSim, commercial cloud services like Amazon EC2, research test beds including OpenCirrus, and software frameworks for setting up private clouds. The document provides an overview of approaches and tools used to model, simulate and experiment with cloud computing systems.

researccloud computing
Virtualization in cloud computing ppt
Virtualization in cloud computing pptVirtualization in cloud computing ppt
Virtualization in cloud computing ppt

Virtualization allows multiple operating systems and applications to run on a single server at the same time, improving hardware utilization and flexibility. It reduces costs by consolidating servers and enabling more efficient use of resources. Key benefits of VMware virtualization include easier manageability, fault isolation, reduced costs, and the ability to separate applications.

Cloud computing
Cloud computingCloud computing
Cloud computing

Cloud computing : Accessibility: Cloud computing facilitates the access of applications and data from any location worldwide and from any device with an internet connection. Cost savings: Cloud computing offers businesses scalable computing resources hence saving them on the cost of acquiring and maintaining them. Security: Cloud providers especially those offering private cloud services, have strived to implement the best security standards and procedures in order to protect client’s data saved in the cloud. Disaster recovery: Cloud computing offers the most efficient means for small, medium, and even large enterprises to backup and restore their data and applications in a fast and reliable way.

So what’s different about Cloud?

        Capability               From                                                               To

                                 10-20%                                                           70-90%
         Utilization                            Cloud accelerates business
                                                value across a wide variety
         Self service             None                                                            Unlimited
                                                of domains.
         Provisioning            Weeks                                                            Minutes

    Change Management            Months                                                          Days/Hours

    Release Management           Weeks                                                            Minutes

       Metering/Billing      Fixed cost model                                                     Granular

    Payback period for new
                                  Years                                                           Months

                                                Legacy environments   Cloud enabled enterprise

9                                                                                                      © 2012 IBM Corporation
Cloud Service Models

                     Benefits Mgmt.
     Industry Specific
                                         Business Travel

               Business Process-as-a-Service

                         Financials                             CRM/ERP/HR

     Industry Specific

          Software/ Application-as-a-Service

                                   Web 2.0 Applications             Development
         Middleware                                                    Tools

                     Database                         Desktop


                                                    Data Center
           Servers              Networking                               Storage
                 Consolidated, standardised, virtualised,
               shared, dynamically provisioned, automated


10                                                                                 © 2012 IBM Corporation
Cloud deployment options

     Private                                        Hybrid                                              Public
     IT capabilities are                            Internal and                                        IT activities /
     provided “as a service,”                       external service                                    functions are
     over an intranet, within                       delivery                                            provided “as a
     the enterprise and behind                      methods are                                         service,” over
     the firewall                                   integrated                                          the Internet

                                                                            Enterprise                          Users
     Enterprise           Enterprise              Enterprise
     data center          data center                                      A             B                 A               B

     Private cloud         Managed              Hosted private           Member cloud                      Public cloud
                         private cloud              cloud                  services                         services
 Private                Third-party operated    Third-party owned and   Mix of shared and dedicated       Shared resources
 On client premises     Client owned            operated                resources                         Elastic scaling
 Client runs/ manages   Mission critical        Standardization         Shared facility and staff         Pay as you go
                        Packaged applications   Centralization          Virtual private network (VPN)     Public Internet
                                                Security                access
                        High compliancy
                                                Internal network        Subscription or membership
                        Internal network                                based

11                                                                                                             © 2012 IBM Corporation
Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (The Open Group)
      Cloud Service                                                                                                                 Cloud Service Provider                                                                                                                Cloud Service
       Consumer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Creator

                                               Cloud Services                                       Common Cloud                                                                          Service              Business
                                                                                                    Management Platform                                                                   Manager              Manager
            Consumer End                                                                                                             OSS – Operational Support                           BSS – Business Support
            user                                Existing &
                                                                                                                                     Services                                            Services

                                                                                   BP Mgmt
                                                 3rd party

                                                services,                 BPaaS                                                                                                                                                                                               Service
                                                 Partner                                                                                                                                 Customer       Service       Service                                                Composer
                                                                                                                                              Service Delivery Catalog
        Cloud Service                                                                                                                                                                     Account       Offering      Offering
         Integration                           Ecosystems                                                                                                                               Management      Catalog     Management

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Service Development Portal & API
                                                                                                    Service Consumer Portal & API
                                                                                                                                         Service Automation Management
                                                                                                                                                                                        Contracts &      Service                                                              Offering

                                                                                  Software Mgmt
                                                                                                                                                                                         Agreement      Request                                                               Manager
             Service                                                                                                                                                                                                Management

                                                                                                                                                                                        Management     Management

             Integrator                                                   SaaS                                                        Service       Change &         Image
                                                                                                                                     Request       Configuration    Lifecycle
                                                                                                                                    Management     Management      Management
                                                                                                                                                                                        Subscription                 Entitlement                                          Service Creation
             Consumer                                                                                                                                                                                    Pricing
             Business                                                                                                                               Incident &      IT Service
                                                                                                                                                                                        Management                  Management                                                 Tools
             Manager                                                                                                                Provisioning     Problem           Level
                                                                                                                                                   Management      Management                                                                                                 Service
                                                                                  Platform Mgmt


       Consumer In-                                                PaaS                                                             Monitoring &    IT Asset &      Capacity &            Metering       Rating         Billing                                             Development
                                                                                                                                       Event          License      Performance                                                                                                 Tools
         house IT                                                                                                                   Management     Management      Management

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Service Runtime
                          Service Management

                                                                                                                                                                                         Clearing &     Accounts       Accounts
                                                                                                                                       Platform & Virtualization Management              Settlement     Payable       Receivable                                           Development
                                                                                  Mgmt Interfaces


                                                                  IaaS                                                                                                                                                                                                        Software
       Middleware                                                                                                                                                      Service Provider Portal & API
      Infrastructure                                                                                                                Deployment            Transition             Operations            Security &                 Customer
                                                                                                                                    Architect             Manager                Manager               Risk Manager               Care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Image Creation
             Administrator                                                                                                                         Inf rastructure

                                                                                 Security, Resiliency, Performance & Consumability
 12                                                                                                                                                Governance                                                                                                             © 2012 IBM Corporation

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Public Cloud vs Private Cloud
Public Cloud vs Private CloudPublic Cloud vs Private Cloud
Public Cloud vs Private Cloud

Public cloud is accessible over the internet and completely managed by cloud providers, while private cloud is deployed within an organization's own data centers and firewalls and managed internally. Users pay monthly for public cloud services, but private cloud charges per GB of usage and bandwidth. Public cloud provides scalable storage as needed without hardware, while private cloud also requires no hardware but data is only shared among an organization's users and third parties depending on built trust.

Cloud Computing For Beginners | Cloud Computing Explained | Cloud Computing T...
Cloud Computing For Beginners | Cloud Computing Explained | Cloud Computing T...Cloud Computing For Beginners | Cloud Computing Explained | Cloud Computing T...
Cloud Computing For Beginners | Cloud Computing Explained | Cloud Computing T...

This Cloud Computing presentation will help you understand why Cloud Computing has become so popular, what is Cloud Computing, types of Cloud Computing, Cloud providers, the lifecycle of a Cloud Computing solution and finally a demo on AWS EC2 and AWS S3. With the increased importance of Cloud Computing, qualified Cloud solutions architects and engineers are in great demand. Organizations have moved to cloud platforms for better scalability, mobility, and security. In simple words, cloud computing is the use of a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage and process data rather than a local server. With the increased importance of Cloud Computing, qualified Cloud solutions architects and engineers are in great demand. This presentation explains to you why we need cloud computing and why it has got so much importance in the current market. Below topics are explained in this Cloud Computing presentation: 1. Why cloud computing? 2. What is cloud computing? 3. Types of cloud computing? 4. Cloud providers 5. The lifecycle of a cloud computing solution 6. Cloud computing with AWS 7. Demo - AWS EC2 and AWS S3 Simplilearn’s Cloud Architect Master’s Program will build your Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure cloud expertise from the ground up. You’ll learn to master the architectural principles and services of two of the top cloud platforms, design and deploy highly scalable, fault-tolerant applications and develop skills to transform yourself into an AWS and Azure cloud architect. Why become a Cloud Architect? With the increasing focus on cloud computing and infrastructure over the last several years, cloud architects are in great demand worldwide. Many organizations have moved to cloud platforms for better scalability, mobility, and security, and cloud solutions architects are among the highest paid professionals in the IT industry. According to a study by Goldman Sachs, cloud computing is one of the top three initiatives planned by IT executives as they make cloud infrastructure an integral part of their organizations. According to Forbes, enterprise IT architects with cloud computing expertise are earning a median salary of $137,957. Learn more at:

cloud computing tutorial for beginnerscloud computing tutorialcloud computing
Networking in cloud computing
Networking in cloud computingNetworking in cloud computing
Networking in cloud computing

This document discusses how Information Centric Networking (ICN) called Networking of Information (NetInf) can support cloud computing. NetInf provides new possibilities for network transport and storage through its ability to directly access information objects through a simple API independent of location. This abstraction can hide much of the complexity of storage and network transport systems that cloud computing currently deals with. The document analyzes how combining NetInf with cloud computing can make cloud infrastructures easier to manage and potentially enable deployment in smaller, more dynamic networks. NetInf is described as an enhancement to cloud computing infrastructure rather than a change to cloud computing technology itself.

networking in cloud computing
Summary so far


 Business Process as a       Customers consume business outcomes (Back Office Acctg) via Web-centric Service
    Service (BAAS)           Integration on multi-tenant and shared infrastructures, without the need to own the assets.

