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ARIA Gone Wild!

    Jared Smith

n. A solo vocal piece with instrumental accompaniment, as in an opera.
Accessible Rich
Internet Applications
why aria?

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WAI-ARIA - an introduction to accessible rich internet applications (1 day wo...
WAI-ARIA - an introduction to accessible rich internet applications (1 day wo...WAI-ARIA - an introduction to accessible rich internet applications (1 day wo...
WAI-ARIA - an introduction to accessible rich internet applications (1 day wo...

This document introduces the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) specification. It discusses: 1) The need for ARIA to make complex web applications accessible to assistive technologies like screen readers, as traditional HTML elements may not adequately convey semantics. 2) Common interactive widgets and how ARIA attributes like role, state, and properties help expose their purpose and functionality. 3) Best practices for applying ARIA, including using native HTML where possible, and ensuring custom interactive elements are keyboard navigable and have accessible names. The document provides examples of how to make common structures and widgets like buttons, menus, sliders accessible with ARIA. It emphasizes ARIA enhances, rather than replaces, traditional

Getting touchy - an introduction to touch events / Web Standards Days / Mosco...
Getting touchy - an introduction to touch events / Web Standards Days / Mosco...Getting touchy - an introduction to touch events / Web Standards Days / Mosco...
Getting touchy - an introduction to touch events / Web Standards Days / Mosco...

This document discusses touch events and how to handle touch interactions in web applications. It begins by explaining how touch events are simulated using mouse events and the limitations of this approach. It then introduces the native touch events of touchstart, touchmove, and touchend. The document covers handling both single and multiple touch points, touch gestures, and implementing touch-friendly interfaces. It also discusses touch event support across browsers and future pointer event standards.

touchscreenhtmlweb standards
weaknesses in
 in web apps

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This document discusses responsive web design techniques including: - Using viewports and media queries to adapt layouts for different screen sizes. - Sizing images fluidly using max-width: 100% so they are responsive. - Design patterns for responsive tables, hiding/showing content, and converting menus to dropdowns. - Tools like Modernizr, Respond.js, and frameworks like LESS to support responsive design goals. - Tips like using relative units (ems/percentages) over fixed pixels and transitions for visual changes.

Mobile Information Architecture
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The document discusses designing experiences for the mobile web. It notes that the mobile web is profoundly different than the desktop experience due to different contexts and portability. Some key decisions for mobile web design include whether to have a single or dual-site approach, how to structure navigation and content for smaller screens, and usability testing approaches. It also describes a case study of redesigning a website for mobile and some of the challenges encountered.

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The document provides an introduction and overview of the Ionic framework for building mobile apps. It discusses that Ionic builds on existing technologies like AngularJS, Cordova plugins, and a layout engine. It reviews Ionic's technology stack including AngularJS, UI Router for routing, and Ionic components. It demonstrates how to generate a starter app, and shows examples of lists, buttons, icons, and touch gestures in Ionic.

aria is sexy
 and cool
aria allows us to build
accessibility into modern
 web applications today
aria does not
   solve all
“How do I

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This document provides an overview of jQuery, including: - What jQuery is and its main advantages like simplifying JavaScript programming - How to enable jQuery and the basic jQuery syntax - The differences between JavaScript and jQuery - Common jQuery selectors, events, and effects like show(), hide(), fadeIn(), etc. It covers the main concepts in jQuery like selecting elements, events, and animations at a high level in order to introduce the reader to what jQuery is and its basic functionality.

javascriptwebsite designcss
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The document discusses various ways that developers commonly do things wrong when working with WordPress. It provides examples of wrong code patterns and anti-patterns compared to better right ways of doing things, such as properly validating and escaping user input, using WordPress helper functions and classes instead of globals, enqueueing scripts and styles rather than directly echoing them, and contributing back to the WordPress community.

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The top 10 ways to boost hybrid app performance are: 1. Test on actual devices and use tools to measure performance. 2. Avoid reflows and keeping the DOM shallow to improve performance. 3. Understand the tradeoffs of using frameworks and consider micro libraries instead.

aria is simply markup

   roles, states, and properties
   <div role=”main”>
aria does not change browser
functionality or visual appearance
aria changes
and enhances
 native html

 aria always
most answers
  are in the


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P.S. I love you
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The document discusses the importance of web accessibility and provides tips to improve accessibility. It emphasizes that web content should be perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust for all users, including those with disabilities. The tips include using proper semantics with HTML5 elements and ARIA roles, adding descriptive text alternatives, ensuring sufficient color contrast and font sizes, and enabling keyboard navigation and screen reader support. The overall message is that an accessible web is open and inclusive for everyone.

wordpressaccessibilityweb design
Netvibes UWA workshop at ParisWeb 2007
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Netvibes UWA workshop at ParisWeb 2007

The document describes the Universal Widget API (UWA) which aims to create widgets that work across multiple platforms without code changes. It outlines the basics of UWA including using a static XHTML file with CSS and JavaScript. It presents a skeleton structure for UWA widgets and provides examples including a fliptext widget and a fireplace widget. It also discusses replacing native JavaScript methods with UWA-specific equivalents and the Ajax methods available in the UWA.Data object.

