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High Availability

                              Matt Wood
        T E C H N O L O G Y   E VA N G E L I S T
 High Performance Websites: Part 1

1. Availability
2. Static content
3. Multi-tier applications
4 . Per formance boost
5. Summar y
Spectrum of websites
Static           Dynamic

Spectrum of websites

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CMS on AWS Deep Dive
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CMS on AWS Deep Dive

Leo Zhadanovsky, Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, shows how to run content management systems such as Drupal, WordPress and Jekyll on Amazon Web Services in a way that is scalable, highly-available and economical. The slides feature how to architect websites in the cloud so they are secure and allow for rapid iteration and change without downtime.

cmsamazon web servicescloud computing
Your First 10 million Users on the AWS Cloud
Your First 10 million Users on the AWS CloudYour First 10 million Users on the AWS Cloud
Your First 10 million Users on the AWS Cloud

As part of the Introduction to AWS Workshop Series, see how to scale your website from your first user, right up to a complex architecture to support 10 million users.

high traffic10 million userswebsite hosting
Amazon EC2 & VPC HOL
Amazon EC2 & VPC HOLAmazon EC2 & VPC HOL
Amazon EC2 & VPC HOL

This document provides an agenda and overview for an AWS hands-on workshop on Amazon EC2 and Amazon VPC. The agenda includes sessions on EC2, S3, EBS, VPC and a lab to build a VPC and deploy a web server. The workshop introduces AWS services, discusses EC2 instances, AMIs, pricing options, and demonstrates how to launch instances. It also covers S3 concepts and use cases.

awsamazon vpcamazon ec2
Static            Dynamic

Simple           Complex

 Spectrum of websites
Static            Dynamic

Simple            Complex

Niche            Mass market

 Spectrum of websites
Availability is
Support your

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Amazon EC2 Masterclass
Amazon EC2 MasterclassAmazon EC2 Masterclass
Amazon EC2 Masterclass

Amazon EC2 forms the backbone compute platform for hundreds of thousands of AWS customers, but how do you go beyond starting an instance and manually configuring it? This presentation will take you on a journey starting with the basics of key management and security groups and ending with an explanation of Auto Scaling and how you can use it to match capacity and costs to demand using dynamic policies. Access a recorded version of the webinar based on this presentation on YouTube here: You can find the rest of the Masterclass webinar series for 2015 here: If you are interested in learning about how you apply variety of different AWS services to specific challenges, please check out the Journey Through the Cloud series, which you can find here:

amazon web servicesemeawebinarsaws
Deep Dive: Amazon Relational Database Service (March 2017)
Deep Dive: Amazon Relational Database Service (March 2017)Deep Dive: Amazon Relational Database Service (March 2017)
Deep Dive: Amazon Relational Database Service (March 2017)

Explore the benefits of Amazon RDS and simplify setting up a relational database in the cloud, saving time, cost, and effort.

awscloud computingdatabases
1. 利用微服務架構建立雲端影音平台 (Building Media Platform by Microservices Architecture)
1.	利用微服務架構建立雲端影音平台 (Building Media Platform by Microservices Architecture)1.	利用微服務架構建立雲端影音平台 (Building Media Platform by Microservices Architecture)
1. 利用微服務架構建立雲端影音平台 (Building Media Platform by Microservices Architecture)

The document discusses building a cloud-based video platform using microservices architecture. It outlines challenges in content storage, processing and delivery given changing consumer behaviors and business needs. The proposed solution uses a serverless approach with AWS services like S3, Lambda and API Gateway to build independent, interoperable services for storage, processing, delivery and analytics. This allows for rapid innovation, avoiding lock-in and reusing data across services.

amazon web servicescloudcloud computing
Support your
Everything fails
  all the time
    Werner Vogels, Amazon CTO
 services can
save the day

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Scale Your Application while Improving Performance and Lowering Costs (SVC203...
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Scale Your Application while Improving Performance and Lowering Costs (SVC203...

Scaling your application as you grow should not mean slow to load and expensive to run. Learn how you can use different AWS building blocks such as Amazon ElastiCache and Amazon CloudFront to “cache everything possible” and increase the performance of your application by caching your frequently-accessed content. This means caching at different layers of the stack: from HTML pages to long-running database queries and search results, from static media content to application objects. And how can caching more actually cost less? Attend this session to find out!

cloudaws cloudcost reduction
Getting started with Amazon Dynamo BD
Getting started with Amazon Dynamo BDGetting started with Amazon Dynamo BD
Getting started with Amazon Dynamo BD

(1) The document provides an overview of Amazon DynamoDB, a fully managed NoSQL database service. It discusses DynamoDB's scalability, availability, and ease of use. (2) Several customer use cases are presented, including how MLB Advanced Media, Redfin, Expedia, and Nexon leverage DynamoDB. (3) A demo of building a serverless web application using DynamoDB, API Gateway, and AWS Lambda is shown.

awsaws startupsamazon-dynamodb
Advanced Task Scheduling with Amazon ECS (June 2017)
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Advanced Task Scheduling with Amazon ECS (June 2017)

- ECS Scheduling - ECS Placement Engine - Placing Tasks - Event Stream & Blox - Demo: Daemon Scheduler & demo-cli

cloud computingamazon web servicesdocker
Focus on your stuff
Patterns for
1. Static content

 Video           Javascript

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ENT309 Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users
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ENT309 Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users

Cloud computing gives you a number of advantages, such as the ability to scale your web application or website on demand. If you have a new web application and want to use cloud computing, you might be asking yourself, "Where do I start?" Join us in this session to understand best practices for scaling your resources from zero to millions of users. We show you how to best combine different AWS services, how to make smarter decisions for architecting your application, and how to scale your infrastructure in the cloud.

Introduction to Amazon Web Services - How to Scale your Next Idea on AWS : A ...
Introduction to Amazon Web Services - How to Scale your Next Idea on AWS : A ...Introduction to Amazon Web Services - How to Scale your Next Idea on AWS : A ...
Introduction to Amazon Web Services - How to Scale your Next Idea on AWS : A ...

Building powerful web applications in the AWS Cloud : A Love Story, Design patterns in web-based cloud architecture, Jinesh Varia gave this talk at Cloud Connect and several other places

design patternsawscloud computing
Amazon S3 - Masterclass - Pop-up Loft Tel Aviv
Amazon S3 - Masterclass - Pop-up Loft Tel AvivAmazon S3 - Masterclass - Pop-up Loft Tel Aviv
Amazon S3 - Masterclass - Pop-up Loft Tel Aviv

Join us for a live session based on our popular Masterclass series of online events. Amazon S3 hosts over 2 trillion objects and is used for storing a wide range of data, from system backups to digital media. In this session we will explain the features of Amazon S3 from static website hosting, through server side encryption to Amazon Glacier integration. We will dive deep into the feature sets of Amazon S3 to give a rounded overview of its capabilities, looking at common use cases, APIs and best practice.

pages          Assets
                                    Blog posts

 Video                 Javascript
High                      High
redundancy                availability

    Amazon S3

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Deep Dive on Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service)
Deep Dive on Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service)Deep Dive on Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service)
Deep Dive on Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service)

Amazon RDS allows you to launch an optimally configured, secure and highly available database with just a few clicks. It provides cost-efficient and resizable capacity while managing time-consuming database administration tasks, freeing you to focus on your applications and business.