  Software as a Service      Customers use applications from multiple client devices through a Web browser on multi-
         (SAAS)              tenant and shared infrastructure without the need to own the assets

     Platform as a Service   Customers use programming languages, tools and platforms to develop and deploy
            (PAAS)           applications on multi-tenant, shared infrastructure without owning underlying resources

      Infrastructure as a    Customers use processing, storage, networks, other computing resources with ability to
        Service (IAAS)       rapidly and elastically provision & control resources without the need to own/manage assets


                             Service provider makes resources, such as applications and storage, available to the public
        Public Clouds        over the Internet. (i.e. rented by the hour, month etc.).
                             A Cloud Architecture (end user provisioned, provider managed, consumption based) behind
        Private Clouds       the firewalls of an enterprise
                             Cloud Architecture tailored to meet the needs of an enterprise. (i.e. some service like trade
        Hybrid Clouds        promotions validation executed in the firewall with external on demand services like graphics


   Delivery Services,        Delivery services, technologies business services in support of cloud computing that are
                             required to help companies build deploy and integrate cloud computing architectures within
 Software and Hardware       their existing IT infrastructure
13                                                                                                          © 2012 IBM Corporation
Trends for Cloud Computing

                      © 2012 IBM Corporation
What is coming?

     In 2021, cloud computing is simply computing,
     corporate office parks are senior housing facilities and
     the IT organization of the future has been absorbed by
     the business.
       Internal IT becomes an internal cloud.
       IT becomes a services broker.
       IT will become a function of the business.
                                                    Gartner, 2011

15                                                                  © 2012 IBM Corporation
What are general trends in the IT industry?

   Gartner                          Gartner                                                                                IBM Horizon
 Technology                        Business                      Forrester              IDC               Ovum             Watch 2012
  Cloud Computing                Increasing Enterprise           Smart Computing     Cloud              IT Security           Cloud
  Mobile                         Growth                          Empowerment         Computing in the   Data                  Computing
  Applications &                 Attracting and                  Cloud Computing     Datacenter         Management            Virtualization
  Media Tablets                  Retaining New                   IT as Business      Public Cloud       Business              Social Business
  Next-Generation                Customers                       Technology          Services           Analytics             Mobile
  Analytics                      Reducing Enterprise             Mobile Enterprise   Platform-as-a-     Mobility              Computing
  Social Analytics               Costs                           Apps                Service            Datacenter            Big Data
  Social                         Creating New                    Disruption-as-a-    Enterprise         Transformation        Analytics
  Communications                 Products and                    Service             Mobility           Cloud                 IBM Watson
  & Collaboration                Services                                            Free SW, Open      Computing
                                                                 HW-SW-                                                       Human /
  Video                          Improving Business              Appliances          Source             Collaboration         Computer
  Context-Aware                  Processes                                           BPM Platforms
                                                                 Next-Gen                               IT and                Interaction
  Computing                      Implementing and                Analytics           BI and Analytics   Sustainability        Security
  Ubiquitous                     Updating Business                                   Enterprise Data
                                                                 IT and                                 Drive IT as           Sustainability &
  Computing                      Applications
                                                                 Sustainability      Social Media       Business              Green IT
  Storage Class                  Improving Technical
                                                                 Social Media        Smart Devices      Context-Aware         Consumerization
  Memory                         Infrastructure
                                                                                                        Computing             of IT
  Fabric-Based                   Improving Enterprise
  Infrastructure and             Efficiency
  Computers                      Improve Operations
                                 Improving Business
                                 Continuity, Risk and

 Source: Gartner,, IBM MD Germany, IBM MI, HorizonWatch
16                                                                                                                       © 2012 IBM Corporation

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Cloud Computing Presentation
Cloud Computing PresentationCloud Computing Presentation
Cloud Computing Presentation

The document discusses cloud computing, including its advantages of lower costs, pay-as-you-go computing, elasticity and scalability. It describes cloud computing models such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). It also discusses major cloud computing vendors and the growing worldwide cloud services revenue.

saasiaasprivate cloud
Cloud Computing - Benefits and Challenges
Cloud Computing - Benefits and ChallengesCloud Computing - Benefits and Challenges
Cloud Computing - Benefits and Challenges

Cloud computing is a new computing paradigm that allows users to access computing resources over the internet on an as-needed basis. It provides scalable resources, software, and data access through web services. Cloud computing offers advantages like reduced costs, increased productivity, and flexibility compared to traditional computing models. However, issues around security, performance, and interoperability need to be addressed for cloud computing to reach its full potential.

cloud computing challengesopprtunitiesbenefits of cloud computingcloud evolution
Cloud Computing
Cloud ComputingCloud Computing
Cloud Computing

This is the Presentation on Cloud Computing for. Hope you guys will get help from our contents. Regards, Naveed

Cloud is recognized as an increasingly important technology;
adoption is expected to accelerate rapidly in the coming years

          What is Your Organization’s Level of                                                 The Global Cloud Computing Market is
                   Cloud Adoption?                                                           Forecast to Grow 22% per year through 2020
                              % of Respondents
                                                        91%                                   $250B                                                                       $241B

                    72%                                                                       $200B

                                                                      Adopting               $150B
                   38%                                  28%

                                    +33%                                                      $100B

                   21%                                                Implemented              $50B
                                     +215%                                                          $41B
                  Today                                 3 yrs                                        2011                            2015                                  2020
                                                                                                     Source: Sizing the cloud, Forrester Research, Inc., April 21, 2011
                                                           Nearly half (48%) of CIOs surveyed evaluate cloud options first, over
                                                           traditional IT approaches, before making any new IT investments
Source: (1) 2011 joint IBV/EIU Cloud-enabled Business Model Survey of 572 business & IT leaders; Q4. Which of the following most accurately describes your organisation’s level of
cloud technology adoption today and which do you expect will best describe it in three years?
Sizing the cloud , Forrester Research, April 21, 2011;
17                                                                                                                                                               © 2012 IBM Corporation
Today, at least two thirds of companies of all sizes are actively
       either experimenting with or implementing cloud

                                    What is Your Organization’s Level of Cloud Adoption?
                                                                      % of Respondents; Today


                                                                                                             43%     Piloting

                                              21%                                                                    Adopting
                                                                                 22%                         34%

                                              14%                                                                    Substantially
                                                                                 10%                                 Implemented
                                              <$1B                          $1B - $20B                       >$20B
                                                              Company Annual Revenues
Source: (1) 2011 joint IBV/EIU Cloud-enabled Business Model Survey of 572 business & IT leaders, Q4, n=363

18                                                                                                                                   © 2012 IBM Corporation
The IT Perspective

                     © 2012 IBM Corporation
IT and Business are attracted to cloud for different reasons.

                  Rethink IT.
                  • Rapidly deliver services
                  • Integrate services across
                     cloud environments
                  • Increase efficiency


                                                                       Reinvent business.
                                                   • Initiate new revenue streams
                                                   • Drive faster time to market for
                                                     new services
                                                   • Meet changing customer expectations

                                                **Source: Gartner, Cloud Computing Services, Virtualization Top CIO 2011 Wish Lists Jan 24 2011

20                                                                                                                              © 2012 IBM Corporation

Recommended for you

Cloud computing
Cloud computingCloud computing
Cloud computing

Cloud computing provides on-demand access to shared computing resources and infrastructure over the Internet. It refers to services delivered on-demand via the Internet from large pools of systems that are linked together. There are different types of cloud services including Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Cloud computing architecture consists of a front end accessed by users and a back end of servers and storage that create the "cloud" of computing services.

A brief history of cloud computing
A brief history of cloud computingA brief history of cloud computing
A brief history of cloud computing

A summary of the major events that brought about cloud computing, starting in the 1950s. You can find this information and much more in Oneserve's 'Ultimate Guide to the Cloud'.

amazon web servicescloud computingarpanet

This document discusses several best practices for architecting applications for the cloud. It begins by outlining three approaches for architecting applications in AWS: deploying existing apps with minimal changes, evolving apps to leverage more AWS services, and designing apps from the start to be cloud-native. It then discusses seven cloud architecture best practices: designing for failure, building security at every layer, leveraging different storage options, implementing elasticity, thinking parallel, loose coupling, and not fearing constraints. For each best practice, it provides examples and recommendations.

amazon web servicesawsawscloud
IT and Business are attracted to cloud for different reasons.

     IT is drawn to cloud’s cost, efficiency and control…

                  of CIOs plan to use cloud—
                  up from 33% two years ago.


                                               of business executives believe cloud
                                               enables business transformation and
                                               leaner, faster, more agile processes.

      …while business users are drawn to cloud’s simplified,
      self-service experience and new service capabilities.
                                                  2011 IBM CIO Study, London School of Economics, December 2010

21                                                                                                © 2012 IBM Corporation
Cloud helps business and IT create and deliver value
                 in fundamentally new ways.

Build enduring customer                       Deliver IT without boundaries
relationships                                 Unlock the value of new IT and business
Gain customer insight and use it to improve   processes that break down traditional silos,
products and services, fostering trust and    simplify access to information and connect
loyalty among constituents.                   people across your ecosystem.

Improved speed and dexterity                  Transform the economics of IT
Optimize and accelerate the delivery          Speed delivery of new offerings and
of IT computing resources and services        services with new models of self-service
and serve them with new, flexible             and deployment.
business models.

22                                                                          © 2012 IBM Corporation
How does IT develop from a quantitative perspective?

