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Client-side JavaScriptSecurity vulnerabilitiesThe Twilight Zone of Web Application Security Ory SegalSecurity Products Architect, Rational
ORY  SEGALSecurity products architect, RationalAppScan product managerWeb Application Security Consortium officerContributor (WASC, MITRE, NIST, OWASP)Renowned application security expertAppScan
From server to client side – The migration story of web application logic
1990<HTML>Capable of presenting only text and hyperlinks1993<IMG>Embedded images in web pages (3rd. Party allowed)1995<SCRIPT>JavaScript enables programmatic modifications to HTML1996<IFRAME>Embeds a page within a page (3rd party contents)<EMBED>Embed an Adobe Flash file for animation1999Client-side API (e.g. JS). Send & receive HTTP traffic programmatically, without refreshing the entire pageXHRFetch data asynchronously using XHR reducing the time spent waiting on page loads. Desktop app look & feelAJAX2005Canvas, Media, Offline storage, D&D, Geolocation, Local SQL, …HTML5 & APIs2011

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[CB16] 80時間でWebを一周:クロムミウムオートメーションによるスケーラブルなフィンガープリント by Isaac Dawson
[CB16] 80時間でWebを一周:クロムミウムオートメーションによるスケーラブルなフィンガープリント by Isaac Dawson[CB16] 80時間でWebを一周:クロムミウムオートメーションによるスケーラブルなフィンガープリント by Isaac Dawson
[CB16] 80時間でWebを一周:クロムミウムオートメーションによるスケーラブルなフィンガープリント by Isaac Dawson

分散型のスキャナーの構築は挑戦のし甲斐があり、実在のブラウザを使って作る場合はなおさらである。 今回紹介するスキャナーでは、ChromiumにJSのライブラリやそのバージョンを得るためのJavaScriptを注入することで、スキャンしたサイトのすべてのHTMLとJavaScript、独自アーキテクチャを必要とするセキュリティヘッダを保存できる。 このスキャナーでトップの100万サイトに対してスキャンを行い、現在のWeb上の状況を調べることが可能となるスケーラブルなシステムを設計する際に克服した課題についてカバーした。 本講演では、データ分析で得られた興味深い点にも触れるつもりである。 --- アイザック・ドーソンIsaac Dawson アイザック・ドーソンは、Veracode社の主要なセキュリティ研究者の一人で、彼の率いる同社の研究開発チームは、Veracode社の動��解析の提供に努めている。 Veracode社の前は@stake社とSymantec社でコンサルタントをしていた。 2004年にアプリケーションセキュリティのコンサルティングチーム発足させるため、日本へやってきた。 Veracode社での勤務が始まった後、彼の中で日本があまりにも快適であることがはっきりしたので、それ以降、滞在し続けることを決めたのだった。 Go言語の熱心なプログラマーであり、分散システムに関心があり、特にWebのスキャニングに強い関心をもっている。

scannerdistributedweb security
Bug Bounty Hunter Methodology - Nullcon 2016
Bug Bounty Hunter Methodology - Nullcon 2016Bug Bounty Hunter Methodology - Nullcon 2016
Bug Bounty Hunter Methodology - Nullcon 2016

This is a bug bounty hunter presentation given at Nullcon 2016 by Bugcrowd's Faraz Khan. Learn more about Bugcrowd here:

bug bountieswhite hat hackerinformation security
[CB16] Electron - Build cross platform desktop XSS, it’s easier than you thin...
[CB16] Electron - Build cross platform desktop XSS, it’s easier than you thin...[CB16] Electron - Build cross platform desktop XSS, it’s easier than you thin...
[CB16] Electron - Build cross platform desktop XSS, it’s easier than you thin...

Electron is a framework to create the desktop application on Windows,OS X, Linux easily, and it has been used to develop the popular applications such as Atom Editor, Visual Studio Code, and Slack. Although Electron includes Chromium and node.js and allow the web application developers to be able to develop the desktop application with accustomed methods, it contains a lot of security problems such as it allows arbitrary code execution if even one DOM-based XSS exist in the application. In fact, a lot of vulnerabilities which is able to load arbitrary code in applications made with Electron have been detected and reported. In this talk, I focus on organize and understand the security problems which tend to occur on development using Electron. --- Yosuke Hasegawa Secure Sky Technology Inc, Technical Adviser. Known for finding numerous vulnerablities in Internet Explorer、Mozilla Firefox and other web applications.He has also presented at Black Hat Japan 2008, South Korea POC 2008, 2010 and others. OWASP Kansai Chapter Leader, OWASP Japan Board member.

