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High Availability
  Websites: 1

                              Matt Wood
        T E C H N O L O G Y   E VA N G E L I S T
Part One
  High Performance Websites: Part 1

1. Availability
2. Static content
3. Multi-tier applications
4 . Per formance boost
5. Summar y
Spectrum of websites

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20190220 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon S3 / Glacier
20190220 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon S3 / Glacier20190220 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon S3 / Glacier
20190220 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon S3 / Glacier

AWS公式オンラインセミナー: 過去資料:

aws black belt online seminar 2019
Getting Started with AWS Compute Services
Getting Started with AWS Compute ServicesGetting Started with AWS Compute Services
Getting Started with AWS Compute Services

AWS provides a range of Compute Services, Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS, AWS Lambda, and AWS Elastic Beanstalk – allowing you to build everything from web applications, mobile backends to data processing applications. In this session, we will provide an intro level overview of these services and highlight suitable use cases. We will discuss which service to choose to best get your applications up and running on AWS.

aws summit 2016taipei2016tpesummit
Introducing AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Introducing AWS Elastic BeanstalkIntroducing AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Introducing AWS Elastic Beanstalk

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a service that allows developers to quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. It provides an easy way to launch applications developed in Java or other languages and have them automatically scaled across Amazon EC2 instances. Key features include automated provisioning and deployment, easy management of settings, built-in monitoring, and troubleshooting tools. Developers retain full control over their AWS resources while taking advantage of Elastic Beanstalk's management capabilities.

Static           Dynamic

Spectrum of websites
Static            Dynamic

Simple           Complex

 Spectrum of websites
Static            Dynamic

Simple            Complex

Niche            Mass market

 Spectrum of websites
Availability is

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(STG401) Amazon S3 Deep Dive & Best Practices
(STG401) Amazon S3 Deep Dive & Best Practices(STG401) Amazon S3 Deep Dive & Best Practices
(STG401) Amazon S3 Deep Dive & Best Practices

Come learn about new and existing Amazon S3 features that can help you better protect your data, save on cost, and improve usability, security, and performance. We will cover a wide variety of Amazon S3 features and go into depth on several newer features with configuration and code snippets, so you can apply the learnings on your object storage workloads.

cloud computingaws cloudaws-reinvent
202110 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar AWS Site-to-Site VPN
202110 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar AWS Site-to-Site VPN202110 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar AWS Site-to-Site VPN
202110 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar AWS Site-to-Site VPN

AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ: 過去に開催されたオンラインセミナーのコンテンツ一覧:

aws black belt online seminar 2021
Introduction to Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services
Introduction to Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services Introduction to Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services
Introduction to Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services

This document provides an introduction and overview of Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud computing capabilities. It begins with an agenda and overview of how AWS has transformed businesses through its global infrastructure of 11 regions, 30 availability zones, and 53 edge locations. The document then summarizes key customer benefits of AWS including cost savings, agility and elasticity, global deployment capabilities, and platform breadth and pace of innovation. It highlights Gartner recognition and provides examples of startup, enterprise, and regional customers on AWS. The remainder gives demonstrations of core AWS services to help get started, including compute, storage, database, deployment and management tools.

introduction aws cloud computing ec2 s3
Support your
Support your
Everything fails
  all the time
    Werner Vogels, Amazon CTO

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20190319 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon FSx for Lustre
20190319 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon FSx for Lustre20190319 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon FSx for Lustre
20190319 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon FSx for Lustre

The document discusses Amazon FSx for Lustre, a fully managed file system for high-performance computing workloads. It provides fast parallel access to data stored in Amazon S3. The presentation covers how FSx for Lustre delivers scalable throughput and IOPS using Lustre and SSDs. It also discusses how FSx for Lustre can be used to access data stored in S3 for compute workloads run on EC2, with data automatically imported from S3 to the file system on first access.

aws black belt online seminar 2019
Increase Speed and Agility with Amazon Web Services
Increase Speed and Agility with Amazon Web ServicesIncrease Speed and Agility with Amazon Web Services
Increase Speed and Agility with Amazon Web Services

The document discusses how AWS services can help organizations increase speed and agility. It provides an overview of AWS services for compute, storage, databases, analytics and more. It also discusses how AWS enables continuous delivery and automation through services like CodeDeploy, CodePipeline, CloudFormation and Elastic Beanstalk. The document argues that AWS allows organizations to provision resources on demand, pay as they go, and build infrastructure as code.

