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Chicago Code Camp 2014
Angela Dugan
ALM Practice Manager
Certified Scrum Master
15 years in the software industry
8+ years as an architect, BA, PM, developer, and team lead
5+ years with Microsoft as an ALM evangelist
2+ years with Polaris Solutions as ALM Practice Manager
Shameless self promotion
Polaris Solutions-
Chicago Visual Studio ALM User Group -
Twitter: @OakParkGirl, @ChicagoALM, @TeamPolaris
Blog -
Managing TFS Templates
Managing TFS Security
Other TFS Admin Tools
TFS Should Be PLANNED to ensure:
Effectiveness – Does it do what you need?
Flexibility – Does it add unjustified overhead?
Scalability – Will it be a bottleneck?

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Using FlexUnit 4 with Flash CS5
Using FlexUnit 4 with Flash CS5Using FlexUnit 4 with Flash CS5
Using FlexUnit 4 with Flash CS5

The document discusses using FlexUnit 4 for testing ActionScript code written in Flash Professional CS5. It provides an overview of FlexUnit 4 and describes different workflows for using it with Flash Professional projects, including exporting the project as a SWC and testing it in Flash Builder 4 or bringing FlexUnit 4 into a Flash Professional project directly. It also previews a FlexUnit panel planned for Flash Professional that will automate the process of using FlexUnit 4 for testing within Flash authoring.

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Techniques and Tools to Improve the Salesforce Development Cycle
Techniques and Tools to Improve the Salesforce Development CycleTechniques and Tools to Improve the Salesforce Development Cycle
Techniques and Tools to Improve the Salesforce Development Cycle

The document discusses techniques and tools to improve the Salesforce development cycle. It covers establishing reusable development organizations, managing source code with version control, implementing automated testing, developing features in isolation, and integrating continuous integration practices. Reusable orgs allow multiple developers to work independently. Version control with branching enables collaborative development. Automated testing validates code changes. Isolated feature development prevents conflicts. Continuous integration merges and deploys changes across environments.

Team Foundation Server 2010 - Version Control
Team Foundation Server 2010 - Version ControlTeam Foundation Server 2010 - Version Control
Team Foundation Server 2010 - Version Control

The document summarizes Team Foundation Server 2010's version control capabilities. It discusses key concepts like changesets, integrated check-ins, check-in policies, workspaces, and shelving. It also covers labeling, comparing/diffing, branching and merging code, and how version control integrates with other TFS components like build and work item tracking. The presentation aims to explain the architecture and capabilities of TFS version control.

version controlteam foundation server
TF Server
Collection 1
Team Project
Master team
Sub-Team 1 Sub-Team 2
Collection 2
Team Project
Team Project
Web Team
Mobile Team
TPC = Collection of *tightly related*
Team Projects
TPC = SQL Database
Can be backed up and restored
Create only as many TPCs as
absolutely necessary
No sharing of:
 Work Items
 Source Code
 Queries
 Reports
 Build Controllers
Team Project Collections CANNOT be renamed*
TF Server
Collection 1
Team Project
Master team
Sub-Team 1 Sub-Team 2
Collection 2
Team Project
Team Project
Web Team
Mobile Team

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Working as a Team with Team Foundation Server 2010
Working as a Team with Team Foundation Server 2010Working as a Team with Team Foundation Server 2010
Working as a Team with Team Foundation Server 2010

This document summarizes a presentation about working with Team Foundation Server 2010. It discusses the branding changes in Visual Studio 2010, how to install and configure TFS 2010, new features for project management like hierarchical work items and Excel integration. It also covers modeling, source control improvements like branching/merging visualizations, build automation enhancements like gated check-ins and architecture validation. Finally, it discusses resources for learning more about TFS 2010 and Scrum tooling.

tfs 2010
The java enterprise edition (Servlet Basic)
The java enterprise edition (Servlet Basic)The java enterprise edition (Servlet Basic)
The java enterprise edition (Servlet Basic)

