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Beyond HTML
Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und
                    vieles mehr

                  9. Mai 2012
             Jens-Christian Fischer
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr

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Doing more with LESS
Doing more with LESSDoing more with LESS
Doing more with LESS

This document discusses the CSS preprocessor LESS and its features. LESS allows for nested rules, mixins, variables, imports and operators to make CSS more maintainable. It can be run from Node.js or a browser and compiles LESS files into normal CSS. Key features include mixins for common CSS patterns, variables for consistency, nesting for organization and imports to modularize code. LESS aims to make CSS leaner, meaner and more dynamic through its preprocessing abilities.

Let's write secure Drupal code! DUG Belgium - 08/08/2019
Let's write secure Drupal code! DUG Belgium - 08/08/2019Let's write secure Drupal code! DUG Belgium - 08/08/2019
Let's write secure Drupal code! DUG Belgium - 08/08/2019

Slides of my session called Let's write secure Drupal code! given at Drupal User Group Belgium in Ghent, Belgium on 8 August 2019.

drupaldrupal securitydrupal7

The document summarizes Hiroki Tani's presentation at the QCon Tokyo 2014 conference on modern CSS architecture. Some key points discussed include: - Adopting modular approaches like OOCSS and SMACSS to separate structure from skin/style and improve maintainability. - Using techniques like BEM naming to further decouple CSS from HTML. - Developing reusable CSS modules and components with flexible modifiers. - Maintaining styleguides and pattern libraries for consistent front-end development.

Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr

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H3 경쟁력있는 웹앱 개발을 위한 모바일 js 프레임웍
H3 경쟁력있는 웹앱 개발을 위한 모바일 js 프레임웍H3 경쟁력있는 웹앱 개발을 위한 모바일 js 프레임웍
H3 경쟁력있는 웹앱 개발을 위한 모바일 js 프레임웍

This document compares JavaScript and HTML for building web applications. It discusses various JavaScript frameworks like jQueryMobile, Sencha Touch, and Dojo that can be used to build mobile web apps. It also discusses using data attributes in HTML to define app layout and structure when using frameworks like jQuery Mobile. Praha.JS is presented as an alternative JavaScript framework that uses a common layout system without pages, just views. HBOX and VBOX layout types are horizontal and vertical box layouts used in the Praha.JS framework.


This PHP script is a web shell that allows remote command execution on the server. It sets various PHP configuration options to disable security restrictions. It also checks for an authentication password and sets a cookie upon valid login. The main body defines functions for outputting headers, menus and executing commands via the shell.


1. The document discusses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript topics such as document structure, CSS selectors and properties, JavaScript functions and scope chains. 2. Key points include explaining the structure of HTML documents, describing common CSS selectors like classes and IDs, and how CSS specificity works. JavaScript topics covered are data types, scope chains, and how contexts and closures can impact variable scope. 3. The summary provides a high-level overview of front-end development topics discussed in the original document, focusing on HTML/CSS fundamentals and JavaScript scope and contexts.

Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr

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This document contains the styles and formatting definitions for an AbiWord document. AbiWord is a free and open source word processor. The document defines styles for headings, lists, footnotes, and other elements. It also contains metadata about the document such as the date it was last changed.

Fcr 2
Fcr 2Fcr 2
Fcr 2

This document is the HTML code for the Yahoo Mail homepage. It includes code for page elements like the header, sidebar, notifications, and different sections of the mail interface. The HTML lays out the structure and styling of the various page components through elements, classes, IDs and linked CSS/JavaScript files.

Links/Деловой и денежный мир
Links/Деловой и денежный мирLinks/Деловой и денежный мир
Links/Деловой и денежный мир

This document is the HTML code for a blog website. It includes metadata, scripts, stylesheets, and other code that defines the structure and appearance of the webpage. The HTML code provides the framework and formatting for blog posts, comments, navigation tabs, headers, footers and other typical blog elements. Stylesheets linked in the code control colors, fonts and other design aspects of the various page sections.

Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr

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More Secrets of JavaScript Libraries
More Secrets of JavaScript LibrariesMore Secrets of JavaScript Libraries
More Secrets of JavaScript Libraries

A talk given by Nate Koechley (of YUI), Andrew Dupont (of Prototype), Becky Gibson (of Dojo), and myself (jQuery) at the 2009 SXSW.

The Way to Theme Enlightenment 2017
The Way to Theme Enlightenment 2017The Way to Theme Enlightenment 2017
The Way to Theme Enlightenment 2017

Stepping into theme development can be daunting. Sure anyone with a little PHP skill and a basic understanding of the loop can create theme templates, but there are a number of things you can learn which can take your theme development to the next level. We’ll discuss the skills that can take you from a beginner theme developer to a master. A video of this talk given in Boston, MA can be seen at (Updated for 2017)

theme developmentwordpress
HTML5 and CSS3 Refresher
HTML5 and CSS3 RefresherHTML5 and CSS3 Refresher
HTML5 and CSS3 Refresher

HTML5 and CSS3 Refresher This presentation has been developed in the context of the Mobile Applications Development course, DISIM, University of L'Aquila (Italy), Spring 2013.

mobile application developmentmobile appsweb design and development
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr

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php Mailer
php Mailerphp Mailer
php Mailer

This PHP script allows sending emails from a webmail interface. It starts a session, sets a password, and checks the password on login. It then provides a form to enter sender/recipient details, message, attachments and sends the email. It splits recipient emails, loops through and sends individually, displaying status for each.

