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Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Hasan Ahmad
Senior Consultant @ DEV6
Lead @ DevC Toronto
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Front-end frameworks have more in common than you might expect
Component based architecture
View-Model / State management
Routing views with URLs

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Booting up with polymer
Booting up with polymerBooting up with polymer
Booting up with polymer

In this presentation we'll take a look at building a full stack web application using Polymer and Web Components. After a quick introduction to Polymer, we’ll see how we can handle things like authentication, pagination of large data sets, and adapting our UI to different viewports. We’ll also review what’s needed for moving our app to production and optimizing our User Experience with quick load times and transition animations.

web componentsvaadinspring
How to Develop a Rich, Native-quality User Experience for Mobile Using Web St...
How to Develop a Rich, Native-quality User Experience for Mobile Using Web St...How to Develop a Rich, Native-quality User Experience for Mobile Using Web St...
How to Develop a Rich, Native-quality User Experience for Mobile Using Web St...

This document discusses how to build rich mobile user experiences using web standards like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It covers various HTML5 features such as new elements, forms, video/audio, geolocation and caching. It also discusses CSS techniques including transforms, transitions, animations and vendor-specific properties. Challenges with fixed positioning, touch events and performance are addressed. The document promotes building web apps that are native-like using frameworks like jQTouch and Sencha Touch.

Building a Secure App with Google Polymer and Java / Spring
Building a Secure App with Google Polymer and Java / SpringBuilding a Secure App with Google Polymer and Java / Spring
Building a Secure App with Google Polymer and Java / Spring

Polymer is the latest web framework out of Google. Designed completely around the emerging Web Components standards, it has the lofty goal of making it easy to build apps based on these low level primitives. Along with Polymer comes a new set of Elements (buttons, dialog boxes and such) based on the ideas of "Material Design". These technologies together make it easy to build responsive, componentized "Single Page" web applications that work for browsers on PCs or mobile devices. But what about the backend, and how do we make these apps secure? In this talk Scott Deeg will take you through an introduction to Polmyer and its related technologies, and then through the build out of a full blown cloud based app with a secure, ReSTful backend based on Spring ReST, Spring Cloud, and Spring Security and using Thymeleaf for backend rendering jobs. At the end he will show the principles applied in a tool he's currently building. The talk will be mainly code walk through and demo, and assumes familiarity with Java/Spring and JavaScript.

Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Angular: Decorate classes with component life-cycle hooks
React: ES6 inheritance provides interfaces for life-cycle hooks
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
@Component({selector:	'greet',	template:	'Hello	{{name}}!’})		
class	Greet	{		
	name:	string	=	'World';	
class	Welcome	extends	React.component	{	
	render()	{		
	 	return	<h1>Hello,	{}</h1>		
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
ngOnChanges()	–	when	a	data	binding	has	changed	
ngOnInit()	–	when	angular	has	already	displayed	bound	data	
ngOnCheck()	–	manual	change	detection	
ngAfterContentInit()	-	…	
ngAfterContentInitChecked()	-	…	
ngAfterViewInit()	-	…	
ngAfterViewInitChecked()	-	…	
ngOnDestroy()	–	right	before	angular	removes	a	component
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
constructor()	–	component	is	created	
componentWillMount()	–	before	a	component	has	been	attached	to	view	
render()	–	return	the	react	view	element	
componentDidMount()	–	after	react	has	attached	component	to	view	
componentWillRecieveProps()	-	…	
shouldComponentUpdate()	-	…	
componentWillUpdate()	-	…	
componentDidUpdate()	-	after	react	has	updated	a	component	
componentWillUnmount()	–	before	react	removes	a	component

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Disrupting the application eco system with progressive web applications
Disrupting the application eco system with progressive web applicationsDisrupting the application eco system with progressive web applications
Disrupting the application eco system with progressive web applications

Progressive Web Applications (PWA) is a comprehensive term describing web applications that implement a base set of browser platform features like HTTPS, Web Manifest and Service Workers. But it bleeds beyond the scope of an application's code because browsers are enabling qualified web applications to offer the same user experiences native application enjoy. This includes prominent home screen placement, push notifications, eliminated browser chrome and app store placement. Become a Progressive Web App expert with my course: Progressive Web Apps (PWA) Beginner to Expert ->

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Daniel Wester, Wittified Join Daniel Wester from Wittified as he shares his company secrets on tackling the everyday problems of add-on development and generating unique add-on ideas. Learn how you can apply his methods to your product development process and how you can make development easier with Web Fragment Finder.

