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Running a GPU burst for Multi-
Messenger Astrophysics with
IceCube across all available GPUs in
the Cloud
Frank Würthwein
OSG Executive Director
Jensen Huang keynote @ SC19
The Largest Cloud Simulation in History
50k NVIDIA GPUs in the Cloud
350 Petaflops for 2 hours
Distributed across US, Europe & Asia
Saturday morning before SC19 we bought all GPU capacity that was for sale in
Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform worldwide
How did we get here?
Annual IceCube GPU use via OSG
Peaked at ~3000 GPUs for a day.
Last 12 months
OSG supports global operations of IceCube.
IceCube made long term investment into
dHTC as their computing paradigm.
We produced ~3% of the annual photon
propagation simulations in a ~2h cloud burst.
Longterm Partnership between
IceCube, OSG, HTCondor, … lead to this cloud burst.

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A talk by Rob Emanuele given at FedGeoDay 2016 about using GeoMesa, GeoWave, and GeoTrellis to work with geospatial data on Apache Spark and Accumulo.

inGeneoS: Intercontinental Genetic sequencing over trans-Pacific networks and...
inGeneoS: Intercontinental Genetic sequencing over trans-Pacific networks and...inGeneoS: Intercontinental Genetic sequencing over trans-Pacific networks and...
inGeneoS: Intercontinental Genetic sequencing over trans-Pacific networks and...

This document summarizes an international collaboration between the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) in Australia and A*Star in Singapore to accelerate DNA analysis. The collaboration utilizes trans-Pacific extended InfiniBand networks and supercomputers to: 1) Transfer large genetic sequence datasets from NCI in Canberra to A*Star in Singapore for analysis on the A*Star Aurora system and return results. 2) Utilize NCI's InfiniCloud HPC system for visualization of genetic data results produced by Aurora. 3) Demonstrate long distance high-speed data transfers between Australia and Singapore leveraging extended InfiniBand networks.

Federated HPC Clouds applied to Radiation Therapy
Federated HPC Clouds applied to Radiation TherapyFederated HPC Clouds applied to Radiation Therapy
Federated HPC Clouds applied to Radiation Therapy

ISC Cloud‘13, Heidelberg (Germany) Sep. 23-24th, 2013 A. Gómez, L.M. Carril, R. Valin, J.C. Mouriño, C. Cotelo

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The Science Case
A cubic kilometer of ice at the
south pole is instrumented
with 5160 optical sensors.
• Discovery of astrophysical neutrinos
• First evidence of neutrino point source (TXS)
• Cosmic rays with surface detector
Particle Physics:
• Atmospheric neutrino oscillation
• Neutrino cross sections at TeV scale
• New physics searches at highest energies
Earth Science:
• Glaciology
• Earth tomography
A facility with very
diverse science goals
Restrict this talk to
high energy Astrophysics
High Energy Astrophysics Science
case for IceCube
Universe is opaque to light
at highest energies and
Only gravitational waves
and neutrinos can pinpoint
most violent events in
Fortunately, highest energy
neutrinos are of cosmic origin.
Effectively “background free” as long
as energy is measured correctly.
High energy neutrinos from
outside the solar system
First 28 very high energy neutrinos from outside the solar system
Red curve is the photon flux
spectrum measured with the
Fermi satellite.
Black points show the
corresponding high energy
neutrino flux spectrum
measured by IceCube.
This demonstrates both the opaqueness of the universe to high energy
photons, and the ability of IceCube to detect neutrinos above the maximum
energy we can see light due to this opaqueness.
Science 342 (2013). DOI:

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The document discusses the CERN OpenStack cloud, which provides compute resources for the Large Hadron Collider experiment at CERN. It details the scale of the cloud, including over 6,700 hypervisors, 190,000 cores, and 20,000 VMs. It also describes the various use cases served, wide range of hardware, and operations of the cloud, including a retirement campaign and network migration to Neutron.

OpenStack at CERN : A 5 year perspective
OpenStack at CERN : A 5 year perspectiveOpenStack at CERN : A 5 year perspective
OpenStack at CERN : A 5 year perspective

This document summarizes Tim Bell's presentation on OpenStack at CERN. It discusses how CERN adopted OpenStack in 2011 to manage its growing computing infrastructure needs for processing massive data sets from the Large Hadron Collider. OpenStack has since been scaled up to manage over 300,000 CPU cores and 500,000 physics jobs per day across CERN's private cloud. The document also briefly outlines CERN's use of other open source technologies like Ceph and Kubernetes.