This document discusses enterprise applications and how they can be developed using Java. It covers key aspects like what an enterprise is, the goals of enterprise applications, advantages of Java for enterprise programming, common application architectures, and how servlets work. Some key points: - An enterprise can have distributed and heterogeneous units across locations with different policies. Enterprise applications help manage various activities within an organization. - Well-designed enterprise apps should be robust, scalable, maintainable and extensible to handle increasing load and add new features easily. - Java is suitable for enterprise programming as it is platform independent, uses managed objects, promotes reusability and modularity. - Common architectures include single tier, two tier

java servletj2ee
Alm with tfs 2013
Alm with tfs 2013Alm with tfs 2013
Alm with tfs 2013

The document provides an overview of how to effectively use ALM with TFS 2013. It discusses how to set up iterations and areas, move work items between iterations, add work item types to the backlog, and create useful queries. It also offers tips on creating release notes, branching code, and things to automate in builds. Key points covered include using tags instead of iterations to track work, branching code to isolate releases or unfinished work, and creating a new workspace per branch.

Team Project <> “Project”
TP = Logical view of subset of TPC data
Team Projects Contain
1 Process Template
1 commons set of users and roles
1 SharePoint portal (optional)
1 Reports site (optional)
Create only as many TPs as necessary
Work Items, Source Code, Reports, and Queries CAN cross Team Project
BUT… no sharing of:
 Work Item Templates and Definitions
Build Definitions
 Areas and Iterations
 Work Items cannot be MOVED to another Team project, only copied
Team Projects CANNOT be renamed
Absolute minimum TFS administration overhead
Easy sharing of code, work items, builds, etc.
Allows for organizational portfolio management in TFS
Great in theory, complicated in practice
Can result in very deep hierarchies of Areas and Iterations
Builds folder may get crowded and unwieldy
All users must agree on a process template (not always easy)
Security can be VERY complex if granular artifact isolation is required
Consideration Recommendation
Codebases are being shared Create New TP or Add to Existing TP
Database level artifact isolation required (compliance) New Team Project Collection
Organizational portfolio management needed ONE Team Project
Desire to minimize administration overhead Create New TP or Add to Existing TP
Ability to easily scale due to database growth New Team Project Collection or split TPC
Need to hand off code/project to client New Team Project Collection or split TPC
Need a new process template or SCM (TFGit) New Team Project

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The first looks at VSTS2010
The first looks at VSTS2010The first looks at VSTS2010
The first looks at VSTS2010

This document provides an overview of Microsoft's Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) 2010 application lifecycle management solution. It summarizes the key features and improvements in VSTS 2010 for work items, team architect edition, team developer edition, team test edition, and reporting. The document outlines the software development lifecycle that VSTS supports across requirements, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance activities.

Build And Automation
Build And AutomationBuild And Automation
Build And Automation

The document discusses setting up an automated build process using a build script. Key points include: - A build script automates the sequence of steps to compile, test, and deploy code in a standardized way. - Automated builds help standardize the process, catch errors early, and improve developer productivity. - The build script should be defined to work on multiple platforms and automate as many steps as possible. - Dependencies between code, databases, servers, and other environments need to be understood and synchronized deployments established to avoid breaks. - Continuous integration with automated daily builds helps catch errors early and improve code quality. Tools can integrate testing and code analysis into the build process.

Team Foundation Server - Source Control
Team Foundation Server - Source ControlTeam Foundation Server - Source Control
Team Foundation Server - Source Control

This presentation focusses on : -TFS- an Overview -Managing Branches -Merging -Code Integration

tfsvisual studioteam foundation server
TF Server
Collection 1
Team Project
Master team
Sub-Team 1 Sub-Team 2
Collection 2
Team Project
Team Project
Web Team
Mobile Team
Named group of users
Provides narrowed scope for
viewing work items and status
Can be used to secure access to
Team Project artifacts
Each team has their own planning
tools and views
 Teams can be categorized into sub-teams
 Teams are allocated their own, isolated backlogs
 Teams cannot be shared across Team Projects
 Teams are flat user lists
 >100 users not loaded by Team Explorer  you have bigger issues!
 Team capacities do not “roll up” automatically to parent teams
Chicago Code Camp 2014   TFS Care and Feeding

