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Make Profit with UI-Redressing

                                    AMol NAik
   UI-Redressing
   Server-Side Mitigations
   How to make Profit?
   What to Target?
   Tools to Hack
   CSS Basics
   Exploitation Techniques
   Conclusion
    Change User Interface in browser
    Victim clicks button on attacker site
    He/she actually clicking button on Vulnerable site

   Mostly neglected by vendors
       Why? – Need user interaction
       Browser dependancy

   Impact:
       Same as CSRF
       One click – GONE!!
       Bypass CSRF protections
       Exploit “Self-XSS”
       Cross-domain Content Extraction

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Bug Bounty 101
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Bug Bounty 101

This document provides an introduction to bug bounty programs. It defines what a bug bounty program is, provides a brief history of major programs, and discusses reasons they are beneficial for both security researchers and companies. Key points covered include popular programs like Google and Facebook, tools used in bug hunting like Burp Suite, and lessons for researchers such as writing quality reports and following each program's rules.

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This document provides information for a bug bounty presentation. It introduces the speaker, Sagar Parmar, and his background in security. It then outlines topics to cover, including what a bug bounty is, how to get started as a new bug bounty hunter, tips for progressing, and example vulnerabilities to target like XSS, SQLi, SSRF, LFI, and RCE. Details are given on finding and reporting vulnerabilities with the goal of helping others learn and advance in bug bounty hunting.

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Examining And Bypassing The IE8 XSS Filter
Examining And Bypassing The IE8 XSS FilterExamining And Bypassing The IE8 XSS Filter
Examining And Bypassing The IE8 XSS Filter

The document discusses the goals and design of the IE8 XSS filter, which aims to block cross-site scripting attacks. It outlines scenarios that are protected, such as injections into HTML tags and JavaScript strings. It then describes several ways to potentially bypass the filter, such as using fragmented injections across multiple parameters, HTML-only injections, and same-site navigation checks. The document provides technical details on the filter's heuristics and how certain encoding tricks may allow escaping its rules.

Server-Side Mitigations
   X-Frame-Options
       Response Header
       Supported by most of the latest browsers

       Two possible values to use:
           DENY
               The page cannot be displayed in a frame, regardless of the site
                attempting to do so

           SAMEORIGIN
               The page can only be displayed in a frame on the same origin as the
                page itself.
Server-Side Mitigations
    Frame Bursting Code
        JavaScript
        Ensures the current frame is the most top level window

How to make Profit?
   Bug Bounties
       Google
         Pays from $500 to $3133.7
         XSS, CSRF are prime focus
         Name will be listed in Google Security Hall of Fame

       Facebook
         Starting from $500
         XSS, CSRF, Open Redirect, Database Injection
         Name will be listed in Facebook WhiteHat
What to Target?

   CSRF protected actions

   Pages with tokens

   Self-XSS

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Ciarán McNally is an experienced security researcher who participates in bug bounty programs. He outlines advantages of bug bounties for both security researchers and organizations. He provides tips for getting started, including focusing on newer or larger programs initially. Ciarán also describes techniques he uses for effective information gathering and vulnerability scanning at scale for bug bounty programs, such as leveraging IP address ranges and public scan data. He stresses following responsible disclosure guidelines and focusing on high quality issues.

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Bug bounty
Bug bountyBug bounty
Bug bounty

This document discusses bug bounty programs (BBPs), which reward security researchers for responsibly disclosing software vulnerabilities. It introduces BBPs, noting they save companies money while improving security. Major companies like Google and Facebook run BBPs. The document outlines prerequisites for BBPs like learning security testing techniques. It provides tips for finding vulnerabilities like understanding a site's scope, tools, and avoiding duplicate reports. Common vulnerability types in BBPs include injection flaws and insecure data storage.

Client-side JavaScript Vulnerabilities
Client-side JavaScript VulnerabilitiesClient-side JavaScript Vulnerabilities
Client-side JavaScript Vulnerabilities

Automatically detecting client side JavaScript vulnerabilities using IBM Rational AppScan and JavaScript Security Analyzer (hybrid analysis)

Tools to Hack
   Browser
       I use
   Add-ons
       Clickjacking Defense – Declarative Security
           Created by Aditya k Sood
           Check for “X-Frame-Options”

       Firebug
           Many uses
           CSS editing On-the-Fly
CSS Basics
   Opacity
       Set Transparency for the element
   Top, Left
       Negative values shift elements out of the browser window
   Position
       Specifies the type of positioning method used for an
           Static (default) - The box is a normal box. The 'top', 'right',
            'bottom', and 'left' properties do not apply.
           Relative - The box's position is calculated according to the
            normal flow
           Absolute - The box's position is specified with the 'top', 'right',
            'bottom', and 'left' properties
           Fixed - The box's position is calculated according to the
            'absolute' model, but in addition, the box is fixed.
Exploitation Techniques
Exploitation Techniques
   Action with Single Click
       Technique: Simple Clickjacking
       Ex: Remove Google Books

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Presentation from Zero Nights 2017 -

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Hacking WebApps for fun and profit : how to approach a target?