Try Web Components
Try Web ComponentsTry Web Components
Try Web Components

The document introduces Web Components and promotes trying them. It provides examples of Web Components like <x-calendar> and <x-flipbox> that can be used to build reusable custom elements. It also describes how to create a Web Component using Polymer and shows an example <x-like> component for liking posts. The document encourages developing with Web Components as it makes front-end development more fun and modular.

webpolymerweb components
Grok Drupal (7) Theming - 2011 Feb update
Grok Drupal (7) Theming - 2011 Feb updateGrok Drupal (7) Theming - 2011 Feb update
Grok Drupal (7) Theming - 2011 Feb update

These are slides from my presentation at Drupal Design Camp Los Angeles, February 2011. Video with rather low resolution version of the slides (we inadvertently recorded my presentation notes screen rather than the projector screen) can be viewed on blip:

drupalfront-end developmenttheming
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Best of Swiss Web 2012
       ausser einer Seite
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr

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Ruby Robots
Ruby RobotsRuby Robots
Ruby Robots

The document discusses various topics related to web scraping and robots/bots using Ruby including: - Using the Anemone gem to crawl and parse URLs - Using Nokogiri to parse HTML and extract data using XPath queries - Making HTTP requests to APIs using RestClient and parsing JSON responses - Scraping dynamic content by executing JavaScript using Nokogiri - Techniques for handling proxies, cookies, and CAPTCHAs when scraping - Scaling scraping workloads using threads and queues in Ruby

Web Development with CoffeeScript and Sass
Web Development with CoffeeScript and SassWeb Development with CoffeeScript and Sass
Web Development with CoffeeScript and Sass

The document discusses using CoffeeScript and Sass to improve the web development process. CoffeeScript offers a cleaner syntax for writing JavaScript code, while Sass provides extensions to CSS. Together with an automated workflow, these tools allow developers to build modern web applications using better techniques that make the code more readable and maintainable. The presentation provides examples of how CoffeeScript cleans up JavaScript code and syntax, such as declaring variables and functions, as well as how it interacts with libraries like jQuery.

tccc11web design and developmentruby
Supercharged HTML & CSS
Supercharged HTML & CSSSupercharged HTML & CSS
Supercharged HTML & CSS

The document describes several templating languages and preprocessors for HTML, CSS, and front-end development including Haml, Jade, LESS, SASS, and Bourbon. It provides code examples to demonstrate features like variables, nesting, mixins, imports and more. These tools can be used to make HTML, CSS, and template files more concise, reusable and maintainable.

Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
<!DOCTYPE HTML>                         CACHE MANIFEST
<html manifest="/cache.manifest">       FALLBACK:
<body>                                  / /offline.html
...                                     NETWORK:
</body>                                 /tracking.cgi
</html>                                 CACHE:
if (Modernizr.localstorage) {
  var foo = localStorage.getItem("key");
  // ...
  localStorage.setItem("key", foo);
} else {
  alert('No storage capabilities');

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Html5 and web technology update
Html5 and web technology updateHtml5 and web technology update
Html5 and web technology update

An introduction to modern web technologies HTML5, including Offline, Storage, and Canvas Embedded JavaScript RESTful WebServices using MVC 3, jQuery, and JSON Going mobile with PhoneGap and HTML and CSS

Mobile themes, QR codes, and shortURLs
Mobile themes, QR codes, and shortURLsMobile themes, QR codes, and shortURLs
Mobile themes, QR codes, and shortURLs

"Mobile themes for Wordpress, QR codes, and custom shortURLs". Delivered by Chris Traganos, Web Developer at Harvard Public Affairs & Communications, on May 18th, 2010 at Lamont Library, Forum Room.

qr codeswordpressgazette
Taking your Web App for a walk
Taking your Web App for a walkTaking your Web App for a walk
Taking your Web App for a walk

What strategies can you take to bring a web application to a mobile device? Six steps from pure HTML/CSS all the way to almost native applications.

titaniumjquery mobilesencha
var sockets = new webSockets("ws://");

sockets.bind("open", function (msg) {
    debug(Verbindung steht!");
sockets.bind("close", function (msg) {
    debug("Verbindung verloren!");
sockets.bind("doStuff", function (msg) {
    var data =;
    if (data) {
Datei Zugriff
<ol ondragstart="dragStartHandler(event)">
 <li draggable="true" data-value="fruit-apple">Apples</li>
 <li draggable="true" data-value="fruit-orange">Oranges</li>
 <li draggable="true" data-value="fruit-pear">Pears</li>
  var internalDNDType = 'text/x-example';
  function dragStartHandler(event) {
    if ( instanceof HTMLLIElement) {
      // use the element's data-value="" attribute as the value to be moving:
      event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'; // only allow moves
    } else {
      event.preventDefault(); // don't allow selection to be dragged