web securityxssjavascript
Logic is Migrating from Server to Client…We counted server-side vs. client-side LoC in popular web applications in 2005 and in 2010
Client-side JavaScript Security Issues
DOM-Based Cross-site ScriptingA type of XSS (the third type after “Reflected” & “Stored”)Application doesn’t need to echo back user input like in Type I & Type IIWe poison a DOM element, which is used in JavaScript codeExample<HTML>2: <TITLE>Welcome!</TITLE>3:  Hi4:  <SCRIPT>5:    var pos = document.URL.indexOf("name=") + 5;6:    document.write(document.URL.substring(pos,document.URL.length));7:  </SCRIPT> <BR/>8:  Welcome to our system9:</HTML>Source	:	document.URLSink	:	document.write()Results	:	document.write("Ory")
DOM-Based Cross-site ScriptingAttack Example<script>alert('hacked')</script>1: <HTML>2: <TITLE>Welcome!</TITLE>3:  Hi4:  <SCRIPT>5:    var pos = document.URL.indexOf("name=") + 5;6:    document.write(document.URL.substring(pos,document.URL.length));7:  </SCRIPT> <BR/>8:  Welcome to our system9: </HTML>Source	: document.URLSink	: document.write()Results	: document.write("<script>alert('hacked')</script>")The attack took place entirely on the client-side (# fragment identifier)

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04. xss and encoding
04.  xss and encoding04.  xss and encoding
04. xss and encoding

XSS (cross-site scripting) is a common web vulnerability that allows attackers to inject client-side scripts. The document discusses various types of XSS attacks and defenses against them. It covers: 1) Reflected/transient XSS occurs when untrusted data in URL parameters is immediately displayed without sanitization. Stored/persistent XSS occurs when untrusted data is stored and later displayed. DOM-based XSS manipulates the DOM. 2) Defenses include HTML/URL encoding untrusted data before displaying it, validating all inputs, and using context-specific encoding for HTML elements, attributes, JavaScript, and URLs. 3) The OWASP Java Encoder Project and Microsoft Anti

software developmentdevopsagile software development
When Ajax Attacks! Web application security fundamentals
When Ajax Attacks! Web application security fundamentalsWhen Ajax Attacks! Web application security fundamentals
When Ajax Attacks! Web application security fundamentals

The document is a presentation about web application security fundamentals and attacks. It discusses topics like cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), UTF-7 encoding, and other techniques like JSON parsing (JSONP). In the past, security tutorials focused on not trusting user input, avoiding SQL injection, and preventing JavaScript injection, but the presenter aims to discuss more modern attacks.

Django (Web Applications that are Secure by Default)
Django �(Web Applications that are Secure by Default�)Django �(Web Applications that are Secure by Default�)
Django (Web Applications that are Secure by Default)

* Django is a Web Application Framework, written in Python * Allows rapid, secure and agile web development. * Write better web applications in less time & effort.