20190312 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar AWS Well-Architected Frameworkによるコスト最適化
20190312 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar AWS Well-Architected Frameworkによるコスト最適化20190312 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar AWS Well-Architected Frameworkによるコスト最適化
20190312 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar AWS Well-Architected Frameworkによるコスト最適化

The document is about an AWS Black Belt Online Seminar hosted by Amazon Web Services Japan. It provides an overview of the seminar series, which covers various AWS services, solutions, and industries. It notes some things covered in the seminar, like cost optimization best practices, as well as things not covered, like architecture changes for cost optimization. It also provides some context about AWS Well-Architected Framework and how it can help with cloud optimization and cost optimization.

aws black belt online seminar 2019
 services can
save the day
Treat your data
  as a Royal Garden

Treat your infrastructure
 as a fungible resource
Focus on your stuff
Patterns for

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AWS Black Belt Online Seminar 2016 Amazon EMR
AWS Black Belt Online Seminar 2016 Amazon EMRAWS Black Belt Online Seminar 2016 Amazon EMR
AWS Black Belt Online Seminar 2016 Amazon EMR

AWS Black Belt Online Seminar 2016 Amazon EMR

analyticsaws black belt online seminar 2016
IoT at scale - Monitor and manage devices with AWS IoT Device Management - SV...
IoT at scale - Monitor and manage devices with AWS IoT Device Management - SV...IoT at scale - Monitor and manage devices with AWS IoT Device Management - SV...
IoT at scale - Monitor and manage devices with AWS IoT Device Management - SV...

The document discusses AWS IoT Device Management and its features. It provides an agenda that includes an overview of AWS IoT Device Management, workshop setup instructions, and hands-on exercises. The workshop setup requires an AWS account and will provide an AWS Cloud9 IDE. The document then covers various features of AWS IoT Device Management like device provisioning, organizing devices into thing groups, fleet indexing for device search, resource logging, and using jobs to define local actions for devices.

Amazon Redshift로 데이터웨어하우스(DW) 구축하기
Amazon Redshift로 데이터웨어하우스(DW) 구축하기Amazon Redshift로 데이터웨어하우스(DW) 구축하기
Amazon Redshift로 데이터웨어하우스(DW) 구축하기

AWS 월간 웨비나 10월 녹화 동영상은 아래 링크를 참고하십시오.

webinaramazon redshiftwebinar2015
1. Static content

 Video           Javascript
pages          Assets
                                    Blog posts

 Video                 Javascript
High                High
redund              availabi
 ancy                 lity

  Amazon S3

Recommended for you

Disaster Recovery of on-premises IT infrastructure with AWS
Disaster Recovery of on-premises IT infrastructure with AWSDisaster Recovery of on-premises IT infrastructure with AWS
Disaster Recovery of on-premises IT infrastructure with AWS

The objective of this session is to enable customers with any level of DR experience to gain actionable guidance to advance their business up the ladder of DR readiness. AWS enables fast disaster recovery of critical on-premises IT systems without incurring the complexity and expense of a second physical site. With 28 availability zones in 11 regions around the world and a broad set of services, AWS can deliver rapid recovery of on-premises IT infrastructure and data. During this session we will walk you through the ascending levels of DR options made possible with AWS and review the technologies and services that help deliver various DR capabilities, starting from cloud backups all the way up to hot site DR. We will also explore various DR architectures and the balance of recovery time and cost.