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Reusable Build Scripts for Managed Package Development (October 14, 2014)
Reusable Build Scripts for Managed Package Development (October 14, 2014)Reusable Build Scripts for Managed Package Development (October 14, 2014)
Reusable Build Scripts for Managed Package Development (October 14, 2014)

The document discusses reusable build scripts called CumulusCI for automating managed package development workflows. It demonstrates setting up CumulusCI and configuring continuous integration with to automatically test a package called GrantLifecycleApp when code is pushed to GitHub. Key features of CumulusCI discussed include deploying to different orgs for different stages and allowing custom pre/post deployment hooks.

Why source control your Oracle Database?
Why source control your Oracle Database?Why source control your Oracle Database?
Why source control your Oracle Database?

Overview of how to source control your Oracle Database. What is source control? Why databases should be in source control. How to source control your database code.

version controlsource controldatabase
Leveraging Open Source Automation: A Selenium WebDriver Example
Leveraging Open Source Automation: A Selenium WebDriver ExampleLeveraging Open Source Automation: A Selenium WebDriver Example
Leveraging Open Source Automation: A Selenium WebDriver Example

As online activities create more revenue, organizations are turning to Selenium to test their web applications and to reduce costs. Since Selenium is open source, there is no licensing fee. However, as with purchased tools, the same automation challenges remain, and users do not have formal support and maintenance. Proper strategic planning and use of advanced automation concepts are musts to ensure successful Selenium automation efforts. Sharing his experience designing and implementing advanced automation frameworks using Selenium WebDriver, David Dang describes the factors necessary to ensure open source automation is right for your project. David helps you understand the real effort required to implement WebDriver in a way that will scale and minimize script development. Additionally, he dives into must-haves in your Selenium framework design; the resource and timeline considerations necessary to implement WebDriver; and the long-term, continual improvement enhancements all automation engineers should consider in their Selenium automation implementations.

software testingtest automation
Managing TFS Templates
Managing TFS Security
Other TFS Admin Tools
Agile, CMMI, Scrum included
Many free 3rd Party options
Customize to match YOUR process
Who is on your team?
What can people do?
How should they do it?
Behind the scenes it’s just a bunch of XML Files
It’s just XML. Manage it like any code!

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Infrastructure as Code Maturity Model v1
Infrastructure as Code Maturity Model v1Infrastructure as Code Maturity Model v1
Infrastructure as Code Maturity Model v1

Systematically Evolving an Organization’s Infrastructure
. The original version of the IaC Maturity Model. See the latest version here:

devopsagileinfrastructure as code
Tips to achieve continuous integration/delivery using HP ALM, Jenkins, and S...
 Tips to achieve continuous integration/delivery using HP ALM, Jenkins, and S... Tips to achieve continuous integration/delivery using HP ALM, Jenkins, and S...
Tips to achieve continuous integration/delivery using HP ALM, Jenkins, and S...

To gain a competitive advantage in today's hyper competitive markets, businesses must constantly strive to develop, test, and release better software faster. This is made possible by means of continuously integrating, testing, and delivering new applications. In this webinar, Skytap and Orasi will share tips to improve software quality and velocity with the automated creation and management of on-demand, scalable test environments. It will focus on best practices for continuous integration through the joint use of HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Jenkins and Skytap. Specifically you learn how to: -Integrate Jenkins with HP ALM -Extend Dev/Test workloads to the cloud -Integrate build automation with automated test management

orasihp almalm tools
Using Clojure, NoSQL Databases and Functional-Style JavaScript to Write Gext-...
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Using Clojure, NoSQL Databases and Functional-Style JavaScript to Write Gext-...