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You Know WebOS
You Know WebOSYou Know WebOS
You Know WebOS

1 of 2 Gary and Eric from Agile Commerce present a Hands-On course on Palms new WebOS MojoSDK at the InsideMobile Conference.

Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
export	class	PeekABoo	implements	OnInit	{	
	constructor(private	logger:	LoggerService)	{	}	
	//	implement	OnInit's	`ngOnInit`	method	
	ngOnInit()	{	
	logIt(msg:	string)	{		
	 	this.logger.log(`#${nextId++}	${msg}`);		
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
class	Clock	extends	React.Component	{	
constructor(props)	{		
this.state	=	{date:	new	Date()};		
componentDidMount()	{		
	this.timerID	=	setInterval(	()	=>	this.tick(),	1000	);		
componentWillUnmount()	{		
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Data Binding
Angular - flexible data binding options, including two-way
React - One-way data binding, lift state up
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Component to
Interpolation and Property Binding
One-way binding: Value goes from component data property to a target
element property
DOM to
Event Binding: user interacted with page, bring that back to the component
Both Two-Way Binding: update data as soon as it has been changed by the user

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Unlock the next era of UI design with Polymer
Unlock the next era of UI design with PolymerUnlock the next era of UI design with Polymer
Unlock the next era of UI design with Polymer

Entering the multi-screen era means rethinking how we build our applications. Producing a few PSDs doesn't cut it anymore, we have to start seeing the things we design as components within larger systems. Join us to learn how to use Polymer to revolutionize your design process. With these new tools we can create the UIs of the future, and shorten the time between concept and reality.

Building an HTML5 Video Player
Building an HTML5 Video PlayerBuilding an HTML5 Video Player
Building an HTML5 Video Player

Slides from my talk discussing my experience rebuilding a video player I previously developed in Flash. I gave this talk on March 18th, at the Brisbane Web Design Meetup.


The document discusses trends toward browser-based, client-side development and simpler yet more powerful products. It describes building a web-based document viewer using the Accusoft Pegasus ASP.NET Imaging SDK. The application allows searching a document library and viewing documents. Code examples show creating search and view pages, loading a document into the viewer, and JavaScript for viewer controls.

jquery tutorial
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Handling State
Angular – Mutable data, services as singletons (can opt for immutable too)
React – state & props, flux, redux
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Service is a singleton – only one instance in memory
Components can mutate data in services, everyone who injects a
service can see the altered state
Angular will automatically re-draw the UI with the new data
(Change Detection + Zones + Data Binding)
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Components have their own state, react renders components when
their state changes
By default, you have to maintain parent-child relationships to state,
using props
redux: have one giant state object
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Store Single big JSON, all state for entire application
Reducer Update store, return a new state
Action Dispatched to trigger a state change
Follow up on

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Usability in the GeoWeb
Usability in the GeoWebUsability in the GeoWeb
Usability in the GeoWeb

This document discusses how web design firms can compete with internal GIS teams by providing web-based GIS (WebGIS) applications. It notes that WebGIS requires learning new tools like JavaScript, AJAX, and RESTful services. To protect their work, internal GIS teams need to learn these new web technologies and prioritize usability over features to create responsive applications. The document advocates for an iterative development process with a focus on performance and usability testing.

Enough with the JavaScript already!
Enough with the JavaScript already!Enough with the JavaScript already!
Enough with the JavaScript already!

After consulting with several companies on performance related issues, it became clear that one of the biggest performance issues facing websites today is the sheer amount of JavaScript needed to power the page. The demand for more interactive and responsive applications has driven JavaScript usage through the roof. It’s quite common for large sites to end up with over 1 MB of JavaScript code on their page even after minification. But do today’s web applications really need that much JavaScript?