ARIA Gone Wild
aria is
  by nearly all
modern browsers,
 screen readers,
  and scripting

         *support varies
you can only make
your content more
accessible by using

you lose nothing by
   using it now

          (if done correctly)
when shouldn’t i use aria?

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jquery mobileapexoracle
when native html
    will get the job done
<img src="submit.jpg" onclick=...>

<a onclick="..."><img src="submit.jpg"...

<a role="button" onclick="...">
<img src="submit.jpg"...

<button onclick="...">
aria landmarks
application, banner, complementary, contentinfo,
       main, navigation, form, and search

       <ul role=”navigation”>

           <div role=”main”>

        <form role=”search”>
you can (but don’t have to) label multiple
landmarks of the same type to differentiate them

       <ul role=”navigation”
   aria-label=”main navigation”>

      <div role=”navigation”
<h2 id=”catHeading”>Categories</h2>

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Tutorial1 - Part 2
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This document provides a 15 step tutorial for finishing a basic website in Komodo Edit. It includes instructions for adding images, styling elements with CSS, creating a navigational menu linking to additional pages, and including contact information. Key steps include positioning elements relative to their parents for absolute positioning, styling links and menus, and using CSS to control layout and formatting of text. Completing the tutorial results in a finished first page of the website with a basic structure and styling setup to build additional pages.

htmlcssweb design and development

WAI-ARIA provides roles, states and properties that act as a bridge between HTML and rich widgets to make dynamic web content and applications more accessible to assistive technologies and people with disabilities. It allows non-standard widgets and dynamic content to be accessed by defining roles like slider, menu and tab, as well as states, properties and live regions to indicate changes to the content. WAI-ARIA has been implemented by most assistive technologies and browsers and can be used even on simple pages, for example by adding landmark roles, required labels and other properties.

Curriculum Vitae de un alumno.
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Este currículum vitae presenta la información personal y profesional de Kevin Gregorio Silva Zambrano. Actualmente realiza la especialización en cirugía plástica en la Universidad de Sevilla después de haber obtenido el título de cirugía general. Ha trabajado como camarero, socorrista y está realizando la práctica como cirujano general.

don’t overdo it
adding aria just
 because you can
is a slippery slope
typically only one
     per page:
    and main
avoid orphaned

put everything in a

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The Legend of the Typical Screen Reader User
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Responses and insight into the WebAIM screen reader user surveys. Feedback from the surveys provides great insight into accessible web design and development. Presented by Jared Smith of WebAIM ( at Accessing Higher Ground Conference, 2009

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Implementing ARIA for Real World Accessibility
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The document discusses implementing ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) for accessibility. It summarizes that ARIA enhances accessibility for dynamic content, scripted widgets, and keyboard interactions. It also bridges gaps until future versions of HTML and helps with screen readers and dynamic content by providing object and property information.

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jared smithcognitiveaccessibility
the end of
“skip” links?
screen reader “freakout” mode

when an element that has focus or is being read is
            modified or destroyed
screen reader “freakout” mode

can be controlled by allowing manual control of
 updates, setting focus with javascript, aria live
             regions, aria alerts, etc.
learn the power of
tabindex=0 and

learn the dangers of

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Making JavaScript Accessible
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Presented by Dennis Lembree at the BayJax - The Bay Area Ajax and JavaScript Meetup, June 15, 2010, Yahoo! HQ, Sunnyvale, CA.

javascript accessible ajax aria a11y keyboard web

read me right now
regardless of focus

also alertdialog

  hides roles of elements
and most descendants from
   assistive technology


   will should not hide default
   roles of navigable elements

forms mode vs. reading mode
application or forms
mode causes screen
reader keystrokes to
   be sent to the

  standard screen
reader shortcuts are

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HTML5's ARIA and a Web-Accessible Dropdown Widget
HTML5's ARIA and a Web-Accessible Dropdown WidgetHTML5's ARIA and a Web-Accessible Dropdown Widget
HTML5's ARIA and a Web-Accessible Dropdown Widget