The document is a presentation about building next-generation HTML5 apps using Clojure, NoSQL databases, and functional JavaScript. It discusses how the presenter built an HTML5 client for their software company's app using these technologies that runs on all modern browsers and mobile platforms like iPhone and Android, avoiding the need to build separate native apps. The presentation focuses on their use of functional programming principles in JavaScript to structure the client code.

closure libraryhtml5clojure
Don’t customize before evaluating OOB first!
Yes you can customize. But SHOULD you?
Keep a “sandbox” TPC for piloting customizations
Keep changes additive whenever possible
Keep customization consistent across Team Projects if possible
Apply an ALM process to releasing and testing customizations
TFS Structure and Anatomy
Managing TFS Templates
Managing TFS Security
Other TFS Admin Tools
Configuration and Maintenance Best Practices
Team Foundation Server Instance
Team Foundation Server Team Collection
Team Foundation Server Team Project
Team Foundation Server Teams
Team Foundation Web Access
SharePoint Site Collection
SharePoint Sites
Reports Server
TFS group security and permissions can be found here:
SharePoint security here:
Pre-defined roles for SSRS can be found here:
Chicago Code Camp 2014   TFS Care and Feeding

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#ATATalk - Episode 1 : Session on Selenium Exceptions by Pallavi Sharma
#ATATalk - Episode 1 : Session on Selenium Exceptions by Pallavi Sharma#ATATalk - Episode 1 : Session on Selenium Exceptions by Pallavi Sharma
#ATATalk - Episode 1 : Session on Selenium Exceptions by Pallavi Sharma

Pallavi Sharma delivered a session on Selenium Exceptions at #ATATalk - Episode 1 Pallavi Sharma is acting as a coach, writer, speaker and owner at 5 Elements Learning where she collaborate and work with many learning enthusiasts and mentors around the globe and use her polyglot skills. An avid learner, she likes to keep herself updated to latest trends and technologies by attending conferences and workshops, and life has been kind enough to provide her with such experiences. To know more about ATA Events please check :

agile testing allianceatatalkepisode1
Team Foundation Server Fundamentals Overview(5 Sessions)
Team Foundation Server Fundamentals Overview(5 Sessions)Team Foundation Server Fundamentals Overview(5 Sessions)
Team Foundation Server Fundamentals Overview(5 Sessions)

TFS Fundamentals 1. overview 2. version control 3. work item tracking 4. team foundation build 5. test manager 6. administration

TFS 2013 Care and Feeding
TFS 2013 Care and FeedingTFS 2013 Care and Feeding
TFS 2013 Care and Feeding

Best practices and practical advice for setting up a flexible, scalable, and effective TFS environment.

application lifecycle managementtfsvisual studio
Chicago Code Camp 2014   TFS Care and Feeding
TFS Permissions Managed via Admin Console and Web
Permissions Limited to Team Projects
Permissions Inherited via Group Membership
SharePoint Permissions Managed via Central Admin and SharePoint Site Security
Permissions can be scoped to Collection or Site
Permissions Inherited via AD Group Membership
Reporting Permissions Managed via Reports Server Site
Permissions can be scoped to Server or Project Folders
Permissions Inherited via AD and/or SharePoint Group Membership
Yes, there are THREE separate places to manage security!
Permissions are inherited from group membership*.
Permissions can be allow, deny, or “not set”.
For almost all permissions, deny trumps allow*.
If permissions are not explicitly set to allow, they are implicitly denied unless an allow has
been inherited via group membership (“inherited allow”).
If a user belongs to multiple groups, and ANY one group has a specific permission set to
deny, that user will not be able to perform tasks that require that permission.
TFS, TPC, and TP Administrator level permissions CANNOT be edited.
*With build, version control, and work item related artifacts, explicit permissions that are set on a particular object override those that are inherited from the parent
objects. This allows you to do things like allow a user access to a root source control folder, but deny them access to one of that folder’s branches.
Chicago Code Camp 2014   TFS Care and Feeding

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CCC 2015 tfs admin for good not evil
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CCC 2015 tfs admin for good not evil

This document provides an overview of Angela Dugan's background and experience with ALM tools. It then summarizes key topics around Visual Studio Online vs on-premise, best practices for configuring TFS projects and permissions, and useful administration tools for TFS including the TFS Power Tools, TFS Job Agent, TFS Backup and Restore utility, Best Practices Analyzer, and third party tools like Attrice Sidekicks and Team Project Manager.