     Meeting the insatiable demand for new services…

       32.6 million servers worldwide
                                                        Between 2000 and 2010
       85% idle computer capacity
                                                        Servers grew 6x (2000-2010)
       15% of servers run 24/7 without being actively
                                                        Storage grew 69x (2000-2010)
       used on a daily basis
                                                        Virtual machines grew 51% CAGR (2004-2010)

       1.2 Zetabytes (1.2 trillion gigabytes) exist
       in the “digital universe”                        Data centers have doubled their energy use
                                                        in the past five years
       50% YTY growth
                                                        18% increase in data center energy costs
       25% of data is unique; 75% is a copy

       Internet connected devices
       growing 42% per year

                                                            an 1% per                  year...
                                     ets are growing less th
                    … …while IT budg
23                                                                                            © 2012 IBM Corporation
Trigger for transformation

                           The 3rd phase of the internet “colliding” with the
                                3rd generation of computing platform

                          Phases of the      Inter
                          Internet                                Web2
                                                                                                        3.0   (C
                                                                                                       le, So loud,
     1964                        1981     1994             2003        2008                 2012
     Generations of                                                                        M obile Dc)
                                                                                                  s, e
     Computing Platforms
                                            Client Serv


                                                                           Source: HorizonWatch: Top Technology Trends To Watch In 2012, Bill Chamberlin
24     January 11, 2012                                                                                                       © 2012 IBM Corporation

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Chapter 06: cloud computing trends
Chapter 06: cloud computing trendsChapter 06: cloud computing trends
Chapter 06: cloud computing trends

Cloud computing has become the foundation of a range of important applications. At the same time, other technologies are also driving the further advancement of cloud computing. This chapter focuses on the relationship between cloud computing and related fields and introduces you to some of the new technologies related to cloud computing.

Cloud computing(ppt)
Cloud computing(ppt)Cloud computing(ppt)
Cloud computing(ppt)

The document discusses cloud computing delivery and deployment models. It defines cloud computing according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as a model for enabling network access to configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort. There are five essential cloud characteristics: on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service. The four deployment models are public cloud, private cloud, community cloud, and hybrid cloud. The three main service models are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

cloud computingcloud delivery models

Presentation from Joe Weinman, Telx #structureeurope More at

gigaom eventsgigaom eventsgigaom events: structure:europe 2013
IT Strategy for the next decade:
                   an evolution of today‘s focus topics

            IT as Service Provider                      “IT as a function of the business“

                 Data                           ...
                Service                      Appliances         Big Data
on demand                    Virtualization           Cloud             Analytics
           Consolidation                                               Mobility
         Cost Pressure                                  Operational Excellence
                                     Service Quality
     Open Source                                       Cyber Crime          Social Media
                           Data Center
                           Optimization                 Prevention
          IT Security                                               Smart Devices

25                                                                                  © 2012 IBM Corporation
Cloud Computing deployment became part of the
      existing IT optimization strategy and roadmap

                                                           and automate
                                                           Standardize services
                                   Virtualize              Reduce deployment
                                    Remove physical        Enable scalability
      Consolidate                   resource boundaries    Flexible delivery
                                    Increase hardware
      Reduce infrastructure         utilization
      complexity                    Reduce hardware
      Reduce staffing               costs
      requirements                  Simplify deployments
      Manage fewer things better
      Lower operational costs

                                                                       =          Flexibility

26                                                                           © 2012 IBM Corporation
Key IT aspects for a Cloud strategy

                                Check Cloud readiness – do relevant processes, procedures as well as
                        1       roles & skills exist to manage the expected hybrid cloud delivery models

                                     Analyze workloads and select delivery models – which workload is
     Efficiency                  2   suitable for which cloud model; which service levels are needed
      Cloud                          based on business requirements; what happens to “legacy“?
                                                                                Cloud Service                                                                                                                   Cloud Service Provider                                                                                                                      Cloud Service
                                                                                 Consumer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Creator

                                                                                                                          Cloud Services                                       Common Cloud                                                                            Servic e                  Bus iness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Servic e
                                                                                                                                                                               Management Platform                                                                     M anager                  Manager

                                     Define and develop Cloud Computing
                                                                                      Cons umer End                                                                                                               OSS – Operational Sup port                          BSS – Business Support
                                                                                      user                                 Existing &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Services                                            Serv ic es

                                                                                                                                                              BP Mg mt
                                                                                                                            3 rd party

                                                                                                                           s ervices,               BPaaS                                                                                                                                                                                                        Servic e
                                                                                                                            Partner                                                                                       Service Delivery C atalog
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Customer         Service           Service                                                 Composer
                                                                                  Cloud Servic e                                                                                                                                                                      Account         Offering         Offering
                                                                                                                          Ec osy stems                                                                                                                              M anag em ent     C atalog        Management
                                                                                   Integ ration

                                                                                      To ols

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Service Development Portal & API
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Service Automation Management

                                                                                                                                                                               Service C onsumer Portal & API
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    C ontracts &       Service

                                                                                                                                                            Software Mgm t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ag reement       Req uest                                                                  Manager
                                                                                       Servic e                                                                                                                                                                                                       Management

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    M anag em ent   M anag em ent

                                                                                       Integrator                                                   SaaS                                                           Service        Change &         Imag e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Request       C onfiguration    Lifecycle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                M anag ement    M anag ement     Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Service Creation

                                     architecture; design blueprint
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Subscription                      Entitlem ent
                                                                                       C onsumer                                                                                                                                                                                      Pricing
                                                                                       Bus iness                                                                                                                                 Incident &       IT Service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    M anag em ent                     Management                                                 Tools
                                                                                       M anager                                                                                                                 Provisioning      Problem           Level
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                M anag em ent    Management                                                                                                      Service

                                                                                                                                                            Platform Mgmt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Managemen t

                                                                                                                                              PaaS                                                                                                                     Metering        R ating           Billing                                               Development
                                                                                 Consumer In-                                                                                                                   M onitoring &    IT Asset &       Capacity &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Event          License        Performance                                                                                                      To ols
                                                                                   house IT                                                                                                                     M anag ement    M anag ement     Management

                                                                                 Bus iness
                                                                                 Proc es ses                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Service Runtime

                                                                                                    Serv ice Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Clearing &      Accounts          Accounts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Platform & Virtualization Management              Settlement      Payable          R eceivable                                            Development

                                                                                                                                                            M gmt Interfaces
                                                                                 Applic ations

                                     (processes, technology, organization)

                                                                                                                                             IaaS                                                                                                                                                                                                                Software
                                                                                 Middleware                                                                                                                                                         Service Provider Portal & API
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Dev elopment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Too ls
                                                                                Infras tructure                                                                                                                 Deployment             Transition              Operations           Security &                     C us tomer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Arc hitec t            Manager                 M anager             Ris k Manager                  C are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Imag e Creation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Too ls
                                                                                        Adm inistrator                                                                                                                          Infras tructure

                                                                                                                                                           Security, Resiliency, Performance & Consumability

                            4     Establish management procedures to manage the different
                                  cloud models like a homogeneous environment
                     Define and publish a service catalogue for all relevant services
                     to enable simple access to all services and disguise complexity
                     of service delivery for customers / end users

27                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          © 2012 IBM Corporation
The realities of cloud versus hype

           Reality Today                       Cloud Hype              Future Reality
                                                                                                          So, no “BIG BANG” !

                                   Trad. SO                                                    Trad. SO

                                                Everything in the
          Internal IT plus  3rd
                             party            cloud and all at once    Sourcing mixture -
               for some things                                         retain legacy, plus
                                                                      private/hybrid, public
     Source: Market Insights and Gartner

28                                                                                                                    © 2012 IBM Corporation

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Information system of Uber
Information system of UberInformation system of Uber
Information system of Uber

Uber operates an international transportation network using a mobile app. It was founded in 2009 and now operates in 64 countries. The app allows customers to request rides from drivers and pay electronically. Uber uses various technologies like GPS and transaction processing systems to coordinate rides. It also uses marketing strategies like promotion codes and feedback systems. Operations involve allocating drivers, evaluating programs, and managing day-to-day issues. The app provides services to both customers and drivers, including pickup locations, cashless payments, and support centers to handle issues.

Uber - Managing Information Systems
Uber - Managing Information SystemsUber - Managing Information Systems
Uber - Managing Information Systems

Uber was founded in 2009 by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp. It launched its iOS and Android app in 2010 and raised $50 million from investors that year. By 2013, Uber had expanded to 19 countries and 35 cities globally. As of late 2014, Uber was valued at $40 billion and generating an estimated $125 million in revenue in 2013, with projections to hit $10 billion in annual revenue by the end of 2015. The document provides an overview of Uber's history, growth, business model, and use of dynamic surge pricing.

Cloud Reference Model
Cloud Reference ModelCloud Reference Model
Cloud Reference Model

Cloud architectures can be thought of in layers, with each layer providing services to the next. There are three main layers: virtualization of resources, services layer, and server management processes. Virtualization abstracts hardware and provides flexibility. The services layer provides OS and application services. Management processes support service delivery through image management, deployment, scheduling, reporting, etc. When providing compute and storage services, considerations include hardware selection, virtualization, failover/redundancy, and reporting. Network services require capacity planning, redundancy, and reporting.

cloud computing pptcloud computingcloud reference model
Some workloads are ready for cloud delivery

                Sensitive                   Analytics
                  Data       Information
                              Intensive                             Ready
                                                Storage           for Cloud
                  Customized       Isolated          Industry
                                  Workloads        Applications

                         Not yet                        Collaboration
                       Virtualized     Mature
                                      Workloads               Development
                      3rd Party SW
                                                                 & Test
 May not yet
  be ready                                              Workplace, Desktop
                    Complex       Pre-Production            & Devices
for migration     Processes &        Systems
                  Transactions                      Business
                Regulation                   Infrastructure
                 Sensitive                      Compute
29                                                                      © 2012 IBM Corporation
A Survey…

                                                     © 2012 IBM Corporation
The CIO Vision

  Results from more than 3,000 face-to-face CIO interviews

                     71 countries                                             18 industries                                      All organization sizes

                                      16%                                                                                                                28%
                                                                           15%                    22%
                 43%                                                         26%                                                      39%
                                        35%                                 12%                                                                          33%