Enjoy the vue.js
Enjoy the vue.jsEnjoy the vue.js
Enjoy the vue.js

Andy Wood - enjoy the Vue.js Slides from the TechExeter Conference, 8th October 2016.

Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Layout & Styling
Angular has embraced Shadow DOM +View Encapsulation for styling
React is compatible with many styling approaches: traditional CSS,
bootstrap, and flexbox
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
selector:	'hero-details',		
template:	`		
<hero-team	[hero]=hero></hero-team>		
styleUrls:	['app/hero-details.component.css']		
export	class	HeroDetailsComponent	{	/*	.	.	.	*/	}
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
What is Shadow DOM?
Shadow DOM is included in the Web Components standard by W3C
Refers to the ability to include a subtree of DOM elements
Allows DOM implementation to be hidden from the rest of the
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
<hero-details	_nghost-pmm-5>	
<h2	_ngcontent-pmm-5>Mister	Fantastic</h2>		
<hero-team	_ngcontent-pmm-5	_nghost-pmm-6>		
	<h3	_ngcontent-pmm-6>Team</h3>		

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Externalizing Chatter Using Heroku, Angular.js, Node.js and Chatter REST APIs
Externalizing Chatter Using Heroku, Angular.js, Node.js and Chatter REST APIsExternalizing Chatter Using Heroku, Angular.js, Node.js and Chatter REST APIs
Externalizing Chatter Using Heroku, Angular.js, Node.js and Chatter REST APIs

Enterprises love the social collaboration of Chatter, especially since Chatter is tightly aligned with enterprise data in Salesforce. Many companies that integrate their legacy data into Salesforce want to extend Chatter to these mission critical, integrated systems allowing employees to engage in communities right where they work. Join us as Appirio shows how you can use Chatter to engage user communities in external systems using the Chatter UI in the cloud to plug Chatter into external systems with just one line of code. We'll walk through architectural patterns for avoiding browser cross-domain restrictions, access Chatter APIs from the browser, then dive deep into the implementation details of the AngularJS User Interface, NodeJS Chatter Proxy server on Heroku, use of Oauth2, Heroku platform considerations, and specific Chatter REST APIs used.

The Complementarity of React and Web Components
The Complementarity of React and Web ComponentsThe Complementarity of React and Web Components
The Complementarity of React and Web Components

On Github: The component driven, performance focused approach of React is a perfect complement to the modularity and portability of native HTML Web Components. At first glance, React and Web Components might seem like two radically different solutions to the same problem. But when combined properly they complement each other to create an extremely powerful, expressive framework for developing complex web applications.

reactreact.jsshadow dom
HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications
HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applicationsHTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications
HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications

HTML5 and its related technologies are enabling new ways to build beautiful sites and applications for contemporary mobile devices. Native mobile developers can now use web technologies to surmount cross-platform headaches, and desktop web developers can reach mobile users in familiar, app-like ways. This session explores the state of the art in HTML5-based mobile web frameworks, and demonstrates the practical possibilities that this powerful and standards-based approach can bring.

sencha touchhtml5incredibles
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
render(props,	context)	{		
	const	notes	=	this.props.notes;		
	return	<ul	className='notes'>{}</ul>;	
render(props,	context)	{		
	const	notes	=	this.props.notes;		
	const	style	=	{		
	 	margin:	'0.5em',		
	 	paddingLeft:	0,		
	 	listStyle:	'none'		
	return	<ul	style={style}>{}</ul>;		
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
import	React	from	'react'		
import	injectSheet	from	'react-jss'		
const	styles	=	{		
	button:	{		
	 	background:	props	=>	props.color	},		
	label:	{		
	 	fontWeight:	'bold'		
const	Button	=	({classes,	children})	=>	(		
	<button	className={classes.button}>		
	 	<span	className={classes.label}>		
export	default	injectSheet(styles)(Button)
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
var	Block	=	require('jsxstyle/Block');		
var	React	=	require('react');		
var	MyComponent	=	React.createClass({		
render:	function()	{		
	return	<Block	color="red">Hello,	world!</Block>;		
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Angular has one routing model, driven by the URL
@angular/router is engineered for many scenarios
React has many different options, depending on your app architecture
react-router, fluxxor-react-router, react-redux-router

