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Presentation by Corinne Weisgerber, Ph.D.
St. Edward’s University • @corinnew
cu • ra • tor
cu • ra • tor
Someone who plans and oversees the
arrangement, cataloguing, and exhibition
of collections. S/he describes and
analyzes valuable objects for the benefit
of researchers and the public.

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PPC Restart 2022: Blanka Kudrnová - Jak rychle se dá na Pinterestu vydělat mi...
PPC Restart 2022: Blanka Kudrnová - Jak rychle se dá na Pinterestu vydělat mi...PPC Restart 2022: Blanka Kudrnová - Jak rychle se dá na Pinterestu vydělat mi...
PPC Restart 2022: Blanka Kudrnová - Jak rychle se dá na Pinterestu vydělat mi...

Víte, co se stane, když necháte ležet svůj Pinterest šest let ladem a pak se rozhodnete na něm vydělávat peníze? A co teprve, když ho vůbec nemáte, a přesto tam chcete vydělávat? Blanka už tohle ví, a podělí se o to ve své upřímné case study. Spousta grafů, čísel a dat, které by si sama přála před dvěma lety vidět.

«Στρατηγική επικοινωνία ΜΚΟ: Social Media και βέλτιστες πρακτικές»
«Στρατηγική επικοινωνία ΜΚΟ: Social Media και βέλτιστες πρακτικές»«Στρατηγική επικοινωνία ΜΚΟ: Social Media και βέλτιστες πρακτικές»
«Στρατηγική επικοινωνία ΜΚΟ: Social Media και βέλτιστες πρακτικές»

«Στρατηγική επικοινωνία ΜΚΟ: Social Media και βέλτιστες πρακτικές»: Tips και καλές πρακτικές για τη βέλτιση χρήση των social media (Facebook και Twitter) στην επικοινωνία των μη-κηβερνητικών, μη-κερδοσκοπικών οργανώσεων.

twittersocial media marketingnon-governmental organization
PPC Restart 2022: Lucie Hvězdová - Case study: Jak využít Zboží.cz na maximum
PPC Restart 2022: Lucie Hvězdová - Case study: Jak využít Zboží.cz na maximumPPC Restart 2022: Lucie Hvězdová - Case study: Jak využít Zboží.cz na maximum
PPC Restart 2022: Lucie Hvězdová - Case study: Jak využít Zboží.cz na maximum

Jak mohou inzerenti optimalizovat kampaně na Zboží.cz? Praktická case study, jak využít nové možnosti pro posílení prodeje či získání více konverzí a zákazníků na Zboží.cz.

created                curated

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Určitě to znáte, máte klienta, který má super produkt, ale jeho web/e-shop pokulhává ve zpracování. Jak s tímto webem/e-shopem dosáhnout nejlepších výsledků? V přednášce se prakticky podíváte na tipy a ukázky toho, jak můžete ovlivnit konverzní poměr webu/e-shopu, a na co všechno si dát pozor. Kolikrát má i drobná úprava velký vliv na konverzní poměr. Honza pro vás nachystal i checklist, ve kterém se dozvíte, jak postupovat, pokud přijímáte nového klienta, a co všechno zkontrolovat.

Manual do Embaixador Arauto
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Manual do Embaixador Arauto

Manual do Embaixador Arauto. Embaixadores do Rei Embaixada Missionário Zacarias Campelo Primeira Igreja Batista de Nova Iguaçu

jesusembaixadores do reizacarias campelo
PPC Restart 2022: Milan Cidilo - Ako vyškálovať TikTok ads z 0 na 500tis. Kč ...
PPC Restart 2022: Milan Cidilo - Ako vyškálovať TikTok ads z 0 na 500tis. Kč ...PPC Restart 2022: Milan Cidilo - Ako vyškálovať TikTok ads z 0 na 500tis. Kč ...
PPC Restart 2022: Milan Cidilo - Ako vyškálovať TikTok ads z 0 na 500tis. Kč ...

V poslednej dobe TikTok valcuje všetky sociálne siete. Využite túto príležitosť na maximum, kým je CPM v podstate zadarmo. Ako správne štrukturovať účty? Čo je pixel seasoning? Aké kreatívy fungujú najlepšie? To všetko od prípravy kreatívy, štruktúry účtu, optimalizácie, vyhodnocovania si prejdeme, aby ste aj vy mohli spendovať +500tis. Kč mesačne a plnili klientove KPIs. Presne takto sa nám aj v tomto období podarilo udržať na fashion klientoch YoY rast.

curation   vs. aggregation
Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation
sper•ma•lo•gos - a bird picking up seeds here and there.
A loafer in the marketplace who picks up scraps of learning
& then parades them around without first digesting them.
An aggregator simply bundles together pieces of info
  without providing a frame or contextualizing them.

