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Testing Firmware the DevOps way
System Firmware
The firmware that starts your computer
LinuxBoot on OCP hardware
ITRENEW is selling Open Compute Project hardware under the SESAME brand.
Most of our hardware comes from hyper-scale datacenter decommissioning.
The recertification process includes updating the firmwares.
One option for firmware is LinuxBoot.
ITRENEW historical activity is decommissioning
LinuxBoot ?
Linuxboot is placing a Linux kernel in the BIOS flash and using userland to implement a bootloader.
Presented last year at ER2018 by Trammel Hudson.
We use u-root and it's bootloader implementations
microcode update
Reduice/Remove UEFI footprint
Linux is already part of our security audit...
Extra features (nvme, infra integration)
Replacing the UEFI (proprietary) firmware, with an open source one gives us those advantages.

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Kernel Recipes 2014 - NDIV: a low overhead network traffic diverter
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Kernel Recipes 2014 - NDIV: a low overhead network traffic diverter

NDIV is a young, very simple, yet efficient network traffic diverter. Its purpose is to help build network applications that intercept packets at line rate with a very low processing overhead. A first example application is a stateless HTTP server reaching line rate on all packet sizes. Willy Tarreau, HaproxyTech

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6. hands on - open mano demonstration in remote pool of servers
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The document describes steps for demonstrating the deployment of a VNF using openMANO on a remote pool of NFV compute nodes. Key steps include: 1. Modifying the gateway VM configuration and creating images of the VNF VMs to point to a remote openVIM. 2. Running scripts from the openMANO VM to clean the database, rebuild the environment pointing to the remote openVIM, and copy over the new VM images. 3. Deploying the VNF scenario from openMANO-GUI or via CLI and validating the deployment points to the remote resources. 4. Generating traffic between VNF VMs to test near line-rate 10Gbps performance

Linux firmware for iRMC controller on Fujitsu Primergy servers
Linux firmware for iRMC controller on Fujitsu Primergy serversLinux firmware for iRMC controller on Fujitsu Primergy servers
Linux firmware for iRMC controller on Fujitsu Primergy servers

Integrated Remote Management Controller aka iRMC ( is a special-purpose ARM board, included in every Fujitsu Primergy server and actually running on GNU/Linux. Digging into the process of creation of iRMC firmware, significantly based on FOSS components, including Linux kernel, busybox, glibc, net-snmp and many others. Lecture covering technical details how its working, how to use OpenSource components together with propiertary code.

fujitsuembedded linuxirmc
Developing LinuxBoot need Testing !
Testing requirements
Automated testing with CI, like devops!
Keeping the full logs from the console for debugging
Up to 3 logs to watch:
test output
serial console
IPMI console
Keep all details on first run (long tests)
Simple/summary view by default
IPMI provides a Serial Over LAN access to the console.
Testing Hardware setup
This setup was presented last year at ER2018 by Jean-Marie Verdun.
The hardware for testing is composed of
servers used as DUT,
controlling servers used as CI runners.
Each DUT has:
a relay for controlling power,
a flash emulator to load firmware.
So today we will focus on the testing software.
Let's look at it!
DEMO time!
If you are reading the slides: Features are presented live here, explanations comes later...
Why use Golang to write tests ?
u-root is written in Go
Go has it's test framework: go test and the testing package.
Go test output does not directly fulfil our requirements

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Containers provide benefits like speed, manageability, and ease of use. However, security concerns remain as containers do not offer the same level of isolation as virtual machines. Intel Clear Containers address this issue by adding hardware virtualization support through Intel VT-x to containers, creating a continuum between containers and VMs. They integrate with container ecosystems like Docker and Kubernetes to provide a more secure container runtime while maintaining the benefits of containers like small size and fast provisioning.

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淺談 Live patching technology
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Live patching technology allows updating the Linux kernel without downtime. Ksplice was an early live patching solution released in 2009 but was limited and had licensing issues. kGraft and Kpatch were later developed by SUSE and Red Hat respectively as open source live patching solutions. Both use object code comparison and replacement at runtime, but kGraft can patch without stopping processes while Kpatch uses stop_machine to ensure safe replacement. Live patching is useful for critical bugs but has limitations around data structure and common function changes.