Deep Dive on Elastic Load Balancing
Deep Dive on Elastic Load BalancingDeep Dive on Elastic Load Balancing
Deep Dive on Elastic Load Balancing

Elastic Load Balancing automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple Amazon EC2 instances for fault tolerance and load distribution. In this session, we go into detail about Elastic Load Balancing's configuration and day-to-day management, as well as its use in conjunction with Auto Scaling. We explain how to make decisions about the service and share best practices and useful tips for success.

cloud2016 aws summit santa claraaws summit
My First Big Data Application
My First Big Data ApplicationMy First Big Data Application
My First Big Data Application

This document provides instructions for setting up a big data application on AWS using various AWS services. It describes using Amazon Kinesis Firehose to collect web server logs from an EC2 instance into an S3 bucket. It then describes using Amazon EMR with Spark and Hive to process the data, Amazon Redshift for data analysis, and Amazon QuickSight for visualization. The document contains detailed steps for setting up IAM roles, security groups, launching the EC2 instance and EMR cluster, and ingesting and exploring the log data with Spark SQL and Zeppelin notebooks.

Perfect for asset
Perfect for website
Let’s see how...

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AWS re:Invent 2016 recap (part 2)
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AWS re:Invent 2016 recap (part 2)

The document summarizes announcements from AWS re:Invent 2016, including: - New generally available services such as AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate, EC2 Systems Manager, CodeBuild, X-Ray, Personal Health Dashboard, Shield, Pinpoint, Glue, Batch, and Step Functions. - New features for Lambda including C# support, Lambda@Edge, and Step Functions integration. - Previews for services like X-Ray, Shield Advanced, and Batch. - Updates to services including CloudFormation, ECS, and improvements to the Well-Architected Framework.

awsamazon web servicesinfrastructure
Deep Dive on Amazon Aurora
Deep Dive on Amazon AuroraDeep Dive on Amazon Aurora
Deep Dive on Amazon Aurora

Amazon Aurora is a MySQL-compatible relational database engine that combines the speed and availability of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases. Amazon Aurora is disruptive technology in the database space, bringing a new architectural model and distributed systems techniques to provide far higher performance, availability and durability than previously available using conventional monolithic database techniques. In this session, we will do a deep-dive into some of the key innovations behind Amazon Aurora, discuss best practices and configurations, and share early customer experience from the field.

aws summit 2016cloud computingscott ward
AWS Summit Nordics - Architecting for High Availability
AWS Summit Nordics - Architecting for High AvailabilityAWS Summit Nordics - Architecting for High Availability
AWS Summit Nordics - Architecting for High Availability

This document discusses architecting for high availability on AWS. It identifies four key principles: 1) design for failure by avoiding single points of failure, 2) use multiple availability zones, 3) implement scaling to scale resources up or down automatically, and 4) build loosely coupled systems using services like SQS. The goal is to design applications that can continue functioning even when failures occur.

Building High-availability Websites on AWS
Building High-availability Websites on AWS
Make everything public
index.html               Text

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AWS December 2015 Webinar Series - Introducing Amazon Inspector
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AWS December 2015 Webinar Series - Introducing Amazon Inspector

Amazon Inspector is a service that helps secure applications running on AWS by assessing them for security vulnerabilities without changing the shared responsibility model. It is designed to run during continuous integration deployments against test environments. An assessment involves running an agent on EC2 instances tagged with an application identifier and checking for potential issues based on selected rules packages. Findings generated during an assessment include detailed descriptions and remediation steps. The Inspector preview is available in one region and provides assessments for free. General availability later in 2016 will include more regions, operating systems, rules packages, and capabilities like reporting and auditing.

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[AWS Days Microsoft-LA 2015]: Software Licensing Considerations for Enterpris...
[AWS Days Microsoft-LA 2015]: Software Licensing Considerations for Enterpris...[AWS Days Microsoft-LA 2015]: Software Licensing Considerations for Enterpris...
[AWS Days Microsoft-LA 2015]: Software Licensing Considerations for Enterpris...

Migrating your enterprise applications to the cloud may mean reconsidering your software licensing as well as existing investments in operating systems and enterprise applications. This presentation will cover what AWS offers to protect your existing investments in software licenses and give you pointers towards significant savings, including licensing models and architecture considerations for the cloud. We will also explore popular ways to save on licenses for Microsoft products including SharePoint Server, Exchange Server, SQL Server and Windows on the AWS cloud using programs like Microsoft License Mobility and features like Amazon EC2 Dedicated Instances.

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Improve the Impact of DevOps
Improve the Impact of DevOpsImprove the Impact of DevOps
Improve the Impact of DevOps

Stela Udovicic, Product Marketing, Splunk presentation regarding driven application delivery with machine data insights. Presented at DevOpsDays Vancouver: April, 2016.

Building High-availability Websites on AWS
Building High-availability Websites on AWS

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Build A Website on AWS for Your First 10 Million Users
Build A Website on AWS for Your First 10 Million UsersBuild A Website on AWS for Your First 10 Million Users
Build A Website on AWS for Your First 10 Million Users

Join this workshop to understand the core concepts of “Cloud Computing” and how businesses around the world are running the infrastructure that supports their websites to lower costs, improve time-to-market, and enable rapid scalability matching resource to demands of users. Whether you are an enterprise looking for IT innovation, agility and resiliency or small and medium business who wants to accelerate growth without a big upfront investment in cash or time for technology, the AWS Cloud provides a complete set of services at zero upfront costs which are available with a few clicks and within minutes.

Scaling Fast & Running Lean
Scaling Fast & Running LeanScaling Fast & Running Lean
Scaling Fast & Running Lean

This document discusses how startups can use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to run lean and scale fast. It outlines how AWS provides fully managed services that allow startups to focus on their core business rather than undifferentiated infrastructure tasks. AWS services like Amazon S3, EC2, DynamoDB, and RDS enable startups to develop faster, easily scale up as demand increases, and optimize costs as they grow their revenue. The document highlights several successful startups that have leveraged AWS to rapidly grow large global user bases with small teams.

aws cloudstartupsapac-webinars
Architecting for High Availability
Architecting for High AvailabilityArchitecting for High Availability
Architecting for High Availability

The document discusses architecting for high availability on AWS. It defines high availability as having minimal downtime and being always accessible. It recommends designing for failure by avoiding single points of failure, using multiple availability zones, implementing auto-scaling for flexibility, enabling self-healing through health checks and auto-scaling, and loosely coupling components. AWS services like EC2, EBS, ELB, RDS, SQS help provide high availability when combined with these best practices. The goal is to build applications that can continue functioning even when outages occur.

2013summitseriesnycsummit2013high availability
Building High-availability Websites on AWS
Unfriendly, brittle URL:
S3 websites

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(SDD408) Amazon Route 53 Deep Dive: Delivering Resiliency, Minimizing Latency...
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(SDD408) Amazon Route 53 Deep Dive: Delivering Resiliency, Minimizing Latency...

Learn how to utilize Amazon Route 53 latency-based routing, weighted round-robin, and other features in conjunction with DNS failover to direct traffic to the least latent, most available endpoints across a global infrastructure. We explore topics such as balancing traffic between endpoints in terms of load and latency, and discuss how to provide multi-record answers to improve client-side resiliency. As part of this session, Loggly will present how they utilize Route 53 for their traffic management needs.

amazon web servicesbackup & disaster recoverydeveloper
Understanding AWS Security
Understanding AWS SecurityUnderstanding AWS Security
Understanding AWS Security

The AWS cloud infrastructure has been architected to be one of the most flexible and secure cloud computing environments available today. In this session, we’ll provide a practical understanding of the assurance programs that AWS provides; such as HIPAA, FedRAMP(SM), PCI DSS Level 1, MPAA, and many others. We’ll also address the types of business solutions that these certifications enable you to deploy on the AWS Cloud, as well as the tools and services AWS makes available to customers to secure and manage their resources.