         6% Japan                    35% Europe                       12% Communications             25% Industrial              28% <1,000 employees
         16% North America           43% Growth markets               15% Public                     26% Distribution            33% >10,000 employees
                                                                      22% Financial Services                                     39% 1,000 to 10,000 employees

Note: Growth Markets include Latin America, Asia Pacific (excluding Japan), Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa

31                                                                                                                                                        © 2012 IBM Corporation
CEOs and CIOs are both focused on insights,
                     clients and people skills

          CEO focus over the next 5 years                                                               CIO focus over the next 5 years

Getting closer to customer                                                     88%         Insight and intelligence                                                79%

People skills                                                               81%            Client intimacy                                                   71%

Insight and intelligence                                                 76%               People skills                                                    66%

                                                                57%                        Internal collaboration &                                        64%
Enterprise model changes
Risk management                                                55%                         Risk management                                           50%

Industry model changes                                        54%                          Enterprise model changes                                 48%

Revenue model changes                                         54%                          Industry model changes                               39%

                                                                                           Revenue model changes                              35%

                                          “Business Intelligence will provide information to the company that no one in the
                                          industry has ever seen, and will open up opportunities that were not previously
                                                                                                                                                             Utilities CIO, USA
Source: 2010 CEO Study Q13: “Which of the following dimensions will you focus on more to realize your strategy in the new economic environment over the next 5 years?” (n=1,523);
        2011 CIO Study, Q13: “Where will you focus IT to help your organization’s strategy over the next 3 to 5 years?” (n=3,018)
32                                                                                                                                                               © 2012 IBM Corporation

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NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture
NIST Cloud Computing Reference ArchitectureNIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture
NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture

Provides a simple and unambiguous taxonomy of three service models - Software as a service (SaaS) - Platform as a service (PaaS) - Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) (Private cloud, Community cloud, Public cloud, and Hybrid cloud)

nistcloud computingsaas
Introduction To Operational Excellence
Introduction To Operational ExcellenceIntroduction To Operational Excellence
Introduction To Operational Excellence

This document discusses operational excellence through business process management and continuous improvement. It introduces the continuous improvement model and methodology of defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling processes. Key concepts are discussed like customer focus, fact-based decision making, and involving employees. Specific examples are provided around production processes, identifying opportunities, and engaging people in improvement initiatives. The role of people and change management are emphasized as critical success factors.

excellencetransformationzero defects
Cloud computing reference architecture from nist and ibm
Cloud computing reference architecture from nist and ibmCloud computing reference architecture from nist and ibm
Cloud computing reference architecture from nist and ibm

The document summarizes cloud computing reference architectures from NIST and IBM. It discusses why reference architectures are useful, including providing common understanding, reducing complexity, and enabling interoperability. It then provides overviews of the NIST cloud computing reference architecture, including essential cloud characteristics, service models, deployment models, and architectural components. It also summarizes the main IBM cloud computing reference architecture, focusing on roles, tools, management platforms, and portals.

cloud computingarchitecture
CIO visionary plans are evolving

                                                     Most important visionary plan elements
                                              (Interviewed CIOs could select as many as they wanted)
           Business Intelligence and analytics

                                           Mobility solutions                                                                                 74%

                                                   Virtualization                                                                          68%

                                            Cloud computing                                                                          60%

                  Business process management                                                                                        60%
             Risk management and compliance
                                        Self-service portals
         Collaboration and Social Networking
                                                                                                                                                          2009         2011
Source: 2011 CIO Study, Q12: “Which visionary plans do you have to increase competitiveness over the next 3 to 5 years?”(n=3,018)

33                                                                                                                                                       © 2012 IBM Corporation
CIOs are focusing on the benefits of global integration

          Changing the mix of capabilities, knowledge and assets within the organization
               Maintain the                                                                                                                              Deeply change
               current mix                        14%            20%                 66%                                                                 the mix

                                                                                     “Gradually, the insight has grown that the organization
                                                                                     cannot continue doing everything in house.”
                                                                                                                            Media and Entertainment CIO, Belgium

                                              Partnering versus doing everything in-house

               Do everything                                                                                                                             Partner
               in-house                          17%               18%               65%                                                                 extensively

                                                                                        “Our focus is on best of breed partners and strategic
                                                                                        alliances rather than outsourcing.”
                                                                                                                                                    Government CIO, UK
Source: 2011 CIO Study, Q7: “To benefit from global integration will your organization do the following?”(n≤1,214); some responses may add to over 100% due to rounding up

34                                                                                                                                                               © 2012 IBM Corporation
CIOs are changing the delivery….

                   How to excel                               Are you essential?

     Enable state-of-the-art collaboration           What leading edge collaboration tools have
     Evaluate and adopt tools to strengthen          you implemented across the enterprise to
     enterprise-wide collaboration and exchange of   help integrate technology with business?
     data.                                           How deeply are your internal customers
     Tighten business and technology                 involved in your key planning and decision
     integration Increase two-way transparency       processes?
     by involving internal clients in planning and   What is your plan to engage partners to
     decision-making.                                outsource information technology functions?
     Focus on the core Rely on trusted partners      Which persistently inefficient processes can
     to handle non-strategic IT functions.           you eliminate or improve to increase
     Simplify, automate, integrate Implement         customer satisfaction?
     advanced business process management.           How do you work with internal customers to
     Advance the metrics Provide sophisticated       ensure dashboards measure enterprise-wide
     dashboards through more advanced types of       key performance indicators?

35                                                                                   © 2012 IBM Corporation
The Business Perspective

Cloudnomics: The Power of Cloud
Driving Business Model Innovation

                                    © 2012 IBM Corporation

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UBER Strategy
UBER StrategyUBER Strategy
UBER Strategy

Analysis UBER's strategy. 1. Define the problem UBER has tried to solve. (from both supplier and consumer's points of view) 2. Transportation industry(Taxi) before UBER 3. How UBER business actually works 4. Their international strategy 5. Five forces analysis 6. Challenges and suggestions

Uber's Business Model
Uber's Business ModelUber's Business Model
Uber's Business Model

These slides use concepts from my (Jeff Funk) course entitled Biz Models for Hi-Tech Products to analyze the business model for Uber’s taxi service. Uber’s service enables anyone to provide taxi services and it provides dynamic pricing for better matching of supply and demand. Its value proposition for potential drivers is the opportunity to work as driver on their own hours. Its value proposition for user to lower taxi fares during most times of the day and a higher supply of taxis (and higher prices) during peak demand. The customers are tech-savvy and smart phone users who value their time. Uber receives payments directly from customers and keeps a percentage of these payments as its income. Uber’s patents for a demand-price algorithm represent a barrier of entry and thus a method of strategic control.

ubermethod of value capturecustomer selection
[Cloud Summit 2010] Cezar Taurion - IBM
[Cloud Summit 2010] Cezar Taurion - IBM[Cloud Summit 2010] Cezar Taurion - IBM
[Cloud Summit 2010] Cezar Taurion - IBM

This document discusses cloud computing and its growing adoption. It defines cloud computing as delivering IT infrastructure, tools, and capabilities as scalable services over the internet. It highlights how cloud computing can help reduce costs through virtualization, standardization, and automation. The document also outlines different cloud deployment models and layers of cloud services beyond basic infrastructure services.

summit2010cezar taurion
In addition to enhancing internal efficiencies, organizations
     clearly intend for cloud to improve their business capabilities

                           How Important are the Following Objectives for Adopting Cloud?
                                                                             % of Respondents

                 Increased collaboration with external partners                                      35%                              27%           62%

        Competitive/cost advantages thru vertical integration                                    28%                            29%               57%

                                     New delivery channels/markets                                30%                           26%           56%

                                   New/enhanced revenue streams                                25%                          29%              54%

                  Competitive differentiation thru specialization                                 29%                          22%          51%

                            Rebalanced mix of products/ services                                   31%                     15%        46%

                                                 Flexible pricing models                        26%                      17%         43%

                       Business Capabilities                        Internal Efficiencies                    Important     Very Important

Source: 2011 IBM/EIU Cloud Survey Results, Q5: How Important are the Following Objectives for Adopting Cloud?, n= 572

37                                                                                                                                            © 2012 IBM Corporation
While only a few visionary businesses today are using cloud
for business innovation, the number will multiply in three years

           What is the Primary Focus of Your Organization’s Cloud Adoption Strategy?
                                                                           % of Respondents
                                                                                                     5%             New business

                                                                                                     4%             New industry

                                                                                                    17%             Redesign

                                                           3%                                                       Change
                                                                                                    16%             industry role

                                                         Today                         3 yrs
                                                                    Close to half (42%) of organizations surveyed plan to harness
                                                                    cloud for radical business model innovation within three years
     Source: 2011 IBM/EIU Cloud Survey Results, Q8 : What is the primary focus of your organization's cloud technology adoption strategy ? n (today) = 572; n (in 3 years) = 572
38                                                                                                                                                                  © 2012 IBM Corporation
Mobility, social media, increasing digitization and new analytics
capabilities are conspiring to drive broad business change

                            Major Technology Trends driving Business Change

                       Mobile revolution
                         Connectivity, access and participation are growing rapidly
                         Smart devices are becoming the primary route to get connected
                         Devices are getting smarter as they are increasingly enriched by mobile apps

                       Social media explosion
                         Social media is quickly becoming the primary communication and collaboration format
                         GenY’s or “digital natives” use of technology and social media platforms is accelerating adoption
                         Enterprises are adopting social media but are struggling to realize the value and manage risk

                       Hyper digitization
                         Digital content is produced and accessed more quickly than ever before
                         Internet traffic is growing globally driven by consumer use of video, mobile data, interconnectedness
                         An increasing number of connected devices and sensors is further driving growth

