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What are common mistakes
in Data Science projects?
(and how to avoid them?)
Artur Suchwałko, Ph.D., QuantUp
AI & Big Data 2018, March 10, 2018, Lviv, Ukraine
Real-world Data Science projects
Real-world Data Science projects
• Kaggle competitions and real Data Science projects are two quite
different disciplines
• When a data frame is prepared then it’s easy
• What is done not correctly and can be corrected?
• Analysis of a business problem
• Data
• Process
• Methods, models
• Hardware, sofware
• People
(Everything based on practical experience: 20 years, 100 projects, 3,000
hours of workshops.
For the majority of topics I could add quotes from talks.)
Analysis of a business problem

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A Rapid Introduction to Rapid Software Testing
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A Rapid Introduction to Rapid Software Testing

This document provides a summary of a presentation on Rapid Software Testing. The presentation was given by Michael Bolton of DevelopSense and covered the methodology and mindset of rapid software testing. It emphasizes testing software expertly under uncertainty and time pressure. The presentation defines rapid testing as testing more quickly and less expensively while still achieving excellent results. It compares rapid testing to other approaches like exhaustive, ponderous, and slapdash testing. The presentation also discusses principles of rapid testing, how to recognize problems quickly using heuristics, and testing rapidly to fulfill the mission of testing.

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The document provides guidance on hiring developers based on Joel Spolsky's book "The Ultimate Developer Recruiting Guide". It summarizes the key steps in Spolsky's hiring process: conducting interviews that last at least an hour and involve both technical exercises and allowing candidates to interview the hiring manager; focusing on finding candidates that are both smart and able to get things done; and emphasizing the importance of treating candidates and employees well to attract and retain top talent.

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hypothesis driven development

Can we discover new possibilities and overcome our anchors by working with questions instead of answers

No. We don’t want to build a model of
production and storage in our factory
• We’d like just to optimize cutting a log (a trunk of a dead tree) into
• Let’s do it in the simplest way. Why should we waste time and
• The others can do it. Why do you make it complicated?!?
• To build the production and storage model
�� Otherwise you will optimize log cutting in a different sawmill
• or something completely different
Solution of a wrong analytical problem
• Stating of a wrong problem and solving it can decrease predictive
ability of a model
• Similarly, removing so called false predictors (leaks from future)
• But we never want to have pure predictive power. Usually business
wants actionability and real value
• Focus on what influences your busines
Preparation of a development sample is not
very important
• Let’s take a sample and model!
• Preparation of the development sample decides if the model will fit
the reality we model or not
• The data and thus the sample is generated (or influenced) by a
process that must be well known and understoo
• Think it over really carefully.

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Why is it that everyone knows the importance of frequent user testing, yet hardly anyone does it? Because user testing often is time consuming, complex and expensive. It probably doesn’t fit in your development process and thus feels like extra work. To feel reassured you tell yourself to test with users once you have something working, or at the very end of the process. This is strange, because everybody knows that changing your product late in the process will increase costs exponentially. We created a way so that user testing saves time, improves the quality and doesn’t cost a lot of money. Team driven, pragmatic and no extra resources needed. The talk will show how, with only 2 hours every sprint, we focused on creating better products faster. We would love to share our learnings and simple DIY tools that let you start user testing with your current teams tomorrow!

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big data spain
We have Big Data. We need to implement
Big Data solutions
• If you can email your data or fit it in a pendrive it means you don’t
have Big Data!
• Many Data Science tasks for millions of records can be completed
using (powerful) laptops
• Decisions are data-driven or not. It’s not about data magnitude but
about way the decisions are taken
• Be (more than) sure that we need Big Data technologies for storing
and processing
• During PoC / prototype stage don’t use Big Data tools
• Important: Not valid for some problems
Use social media data
• It’s a tremendous effort if you don’t use an off-the-shelf solution
• Usually business value is not big
• Be sure that the effort will be rewarded
Let’s build a model in one week
• It’s possible (in theory)
• If you don’t analyze the process thoughtfully and don’t detect false
predictors then the model will not work in production
• We will be really happy to see how well it performs on our
development sample
• Take enough time
• Be sure that the process is correct

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This document provides an overview and agenda for a training on problem solving and root cause analysis. It covers defining problems versus symptoms, using the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust problem solving model, developing problem statements, prioritizing problems, and practicing active listening skills to understand current conditions and gather information. The training aims to help participants reduce defects by addressing ongoing or critical issues.