Embedded Linux/ Debian with ARM64 Platform
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Embedded Linux/ Debian with ARM64 Platform

It describes the difference between ARMv7 and ARMv8, how to port Linux and Debian on ARM64 development board and how to write ARM64-safe code.

arm64linux kerneldebian
go test
Files named *_test.go are compiled only for testing.
Functions named Test*(t) are test case automatically run by the framework.
Inside test functions subtest can be created by calling t.Run.
Short example:
func TestMyFeature(t *testing.T) {
got := MyFeature(/* ... */)
want := "OK" /* expected result */
if got != want {
t.Fatalf("test failed, got %v, want %v", got, want)
go test output
Success has very minimal output:
ok MyPackage 0.001s
Error is more verbose:
--- FAIL: TestMyFeature (0.00s)
prez_test.go:13: test failed, got KO, want OK
FAIL MyPackage 0.001s
Verbose mode: messages on success, error gets flooded :(
=== RUN TestMyFeature
--- PASS: TestMyFeature (0.00s)
ok command-line-arguments 0.001s
go test -json
There is a JSON output for further processing
an event log with one JSON event per line
{"Action":"output","Test":"TestMyFeature","Output":"=== RUN TestMyFeaturen","Time":"2
{"Action":"output","Test":"TestMyFeature","Output":"--- FAIL: TestMyFeature (0.00s)n","
{"Action":"output","Test":"TestMyFeature","Output":" prez_test.go:13: test failed, go
GoTestWeb in a nutshell
html5/css/js application
Parses go test json output client side
Integrates asciinema-player for showing console (serial, IPMI) logs
parses output event to get asciinema filename
events timestamp are used to seek the video on click
Renders the verbose test results folded if OK, open if Failed.
Keep test hierarchy (renders subtests inside tests)

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5. hands on - building local development environment with Open Mano
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This document describes how to build a local development environment using OpenMANO to test network scenarios and virtualized network functions (VNFs). It provides instructions on configuring OpenMANO and OpenVIM, creating tenants, networks, and VNF descriptors, and deploying a sample network scenario with four VNFs connected in series. The deployed scenario can then be managed and monitored using the OpenMANO graphical user interface.

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Andrea Righi - Spying on the Linux kernel for fun and profit
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Do you ever wonder what the kernel is doing while your code is running? This talk will explore some methodologies and techniques (eBPF, ftrace, etc.) to look under the hood of the Linux kernel and understand what it’s actually doing behind the scenes. This talk explores methodologies that allow to take a look “live” at kernel internal operations, from a network perspective, to I/O paths, CPU usage, memory allocations, etc., using in-kernel technologies, like eBPF and ftrace. Understanding such kernel internals can be really helpful to track down performance bottlenecks, debug system failures and it can be also a very effective way to approach to kernel development.

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LXC, Docker, and the future of software delivery | LinuxCon 2013
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LXC, Docker, and the future of software delivery | LinuxCon 2013

This document discusses Linux containers and Docker. It describes how Linux containers provide isolation using namespaces and cgroups to allow applications to run consistently across different environments. Docker builds on Linux containers to make them easy to use, create, share, and deploy. Docker allows building images from Dockerfiles, sharing images in registries, and developing hybrid cloud workflows. The document outlines Docker's roadmap and growing ecosystem of tools and projects building on Docker.

GoTestWeb development
Disclaimer: I'm not a front dev!
github: GoTestWeb
Enough of JS, more of Go!
Tastevin is grouping the Go code used to build the tests.
Provides packages to ease writing test for remote platform.
Includes a gotest command to wrap go test -json save the json and display the summary.
Named as a wine tool to go with fiano the project to analyse and build LinuxBoot images from UEFI images.
goexpect is an implementation of Expect in go.
expect allows to script a behavior on a terminal:
wait for a regex
send a string
wait for another regex
send another string

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Theses slides shows different types of virtualizations, the way how are configured and practical exercises about that. Enjoy!

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The document discusses Docker and Linux containers. It begins with an overview of traditional server virtualization compared to containers. Containers provide isolation at the process level using kernel namespaces for resources like filesystem, network, users and CPUs. Docker uses device mapper thin provisioning to manage disk images for container filesystems and the networking and cgroups APIs to isolate other resources.

4. open mano set up and usage
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4. open mano set up and usage

The document provides information on installing and using openMANO, an open source platform for network functions virtualization management and orchestration. It describes: 1. The requirements to run openMANO including compute nodes, storage, and OpenFlow controller. 2. The different modes openMANO can run in including normal, host-only, development, and test modes. 3. How to install openMANO either automatically through scripts or manually by downloading packages and configuring components.

