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Bundling: you are doing it wrong
Aleksey Shvayka @ Hell Yeah LLC
Алексей Швайка "Bundling: you are doing it wrong"
Front End performance
Performance is a feature
Performance matters
We optimize wrong
• Sprites
• Inlining
• Sharding
• Concatenation
• Cookieless domains
lodash vs native
Optimizing for V8
<button> is slow
The cost of transpiling in 2016
jQuery vs DOM4
Алексей Швайка "Bundling: you are doing it wrong"
Алексей Швайка "Bundling: you are doing it wrong"
AMP: good parts
• <script async>
• GPU animations
• Font optimization
• DOM read/write batching
• Microdata (JSON-LD)
Best practices
• <script async>
• GPU animations
• Font optimization
• DOM read/write batching
• Microdata (JSON-LD)
AMP: bad parts
• No <input>, <form>, <picture>
• Inlined CSS
• CSS micro-optimizations
• Invalid attributes
• <noscript>
Protocol is bottleneck
Brief history of HTTP
GET /http/0.9.html
<hypertext response>
GET /http/0.9.html
[connection closed]
• Versioning, headers, methods
• Simple caching, basic auth
• Status codes
• Advanced caching, Vary
• Range requests
• Compression, chunked
• Content negotiation
• OPTIONS method
• Backwards compatible
• Great multiplexing
• Streams/frames
• Server push, PING, GOAWAY
spdy.createServer(tls, (req, res) => {
res.push('/main.js', (err, stream) => {
stream.end('console.log("hello, world!")')
res.end('<script src="/main.js"></script>')
Hacks HTTP/2
• Sprites Separate resources
• Inlining Server push
• Sharding Single host
• Concatenation Separate resources
• Cookieless domains Single host
HTTP/2 rollout
• Gradual
• Right away
• “Hack” per request
• When % of traffic will support it
• IE 11
• Firefox
• Chrome
• Android 4
• Safari 8
• IE 11
• Edge
• Firefox 41
• Chrome 36
• Safari 9
• IE 11 (Windows 10)
• Edge (over TLS)
• Firefox 41 (over TLS)
• Chrome 36 (over TLS)
• Safari 9 (OS X El Capitan)
Why TLS is enforced?
Is not that slow?
Critical above-the-fold CSS
<link> unblocks content above
300 <script>s?
1. AMD
Алексей Швайка "Bundling: you are doing it wrong"
Алексей Швайка "Bundling: you are doing it wrong"
2. CommonJS
Bundling? AMD?
var modules = Object.create(null)
window.module = {
get exports() {
return modules[src()]
set exports(value) {
modules[src()] = value
var modules = Object.create(null)
window.module = {
get exports() {
return modules[src()]
set exports(value) {
modules[src()] = value
window.require = function(path) {
return modules[resolve(src(), path)]
var modules = Object.create(null)
window.module = {
get exports() {
return modules[src()]
set exports(value) {
modules[src()] = value
window.require = function(path) {
return modules[resolve(src(), path)]
function src() {
return document.currentScript.src
var $scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script")
var loaded = Object.create(null)
var $scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script")
var loaded = Object.create(null)
document.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
var $target =
if ($target.matches("script")) {
var source = $target.src
if (source) loaded[source] = null
}, true)
var $scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script")
var loaded = Object.create(null)
document.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
var $target =
if ($target.matches("script")) {
var source = $target.src
if (source) loaded[source] = null
}, true)
return searchStack(new Error().stack, function(source) {
if (source in loaded) return
return $scripts.find(function($script) {
return $script.src == source
3. ES6 Modules
Spec for module loader?
<script type=module>
Алексей Швайка "Bundling: you are doing it wrong"
• Only absolute or '/', './', '../'
• <script defer> semantics
• Module memorization
• CORS, UTF-8, enforced Content-Type
first implementation?
Using today?

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