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AWS VPC best practices 2016 by Bogdan Naydenov
AWS VPC best practices 2016 by Bogdan NaydenovAWS VPC best practices 2016 by Bogdan Naydenov
AWS VPC best practices 2016 by Bogdan Naydenov

AWS VPC best practices 2016 by bogdan Naydenov - presentation on 1st #AWSBulgraia user group meeting at - SkyScanner office #SkyScannerSofia

Root objects
Error pages
Let’s see how...
Building High-availability Websites on AWS

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Advanced Security Best Practices Masterclass
Advanced Security Best Practices MasterclassAdvanced Security Best Practices Masterclass
Advanced Security Best Practices Masterclass

This document provides an overview of best practices for security on AWS. It discusses the shared responsibility model between AWS and customers. It covers identity and access management with IAM, including creating users, permissions, groups, and conditions. It also discusses networking with Amazon VPC, security groups for EC2 instances, and secrets management. Additional topics include encryption, auditing with CloudTrail, passwords, credential rotation, MFA, roles, and reducing root access.

securityec2 amazon web servicesaws
From One to Many: Evolving VPC Design
From One to Many: Evolving VPC DesignFrom One to Many: Evolving VPC Design
From One to Many: Evolving VPC Design

As more customers adopt Amazon Virtual Private Cloud architectures, the features and flexibility of the service are squaring off against increasingly complex design requirements. This session follows the evolution of a single regional VPC into a multi-VPC, multi-region design with diverse connectivity into on-premises systems and infrastructure. Along the way, we investigate creative customer solutions for scaling and securing outbound VPC traffic, managing multi-tenant VPCs, conducting VPC-to-VPC traffic, extending corporate federation and name services into VPC, running multiple hybrid environments over AWS Direct Connect, and integrating corporate multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) clouds into multi-region VPCs.

aws cloud2014 aws summit san franciscoaws
Introduction to AWS Security
Introduction to AWS SecurityIntroduction to AWS Security
Introduction to AWS Security

The AWS cloud infrastructure has been architected to be one of the most flexible and secure cloud computing environments available today. Security for AWS is about three related elements: visibility, auditability, and control. You have to know what you have and where it is before you can assess the environment against best practices, internal standards, and compliance standards. Controls enable you to place precise, well-understood limits on the access to your information. Did you know, for example, that you can define a rule that says that “Tom is the only person who can access this data object that I store with Amazon, and he can only do so from his corporate desktop on the corporate network, from Monday-Friday 9-5 and when he uses MFA?”. That’s the level of granularity you can choose to implement if you wish. In this session, we’ll cover these topics to provide a practical understanding of the security programs, procedures, and best practices you can use to enhance your current security posture. Speakers: Rob Whitmore, AWS Solutions Architect

Increased latency

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The Fundamentals of Networking in AWS: VPC and Connectivity Options - Business
The Fundamentals of Networking in AWS: VPC and Connectivity Options - BusinessThe Fundamentals of Networking in AWS: VPC and Connectivity Options - Business
The Fundamentals of Networking in AWS: VPC and Connectivity Options - Business

A successful AWS journey always begins with accessing, creating, and controlling your own isolated network in the cloud. In this session, we will explain the concepts of VPC, how to create it, how to connect to your VPC, and what to take into consideration when managing your environment to ensure that you start off on the right foot with AWS. Speaker: Amy Romano, Account Manager, Amazon Web Services & Alastair Cousins, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services Featured Customer - William Buck

AWS Security Best Practices and Design Patterns
AWS Security Best Practices and Design PatternsAWS Security Best Practices and Design Patterns
AWS Security Best Practices and Design Patterns

AWS is architected to be one of the most flexible and secure cloud computing environments available today. It provides an extremely scalable, highly reliable platform that enables customers to deploy applications and data quickly and securely. When using AWS, not only are infrastructure headaches removed, but so are many of the security issues that come with them.

enterprisecloudamazon web services
High Availability Application Architectures in Amazon VPC (ARC202) | AWS re:I...
High Availability Application Architectures in Amazon VPC (ARC202) | AWS re:I...High Availability Application Architectures in Amazon VPC (ARC202) | AWS re:I...
High Availability Application Architectures in Amazon VPC (ARC202) | AWS re:I...

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) lets you provision a logically isolated section of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual data center that you define. In this session you learn how to leverage the VPC networking constructs to configure a highly available and secure virtual data center on AWS for your application. We cover best practices around choosing an IP range for your VPC, creating subnets, configuring routing, securing your VPC, establishing VPN connectivity, and much more. The session culminates in creating a highly available web application stack inside of VPC and testing its availability with Chaos Monkey.

cloudamazon web servicescloud computing
Powerful content delivery network
Global edge caching
   Friendly URLs
Let’s see how!
Building High-availability Websites on AWS

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Security Best Practices on AWS
Security Best Practices on AWSSecurity Best Practices on AWS
Security Best Practices on AWS

This document discusses security best practices when using AWS. It covers the shared responsibility model between AWS and customers, leveraging AWS security features, understanding customer needs to form a security stance, and engaging security assessors early. It provides an overview of identity and access management tools like IAM, security groups, VPCs and direct connects. The document emphasizes applying a "security by design" approach when building on AWS.

Azure vs AWS Best Practices: What You Need to Know
Azure vs AWS Best Practices: What You Need to KnowAzure vs AWS Best Practices: What You Need to Know
Azure vs AWS Best Practices: What You Need to Know

Azure is now the clear #2 in public cloud behind AWS. While some cloud users are evaluating Azure vs. AWS, many enterprises are planning to use both cloud providers. But there are some notable differences between how the two clouds operate and the best practices for deploying workloads in each. The Azure vs. AWS Best Practices: What You Need to Know webinar will cover: Recent and coming enhancements for Azure. Azure vs. AWS differences for compute, networking, and storage. Best practices for cloud deployments in Azure and AWS. How to use both Azure and AWS.

Selecting the Best VPC Network Architecture (CPN208) | AWS re:Invent 2013
Selecting the Best VPC Network Architecture (CPN208) | AWS re:Invent 2013Selecting the Best VPC Network Architecture (CPN208) | AWS re:Invent 2013
Selecting the Best VPC Network Architecture (CPN208) | AWS re:Invent 2013

Which is better: a single VPC with multiple subnets or multiple accounts with many VPCs? Should you simplify management with a single VPC or use multiple VPCs to lessen the blast radius of network changes? In this session, we hear from customers who've implemented each approach and discuss how they addressed management, security, and connectivity for their Amazon EC2 environments.

cloudstartupsvpc network
Building High-availability Websites on AWS

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[AWS Days Microsoft-LA 2015]: Introduction to Microsoft on AWS
[AWS Days Microsoft-LA 2015]: Introduction to Microsoft on AWS [AWS Days Microsoft-LA 2015]: Introduction to Microsoft on AWS
[AWS Days Microsoft-LA 2015]: Introduction to Microsoft on AWS

This presentation covers real world customer examples including as SharePoint, Exchange, SQL Server, and Remote Desktop Services with licensing options. We will explore deployment options and provide an overview of the AWS created QuickStarts and QuickLaunches to help with speed of deployment. This presentation will also include migration options for customer running End of Extended support products such as Windows Server2003 and SQL2005.

aws cloudaws days microsoftmicrosoft
Best Practices for Hosting Web Applications on AWS
Best Practices for Hosting Web Applications on AWSBest Practices for Hosting Web Applications on AWS
Best Practices for Hosting Web Applications on AWS

