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Alexander Dodatko «Continuous integration for iOS applications»
What's Covered
Managing shared projects with xCode

Building a project without xCode GUI

Creating “universal binary” libraries

Deploying project and libraries for QA
More Fun for Developers
 Unit testing with GHUnit

 Using Hudson build server
 ( it has a Chuck Norris plug-in )

 Running applications on simulator
 without xCode
A Build server should
Checkout project sources
Run build script
Deploy product archives
Publish test reports

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Фундаментальные основы разработки под iOS. Павел Тайкало
Денис Лебедев-Управление зависимостями с помощью CocoaPods
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Денис Лебедев-Управление зависимостями с помощью CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. It allows you to specify library dependencies in a Podfile, and installs/updates those libraries and their dependencies. It works by generating an Xcode workspace that includes library source files and automatically configures build settings. CocoaPods manages library updates through a specification (podspec) file that describes each library and its dependencies.

Владимир Кириллов-TCP-Performance for-Mobile-Applications
Владимир Кириллов-TCP-Performance for-Mobile-ApplicationsВладимир Кириллов-TCP-Performance for-Mobile-Applications
Владимир Кириллов-TCP-Performance for-Mobile-Applications

The document discusses TCP performance for mobile applications. It describes the networking stack with layers for the application, session, transport, network, and data link. It then provides examples of packet captures for a TCP connection between localhost ports, showing the handshake, data transfer, and connection termination.

A Build Script Should
Build main products
Create *.ipa packages for main products
Build unit tests
Run unit tests with iphonesim
Package *.ipa and *.app entries to *.zip archive
Prepare unit test reports for deployment
“Commonly Used” Project Organization
Wrong !!!
ONE Product,

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Актуальная версия здесь:

Contino Overview
Contino OverviewContino Overview
Contino Overview

The document discusses DevOps and Continuous Delivery practices. It defines DevOps as a cultural shift that focuses on business goals and collaboration between developers and operations. Continuous Delivery is defined as using automation to release high quality code early and often. Implementing these practices leads to higher quality, faster delivery, less risk, and increased agility, efficiency and speed to market. The company specializes in DevOps and Continuous Delivery and can help clients implement these practices through services like DevOps transformations, cloud migrations, infrastructure automation, and software delivery.

softwarecontinuous deliverydevops
Library Project How-To
Library Project How-To
Setting up Dependencies
Creating Universal Binaries
1. Build a library version for the device.
2. Build a library version for the simulator.
3. Combine them to a single binary
4. Deploy universal library to the “frameworks”

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Enterprise DevOps
Enterprise DevOpsEnterprise DevOps
Enterprise DevOps

The document discusses the opportunity and challenges of adopting DevOps practices in an enterprise setting. While DevOps can provide benefits like faster delivery, increased quality, and agility, transformation is difficult for enterprises due to technical, governance, cultural, organizational, and process-related reasons. These include legacy systems, silos between teams, lack of automation, and risk management concerns. The document argues that DevOps adoption is necessary for enterprises to thrive in today's software-focused market, and that the transformation requires changes across organizational culture, processes, and technology. It provides examples of tools that can help, such as automation, self-service capabilities, and microservices architecture.

Building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker (Me...
Building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker (Me...Building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker (Me...
Building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker (Me...

In this talk we share our experiences developing and deploying a microservices-based application. You will learn about the distributed data management challenges that arise in a microservices architecture. We will describe how we solved them using event sourcing to reliably publish events that drive eventually consistent workflows and pdate CQRS-based views. You will also learn how we build and deploy the application using a Jenkins-based deployment pipeline that creates Docker images that run on Amazon EC2.

event sourcingcqrsservice-oriented architecture
Continuous integration
Continuous integrationContinuous integration
Continuous integration

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice where developers integrate code into a shared repository frequently, preferably multiple times a day. Each integration is verified by an automated build and test process to detect errors early. CI utilizes source control, automated builds, and tests to minimize the time between code changes being integrated and identified issues being found. While CI focuses on frequent code integration and testing, it does not require constant production releases or infrastructure automation. CI helps reduce integration problems and allows development teams to work together more efficiently.

Combining Binaries
lipo -create
-output "../frameworks/CITest-Model-
Deployment : Desktop vs. Mobile
Desktop Applications

iOS Applications

?        *.ipa


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Presenter: Matthias Broecheler, Managing Partner at Aurelius LLC Storing relationship data in Cassandra entails data denormalization or pointer chasing inside the application which reduces developer productivity, is error prone, and slow due to lack of optimization. Titan:db exposes a property graph data model directly atop Cassandra which makes storing and querying relationship data fast, easy, and scalable to huge graphs. This talk demonstrates how Titan's features enable complex, multi-relational databases in Cassandra and discusses customer use cases for recommendation and personalization engines.

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Continuous Integration (Jenkins/Hudson)
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Continuous Integration (Jenkins/Hudson)

Jenkins is an open-source tool for continuous integration that allows developers to integrate code changes frequently from a main branch using an automated build process. It detects errors early, measures code quality, and improves delivery speed. Jenkins supports various source control, build tools, and plugins to customize notifications and reporting. Security features allow restricting access and privileges based on user roles and projects.

jenkinscontinuous integrationhudson
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This is a Tech Talk on Applications of IoT and its use cases. It was hosted and conducted in Cognizant Technology Solutions, IT -Park, Chennai, India.