djangotechnical presentation
Hacker controlled DOM elements may include:  document.URL, document.location, document.referrer, window.location, etc.Client-side Open RedirectJavaScript code automatically redirects the browser to a new locationNew location is taken from a DOM element (URL, Query, Referrer, etc.)Example varsData =;13: varsPos = sData.indexOf("url=") + 4;14: varePos = sData.indexOf("&", sPos);15: varnewURL;16: if (ePos< 0) { newURL = sData.substring(sPos);} 17: else { newURL = sData.substring(sPos, ePos);}18:window.location.href = newURL;Source	: document.locationSink	: window.location.hrefResults	: window.location.href = "";
Stored DOM-Based Cross-Site ScriptingExploiting HTML5 localStorage API...17: var pos = document.URL.indexOf("name=") + 5;18: varyourName = document.URL.substring(pos,document.URL.length)19: decodeURI(yourName);20: = yourName;21: }...welcomeregister...3: <div id="header"></div>4: <script>5:  varelem = document.getElementById("header");6:  varname =;7:  elem.innerHTML = "Hello, " + name;8: </script>...Source	: document.URLStorage	: window.localStorage.nameSink	: elem.innerHTMLResults	: elem.innerHTML = <value_of_name_parameter>
So, how common are client-side JavaScript issues?
(Lack of) Statistics on Client-Side JS IssuesTwo options for gathering statisticsAutomated discoveryManual discoveryAutomated toolsDynamic analysis tools only uncover ~30%Static analysis tools struggle with dynamic code (AJAX)Manual code review is hell – have you seen JavaScript lately?dojo._xdReset();if(dojo["_xdDebugQueue"]&&dojo._xdDebugQueue.length>0){dojo._xdDebugFileLoaded();}else{dojo._xdNotifyLoaded();}};dojo._xdNotifyLoaded=function(){for(var _99 in dojo._xdInFlight){if(typeofdojo._xdInFlight[_99]=="boolean"){return;}}dojo._inFlightCount=0;if(dojo._initFired&&!dojo._loadNotifying){dojo._callLoaded();}};if(typeof window!="undefined"){dojo.isBrowser=true;dojo._name="browser";(function(){var d=dojo;if(document&&document.getElementsByTagName){var _9a=document.getElementsByTagName("script");var _9b=/dojo(xd)?js(|$)/i;for(vari=0;i<_9a.length;i++){varsrc=_9a[i].getAttribute("src");if(!src){continue;}var m=src.match(_9b);if(m){if(!d.config.baseUrl){d.config.baseUrl=src.substring(0,m.index);}varcfg=_9a[i].getAttribute("djConfig");if(cfg){var _9c=eval("({ "+cfg+" })");for(var x in _9c){dojo.config[x]=_9c[x];}}break;}}}d.baseUrl=d.config.baseUrl;var n=navigator;vardua=n.userAgent,dav=n.appVersion,tv=parseFloat(dav);if(dua.indexOf("Opera")>=0){d.isOpera=tv;}if(dua.indexOf("AdobeAIR")>=0){d.isAIR=1;}d.isKhtml=(dav.indexOf("Konqueror")>=0)?tv:0;d.isWebKit=parseFloat(dua.split("WebKit/")[1])||undefined;d.isChrome=parseFloat(dua.split("Chrome/")[1])||undefined;d.isMac=dav.indexOf("Macintosh")>=0;var _9d=Math.max(dav.indexOf("WebKit"),dav.indexOf("Safari"),0);if(_9d&&!dojo.isChrome){d.isSafari=parseFloat(dav.split("Version/")[1]);if(!d.isSafari||parseFloat(dav.substr(_9d+7))<=419.3){d.isSafari=2;}}if(dua.indexOf("Gecko")>=0&&!d.isKhtml&&!d.isWebKit){d.isMozilla=d.isMoz=tv;}if(d.isMoz){d.isFF=parseFloat(dua.split("Firefox/")[1]||dua.split("Minefield/")[1])||undefined;}if(document.all&&!d.isOpera){d.isIE=parseFloat(dav.split("MSIE ")[1])||undefined;var _9e=document.documentMode;if(_9e&&_9e!=5&&Math.floor(d.isIE)!=_9e){d.isIE=_9e;}}if(dojo.isIE&&window.location.protocol==="file:") {dojo.config.ieForceActiveXXhr=true;}d.isQuirks=document.compatMode=="BackCompat";d.locale=dojo.config.locale||(d.isIE?n.userLanguage:n.language).toLowerCase();

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(In)Security Implication in the JS Universe
(In)Security Implication in the JS Universe(In)Security Implication in the JS Universe
(In)Security Implication in the JS Universe

JavaScript is the most widely used language cross platforms. This talk will analyze the security concerns from past to present with a peek to the future of this important language. This talk was presented as Keynote at CyberCamp Espana 2014.

Preventing In-Browser Malicious Code Execution
Preventing In-Browser Malicious Code ExecutionPreventing In-Browser Malicious Code Execution
Preventing In-Browser Malicious Code Execution

DOM Based XSS (or as it is called in some texts, “type-0 XSS”) is an XSS attack wherein the attack payload is executed as a result of modifying the DOM “environment” in the victim’s browser used by the original client side script, so that the client side code runs in an “unexpected” manner. Certain vulnerabilities in JavaScript code cannot be tracked by standard IDS or perimeter security measures, which leads to a huge potential vulnerability, the code can be abused to steal data or bypass authentication mechanisms in web interfaces. This presentation will demonstrate vulnerabilities and also present Minded Security’s latest countermeasure DOMinatorPro.