<audio id="audio" src="sound.mp3" controls></audio>
<video id="video" src="movie.webm" autoplay controls></video>

  document.getElementById("audio").muted = false;

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FamilySearch Reference Client
FamilySearch Reference ClientFamilySearch Reference Client
FamilySearch Reference Client

The FamilySearch Reference Client is an open-source implementation of the Family Tree user interface that was developed to: 1) Make it easy for partners to access the FamilySearch tree using an extensible framework 2) Provide reusable components for partners to use 3) Demonstrate how to access the FamilySearch Tree using the Javascript SDK

Statische Websites in Rails 3.1
Statische Websites in Rails 3.1Statische Websites in Rails 3.1
Statische Websites in Rails 3.1

The document discusses creating static websites using Rails 3.1. It recommends generating a new Rails project using the 45north template, creating a PagesController with static views, using layouts, partials and helpers for DRY code, internationalizing text with locales, leveraging the asset pipeline for assets, using SCSS for stylesheets, and implementing views with Haml for cleaner HTML. Templates, partials, helpers and the asset pipeline allow creating DRY, well-structured static sites in Rails.

ruby on railsruby
Responsive Design Tools & Resources
Responsive Design Tools & ResourcesResponsive Design Tools & Resources
Responsive Design Tools & Resources

The document summarizes topics covered in a responsive design meetup, including an overview of responsive frameworks like Foundation and Bootstrap, common navigation patterns, the use of preprocessors like Sass and Less, responsive images, and polyfills like Picturefill. Breakpoints, media queries, flexible grids, and responsive typography, buttons and forms are some techniques discussed for building responsive websites.

responsive designweb designux
3D Graphik
Präsentation (CSS 3)
Präsentation (CSS 3)
           Typographie (Webfonts)
Präsentation (CSS 3)
                     Typographie (Webfonts)

Rotation (2D / 3D)

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Sinatra is a micro web framework for Ruby. It uses Rack, supports RESTful routing, and allows defining URL patterns. Haml can be used as a templating language with Sinatra to generate HTML. Sass can also be used for CSS preprocessing. The presentation provided examples of defining routes and rendering templates in Sinatra using ERB and Haml.

bbti techtalk
Introduccion a HTML5
Introduccion a HTML5Introduccion a HTML5
Introduccion a HTML5

Introducción rápida a HTML5, repasando brevemente la historia de HTML, qué APIs se añaden a HTML5, y qué avances en HTML, CSS y JavaScript rodean a este estándar.


HTML5 introduces many new features for improving the semantic structure of documents, incorporating multimedia and graphics, and interacting with forms and graphical objects. These include new elements like <video>, <audio>, <canvas>, and <svg> for embedding multimedia and graphics, as well as new form controls. CSS3 also introduces new selectors and properties for effects like rounded corners, shadows, gradients, and transformations. JavaScript APIs allow access to features like geolocation, offline storage, and communication between frames. Browser support for HTML5 features is increasing but not yet complete, so techniques like feature detection and polyfills are recommended.

Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr

The Way of the carpenter is to
become proficient in the use of
his tools, first to lay his plans with
a true measure and then perform
his work according to plan.

                 – Go Rin No Sho
HTML Tools

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Simple Blue Blog Template XML 的副本
Simple Blue Blog Template XML 的副本Simple Blue Blog Template XML 的副本
Simple Blue Blog Template XML 的副本

This document is an XML file that defines the styling and layout for a blog template. It includes variable definitions for colors, fonts, and other style properties. It then defines the CSS styles for elements of the template like the header, sidebar, posts, comments, and footer.


Mojolicious is a real-time web framework for Perl that provides a simplified single file mode through Mojolicious::Lite. It has a clean, portable, object oriented API without hidden magic. It supports HTTP, WebSockets, TLS, IPv6 and more. Templates can use embedded Perl and are automatically rendered. Helpers, sessions, routing and testing utilities are built in. The generator can create new app structures and components.

Mobile-first OOCSS, Sass & Compass at BBC Responsive News
Mobile-first OOCSS, Sass & Compass at BBC Responsive NewsMobile-first OOCSS, Sass & Compass at BBC Responsive News
Mobile-first OOCSS, Sass & Compass at BBC Responsive News

This document discusses using Sass and Compass to write CSS in a more maintainable way. It recommends approaches like object-oriented CSS (OOCSS) to separate structure from skin, avoiding deeply nested selectors, using variables, functions, mixins and extends to minimize repeated code. Compass is introduced as a tool providing cross-browser CSS3 mixins like for gradients, shadows, transitions and responsive grid layouts through plugins.