                       The power of analytics
                         New capabilities for real time analysis, predictive analytics and micro-segmentation are emerging
                         Top performing companies use analytics to drive action and business value
                         Analytics are making information “consumable” and is transforming all parts of the organization, from
                         customer intimacy to supply chain management

Source: IBV Analysis

39                                                                                                                © 2012 IBM Corporation
Cloud harnesses the capabilities borne out of these trends to
empower six potentially “game changing” business enablers

                                                     Cloud’s Business Enablers

                                                                  2    Scalability
                                Cost                         Provides limitless, cost-                 Market
                            1   Flexibility                  effective computing capacity         3    Adaptability
                                                             to support growth
                     Shifts fixed to variable cost                                           Faster time to market
                     Pay as and when needed                                                  Supports experimentation

                        Ecosystem                                                                     Masked
                 6      Connectivity                                                             4    Complexity
          New value nets                                                                    Expands product sophistication
          Potential new businesses                              Context-driven              Simpler for customers/users
                                                           5    Variability
                                                       User defined experiences
                                                       Increases relevance

     Source: IBV Analysis
40                                                                                                           © 2012 IBM Corporation

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IBM SmartCloud Enterprise
IBM SmartCloud EnterpriseIBM SmartCloud Enterprise
IBM SmartCloud Enterprise

IBM SmartCloud Enterprise provides infrastructure as a service for enterprises, allowing them to move server and storage environments to the cloud. This can help reduce costs through higher utilization rates and an on-demand pricing model. It provides virtual servers, storage, and automated tools to help businesses deploy new applications faster and more easily scale up during peak loads compared to traditional on-premise environments. IBM SmartCloud Enterprise is a secure cloud platform owned and operated by IBM to meet enterprise requirements for flexibility, reliability, and control over on-demand IT resources.

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Cloudv1 12762457899275-phpapp01Cloudv1 12762457899275-phpapp01
Cloudv1 12762457899275-phpapp01

This document discusses cloud computing and its benefits. It defines cloud computing as the provision of virtualized resources over the internet or intranet. The key benefits are: (1) reducing costs through on-demand access and pay-per-use models, (2) improving quality of services and enabling new services, and (3) reducing risks through security and resiliency. IBM can help clients develop cloud strategies, condition existing infrastructure for cloud adoption, and pilot initial projects to realize these benefits through virtualization, automation, and optimized resource utilization.

Cloud og IBM Power Systemer – et perfekt makkerpar (IBM Systems and Technolog...
Cloud og IBM Power Systemer – et perfekt makkerpar (IBM Systems and Technolog...Cloud og IBM Power Systemer – et perfekt makkerpar (IBM Systems and Technolog...
Cloud og IBM Power Systemer – et perfekt makkerpar (IBM Systems and Technolog...

Nedsætning af omkostningerne i serverrummet med Cloud Cloud Computing tilbyder en himmel fuld af fordele, hvis man ønsker at eliminere de omkostnings-tunge serverrum. Ved hjælp af IBM Power Systems i samspil med Cloud teknologi kan virksomheder opbygge en velfungerende infrastruktur og opnå betydelige besparelser. Lær om, hvordan du opbygger en velfungerende infrastruktur baseret på IBM Power Systems og Cloud, samt hvilke muligheder og økonomiske fordele det kan give din virksomhed. Læs mere her:

Cloud business enablers are already driving innovation across
company/industry value chains and customer value propositions

       What is my role in the value chain?
        What to do and when to rely on

                                                   Value Chain
        Where to specialize and how
        to set up interdependent networks?                          Cloud Enablement
       How will I do what I do?
        What kind of delivery structures?
        Which operating model?
        What is the cost structure?
                                                                 Customer Value Proposition

What is my customer value          Which customers am I serving?               How do I generate revenue?
 proposition?                       Which customer segments?                    Which pricing models?
 What mix of products and           What type of relationships to               How and where to capture
 services?                          maintain?                                   value?
 Which customer needs are
                                    Which channels?
 being satisfied?
41                                                                                            © 2012 IBM Corporation
Enterprises are leveraging cloud to enhance, extend and
invent new customer value propositions

                                          Cloud Enablement

                                     Customer Value Proposition

                                    Enhance      Extend        Invent

Enhance                              Extend                             Invent
  Improve current value                Extend value proposition to        Construct radically different value
  proposition to retain/attract        attract customers to different     proposition to create a new
  customers for existing products      products and services              “need” and own the market
  and services                         Attract existing or adjacent       Form new customer segments
  Appeal to existing customer          customer segments                  Generate entirely new revenue
  segments                             Generate significant new           streams
  Garner incremental revenue           revenues
42                                                                                            © 2012 IBM Corporation
Cloud is also being leveraged to improve, transform and
create new organization and industry value chains


       Build a new industry value chain or
       disintermediate an existing one
       Radically change industry economics

                                                                       Value Chain
                                                                                     Cloud Enablement
       Change organizational role within the industry or
       enter a different industry value chain
       Develop new operating capabilities

       Enter adjacent industries

       Increase efficiency and effectiveness of the
       Increase partnering, sourcing, and collaboration

43                                                                                                 © 2012 IBM Corporation
Organizations can be classified according to the extent to which their
use of cloud impacts value chains and value propositions

                                Cloud Enablement Framework

                                                                             Disruptors create radically different value

                                                                             propositions, generate new customer needs
                                                                             and segments. They disintermediate existing
                                                                             industries or even create new ecosystems

                                                                             Innovators significantly extend customer
     Value Chain

                                            Innovators                       value propositions resulting in new revenue
                                                                             streams and transform their role within their
                                                                             industry or enter a different industry

                               Optimizers                                    Optimizers use the cloud to incrementally
                                                                             enhance their customer value propositions
                                                                             while improving their organization’s efficiency

                               Enhance        Extend            Invent

                                   Customer Value Proposition

                                                                Organizations should determine how and to what degree
                                                                cloud can be used to enable their business model
44                                                                                                               © 2012 IBM Corporation

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Cisco live 2013 anything as a service david deakin

The document discusses the journey to delivering IT services using a "Anything-as-a-Service" model. It begins by building the foundation, which involves getting executive buy-in, identifying suitable workloads to move to cloud, and setting up private cloud infrastructure. The next step is guiding the transformation, which involves changing mindsets, focusing on application placement, and implementing policy-driven governance across cloud providers. The final step is enabling cloud-based services and realizing the benefits such as agility, cost optimization, and demonstrating ROI through measurement of outcomes.

How to Transform Enterprise Applications to On-premise Clouds with Wipro and ...
How to Transform Enterprise Applications to On-premise Clouds with Wipro and ...How to Transform Enterprise Applications to On-premise Clouds with Wipro and ...
How to Transform Enterprise Applications to On-premise Clouds with Wipro and ...

The document discusses how Wipro and Eucalyptus can help enterprises transform their applications to private clouds. It provides an overview of Eucalyptus' private cloud platform and its compatibility with AWS. Wipro's cloud strategy and services are also summarized, including solutions for application transformation, infrastructure transformation, and process transformation leveraging SaaS. Case studies demonstrate how Wipro has helped clients standardize development environments and variabilize infrastructure costs through public clouds.

wipro infotechiaason-premise cloud
How to Transform Enterprise Applications to On-premise Clouds with Wipro and ...
How to Transform Enterprise Applications to On-premise Clouds with Wipro and ...How to Transform Enterprise Applications to On-premise Clouds with Wipro and ...
How to Transform Enterprise Applications to On-premise Clouds with Wipro and ...

The document discusses how to transform enterprise applications to on-premise clouds with Wipro and Eucalyptus. It provides an overview of Eucalyptus cloud infrastructure as a service and private clouds. It discusses private cloud use cases, preparing for private cloud deployment including understanding workload and virtual machine development, and architecting a private cloud. It also discusses Eucalyptus version 3 capabilities and Wipro's integrated cloud services.

private cloudon-premise cloudeucalyptus cloud
These categories map closely to IBM’s innovation classifications,
which characterize the spectrum of business innovation
IBM’s Innovation Classifications

                                           Industry Model
     Business Model


                                     Revenue Model Innovation
                                    Enterprise Model Innovation
     Product and Service
       and Operational

                                   Product and Service Innovation
                                       Operational Innovation

45                                                                     © 2012 IBM Corporation
There are strong correlations between cloud business enablers and
types of innovation identified on the cloud-enablement framework
                                                             Types of Innovation
                                 Product and   Operational
                                    Service    Innovation            ------- Business Model Innovation -------
Business Model Enablers
                                                                  Enterprise         Revenue        Industry Model
                                                                    Model             Model           Innovation
                                                                  Innovation        Innovation
Cost Flexibility
 Shifts fixed to variable cost
 Faster payback & higher ROI
Business Scalability
 Elastic resource provisioning
 No scale economy limitations
Market Adaptability
 Faster time to market
 Supports innovative ideas
Masked Complexity
 Expand product sophistication
 Simpler for customers/users
Context-driven Variability
 User defined experiences
 Increases relevance
Ecosystem connectivity
 New value nets
 Potential new businesses
46                                                                                                 © 2012 IBM Corporation
Optimizers, innovators and disruptors each face
strategic opportunities and significant risks

                              Major Opportunities                        Major Risks
                      Deepen customer relationships by           Realization of limited revenue
                      expanding value                            or market share gains
                      Increase partnering by applying cloud      Increased dependency on
     Optimizers       Reduce costs by leveraging cost            partners
                                                                 Potential industry disruption
                      Increase overall efficiency                from less risk averse player
                      Expand ability to move into adjacent       Rapid replication of innovation
                      market or industry spaces                  by competitors
                      Combine previously unrelated elements      Value capture may not be
     Innovators       of the value chain and value proposition   sustainable
                      to increase total value
                      Gain competitive advantage

                      Capture unique competitive edge            Untested business models may
                      through creation of new or disruption of   not succeed
                      existing industry
                                                                 Fast followers are often more
     Disruptors       Invent new customer needs or define        successful than first movers
                      entirely new markets
                      Take advantage of and sustain first
                      mover advantage

47                                                                                 © 2012 IBM Corporation
Cloud Computing - Technologies and Trends

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How to Transform Enterprise Applications to On-premise Clouds with Wipro and ...How to Transform Enterprise Applications to On-premise Clouds with Wipro and ...
How to Transform Enterprise Applications to On-premise Clouds with Wipro and ...