test automationtfs
FLossEd-BK Tequila Framework3.2.1
FLossEd-BK Tequila Framework3.2.1FLossEd-BK Tequila Framework3.2.1
FLossEd-BK Tequila Framework3.2.1

The document summarizes the Tequila Framework 3.2.1 presentation given by Siwawong W. It introduces the speaker and their background, describes key features of the Tequila Framework like its MVC structure and use of design patterns, and demonstrates how to get started using the framework.

php framework
T4 presentation
T4 presentationT4 presentation
T4 presentation

T4 is a text templating engine that allows generating text output from templates with input. It is used across the Microsoft stack for code generation scenarios. T4 templates use directives like <#@ #> and control blocks like <# #> to define template behavior. Templates can be designed for use at design-time in Visual Studio or as precompiled runtime templates. Microsoft extensively uses T4 for scenarios like ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework code generation. Care must be taken when extending or modifying generated code to avoid losses during regeneration.

Managing TFS Templates
Managing TFS Security
Other TFS Admin Tools
TFS Power Tools: TFS extensions for managing TFS resources
and providing advanced capabilities.
CodePlex Add-Ons: community based, often authored by
Microsoft employees, not officially supported
Visual Studio Gallery: similar to CodePlex, officially supported by
Third-Party Plug-ins: usually free, extends TFS capabilities
TFS Power Tools:
TFS Backup and Restore
Check-in Policy Add-on Pack
Process Editor
Best Practices Analyzer
CodePlex/VS Gallery
TFS Admin Tool
Team Project Manager
Community Build Manager
Third-Party Tools
Attrice Sidekicks
Used to be a Power Tool, now an OOB Feature with TFS 2013
Backups up TFS related databases
Nightly, Manual or Custom
Full, Differential, Transactional
Allows for TPC-level Restore
Notifications Available

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Webinar: Deploy Microsoft Teams and stay in control
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Webinar: Deploy Microsoft Teams and stay in control

In this webinar, Microsoft Regional Director Benjamin Niaulin covers the fundamentals of a successful Microsoft Teams deployment. Learn tips and tricks to roll out Microsoft's fastest-growing application—all while keeping your tenant tidy and secure.

office 365microsoftmicrosoft teams
Datasheet foldermanagementpluginforrd
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The document discusses the benefits of automating various IT projects and processes using automation tools. It describes how automation can speed up middleware upgrades, migrations between platforms to reduce costs, building private clouds, upgrading core applications, and platform migrations. It then introduces the Folder Management plugin for RapidDeploy which allows centrally managing folder structures and file configurations across target servers to reduce errors and improve consistency. The plugin enables snapshotting folder structures, comparing files over time, templating files, and deploying filesystem changes.

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DevOps and Decoys How to Build a Successful Microsoft DevOps Including the Data

Pass Summit 2018 presentation Use Case Story of customer work at Microsoft with Higher Ed Customers.

Chicago Code Camp 2014   TFS Care and Feeding
Code Analysis
Custom Path
Forbidden patterns
Work Item Queries
Found in TFS Power Tools:
Chicago Code Camp 2014   TFS Care and Feeding
Work Item Definitions
Form Layout
Global Lists
Open/Edit from file or server

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[Portland 365Sat] PCF Custom Controls
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This document provides an overview of PowerApps custom controls (PCF). PCF allows developers to create reusable custom controls with enhanced capabilities compared to web resources. It discusses the PCF project structure, including the manifest and index files. PCF controls can be built with TypeScript, React, and other frameworks. The document demonstrates how to set up a development environment and build a PCF control. It also provides resources for the PCF community and links for additional documentation.

power appspower apps component frameworkcustom controls
VSTS Migration Briefing
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VSTS Migration Briefing

If you're thinking about migrating from TFS on-premises to VSTS, it's not necessarily a simple decision as to how to get there. During this briefing we discussed some of the considerations that lead you to the right migration path, gotchas that we have encountered, and how we can help you get to VSTS quickly and effectively.