cloudaws summitaws summit 2015

2017/04/13開催「はじめよう、AWSでデータベース in 福岡」の講演資料です。

Best Practices for Architecting in the Cloud - Jeff Barr
Best Practices for Architecting in the Cloud - Jeff BarrBest Practices for Architecting in the Cloud - Jeff Barr
Best Practices for Architecting in the Cloud - Jeff Barr

This document provides best practices for architecting applications in the cloud based on Amazon Web Services (AWS). It discusses 6 key practices: 1) Design for failure and nothing fails, 2) Build loosely coupled systems, 3) Implement elasticity, 4) Build security into every layer, 5) Think parallel, and 6) Leverage many storage options. Specific AWS services are recommended to implement each practice, such as using auto-scaling, SQS queues, and different storage services like S3, EBS, and RDS depending on data needs. The document aims to help architects take advantage of scalability, fault-tolerance, and other cloud attributes when building applications on AWS.

awsamazon web servicescloud computing
Perfect for asset
Perfect for website

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Webinar aws 101 a walk through the aws cloud- introduction to cloud computi...
Webinar aws 101   a walk through the aws cloud- introduction to cloud computi...Webinar aws 101   a walk through the aws cloud- introduction to cloud computi...
Webinar aws 101 a walk through the aws cloud- introduction to cloud computi...

Whether you are running applications that share photos or support critical operations of your business, you need rapid access to flexible and low cost IT resources. The term "cloud computing" refers to the on-demand delivery of IT resources via the Internet with pay-as-you-go pricing. Whether you are a start-up who wants to accelerate growth without a big upfront investment in cash or time for technology or an Enterprise looking for IT innovation, agility and resiliency while reducing costs, the AWS Cloud provides a complete set of web services at zero upfront costs which are available with a few clicks and within minutes. Join this webinar to learn more about the benefits of Cloud Computing and: - The history of AWS and how a global online retailer got into cloud computing - The concepts of utility computing and elasticity and why these are important to a cost-effective, scalable and reliable IT architecture - The AWS service portfolio and the global footprint on which it is delivered - The value proposition of the AWS Cloud - Use cases to help you relate cloud based infrastructure to your own needs - Busting the myths around cloud computing - No prior experience is necessary, so join us for an overview of the AWS cloud services, and a discussion on how cloud computing can help accelerate innovation in your company.

awscloud computing
Introduction to Cloud Computing with AWS (Thai Session)
Introduction to Cloud Computing with AWS (Thai Session)Introduction to Cloud Computing with AWS (Thai Session)
Introduction to Cloud Computing with AWS (Thai Session)

Understand the core concepts of Cloud Computing. Whether you want to run applications that share photos to millions of mobile users or you’re supporting the critical operations of your business, a cloud services platform provides rapid access to flexible and low cost IT resources.

awsamazon web servicescloud computing
High-Availability Websites and Web Applications with AWS
High-Availability Websites and Web Applications with AWSHigh-Availability Websites and Web Applications with AWS
High-Availability Websites and Web Applications with AWS

This document discusses high availability website design. It recommends hosting static assets on Amazon S3 for high durability and redundancy. Content delivery can be improved with Amazon CloudFront. Dynamic applications can be built on Amazon EC2 across availability zones and auto-scaled for failure recovery. Databases can use Amazon RDS for management. Multi-tier designs with load balancing, caching, and auto-scaling provide tolerance to instance and availability zone failures.

aws cloudhighly-available websitesaws
Let’s see how...
High Availability Websites: part one
High Availability Websites: part one

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Building High-availability Websites on AWS
Building High-availability Websites on AWSBuilding High-availability Websites on AWS
Building High-availability Websites on AWS

The document discusses high availability for websites. It recommends hosting static assets like images and files on Amazon S3 for high durability and redundancy. For dynamic websites, it suggests using Amazon EC2 for compute and auto-scaling and Amazon RDS for databases. This allows building multi-tier applications across availability zones for tolerance to failures. It also discusses using Amazon CloudFront for content distribution and an elastic load balancer for traffic management across redundant application servers.