The 7 step problem solving methodology
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The 7-Step Problem Solving Methodology outlines a standardized process for exploring problems, understanding root causes, and implementing effective solutions. The 7 steps include: 1) identifying the problem, 2) determining and ranking causes, 3) taking short-term action, 4) gathering data and designing tests, 5) conducting tests, analyzing data, and selecting a solution, 6) planning, implementing, and fail-safing the solution, and 7) measuring, evaluating, and recognizing the team. The methodology provides a disciplined approach for solving problems where the solution is not obvious.

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Principal as agent of change

The principal plays a key role in facilitating school improvement and professional learning for teachers. As an agent of change, the principal must intentionally address barriers to teacher learning, such as focusing too much on confirming existing ideas rather than challenging them. Some strategies for interrupting barriers include using protocols to structure discussion, making preconceptions explicit, and viewing mistakes as learning opportunities. The principal also ensures school goals are aligned to student needs based on data and provides resources to support teachers in achieving goals.

There is too short time to complete the task /
• Data problems
• Stucked in preprocessing
• The implementation takes too long
• Too short experience
• Prepare a full product as soon as possible, e.g.:
• cutting out all the functionalities, e.g. a scoring application with a
simple / dummy model
• a full code for building the model but using simpler methods
• improve it in the next iterations
• Using CRISP-DM / checklist to support your memory
• Usually you can start implementation from the first product version
Way you prepare the result (a model, a data
product) doesn’t matter
• I want a model. It must work. I don’t care how you’ll build it. Just
build it!
• The process is crucial
• If it is wrong then the analysis is not fully reproducible
• We take a technical debt
• and sooner or later we will be forced to pay it back
• Build models in a fully reproducible way
Implementation – I’m sure it’ll work out
• Implementation without planned tests usually fail
• What is really painful, it takes time to realize that they failed (a
model works and generates risk)
• Plan both, implementation and tests
Methods & models

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Money doesn’t grow on trees: developer teams are expensive and always need to deliver value. I’ll describe in a pragmatic way how we have adopted agile practices to deliver more value with the same team and to solve 3 pains: - estimation and deadlines - bug fixes and quality assurance - inefficient communication And without working overtime (or almost never).

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Problem solving skills
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Problem solving skills

The document discusses problem solving skills and techniques. It describes the problem solving process as having five steps: 1) defining the problem, 2) finding possible solutions, 3) choosing the best solution, 4) implementing the solution, and 5) evaluating the solution. It also discusses common problem solving tools like brainstorming and the 5 Whys technique. Finally, it lists some reasons why people may fail to solve problems effectively, such as not being methodical or misinterpreting the problem.

AI. We desperately need AI!
• We don’t need
• Predictive modeling is not AI!
• It happens that full control over a model is more important than
predictive power
• Let’s think what we’d like to achieve and how to do this
• Data-driven decision making is more important
A model just learns everything it is exposed
• You need to promise self-learning to sell a service / a software
• But it will not learn automatically if not fed by suitable data
• In many situations you don’t have such data to design a feedback loop
• Analyze a process that generates the data for the development sample
• Put aside a “not touched” sample
• The model will be taught using a sample and refined in an ongoing
Start modeling from using Deep Learning!
• But everybody uses it…
• No!!!
• Many problems are too simple for DL
• In particular, the problems with data in a data frame
• Random Forest, xgboost
If we have 3000 classes then let’s build a
BIG classifier
• For example when we’d like to recommend bank products
• Such a random classifier has error 2999/3000 = 99.97% (not 50%)
• Usually the dataset is too small
• It’s good to use a simpler method (usually)