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PowerBreakfast #005 - Why DSC, NOW?
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PowerBreakfast #005 - Why DSC, NOW?

Following from PowerBreakfast #004 presented by Steven Murawaski on Desired State Configuration (DSC) that is available here. Are you still not convince that you should be looking at DSC right NOW or do you think it is worth waiting for something new or even looking at staying at where you are and how things are working now? In this session, I will generally focus on the Operational side of things which focus on the response that I have received from speaking to various folks at work. On top of that, I will also share on how things may have changed for a group of Developers and/or System Engineers which we have integrate DSC into your daily life.

Chicago Code Camp 2014   TFS Care and Feeding
Scan TFS Instance
Hardware AND Software
Detect Security Issues
Lists non-default settings
Detects non-compliance with
best practices
Recommends remediation
Free TFS Analyzer Tool:
View team project activities
View and edit SCM settings
View branch hierarchies
View and edit security group and settings
View and edit build templates
View and edit build definitions
Compare templates
View and edit process configuration
Supports TFS 2008+

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In this talk, Azlam Abdulsalam and Ramzi Akremi will share their experiences in an ongoing Salesforce program how they build deploy and maintain 20+ unlocked packages through a highly optimised pipeline.

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Mirco Hering is a DevOps and Agile lead with over 10 years of experience improving IT delivery through automation, methodology, and innovation. The document discusses applying DevOps principles to systems of record like packaged software, non-custom code, and older custom code. It outlines challenges in automating builds, deployments, testing and integrating these systems. It provides examples of automating merges and traceability for a Siebel system to help systems of record adopt DevOps practices and continuous delivery.

Azure DevOps for Developers
Azure DevOps for DevelopersAzure DevOps for Developers
Azure DevOps for Developers

This document provides an overview of Azure DevOps and how it can benefit developers. It discusses key features such as source control, work item tracking, continuous integration and delivery pipelines, and how SQL Server Data Tools can be used. The presenter has over 20 years of experience in technology and is a Microsoft MVP. They provide a demonstration of using Azure DevOps and SSDT for a database project. Resources for learning more are also included.

devopsazure devopsautomation
Chicago Code Camp 2014   TFS Care and Feeding
Visualization and Admin Add-On for TFS
Plugs right into Visual Studio
Provides additional features around:
Security and Permissions
Code Review
SCM History and Labels
FREE, yes, I know!
Chicago Code Camp 2014   TFS Care and Feeding

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Application Lifecycle Management with TFS
Application Lifecycle Management with TFSApplication Lifecycle Management with TFS
Application Lifecycle Management with TFS

The document discusses a presentation about application lifecycle management (ALM) using Team Foundation Server 2010. It includes an overview of key ALM concepts like version control, build automation, work item tracking, and team collaboration. It also provides a quick tour of the administration console and components of the virtual environment like SQL Server, SharePoint, and Visual Studio.

almsoftware developmentagile software development
Practical management of development & QA environments for SharePoint 2013
Practical management of development & QA environments for SharePoint 2013Practical management of development & QA environments for SharePoint 2013
Practical management of development & QA environments for SharePoint 2013

Speakers: Ognyan Guglev & Radi Atanassov In this session we will share how we maintain our environments for development, quality assurance and demonstration purposes. We've put in a lot of thought into optimising what we do and to deliver a highly-available, performing experience to our delivery teams. For our work we have over 90 farms, so the challenges in maintaining them are not insignificant. Due to advances in the SharePoint platform we believe it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain SharePoint environments for every project, client or product. We have a strong requirement to be flexible and efficient on hardware and at the same time be able to spawn development environments on demand. Automation here with SCVMM is key to a sustainable work front. We will discuss our goals as a consultancy company, how we deal with licenses, whether we prefer centralised or decentralised team environments, how to automate VM's with Service Center Virtual Machine Manager, how to deal with Microsoft SQL and Active Directory, DNS and IP addresses, what we do to make the developer's time as productive as possible and a whole set of other tips and tricks we put in place. We will also share our Apps development and Office 365 development landscapes. Overall, this session is infrastructure focused, but will be valuable and practical both for administrators and developers, it will cover experiences for both sides of the spectrum.

sharepoint 2013software developmenthyper-v
An introduction to SDL Studio GroupShare 2014
An introduction to SDL Studio GroupShare 2014An introduction to SDL Studio GroupShare 2014
An introduction to SDL Studio GroupShare 2014

For teams of translators working in collaboration and using SDL Trados Studio, this is a fantastic way to share Translation Memory, Terminology and Project information. SDL GroupShare 2014 offers a robust and hugely scalable solution for translation teams to work simultaneously on larger projects.