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Greenpeace vs Nestle Kit Kat social influence case study
Greenpeace vs Nestle Kit Kat social influence case studyGreenpeace vs Nestle Kit Kat social influence case study
Greenpeace vs Nestle Kit Kat social influence case study

Greenpeace launched a global campaign to get Nestlé to stop buying unsustainable palm oil from Sinar Mas, a global supplier that was destroying the south east Asian rainforests where orangutan’s were being threatened. I ran a social media analysis using Alterian SM2 to see how the Kit Kat brand in Australia was affected by Greenpeace campaign. The results show a clear negative impact on Kit Kat's brand sentiment, that's clearly attributable to Greenpeace's localising the campaign.

social influencegreenpeacenestle
دراسة صحافة الفيديو الرقميه وتاثرها بظهور الاعلام الجديد Digital video journa...
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دراسة صحافة الفيديو الرقميه وتاثرها بظهور الاعلام الجديد Digital video journa...

دراسة صحافة الفيديو الرقميه وتاثرها بظهور الاعلام الجديد Digital video journalism study within new mass-media effect

dr wael ananyeman abo el azemdr ahmed belal
Business Model - Instagram
Business Model - InstagramBusiness Model - Instagram
Business Model - Instagram

This is the actual Instagram business model, to check it out more info about it, go to: (portuguese)

modelo canvascanvasmodelo de negocios
An aggregator simply bundles together pieces of info
  without providing a frame or contextualizing them.
Is bundling tweets and repackaging them in
  newspaper style format really curation?
Is bundling tweets and repackaging them in
  newspaper style format really curation?
A curator adds a point of view and contextualizes the info
  s/he is culling together thereby framing the message

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محاضرة الدبلوماسية في عصر المعلومات
محاضرة الدبلوماسية في عصر المعلوماتمحاضرة الدبلوماسية في عصر المعلومات
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هذه المحاضرة القيت في وزارة الخارجية في تاريخ 23/10/2012 بهدف القاء الضو على دور التقنيات الحديثة وخاصة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في العمل الدبلوماسي. This lecture, Diplomacy in the Information age, was given to diplomats of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the lecture series program. It shed lights into the importance role of new technologies including social media in the day to day practice of diplomacy

digital diplomacysocial mediauae
Talent Bin
Talent BinTalent Bin
Talent Bin

This document discusses how TalentBin aggregates data on professionals from across the web to build comprehensive profiles for recruiting purposes. It notes that TalentBin crawls a broad set of general and industry-specific sites to find skills, interests, publications and more. This gives recruiters a fuller picture of candidates than platforms like LinkedIn alone. The document also outlines how TalentBin allows automated searches, targeted outreach, and follow up campaigns to improve engagement and hiring outcomes.

Στρατηγική Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης για το κατάστημα κοσμημάτων Βελώνης - Social ...
Στρατηγική Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης για το κατάστημα κοσμημάτων Βελώνης - Social ...Στρατηγική Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης για το κατάστημα κοσμημάτων Βελώνης - Social ...
Στρατηγική Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης για το κατάστημα κοσμημάτων Βελώνης - Social ...

Σχεδιασμός και εφαρμογή τεχνικών προώθησης μέσω Κοινωνικών Μέσων. Παρουσίαση για τις ανάγκες του μαθήματος Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης του Π.Μ.Σ. Ευφυείς Τεχνολογίες Διαδικτύου. Τμήμα Μηχανικών Πληροφορικής Αλεξάνδρειο ΑΤΕΙ Θεσσαλονίκης - Social Media Strategy from planning to appliance. Presentation in Greek languange for the needs of Social Computing lesson MSc Web Intelligence class. Saturday 16 December 2017 at Department of Computer Engineering Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki.

social media strategymarketingfacebook
“   Anyone can collect links, and algorithms
    can aggregate. But only trained
    editors have the skills to select and
    collect the best information and build a   “
    loyal audience. - Mark Briggs, Journalism Next
How to become a

How to become a

to successful

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The 2017 Community Value and Metrics Report
The 2017 Community Value and Metrics ReportThe 2017 Community Value and Metrics Report
The 2017 Community Value and Metrics Report

The document discusses tracking business value and metrics for brand communities. It reports results from a survey of community managers on how they define and measure community success. Key findings include that the most important community values are customer support, product feedback, and acquisition; the top metrics used are retention, new customers, and satisfaction; and measuring impact internally can increase leadership and budget support for communities.

by CMX


resolução 2741


to successful   track             select

            engage               editorialize

                share            arrange
Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation

     • Identify your niche

     • Identify your niche
     • Find content sources

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Εφαρμογές Social Media Marketing στις μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις
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Εφαρμογές Social Media Marketing στις μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις

Παρουσίαση μου σε εκδήλωση με θέμα « Social Media & Marketing, εφαρμογή στις μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις », που διοργανώθηκε στις 30.05.2013 στην αίθουσα του Επιμελητηρίου Λάρισας από την ΕΕΔΕΚΕ (Ένωση Εταιριών Διαφήμισης & Επικοινωνίας Κεντρικής Ελλάδας) και τον ΕΣΛ (Εμπορικός Σύλλογος Λάρισας).

internet marketingdigital marketingsocial media marketing

Práce PPCčkaře nezačíná a nekončí naklikáním PPC kampaní v Google Ads / Skliku. Bohužel, 70% klikařů v tom stále failuje.

Curadoria de Conteúdo: o que é? para que serve? quem faz?
Curadoria de Conteúdo: o que é? para que serve? quem faz?Curadoria de Conteúdo: o que é? para que serve? quem faz?
Curadoria de Conteúdo: o que é? para que serve? quem faz?

A apresentação tem como objetivo mostrar o que vem a ser a Curadoria de Conteúdos, qual a sua importância e quais as características essenciais para esse profissional. Essa apresentação foi feita em verdade para integrar um post que chamei: "Curadoria de Conteúdos: O que é? Quem faz? Como faz?", cujo link vc pode ver aqui: (copie-o e cole no seu navegador). Espero que gostem! Procurei abordar vários aspectos e a apresentação foi uma síntese. Abs e boa leitura!

conteúdo onlinemídia socialcuradoria de conteúdos

     • Identify your niche
     • Find content sources
          - set up a network (PLN)

     • Identify your niche
     • Find content sources
          - set up a network (PLN)
     • Aggregate what you discover
“ The summation of human experience is
being expanded at a prodigious rate, and
the means we use for threading through
the consequent maze to the momentarily“
 important item is the same as was used
    in the days of square-rigged ships.
“ The summation of human experience is
being expanded at a prodigious rate, and
the means we use for threading through
the consequent maze to the momentarily
 important item is the same as was used
    in the days of square-rigged ships.
                            Vannevar Bush, 1945

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When Educators Become Curators - keynote slides #moothr12
When Educators Become Curators - keynote slides #moothr12When Educators Become Curators - keynote slides #moothr12
When Educators Become Curators - keynote slides #moothr12

This document discusses content curation and the role of educators as curators. It begins by outlining how information has historically been transferred from experts to learners, from Socrates to modern digital tools. It then defines content curation and curators, explaining how curators select and organize relevant information for their communities. The document examines how curation occurs in learning management systems like Moodle and suggests using additional tools to curate. It argues that curation allows educators to act as guides by filtering and sharing meaningful resources with students.

curatoronline teaching and learningcuration
Social Networking with Our Students | digital identity, privacy & authenticity
Social Networking with Our Students | digital identity, privacy & authenticitySocial Networking with Our Students | digital identity, privacy & authenticity
Social Networking with Our Students | digital identity, privacy & authenticity

Social Networking with Our Students -- considering digital identity, privacy and authenticity. PELeCON presentation #pelc12

social networkingdigital identitydigital literacies
Intro to udl 2015
Intro to udl 2015Intro to udl 2015
Intro to udl 2015

This document discusses Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how it intersects with assistive technology to support all learners. UDL is a framework that aims to accommodate a broad range of learners by providing multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement. It reduces barriers for students with disabilities but also enhances learning for all students. The document explains how UDL and assistive technology are related but distinct, both striving to ensure access, participation, and progress for all. Implementing UDL principles through flexible tools and technologies can help level the playing field for diverse learners.

Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation
     • Filter content
     • Filter content
     • Select content:
     • Filter content
     • Select content:
       - quality

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Games for Learning
Games for LearningGames for Learning
Games for Learning

The document discusses 9 reasons why games should be used instead of online courses for learning. It argues that games give learners more choice in how they learn, similar to how Amazon personalizes recommendations. Games also immerse learners in contexts that cognitive psychologists believe helps learning occur in the zone of proximal development. The document notes that games are good because they do not have rigid "next" buttons and sometimes allow useful failures unlike traditional online courses.

games learning education
Re-envisioning Modern Pedagogy: Educators as Curators
Re-envisioning Modern Pedagogy: Educators as CuratorsRe-envisioning Modern Pedagogy: Educators as Curators
Re-envisioning Modern Pedagogy: Educators as Curators