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Hardware & software
You can do calculations using a laptop
• Sometimes yes, you can
• But usually you cannot
• Usually it doesn’t make any sense – human’s time is more expensive
that machine’s time
• It is good to invest some money in hardware
• or use AWS from Amazon (or something similar)
Commercial software is excellent
• Users often tell that it is excellent unless bought
• The problems appear later
• Test it in similar conditions it will be used
• Think seriously about using open source
Free software is excellent (and it’s free!)
• It’s free – in terms of a buying cost
• It’s not just excellent – the cost is neccessity to have qualified people
onboard and to develop software
• There happen inconvenient problems
• Use as it should be used
• i.e. write clear and clean code, use additional tools, e.g. VCS
• Take care of the team to have the skills needed

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This document discusses best practices for managing product releases and software engineering teams. It provides the following recommendations: 1) Establish clear processes for releases, including regular intervals, versioning, distribution, and metrics to measure success. Ensure everyone understands their role in the release cycle. 2) Use the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition to balance team skills and experience levels. Recruit for "smart and get things done" attitudes. Apply practices according to where the team stands. 3) Automate aspects like releases, reporting, and testing when possible, but also retain some manual processes to aid understanding of what to automate. Team learning takes time.

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For the full video of this presentation, please visit: For more information about embedded vision, please visit: Pete Warden, Google research engineer and the tech lead of the TensorFlow Mobile and Embedded team, presents the "Solving Vision Tasks Using Deep Learning: An Introduction" tutorial at the May 2018 Embedded Vision Summit. This talk introduces deep learning for vision tasks. It provides an overview of deep learning, explores its weaknesses and strengths, and highlights best approaches to applying deep learning to solving vision problems. The audience will learn to think about vision problems from a different perspective, understand what questions to ask, and discover where to find the answers to these questions. The talk will conclude with insights on the challenges of deploying deep learning solutions on mobile devices.

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All companies have Data Science teams.
Let’s build one for us!
• It’s possible to build a team. It will take a lot of time and lots of
• If the results will be wasted then the people will leave
• They need to have fun working on projects
• If I need a plank then do I really need to buy a sawmill?
• Be sure that:
• we know how to use their results
• it will give value to the business
• PoC can be outsourced. The first data science project can be
A student or a freshman is enough to give
profits from deep analytics to business
• If someone can cut with a scalpel then will we call him a surgeon?
• Why someone who can build (technically) a model having a data
frame is called a Data Scientist?
• Data Scientist is a profession – experience matters!
• People without experience usually don’t give any business value for
a company. Even after spending a year working with data (!)
• Hire experienced people, especially in the beginning of a DS journey
• let them teach the freshmen
• But what is you don’t have experienced people?
• Invest time, effort, and money in your team. Let a more business
analyst control the team
The team will learn everything on online
• I give each of you $20 (ok, even $50) and learn everything online
• It’s true. The team will learn some things
• But not the most important ones
• A good hands-on training cannot be substituted
• Learning by doing (and applying)
• Control and stimulate learning
• Buy knowledge

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• To avoid mistakes it is good to ask ourselves these questions (and
answer them), e.g.:
• What business problem are we solving?
• What will be business value we can get from the results?
• What could be lost in translation fro business into analytics?
• Do we have adequate and representative data?
• What process does generate them? What are they influenced by?
• What is model building process?
• What analytical tools should be used? Could we apply simpler
• How do we control all the risk?
• It is good to do it repeatedly
• It’s best to involve someone experienced
• It’s beneficial to educate the receivers of the results
• During the conference!
• After the conference: artur [at] quantup [dot] eu

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This document discusses using Google's Attribute-Component-Capability (ACC) model approach to help balance test efforts. The key points are: 1) The ACC model involves listing a product's attributes, breaking it into technical components, and categorizing capabilities. This provides an overview of test needs across the entire product. 2) Complexity, frequency of use, and user impact are assigned scores to capabilities. This determines relative "testing needs". 3) The ACC items, scores, and needs are tracked in a tool like Excel linked to a tool like TFS. This provides instant visibility into where more testing is required based on risk.