<div id="profile">
  <div class="left column">
                left column
     h4 Willkommen
    <p id="address"><%= current_user.address %></p>
     p       address     =
  <div class="right column">
                right column
       <li id="email"><%= %></li>
        li      email     =
       <li id="bio"><%= %></li>
        li      bio    =
         left column
h4 Willkommen
p     address    = current_user.address

          right column
     li   email     =
     li   bio     =

  left column
    p address= current_user.address
  right column
      li email=
      li bio=

   left column
    %h4 Willkommen
    %p#address= current_user.address
     p address=
   right column
       li email=
       li bio= current_user

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LESS is More
LESS is MoreLESS is More
LESS is More

Jake Smith gave a presentation on LESS, a dynamic CSS language that allows variables, mixins, nesting, and other features to make CSS more maintainable. LESS compiles to regular CSS and can be used with the LESS.js library in browsers or a LESS compiler. Some key features of LESS discussed include variables, imports, nesting rules, mixins, and namespacing. Gotchas with LESS include limitations with media queries and transitions.

OWASP Top 10 - DrupalCon Amsterdam 2019
OWASP Top 10 - DrupalCon Amsterdam 2019OWASP Top 10 - DrupalCon Amsterdam 2019
OWASP Top 10 - DrupalCon Amsterdam 2019

The document summarizes the OWASP Top 10 security risks and provides prevention techniques. It discusses injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure deserialization, XML external entities (XXE), and other risks. For each risk, it recommends validating, sanitizing, and escaping user input, using prepared statements, and other best practices to prevent security vulnerabilities.

PHP and Rich Internet Applications
PHP and Rich Internet ApplicationsPHP and Rich Internet Applications
PHP and Rich Internet Applications

This document discusses PHP and Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). It notes that RIAs can replace desktop applications and are the next evolution of the web. PHP can be used to build RIAs by reading in XML from a PHP backend using REST, transferring PHP objects directly to the client using JSON or AMF, or making PHP apps that serve as services for any front end like Ajax, XAML, or Flex. It also briefly mentions tools for developing Flex applications from PHP like Adobe's web compiler for Flex apps.


Python, Lua, ASP.NET, .NET, PHP,
 PHP5, JavaScript, Perl, Scala, Java

   left column
    %h4 Willkommen
    %p#address= current_user.address
     p address=
   right column
       li email=
       li bio= current_user

  left column
   h4 Willkommen
   p address= current_user.address
  right column
     li email=
     li bio=


   left column
    h4 Willkommen
    p address= current_user.address
   right column
      li email=
      li bio= current_user


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The document discusses new features in HTML5 including semantic elements like <nav> and <article>, new form input types, multimedia with <video> and <canvas>, offline web apps, CSS3 features like columns and transforms, local storage in JavaScript, and expectations for widespread HTML5 support on mobile devices in 2013.

Nessus and Reporting Karma
Nessus and Reporting KarmaNessus and Reporting Karma
Nessus and Reporting Karma

This document discusses parsing and customizing Nessus vulnerability scan reports. It provides an overview of different Nessus report formats, demonstrates opening reports in Excel, and shares PHP code for parsing Nessus XML reports and extracting key fields. The document also discusses building a database to store scan results, developing customized reports, and identifying false positives and common vulnerabilities. It aims to provide a framework for integrating Nessus data into existing security tools and inventory systems.


The document discusses Handlebars, a templating language for HTML. It can be used to render dynamic HTML views from JSON data sources by using templates with placeholders that are replaced by values from a context object. An example demonstrates creating a template, compiling it, providing a context with sample data, and rendering the template to insert the dynamic HTML into the page. Handlebars allows separation of design and data for model-view-controller applications.

Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr

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[Coscup 2012] JavascriptMVC
[Coscup 2012] JavascriptMVC[Coscup 2012] JavascriptMVC
[Coscup 2012] JavascriptMVC

This document discusses JavascriptMVC, an alternative Javascript MVC framework to BackboneJS. It provides an overview of JavascriptMVC's features such as MIT licensing, clear documentation, and providing an almost total solution for building web applications. Potential pros include the licensing, documentation, and comprehensive features. Potential cons include it being less well known and having fewer online resources than BackboneJS in Taiwan. Examples of how it handles classes, CSS, data loading/validation, and views are also provided.