aws cloudwebsite hostingaws
Websites on AWS
Websites on AWSWebsites on AWS
Websites on AWS

This document discusses strategies for achieving high availability websites. It recommends hosting static content like images and files on Amazon S3 for high durability and redundancy. For dynamic websites, it suggests using Amazon EC2 instances behind an Elastic Load Balancer for redundancy across availability zones. It also recommends storing database content in Amazon RDS configured for multi-AZ failover. Monitoring and auto-scaling features help recover from failures and scale workload. Caching with services like ElastiCache can improve performance.

awsamazon web servicescloud computing
Scaling the Platform for Your Startup
Scaling the Platform for Your StartupScaling the Platform for Your Startup
Scaling the Platform for Your Startup

Understand how to architect an infrastructure to handle going from zero to millions of users. From leveraging highly scalable AWS services to making smart decisions on building out your application, you'll learn a number of best practices for scaling your infrastructure in the cloud.

amazon web servicescloudevent
Make everything public
index.html               Text
High Availability Websites: part one
High Availability Websites: part one

Recommended for you

Best Practices for Hosting Web Applications on AWS
Best Practices for Hosting Web Applications on AWSBest Practices for Hosting Web Applications on AWS
Best Practices for Hosting Web Applications on AWS

This document discusses best practices for hosting web applications on AWS. It covers availability, static content hosting using S3 and CloudFront, and multi-tier application hosting using EC2, RDS, and auto-scaling. For static content, S3 provides high durability storage and CloudFront provides low-latency content delivery. For dynamic applications, EC2 is used to host instances behind an ELB for availability. RDS manages databases with read replicas and auto-scaling adds instances as needed based on metrics.

sessolution architectureamazon
(BDT322) How Redfin & Twitter Leverage Amazon S3 For Big Data
(BDT322) How Redfin & Twitter Leverage Amazon S3 For Big Data(BDT322) How Redfin & Twitter Leverage Amazon S3 For Big Data
(BDT322) How Redfin & Twitter Leverage Amazon S3 For Big Data

Analyzing large data sets requires significant compute and storage capacity that can vary in size based on the amount of input data and the analysis required. This characteristic of big data workloads is ideally suited to the pay-as-you-go cloud model, where applications can easily scale up and down based on demand. Learn how Amazon S3 can help scale your big data platform. Hear from Redfin and Twitter about how they build their big data platforms on AWS and how they use S3 as an integral piece of their big data platforms.

amazon web servicesbig data & analyticstwitter advanced (300 level)
Scaling the Platform for Your Startup - Startup Talks June 2015
Scaling the Platform for Your Startup - Startup Talks June 2015Scaling the Platform for Your Startup - Startup Talks June 2015
Scaling the Platform for Your Startup - Startup Talks June 2015

Join AWS at this session to understand how to architect an infrastructure to handle going from zero to millions of users. From leveraging highly scalable AWS services to making smart decisions on building out your application, you'll learn a number of best practices for scaling your infrastructure in the cloud.

cloudamazon web servicescloud computing
High Availability Websites: part one

Recommended for you

Serverless architecture
Serverless architectureServerless architecture
Serverless architecture

This document discusses managing digital assets in a serverless architecture and provides examples of using Amazon Web Services for digital asset management. It begins by outlining challenges around reconciling legacy and cloud-based systems and managing large volumes of content. It then presents the Vidispine platform for cloud-native content management and examples of customers using Vidispine and AWS services for digital asset management, including a global content delivery company, an AI assistant developer, and a large media company.