This document discusses best practices for hosting web applications on AWS. It covers availability, static content hosting using S3 and CloudFront, and multi-tier application hosting using EC2, RDS, and auto-scaling. For static content, S3 provides high durability storage and CloudFront provides low-latency content delivery. For dynamic applications, EC2 is used to host instances behind an ELB for availability. RDS manages databases with read replicas and auto-scaling adds instances as needed based on metrics.

sessolution architectureamazon
Your First 10 Million Users with Amazon Web Services
Your First 10 Million Users with Amazon Web ServicesYour First 10 Million Users with Amazon Web Services
Your First 10 Million Users with Amazon Web Services

The document discusses strategies for scaling a web application from its first users to millions of users on Amazon Web Services. It recommends starting with a single EC2 instance and database, then expanding horizontally by adding more instances, load balancing, caching, and read replicas as traffic increases. It also suggests moving static content to S3 and CloudFront, session state to ElastiCache, and using DynamoDB. Finally, it recommends using Auto Scaling to dynamically scale the infrastructure in response to demand changes. The goal is to build a scalable and resilient architecture utilizing many AWS services.

aws amazon website scaling on aws ec2 cloudfront
Set CloudFront
Default Root Object
API or S3 client
CloudBerry Explorer

      API or S3 client


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High Availability Websites: part one
High Availability Websites: part oneHigh Availability Websites: part one
High Availability Websites: part one

Slides from the recent AWS High Availability Websites online seminar. Covering static asset and site hosting with S3 and CloudFront.

AWS Cloud Kata 2014 | Jakarta - 2-1 AWS Intro and Scale 2014
AWS Cloud Kata 2014 | Jakarta - 2-1 AWS Intro and Scale 2014AWS Cloud Kata 2014 | Jakarta - 2-1 AWS Intro and Scale 2014
AWS Cloud Kata 2014 | Jakarta - 2-1 AWS Intro and Scale 2014

This document provides an overview of strategies for building scalable applications on AWS. It recommends starting simply with EC2, RDS, and Route 53, then adding services like S3, DynamoDB, ElastiCache, and CloudFront to optimize performance. Auto Scaling is introduced to automatically scale resources based on demand. The document discusses best practices like separating databases by function, implementing sharding, and leveraging serverless options. The goal is to demonstrate how these techniques can help applications scale to millions of users on AWS.

startupsawsamazon web services
4K Media Workflows on AWS
4K Media Workflows on AWS4K Media Workflows on AWS
4K Media Workflows on AWS

This document discusses 4K media workflows on AWS. It introduces the concept of a "content lake" where all digital content is stored in Amazon S3 regardless of format or resolution. The content lake provides durable, scalable storage that can be accessed from anywhere. Content in the lake can be processed using auto-scaling compute resources like EC2 and then delivered to users. This infrastructure allows for cost-effective ingestion, processing, management and delivery of 4K and other high resolution content in the cloud.

aws cloudawslambda

        Global         DNS CNAME

        Global         Amazon CloudFront

       Regional        Amazon S3

                       Redundant storage
2. Dynamic or
multi-tier content

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(BDT308) Using Amazon Elastic MapReduce as Your Scalable Data Warehouse | AWS...
(BDT308) Using Amazon Elastic MapReduce as Your Scalable Data Warehouse | AWS...(BDT308) Using Amazon Elastic MapReduce as Your Scalable Data Warehouse | AWS...
(BDT308) Using Amazon Elastic MapReduce as Your Scalable Data Warehouse | AWS...

In this presentation, we will demonstrate how to use Amazon Elastic MapReduce as your scalable data warehouse. Amazon EMR supports clusters with thousands of nodes and is used to access petabyte scale data warehouses. Amazon EMR is not only fast, but it is also easy to use for rapid development and adhoc analysis. We will show you how access the large scale data warehouses with emerging tools such as Hue, Hive, low latency SQL applications like Presto, and alternative execution engines like Apache Spark. We will also show you how these tools integrate directly with other AWS big data services such as Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Kinesis.

amazon web servicesreinvent2014advanced
(SOV204) Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users | AWS re:Invent 2014
(SOV204) Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users | AWS re:Invent 2014(SOV204) Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users | AWS re:Invent 2014
(SOV204) Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users | AWS re:Invent 2014

Cloud computing gives you a number of advantages, such as the ability to scale your application on demand. If you have a new business and want to use cloud computing, you might be asking yourself, andquot;Where do I start?andquot; Join us in this session to understand best practices for scaling your resources from zero to millions of users. We show you how to best combine different AWS services, how to make smarter decisions for architecting your application, and how to scale your infrastructure in the cloud.

aws-reinventamazon s3auto scaling
Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users
Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million UsersScaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users
Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users

This document provides an overview of scaling a web application from 1 user to over 1 million users on AWS. It discusses starting with a single EC2 instance and expanding horizontally and vertically as traffic grows. As the number of users increases, it recommends introducing load balancers, database read replicas, caching with ElastiCache, and offloading static assets to S3 and CloudFront. It also discusses database sharding and moving some functionality to DynamoDB. The document emphasizes automation with services like Auto Scaling, CloudFormation, and splitting the application into independent services using a service-oriented architecture.

cloudcloud computingawssummitstockholm2017
Ruby on Rails

           Data store
E-commerce              Gaming

      Social networks
Elastic                  Multiple
capacity               instance sizes

     Amazon EC2

Mastering                        Multiple
 failure                     availability zones

  High availability

            Automation and

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Scaling the Platform for Your Startup
Scaling the Platform for Your StartupScaling the Platform for Your Startup
Scaling the Platform for Your Startup

Understand how to architect an infrastructure to handle going from zero to millions of users. From leveraging highly scalable AWS services to making smart decisions on building out your application, you'll learn a number of best practices for scaling your infrastructure in the cloud.

amazon web servicescloudevent
AWS Webcast - What is Cloud Computing?
AWS Webcast - What is Cloud Computing?AWS Webcast - What is Cloud Computing?
AWS Webcast - What is Cloud Computing?

You’re interested in the cloud, and you want to start learning more. In this webcast we will answer the following questions: • What is Cloud Computing? • What are the benefits of Cloud Computing? • What are AWS’s products and what workloads can I run with them? • Who is using the cloud and what are they using it for?

awsamazon web servicescloud computing
Scale, baby, scale
Scale, baby, scaleScale, baby, scale
Scale, baby, scale

This document discusses how to scale applications hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) as user demand grows over time from 1 user to millions of users. It recommends starting with a single EC2 instance and expanding horizontally by adding more instances, separating application tiers, using managed database services like RDS, and leveraging auto-scaling and serverless technologies like AWS Lambda. Several case studies are presented showing how companies like Supercell and Airbnb have scaled to support tens or hundreds of millions of users daily using these AWS strategies and services.

awsamazon web servicescloud computing

Single server
  fail over
Elastic IP

EC2 instance
Elastic IP

EC2 instance

EBS storage

EBS snapshot
Elastic IP

EC2 instance

EBS storage

EBS snapshot

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"How to optimize the architecture of your platform" by Julien Simon
"How to optimize the architecture of your platform" by Julien Simon"How to optimize the architecture of your platform" by Julien Simon
"How to optimize the architecture of your platform" by Julien Simon

You want to launch your online platform and from a technical perspective you are wondering where to start and how to optimize your architecture? Cloud Computing presents several advantages such as scaling whenever you want your app our your Website. The hardest part is to define where to begin! During this 45 minutes workshop, Julien Simon will share with you the best practices to scale your platform from 0 to millions of users. He will present: - How to combine efficiently the tools Amazon Web Services provides, - How to set up the best architecture for your platform - How to scale your infrastructure in the Cloud. Before joining AWS, Julien worked as CTO of Viadeo and Aldebaran Robotics. He also spent more than 3 years as VP Engineering at Criteo. He is particularly interested by architecture, performance, deployment, scalability and data.

entrepreneurawsscale it
AWS Architecting Cloud Apps - Best Practices and Design Patterns By Jinesh Varia
AWS Architecting Cloud Apps - Best Practices and Design Patterns By Jinesh VariaAWS Architecting Cloud Apps - Best Practices and Design Patterns By Jinesh Varia
AWS Architecting Cloud Apps - Best Practices and Design Patterns By Jinesh Varia

Jinesh Varia, Technology Evangelist, Discusses AWS architecture best practices and design patterns at the AWS Enterprise Tour - SF - 2010

awsaws enterprise tour - sf - 2010ec2
Scale, baby, scale!
Scale, baby, scale!Scale, baby, scale!
Scale, baby, scale!