Beyond HTML Internet Briefing
Beyond HTML Internet BriefingBeyond HTML Internet Briefing
Beyond HTML Internet Briefing

Früher war alles besser - sowieso! Konnte man vor 20 Jahren alleine mit HTML einen Webauftritt gestalten, hat sich die Anzahl der Technologien, die eine Webentwicklerin beherrschen muss, ... Vortrag am Internet Briefing in Zürich, 4.12.2012

Architektur der kleinen Bausteine
Architektur der kleinen BausteineArchitektur der kleinen Bausteine
Architektur der kleinen Bausteine

Betrachtungen zur Architektur von Software Systemen.

soaprestservice-oriented architecture

{{ }}
Mustache Template

    <li><a href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a></li>
JSON Daten

    "header": "Colors",
    "items": [
        {"name": "red", "first": true, "url": "#Red"},
        {"name": "green", "link": true, "url": "#Green"},
        {"name": "blue", "link": true, "url": "#Blue"}

<li><a href="#Green">green</a></li>
<li><a href="#Blue">blue</a></li

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Mobino at Webmondy Frankfurt, Mai 2011
Mobino at Webmondy Frankfurt, Mai 2011Mobino at Webmondy Frankfurt, Mai 2011
Mobino at Webmondy Frankfurt, Mai 2011

Introduction to Mobino, a mobile payment service. Held at WebMonday Frankfurt, Mai 2011

mobino"mobile payment"
Testing distributed, complex web applications
Testing distributed, complex web applicationsTesting distributed, complex web applications
Testing distributed, complex web applications

As applications grow from single Rails applications to complex systems with multiple, interacting applications & web services, testing becomes more and more difficult. While we can test each application independently, we need to be able to test the full stack. This presentation shows methods, tools and tipps & tricks from testing such a complex application.


Presentation I gave with MMahlberg at RailsWayCon 2010 about Uncle Bobs SOLID principles for software design

CSS Tools
<font face="Arial Black">&nbsp;Google search, a <font color="#0000ff">new</font>
service from</font><big><font face="Arial Black"><big><strong><font size="4">
<a href=""><img src="favicon.gif" border="0" width="16" height="16"></a></font></strong></big></
<b><font face="Arial Black">ATTENTION: for my &quot;how to purchase&quot; INFO page,
please <a target="_blank" href="a000-PURCHASE-info.htm">click HERE !</a>&nbsp;
Partita IVA: IT 06822200587<br>
<font size="4"><strong><font color="#ff0000">
<img alt="globeTurns.gif (7996 byte)" src="" width="30" height="30"></font></
strong></font><font size="5"><img border="0" src="" width="75"
height="50"></font><font size="5"><b><font size="1"><a href=""
target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" width="141" height="75"></a></
font></b><img src="" width="75" height="89"><font size="3">
</font><font color="#800080" size="5" face="Arial Black">

Inhalt               Form


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Ruby Coding Dojo
Ruby Coding DojoRuby Coding Dojo
Ruby Coding Dojo

This document discusses coding dojos and katas. It explains that katas are choreographed coding exercises used to practice skills through repetition. Coding dojos are places where developers practice katas in pairs and groups using a randori style. This document provides an example kata involving opening 100 doors with multiple monkeys and demonstrates the kata being practiced in a coding dojo.

Synology Workshop07 06
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Synology Workshop07 06

Workshop über Synology NAS bei Alltron AG, Mägenwil

Offline Arbeiten
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Offline Arbeiten

Rails Applikationen Offline nehmen. Ein Überblick über Techniken und vertiefte Betrachtung zu Joyent Slingshot

html                css

Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
2744 Zeilen

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user modelinguser profilinguser model
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This is a powerpoint that features Microsoft Teams Devices and everything that is new including updates to its software and devices for May 2024

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7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf
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Solar Storms (Geo Magnetic Storms) are the motion of accelerated charged particles in the solar environment with high velocities due to the coronal mass ejection (CME).

solar storms
„Besseres“ CSS
„Besseres“ CSS

„Besseres“ CSS


• Modular - includes
• Variablen
• Berechnungen
• Mixins

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Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards fo...
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Have you noticed the OpenSSF Scorecard badges on the official Dart and Flutter repos? It's Google's way of showing that they care about security. Practices such as pinning dependencies, branch protection, required reviews, continuous integration tests etc. are measured to provide a score and accompanying badge. You can do the same for your projects, and this presentation will show you how, with an emphasis on the unique challenges that come up when working with Dart and Flutter. The session will provide a walkthrough of the steps involved in securing a first repository, and then what it takes to repeat that process across an organization with multiple repos. It will also look at the ongoing maintenance involved once scorecards have been implemented, and how aspects of that maintenance can be better automated to minimize toil.

UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs ConferenceUiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference

We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

Scaling Connections in PostgreSQL Postgres Bangalore(PGBLR) Meetup-2 - Mydbops
Scaling Connections in PostgreSQL Postgres Bangalore(PGBLR) Meetup-2 - MydbopsScaling Connections in PostgreSQL Postgres Bangalore(PGBLR) Meetup-2 - Mydbops
Scaling Connections in PostgreSQL Postgres Bangalore(PGBLR) Meetup-2 - Mydbops

This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

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Blockchain technology is transforming industries and reshaping the way we conduct business, manage data, and secure transactions. Whether you're new to blockchain or looking to deepen your knowledge, our guidebook, "Blockchain for Dummies", is your ultimate resource.

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Coordinate Systems in FME 101 - Webinar Slides
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Coordinate Systems in FME 101 - Webinar Slides

If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!