GoExpect Spawners
generic (to be customized)
GoExpect custom Spawners
serial Spawner
connect a serial port to the generic spawner
IPMI Spawner
wrap ipmitool sol activate in a command spawner
QEMU Spawner
wrap qemu in a command spawner
can be extended as needed!
GoExpect Batcher
A sequence of actions (expect/send) can be presented in a go slice
BExp expect a regexp with the default timeout
BExpT expect a regexp with a given timeout
BSnd send a string
example for login in a server:
&expect.BExp{R: "username:"},
&expect.BSnd{S: *user + "n"},
&expect.BExp{R: "password:"},
&expect.BSnd{S: *pass + "n"},
BExpTLog: BExpT with Log output
This custom element can be used in Batcher.
It provides the same feature as BExpT:
a matching regex and
a timeout
Adds a Log output to be send when the text is matched.
The goal: this log will be a seek point for the asciinema view.

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Fast boot
Fast bootFast boot
Fast boot

This document discusses methods for reducing Linux boot times, focusing on hardware architecture, the boot process, kernel optimizations, and the init system. It recommends using faster storage like SSDs, optimizing bootloaders like GRUB, improving kernel decompression with LZ4, disabling unnecessary processes, and switching to systemd for network configuration to reduce boot times to as little as 2 seconds.

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This document discusses running Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi 4 boards to create a low-cost Kubernetes cloud. It describes setting up the infrastructure including an HTTP server, DHCP server, and DNS registry. It then covers building a custom Raspberry Pi 4 kernel, installing it on the boards, and configuring WiFi. Next, it discusses deploying Kubernetes with one master node and two worker nodes. Finally, it demonstrates running a multi-container Tomcat application on the Kubernetes cluster.

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Tutorial about how to configure a development environment to cross-compile applications for beagleboard-xM

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Asciinema Writer
goexpect can duplicate the terminal output to a writer interface.
it's actually a writecloser interface, it will close at the end of the expect session.
The asciinema writer
gets it's data for the writer interface
adds the timestamp for the current event
save it in asciicast v2 format
logs message on open/close so that GoTestWeb can catch the details.
Scriptreplay Writer
The scriptreplay writer
log the data to a plain file
record the timestamp in a timing file
can be played with scriptreplay -t file.tim file.log
logs message on open/close so that GoTestWeb can generate download links.
Tastevin packages
goexpect spawner for serial, IPMI, qemu
goexpect batcher extension: BExpTLog
console writer: asciicast and scriptreplay
control package for the CI system: em100, relay
a basic testsuite for LinuxBoot startup
a few utility packages
Tastevin command
gotest run
a wrapper to go test -json
saves the json to a file
output the package test summary (without error detail)
or output the verbose go test output
gotest serve
for developer: given a JSON, locally serve GoTestWeb to render it can convert json to junit.

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Kernel Recipes 2015: Kernel packet capture technologies
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Sniffing through the ages Capturing packets running on the wire to send them to a software doing analysis seems at first sight a simple tasks. But one has not to forget that with current network this can means capturing 30M packets per second. The objective of this talk is to show what methods and techniques have been implemented in Linux and how they have evolved over time. The talk will cover AF_PACKET capture as well as PF_RING, dpdk and netmap. It will try to show how the various evolution of hardware and software have had an impact on the design of these technologies. Regarding software a special focus will be made on Suricata IDS which is implementing most of these capture methods. Eric Leblond, Stamus Networks

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[COSCUP 2021] LLVM Project: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
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Release with confidence
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Release with confidence

This document discusses integrating test automation and code coverage for web service applications. It introduces Postman for calling web services and testing responses, and Jenkins for build automation and tracking test results over time. It then demonstrates setting up a test automation workflow using these tools on a sample Laravel application, including starting and stopping coverage collection, running tests from Postman and PHPUnit, and merging the results. Some best practices and philosophies around test automation and code coverage are also discussed.

jenkinscode coveragephp
CI integration
gotest can be used directly in CI systems to save the json and asciicasts
gotest gen can generate the html and export the GoTestWeb application as well
simply place the json, asciicast, html and GoTestWeb in a CI artifact for later rendering in the browser!
Developer live mode
gotest live
cd gotest-live-demo
gotest live go test -json .
Developer live mode
gotest live
run tests as gotest run
serve the results as gotest serve
use websocket to stream the results between gotest live and the browser
asciinema-player can only play plain files so this is unfortunately not streamed.
Tastevin and GoTestWeb are ready
For you to use and contribute to!
Or contact me for more informations:
Julien Viard de Galbert