Mobile QA

Building Without xCode GUI
xcodebuild -project CITest.xcodeproj
-sdk iphonesimulator4.3
-configuration Release
-target CITest
clean build
Creating Installable *.ipa File
 /usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication
 -v "${BUILD_DIR}/Release-iphoneos/"
 -o "${DEPLOYMENT_DIR}/CITest.ipa"
 --sign "${DEVELOPER_NAME}"

DEVELOPER_NAME="iPhone Developer: Oleksandr Dodatko (ABCDEFG123456)"
How About Unit Testing?
Picking a framework

Running a test

Collecting results

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Making the most of your Test Suite
Making the most of your Test SuiteMaking the most of your Test Suite
Making the most of your Test Suite

1. The document discusses defining tests, running tests on every commit using continuous integration (CI) tools like Hudson, and monitoring code quality and deployment with tools like, Pony Build, and Django Kong. 2. It emphasizes documenting how to run tests, setting up CI to run tests on each commit, and using tools like coverage reports and test data to measure and improve code quality over time. 3. Key recommendations include setting up a CI server, writing tests that run on commit, and using tools to capture test data and monitor code quality and site functionality over time.

DevOps(4) : Ansible(2) - (MOSG)
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DevOps(4) : Ansible(2) - (MOSG)

DevOps(4) : Ansible(2) Mulodo Open Study Group (MOSG) @Ho chi minh, Vietnam How to install version specified application by Ansibile.

groovy & grails - lecture 9
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groovy & grails - lecture 9

Eclipse tips: tasks Productive developer tips: technical debt Web applications Grails Twitter application: step 1

Test Frameworks Chart
                          SenTest                   Google               GHUnit
Xcode integration
                              +                        +                    ---
UIKit Support
                             ---                      ---                    +
Bundles support
                             ---                      ---                    +
Xml reports
                             ---                      ---                    +
                                                                       (lack of support
                                                                        for hudson CI)
Runs on device
                              +-                       +-                    +
                     ( Runtime tests only )   ( Runtime tests only )
Runs on simulator
                              +-                       +-                    +
                      ( logic tests only )     ( logic tests only )
Debugging (out of
                             ---                      ---                    +
UI snapshots
                             ---                       +                    ---
GHUnit Configuration
Add GHUnit.framework
Replace Main.h with the one from GHUnit
Remove “MainNibFile” entry from the info.plits


// Not supported in the official GHUNIT
Running a Test
iphonesim launch

NOTE : Use only FULL PATH to the app
       as shown above
Collecting Test Results
TEMP_DIR=$(/usr/bin/getconf DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR)

All Test results are here :

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RunX ELCE 2020RunX ELCE 2020
RunX ELCE 2020

RunX is a new OCI-compatible containers runtime that starts containers as Xen virtual machines (VMs). It is written to be very simple with minimal overhead and supports real-time capabilities, accelerators, and secure defaults. RunX is a new project under the Linux Foundation Edge umbrella and is open to contributions from the start. It uses a minimal Linux kernel and Busybox-based ramdisk to boot regular containers as VMs within a pristine container environment using tiny micro-VMs optimized for embedded systems. RunX implementations choices include being easy to build and run with minimal dependencies and not requiring in-guest agents to reduce overhead.

Android things introduction - Development for IoT
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Android things introduction - Development for IoT

Android Things is a customized version of Android OS designed for building embedded and IoT devices. It features a lightweight version of Google Play Services, support for Bluetooth Low Energy and peripheral device drivers, and over-the-air updates. Apps are developed using Android Studio and deployed via ROM updates instead of an app store. The OS also supports connecting to sensors, buttons, displays and other hardware through drivers and custom C/C++ code.

IoTivity for Automotive: meta-ocf-automotive tutorial
IoTivity for Automotive: meta-ocf-automotive tutorialIoTivity for Automotive: meta-ocf-automotive tutorial
IoTivity for Automotive: meta-ocf-automotive tutorial

This document discusses Samsung's involvement in open source projects related to automotive and IoT connectivity standards. It provides an overview of the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) and its mission to enable interoperability between IoT devices. It also summarizes Samsung's work integrating OCF technologies like IoTivity into automotive platforms and operating systems including Tizen, Automotive Grade Linux (AGL), and the GENIVI development platform.

iotautomotiveinternet of things
Terminating the Simulator
killall -s -KILL -c "iphonesim"
killall -KILL -c "iphonesim"

killall -s -KILL -c "iPhone Simulator"
killall -KILL -c "iPhone Simulator"

Do it before you run a test app
Defining the Project Structure
EPAM systems (Dnipropetrovsk)

Github page :

Oleksandr Dodatko
mail/jabber :
Skype        :
Github page :

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MBLTDev15: Alexander Dimchenko, DIT
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MBLTDev15: Konstantin Goldshtein, MicrosoftMBLTDev15: Konstantin Goldshtein, Microsoft
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MBLTDev15: Anna Mikhina, Maxim Evdokimov, Tinkoff Bank MBLTDev15: Anna Mikhina, Maxim Evdokimov, Tinkoff Bank
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MBLT16: Andrey Bakalenko, Sberbank Online
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MBLTDev15: Brigit Lyons, Soundcloud
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MBLTDev15: Egor Tolstoy, Rambler&Co
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MBLTDev15: Alexander Orlov, Postforpost
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MBLTDev15: Artemiy Sobolev, Parallels
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MBLTDev15: Alexander Dimchenko, DIT
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MBLTDev: Evgeny Lisovsky, Litres
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MBLTDev: Alexander Dimchenko, Bright Box
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MBLTDev15: Konstantin Goldshtein, Microsoft
MBLTDev15: Konstantin Goldshtein, MicrosoftMBLTDev15: Konstantin Goldshtein, Microsoft
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