Building a Scalable Asset Management (DAM) Platform in the AWS
Building a Scalable Asset Management (DAM) Platform in the AWSBuilding a Scalable Asset Management (DAM) Platform in the AWS
Building a Scalable Asset Management (DAM) Platform in the AWS

This document outlines the architecture for building a scalable digital asset management (DAM) platform in the cloud. Key components include Amazon S3 for storage, auto scaling EC2 instances for processing metadata and generating renditions, DynamoDB for the catalog, CloudSearch for search, and Elastic Transcoder for transcoding. The architecture provides ingest of assets from S3, metadata extraction using EC2 workers, generation of renditions, building the catalog in DynamoDB and CloudSearch, and delivery of assets through CloudFront.

cloud computingrahulshuklatags
Journey Through the Cloud - Digital Media
Journey Through the Cloud - Digital MediaJourney Through the Cloud - Digital Media
Journey Through the Cloud - Digital Media

With the advent of high definition, on-demand digital media, media and entertainment companies are challenged to evolve their IT infrastructure fast enough to keep up with the demands of their customers. Producing, editing and distributing media assets cost-effectively requires an automated supply chain workflow supported by significant IT infrastructure. In this Amazon Web Services (AWS) webinar you can learn how you can make use of the economical, elastic, and on-demand compute and storage capacity that AWS offers to address the challenges faced by media & entertainment companies. You can view a recording of this webinar on YouTube here:

awsiamelastic transcoder
Unfriendly, brittle URL:
S3 websites
Root objects
Error pages

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Hybrid Cloud Storage for Recovery & Migration with AWS Storage Gateway (STG30...
Hybrid Cloud Storage for Recovery & Migration with AWS Storage Gateway (STG30...Hybrid Cloud Storage for Recovery & Migration with AWS Storage Gateway (STG30...
Hybrid Cloud Storage for Recovery & Migration with AWS Storage Gateway (STG30...

In this workshop, we provide hands-on experience using the AWS Storage Gateway service to protect on-premises data in AWS, recover it locally or in the cloud in minutes, and migrate it when the time is right. You work with the File Gateway and Microsoft SQL Server native tools to back up to Amazon S3, and then recover or migrate that database in AWS rapidly. In addition, you use Volume Gateway and Amazon EBS Snapshots to protect and migrate block-based volumes. Use this session to hone your skills with backup and DR, and prepare for application migrations.

AWS Pop-up Loft Berlin: Cache is King - Running Lean Architectures: Optimizin...
AWS Pop-up Loft Berlin: Cache is King - Running Lean Architectures: Optimizin...AWS Pop-up Loft Berlin: Cache is King - Running Lean Architectures: Optimizin...
AWS Pop-up Loft Berlin: Cache is King - Running Lean Architectures: Optimizin...

Whether you’re a cash-strapped startup or an enterprise optimizing spend, it pays to run cost-efficient architectures on AWS. This session reviews a wide range of cost planning, monitoring, and optimization strategies, featuring real-world experience from AWS customers. We’ll cover how you can effectively combine EC2 On-Demand, Reserved, and Spot instances to handle different use cases, leveraging auto scaling to match capacity to workload, choosing the most optimal instance type through load testing, taking advantage of multi-AZ support, and using CloudWatch to monitor usage and automatically shut off resources when not in use. We'll discuss taking advantage of tiered storage and caching, offloading content to Amazon CloudFront to reduce back-end load, and getting rid of your back end entirely, by leveraging AWS high-level services. We will also showcase simple tools to help track and manage costs, including the AWS Cost Explorer, Billing Alerts, and Trusted Advisor. This session will be your pocket guide for running cost effectively in the Amazon cloud. Watch the re:Invent recording here:

amazon cloudfrontstorageamazon elastic compute cloud
Dean Bryen: Scaling The Platform For Your Startup
Dean Bryen: Scaling The Platform For Your StartupDean Bryen: Scaling The Platform For Your Startup
Dean Bryen: Scaling The Platform For Your Startup

Keynote about scaling your startup on the AWS platform presented by Dean Bryen, AWS Solutions Architect.

scalinghug ukaws
Let’s see how...
High Availability Websites: part one

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Your First 10 Million Users with Amazon Web Services
Your First 10 Million Users with Amazon Web ServicesYour First 10 Million Users with Amazon Web Services
Your First 10 Million Users with Amazon Web Services