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Where's the source, Luke? : How to find and debug the code behind Plone
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Plone, being a python based CMS written as a project for the Zope application server, consist almost entirely of python modules and a number of configuration files. Python source code is loved by many in the community for its explicit readablity; however, for many experienced software developers, coming over to the Plone technology stack can be a haunting experience. It seems everything is hidden away as pickled object in the ZODB, and that layers of magic prevent one from understanding how it works and how to affect change. This presentation will explain to the novice: - how to track down the python source behind Plone - how to take advantage of rich open source tools like ctags and pdb - best practices for getting started with file system product development

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This document discusses using Python and related libraries to remotely control and manage multiple virtual machines. It recommends using PySphere and related tools to connect to VMWare servers, power on/off VMs, create snapshots, execute commands and programs on VMs, and more. The document provides instructions for setting up the necessary Python environment and configuring connections to VMWare servers. It also includes code examples for performing basic tasks like connecting to a VM, managing snapshots, running long-running tasks asynchronously, and executing programs on VMs with graphical interfaces.

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This is the presentation given at the Symfony Live 2011 conference. It is an introduction to the new agile movement spreading in the technical operations community called DevOps and how to adopt it on web development projects, in particular Symfony projects. Plan of the slides : - Configuration Management - Development VM - Scripted deployment - Continuous deployment Tools presented in the slides: - Puppet - Vagrant - Fabric - Jenkins / Hudson

puppetjenkinscontinuous deployment
Questions ?
Tastevin and GoTestWeb on github:
More on ITRENEW vision by Ali Fenn at OCPSummit19
Unlocking the Power of Circular Datacenters
Introducing Sesame Open Hardware Compute
Me: Julien Viard de Galbert

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Embedded Recipes 2019 - Testing firmware the devops way