OpenStack @ CERN, by Tim Bell
OpenStack @ CERN, by Tim BellOpenStack @ CERN, by Tim Bell
OpenStack @ CERN, by Tim Bell

The document discusses OpenStack at CERN. It provides details on: - OpenStack has been in production at CERN for 3 years, managing over 190,000 cores and 7,000 hypervisors. - Major cultural and technology changes were required and have been successfully addressed to transition to OpenStack. - Contributing back to the upstream OpenStack community has led to sustainable tools and effective technology transfer.

meetupcerncloud computing
Understanding the Origin
We now know high energy events happen in the universe. What are they?
p + g D + p + p 0 p + gg
p + g D + n + p + n + m + n
Aya Ishihara
The hypothesis:
The same cosmic events produce
neutrinos and photons
We detect the electrons or muons from neutrino that interact in the ice.
Neutrino interact very weakly => need a very large array of ice instrumented
to maximize chances that a cosmic neutrino interacts inside the detector.
Need pointing accuracy to point back to origin of neutrino.
Telescopes the world over then try to identify the source in the direction
IceCube is pointing to for the neutrino. Multi-messenger Astrophysics
The ν detection challenge
Optical Pro
Aya Ishiha
• Combining all the possible info
• These features are included in
• We’re always be developing th
Nature never tell us a perfec
satisfactory agreem
Ice properties change with
depth and wavelength
Observed pointing resolution at high
energies is systematics limited.
Central value moves
for different ice models
Improved e and τ reconstruction
 increased neutrino flux
 more observations
Photon propagation through
ice runs efficiently on single
precision GPU.
Detailed simulation campaigns
to improve pointing resolution
by improving ice model.
Improvement in reconstruction with
better ice model near the detectors
First evidence of an origin
First location of a source of very high energy neutrinos.
Neutrino produced high energy muon
near IceCube. Muon produced light as it
traverses IceCube volume. Light is
detected by array of phototubes of
IceCube alerted the astronomy community of the
observation of a single high energy neutrino on
September 22 2017.
A blazar designated by astronomers as TXS
0506+056 was subsequently identified as most likely
source in the direction IceCube was pointing. Multiple
telescopes saw light from TXS at the same time
IceCube saw the neutrino.
Science 361, 147-151
(2018). DOI:10.1126/science.aat2890
IceCube’s Future Plans
| IceCube Upgrade and Gen2 | Summer Blot | TeVPA 2018
The IceCube-Gen2 Facility
Preliminary timeline
MeV- to EeV-scale physics
Surface array
High Energy
Radio array
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 … 2032
Surface air shower
ConstructionR&D Design & Approval
IceCube Upgrade
IceCube Upgrade
Near term:
add more phototubes to deep core to increase granularity of measurements.
Longer term:
• Extend instrumented
volume at smaller
• Extend even smaller
granularity deep core
• Add surface array.
Improve detector for low & high energy neutrinos

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Tim Bell from CERN gave a presentation on "Understanding the Universe through Clouds" at OpenStack UK Days on September 26th, 2017. Some key points: - CERN operates one of the world's largest private OpenStack clouds to support the Large Hadron Collider, with over 8000 hypervisors and 33,000 VMs. - The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid distributes and analyzes LHC data across 600 PB of storage and 750k CPU cores at 170 sites in 42 countries. - CERN has been an early adopter of OpenStack technologies like Nova, Glance, Horizon, and Neutron since 2011 and contributes code back to the community. - New services like Mag

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In this slidecast, Jason Stowe from Cycle Computing describes the company's recent record-breaking Petascale CycleCloud HPC production run. "For this big workload, a 156,314-core CycleCloud behemoth spanning 8 AWS regions, totaling 1.21 petaFLOPS (RPeak, not RMax) of aggregate compute power, to simulate 205,000 materials, crunched 264 compute years in only 18 hours. Thanks to Cycle's software and Amazon's Spot Instances, a supercomputing environment worth $68M if you had bought it, ran 2.3 Million hours of material science, approximately 264 compute-years, of simulation in only 18 hours, cost only $33,000, or $0.16 per molecule." Learn more: Watch the video presentation:

cycle computinghpcsupercomputing
Details on the Cloud Burst
The Idea
• Integrate all GPUs available for sale
worldwide into a single HTCondor pool.
 use 28 regions across AWS, Azure, and Google
Cloud for a burst of a couple hours, or so.
• IceCube submits their photon propagation
workflow to this HTCondor pool.
 we handle the input, the jobs on the GPUs, and
the output as a single globally distributed system.
Run a GPU burst relevant in scale
for future Exascale HPC systems.
A global HTCondor pool
• IceCube, like all OSG user communities, relies on
HTCondor for resource orchestration
 This demo used the standard tools
• Dedicated HW setup
 Avoid disruption of OSG production system
 Optimize HTCondor setup for the spiky nature of the demo
 multiple schedds for IceCube to submit to
 collecting resources in each cloud region, then collecting from all
regions into global pool
HTCondor Distributed CI
Collector Collector
Scheduler SchedulerScheduler
10 schedd’s
One global resource pool