Presentation given at SXSWedu on March 6, 2012. The podcast of the presentation can be found here:

Social media FOR Schools
Social media FOR SchoolsSocial media FOR Schools
Social media FOR Schools

Interested in working and learning with Silvia? Contact her via Gone are the days of having to discuss the existence and importance of a social media presence for schools. Faculty, students, parents, stakeholders, potential families and employees, and a people-network, vital to your organization, are expecting interaction, curated information and just in time news updates. Who is the lead storyteller at your school? Social Media has changed the way we communicate, curate, archive and disseminate information. Schools no longer push out content as a one sided conversation. Who is overseeing what, when and how something is being said about your school? How do schools harness the power of social media and embed authentic, collaborative, and networked communication, learning and marketing?

     • Filter content
     • Select content:
       - quality
       - originality
     • Filter content
     • Select content:
       - quality
       - originality
       - relevance
Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation
     • Contextualize content

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Foundations in Networked Journalism
Foundations in Networked Journalism Foundations in Networked Journalism
Foundations in Networked Journalism

A foundation course on networked journalism I gave to journalism graduate students from Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia at the European Commission, 17 November 2011.

networked journalismarmeniajournalism
Content curation: your next Social Media Marketing idea
Content curation: your next Social Media Marketing ideaContent curation: your next Social Media Marketing idea
Content curation: your next Social Media Marketing idea

My talk at the Social Media for Non-Profits conference, San Francisco - Oct 11, 2012. Why does Content Curation matter for marketers? What are 7 best practices for Content Curation? What are examples of NPO's doing it right?

internet marketingcurationnon-profit organization
Taming Information Overload through Curation 2012 Presentation
Taming Information Overload through Curation 2012 PresentationTaming Information Overload through Curation 2012 Presentation
Taming Information Overload through Curation 2012 Presentation

Presentation for Advancing Learning Conference 2012 Description: Mitchell Kapor, founder of the Electronic Frontier, wisely said that “getting information off the internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant. Our instant-on, hyper-connected world provides us with millions upon millions of pieces of data anytime and anyplace in a simple click. But how do we sort through all that data to reach the relevant information we seek? Can we trust the “Googlebot” to give us or our students the best of what’s there? How do we tame that massive overload of data? The most valuable resource we have is community and shared resources. This workshop will introduce you to the curation community and the tools you’ll need to become an effective curator. Some of the tools discussed will be twitter, delicious, facebook, pinterest, tweeted times,,,, zite, and flipboard. Presenter: Karen Hamilton, Professor/Online Coordinator, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences, George Brown College.

advancing learninginformation_overloadcuration
     • Contextualize content
     • Introduce/summarize
     • Contextualize content
     • Introduce/summarize
     • Add your perspective
A retweet with no comment of your own can easily be seen
as a sign of approval of what you’re relaying. For instance:
RT @jonescampaign smith’s policies would destroy our
Unadorned retweets must be avoided. Use colons &
quote marks to make clear you’re simply retweeting
opinionated material.
RT Jones campaign now denouncing smith on education:
@jonescampaign smith’s policies would destroy our schools
Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation

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FredNMT 2013 Content Curation
FredNMT 2013 Content CurationFredNMT 2013 Content Curation
FredNMT 2013 Content Curation

I was invited to speak at 5th annual New Media & Technology Conference in Frederick, MD on February 21, 2013. These are my slides and notes from a general session on content curation.

Tyler Leshney - The Curate's Egg - AMIA DAS 2014
Tyler Leshney - The Curate's Egg - AMIA DAS 2014Tyler Leshney - The Curate's Egg - AMIA DAS 2014
Tyler Leshney - The Curate's Egg - AMIA DAS 2014

The document discusses the concept of curation. It begins by defining curation as both a noun and verb, noting that as a verb it suggests proactiveness and making choices. It then discusses how information has grown exponentially digital and graphical, necessitating curation to manage and select quality content. Finally, it argues that successful curation in the future will require balancing technology with manpower, methodology, and having an executive mandate to make difficult decisions about what content is preserved.

digital assetscuratorthe curates egg
Guillaume Decugis - Content Curation: Your Next Social Media Marketing Idea
Guillaume Decugis - Content Curation: Your Next Social Media Marketing IdeaGuillaume Decugis - Content Curation: Your Next Social Media Marketing Idea
Guillaume Decugis - Content Curation: Your Next Social Media Marketing Idea

This document discusses content curation as a social media marketing idea. It defines a content curator as someone who finds, organizes, and shares the best online content on a specific topic. Content curation is recommended because the social web is crowded and it is difficult to get noticed. Some best practices for content curation include starting with what content an organization already shares, organizing content sources, filtering content purposefully, adding one's own perspective, making the curation a content hub, measuring its impact, and building a community of interests. The document also provides examples of existing content curation pages.