The document discusses how Wipro and Eucalyptus can help enterprises transform their applications to private clouds. It provides an overview of Eucalyptus' private cloud platform and its compatibility with AWS. Wipro's cloud strategy and services are also summarized, including solutions for application transformation, infrastructure transformation, and process transformation leveraging SaaS. Case studies demonstrate how Wipro has helped clients standardize development environments and variabilize infrastructure costs through public clouds.

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Cloud Computing: Practice Makes Perfect
Cloud Computing: Practice Makes PerfectCloud Computing: Practice Makes Perfect
Cloud Computing: Practice Makes Perfect

This document discusses cloud computing and IBM's offerings related to cloud. It defines cloud computing as using networked infrastructure and software to provide on-demand resources. IBM sees cloud computing as a way to consume and deliver IT services inspired by consumer internet services and optimized by workloads. The document also notes that organizations are moving beyond virtualization to higher value stages of cloud computing and discusses IBM's view of cloud computing and adoption patterns that are emerging.

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Ibm Smart Business Overview Jimmy Mills
Ibm Smart Business Overview   Jimmy MillsIbm Smart Business Overview   Jimmy Mills
Ibm Smart Business Overview Jimmy Mills

IBM has been talking about our vision for a smarter planet for close to a year now- and working with thousands of clients - with great success and traction taking hold. Every industry is experiencing the benefits, and feeling the challenges, being presented by a smarter planet that is more instrumented, interconnected and intelligent. An example is cloud computing: The economics driving cloud computing is not new technologies. Rather it is the combination of existing technologies with a focus on the end user. Virtualization drives higher utilization which lowers capital and operating expenses. Standardization also reduces capital and labor costs, while automation drives enhance user experience and automates many manual tasks to reduce errors and reduce the costs associated with managing an environment.

Cloud Computing - Technologies and Trends
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Cloud Computing - Technologies and Trends

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Cloud Computing - Technologies and Trends