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En puisant dans ses différentes expériences de direction technique (notamment chez Pixmania, Criteo et Viadeo), Julien Simon parlera des risques qui menacent les équipes et les plates-formes en forte croissance, en donnant au passage des pistes pour les anticiper et les résoudre.

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Artur Suchwalko “What are common mistakes in Data Science projects and how to avoid them?"

  • 1. What are common mistakes in Data Science projects? (and how to avoid them?) Artur Suchwałko, Ph.D., QuantUp AI & Big Data 2018, March 10, 2018, Lviv, Ukraine
  • 3. Real-world Data Science projects • Kaggle competitions and real Data Science projects are two quite different disciplines • When a data frame is prepared then it’s easy • What is done not correctly and can be corrected? • Analysis of a business problem • Data • Process • Methods, models • Hardware, sofware • People (Everything based on practical experience: 20 years, 100 projects, 3,000 hours of workshops. For the majority of topics I could add quotes from talks.)
  • 4. Analysis of a business problem
  • 5. No. We don’t want to build a model of production and storage in our factory Problem: • We’d like just to optimize cutting a log (a trunk of a dead tree) into planks • Let’s do it in the simplest way. Why should we waste time and money? • The others can do it. Why do you make it complicated?!? Solution: • To build the production and storage model • Otherwise you will optimize log cutting in a different sawmill • or something completely different
  • 6. Solution of a wrong analytical problem Problem: • Stating of a wrong problem and solving it can decrease predictive ability of a model • Similarly, removing so called false predictors (leaks from future) • But we never want to have pure predictive power. Usually business wants actionability and real value Solution: • Focus on what influences your busines
  • 8. Preparation of a development sample is not very important Problem: • Let’s take a sample and model! • Preparation of the development sample decides if the model will fit the reality we model or not • The data and thus the sample is generated (or influenced) by a process that must be well known and understoo Solution: • Think it over really carefully.
  • 9. We have Big Data. We need to implement Big Data solutions Problem: • If you can email your data or fit it in a pendrive it means you don’t have Big Data! • Many Data Science tasks for millions of records can be completed using (powerful) laptops • Decisions are data-driven or not. It’s not about data magnitude but about way the decisions are taken Solution: • Be (more than) sure that we need Big Data technologies for storing and processing • During PoC / prototype stage don’t use Big Data tools • Important: Not valid for some problems
  • 10. Use social media data Problem: • It’s a tremendous effort if you don’t use an off-the-shelf solution • Usually business value is not big Solution: • Be sure that the effort will be rewarded
  • 12. Let’s build a model in one week Problem: • It’s possible (in theory) • If you don’t analyze the process thoughtfully and don’t detect false predictors then the model will not work in production • We will be really happy to see how well it performs on our development sample Solution: • Take enough time • Be sure that the process is correct
  • 13. There is too short time to complete the task / model Problem: • Data problems • Stucked in preprocessing • The implementation takes too long • Too short experience Solution: • Prepare a full product as soon as possible, e.g.: • cutting out all the functionalities, e.g. a scoring application with a simple / dummy model • a full code for building the model but using simpler methods • improve it in the next iterations • Using CRISP-DM / checklist to support your memory • Usually you can start implementation from the first product version
  • 14. Way you prepare the result (a model, a data product) doesn’t matter Problem: • I want a model. It must work. I don’t care how you’ll build it. Just build it! • The process is crucial • If it is wrong then the analysis is not fully reproducible • We take a technical debt • and sooner or later we will be forced to pay it back Solution: • Build models in a fully reproducible way
  • 15. Implementation – I’m sure it’ll work out somehow Problem: • Implementation without planned tests usually fail • What is really painful, it takes time to realize that they failed (a model works and generates risk) Solution: • Plan both, implementation and tests