social media strategycontent curationsocial media
     • Sort content
     • Sort content
     • Rank content
     • Sort content
     • Rank content
     • Lay out content
     • Sort content
     • Rank content
     • Lay out content
       - Juxtaposition

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The Role of Curation in Content Marketing
The Role of Curation in Content MarketingThe Role of Curation in Content Marketing
The Role of Curation in Content Marketing

There's a good reason why content curation is such a hot topic these days: It works! Explore real-world examples of how leading B2B marketers identify, find, organize and share relevant content with their core markets via content curation, and learn why curation delivers strong ROI for today's marketing organizations.

pawan desphandeb2bcontenteventb2b marketing
Speaking different languages
Speaking different languagesSpeaking different languages
Speaking different languages

The document discusses Jimmy Wales' views on editing Wikipedia with a conflict of interest (COI). It notes that Wales said in 2012 that paid advocates do not make good editors as they insert puffery and spin. However, Wales also acknowledged editing his own Wikipedia article in 2005 was in poor taste. The document outlines Wikipedia's COI policy, which states editors should not contribute to promote their own or other individuals' interests due to it conflicting with Wikipedia's aim of neutrality.

Social Media for Business
Social Media for BusinessSocial Media for Business
Social Media for Business

This document provides information and tips about using social media for business purposes. It discusses the importance of listening on social media to understand customers and conversations. It also recommends sharing quality content such as photos, videos, and blogs to build expertise and engage audiences. The document provides tools and strategies for content creation, community building, and growing social media audiences in a strategic and aligned manner.

“A curator is an information chemist. He or she mixes atoms together in a
way to build an info-molecule. Then adds value to that molecule.” - Scoble
“A curator is an information chemist. He or she mixes atoms together in a
way to build an info-molecule. Then adds value to that molecule.” - Scoble
Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation
5.   • Decide on a format

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SMCFW - SXSW Downloaded
SMCFW - SXSW DownloadedSMCFW - SXSW Downloaded
SMCFW - SXSW Downloaded

The document provides tips and lessons learned from attending SXSW. Some key points include: 1) Plan meetings with potential contacts before attending to get the most out of networking opportunities. Follow up after to continue conversations. 2) SXSW is like speed dating - focus on learning from and contributing to discussions with new acquaintances. 3) Collect business cards and follow up on discussions while impressions are still fresh to maximize networking benefits. The document offers advice for effectively leveraging the SXSW conference environment to make new connections and further existing relationships.

Social Media
Social MediaSocial Media
Social Media

This document discusses how businesses can engage with customers through social media. It covers the main social media platforms like blogs, social networking sites, wikis, and communities. It emphasizes listening to what customers say online, starting a business blog to share news and offers, and creating profiles on sites where the target audience spends time like Facebook. The key is to provide valuable content, participate in discussions, and engage with customers in an ethical way rather than hard selling. Done correctly, social media can help businesses better understand and connect with the people formerly known as their audience.

socialbusiness linkmedia
Curation: The Third Frontier of the Web (slides for presentation at FutureMid...
Curation: The Third Frontier of the Web (slides for presentation at FutureMid...Curation: The Third Frontier of the Web (slides for presentation at FutureMid...
Curation: The Third Frontier of the Web (slides for presentation at FutureMid...

These are the slides that accompanied Oliver Starr's presentation at FutureMidwest 2011, Curation, the Third Frontier of the Web. Please contact @owstarr for more information and additional notes.

curatedbypaperlicuration platforms
5.   • Decide on a format
5.   • Decide on a format
        - Storify, Storiful
5.   • Decide on a format
        - Storify, Storiful
        - Twitter curation
5.   • Decide on a format
        - Storify, Storiful
        - Twitter curation
     • Credit sources

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Social Media Marketing Tools and Strategies for Master Gardener coordinators
Social Media Marketing Tools and Strategies for Master Gardener coordinatorsSocial Media Marketing Tools and Strategies for Master Gardener coordinators
Social Media Marketing Tools and Strategies for Master Gardener coordinators

Social media provides a unique platform for Extension professionals to share information about programs, including the Florida Master Gardener Program. Presented at the 2010 continuing education meeting for Master Gardener coordinators.

flickrmaster gardenerfacebook

This document provides an overview of a presentation on using social media for social good. The presentation covers the social media ecosystem, core values and strategy alignment, metrics and analytics, cause campaigns that worked, steps to activate supporters, and community tools for social change. It includes case studies of successful advocacy campaigns and exercises for attendees. The goal is to help attendees understand how to effectively leverage social media to support their causes and organizations.


