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Introduction of Chrome Google Chrome was announced by accident.  Google had created a graphic novel to describe the Chrome browser concept and its features It was released to the world by accident 2 days before the planned release of Chrome.
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Why is Chrome Different Google Chrome is an open source browser, designed to meet today's diverse internet needs and services. The open source origin of Chrome is called Chromium It uses a new and more powerful JavaScript engine, using the latest java features. It is built with Webkit an open source web browser engine. Used in Safari on Mac OS X.

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Tony Zeoli's presentation deck, "Getting Started With Wordpress" for the Wordpress Westchester Meetup Group. Install, Themes, Plugins and other resources.

Chrome features Chrome is a minimalistic browser and is designed to enhance the content you view rather than filling your page with buttons and toolbars. One box for everything New Tab page Application Shortcuts Dynamic tabs Crash control Multi-process browsing
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Dynamic Tabs
Chrome performance Since Chrome was released I have been using it as my main browser. Prior to Chromes release I really didn’t care which browser I used. Chrome is much faster to use than IE or Firefox It supports Adobe Flash and Acrobat plug-ins More stable Very small and very efficient in comparison

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Wordpress is a popular content management system that is built using PHP for scripting, MySQL for the database, and runs on a LAMP stack. It allows users to manage and publish content to websites through a web-based interface. Content is stored in a database and rendered on pages through templates. Wordpress provides tools for creating, editing, and managing posts, pages, comments, categories, plugins, and themes.

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The document provides an overview of Google's Marketing Bootcamp on using WordPress. It covers topics like why to use WordPress, basic concepts like posts and pages, hosting options, the WordPress admin panel, adding and managing content, using plugins and themes to extend WordPress functionality, and how to create your own WordPress theme. The bootcamp aims to teach marketers the fundamentals of using the popular WordPress content management platform.

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Learn to work faster, smarter, and funner. You'll learn: • How to track your website in new ways. • How to build WordPress sites faster. • How to keep them updated. • How to keep them running smoothly. • New plugins that accelerate your workflow

Chrome Issues For all its good points it does have some issues. Plug-in support does not exist, yet.  It has issues with some private and self signing SSL security certificates. Adobe Acrobat reader browser plug-in is a little jumpy. Google privacy policy needed modifying Remember, it is a Beta product still.
Tools and Snips Iron SRWARE Doesn’t have the tracking  ChromePass  Has been ported to Linux now as well

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  • 1. Presented by Colin Fieldsend, ICTS
  • 2. Introduction of Chrome Google Chrome was announced by accident. Google had created a graphic novel to describe the Chrome browser concept and its features It was released to the world by accident 2 days before the planned release of Chrome.
  • 3. Introduction of Chrome
  • 4. Why is Chrome Different Google Chrome is an open source browser, designed to meet today's diverse internet needs and services. The open source origin of Chrome is called Chromium It uses a new and more powerful JavaScript engine, using the latest java features. It is built with Webkit an open source web browser engine. Used in Safari on Mac OS X.
  • 5. Chrome features Chrome is a minimalistic browser and is designed to enhance the content you view rather than filling your page with buttons and toolbars. One box for everything New Tab page Application Shortcuts Dynamic tabs Crash control Multi-process browsing
  • 8. Chrome performance Since Chrome was released I have been using it as my main browser. Prior to Chromes release I really didn’t care which browser I used. Chrome is much faster to use than IE or Firefox It supports Adobe Flash and Acrobat plug-ins More stable Very small and very efficient in comparison
  • 9. Chrome Issues For all its good points it does have some issues. Plug-in support does not exist, yet. It has issues with some private and self signing SSL security certificates. Adobe Acrobat reader browser plug-in is a little jumpy. Google privacy policy needed modifying Remember, it is a Beta product still.
  • 10. Tools and Snips Iron SRWARE Doesn’t have the tracking ChromePass Has been ported to Linux now as well