  • 1. Cloud Computing: Technologies and Trends Marcelo Sávio IT Architect – IBM © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 2. Talking about trends.... 2 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 3. Some definitions… © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 4. Cloud is a new Consumption & Delivery Model that relies on the industrialization of delivery for IT supported Services “Cloud” is: “Cloud” enables: a new consumption and Self-service delivery model inspired by Sourcing options consumer Internet Economies-of-scale services. “Cloud” represents: “Cloud” can be: The Industrialization of Private, Public and Hybrid delivery for IT supported Workload and/or Services Programming Model Specific 4 Cloud Computing - Strategic View © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 5. Cloud exhibits a set of well-defined characteristics Cloud Characteristic Details Advanced virtualization IT resources -from servers to storage, network and applications- are pooled and virtualized to provide an implementation independent, efficient infrastructure Self service through Uniform offerings readily available from a services catalog based on Standardized offerings public interfaces Elastic scaling Resources scale up and down by large factors as the demand changes Flexible pricing Utility pricing, variable payments, pay-by-consumption and subscription models make pricing of IT services more flexible Rapid provisioning IT and network capacity and capabilities are – ideally automatically, via Self Service capabilities – rapidly provisioned using Internet standards without transferring ownership of resources 5 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 6. Major factors driving cloud Infrastructure Virtualization of Drives lower capital Leverage Hardware requirements Utilization of Virtualized environments only get benefits of scale if Infrastructure they are highly utilized Reduced complexity, increased Standardization of automation possible; reduced Workloads admin burden Leverage Labor Automation of Take repeatable tasks and Management automate Clients who can “serve Self Service themselves” require less support and get services 6 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 7. Standardization, Automation and Self Service have changed many other industries become more efficient. Telcos automate traffic through switches to assure service and lower cost. Manufacturers use robotics to improve quality and lower cost. Banks use automated teller machines to improve service and lower cost. 7 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 8. Cloud computing is more than the sum of the parts… Cloud Computing Virtualization + Standardization + Automation + Self Service With With With With Enables flexibility Simplification Low human involvement User in control Increase utilization Few configurations Rapid deployment & mgt Cost and usage choices Energy efficient Enables automation Repeatable configuration Increased visibility Soft configuration Easier support Improves compliance IT/Business alignment Infrastructure abstraction Without Without Without Without Physically constrained Physically constrained Manually intensive Dependency of availability of data centre staff Capital intensive Many configurations Skill dependent Lack of awareness Hard configuration Error prone Linked to PO process Costly Customer Operational Exp Capital Exp Agility Timeline Compliance Service 8 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 9. So what’s different about Cloud? Capability From To Server/Storage 10-20% 70-90% Utilization Cloud accelerates business value across a wide variety Self service None Unlimited of domains. Provisioning Weeks Minutes Change Management Months Days/Hours Release Management Weeks Minutes Metering/Billing Fixed cost model Granular Payback period for new Years Months services Legacy environments Cloud enabled enterprise 9 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 10. Cloud Service Models Employee Procurement Benefits Mgmt. Industry Specific Business Travel Processes Business Process-as-a-Service Financials CRM/ERP/HR Industry Specific Collaboration Applications Software/ Application-as-a-Service Web 2.0 Applications Development Middleware Tools Runtime Database Desktop Platform-as-a-Service Data Center Servers Networking Storage Fabric Consolidated, standardised, virtualised, shared, dynamically provisioned, automated Infrastructure-as-a-Service 10 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 11. Cloud deployment options Private Hybrid Public IT capabilities are Internal and IT activities / provided “as a service,” external service functions are over an intranet, within delivery provided “as a the enterprise and behind methods are service,” over the firewall integrated the Internet Enterprise Users Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise data center data center A B A B Private cloud Managed Hosted private Member cloud Public cloud private cloud cloud services services Private Third-party operated Third-party owned and Mix of shared and dedicated Shared resources On client premises Client owned operated resources Elastic scaling Client runs/ manages Mission critical Standardization Shared facility and staff Pay as you go Packaged applications Centralization Virtual private network (VPN) Public Internet Security access High compliancy Internal network Subscription or membership Internal network based 11 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 12. Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (The Open Group) Cloud Service Cloud Service Provider Cloud Service Consumer Creator Cloud Services Common Cloud Service Business Service Management Platform Manager Manager Component Developer Consumer End OSS – Operational Support BSS – Business Support user Existing & Services Services BP Mgmt Interfaces 3rd party API services, BPaaS Service Partner Customer Service Service Composer Service Delivery Catalog Cloud Service Account Offering Offering Integration Ecosystems Management Catalog Management Tools Service Development Portal & API Service Consumer Portal & API Service Automation Management Contracts & Service Offering Order Software Mgmt Agreement Request Manager Service Management Interfaces Management Management API Integrator SaaS Service Change & Image Request Configuration Lifecycle Management Management Management Subscription Entitlement Service Creation Consumer Pricing Business Incident & IT Service Management Management Tools Manager Provisioning Problem Level Management Management Service Platform Mgmt Management Interfaces API Consumer In- PaaS Monitoring & IT Asset & Capacity & Metering Rating Billing Development Event License Performance Tools house IT Management Management Management Business Processes Service Runtime Service Management Clearing & Accounts Accounts Platform & Virtualization Management Settlement Payable Receivable Development Tools Mgmt Interfaces Applications Infrastructure API IaaS Software Middleware Service Provider Portal & API Development Tools Infrastructure Deployment Transition Operations Security & Customer Architect Manager Manager Risk Manager Care Image Creation Tools Consumer Administrator Inf rastructure Security, Resiliency, Performance & Consumability 12 Governance © 2012 IBM Corporation 2011
  • 13. Summary so far CLOUD SERVICES Business Process as a Customers consume business outcomes (Back Office Acctg) via Web-centric Service Service (BAAS) Integration on multi-tenant and shared infrastructures, without the need to own the assets. Software as a Service Customers use applications from multiple client devices through a Web browser on multi- (SAAS) tenant and shared infrastructure without the need to own the assets Platform as a Service Customers use programming languages, tools and platforms to develop and deploy (PAAS) applications on multi-tenant, shared infrastructure without owning underlying resources Infrastructure as a Customers use processing, storage, networks, other computing resources with ability to Service (IAAS) rapidly and elastically provision & control resources without the need to own/manage assets DELIVERY MODELS Service provider makes resources, such as applications and storage, available to the public Public Clouds over the Internet. (i.e. rented by the hour, month etc.). A Cloud Architecture (end user provisioned, provider managed, consumption based) behind Private Clouds the firewalls of an enterprise Cloud Architecture tailored to meet the needs of an enterprise. (i.e. some service like trade Hybrid Clouds promotions validation executed in the firewall with external on demand services like graphics ARCHITECTURAL COMPONENTS Delivery Services, Delivery services, technologies business services in support of cloud computing that are required to help companies build deploy and integrate cloud computing architectures within Software and Hardware their existing IT infrastructure 13 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 14. Trends for Cloud Computing © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 15. What is coming? In 2021, cloud computing is simply computing, corporate office parks are senior housing facilities and the IT organization of the future has been absorbed by the business. Internal IT becomes an internal cloud. IT becomes a services broker. IT will become a function of the business. Gartner, 2011 15 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 16. What are general trends in the IT industry? Gartner Gartner IBM Horizon Technology Business Forrester IDC Ovum Watch 2012 Cloud Computing Increasing Enterprise Smart Computing Cloud IT Security Cloud Mobile Growth Empowerment Computing in the Data Computing Applications & Attracting and Cloud Computing Datacenter Management Virtualization Media Tablets Retaining New IT as Business Public Cloud Business Social Business Next-Generation Customers Technology Services Analytics Mobile Analytics Reducing Enterprise Mobile Enterprise Platform-as-a- Mobility Computing Social Analytics Costs Apps Service Datacenter Big Data Social Creating New Disruption-as-a- Enterprise Transformation Analytics Communications Products and Service Mobility Cloud IBM Watson & Collaboration Services Free SW, Open Computing HW-SW- Human / Video Improving Business Appliances Source Collaboration Computer Context-Aware Processes BPM Platforms Next-Gen IT and Interaction Computing Implementing and Analytics BI and Analytics Sustainability Security Ubiquitous Updating Business Enterprise Data IT and Drive IT as Sustainability & Computing Applications Sustainability Social Media Business Green IT Storage Class Improving Technical Social Media Smart Devices Context-Aware Consumerization Memory Infrastructure Computing of IT Fabric-Based Improving Enterprise Infrastructure and Efficiency Computers Improve Operations Improving Business Continuity, Risk and Security Source: Gartner,, IBM MD Germany, IBM MI, HorizonWatch 16 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 17. Cloud is recognized as an increasingly important technology; adoption is expected to accelerate rapidly in the coming years What is Your Organization’s Level of The Global Cloud Computing Market is Cloud Adoption? Forecast to Grow 22% per year through 2020 % of Respondents 91% $250B $241B Piloting 21% 72% $200B $150B Adopting $150B 38% 28% +33% $100B Substantially 21% Implemented $50B 41% +215% $41B 13% $0B Today 3 yrs 2011 2015 2020 Source: Sizing the cloud, Forrester Research, Inc., April 21, 2011 Nearly half (48%) of CIOs surveyed evaluate cloud options first, over traditional IT approaches, before making any new IT investments Source: (1) 2011 joint IBV/EIU Cloud-enabled Business Model Survey of 572 business & IT leaders; Q4. Which of the following most accurately describes your organisation’s level of cloud technology adoption today and which do you expect will best describe it in three years? Sizing the cloud , Forrester Research, April 21, 2011; 17 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 18. Today, at least two thirds of companies of all sizes are actively either experimenting with or implementing cloud What is Your Organization’s Level of Cloud Adoption? % of Respondents; Today 82% 76% 67% 43% Piloting 44% 32% 21% Adopting 22% 34% 14% Substantially 10% Implemented 5% <$1B $1B - $20B >$20B Company Annual Revenues Source: (1) 2011 joint IBV/EIU Cloud-enabled Business Model Survey of 572 business & IT leaders, Q4, n=363 18 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 19. The IT Perspective © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 20. IT and Business are attracted to cloud for different reasons. Rethink IT. • Rapidly deliver services • Integrate services across cloud environments • Increase efficiency Transformation Efficiency Reinvent business. • Initiate new revenue streams • Drive faster time to market for new services • Meet changing customer expectations **Source: Gartner, Cloud Computing Services, Virtualization Top CIO 2011 Wish Lists Jan 24 2011 20 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 21. IT and Business are attracted to cloud for different reasons. IT is drawn to cloud’s cost, efficiency and control… of CIOs plan to use cloud— up from 33% two years ago. Transformation Efficiency of business executives believe cloud enables business transformation and leaner, faster, more agile processes. …while business users are drawn to cloud’s simplified, self-service experience and new service capabilities. 2011 IBM CIO Study, London School of Economics, December 2010 21 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 22. Cloud helps business and IT create and deliver value in fundamentally new ways. Build enduring customer Deliver IT without boundaries relationships Unlock the value of new IT and business Gain customer insight and use it to improve processes that break down traditional silos, products and services, fostering trust and simplify access to information and connect loyalty among constituents. people across your ecosystem. Improved speed and dexterity Transform the economics of IT Optimize and accelerate the delivery Speed delivery of new offerings and of IT computing resources and services services with new models of self-service and serve them with new, flexible and deployment. business models. 22 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 23. How does IT develop from a quantitative perspective? Meeting the insatiable demand for new services… 32.6 million servers worldwide Between 2000 and 2010 85% idle computer capacity Servers grew 6x (2000-2010) 15% of servers run 24/7 without being actively Storage grew 69x (2000-2010) used on a daily basis Virtual machines grew 51% CAGR (2004-2010) 1.2 Zetabytes (1.2 trillion gigabytes) exist in the “digital universe” Data centers have doubled their energy use in the past five years 50% YTY growth 18% increase in data center energy costs 25% of data is unique; 75% is a copy projected Internet connected devices growing 42% per year an 1% per year... ets are growing less th … …while IT budg 23 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 24. Trigger for transformation The 3rd phase of the internet “colliding” with the 3rd generation of computing platform Phases of the Inter net Internet Web2 .0 Web Mobi 3.0 (C le, So loud, cial) 1964 1981 1994 2003 2008 2012 2020... s, phone (Smart evices Generations of M obile Dc) t s, e Tablet Computing Platforms er/PC Client Serv ame Mainfr Source: HorizonWatch: Top Technology Trends To Watch In 2012, Bill Chamberlin 24 January 11, 2012 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 25. IT Strategy for the next decade: an evolution of today‘s focus topics IT as Service Provider “IT as a function of the business“ Data ... Management SOA Service Appliances Big Data Management on demand Virtualization Cloud Analytics Consolidation Mobility Collaboration Automation Cost Pressure Operational Excellence Service Quality Open Source Cyber Crime Social Media Data Center Optimization Prevention IT Security Smart Devices ... 