This document provides information about various media industries including film, television, music, publishing, video games and radio. It discusses major film studios like Warner Bros and Disney, TV networks like Disney Channel and Cartoon Network, music publishers like Supercell, magazine publishers like Time Inc. and Conde Nast, and radio networks like BBC Radio. It also covers topics related to media such as convergence, regulation, audience research methods, and elements of media texts like narrative, editing and mise-en-scene.

Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation
     • Identify your audience
     • Identify your audience
     • What media do they use?
     • Identify your audience
     • What media do they use?
          - share where they are

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More Mind Reach
More Mind ReachMore Mind Reach
More Mind Reach

The document provides guidance on how to achieve more mind reach by focusing on a specific problem, interest, or need; creating unique value; and cultivating a community of fans. It emphasizes intercepting a specific need, identifying a problem/interest/need (PIN), and creating highly useful and unique content that elicits positive reactions. It also stresses nurturing readers/subscribers, sharing content for free, welcoming new followers, engaging in personalized interactions, and sparking conversations to build a loyal fan base. The overall message is that focusing on others' needs, creating valuable resources, and cultivating fans are key to achieving greater online influence and sustainability.

robingood masternewmedia pop extension conference
Ifc 2010 workshop david and goliath
Ifc 2010 workshop   david and goliathIfc 2010 workshop   david and goliath
Ifc 2010 workshop david and goliath

The document discusses strategies for online fundraising and engagement, including case studies. It describes how agile decision making, empowering supporters and beneficiaries, and keeping campaigns simple and using agile technology can help non-profits raise more money online. Specific tactics mentioned are identifying influential bloggers to engage as advisors or supporters, sizing fundraising potential based on social media followers, and using landing pages and viral campaigns to increase conversion rates and lower costs. The document provides examples from charities that have successfully used these approaches.

Ifc 2010 workshop david and goliath
Ifc 2010 workshop   david and goliathIfc 2010 workshop   david and goliath
Ifc 2010 workshop david and goliath

The document discusses strategies for online fundraising and engagement, including case studies. It describes how agile decision making, empowering supporters and beneficiaries, and keeping campaigns simple and using agile technology can help non-profits raise more money online. Specific tactics mentioned are identifying influential bloggers to engage as advisors or supporters, sizing fundraising potential based on social media followers, and using landing pages and viral elements like sharing photos to increase conversions and lower costs. The document provides examples from charities that have successfully used these approaches.

     • Identify your audience
     • What media do they use?
          - share where they are
     • Sharing as a lagniappe
Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation
     • Host the conversation
       - Provide space
       - Participate
       - Animate
Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation

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Metadata is a Love Note to the Future
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The document discusses the importance of metadata for archiving digital content and history. It describes how Jason Scott transformed from a "metadata skeptic" to a "metadata warrior" after his experiences rescuing data from Geocities. Proper metadata made the rescued data more useful, efficient to archive, and prevented duplication. The document advocates for taking a long-term view of digital content and using metadata to ensure information can be discovered and understood in the future.

content strategymetadataarchiving
Sensemaker for Partos Plaza - Irene Guyt
Sensemaker for Partos Plaza  - Irene GuytSensemaker for Partos Plaza  - Irene Guyt
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This document discusses the use of Sensemaker® software to evaluate development initiatives through the capture of micro-narratives in Kenya. Sensemaker® allows for the collection of many fragmented stories from target groups, which are then self-indexed by storytellers. Patterns in the stories are detected to provide quantitative data for evaluation while maintaining context. GlobalGiving tested Sensemaker® by collecting over 2,500 stories in Kenya to identify priority needs. The analysis revealed food, shelter, and safety as top concerns. Feedback loops with communities and partners can then be used to inform initiatives.

Interviewing 2
Interviewing 2Interviewing 2
Interviewing 2

This document provides tips and strategies for conducting effective interviews and recording high quality audio for storytelling. Some key points covered include establishing rapport with interview subjects, using open-ended questions, actively listening without interruption, selecting a quiet environment, and properly positioning microphones. It emphasizes the importance of planning the interview location and questions in advance, and avoiding issues like background noise, improper microphone placement or levels that could undermine the audio quality.

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     • Improve
  from the eld of journalism

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The document discusses crisis communications strategies during the Austin bombings in March 2018. It provides context on how the bombings escalated from a local story to an international news story over time. Effective crisis communication principles of concern, clarity, control, confidence and competence are examined through examples of statements from Austin Police Chief Brian Manley. Key stakeholders like the Austin community, media, government and consumers had different information needs. Mayor Steve Adler's communications are discussed as an example of reassuring the public during a crisis. The challenges of engaging with the public and media during a fast-moving investigation are also covered.