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Browser Prefixe
 Präfix           Browser

  -moz-            Firefox

 -webkit-      Safari, Chrome

    -o-            Opera

-ms-, -mso-   Internet Explorer
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Support en anglais diffusé lors de l'événement 100% IA organisé dans les locaux parisiens d'Iguane Solutions, le mardi 2 juillet 2024 : - Présentation de notre plateforme IA plug and play : ses fonctionnalités avancées, telles que son interface utilisateur intuitive, son copilot puissant et des outils de monitoring performants. - REX client : Cyril Janssens, CTO d’ easybourse, partage son expérience d’utilisation de notre plateforme IA plug & play.

Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetryObservability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
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Kief Morris rethinks the infrastructure code delivery lifecycle, advocating for a shift towards composable infrastructure systems. We should shift to designing around deployable components rather than code modules, use more useful levels of abstraction, and drive design and deployment from applications rather than bottom-up, monolithic architecture and delivery.

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@mixin rounded($side, $radius: 10px) {
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#navbar li { @include rounded(top); }
#footer { @include rounded(top, 5px); }
#sidebar { @include rounded(left, 8px); }

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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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        @mixin rounded($side, $radius: 10px) {
          border-#{$side}-radius: $radius;
          -moz-border-radius-#{$side}: $radius;
          -webkit-border-#{$side}-radius: $radius;

        #navbar li { @include rounded(top); }
        #footer { @include rounded(top, 5px); }
        #sidebar { @include rounded(left, 8px); }
Mixin                                   Variable

        @mixin rounded($side, $radius: 10px) {
          border-#{$side}-radius: $radius;
          -moz-border-radius-#{$side}: $radius;
          -webkit-border-#{$side}-radius: $radius;

        #navbar li { @include rounded(top); }
        #footer { @include rounded(top, 5px); }
        #sidebar { @include rounded(left, 8px); }
#navbar li {
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  -webkit-border-left-radius: 8px; }

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describe("CreditCard", function() {
  it("cleans number by removing spaces and dashes", function() {
    expect(CreditCard.cleanNumber("123 4-5")).toEqual("12345");

  it("validates based on mod 10", function() {
    expect(CreditCard.validNumber("4111 1111-11111111")).toBeTruthy();

  it("validates when text field loses focus", function() {
    expect($("#card_number_error")).toHaveText("Invalid credit card number.");
    $("#card_number").val("4111 1111-11111111");


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var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
  res.end('Hello Worldn');
}).listen(1337, '');
console.log('Server running at');
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr
number   = 42
opposite = true

number = -42 if opposite

square = (x) -> x * x

list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

math =
  root:   Math.sqrt
  square: square
  cube:   (x) -> x * square x

race = (winner, runners...) ->
  print winner, runners

alert "I knew it!" if elvis?

cubes = (math.cube num for num in list)

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var cubes, list, math, num, number,        race = function() {
     opposite, race, square,                  var runners, winner;
     __slice = [].slice;                      winner = arguments[0], runners = 2 <=
                                           arguments.length ?, 1) : [];
number = 42;                                  return print(winner, runners);
opposite = true;
                                           if (typeof elvis !== "undefined" && elvis !== null) {
if (opposite) {                              alert("I knew it!");
  number = -42;                            }
                                           cubes = (function() {
square = function(x) {                       var _i, _len, _results;
   return x * x;                             _results = [];
};                                           for (_i = 0, _len = list.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
                                               num = list[_i];
list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];                        _results.push(math.cube(num));
math = {                                     return _results;
   root: Math.sqrt,                        })();
   square: square,
   cube: function(x) {
     return x * square(x);

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Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr

  • 1. Beyond HTML Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehr 9. Mai 2012 Jens-Christian Fischer @jcfischer
  • 13. 2012
  • 23. Best of Swiss Web 2012 ausser einer Seite
  • 25. HTML CSS JavaScript
  • 27. Offline <!DOCTYPE HTML> CACHE MANIFEST <html manifest="/cache.manifest"> FALLBACK: <body> / /offline.html ... NETWORK: </body> /tracking.cgi </html> CACHE: /clock.css /clock.js /clock-face.jpg
  • 28. Storage if (Modernizr.localstorage) { var foo = localStorage.getItem("key"); // ... localStorage.setItem("key", foo); } else { alert('No storage capabilities'); }
  • 29. Websockets var sockets = new webSockets("ws://"); sockets.bind("open", function (msg) { debug(Verbindung steht!"); }); sockets.bind("close", function (msg) { debug("Verbindung verloren!"); }); sockets.bind("doStuff", function (msg) { var data =; if (data) { doSomething(data); } } );
  • 30. Datei Zugriff <ol ondragstart="dragStartHandler(event)"> <li draggable="true" data-value="fruit-apple">Apples</li> <li draggable="true" data-value="fruit-orange">Oranges</li> <li draggable="true" data-value="fruit-pear">Pears</li> </ol> <script> var internalDNDType = 'text/x-example'; function dragStartHandler(event) { if ( instanceof HTMLLIElement) { // use the element's data-value="" attribute as the value to be moving: event.dataTransfer.setData(internalDNDType,; event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'; // only allow moves } else { event.preventDefault(); // don't allow selection to be dragged } } </script
  • 32. Multimedia <audio id="audio" src="sound.mp3" controls></audio> <video id="video" src="movie.webm" autoplay controls></video> <script> document.getElementById("audio").muted = false; document.getElementById("video").play(); </script>
  • 35. Präsentation (CSS 3) Typographie (Webfonts)
  • 36. Präsentation (CSS 3) Typographie (Webfonts) Rotation (2D / 3D)
  • 39. Werkzeuge The Way of the carpenter is to become proficient in the use of his tools, first to lay his plans with a true measure and then perform his work according to plan. – Go Rin No Sho
  • 41. HTML <div id="profile"> profile <div class="left column"> left column <h4>Willkommen</h4> h4 Willkommen <p id="address"><%= current_user.address %></p> p address = </div> <div class="right column"> right column <ul> ul <li id="email"><%= %></li> li email = <li id="bio"><%= %></li> li bio = </ul> </div> </div>
  • 42. HTML profile left column h4 Willkommen p address = current_user.address right column ul li email = li bio =
  • 43. HAML profile left column h4 p address= current_user.address right column ul li email= li bio=
  • 44. HAML #profile profile .left.column left column %h4 Willkommen h4 %p#address= current_user.address p address= .right.column right column %ul ul %li#email= li email= %li#bio= li bio= current_user
  • 45. Python, Lua, ASP.NET, .NET, PHP, PHP5, JavaScript, Perl, Scala, Java
  • 46. HAML #profile profile .left.column left column %h4 Willkommen h4 %p#address= current_user.address p address= .right.column right column %ul ul %li#email= li email= %li#bio= li bio= current_user
  • 47. Jade profile left column h4 Willkommen p address= current_user.address right column ul li email= li bio=
  • 48. Jade #profile profile .left.column left column h4 Willkommen p address= current_user.address p#address= .right.column right column ul li email= li#email= li bio= current_user li#bio=
  • 54. Mustache Template <h1>{{header}}</h1> {{#items}} {{#first}} <li><strong>{{name}}</strong></li> {{/first}} {{#link}} <li><a href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a></li> {{/link}} {{/items
  • 55. JSON Daten { "header": "Colors", "items": [ {"name": "red", "first": true, "url": "#Red"}, {"name": "green", "link": true, "url": "#Green"}, {"name": "blue", "link": true, "url": "#Blue"} ], }
  • 58. <font face="Arial Black">&nbsp;Google search, a <font color="#0000ff">new</font> service from</font><big><font face="Arial Black"><big><strong><font size="4"> <a href=""><img src="favicon.gif" border="0" width="16" height="16"></a></font></strong></big></ font></big><strong><br> </strong> <b><font face="Arial Black">ATTENTION: for my &quot;how to purchase&quot; INFO page, please <a target="_blank" href="a000-PURCHASE-info.htm">click HERE !</a>&nbsp; Partita IVA: IT 06822200587<br> --------------------------------------</font></b><br> <font size="4"><strong><font color="#ff0000"> <img alt="globeTurns.gif (7996 byte)" src="" width="30" height="30"></font></ strong></font><font size="5"><img border="0" src="" width="75" height="50"></font><font size="5"><b><font size="1"><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" width="141" height="75"></a></ font></b><img src="" width="75" height="89"><font size="3"> </font><font color="#800080" size="5" face="Arial Black">
  • 60. Inhalt Form Verhalten
  • 61. html css javascript
  • 66. „Besseres“ CSS SCSS
  • 67. „Besseres“ CSS SCSS
  • 68. Vorteile • Modular - includes • Variablen • Berechnungen • Mixins
  • 69. SCSS #navbar { $navbar-width: 800px; $items: 5; $navbar-color: #ce4dd6; width: $navbar-width; border-bottom: 2px solid $navbar-color; li { float: left; width: $navbar-width/$items - 10px; background-color: lighten($navbar-color, 20%); &:hover { background-color: lighten($navbar-color, 10%); } } }