  • 1. Testing Firmware the DevOps way
  • 2. System Firmware The firmware that starts your computer BIOS UEFI LinuxBoot
  • 3. LinuxBoot on OCP hardware ITRENEW is selling Open Compute Project hardware under the SESAME brand. Most of our hardware comes from hyper-scale datacenter decommissioning. The recertification process includes updating the firmwares. One option for firmware is LinuxBoot. ITRENEW historical activity is decommissioning
  • 4. LinuxBoot ? What Linuxboot is placing a Linux kernel in the BIOS flash and using userland to implement a bootloader. Presented last year at ER2018 by Trammel Hudson. We use u-root and it's bootloader implementations Why Maintainability Security microcode update Reduice/Remove UEFI footprint Linux is already part of our security audit... Extra features (nvme, infra integration) Replacing the UEFI (proprietary) firmware, with an open source one gives us those advantages.
  • 5. Developing LinuxBoot need Testing ! Testing requirements Automated testing with CI, like devops! Keeping the full logs from the console for debugging Up to 3 logs to watch: test output serial console IPMI console Keep all details on first run (long tests) Simple/summary view by default IPMI provides a Serial Over LAN access to the console.
  • 6. Testing Hardware setup This setup was presented last year at ER2018 by Jean-Marie Verdun. The hardware for testing is composed of servers used as DUT, controlling servers used as CI runners. Each DUT has: a relay for controlling power, a flash emulator to load firmware. So today we will focus on the testing software.
  • 7. Let's look at it! DEMO time! If you are reading the slides: Features are presented live here, explanations comes later...
  • 8. Why use Golang to write tests ? u-root is written in Go Go has it's test framework: go test and the testing package. BUT Go test output does not directly fulfil our requirements
  • 9. go test Files named *_test.go are compiled only for testing. Functions named Test*(t) are test case automatically run by the framework. Inside test functions subtest can be created by calling t.Run. Short example: func TestMyFeature(t *testing.T) { got := MyFeature(/* ... */) want := "OK" /* expected result */ if got != want { t.Fatalf("test failed, got %v, want %v", got, want) } }
  • 10. go test output Success has very minimal output: ok MyPackage 0.001s Error is more verbose: --- FAIL: TestMyFeature (0.00s) prez_test.go:13: test failed, got KO, want OK FAIL FAIL MyPackage 0.001s Verbose mode: messages on success, error gets flooded :( === RUN TestMyFeature --- PASS: TestMyFeature (0.00s) PASS ok command-line-arguments 0.001s
  • 11. go test -json There is a JSON output for further processing an event log with one JSON event per line {"Action":"run","Test":"TestMyFeature","Time":"2019-08-12T11:55:41.174693884+02:00"} {"Action":"output","Test":"TestMyFeature","Output":"=== RUN TestMyFeaturen","Time":"2 {"Action":"output","Test":"TestMyFeature","Output":"--- FAIL: TestMyFeature (0.00s)n"," {"Action":"output","Test":"TestMyFeature","Output":" prez_test.go:13: test failed, go {"Action":"fail","Test":"TestMyFeature","Elapsed":0,"Time":"2019-08-12T11:55:41.17486883 {"Action":"output","Output":"FAILn","Time":"2019-08-12T11:55:41.174877223+02:00"} {"Action":"output","Output":"FAILtMyPackaget0.001sn","Time":"2019-08-12T11:55:41.1750 {"Action":"fail","Elapsed":0.001,"Time":"2019-08-12T11:55:41.175039291+02:00"}
  • 12. GoTestWeb in a nutshell html5/css/js application Parses go test json output client side Integrates asciinema-player for showing console (serial, IPMI) logs parses output event to get asciinema filename events timestamp are used to seek the video on click Renders the verbose test results folded if OK, open if Failed. Keep test hierarchy (renders subtests inside tests)
  • 13. GoTestWeb development Disclaimer: I'm not a front dev! github: GoTestWeb techno: Bootstrap jQuerry Ractive.js RequireJS
  • 14. Enough of JS, more of Go!
  • 15. Tastevin Tastevin is grouping the Go code used to build the tests. Provides packages to ease writing test for remote platform. Includes a gotest command to wrap go test -json save the json and display the summary. Named as a wine tool to go with fiano the project to analyse and build LinuxBoot images from UEFI images.
  • 16. GoExpect goexpect is an implementation of Expect in go. expect allows to script a behavior on a terminal: wait for a regex send a string wait for another regex send another string ...
  • 18. GoExpect custom Spawners serial Spawner connect a serial port to the generic spawner IPMI Spawner wrap ipmitool sol activate in a command spawner QEMU Spawner wrap qemu in a command spawner can be extended as needed!
  • 19. GoExpect Batcher A sequence of actions (expect/send) can be presented in a go slice BExp expect a regexp with the default timeout BExpT expect a regexp with a given timeout BSnd send a string example for login in a server: []expect.Batcher{ &expect.BExp{R: "username:"}, &expect.BSnd{S: *user + "n"}, &expect.BExp{R: "password:"}, &expect.BSnd{S: *pass + "n"}, }
  • 20. BExpTLog: BExpT with Log output This custom element can be used in Batcher. It provides the same feature as BExpT: a matching regex and a timeout Adds a Log output to be send when the text is matched. The goal: this log will be a seek point for the asciinema view.
  • 21. Asciinema Writer goexpect can duplicate the terminal output to a writer interface. it's actually a writecloser interface, it will close at the end of the expect session. The asciinema writer gets it's data for the writer interface adds the timestamp for the current event save it in asciicast v2 format logs message on open/close so that GoTestWeb can catch the details.
  • 22. Scriptreplay Writer The scriptreplay writer log the data to a plain file record the timestamp in a timing file can be played with scriptreplay -t file.tim file.log logs message on open/close so that GoTestWeb can generate download links.
  • 23. Tastevin packages Includes: goexpect spawner for serial, IPMI, qemu goexpect batcher extension: BExpTLog console writer: asciicast and scriptreplay control package for the CI system: em100, relay a basic testsuite for LinuxBoot startup a few utility packages
  • 24. Tastevin command gotest run a wrapper to go test -json saves the json to a file output the package test summary (without error detail) or output the verbose go test output gotest serve for developer: given a JSON, locally serve GoTestWeb to render it can convert json to junit.
  • 25. CI integration gotest can be used directly in CI systems to save the json and asciicasts gotest gen can generate the html and export the GoTestWeb application as well simply place the json, asciicast, html and GoTestWeb in a CI artifact for later rendering in the browser!
  • 26. Developer live mode DEMO gotest live cd gotest-live-demo gotest live go test -json .
  • 27. Developer live mode gotest live run tests as gotest run serve the results as gotest serve use websocket to stream the results between gotest live and the browser asciinema-player can only play plain files so this is unfortunately not streamed.
  • 28. Tastevin and GoTestWeb are ready For you to use and contribute to! Or contact me for more informations: Julien Viard de Galbert
  • 30. Links Tastevin and GoTestWeb on github: More on ITRENEW vision by Ali Fenn at OCPSummit19 Unlocking the Power of Circular Datacenters Introducing Sesame Open Hardware Compute Me: Julien Viard de Galbert