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For years, we've been told that the higher education system is broken and its demise is near. EdTech companies and startups have responded to this doomsday scenario by offering promises of salvation and calls for disruptive innovation. Voices critical of corporate intrusion into higher education are often framed as resisting change. This panel will examine the forces calling for disruption from a pedagogically informed critical perspective and add a much needed faculty voice to the debate. - See more at:

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“   Every company needs to become
    a media company - Tom Foremski
Senior Strategist @ NPR

Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation
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The document discusses using various social media tools for teaching and student assignments. It describes how Storify allows students to curate online information by collecting media and text into narrative stories. Diigo is a bookmarking service where students and professors can store and share web resources tagged by class. HootSuite is a social media management tool that helps track multiple networks and filter content into columns, such as for a "Notice Me" list to help students locate job opportunities through targeted online research and outreach.

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Du professeur connecté à l'étudiant connecté: Vers une pédagogie stratégique ...
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Conférence sur les TICE et le rôle des médias sociaux dans l'école numérique donnée le 7 janvier 2014 à l'Université Paris 1, Panthéon, Sorbonne. Presentation given to the faculty of the Sorbonne University in Paris, France on January 7, 2014. Video of the presentation can be found here:

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Condensed version of the "Networked Academic" slideshow to be presented at the 2013 National Communication Association's annual convention in Washington, D.C.

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Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation
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World’s 7th largest nuclear power plant
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This document provides guidance on how churches can use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest to connect with their congregations and communities. It recommends that churches use photos and videos to engage people more than just text or links. Examples are given of how churches have used each platform successfully, such as creating Advent calendars on Pinterest or producing video series for YouTube. Tips are provided on growing followers and engagement, including listening to conversations, responding to others, sharing content regularly and maintaining relationships over time.

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Communicating Hurricane Evacuation Orders: A Case Study
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Communicating Hurricane Evacuation Orders: A Case Study

This is an old presentation from 2006 on leadership and media communication in the wake of Hurricane Rita. Considering the threat posed by Hurricane Sandy and the extent of the evacuation orders all along the East Coast, I figured it might be a timely presentation to share. Full citation: Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (2006, April). “Should we stay or should we go? Leadership communication in the face of a potentially catastrophic hurricane”. Paper presented to the Crisis Communication Division of the Southern States Communication Association, Dallas, TX.

World’s 7th largest nuclear power plant
First nuclear power plant to tweet
.5% ()
623 Tweets                      Individuals

March 11 - April 11
Major Switch to Retweets                      31.1% (194)
                            18% (112)
                            Gov. orgs

            .2% ()
                           12.7% (79)
                           Orig. Tweets
                                                28.9% (180)

                           8.7% (54)
An aggregation of industry, gov. & media voices
Learned the language of RTs
Curation using

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Presentation on the fragmentation of online identities, the inadequacy of the personal branding metaphor and the idea of the multiverse as a new metaphor for thinking about online identity. For a transcript of the keynote, see this blog post:

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The Dark Side of Social Media: Privacy Concerns
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This document summarizes online privacy issues related to social media and search engines. It discusses how Google tracks digital footprints and how racist rants can live on through internet references. Facebook's terms of service are examined, showing how the platform claims ownership of users' content and photos. Geolocation tracking, privacy settings, and lobbying efforts against Facebook's Beacon program are also summarized. The document explores "the right to be forgotten" and pushes for greater online privacy protections.

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Disney’s Campaign
  Why use visitor’s video footage?
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Corinne Weisgerber, Ph.D.
Asst. Prof. of Communication
   St. Edward’s University
     Twitter: @corinnew

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Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation

  • 1. Building THOUGHT LEADERSHIP in an age of CURATION Presentation by Corinne Weisgerber, Ph.D. St. Edward’s University • @corinnew
  • 2. cu • ra • tor
  • 3. cu • ra • tor Someone who plans and oversees the arrangement, cataloguing, and exhibition of collections. S/he describes and analyzes valuable objects for the benefit of researchers and the public.
  • 7. content aggregated created
  • 8. content aggregated created curated
  • 9. content curation vs. aggregation
  • 11. sper•ma•lo•gos - a bird picking up seeds here and there. A loafer in the marketplace who picks up scraps of learning & then parades them around without first digesting them.
  • 12. An aggregator simply bundles together pieces of info without providing a frame or contextualizing them.
  • 13. An aggregator simply bundles together pieces of info without providing a frame or contextualizing them.
  • 14. Is bundling tweets and repackaging them in newspaper style format really curation?
  • 15. Is bundling tweets and repackaging them in newspaper style format really curation?
  • 16. A curator adds a point of view and contextualizes the info s/he is culling together thereby framing the message
  • 17. Anyone can collect links, and algorithms can aggregate. But only trained editors have the skills to select and collect the best information and build a “ loyal audience. - Mark Briggs, Journalism Next
  • 21. find STEPS to successful track select curation engage editorialize share arrange create
  • 23. 1. FIND • Identify your niche
  • 24. 1. FIND • Identify your niche • Find content sources
  • 25. 1. FIND • Identify your niche • Find content sources - set up a network (PLN)
  • 26. 1. FIND • Identify your niche • Find content sources - set up a network (PLN) • Aggregate what you discover
  • 27. “ The summation of human experience is being expanded at a prodigious rate, and the means we use for threading through the consequent maze to the momentarily“ important item is the same as was used in the days of square-rigged ships.
  • 28. “ The summation of human experience is being expanded at a prodigious rate, and the means we use for threading through the consequent maze to the momentarily important item is the same as was used in the days of square-rigged ships. “ Vannevar Bush, 1945
  • 30. 2. SELECT • Filter content
  • 31. 2. SELECT • Filter content • Select content:
  • 32. 2. SELECT • Filter content • Select content: - quality
  • 33. 2. SELECT • Filter content • Select content: - quality - originality
  • 34. 2. SELECT • Filter content • Select content: - quality - originality - relevance
  • 36. 3. EDITORIALIZE • Contextualize content
  • 37. 3. EDITORIALIZE • Contextualize content • Introduce/summarize
  • 38. 3. EDITORIALIZE • Contextualize content • Introduce/summarize • Add your perspective
  • 39. A retweet with no comment of your own can easily be seen as a sign of approval of what you’re relaying. For instance: RT @jonescampaign smith’s policies would destroy our schools Unadorned retweets must be avoided. Use colons & quote marks to make clear you’re simply retweeting opinionated material. RT Jones campaign now denouncing smith on education: @jonescampaign smith’s policies would destroy our schools
  • 41. Arrange 4. • Sort content
  • 42. Arrange 4. • Sort content • Rank content
  • 43. Arrange 4. • Sort content • Rank content • Lay out content
  • 44. Arrange 4. • Sort content • Rank content • Lay out content - Juxtaposition
  • 45. INFO MOLECULES “A curator is an information chemist. He or she mixes atoms together in a way to build an info-molecule. Then adds value to that molecule.” - Scoble
  • 46. INFO MOLECULES “A curator is an information chemist. He or she mixes atoms together in a way to build an info-molecule. Then adds value to that molecule.” - Scoble
  • 48. CREATE 5. • Decide on a format
  • 49. CREATE 5. • Decide on a format -,
  • 50. CREATE 5. • Decide on a format -, - Storify, Storiful
  • 51. CREATE 5. • Decide on a format -, - Storify, Storiful - Twitter curation
  • 52. CREATE 5. • Decide on a format -, - Storify, Storiful - Twitter curation • Credit sources
  • 54. SHARE 6. • Identify your audience
  • 55. SHARE 6. • Identify your audience • What media do they use?
  • 56. SHARE 6. • Identify your audience • What media do they use? - share where they are
  • 57. SHARE 6. • Identify your audience • What media do they use? - share where they are • Sharing as a lagniappe
  • 59. 7. ENGAGE • Host the conversation - Provide space - Participate - Animate
  • 61. 8. TRACK • Track engagement
  • 62. 8. TRACK • Track engagement • Track thought leadership
  • 63. 8. TRACK • Track engagement • Track thought leadership • Improve
  • 64. curation EXAMPLES from the eld of journalism
  • 65. Every company needs to become a media company - Tom Foremski “
  • 71. Cattenom: World’s 7th largest nuclear power plant
  • 72. Cattenom: World’s 7th largest nuclear power plant
  • 73. Cattenom: World’s 7th largest nuclear power plant First nuclear power plant to tweet
  • 74. .5% () 623 Tweets Individuals March 11 - April 11 Major Switch to Retweets 31.1% (194) Industry 18% (112) Gov. orgs .2% () Automotive 12.7% (79) Orig. Tweets 28.9% (180) News 8.7% (54) Politicians
  • 75. An aggregation of industry, gov. & media voices Learned the language of RTs
  • 77. Disney’s Campaign Why use visitor’s video footage?
  • 78. Disney’s Campaign Why use visitor’s video footage?
  • 79. credits Corinne Weisgerber, Ph.D. Asst. Prof. of Communication St. Edward’s University Twitter: @corinnew