dom based xssxssmalware
MITM Attacks on HTTPS: Another Perspective
MITM Attacks on HTTPS: Another PerspectiveMITM Attacks on HTTPS: Another Perspective
MITM Attacks on HTTPS: Another Perspective

Various techniques of TLS Redirection / Virtual Host Confusion attacks

Introducing JavaScript Security Analyzer
What is JSA?1st and only to auto-detect client-side issues such as:DOM-based XSSPhishing through Open RedirectHTML5 Notification API PhishingHTML5 Web Storage API PoisoningHTML5 Client-side SQL InjectionHTML5 Client-side Stored XSSHTML5 Web Worker Script URL ManipulationEmail Attribute Spoofing48656C6C6F20576F726C642148656C6C6F20576F726C642148656C6C6F20576F726C642x48656C6C6F20576F726C642148656C6C6F20576F726C642148656C6C6F20576F726C642148656C6C6F20576F726C6421asiudasdfiuashdofuiashdofuiashdfoiasuhdfoasuidfhoasdufhasodfuihasodfuihasodfiuhasdofiuahsdfouiashdfouashdfoasuidhfoasiudhfasoidf[‘epqwkrqpw9k45032452309450we09f9c90asdkf0q9wkerq2w34123aspasdfoiasdpfoiasjdfpoiasjdfpoaisjdfp;asoidfjas;dfoijasd;fioajsdf;ioasjdf;aosidfja;soidfjasd;fiajsdf;asijdf;asidfjas;dfiojasd;fijdsf;oaisjdf;asifdjas;difjas;dfioajsd;foiasjdf;iasojdf;asiodfjas;dfoijasoifjpasDE-OBFUSCATIONSTRING/* analysis */HTML5AnalysisHybrid
Using JavaScript Security AnalyzerZero configuration requiredSuper-simpleSuper-fast
16Viewing JSA Results in AppScan StandardAppScan Standard – Scan ResultsVulnerable URL and line of codeTainted data flow information

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Integrity protection for third-party JavaScript
Integrity protection for third-party JavaScriptIntegrity protection for third-party JavaScript
Integrity protection for third-party JavaScript

Modern web applications depend on a lot of auxiliary scripts which are often hosted on third-party CDNs. Should an attacker be able to tamper with the files hosted on such a CDN, millions of sites could be compromised. Web developers need a way to guarantee the integrity of scripts hosted elsewhere. This is the motivation behind a new addition to the web platform being introduced by the W3C: sub-resource integrity ( Both Firefox and Chrome have initial implementations of this new specification and a few early adopters such as Github are currently evaluating this feature.

Google chrome presentation
Google chrome presentationGoogle chrome presentation
Google chrome presentation

This document provides information about the Google Chrome web browser, including its version number, what it is, why it should be used, how it compares to other browsers, and summaries of vulnerabilities found in it and other browsers like Firefox. It describes things like Chrome being open source, lightweight, having integrated Google search, and being fast. It also outlines exploits like remote code execution via malicious URLs or automatic file downloads without prompts.

google chromesecurityweb browser
Make profit with UI-Redressing attacks.
Make profit with UI-Redressing attacks.Make profit with UI-Redressing attacks.
Make profit with UI-Redressing attacks.

This document discusses how to profit from UI-redressing (changing the user interface in a browser). It describes server-side mitigations like X-Frame-Options headers. It recommends targeting CSRF-protected actions and pages with tokens. Various CSS techniques and exploitation methods are outlined, like simple clickjacking and fake captchas. The conclusion encourages profiting from bug bounties by imagining new attack techniques on sites without adequate protections.

Lets try again…How common are client-side JavaScript issues?
Using JSA we ran a research on real sitesFortune 500175 Most popular sitesNon-obtrusive automated reviewManually verified resultsScary outcome…
14.5% Vulnerable169,443 Total Pages90,929 Unique Pages1659 Pages with VulnerabilitiesLikelihood for a web page to be vulnerable is  1 : 55
Who wrote these vulnerabilities?62%In house38%3rd PartyMarketing campaign JavaScript snippets

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Integrity protection for third-party JavaScript
Integrity protection for third-party JavaScriptIntegrity protection for third-party JavaScript
Integrity protection for third-party JavaScript

Modern web applications depend on a lot of auxiliary scripts which are often hosted on third-party CDNs. Should an attacker be able to tamper with the files hosted on such a CDN, millions of sites could be compromised. Web developers need a way to guarantee the integrity of scripts hosted elsewhere. This is the motivation behind a new addition to the web platform being introduced by the W3C: sub-resource integrity. Both Firefox and Chrome have initial implementations of this new specification and a few early adopters are currently evaluating this feature.