The document discusses strategies for scaling a web application from its first users to millions of users on Amazon Web Services. It recommends starting with a single EC2 instance and database, then expanding horizontally by adding more instances, load balancing, caching, and read replicas as traffic increases. It also suggests moving static content to S3 and CloudFront, session state to ElastiCache, and using DynamoDB. Finally, it recommends using Auto Scaling to dynamically scale the infrastructure in response to demand changes. The goal is to build a scalable and resilient architecture utilizing many AWS services.

aws amazon website scaling on aws ec2 cloudfront
Scalable Media Workflows in the Cloud
Scalable Media Workflows in the CloudScalable Media Workflows in the Cloud
Scalable Media Workflows in the Cloud

This session will cover the approaches for a cloud-based workflow: media ingest, storage, processing and delivery scenarios on the AWS cloud. We will cover solutions for high speed file transfer, cloud-based transcoding, tiered storage, content processing, application deployment and global low-latency delivery, as well as the orchestration and management of the entire media workflow.

Building a Scalable Digital Asset Management Platform in the Cloud (MED402) |...
Building a Scalable Digital Asset Management Platform in the Cloud (MED402) |...Building a Scalable Digital Asset Management Platform in the Cloud (MED402) |...
Building a Scalable Digital Asset Management Platform in the Cloud (MED402) |...

With the breadth of AWS services available that are relevant to digital media, organizations can readily build out complete content/asset management (DAM/MAM/CMS) solutions in the cloud. This session provides a detailed walkthrough for implementing a scalable, rich-media asset management platform capable of supporting a variety of industry use cases. The session includes code-level walkthrough, AWS architecture strategies, and integration best practices for content storage, metadata processing, discovery, and overall library management functionality—with particular focus on the use of Amazon S3, Amazon Elastic Transcoder, Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon CloudSearch. Customer case study will highlight successful usage of Amazon CloudSearch by PBS to enable rich discovery of programming content across the breadth of their network catalog.

cloudawsasset management
Increased latency
Powerful content delivery network
Global edge caching
   Friendly URLs

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Create cloud service on AWS
Create cloud service on AWSCreate cloud service on AWS
Create cloud service on AWS

For people who start to create a cloud service, it’s really important to know how to create a scalable cloud service to fit the growth of the future workloads. In this session, we will introduce how to design a scalable cloud service including AWS services introduction and best practices.

4K Media Workflows on AWS
4K Media Workflows on AWS4K Media Workflows on AWS
4K Media Workflows on AWS

This document discusses 4K media workflows on AWS. It introduces the concept of a "content lake" where all digital content is stored in Amazon S3 regardless of format or resolution. The content lake provides durable, scalable storage that can be accessed from anywhere. Content in the lake can be processed using auto-scaling compute resources like EC2 and then delivered to users. This infrastructure allows for cost-effective ingestion, processing, management and delivery of 4K and other high resolution content in the cloud.

aws cloudawslambda
Reducing Branch Office Storage with AWS Storage Gateway (STG332) - AWS re:Inv...
Reducing Branch Office Storage with AWS Storage Gateway (STG332) - AWS re:Inv...Reducing Branch Office Storage with AWS Storage Gateway (STG332) - AWS re:Inv...
Reducing Branch Office Storage with AWS Storage Gateway (STG332) - AWS re:Inv...

Many IT organizations must support distributed remote offices that have local storage needs far from central data centers. Providing cost effective, scalable storage and data protection for these branch locations can be a challenge for operations teams. In this chalk talk, an AWS customer explains how he has used AWS Storage Gateway cached and stored volumes and file shares for low-latency cloud-backed storage for on-premises applications, including local user file services. Learn from his experiences to understand your recovery and data migration options using volume clones and Amazon EBS Snapshot.

Let’s see how!
High Availability Websites: part one
High Availability Websites: part one

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AWS Cloud Kata 2014 | Jakarta - 2-1 AWS Intro and Scale 2014
AWS Cloud Kata 2014 | Jakarta - 2-1 AWS Intro and Scale 2014AWS Cloud Kata 2014 | Jakarta - 2-1 AWS Intro and Scale 2014
AWS Cloud Kata 2014 | Jakarta - 2-1 AWS Intro and Scale 2014

This document provides an overview of strategies for building scalable applications on AWS. It recommends starting simply with EC2, RDS, and Route 53, then adding services like S3, DynamoDB, ElastiCache, and CloudFront to optimize performance. Auto Scaling is introduced to automatically scale resources based on demand. The document discusses best practices like separating databases by function, implementing sharding, and leveraging serverless options. The goal is to demonstrate how these techniques can help applications scale to millions of users on AWS.

startupsawsamazon web services
Come costruire servizi di Forecasting sfruttando algoritmi di ML e deep learn...
Come costruire servizi di Forecasting sfruttando algoritmi di ML e deep learn...Come costruire servizi di Forecasting sfruttando algoritmi di ML e deep learn...
Come costruire servizi di Forecasting sfruttando algoritmi di ML e deep learn...

Il Forecasting è un processo importante per tantissime aziende e viene utilizzato in vari ambiti per cercare di prevedere in modo accurato la crescita e distribuzione di un prodotto, l’utilizzo delle risorse necessarie nelle linee produttive, presentazioni finanziarie e tanto altro. Amazon utilizza delle tecniche avanzate di forecasting, in parte questi servizi sono stati messi a disposizione di tutti i clienti AWS. In questa sessione illustreremo come pre-processare i dati che contengono una componente temporale e successivamente utilizzare un algoritmo che a partire dal tipo di dato analizzato produce un forecasting accurato.

Big Data per le Startup: come creare applicazioni Big Data in modalità Server...
Big Data per le Startup: come creare applicazioni Big Data in modalità Server...Big Data per le Startup: come creare applicazioni Big Data in modalità Server...
Big Data per le Startup: come creare applicazioni Big Data in modalità Server...

La varietà e la quantità di dati che si crea ogni giorno accelera sempre più velocemente e rappresenta una opportunità irripetibile per innovare e creare nuove startup. Tuttavia gestire grandi quantità di dati può apparire complesso: creare cluster Big Data su larga scala sembra essere un investimento accessibile solo ad aziende consolidate. Ma l’elasticità del Cloud e, in particolare, i servizi Serverless ci permettono di rompere questi limiti. Vediamo quindi come è possibile sviluppare applicazioni Big Data rapidamente, senza preoccuparci dell’infrastruttura, ma dedicando tutte le risorse allo sviluppo delle nostre le nostre idee per creare prodotti innovativi.
Set CloudFront
Default Root Object

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Esegui pod serverless con Amazon EKS e AWS Fargate
Esegui pod serverless con Amazon EKS e AWS FargateEsegui pod serverless con Amazon EKS e AWS Fargate
Esegui pod serverless con Amazon EKS e AWS Fargate

Ora puoi utilizzare Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) per eseguire pod Kubernetes su AWS Fargate, il motore di elaborazione serverless creato per container su AWS. Questo rende più semplice che mai costruire ed eseguire le tue applicazioni Kubernetes nel cloud AWS.In questa sessione presenteremo le caratteristiche principali del servizio e come distribuire la tua applicazione in pochi passaggi

Costruire Applicazioni Moderne con AWS
Costruire Applicazioni Moderne con AWSCostruire Applicazioni Moderne con AWS
Costruire Applicazioni Moderne con AWS