  • 70. SCSS #navbar { $navbar-width: 800px; Variablen $items: 5; $navbar-color: #ce4dd6; width: $navbar-width; border-bottom: 2px solid $navbar-color; li { float: left; width: $navbar-width/$items - 10px; background-color: lighten($navbar-color, 20%); &:hover { background-color: lighten($navbar-color, 10%); } } }
  • 71. SCSS #navbar { $navbar-width: 800px; Variablen $items: 5; $navbar-color: #ce4dd6; width: $navbar-width; border-bottom: 2px solid $navbar-color; Berechnungen li { float: left; width: $navbar-width/$items - 10px; background-color: lighten($navbar-color, 20%); &:hover { background-color: lighten($navbar-color, 10%); } } }
  • 72. SCSS #navbar { $navbar-width: 800px; Variablen $items: 5; $navbar-color: #ce4dd6; width: $navbar-width; border-bottom: 2px solid $navbar-color; Berechnungen li { float: left; width: $navbar-width/$items - 10px; background-color: Funktionsaufruf lighten($navbar-color, 20%); &:hover { background-color: lighten($navbar-color, 10%); } } }
  • 73. CSS #navbar { width: 800px; border-bottom: 2px solid #ce4dd6; } #navbar li { float: left; width: 150px; background-color: #e5a0e9; } #navbar li:hover { background-color: #d976e0; }
  • 74. Browser Prefixe Präfix Browser -moz- Firefox -webkit- Safari, Chrome -o- Opera -ms-, -mso- Internet Explorer
  • 75. .my-class, #my-id { border-radius: 1em; transition: all 1s ease; box-shadow: #123456 0 0 10px; }
  • 76. .my-class, #my-id { -moz-border-radius: 1em; -webkit-border-radius: 1em; -ms-border-radius: 1em; border-radius: 1em; -moz-transition: all 1s ease; -o-transition: all 1s ease; -webkit-transition: all 1s ease; -ms-transition: all 1s ease; transition: all 1s ease; -moz-box-shadow: #123456 0 0 10px; -webkit-box-shadow: #123456 0 0 10px; -ms-box-shadow: #123456 0 0 10px; box-shadow: #123456 0 0 10px; }
  • 79. WebKit E 6 e I n e u d e r ist
  • 80. SCSS @mixin rounded($side, $radius: 10px) { border-#{$side}-radius: $radius; -moz-border-radius-#{$side}: $radius; -webkit-border-#{$side}-radius: $radius; } #navbar li { @include rounded(top); } #footer { @include rounded(top, 5px); } #sidebar { @include rounded(left, 8px); }
  • 81. SCSS Mixin @mixin rounded($side, $radius: 10px) { border-#{$side}-radius: $radius; -moz-border-radius-#{$side}: $radius; -webkit-border-#{$side}-radius: $radius; } #navbar li { @include rounded(top); } #footer { @include rounded(top, 5px); } #sidebar { @include rounded(left, 8px); }
  • 82. SCSS Mixin Variable @mixin rounded($side, $radius: 10px) { border-#{$side}-radius: $radius; -moz-border-radius-#{$side}: $radius; -webkit-border-#{$side}-radius: $radius; } #navbar li { @include rounded(top); } #footer { @include rounded(top, 5px); } #sidebar { @include rounded(left, 8px); }
  • 83. CSS #navbar li { border-top-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius-top: 10px; -webkit-border-top-radius: 10px; } #footer { border-top-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius-top: 5px; -webkit-border-top-radius: 5px; } #sidebar { border-left-radius: 8px; -moz-border-radius-left: 8px; -webkit-border-left-radius: 8px; }
  • 91. Jasmine describe("CreditCard", function() { it("cleans number by removing spaces and dashes", function() { expect(CreditCard.cleanNumber("123 4-5")).toEqual("12345"); }); it("validates based on mod 10", function() { expect(CreditCard.validNumber("4111 1111-11111111")).toBeTruthy(); expect(CreditCard.validNumber("4111111111111121")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("validates when text field loses focus", function() { loadFixtures("order_form.html"); $("#card_number").validateCreditCardNumber(); $("#card_number").val("123"); $("#card_number").blur(); expect($("#card_number_error")).toHaveText("Invalid credit card number."); $("#card_number").val("4111 1111-11111111"); $("#card_number").blur(); expect($("#card_number_error")).toHaveText(""); }); });
  • 94. node.js var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end('Hello Worldn'); }).listen(1337, ''); console.log('Server running at');
  • 96. CoffeeScript number = 42 opposite = true number = -42 if opposite square = (x) -> x * x list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] math = root: Math.sqrt square: square cube: (x) -> x * square x race = (winner, runners...) -> print winner, runners alert "I knew it!" if elvis? cubes = (math.cube num for num in list)
  • 97. var cubes, list, math, num, number, race = function() { opposite, race, square, var runners, winner; __slice = [].slice; winner = arguments[0], runners = 2 <= arguments.length ?, 1) : []; number = 42; return print(winner, runners); }; opposite = true; if (typeof elvis !== "undefined" && elvis !== null) { if (opposite) { alert("I knew it!"); number = -42; } } cubes = (function() { square = function(x) { var _i, _len, _results; return x * x; _results = []; }; for (_i = 0, _len = list.length; _i < _len; _i++) { num = list[_i]; list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; _results.push(math.cube(num)); } math = { return _results; root: Math.sqrt, })(); square: square, cube: function(x) { return x * square(x); } };
  • 101. Beyond HTML Präsentation an ONE Konferenz 2012 von Jens-Christian Fischer steht unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Schweiz Lizenz.

Editor's Notes

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  42. Um Daten darzustellen, ohne auf Clientseite HTML zu bauen\n (auch wenn es mit jQuery &amp;#x201E;einfacher&amp;#x201C; geht)\n Funktioniert teilweise auch Serverseitig \n
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