hstssriweb appliation security
W3 conf hill-html5-security-realities
W3 conf hill-html5-security-realitiesW3 conf hill-html5-security-realities
W3 conf hill-html5-security-realities

Slides for "HTML5 Security Realities" talk at W3Conf: Practical Standards for Web Professionals 2013. Brad Hill - PayPal @hillbrad

html5 security csp mashups
Same Origin Policy Weaknesses
Same Origin Policy WeaknessesSame Origin Policy Weaknesses
Same Origin Policy Weaknesses & The Same Origin Policy is the most talked about security policy which relates to web applications, it is the constraint within browsers that ideally stops active content from different origins arbitrarily communicating with each other. This policy has given rise to the class of bugs known as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, though a more accurate term is usually JavaScript injection, where the ability to force an application to echo crafted data gives an attacker the ability to execute JavaScript within the context of the vulnerable origin. This talk takes the view that the biggest weakness with the Same Origin Policy is that it must be implemented by every component of the browser independently, and if any component implements it differently to other components then the security posture of the browser is altered. As such this talk will examine how the 'Same Origin Policy' is implemented in different circumstances, especially in active content, and where the Same Origin Policy is not really enforced at all.

Flash embedding JavaScript snippets
Social networking JavaScript snippets
Deep linking JavaScript libraries for Flash and AJAX applicationsIssue DistributionDOM-based XSSOpen Redirect
JavaScript is becoming prominent Modern applications HTML5 AJAX Web2.0Application logic is shifting to client-sideMore code == more vulnerabilitiesHappens when code relies on parts of the DOM that are hacker-controlledDetection requires tedious manual workAppScan with JSA can automate client-side issues detection

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Flash умер. Да здравствует Flash!
Flash умер. Да здравствует Flash!Flash умер. Да здравствует Flash!
Flash умер. Да здравствует Flash!

This document summarizes three security vulnerabilities that can exist in Flash applications: 1. Same-origin policy bypass through loader contexts and cross-domain policies 2. Phishing through manipulation of SWF URLs in metadata 3. Cross-site scripting through user-supplied parameters if the SWF is loaded from a public CDN domain that is shared by other sites.

phdaysphdays 6
Defeating Cross-Site Scripting with Content Security Policy (updated)
Defeating Cross-Site Scripting with Content Security Policy (updated)Defeating Cross-Site Scripting with Content Security Policy (updated)
Defeating Cross-Site Scripting with Content Security Policy (updated)

How a new HTTP response header can help increase the depth of your web application defenses. Also includes a few slides on HTTP Strict Transport Security, a header which helps protects HTTPS sites from sslstrip attacks.

cspowaspcross-site scripting
Java script security for java developers
Java script security for java developersJava script security for java developers
Java script security for java developers

Als JavaScript als Sprache designed wurde stand einfache Objektorientierung, Flexibilität und Mächtigkeit im Vordergrund - der Scope war allerdings, mit der Bearbeitung von HTML-Formularen im Browser, eher beschränkt. Heute gibt es Codebasen mit mehreren Millionen Zeilen Code in JavaScript, und praktisch jedes Problem einer Enterprise-Applikation kann mit JavaScript gelöst werden. Der Talk zeigt welche Wirkung Sprachdesign und Engine von JavaScript auf die Anwendungsfelder von heute hat, welche eigenen Fehlerklassen dadurch entstehen und wie man sie in der praktischen Arbeit umgeht.


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Client-side JavaScript Vulnerabilities