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Chicago Code Camp 2014   TFS Care and Feeding
Chicago Code Camp 2014   TFS Care and Feeding

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Chicago Code Camp 2014 TFS Care and Feeding

  • 1. Chicago Code Camp 2014 Angela Dugan
  • 2. ALM Practice Manager Certified Scrum Master ALM MVP 15 years in the software industry 8+ years as an architect, BA, PM, developer, and team lead 5+ years with Microsoft as an ALM evangelist 2+ years with Polaris Solutions as ALM Practice Manager Shameless self promotion Polaris Solutions- Chicago Visual Studio ALM User Group - Twitter: @OakParkGirl, @ChicagoALM, @TeamPolaris Blog -
  • 3. Managing TFS Templates Managing TFS Security Other TFS Admin Tools
  • 4. TFS Should Be PLANNED to ensure: Effectiveness – Does it do what you need? Flexibility – Does it add unjustified overhead? Scalability – Will it be a bottleneck?
  • 5. TF Server Project Collection 1 Team Project C Master team Sub-Team 1 Sub-Team 2 Project Collection 2 Team Project A Team Project B Web Team Mobile Team
  • 6. TPC = Collection of *tightly related* Team Projects TPC = SQL Database Can be backed up and restored individually Create only as many TPCs as absolutely necessary
  • 7. No sharing of:  Work Items  Source Code  Queries  Reports  Build Controllers Team Project Collections CANNOT be renamed*
  • 8. TF Server Project Collection 1 Team Project C Master team Sub-Team 1 Sub-Team 2 Project Collection 2 Team Project A Team Project B Web Team Mobile Team
  • 9. Team Project <> “Project” TP = Logical view of subset of TPC data Team Projects Contain 1 Process Template 1 commons set of users and roles 1 SharePoint portal (optional) 1 Reports site (optional) Create only as many TPs as necessary
  • 10. Work Items, Source Code, Reports, and Queries CAN cross Team Project boundaries. BUT… no sharing of:  Work Item Templates and Definitions Build Definitions  Areas and Iterations  Work Items cannot be MOVED to another Team project, only copied Team Projects CANNOT be renamed
  • 11. Absolute minimum TFS administration overhead Easy sharing of code, work items, builds, etc. Allows for organizational portfolio management in TFS Great in theory, complicated in practice Can result in very deep hierarchies of Areas and Iterations Builds folder may get crowded and unwieldy All users must agree on a process template (not always easy) Security can be VERY complex if granular artifact isolation is required
  • 12. Consideration Recommendation Codebases are being shared Create New TP or Add to Existing TP Database level artifact isolation required (compliance) New Team Project Collection Organizational portfolio management needed ONE Team Project Desire to minimize administration overhead Create New TP or Add to Existing TP Ability to easily scale due to database growth New Team Project Collection or split TPC Need to hand off code/project to client New Team Project Collection or split TPC Need a new process template or SCM (TFGit) New Team Project
  • 13. TF Server Project Collection 1 Team Project C Master team Sub-Team 1 Sub-Team 2 Project Collection 2 Team Project A Team Project B Web Team Mobile Team
  • 14. Named group of users Provides narrowed scope for viewing work items and status Can be used to secure access to Team Project artifacts Each team has their own planning tools and views
  • 15. Pros  Teams can be categorized into sub-teams  Teams are allocated their own, isolated backlogs Cons  Teams cannot be shared across Team Projects  Teams are flat user lists  >100 users not loaded by Team Explorer  you have bigger issues!  Team capacities do not “roll up” automatically to parent teams
  • 17. Managing TFS Templates Managing TFS Security Other TFS Admin Tools
  • 18. Agile, CMMI, Scrum included Many free 3rd Party options Customize to match YOUR process Defines: Who is on your team? What can people do? How should they do it?
  • 19. Behind the scenes it’s just a bunch of XML Files