- The document outlines strategies for scaling applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS) from a single instance to support millions of users. - It describes starting with a single EC2 instance and database and scaling out by adding more instances, load balancers, and managed database services. - The document recommends leveraging serverless architectures using services like AWS Lambda and managed services to build highly scalable and available applications without having to manage servers.

Elastic IP

EC2 instance

EBS storage

EBS snapshot
Elastic IP

EC2 instance

EBS storage

EBS snapshot
Cheap, but not ideal
Requires monitoring
  and automation

‘Hot swap’ possible

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Architecting for the Cloud: Best Practices
Architecting for the Cloud: Best PracticesArchitecting for the Cloud: Best Practices
Architecting for the Cloud: Best Practices

The document discusses architectural patterns and best practices for building scalable and resilient applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides examples of how to design for failure, implement loose coupling between components, and build elasticity into applications using AWS services like Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing, and Amazon EC2. The document also outlines three approaches for creating standardized technology stacks and managed development environments on AWS.

Architecting Cloud Apps
Architecting Cloud AppsArchitecting Cloud Apps
Architecting Cloud Apps

This document provides an overview of architecting applications for the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform. It discusses key cloud computing attributes like abstract resources, on-demand provisioning, scalability, and lack of upfront costs. It then describes various AWS services for compute, storage, messaging, payments, distribution, analytics and more. It provides examples of how to design applications to be scalable and fault-tolerant on AWS. Finally, it discusses best practices for migrating existing web applications to take advantage of AWS capabilities.

Scaling the Platform for Your Startup - Startup Talks June 2015
Scaling the Platform for Your Startup - Startup Talks June 2015Scaling the Platform for Your Startup - Startup Talks June 2015
Scaling the Platform for Your Startup - Startup Talks June 2015

Join AWS at this session to understand how to architect an infrastructure to handle going from zero to millions of users. From leveraging highly scalable AWS services to making smart decisions on building out your application, you'll learn a number of best practices for scaling your infrastructure in the cloud.

cloudamazon web servicescloud computing

Applications with
  multiple tiers
Web servers

Application servers

Data store
Redundancy at
  each tier

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Best Practices Scaling Web Application Up to Your First 10 Million Users
Best Practices Scaling Web Application Up to Your First 10 Million UsersBest Practices Scaling Web Application Up to Your First 10 Million Users
Best Practices Scaling Web Application Up to Your First 10 Million Users

If you have a new web application and want to use cloud computing, you might be asking yourself, "Where do I start?" Cloud computing gives you a number of advantages, such as the ability to scale your web application on demand. Join us in this webinar to understand best practices for scaling your resources from zero to millions of users. We show you how to best combine different AWS services, how to make smarter decisions for architecting your application, and how to scale your infrastructure in the cloud.

NWCloud Cloud Track - Best Practices for Architecting in the Cloud
NWCloud Cloud Track - Best Practices for Architecting in the CloudNWCloud Cloud Track - Best Practices for Architecting in the Cloud
NWCloud Cloud Track - Best Practices for Architecting in the Cloud

The document discusses best practices for cloud architecture based on lessons learned from Amazon Web Services customers. It provides guidance on designing systems for failure, loose coupling, elasticity, security, leveraging constraints, parallelism, and different storage options. The key lessons are applied to migrating a sample web application architecture to AWS.

cloud track 2010nwcloudcloud computing
AWS Pop-up Loft Berlin: Cache is King - Running Lean Architectures: Optimizin...
AWS Pop-up Loft Berlin: Cache is King - Running Lean Architectures: Optimizin...AWS Pop-up Loft Berlin: Cache is King - Running Lean Architectures: Optimizin...
AWS Pop-up Loft Berlin: Cache is King - Running Lean Architectures: Optimizin...

Whether you’re a cash-strapped startup or an enterprise optimizing spend, it pays to run cost-efficient architectures on AWS. This session reviews a wide range of cost planning, monitoring, and optimization strategies, featuring real-world experience from AWS customers. We’ll cover how you can effectively combine EC2 On-Demand, Reserved, and Spot instances to handle different use cases, leveraging auto scaling to match capacity to workload, choosing the most optimal instance type through load testing, taking advantage of multi-AZ support, and using CloudWatch to monitor usage and automatically shut off resources when not in use. We'll discuss taking advantage of tiered storage and caching, offloading content to Amazon CloudFront to reduce back-end load, and getting rid of your back end entirely, by leveraging AWS high-level services. We will also showcase simple tools to help track and manage costs, including the AWS Cost Explorer, Billing Alerts, and Trusted Advisor. This session will be your pocket guide for running cost effectively in the Amazon cloud. Watch the re:Invent recording here:

amazon cloudfrontstorageamazon elastic compute cloud
Web servers

Application servers

Data store
Tolerant to
instance failure
Web servers

Application servers

Data store
Tolerant to
AZ failure

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Come costruire servizi di Forecasting sfruttando algoritmi di ML e deep learn...
Come costruire servizi di Forecasting sfruttando algoritmi di ML e deep learn...Come costruire servizi di Forecasting sfruttando algoritmi di ML e deep learn...
Come costruire servizi di Forecasting sfruttando algoritmi di ML e deep learn...

Il Forecasting è un processo importante per tantissime aziende e viene utilizzato in vari ambiti per cercare di prevedere in modo accurato la crescita e distribuzione di un prodotto, l’utilizzo delle risorse necessarie nelle linee produttive, presentazioni finanziarie e tanto altro. Amazon utilizza delle tecniche avanzate di forecasting, in parte questi servizi sono stati messi a disposizione di tutti i clienti AWS. In questa sessione illustreremo come pre-processare i dati che contengono una componente temporale e successivamente utilizzare un algoritmo che a partire dal tipo di dato analizzato produce un forecasting accurato.

Big Data per le Startup: come creare applicazioni Big Data in modalità Server...
Big Data per le Startup: come creare applicazioni Big Data in modalità Server...Big Data per le Startup: come creare applicazioni Big Data in modalità Server...
Big Data per le Startup: come creare applicazioni Big Data in modalità Server...

La varietà e la quantità di dati che si crea ogni giorno accelera sempre più velocemente e rappresenta una opportunità irripetibile per innovare e creare nuove startup. Tuttavia gestire grandi quantità di dati può apparire complesso: creare cluster Big Data su larga scala sembra essere un investimento accessibile solo ad aziende consolidate. Ma l’elasticità del Cloud e, in particolare, i servizi Serverless ci permettono di rompere questi limiti. Vediamo quindi come è possibile sviluppare applicazioni Big Data rapidamente, senza preoccuparci dell’infrastruttura, ma dedicando tutte le risorse allo sviluppo delle nostre le nostre idee per creare prodotti innovativi.