  • 1. Client-side JavaScriptSecurity vulnerabilitiesThe Twilight Zone of Web Application Security Ory SegalSecurity Products Architect, Rational
  • 2. ORY SEGALSecurity products architect, RationalAppScan product managerWeb Application Security Consortium officerContributor (WASC, MITRE, NIST, OWASP)Renowned application security expertAppScan
  • 3. From server to client side – The migration story of web application logic
  • 4. 1990<HTML>Capable of presenting only text and hyperlinks1993<IMG>Embedded images in web pages (3rd. Party allowed)1995<SCRIPT>JavaScript enables programmatic modifications to HTML1996<IFRAME>Embeds a page within a page (3rd party contents)<EMBED>Embed an Adobe Flash file for animation1999Client-side API (e.g. JS). Send & receive HTTP traffic programmatically, without refreshing the entire pageXHRFetch data asynchronously using XHR reducing the time spent waiting on page loads. Desktop app look & feelAJAX2005Canvas, Media, Offline storage, D&D, Geolocation, Local SQL, …HTML5 & APIs2011
  • 5. Logic is Migrating from Server to Client…We counted server-side vs. client-side LoC in popular web applications in 2005 and in 2010
  • 7. DOM-Based Cross-site ScriptingA type of XSS (the third type after “Reflected” & “Stored”)Application doesn’t need to echo back user input like in Type I & Type IIWe poison a DOM element, which is used in JavaScript codeExample<HTML>2: <TITLE>Welcome!</TITLE>3: Hi4: <SCRIPT>5: var pos = document.URL.indexOf("name=") + 5;6: document.write(document.URL.substring(pos,document.URL.length));7: </SCRIPT> <BR/>8: Welcome to our system9:</HTML>Source : document.URLSink : document.write()Results : document.write("Ory")
  • 8. DOM-Based Cross-site ScriptingAttack Example<script>alert('hacked')</script>1: <HTML>2: <TITLE>Welcome!</TITLE>3: Hi4: <SCRIPT>5: var pos = document.URL.indexOf("name=") + 5;6: document.write(document.URL.substring(pos,document.URL.length));7: </SCRIPT> <BR/>8: Welcome to our system9: </HTML>Source : document.URLSink : document.write()Results : document.write("<script>alert('hacked')</script>")The attack took place entirely on the client-side (# fragment identifier)
  • 9. Hacker controlled DOM elements may include: document.URL, document.location, document.referrer, window.location, etc.Client-side Open RedirectJavaScript code automatically redirects the browser to a new locationNew location is taken from a DOM element (URL, Query, Referrer, etc.)Example varsData =;13: varsPos = sData.indexOf("url=") + 4;14: varePos = sData.indexOf("&", sPos);15: varnewURL;16: if (ePos< 0) { newURL = sData.substring(sPos);} 17: else { newURL = sData.substring(sPos, ePos);}18:window.location.href = newURL;Source : document.locationSink : window.location.hrefResults : window.location.href = "";
  • 10. Stored DOM-Based Cross-Site ScriptingExploiting HTML5 localStorage API...17: var pos = document.URL.indexOf("name=") + 5;18: varyourName = document.URL.substring(pos,document.URL.length)19: decodeURI(yourName);20: = yourName;21: }...welcomeregister...3: <div id="header"></div>4: <script>5: varelem = document.getElementById("header");6: varname =;7: elem.innerHTML = "Hello, " + name;8: </script>...Source : document.URLStorage : window.localStorage.nameSink : elem.innerHTMLResults : elem.innerHTML = <value_of_name_parameter>
  • 11. So, how common are client-side JavaScript issues?