  • 20. It’s just XML. Manage it like any code!
  • 21. Don’t customize before evaluating OOB first! Yes you can customize. But SHOULD you? Keep a “sandbox” TPC for piloting customizations Keep changes additive whenever possible Keep customization consistent across Team Projects if possible Apply an ALM process to releasing and testing customizations
  • 22. TFS Structure and Anatomy Managing TFS Templates Managing TFS Security Other TFS Admin Tools Configuration and Maintenance Best Practices
  • 23. Team Foundation Server Instance Team Foundation Server Team Collection Team Foundation Server Team Project Team Foundation Server Teams Team Foundation Web Access SharePoint Site Collection SharePoint Sites Reports Server TFS group security and permissions can be found here: SharePoint security here: Pre-defined roles for SSRS can be found here:
  • 26. TFS Permissions Managed via Admin Console and Web Permissions Limited to Team Projects Permissions Inherited via Group Membership SharePoint Permissions Managed via Central Admin and SharePoint Site Security Permissions can be scoped to Collection or Site Permissions Inherited via AD Group Membership Reporting Permissions Managed via Reports Server Site Permissions can be scoped to Server or Project Folders Permissions Inherited via AD and/or SharePoint Group Membership Yes, there are THREE separate places to manage security!
  • 27. Permissions are inherited from group membership*. Permissions can be allow, deny, or “not set”. For almost all permissions, deny trumps allow*. If permissions are not explicitly set to allow, they are implicitly denied unless an allow has been inherited via group membership (“inherited allow”). If a user belongs to multiple groups, and ANY one group has a specific permission set to deny, that user will not be able to perform tasks that require that permission. TFS, TPC, and TP Administrator level permissions CANNOT be edited. *With build, version control, and work item related artifacts, explicit permissions that are set on a particular object override those that are inherited from the parent objects. This allows you to do things like allow a user access to a root source control folder, but deny them access to one of that folder’s branches.
  • 29. Managing TFS Templates Managing TFS Security Other TFS Admin Tools
  • 30. TFS Power Tools: TFS extensions for managing TFS resources and providing advanced capabilities. CodePlex Add-Ons: community based, often authored by Microsoft employees, not officially supported Visual Studio Gallery: similar to CodePlex, officially supported by Microsoft Third-Party Plug-ins: usually free, extends TFS capabilities
  • 31. TFS Power Tools: TFS Backup and Restore Check-in Policy Add-on Pack Process Editor Best Practices Analyzer CodePlex/VS Gallery TFS Admin Tool Team Project Manager Community Build Manager Third-Party Tools Attrice Sidekicks
  • 32. Used to be a Power Tool, now an OOB Feature with TFS 2013 Backups up TFS related databases Nightly, Manual or Custom Full, Differential, Transactional Allows for TPC-level Restore Notifications Available
  • 34. TFS SCM Add-Ons Code Analysis Custom Path Forbidden patterns Work Item Queries Found in TFS Power Tools: 17b10c-02b4-4d6d-9845-58a06545627f
  • 36. Import/Export/Manage: Work Item Definitions Workflow Form Layout Global Lists Open/Edit from file or server
  • 38. Scan TFS Instance Hardware AND Software Detect Security Issues Lists non-default settings Detects non-compliance with best practices Recommends remediation
  • 40. Free TFS Analyzer Tool: View team project activities View and edit SCM settings View branch hierarchies View and edit security group and settings View and edit build templates View and edit build definitions Compare templates View and edit process configuration Supports TFS 2008+
  • 43. Visualization and Admin Add-On for TFS Plugs right into Visual Studio Provides additional features around: Workspaces Security and Permissions Code Review SCM History and Labels FREE, yes, I know!