The document discusses making dropdown menus accessible. It begins with an introduction of the speaker and an overview of accessibility and why it's important. It then discusses ARIA and its role in improving accessibility of modern web technologies. The document provides a simple example of using landmark roles and a more complex example of building an accessible dropdown menu with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and ARIA attributes. It concludes with a demonstration of the dropdown menu working with a screen reader and contact information.

web designariaweb accessibility
[Access U 2010] HTML5 & Accessibility
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[Access U 2010] HTML5 & Accessibility

This document discusses making HTML5 and canvas more accessible. It provides examples of using the HTML5 <canvas> element to draw shapes and charts, but notes that canvas poses accessibility challenges as it does not inherently expose content to assistive technologies like screen readers. The document suggests progressive enhancement approaches like using HTML tables with CSS/JavaScript to render visualizations, while keeping the data accessible in the table structure. It also links to resources that discuss making canvas more accessible through alternative text, labels, and programmatic access to drawn content.

htmlweb designhtml5
Strategic Approach to IT Accessibility
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Strategic Approach to IT Accessibility

Presented at InnoTech Austin on October 20, 2011. For details on InnoTech, visit

<body role=”application”>
makes it very difficult to manually move out
         of application/forms mode
some aria elements (tree view, slider, table,
tabpanel, dialog, toolbar, menus, etc.) have
      an assumed application role
test without a mouse

... and test without a mouse
      in a screen reader

  screen readers change
   keyboard interaction
follow the aria
design patterns

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How To Build An Accessible Web Application - a11yBos

Dennis Lembrée gave a presentation on building accessible web applications. He covered topics like HTML semantics and structure, CSS design principles, JavaScript accessibility, ARIA roles and properties, and writing for accessibility. He used his own web application Easy Chirp as an example of an accessible site and discussed how it works across different browsers, devices, and assistive technologies.

Anatomy of an accessible carousel: everyone's responsible!
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Anatomy of an accessible carousel: everyone's responsible!

The things you need to consider when adding a carousel to your website to make sure it meets accessibility standards.

information technologyweb accessibilitywebsite
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Open Web Camp 2014: On Fireproof, Future-Proof, Failure-Proof Things.

The moment we start creating a website, we’re setting ourselves up for failure later. Bad code creates middle of the night fire drills. Lack of thinking about accessibility gets our employer sued. Not thinking ahead on mobile generates rework. We accept this as the normal course of business — but is there any way we could prevent (or lower) this cost? Is there anything we can learn from the building codes that dictate how our built environment is constructed? A quick tour of how we got where we are with the web, and perhaps some valuable takeaway points.

openwebcampwebweb development
program esc key
to cancel dialogs,
   menus, etc.

       not necessary if it’s intuitive
        that the field is required

             does not change
            functionality, only

 identify broken or
 errant form fields
let css do the heavy liing

   you change semantic
 attributes, let css handle

[aria-invalid=true] {
    border : 2px solid red;

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Increasingly video content is becoming part of the enterprise web environment. The promise of HTML5's video element was supposed to solve a lot of the issues around serving videos to the web. But has it succeeded? And what of Accessibility? This seminar will cover the state of video delivery on the web today, the issues, the promises, and, importantly, how to ensure that it all meets accessibility requirements.

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What are the features in HTML5 that have the potential to: make it easier for developers to provide a more accessible user experience? make it harder for developers to provide a more accessible user experience? Where does WAI-ARIA fit into the HTML5 accessibility story? How can WAI-ARIA fill the gaps in HTML5 UI accessibility?


disabled=”disabled” in html removes object from
 keyboard flow and have extremely poor contrast

                          allows it to remain in the
                            keyboard flow, but be
                            presented as disabled.

hides element and all

child elements can’t be


 overcomes html’s
1-to-1 label to form
 control limitation
Name    Age   Weight

                       Verl    24     145


aria-labelledby=“row2header ageheader”

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Usability meets accessibility
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How To Build An Accessible Web Application
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The document summarizes a presentation on building accessible web applications. It covers topics like using proper semantics and structure in HTML, ensuring sufficient color contrast and responsive design in CSS, progressive enhancement with JavaScript, and best practices for ARIA, writing accessible content, and testing accessibility. The presentation includes an example of an accessible Twitter application called Easy Chirp that works across browsers, devices and assistive technologies.