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This document discusses OpenStack cloud computing at CERN. It notes that CERN has 4 OpenStack clouds with over 120,000 cores total, and is migrating to the Kilo release of OpenStack. It then describes OpenStack components like Keystone for authentication, Glance for images, Nova for compute, and Cinder for block storage. The document outlines how OpenStack supports federated identity through options like Active Directory, OpenID Connect, and SAML. It provides examples of how federation could allow access to external clouds and shares experiences in deploying federated OpenStack.

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CERN operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. It manages over 8,000 servers to support its research. In 2012, CERN recognized limits with its existing infrastructure management tools and formed a team to define a new "Agile Infrastructure Project." The project goals were to improve resource provisioning time, enable cloud interfaces, improve monitoring and accounting, and boost efficiency. The team adopted open source tools like OpenStack, Puppet, and Ceph to create a new cloud service spanning two data centers. This allowed on-demand provisioning in minutes versus months and helped CERN better support its expanding computing needs for research.

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Wireless sensor networks use many types of wireless sensors to configure network. However batteries in wireless sensor nodes are energy limited and consume considerable energy for data transmission. Therefore, data merging is used as a means to increase energy efficiency in data transmission. In this paper, we propose Differential Data Processing(DDP), which reduces the size of data transmitted from the sensor node to increase the energy efficiency of the wireless sensor network. Experimental results show that processing the differential temperature data reduces the average data size of the sensor node by 30%.

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Using native Cloud storage
• Input data pre-staged into native Cloud storage
 Each file in one-to-few Cloud regions
 some replication to deal with limited predictability of resources per region
 Local to Compute for large regions for maximum throughput
 Reading from “close” region for smaller ones to minimize ops
• Output staged back to region-local Cloud storage
• Deployed simple wrappers around Cloud native file
transfer tools
 IceCube jobs do not need to customize for different Clouds
 They just need to know where input data is available
(pretty standard OSG operation mode)
The Testing Ahead of Time
~250,000 single threaded jobs
run across 28 cloud regions
during 80 minutes.
Peak at 90,000
jobs running.
up to 60k jobs started in ~10min.
Regions across US, EU, and
Asia were used in this test.
Demonstrated burst capability
of our infrastructure on CPUs.
Want scale of GPU burst to be limited
only by # of GPUs available for sale.
Science with 51,000 GPUs
achieved as peak performance
Time in Minutes
Each color is a different
cloud region in US, EU, or Asia.
Total of 28 Regions in use.
Peaked at 51,500 GPUs
~380 Petaflops of fp32
8 generations of NVIDIA GPUs used.
Summary of stats at peak
A Heterogenous Resource Pool
28 cloud Regions across 4 world regions
providing us with 8 GPU generations.
No one region or GPU type dominates!

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MACPAC is a federal legislative branch agency tasked with reviewing state and federal Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) access and payment policies and making recommendations to Congress. By March 15 and again by June 15 each year, the agency produces a comprehensive report for Congress that compiles results from Medicaid and CHIP data sources for the 50 states and territories. The CIO of MACPAC wanted a secure, cost-effective, high performance platform that met their needs to crunch this large amount of health data. In this session, learn how MACPAC and 8KMiles helped set up the agency’s Big Data/HPC analytics platform on AWS using SAS analytics software.

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- ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the US Department of Energy and conducts research including simulations of stellar explosions using the FLASH code. - The research aims to prepare FLASH to run on the upcoming Summit supercomputer by accelerating components like the nuclear kinetics module using GPUs. - Preliminary results show significant speedups from using GPUs for large nuclear reaction networks that were previously too computationally expensive.