Esegui pod serverless con Amazon EKS e AWS Fargate
Esegui pod serverless con Amazon EKS e AWS FargateEsegui pod serverless con Amazon EKS e AWS Fargate
Esegui pod serverless con Amazon EKS e AWS Fargate

Ora puoi utilizzare Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) per eseguire pod Kubernetes su AWS Fargate, il motore di elaborazione serverless creato per container su AWS. Questo rende più semplice che mai costruire ed eseguire le tue applicazioni Kubernetes nel cloud AWS.In questa sessione presenteremo le caratteristiche principali del servizio e come distribuire la tua applicazione in pochi passaggi

eu-west-1   eu-west-2

                        Web servers

                        Application servers

                        Data store
Scale in and out
    (if you need to)
Web servers

Application servers

Data store
Load balance

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Costruire Applicazioni Moderne con AWS
Costruire Applicazioni Moderne con AWSCostruire Applicazioni Moderne con AWS
Costruire Applicazioni Moderne con AWS

Vent'anni fa Amazon ha attraversato una trasformazione radicale con l'obiettivo di aumentare il ritmo dell'innovazione. In questo periodo abbiamo imparato come cambiare il nostro approccio allo sviluppo delle applicazioni ci ha permesso di aumentare notevolmente l'agilità, la velocità di rilascio e, in definitiva, ci ha consentito di creare applicazioni più affidabili e scalabili. In questa sessione illustreremo come definiamo le applicazioni moderne e come la creazione di app moderne influisce non solo sull'architettura dell'applicazione, ma sulla struttura organizzativa, sulle pipeline di rilascio dello sviluppo e persino sul modello operativo. Descriveremo anche approcci comuni alla modernizzazione, compreso l'approccio utilizzato dalla stessa

Come spendere fino al 90% in meno con i container e le istanze spot
Come spendere fino al 90% in meno con i container e le istanze spot Come spendere fino al 90% in meno con i container e le istanze spot
Come spendere fino al 90% in meno con i container e le istanze spot

L’utilizzo dei container è in continua crescita. Se correttamente disegnate, le applicazioni basate su Container sono molto spesso stateless e flessibili. I servizi AWS ECS, EKS e Kubernetes su EC2 possono sfruttare le istanze Spot, portando ad un risparmio medio del 70% rispetto alle istanze On Demand. In questa sessione scopriremo insieme quali sono le caratteristiche delle istanze Spot e come possono essere utilizzate facilmente su AWS. Impareremo inoltre come Spreaker sfrutta le istanze spot per eseguire applicazioni di diverso tipo, in produzione, ad una frazione del costo on-demand!

Open banking as a service
Open banking as a serviceOpen banking as a service
Open banking as a service

In recent months, many customers have been asking us the question – how to monetise Open APIs, simplify Fintech integrations and accelerate adoption of various Open Banking business models. Therefore, AWS and FinConecta would like to invite you to Open Finance marketplace presentation on October 20th. Event Agenda : Open banking so far (short recap) • PSD2, OB UK, OB Australia, OB LATAM, OB Israel Intro to Open Finance marketplace • Scope • Features • Tech overview and Demo The role of the Cloud The Future of APIs • Complying with regulation • Monetizing data / APIs • Business models • Time to market One platform for all: a Strategic approach Q&A

Elastic Load Balancer

Web servers

Application servers

Data store
Let’s take a look!
Spin up your stack
Prepare for battle!
Building High-availability Websites on AWS

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Rendi unica l’offerta della tua startup sul mercato con i servizi Machine Lea...
Rendi unica l’offerta della tua startup sul mercato con i servizi Machine Lea...Rendi unica l’offerta della tua startup sul mercato con i servizi Machine Lea...
Rendi unica l’offerta della tua startup sul mercato con i servizi Machine Lea...

Per creare valore e costruire una propria offerta differenziante e riconoscibile, le startup di successo sanno come combinare tecnologie consolidate con componenti innovativi creati ad hoc. AWS fornisce servizi pronti all'utilizzo e, allo stesso tempo, permette di personalizzare e creare gli elementi differenzianti della propria offerta. Concentrandoci sulle tecnologie di Machine Learning, vedremo come selezionare i servizi di intelligenza artificiale offerti da AWS e, anche attraverso una demo, come costruire modelli di Machine Learning personalizzati utilizzando SageMaker Studio.

OpsWorks Configuration Management: automatizza la gestione e i deployment del...
OpsWorks Configuration Management: automatizza la gestione e i deployment del...OpsWorks Configuration Management: automatizza la gestione e i deployment del...
OpsWorks Configuration Management: automatizza la gestione e i deployment del...

Con l'approccio tradizionale al mondo IT per molti anni è stato difficile implementare tecniche di DevOps, che finora spesso hanno previsto attività manuali portando di tanto in tanto a dei downtime degli applicativi interrompendo l'operatività dell'utente. Con l'avvento del cloud, le tecniche di DevOps sono ormai a portata di tutti a basso costo per qualsiasi genere di workload, garantendo maggiore affidabilità del sistema e risultando in dei significativi miglioramenti della business continuity. AWS mette a disposizione AWS OpsWork come strumento di Configuration Management che mira ad automatizzare e semplificare la gestione e i deployment delle istanze EC2 per mezzo di workload Chef e Puppet. Scopri come sfruttare AWS OpsWork a garanzia e affidabilità del tuo applicativo installato su Instanze EC2.

Microsoft Active Directory su AWS per supportare i tuoi Windows Workloads
Microsoft Active Directory su AWS per supportare i tuoi Windows WorkloadsMicrosoft Active Directory su AWS per supportare i tuoi Windows Workloads
Microsoft Active Directory su AWS per supportare i tuoi Windows Workloads

Vuoi conoscere le opzioni per eseguire Microsoft Active Directory su AWS? Quando si spostano carichi di lavoro Microsoft in AWS, è importante considerare come distribuire Microsoft Active Directory per supportare la gestione, l'autenticazione e l'autorizzazione dei criteri di gruppo. In questa sessione, discuteremo le opzioni per la distribuzione di Microsoft Active Directory su AWS, incluso AWS Directory Service per Microsoft Active Directory e la distribuzione di Active Directory su Windows su Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Trattiamo argomenti quali l'integrazione del tuo ambiente Microsoft Active Directory locale nel cloud e l'utilizzo di applicazioni SaaS, come Office 365, con AWS Single Sign-On.

MySQL server with
  Amazon RDS
Building High-availability Websites on AWS
Configure app +
  cut an AMI

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Computer Vision con AWS
Computer Vision con AWSComputer Vision con AWS
Computer Vision con AWS

Dal riconoscimento facciale al riconoscimento di frodi o difetti di fabbricazione, l'analisi di immagini e video che sfruttano tecniche di intelligenza artificiale, si stanno evolvendo e raffinando a ritmi elevati. In questo webinar esploreremo le possibilità messe a disposizione dai servizi AWS per applicare lo stato dell'arte delle tecniche di computer vision a scenari reali.

Database Oracle e VMware Cloud on AWS i miti da sfatare
Database Oracle e VMware Cloud on AWS i miti da sfatareDatabase Oracle e VMware Cloud on AWS i miti da sfatare
Database Oracle e VMware Cloud on AWS i miti da sfatare

Amazon Web Services e VMware organizzano un evento virtuale gratuito il prossimo mercoledì 14 Ottobre dalle 12:00 alle 13:00 dedicato a VMware Cloud ™ on AWS, il servizio on demand che consente di eseguire applicazioni in ambienti cloud basati su VMware vSphere® e di accedere ad una vasta gamma di servizi AWS, sfruttando a pieno le potenzialità del cloud AWS e tutelando gli investimenti VMware esistenti. Molte organizzazioni sfruttano i vantaggi del cloud migrando i propri carichi di lavoro Oracle e assicurandosi notevoli vantaggi in termini di agilità ed efficienza dei costi. La migrazione di questi carichi di lavoro, può creare complessità durante la modernizzazione e il refactoring delle applicazioni e a questo si possono aggiungere rischi di prestazione che possono essere introdotti quando si spostano le applicazioni dai data center locali.

Crea la tua prima serverless ledger-based app con QLDB e NodeJS
Crea la tua prima serverless ledger-based app con QLDB e NodeJSCrea la tua prima serverless ledger-based app con QLDB e NodeJS
Crea la tua prima serverless ledger-based app con QLDB e NodeJS

Molte aziende oggi, costruiscono applicazioni con funzionalità di tipo ledger ad esempio per verificare lo storico di accrediti o addebiti nelle transazioni bancarie o ancora per tenere traccia del flusso supply chain dei propri prodotti. Alla base di queste soluzioni ci sono i database ledger che permettono di avere un log delle transazioni trasparente, immutabile e crittograficamente verificabile, ma sono strumenti complessi e onerosi da gestire. Amazon QLDB elimina la necessità di costruire sistemi personalizzati e complessi fornendo un database ledger serverless completamente gestito. In questa sessione scopriremo come realizzare un'applicazione serverless completa che utilizzi le funzionalità di QLDB.

Create Image
Spin up
Building High-availability Websites on AWS

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API moderne real-time per applicazioni mobili e web
API moderne real-time per applicazioni mobili e webAPI moderne real-time per applicazioni mobili e web
API moderne real-time per applicazioni mobili e web

Con l’ascesa delle architetture di microservizi e delle ricche applicazioni mobili e Web, le API sono più importanti che mai per offrire agli utenti finali una user experience eccezionale. In questa sessione impareremo come affrontare le moderne sfide di progettazione delle API con GraphQL, un linguaggio di query API open source utilizzato da Facebook, Amazon e altro e come utilizzare AWS AppSync, un servizio GraphQL serverless gestito su AWS. Approfondiremo diversi scenari, comprendendo come AppSync può aiutare a risolvere questi casi d’uso creando API moderne con funzionalità di aggiornamento dati in tempo reale e offline. Inoltre, impareremo come Sky Italia utilizza AWS AppSync per fornire aggiornamenti sportivi in tempo reale agli utenti del proprio portale web.

Database Oracle e VMware Cloud™ on AWS: i miti da sfatare
Database Oracle e VMware Cloud™ on AWS: i miti da sfatareDatabase Oracle e VMware Cloud™ on AWS: i miti da sfatare
Database Oracle e VMware Cloud™ on AWS: i miti da sfatare

Molte organizzazioni sfruttano i vantaggi del cloud migrando i propri carichi di lavoro Oracle e assicurandosi notevoli vantaggi in termini di agilità ed efficienza dei costi. La migrazione di questi carichi di lavoro, può creare complessità durante la modernizzazione e il refactoring delle applicazioni e a questo si possono aggiungere rischi di prestazione che possono essere introdotti quando si spostano le applicazioni dai data center locali. In queste slide, gli esperti AWS e VMware presentano semplici e pratici accorgimenti per facilitare e semplificare la migrazione dei carichi di lavoro Oracle accelerando la trasformazione verso il cloud, approfondiranno l’architettura e dimostreranno come sfruttare a pieno le potenzialità di VMware Cloud ™ on AWS.

Tools for building your MVP on AWS
Tools for building your MVP on AWSTools for building your MVP on AWS
Tools for building your MVP on AWS

1) The document discusses building a minimum viable product (MVP) using Amazon Web Services (AWS). 2) It provides an example of an MVP for an omni-channel messenger platform that was built from 2017 to connect ecommerce stores to customers via web chat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and other channels. 3) The founder discusses how they started with an MVP in 2017 with 200 ecommerce stores in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and have since expanded to over 5000 clients across Southeast Asia using AWS for scaling.

Building High-availability Websites on AWS
Building High-availability Websites on AWS

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How to Build a Winning Pitch Deck
How to Build a Winning Pitch DeckHow to Build a Winning Pitch Deck
How to Build a Winning Pitch Deck

This document discusses pitch decks and fundraising materials. It explains that venture capitalists will typically spend only 3 minutes and 44 seconds reviewing a pitch deck. Therefore, the deck needs to tell a compelling story to grab their attention. It also provides tips on tailoring different types of decks for different purposes, such as creating a concise 1-2 page teaser, a presentation deck for pitching in-person, and a more detailed read-only or fundraising deck. The document stresses the importance of including key information like the problem, solution, product, traction, market size, plans, team, and ask.

Building a web application without servers
Building a web application without serversBuilding a web application without servers
Building a web application without servers

This document discusses building serverless web applications using AWS services like API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, S3 and Amplify. It provides an overview of each service and how they can work together to create a scalable, secure and cost-effective serverless application stack without having to manage servers or infrastructure. Key services covered include API Gateway for hosting APIs, Lambda for backend logic, DynamoDB for database needs, S3 for static content, and Amplify for frontend hosting and continuous deployment.

Fundraising Essentials
Fundraising EssentialsFundraising Essentials
Fundraising Essentials

This document provides tips for fundraising from startup founders Roland Yau and Sze Lok Chan. It discusses generating competition to create urgency for investors, fundraising in parallel rather than sequentially, having a clear fundraising narrative focused on what you do and why it's compelling, and prioritizing relationships with people over firms. It also notes how the pandemic has changed fundraising, with examples of deals done virtually during this time. The tips emphasize being fully prepared before fundraising and cultivating connections with investors in advance.

Load balance
Elastic Load Balancer

Web servers

Amazon RDS
Building High-availability Websites on AWS
Building High-availability Websites on AWS

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AWS_HK_StartupDay_Building Interactive websites while automating for efficien...
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AWS_HK_StartupDay_Building Interactive websites while automating for efficien...

This document discusses Amazon's machine learning services for building conversational interfaces and extracting insights from unstructured text and audio. It describes Amazon Lex for creating chatbots, Amazon Comprehend for natural language processing tasks like entity extraction and sentiment analysis, and how they can be used together for applications like intelligent call centers and content analysis. Pre-trained APIs simplify adding machine learning to apps without requiring ML expertise.

Introduzione a Amazon Elastic Container Service
Introduzione a Amazon Elastic Container ServiceIntroduzione a Amazon Elastic Container Service
Introduzione a Amazon Elastic Container Service

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) è un servizio di gestione dei container altamente scalabile, che semplifica la gestione dei contenitori Docker attraverso un layer di orchestrazione per il controllo del deployment e del relativo lifecycle. In questa sessione presenteremo le principali caratteristiche del servizio, le architetture di riferimento per i differenti carichi di lavoro e i semplici passi necessari per poter velocemente migrare uno o più dei tuo container.