  • 12. (Lack of) Statistics on Client-Side JS IssuesTwo options for gathering statisticsAutomated discoveryManual discoveryAutomated toolsDynamic analysis tools only uncover ~30%Static analysis tools struggle with dynamic code (AJAX)Manual code review is hell – have you seen JavaScript lately?dojo._xdReset();if(dojo["_xdDebugQueue"]&&dojo._xdDebugQueue.length>0){dojo._xdDebugFileLoaded();}else{dojo._xdNotifyLoaded();}};dojo._xdNotifyLoaded=function(){for(var _99 in dojo._xdInFlight){if(typeofdojo._xdInFlight[_99]=="boolean"){return;}}dojo._inFlightCount=0;if(dojo._initFired&&!dojo._loadNotifying){dojo._callLoaded();}};if(typeof window!="undefined"){dojo.isBrowser=true;dojo._name="browser";(function(){var d=dojo;if(document&&document.getElementsByTagName){var _9a=document.getElementsByTagName("script");var _9b=/dojo(xd)?js(|$)/i;for(vari=0;i<_9a.length;i++){varsrc=_9a[i].getAttribute("src");if(!src){continue;}var m=src.match(_9b);if(m){if(!d.config.baseUrl){d.config.baseUrl=src.substring(0,m.index);}varcfg=_9a[i].getAttribute("djConfig");if(cfg){var _9c=eval("({ "+cfg+" })");for(var x in _9c){dojo.config[x]=_9c[x];}}break;}}}d.baseUrl=d.config.baseUrl;var n=navigator;vardua=n.userAgent,dav=n.appVersion,tv=parseFloat(dav);if(dua.indexOf("Opera")>=0){d.isOpera=tv;}if(dua.indexOf("AdobeAIR")>=0){d.isAIR=1;}d.isKhtml=(dav.indexOf("Konqueror")>=0)?tv:0;d.isWebKit=parseFloat(dua.split("WebKit/")[1])||undefined;d.isChrome=parseFloat(dua.split("Chrome/")[1])||undefined;d.isMac=dav.indexOf("Macintosh")>=0;var _9d=Math.max(dav.indexOf("WebKit"),dav.indexOf("Safari"),0);if(_9d&&!dojo.isChrome){d.isSafari=parseFloat(dav.split("Version/")[1]);if(!d.isSafari||parseFloat(dav.substr(_9d+7))<=419.3){d.isSafari=2;}}if(dua.indexOf("Gecko")>=0&&!d.isKhtml&&!d.isWebKit){d.isMozilla=d.isMoz=tv;}if(d.isMoz){d.isFF=parseFloat(dua.split("Firefox/")[1]||dua.split("Minefield/")[1])||undefined;}if(document.all&&!d.isOpera){d.isIE=parseFloat(dav.split("MSIE ")[1])||undefined;var _9e=document.documentMode;if(_9e&&_9e!=5&&Math.floor(d.isIE)!=_9e){d.isIE=_9e;}}if(dojo.isIE&&window.location.protocol==="file:") {dojo.config.ieForceActiveXXhr=true;}d.isQuirks=document.compatMode=="BackCompat";d.locale=dojo.config.locale||(d.isIE?n.userLanguage:n.language).toLowerCase();
  • 14. What is JSA?1st and only to auto-detect client-side issues such as:DOM-based XSSPhishing through Open RedirectHTML5 Notification API PhishingHTML5 Web Storage API PoisoningHTML5 Client-side SQL InjectionHTML5 Client-side Stored XSSHTML5 Web Worker Script URL ManipulationEmail Attribute Spoofing48656C6C6F20576F726C642148656C6C6F20576F726C642148656C6C6F20576F726C642x48656C6C6F20576F726C642148656C6C6F20576F726C642148656C6C6F20576F726C642148656C6C6F20576F726C6421asiudasdfiuashdofuiashdofuiashdfoiasuhdfoasuidfhoasdufhasodfuihasodfuihasodfiuhasdofiuahsdfouiashdfouashdfoasuidhfoasiudhfasoidf[‘epqwkrqpw9k45032452309450we09f9c90asdkf0q9wkerq2w34123aspasdfoiasdpfoiasjdfpoiasjdfpoaisjdfp;asoidfjas;dfoijasd;fioajsdf;ioasjdf;aosidfja;soidfjasd;fiajsdf;asijdf;asidfjas;dfiojasd;fijdsf;oaisjdf;asifdjas;difjas;dfioajsd;foiasjdf;iasojdf;asiodfjas;dfoijasoifjpasDE-OBFUSCATIONSTRING/* analysis */HTML5AnalysisHybrid
  • 15. Using JavaScript Security AnalyzerZero configuration requiredSuper-simpleSuper-fast
  • 16. 16Viewing JSA Results in AppScan StandardAppScan Standard – Scan ResultsVulnerable URL and line of codeTainted data flow information
  • 17. Lets try again…How common are client-side JavaScript issues?
  • 18. Using JSA we ran a research on real sitesFortune 500175 Most popular sitesNon-obtrusive automated reviewManually verified resultsScary outcome…
  • 19. 14.5% Vulnerable169,443 Total Pages90,929 Unique Pages1659 Pages with VulnerabilitiesLikelihood for a web page to be vulnerable is 1 : 55
  • 20. Who wrote these vulnerabilities?62%In house38%3rd PartyMarketing campaign JavaScript snippets
  • 23. Deep linking JavaScript libraries for Flash and AJAX applicationsIssue DistributionDOM-based XSSOpen Redirect
  • 24. JavaScript is becoming prominent Modern applications HTML5 AJAX Web2.0Application logic is shifting to client-sideMore code == more vulnerabilitiesHappens when code relies on parts of the DOM that are hacker-controlledDetection requires tedious manual workAppScan with JSA can automate client-side issues detection
  • 25. Q & A
  • 26. Thank YouYou can download the full whitepaper at: