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Building fast ASP.NET
Maarten Louage
Maarten Louage
• @maartenlouage
I will talk about
• how changing a few IIS settings…
• how changing the layout of HTML, CSS and Javascript…
• applying a few simple C# rules…
…can lead to an increase in performance
I will NOT talk about
• numbers, statistics, time to first byte, time to first paint, …
because we all know faster is better

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Good UX has always been one of the key factors for success in the contemporary web development and there fore has led to huge improvements in our industry in the last years. Nowadays the UX of a software product is not responsibility only of the UX Architects / Producers, but to each individual involved in the creation of an app or a website, including the Front-end developers. The talk presents a summarized list of DOs and DON’Ts, which Stoyan and his team believe should be respected by the Front-end developers if they want to build a useable web product, up to and above industry standards. There will be a lot of case studies and actual examples taken from Despark’s experience in the field.

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asp.net5middlwaredependency injection
My bible
• Chrome Developer Tools
• YSlow
• Google PageSpeed Insights
• Fiddler
…and web.config
• compression
• gzip, deflate, SDCH
• caching
• headers
• static content
• dynamic content
• etags
• content delivery network
OutputCache in EPiServer
…but hey I have visitor groups?!

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Do you want to leverage HTML, CSS and JavaScripts APIs to deliver rich user experiences that outlive the framework du jour? Do You want to understand good front-end application architecture and performance principles. Then you want to build applications in Vanilla JS. Despite popular belief Vanilla JS is not as difficult to master and implement as you might think. In this tutorial Chris Love will demonstrate how to apply many common web performance optimization, good architecture and tricks to build a fast, native-like application user experience customers desire without dependency on large, fast food frameworks. This tutorial will demonstrate the following concepts: - Applying the 14kb Rule for Instant Loading - Markup Management - Eliminating Excess AJAX Calls - Working With and Around Application Cache - Applying Service Workers and HTTP/2 For Even Better User Experiences - Leveraging common browser APIs & good architecture

html5javascriptweb performance
This is why we remove etags
Content Delivery Network
HTML optimizations
• CSS and javascript execution blocks rendering
• put CSS on top and javascript on the bottom
<script async>
<script defer>
• bundling and minification of course!
…no, we have something better now

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According to the average web page is now larger than the original DOOM installation application. Today's obese web is leading to decreased user satisfaction, customer engagement and increased cost of ownership. Research repeatedly tells us customers want faster user experiences. Search engines reward faster sites with better rankings. Small, fast sites are cheaper to develop, maintain and operate. - Why has the web become obese? - What actions can developers and stakeholders do to combat their morbid obesity? - Are these actions expensive or hard to implement? This session reviews what customers want and how to identify your web site's love handles. More importantly you will learn simple techniques to eliminate the fat and create a healthy, maintainable, affordable web development lifestyle that produces the user experiences your customers want to engage with over and over.

• bower for client side packages
• gulp for running javascript tasks
Other client side techniques
• image optimization is great for static content
• favicon and apple-touch
• for dynamic content use a scheduled job

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20240704 QFM023 Engineering Leadership Reading List June 2024
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