20240704 QFM023 Engineering Leadership Reading List June 2024
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Everything that I found interesting about engineering leadership last month

Building High-availability Websites on AWS
Building High-availability Websites on AWS
Building High-availability Websites on AWS
Building High-availability Websites on AWS

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7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf
7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf
7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf

Solar Storms (Geo Magnetic Storms) are the motion of accelerated charged particles in the solar environment with high velocities due to the coronal mass ejection (CME).

solar storms
The Increasing Use of the National Research Platform by the CSU Campuses
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The Increasing Use of the National Research Platform by the CSU Campuses

CIO Council Cal Poly Humboldt September 22, 2023

national research platformdistributed supercomputerdistributed systems
What’s New in Teams Calling, Meetings and Devices May 2024
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This is a powerpoint that features Microsoft Teams Devices and everything that is new including updates to its software and devices for May 2024

microsoft teamsmicrosoft
Elastic Load Balancer

Web servers

Amazon RDS
Multiple AZ
Elastic Load Balancer

eu-west-1a   eu-west-1b

                          Web servers

                          Amazon RDS

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Active Inference is a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Active Inference is a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyActive Inference is a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Active Inference is a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Not so much to say

RPA In Healthcare Benefits, Use Case, Trend And Challenges 2024.pptx
RPA In Healthcare Benefits, Use Case, Trend And Challenges 2024.pptxRPA In Healthcare Benefits, Use Case, Trend And Challenges 2024.pptx
RPA In Healthcare Benefits, Use Case, Trend And Challenges 2024.pptx

Your comprehensive guide to RPA in healthcare for 2024. Explore the benefits, use cases, and emerging trends of robotic process automation. Understand the challenges and prepare for the future of healthcare automation

rpa in healthcarerpa in healthcare usarpa in healthcare industry
Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards fo...
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Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards fo...

Have you noticed the OpenSSF Scorecard badges on the official Dart and Flutter repos? It's Google's way of showing that they care about security. Practices such as pinning dependencies, branch protection, required reviews, continuous integration tests etc. are measured to provide a score and accompanying badge. You can do the same for your projects, and this presentation will show you how, with an emphasis on the unique challenges that come up when working with Dart and Flutter. The session will provide a walkthrough of the steps involved in securing a first repository, and then what it takes to repeat that process across an organization with multiple repos. It will also look at the ongoing maintenance involved once scorecards have been implemented, and how aspects of that maintenance can be better automated to minimize toil.

Building High-availability Websites on AWS

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20240705 QFM024 Irresponsible AI Reading List June 2024
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Everything that I found interesting last month about the irresponsible use of machine intelligence

Calgary MuleSoft Meetup APM and IDP .pptx
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Calgary MuleSoft Meetup APM and IDP .pptx

MuleSoft Meetup on APM and IDP

Measuring the Impact of Network Latency at Twitter
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Measuring the Impact of Network Latency at Twitter

Widya Salim and Victor Ma will outline the causal impact analysis, framework, and key learnings used to quantify the impact of reducing Twitter's network latency.

Elastic Load Balancer

eu-west-1a   eu-west-1b

                          Web servers

                          Amazon RDS
Recovery from
Autohealing &

CloudWatch Autoscaling

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Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure
Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS InfrastructureRecent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure
Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure

Recent advancements in the NIST-JARVIS infrastructure: JARVIS-Overview, JARVIS-DFT, AtomGPT, ALIGNN, JARVIS-Leaderboard

find out more about the role of autonomous vehicles in facing global challenges
find out more about the role of autonomous vehicles in facing global challengesfind out more about the role of autonomous vehicles in facing global challenges
find out more about the role of autonomous vehicles in facing global challenges

accommodate the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of autonomous vehicles

automotive self-driving car technology
Transcript: Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - T...
Transcript: Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - T...Transcript: Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - T...
Transcript: Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - T...

This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and slides: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

a11yaccessibilityalt text
Elastic Load Balancer

          Autoscaling group


Elastic Load Balancer

          Autoscaling group


Elastic Load Balancer

          Autoscaling group



          Autoscaling service
Elastic Load Balancer

          Autoscaling group



          Autoscaling service

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Research Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces
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Research Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces

An invited talk given by Mark Billinghurst on Research Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces. This was given on July 2nd 2024 as part of the 2024 Summer School on Cross Reality in Hagenberg, Austria (July 1st - 7th)

augmented realitycross realityvirtual reality
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdfBT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf

Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

neo4jneo4j webinarsgraph database
How RPA Help in the Transportation and Logistics Industry.pptx
How RPA Help in the Transportation and Logistics Industry.pptxHow RPA Help in the Transportation and Logistics Industry.pptx
How RPA Help in the Transportation and Logistics Industry.pptx

Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

rpa in transportationrpa in transportation industryrpa in transportation sector
Elastic Load Balancer

          Autoscaling group



          Autoscaling service
     --image-id ami-132216677

     --instance-type m1.large
     --key amazon-web
     --group "Web and SSH"
 --launch-configuration PHPLaunchConfig
 --availability-zones eu-west-1a, eu-west-1b
 --min-size 10
 --max-size 10
 --load-balancers lamp-load-balancer


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Password Rotation in 2024 is still Relevant
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Password Rotation in 2024 is still Relevant

Password Rotation in 2024 is still Relevant

TrustArc Webinar - 2024 Data Privacy Trends: A Mid-Year Check-In
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TrustArc Webinar - 2024 Data Privacy Trends: A Mid-Year Check-In

Six months into 2024, and it is clear the privacy ecosystem takes no days off!! Regulators continue to implement and enforce new regulations, businesses strive to meet requirements, and technology advances like AI have privacy professionals scratching their heads about managing risk. What can we learn about the first six months of data privacy trends and events in 2024? How should this inform your privacy program management for the rest of the year? Join TrustArc, Goodwin, and Snyk privacy experts as they discuss the changes we’ve seen in the first half of 2024 and gain insight into the concrete, actionable steps you can take to up-level your privacy program in the second half of the year. This webinar will review: - Key changes to privacy regulations in 2024 - Key themes in privacy and data governance in 2024 - How to maximize your privacy program in the second half of 2024

data privacyprivacy complianceai
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Support en anglais diffusé lors de l'événement 100% IA organisé dans les locaux parisiens d'Iguane Solutions, le mardi 2 juillet 2024 : - Présentation de notre plateforme IA plug and play : ses fonctionnalités avancées, telles que son interface utilisateur intuitive, son copilot puissant et des outils de monitoring performants. - REX client : Cyril Janssens, CTO d’ easybourse, partage son expérience d’utilisation de notre plateforme IA plug & play.

Elastic Load Balancer

eu-west-1a   eu-west-1b

                          web servers

                          Amazon RDS
Elastic Load Balancer

eu-west-1a   eu-west-1b

                          web servers

        MySQL             Amazon RDS
Extra I G H A V A I L A B I L I T Y W I T H E C 2

Horizontal layers
  are flexible

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Everything that I found interesting about machines behaving intelligently during June 2024

Add caching
HTTP cache

Web servers

Application servers

Data cache

Data store
HTTP cache

Web servers

Application servers

Data cache

Data store
HTTP reverse proxy

Recommended for you

key/value store
May require
application refactor
    High Performance Websites

1. Availability
2. Static content
3. Multi-tier applications
4 . Per formance boost
5. Summar y
Importance of
high availability

Recommended for you

Hosting assets on
  Amazon S3
Content distribution with
 Amazon CloudFront
Hosting static web content
 on S3 and CloudFront
Web applications on
  Amazon EC2

Recommended for you

Designing for availability
Multi-tier application
Database management
  with Amazon RDS
Slides + video
available soon

Recommended for you

Thank you!
Q U E S T I O N S     +     C O M M E N T S
              O N   T W I T T E R

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