Above are my slides I used during a workshop I conducted at the Moroccan Cyber Security Camp back in May 2017.

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How To Detect Xss
How To Detect XssHow To Detect Xss
How To Detect Xss

The document discusses different types of cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities and how to detect and exploit them. It outlines the main places where output can be injected, including directly into HTML, JavaScript blocks, attributes, comments, and Flash. It then provides examples and demonstrations of exploiting XSS in each of these contexts, such as by injecting JavaScript alerts. The document concludes by noting challenges in exploiting XSS and the importance of testing payloads with and without encoding.

Exploitation Techniques
   Action with 2 user clicks
       Technique: Fake Arithmetic Captcha
       Ex: Remove Google Orkut Service
Exploitation Techniques
   Single CSRF token
       Technique: Fake Captcha with SVG Masking
       Cross-Domain Content Extraction
       Ex: Facebook XHR
Exploitation Techniques
   Multiple CSRF tokens in source
       Technique: Drag-n-Drop with “view-source”
       Cross-Domain Content Extraction
       Ex: Facebook PoC
Exploitation Techniques
   Self-XSS Exploitation
       Technique: Drag-n-Drop
       Ex: Google Code XSS

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It's time to deprecate JavaScript. It's security model and the language itself are appalling. As data moves into the cloud the JavaScript threat is increasing and I believe the only way to fix this is to start all over again. The 14 year old language and security model aren't up to today's threats.

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   Profit & Fame
   Most of the sites didn’t implement protections
   Firefox still supports for “view-source” scheme
   Attack technique depends on target
   Imagination is only the limitation


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Make profit with UI-Redressing attacks.

  • 1. Make Profit with UI-Redressing AMol NAik
  • 2. Agenda  UI-Redressing  Server-Side Mitigations  How to make Profit?  What to Target?  Tools to Hack  CSS Basics  Exploitation Techniques  Conclusion
  • 3. UI-Redressing  Change User Interface in browser  Victim clicks button on attacker site  He/she actually clicking button on Vulnerable site Source:
  • 4. UI-Redressing  Mostly neglected by vendors  Why? – Need user interaction  Browser dependancy  Impact:  Same as CSRF  One click – GONE!!  Bypass CSRF protections  Exploit “Self-XSS”  Cross-domain Content Extraction
  • 5. Server-Side Mitigations  X-Frame-Options  Response Header  Supported by most of the latest browsers  Two possible values to use:  DENY  The page cannot be displayed in a frame, regardless of the site attempting to do so  SAMEORIGIN  The page can only be displayed in a frame on the same origin as the page itself.
  • 6. Server-Side Mitigations  Frame Bursting Code  JavaScript  Ensures the current frame is the most top level window Source:
  • 7. How to make Profit?  Bug Bounties  Google  Pays from $500 to $3133.7  XSS, CSRF are prime focus  Name will be listed in Google Security Hall of Fame  Facebook  Starting from $500  XSS, CSRF, Open Redirect, Database Injection  Name will be listed in Facebook WhiteHat
  • 8. What to Target?  CSRF protected actions  Pages with tokens  Self-XSS
  • 9. Tools to Hack  Browser  I use  Add-ons  Clickjacking Defense – Declarative Security  Created by Aditya k Sood  Check for “X-Frame-Options”  Firebug  Many uses  CSS editing On-the-Fly
  • 10. CSS Basics  Opacity  Set Transparency for the element  Top, Left  Negative values shift elements out of the browser window  Position  Specifies the type of positioning method used for an element  Static (default) - The box is a normal box. The 'top', 'right', 'bottom', and 'left' properties do not apply.  Relative - The box's position is calculated according to the normal flow  Absolute - The box's position is specified with the 'top', 'right', 'bottom', and 'left' properties  Fixed - The box's position is calculated according to the 'absolute' model, but in addition, the box is fixed.
  • 12. Exploitation Techniques  Action with Single Click  Technique: Simple Clickjacking  Ex: Remove Google Books
  • 13. Exploitation Techniques  Action with 2 user clicks  Technique: Fake Arithmetic Captcha  Ex: Remove Google Orkut Service
  • 14. Exploitation Techniques  Single CSRF token  Technique: Fake Captcha with SVG Masking  Cross-Domain Content Extraction  Ex: Facebook XHR
  • 15. Exploitation Techniques  Multiple CSRF tokens in source  Technique: Drag-n-Drop with “view-source”  Cross-Domain Content Extraction  Ex: Facebook PoC
  • 16. Exploitation Techniques  Self-XSS Exploitation  Technique: Drag-n-Drop  Ex: Google Code XSS
  • 17. Conclusion  Profit & Fame  Most of the sites didn’t implement protections  Firefox still supports for “view-source” scheme  Attack technique depends on target  Imagination is only the limitation
  • 18. References     content-extraction-with.html  graph-api-access-token.html  -scheme
  • 19. Questions