Science Produced
Distributed High-Throughput
Computing (dHTC) paradigm
implemented via HTCondor provides
global resource aggregation.
Largest cloud region provided 10.8% of the total
dHTC paradigm can aggregate
on-prem anywhere
HPC at any scale
and multiple clouds
Performance and Cost Analysis
Performance vs GPU type
42% of the science was done on V100 in 19% of the wall time.
IceCube Performance/$$$
GPU V100 P100 T4 M60 RTX 2080 Ti GTX 1080 Ti
100% 67% 57% 34%* 82% 62%
100% 56% 48% 30%* 70% 48%
1.1-1.4 1.1-1.3 1.7-2.1 1.0-1.3 N/A N/A
*per CUDA device **spot market prices, range indicates cost differences between cloud vendors
IceCube performance scales better than TFLOP32 for high end GPUs
Science/$$$ x1.5 better for T4 than V100
Price differential between vendors ~10-30%
Price differential on-demand vs spot ~x3
Aside: Science/$$$ for on-prem of 2080Ti ~x3 better than V100

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20161025 OpenStack at CERN Barcelona
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CERN operates the largest machine on Earth, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which produces over 1 billion collisions per second and records over 0.5 petabytes of data per day. CERN relies heavily on OpenStack, with over 190,000 CPU cores and 5,000 VMs under OpenStack management, accounting for over 90% of CERN's computing resources. CERN plans to add over 100,000 more CPU cores in the next 6 months and explores using public clouds and containers to help process the massive amount of data generated by the LHC.

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IceCube and dHTC
dHTC = distributed High Throughput Computing
IceCube Input Segmentable
IceCube prepared two types of input files that differed
in x10 in the number of input events per file.
Small files processed by K80 and K520, large files by all other GPU types.
seconds seconds
A total of 10.2 Billion events were processed across ~175,000 GPU jobs.
Each job fetched a file from cloud storage to local storage, processed that file, and wrote
the output to cloud storage. For ¼ of the regions cloud storage was not local to the
region. => we could have probably avoided data replication across regions given the
excellent networking between regions for each provider.
Applicability beyond IceCube
• All the large instruments we know off
• Any midscale instrument we can think off
 XENON, GlueX, Clas12, Nova, DES, Cryo-EM, …
• A large fraction of Deep Learning
 But not all of it …
• Basically, anything that has bundles of
independently schedulable jobs that can be
partitioned to adjust workloads to have 0.5 to
few hour runtimes on modern GPUs.
Cost to support cloud as a “24x7”
• Today, roughly $15k per 300 PFLOP32 hour
• This burst was executed by 2 people
 Igor Sfiligoi (SDSC) to support the infrastructure.
 David Schultz (UW Madison) to create and submit the
IceCube workflows.
 “David” type person is needed also for on-prem science workflows.
• To make this a routine operations capability for any
open science that is dHTC capable would require
another 50% FTE “Cloud Budget Manager”.
 There is substantial effort involved in just dealing with cost &
budgets for a large community of scientists.

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IceCube is ready for Exascale
• Humanity has built extraordinary instruments by pooling
human and financial resources globally.
• The computing for these large collaborations fits perfectly to
the cloud or scheduling holes in Exascale HPC systems due
to its “ingeniously parallel” nature. => dHTC
• The dHTC computing paradigm applies to a wide range of
problems across all of open science.
 We are happy to repeat this with anybody willing to spend $50k in the
Contact us at:
Or me personally at:
Demonstrated elastic burst at 51,500 GPUs
IceCube is ready for Exascale
• This work was partially supported by the
NSF grants OAC-1941481, MPS-1148698,
OAC-1841530, and OAC-1826967

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"Building and running the cloud GPU vacuum cleaner"