web designaccessibilityweb development

indicate that a link or
  button triggers an
  in-page dialog or

    indicate the status of expandable elements

should usually be placed on the link or button that
             controls the expansion
... and much, much more...
 Authoring Practices document provides
  interaction models and design patterns
sometimes things fail,
even if you’ve followed
   the specification

 screen reader testing
        is vital

support is improving

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Every decision we make affects the way real people experience our products. We've all heard the rallying cry for user-centered design, but even those of us who ascribe to that ideal often fall back on our own biases and instincts when it comes to making decisions about how people experience our content and our services. Sadly, this often means we make decisions we think will be good for our "users" - that anonymous, faceless crowd - rather than actually trying to understand the perspectives, surroundings, capabilities, and disadvantages of the actual people who we are here to serve. In this session, Aaron will explore why empathy is a good thing, how empathy empowers creativity, and how we, as a community, can inject more empathy into our work.

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Dynamic and accessible web content with WAI-ARIA
Dynamic and accessible web content with WAI-ARIADynamic and accessible web content with WAI-ARIA
Dynamic and accessible web content with WAI-ARIA

WAI-ARIA provides roles, states, and properties that can be added to HTML and dynamic content with JavaScript to make it more accessible to assistive technologies like screen readers, as it allows things like widgets, dynamic content, and interactive elements to be understood out of context. It includes roles for common interface elements, document structures, and landmarks to aid navigation, as well as states, properties, and other attributes to describe objects and make content more accessible when used properly. The document outlines the problem WAI-ARIA solves, provides examples of its usage, and recommends resources for further information.

technologyweb accessibility
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...
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WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...

Vanilla HTML is limiting and boring. Our clients demand highly engaging and interactive web experiences. And wouldn’t you know, with just a bit of HTML and JavaScript we can craft amazing custom controls, widgets and effects that go far beyond the confines of traditional static markup. But how can we ensure that these custom experiences are both understandable and usable for people with disabilities, and in particular those using assistive technologies such as screen readers? In this talk, we will look at the basics of making some common custom-built components accessible - covering how browsers and assistive technologies interact, the limitations of HTML, and how ARIA can help make interactive experiences more accessible. In addition, we will explore some of the recent additions in ARIA 1.1, as well as some particular challenges when it comes to traditional ARIA patterns and assistive technologies on mobile/tablet/touch devices. Evergreen slidedeck at /

wcag 2.0 techniques
 do not yet include
     much aria

focus on accessibility,
 not just compliance
html5 mappings


     <div role=”main”>

     <main role=”main”>



<input aria-required=”true”>

      <input required>
the future is html5
thank you
  Jared Smith

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WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...
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WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...

Vanilla HTML is limiting and boring. Our clients demand highly engaging and interactive web experiences. And wouldn’t you know, with just a bit of HTML and JavaScript we can craft amazing custom controls, widgets and effects that go far beyond the confines of traditional static markup. But how can we ensure that these custom experiences are both understandable and usable for people with disabilities, and in particular those using assistive technologies such as screen readers? In this talk, we will look at the basics of making some common custom-built components accessible - covering how browsers and assistive technologies interact, the limitations of HTML, and how ARIA can help make interactive experiences more accessible. In addition, we will explore some of the recent additions in ARIA 1.1, as well as some particular challenges when it comes to traditional ARIA patterns and assistive technologies on mobile/tablet/touch devices. Evergreen slidedeck at /

HTML5 Accessibility
HTML5 AccessibilityHTML5 Accessibility
HTML5 Accessibility

The document discusses accessibility features in HTML5 forms, including: - Landmark roles that help users navigate forms, like banner, main, navigation etc. - ARIA roles and properties that make forms more accessible when semantics are unclear - Live regions that allow updating parts of forms without refreshing the whole page - New form input types like date, time, email etc. that are more usable for users of assistive technologies - Attributes like required, pattern, min/max that provide constraints for form values

ariatablesassistive technology
Accessibility of HTML5 and Rich Internet Applications - CSUN 2012
Accessibility of HTML5 and Rich Internet Applications - CSUN 2012Accessibility of HTML5 and Rich Internet Applications - CSUN 2012
Accessibility of HTML5 and Rich Internet Applications - CSUN 2012

This document summarizes a presentation on the accessibility of HTML5 and rich internet applications. It discusses how ARIA roles, properties, and live regions can be used to make dynamic and interactive content accessible. It provides examples of how to make buttons, trees, grids, forms, dialogs, and live regions accessible. It emphasizes proper labeling, keyboard support, and ways to handle updates and alerts.


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