25 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 26. Cloud Computing deployment became part of the existing IT optimization strategy and roadmap Dynamic Standardize and automate Standardize services Virtualize Reduce deployment cycles Remove physical Enable scalability Consolidate resource boundaries Flexible delivery Increase hardware Reduce infrastructure utilization complexity Reduce hardware Reduce staffing costs requirements Simplify deployments Manage fewer things better Lower operational costs Cost = Flexibility 26 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 27. Key IT aspects for a Cloud strategy Check Cloud readiness – do relevant processes, procedures as well as 1 roles & skills exist to manage the expected hybrid cloud delivery models Analyze workloads and select delivery models – which workload is Efficiency 2 suitable for which cloud model; which service levels are needed Cloud based on business requirements; what happens to “legacy“? Cloud Service Cloud Service Provider Cloud Service Consumer Creator Cloud Services Common Cloud Servic e Bus iness Servic e Management Platform M anager Manager Component Developer Define and develop Cloud Computing Cons umer End OSS – Operational Sup port BSS – Business Support user Existing & Services Serv ic es BP Mg mt Interfaces 3 rd party API s ervices, BPaaS Servic e Partner Service Delivery C atalog Customer Service Service Composer Cloud Servic e Account Offering Offering Ec osy stems M anag em ent C atalog Management Integ ration 3 To ols Service Development Portal & API Service Automation Management Service C onsumer Portal & API C ontracts & Service Order Offering Software Mgm t Ag reement Req uest Manager Servic e Management Interfaces M anag em ent M anag em ent API Integrator SaaS Service Change & Imag e Request C onfiguration Lifecycle M anag ement M anag ement Management Service Creation architecture; design blueprint Subscription Entitlem ent C onsumer Pricing Bus iness Incident & IT Service M anag em ent Management Tools M anager Provisioning Problem Level M anag em ent Management Service Platform Mgmt Managemen t Interfaces API PaaS Metering R ating Billing Development Consumer In- M onitoring & IT Asset & Capacity & Event License Performance To ols house IT M anag ement M anag ement Management Bus iness Proc es ses Service Runtime Serv ice Management Clearing & Accounts Accounts Platform & Virtualization Management Settlement Payable R eceivable Development Tools M gmt Interfaces Applic ations Infrastructure (processes, technology, organization) API IaaS Software Middleware Service Provider Portal & API Dev elopment Too ls Infras tructure Deployment Transition Operations Security & C us tomer Arc hitec t Manager M anager Ris k Manager C are Imag e Creation Too ls Consumer Adm inistrator Infras tructure Security, Resiliency, Performance & Consumability Governance 4 Establish management procedures to manage the different cloud models like a homogeneous environment 5 Define and publish a service catalogue for all relevant services to enable simple access to all services and disguise complexity of service delivery for customers / end users 27 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 28. The realities of cloud versus hype Reality Today Cloud Hype Future Reality So, no “BIG BANG” ! ≠ Trad. SO Trad. SO Everything in the Internal IT plus 3rd party cloud and all at once Sourcing mixture - for some things retain legacy, plus private/hybrid, public Source: Market Insights and Gartner 28 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 29. Some workloads are ready for cloud delivery Sensitive Analytics Data Information Intensive Ready Infrastructure Storage for Cloud Highly Customized Isolated Industry Workloads Applications Not yet Collaboration Virtualized Mature Workloads Development 3rd Party SW & Test May not yet be ready Workplace, Desktop Complex Pre-Production & Devices for migration Processes & Systems Transactions Business Processes Batch Regulation Infrastructure Processing Sensitive Compute 29 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 31. The CIO Vision Results from more than 3,000 face-to-face CIO interviews 71 countries 18 industries All organization sizes 16% 28% 15% 22% 6% 43% 26% 39% 35% 12% 33% 6% Japan 35% Europe 12% Communications 25% Industrial 28% <1,000 employees 16% North America 43% Growth markets 15% Public 26% Distribution 33% >10,000 employees 22% Financial Services 39% 1,000 to 10,000 employees Note: Growth Markets include Latin America, Asia Pacific (excluding Japan), Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa 31 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 32. CEOs and CIOs are both focused on insights, clients and people skills CEO focus over the next 5 years CIO focus over the next 5 years Getting closer to customer 88% Insight and intelligence 79% People skills 81% Client intimacy 71% Insight and intelligence 76% People skills 66% 57% Internal collaboration & 64% Enterprise model changes Communications Risk management 55% Risk management 50% Industry model changes 54% Enterprise model changes 48% Revenue model changes 54% Industry model changes 39% Revenue model changes 35% “Business Intelligence will provide information to the company that no one in the industry has ever seen, and will open up opportunities that were not previously considered.” Utilities CIO, USA Source: 2010 CEO Study Q13: “Which of the following dimensions will you focus on more to realize your strategy in the new economic environment over the next 5 years?” (n=1,523); 2011 CIO Study, Q13: “Where will you focus IT to help your organization’s strategy over the next 3 to 5 years?” (n=3,018) 32 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 33. CIO visionary plans are evolving Most important visionary plan elements (Interviewed CIOs could select as many as they wanted) 83% Business Intelligence and analytics 83% Mobility solutions 74% 68% Virtualization 68% 75% Cloud computing 60% 33% Business process management 60% 64% 58% Risk management and compliance 71% 57% Self-service portals 66% 55% Collaboration and Social Networking 54% 2009 2011 Source: 2011 CIO Study, Q12: “Which visionary plans do you have to increase competitiveness over the next 3 to 5 years?”(n=3,018) 33 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 34. CIOs are focusing on the benefits of global integration Changing the mix of capabilities, knowledge and assets within the organization Both Maintain the Deeply change current mix 14% 20% 66% the mix “Gradually, the insight has grown that the organization cannot continue doing everything in house.” Media and Entertainment CIO, Belgium Partnering versus doing everything in-house Both Do everything Partner in-house 17% 18% 65% extensively “Our focus is on best of breed partners and strategic alliances rather than outsourcing.” Government CIO, UK Source: 2011 CIO Study, Q7: “To benefit from global integration will your organization do the following?”(n≤1,214); some responses may add to over 100% due to rounding up 34 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 35. CIOs are changing the delivery…. How to excel Are you essential? Enable state-of-the-art collaboration What leading edge collaboration tools have Evaluate and adopt tools to strengthen you implemented across the enterprise to enterprise-wide collaboration and exchange of help integrate technology with business? data. How deeply are your internal customers Tighten business and technology involved in your key planning and decision integration Increase two-way transparency processes? by involving internal clients in planning and What is your plan to engage partners to decision-making. outsource information technology functions? Focus on the core Rely on trusted partners Which persistently inefficient processes can to handle non-strategic IT functions. you eliminate or improve to increase Simplify, automate, integrate Implement customer satisfaction? advanced business process management. How do you work with internal customers to Advance the metrics Provide sophisticated ensure dashboards measure enterprise-wide dashboards through more advanced types of key performance indicators? analytics. 35 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 36. The Business Perspective Cloudnomics: The Power of Cloud Driving Business Model Innovation © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 37. In addition to enhancing internal efficiencies, organizations clearly intend for cloud to improve their business capabilities How Important are the Following Objectives for Adopting Cloud? % of Respondents Increased collaboration with external partners 35% 27% 62% Competitive/cost advantages thru vertical integration 28% 29% 57% New delivery channels/markets 30% 26% 56% New/enhanced revenue streams 25% 29% 54% Competitive differentiation thru specialization 29% 22% 51% Rebalanced mix of products/ services 31% 15% 46% Flexible pricing models 26% 17% 43% Business Capabilities Internal Efficiencies Important Very Important Source: 2011 IBM/EIU Cloud Survey Results, Q5: How Important are the Following Objectives for Adopting Cloud?, n= 572 37 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 38. While only a few visionary businesses today are using cloud for business innovation, the number will multiply in three years What is the Primary Focus of Your Organization’s Cloud Adoption Strategy? % of Respondents 42% 5% New business 4% New industry 17% Redesign industry 16% 2% 3% 3% Change 16% industry role 8% Today 3 yrs Close to half (42%) of organizations surveyed plan to harness cloud for radical business model innovation within three years Source: 2011 IBM/EIU Cloud Survey Results, Q8 : What is the primary focus of your organization's cloud technology adoption strategy ? n (today) = 572; n (in 3 years) = 572 38 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 39. Mobility, social media, increasing digitization and new analytics capabilities are conspiring to drive broad business change Major Technology Trends driving Business Change Mobile revolution Connectivity, access and participation are growing rapidly Smart devices are becoming the primary route to get connected Devices are getting smarter as they are increasingly enriched by mobile apps Social media explosion Social media is quickly becoming the primary communication and collaboration format GenY’s or “digital natives” use of technology and social media platforms is accelerating adoption Enterprises are adopting social media but are struggling to realize the value and manage risk Hyper digitization Digital content is produced and accessed more quickly than ever before Internet traffic is growing globally driven by consumer use of video, mobile data, interconnectedness An increasing number of connected devices and sensors is further driving growth The power of analytics New capabilities for real time analysis, predictive analytics and micro-segmentation are emerging Top performing companies use analytics to drive action and business value Analytics are making information “consumable” and is transforming all parts of the organization, from customer intimacy to supply chain management Source: IBV Analysis 39 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 40. Cloud harnesses the capabilities borne out of these trends to empower six potentially “game changing” business enablers Cloud’s Business Enablers Business 2 Scalability Cost Provides limitless, cost- Market 1 Flexibility effective computing capacity 3 Adaptability to support growth Shifts fixed to variable cost Faster time to market Pay as and when needed Supports experimentation Ecosystem Masked 6 Connectivity 4 Complexity New value nets Expands product sophistication Potential new businesses Context-driven Simpler for customers/users 5 Variability User defined experiences Increases relevance Source: IBV Analysis 40 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 41. Cloud business enablers are already driving innovation across company/industry value chains and customer value propositions What is my role in the value chain? What to do and when to rely on others? Value Chain Where to specialize and how to set up interdependent networks? Cloud Enablement Framework How will I do what I do? What kind of delivery structures? Which operating model? What is the cost structure? Customer Value Proposition What is my customer value Which customers am I serving? How do I generate revenue? proposition? Which customer segments? Which pricing models? What mix of products and What type of relationships to How and where to capture services? maintain? value? Which customer needs are Which channels? being satisfied? 41 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 42. Enterprises are leveraging cloud to enhance, extend and invent new customer value propositions Cloud Enablement Framework Customer Value Proposition Enhance Extend Invent Enhance Extend Invent Improve current value Extend value proposition to Construct radically different value proposition to retain/attract attract customers to different proposition to create a new customers for existing products products and services “need” and own the market and services Attract existing or adjacent Form new customer segments Appeal to existing customer customer segments Generate entirely new revenue segments Generate significant new streams Garner incremental revenue revenues 42 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 43. Cloud is also being leveraged to improve, transform and create new organization and industry value chains Create Create Build a new industry value chain or disintermediate an existing one Radically change industry economics Value Chain Transform Cloud Enablement Transform Framework Change organizational role within the industry or enter a different industry value chain Develop new operating capabilities Improve Enter adjacent industries Improve Increase efficiency and effectiveness of the organization Increase partnering, sourcing, and collaboration 43 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 44. Organizations can be classified according to the extent to which their use of cloud impacts value chains and value propositions Cloud Enablement Framework Disruptors create radically different value Disruptors Create propositions, generate new customer needs and segments. They disintermediate existing industries or even create new ecosystems Innovators significantly extend customer Value Chain Transform Innovators value propositions resulting in new revenue streams and transform their role within their industry or enter a different industry ecosystem Improve Optimizers Optimizers use the cloud to incrementally enhance their customer value propositions while improving their organization’s efficiency Enhance Extend Invent Customer Value Proposition Organizations should determine how and to what degree cloud can be used to enable their business model 44 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 45. These categories map closely to IBM’s innovation classifications, which characterize the spectrum of business innovation IBM’s Innovation Classifications Disruptors Industry Model Business Model Innovation Innovation Revenue Model Innovation Innovators Enterprise Model Innovation Product and Service and Operational Innovation Product and Service Innovation Optimizers Operational Innovation 45 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 46. There are strong correlations between cloud business enablers and types of innovation identified on the cloud-enablement framework Types of Innovation Product and Operational Service Innovation ------- Business Model Innovation ------- Innovation Business Model Enablers Enterprise Revenue Industry Model Model Model Innovation Innovation Innovation Cost Flexibility Shifts fixed to variable cost Faster payback & higher ROI Business Scalability Elastic resource provisioning No scale economy limitations Market Adaptability Faster time to market Supports innovative ideas Masked Complexity Expand product sophistication Simpler for customers/users Context-driven Variability User defined experiences Increases relevance Ecosystem connectivity New value nets Potential new businesses 46 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 47. Optimizers, innovators and disruptors each face strategic opportunities and significant risks Organizational Major Opportunities Major Risks Classification Deepen customer relationships by Realization of limited revenue expanding value or market share gains Increase partnering by applying cloud Increased dependency on Optimizers Reduce costs by leveraging cost partners flexibility Potential industry disruption Increase overall efficiency from less risk averse player Expand ability to move into adjacent Rapid replication of innovation market or industry spaces by competitors Combine previously unrelated elements Value capture may not be Innovators of the value chain and value proposition sustainable to increase total value Gain competitive advantage Capture unique competitive edge Untested business models may through creation of new or disruption of not succeed existing industry Fast followers are often more Disruptors Invent new customer needs or define successful than first movers entirely new markets Take advantage of and sustain first mover advantage 47 © 2012 IBM Corporation