  • 1. Running a GPU burst for Multi- Messenger Astrophysics with IceCube across all available GPUs in the Cloud Frank Würthwein OSG Executive Director UCSD/SDSC
  • 2. Jensen Huang keynote @ SC19 2 The Largest Cloud Simulation in History 50k NVIDIA GPUs in the Cloud 350 Petaflops for 2 hours Distributed across US, Europe & Asia Saturday morning before SC19 we bought all GPU capacity that was for sale in Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform worldwide
  • 3. How did we get here?
  • 4. Annual IceCube GPU use via OSG 4 Peaked at ~3000 GPUs for a day. Last 12 months OSG supports global operations of IceCube. IceCube made long term investment into dHTC as their computing paradigm. We produced ~3% of the annual photon propagation simulations in a ~2h cloud burst. Longterm Partnership between IceCube, OSG, HTCondor, … lead to this cloud burst.
  • 6. IceCube 6 A cubic kilometer of ice at the south pole is instrumented with 5160 optical sensors. Astrophysics: • Discovery of astrophysical neutrinos • First evidence of neutrino point source (TXS) • Cosmic rays with surface detector Particle Physics: • Atmospheric neutrino oscillation • Neutrino cross sections at TeV scale • New physics searches at highest energies Earth Science: • Glaciology • Earth tomography A facility with very diverse science goals Restrict this talk to high energy Astrophysics
  • 7. High Energy Astrophysics Science case for IceCube 7 Universe is opaque to light at highest energies and distances. Only gravitational waves and neutrinos can pinpoint most violent events in universe. Fortunately, highest energy neutrinos are of cosmic origin. Effectively “background free” as long as energy is measured correctly.
  • 8. High energy neutrinos from outside the solar system 8 First 28 very high energy neutrinos from outside the solar system Red curve is the photon flux spectrum measured with the Fermi satellite. Black points show the corresponding high energy neutrino flux spectrum measured by IceCube. This demonstrates both the opaqueness of the universe to high energy photons, and the ability of IceCube to detect neutrinos above the maximum energy we can see light due to this opaqueness. Science 342 (2013). DOI: 10.1126/science.1242856
  • 9. Understanding the Origin 9 We now know high energy events happen in the universe. What are they? p + g D + p + p 0 p + gg p + g D + n + p + n + m + n Co Aya Ishihara The hypothesis: The same cosmic events produce neutrinos and photons We detect the electrons or muons from neutrino that interact in the ice. Neutrino interact very weakly => need a very large array of ice instrumented to maximize chances that a cosmic neutrino interacts inside the detector. Need pointing accuracy to point back to origin of neutrino. Telescopes the world over then try to identify the source in the direction IceCube is pointing to for the neutrino. Multi-messenger Astrophysics
  • 10. The ν detection challenge 10 Optical Pro Aya Ishiha • Combining all the possible info • These features are included in • We’re always be developing th Nature never tell us a perfec satisfactory agreem Ice properties change with depth and wavelength Observed pointing resolution at high energies is systematics limited. Central value moves for different ice models Improved e and τ reconstruction  increased neutrino flux detection  more observations Photon propagation through ice runs efficiently on single precision GPU. Detailed simulation campaigns to improve pointing resolution by improving ice model. Improvement in reconstruction with better ice model near the detectors
  • 11. First evidence of an origin 11 First location of a source of very high energy neutrinos. Neutrino produced high energy muon near IceCube. Muon produced light as it traverses IceCube volume. Light is detected by array of phototubes of IceCube. IceCube alerted the astronomy community of the observation of a single high energy neutrino on September 22 2017. A blazar designated by astronomers as TXS 0506+056 was subsequently identified as most likely source in the direction IceCube was pointing. Multiple telescopes saw light from TXS at the same time IceCube saw the neutrino. Science 361, 147-151 (2018). DOI:10.1126/science.aat2890
  • 12. IceCube’s Future Plans 12 | IceCube Upgrade and Gen2 | Summer Blot | TeVPA 2018 The IceCube-Gen2 Facility Preliminary timeline MeV- to EeV-scale physics Surface array High Energy Array Radio array PINGU IC86 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 … 2032 Today Surface air shower ConstructionR&D Design & Approval IceCube Upgrade IceCube Upgrade Deployment Near term: add more phototubes to deep core to increase granularity of measurements. Longer term: • Extend instrumented volume at smaller granularity. • Extend even smaller granularity deep core volume. • Add surface array. Improve detector for low & high energy neutrinos
  • 13. Details on the Cloud Burst
  • 14. The Idea • Integrate all GPUs available for sale worldwide into a single HTCondor pool.  use 28 regions across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud for a burst of a couple hours, or so. • IceCube submits their photon propagation workflow to this HTCondor pool.  we handle the input, the jobs on the GPUs, and the output as a single globally distributed system. 14 Run a GPU burst relevant in scale for future Exascale HPC systems.