Vent'anni fa Amazon ha attraversato una trasformazione radicale con l'obiettivo di aumentare il ritmo dell'innovazione. In questo periodo abbiamo imparato come cambiare il nostro approccio allo sviluppo delle applicazioni ci ha permesso di aumentare notevolmente l'agilità, la velocità di rilascio e, in definitiva, ci ha consentito di creare applicazioni più affidabili e scalabili. In questa sessione illustreremo come definiamo le applicazioni moderne e come la creazione di app moderne influisce non solo sull'architettura dell'applicazione, ma sulla struttura organizzativa, sulle pipeline di rilascio dello sviluppo e persino sul modello operativo. Descriveremo anche approcci comuni alla modernizzazione, compreso l'approccio utilizzato dalla stessa

Come spendere fino al 90% in meno con i container e le istanze spot
Come spendere fino al 90% in meno con i container e le istanze spot Come spendere fino al 90% in meno con i container e le istanze spot
Come spendere fino al 90% in meno con i container e le istanze spot

L’utilizzo dei container è in continua crescita. Se correttamente disegnate, le applicazioni basate su Container sono molto spesso stateless e flessibili. I servizi AWS ECS, EKS e Kubernetes su EC2 possono sfruttare le istanze Spot, portando ad un risparmio medio del 70% rispetto alle istanze On Demand. In questa sessione scopriremo insieme quali sono le caratteristiche delle istanze Spot e come possono essere utilizzate facilmente su AWS. Impareremo inoltre come Spreaker sfrutta le istanze spot per eseguire applicazioni di diverso tipo, in produzione, ad una frazione del costo on-demand!

API or S3 client
CloudBerry Explorer

      API or S3 client


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Open banking as a service
Open banking as a serviceOpen banking as a service
Open banking as a service

In recent months, many customers have been asking us the question – how to monetise Open APIs, simplify Fintech integrations and accelerate adoption of various Open Banking business models. Therefore, AWS and FinConecta would like to invite you to Open Finance marketplace presentation on October 20th. Event Agenda : Open banking so far (short recap) • PSD2, OB UK, OB Australia, OB LATAM, OB Israel Intro to Open Finance marketplace • Scope • Features • Tech overview and Demo The role of the Cloud The Future of APIs • Complying with regulation • Monetizing data / APIs • Business models • Time to market One platform for all: a Strategic approach Q&A

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Rendi unica l’offerta della tua startup sul mercato con i servizi Machine Lea...Rendi unica l’offerta della tua startup sul mercato con i servizi Machine Lea...
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Per creare valore e costruire una propria offerta differenziante e riconoscibile, le startup di successo sanno come combinare tecnologie consolidate con componenti innovativi creati ad hoc. AWS fornisce servizi pronti all'utilizzo e, allo stesso tempo, permette di personalizzare e creare gli elementi differenzianti della propria offerta. Concentrandoci sulle tecnologie di Machine Learning, vedremo come selezionare i servizi di intelligenza artificiale offerti da AWS e, anche attraverso una demo, come costruire modelli di Machine Learning personalizzati utilizzando SageMaker Studio.

OpsWorks Configuration Management: automatizza la gestione e i deployment del...
OpsWorks Configuration Management: automatizza la gestione e i deployment del...OpsWorks Configuration Management: automatizza la gestione e i deployment del...
OpsWorks Configuration Management: automatizza la gestione e i deployment del...

Con l'approccio tradizionale al mondo IT per molti anni è stato difficile implementare tecniche di DevOps, che finora spesso hanno previsto attività manuali portando di tanto in tanto a dei downtime degli applicativi interrompendo l'operatività dell'utente. Con l'avvento del cloud, le tecniche di DevOps sono ormai a portata di tutti a basso costo per qualsiasi genere di workload, garantendo maggiore affidabilità del sistema e risultando in dei significativi miglioramenti della business continuity. AWS mette a disposizione AWS OpsWork come strumento di Configuration Management che mira ad automatizzare e semplificare la gestione e i deployment delle istanze EC2 per mezzo di workload Chef e Puppet. Scopri come sfruttare AWS OpsWork a garanzia e affidabilità del tuo applicativo installato su Instanze EC2.

        Global         DNS CNAME

        Global         Amazon CloudFront

       Regional        Amazon S3

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Editor's Notes

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