  • 17. AI. We desperately need AI! Problem: • We don’t need • Predictive modeling is not AI! • It happens that full control over a model is more important than predictive power Solution: • Let’s think what we’d like to achieve and how to do this • Data-driven decision making is more important
  • 18. A model just learns everything it is exposed to Problem: • You need to promise self-learning to sell a service / a software • But it will not learn automatically if not fed by suitable data • In many situations you don’t have such data to design a feedback loop Solution: • Analyze a process that generates the data for the development sample • Put aside a “not touched” sample • The model will be taught using a sample and refined in an ongoing way
  • 19. Start modeling from using Deep Learning! Problem: • But everybody uses it… • No!!! • Many problems are too simple for DL • In particular, the problems with data in a data frame Solution: • Random Forest, xgboost
  • 20. If we have 3000 classes then let’s build a BIG classifier Problem: • For example when we’d like to recommend bank products • Such a random classifier has error 2999/3000 = 99.97% (not 50%) • Usually the dataset is too small Solution: • It’s good to use a simpler method (usually)
  • 22. You can do calculations using a laptop Problem: • Sometimes yes, you can • But usually you cannot • Usually it doesn’t make any sense – human’s time is more expensive that machine’s time Solution: • It is good to invest some money in hardware • or use AWS from Amazon (or something similar)
  • 23. Commercial software is excellent Problem: • Users often tell that it is excellent unless bought • The problems appear later Solution: • Test it in similar conditions it will be used • Think seriously about using open source
  • 24. Free software is excellent (and it’s free!) Problem: • It’s free – in terms of a buying cost • It’s not just excellent – the cost is neccessity to have qualified people onboard and to develop software • There happen inconvenient problems Solution: • Use as it should be used • i.e. write clear and clean code, use additional tools, e.g. VCS • Take care of the team to have the skills needed
  • 26. All companies have Data Science teams. Let’s build one for us! Problem: • It’s possible to build a team. It will take a lot of time and lots of money. • If the results will be wasted then the people will leave • They need to have fun working on projects • If I need a plank then do I really need to buy a sawmill? Solution:: • Be sure that: • we know how to use their results • it will give value to the business • PoC can be outsourced. The first data science project can be outsourced.
  • 27. A student or a freshman is enough to give profits from deep analytics to business Problem: • If someone can cut with a scalpel then will we call him a surgeon? • Why someone who can build (technically) a model having a data frame is called a Data Scientist? • Data Scientist is a profession – experience matters! • People without experience usually don’t give any business value for a company. Even after spending a year working with data (!) Solution: • Hire experienced people, especially in the beginning of a DS journey • let them teach the freshmen • But what is you don’t have experienced people? • Invest time, effort, and money in your team. Let a more business analyst control the team
  • 28. The team will learn everything on online courses Problem: • I give each of you $20 (ok, even $50) and learn everything online • It’s true. The team will learn some things • But not the most important ones • A good hands-on training cannot be substituted Solution: • Learning by doing (and applying) • Control and stimulate learning • Buy knowledge
  • 30. Summary • To avoid mistakes it is good to ask ourselves these questions (and answer them), e.g.: • What business problem are we solving? • What will be business value we can get from the results? • What could be lost in translation fro business into analytics? • Do we have adequate and representative data? • What process does generate them? What are they influenced by? • What is model building process? • What analytical tools should be used? Could we apply simpler approaches? • How do we control all the risk? • It is good to do it repeatedly • It’s best to involve someone experienced • It’s beneficial to educate the receivers of the results
  • 32. Contact • During the conference! • After the conference: artur [at] quantup [dot] eu