  • 15. A global HTCondor pool • IceCube, like all OSG user communities, relies on HTCondor for resource orchestration  This demo used the standard tools • Dedicated HW setup  Avoid disruption of OSG production system  Optimize HTCondor setup for the spiky nature of the demo  multiple schedds for IceCube to submit to  collecting resources in each cloud region, then collecting from all regions into global pool 15
  • 16. HTCondor Distributed CI 16 Collector Collector Collector Collector Collector Negotiator Scheduler SchedulerScheduler IceCube VM VM VM 10 schedd’s One global resource pool
  • 17. Using native Cloud storage • Input data pre-staged into native Cloud storage  Each file in one-to-few Cloud regions  some replication to deal with limited predictability of resources per region  Local to Compute for large regions for maximum throughput  Reading from “close” region for smaller ones to minimize ops • Output staged back to region-local Cloud storage • Deployed simple wrappers around Cloud native file transfer tools  IceCube jobs do not need to customize for different Clouds  They just need to know where input data is available (pretty standard OSG operation mode) 17
  • 18. The Testing Ahead of Time 18 ~250,000 single threaded jobs run across 28 cloud regions during 80 minutes. Peak at 90,000 jobs running. up to 60k jobs started in ~10min. Regions across US, EU, and Asia were used in this test. Demonstrated burst capability of our infrastructure on CPUs. Want scale of GPU burst to be limited only by # of GPUs available for sale.
  • 19. Science with 51,000 GPUs achieved as peak performance 19 Time in Minutes Each color is a different cloud region in US, EU, or Asia. Total of 28 Regions in use. Peaked at 51,500 GPUs ~380 Petaflops of fp32 8 generations of NVIDIA GPUs used. Summary of stats at peak
  • 20. A Heterogenous Resource Pool 20 28 cloud Regions across 4 world regions providing us with 8 GPU generations. No one region or GPU type dominates!
  • 21. Science Produced 21 Distributed High-Throughput Computing (dHTC) paradigm implemented via HTCondor provides global resource aggregation. Largest cloud region provided 10.8% of the total dHTC paradigm can aggregate on-prem anywhere HPC at any scale and multiple clouds
  • 23. Performance vs GPU type 23 42% of the science was done on V100 in 19% of the wall time.
  • 24. IceCube Performance/$$$ 24 GPU V100 P100 T4 M60 RTX 2080 Ti GTX 1080 Ti Relative TFLOP32 100% 67% 57% 34%* 82% 62% Relative IceCube Performance 100% 56% 48% 30%* 70% 48% Relative Science/$** 1.1-1.4 1.1-1.3 1.7-2.1 1.0-1.3 N/A N/A *per CUDA device **spot market prices, range indicates cost differences between cloud vendors IceCube performance scales better than TFLOP32 for high end GPUs Science/$$$ x1.5 better for T4 than V100 Price differential between vendors ~10-30% Price differential on-demand vs spot ~x3 Aside: Science/$$$ for on-prem of 2080Ti ~x3 better than V100
  • 25. IceCube and dHTC dHTC = distributed High Throughput Computing
  • 26. IceCube Input Segmentable 26 IceCube prepared two types of input files that differed in x10 in the number of input events per file. Small files processed by K80 and K520, large files by all other GPU types. seconds seconds A total of 10.2 Billion events were processed across ~175,000 GPU jobs. Each job fetched a file from cloud storage to local storage, processed that file, and wrote the output to cloud storage. For ¼ of the regions cloud storage was not local to the region. => we could have probably avoided data replication across regions given the excellent networking between regions for each provider.
  • 27. Applicability beyond IceCube • All the large instruments we know off  LHC, LIGO, DUNE, LSST, … • Any midscale instrument we can think off  XENON, GlueX, Clas12, Nova, DES, Cryo-EM, … • A large fraction of Deep Learning  But not all of it … • Basically, anything that has bundles of independently schedulable jobs that can be partitioned to adjust workloads to have 0.5 to few hour runtimes on modern GPUs. 27
  • 28. Cost to support cloud as a “24x7” capability • Today, roughly $15k per 300 PFLOP32 hour • This burst was executed by 2 people  Igor Sfiligoi (SDSC) to support the infrastructure.  David Schultz (UW Madison) to create and submit the IceCube workflows.  “David” type person is needed also for on-prem science workflows. • To make this a routine operations capability for any open science that is dHTC capable would require another 50% FTE “Cloud Budget Manager”.  There is substantial effort involved in just dealing with cost & budgets for a large community of scientists. 28
  • 29. IceCube is ready for Exascale • Humanity has built extraordinary instruments by pooling human and financial resources globally. • The computing for these large collaborations fits perfectly to the cloud or scheduling holes in Exascale HPC systems due to its “ingeniously parallel” nature. => dHTC • The dHTC computing paradigm applies to a wide range of problems across all of open science.  We are happy to repeat this with anybody willing to spend $50k in the clouds. 29 Contact us at: Or me personally at: Demonstrated elastic burst at 51,500 GPUs IceCube is ready for Exascale
  • 30. Acknowledgements • This work was partially supported by the NSF grants OAC-1941481, MPS-1148698, OAC-1841530, and OAC-1826967 30