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Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon Europe 2014
Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon Europe 2014Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon Europe 2014
Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon Europe 2014

The document discusses modern web application development workflows. It begins by looking at past workflows that lacked structure and organization. It then introduces Node.js as a JavaScript runtime and describes how JavaScript tools like Yeoman, Bower, Grunt and Gulp help provide structure, manage dependencies, automate tasks and enforce best practices. The document provides an overview of how these tools work and how they can be used to improve development workflows.

Our application got popular and now it breaks
Our application got popular and now it breaksOur application got popular and now it breaks
Our application got popular and now it breaks

Our application got popular and now breaks under load. The document discusses common issues that cause applications to break as user load increases, such as overuse of shared scopes, inefficient database queries, and slow client-side performance. It provides examples of better approaches and techniques to optimize performance, such as using distributed caching, improving query efficiency through joins, compressing assets, and prioritizing critical CSS and JavaScript.

application performance
Nuxt.JS Introdruction
Nuxt.JS IntrodructionNuxt.JS Introdruction
Nuxt.JS Introdruction

This document provides an overview of a minimalist framework called Nuxt.js for creating universal server-side rendered (SSR) applications using Vue.js. Some key points covered include: - Nuxt.js allows developers to write Vue components and pages while abstracting away concerns of client-server code splitting and routing. - Features include automatic code splitting, SSR, routing, static file serving, bundling/minifying, and error handling. - The framework uses a pages/ directory to define routes and components and includes Vuex and Vue-Router functionality out of the box. - Async data loading, custom layouts, global meta tags, and asset handling are also

Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
template:	`		
<h1>Angular	Router</h1>		
<a	routerLink="/crisis-center"	routerLinkActive="active">Crisis	Center</a>		
<a	routerLink="/heroes"	routerLinkActive="active">Heroes</a>		
const	appRoutes:	Routes	=	[		
{	path:	'crisis-center',	component:	CrisisListComponent	},		
{	path:	'hero/:id',	component:	HeroDetailComponent	},		
{	path:	'heroes',	component:	HeroListComponent,	data:	{	title:	'Heroes	List'	}	},		
{	path:	'',	redirectTo:	'/heroes',	pathMatch:	'full'	},		
{	path:	'**',	component:	PageNotFoundComponent	}		
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
//	./src/index.jsx		
import	React,	{	Component	}	from	'react';		
import	{	render	}	from	'react-dom';		
//	Import	routing	components		
import	{Router,	Route}	from	'react-router';		
class	Home	extends	Component	{		
	return	(<h1>Hi</h1>);		
	 	<Route	path="/"	component={Home}/>		
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
import	React	from	'react'		
import	ReactDOM	from	'react-dom'		
import	{	createStore,	combineReducers	}	from	'redux'		
import	{	Provider	}	from	'react-redux'		
import	{	Router,	Route,	browserHistory	}	from	'react-router'		
import	{	syncHistoryWithStore,	routerReducer	}	from	'react-router-redux'		
import	reducers	from	'<project-path>/reducers'		
const	store	=	createStore(	combineReducers({	...reducers,	routing:	routerReducer	})	)		
//	Create	an	enhanced	history	that	syncs	navigation	events	with	the	store		
const	history	=	syncHistoryWithStore(browserHistory,	store)		
<Provider	store={store}>		
<Router	history={history}>		
<Route	path="/"	component={App}>		
<Route	path="foo"	component={Foo}/>		
<Route	path="bar"	component={Bar}/>		
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Angular comes with extensive support for jasmine with karma and
React varies by project, some use Jest, others use Mocha/Chai/Enzyme

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Front End Development for Back End Developers - Devoxx UK 2017
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Front End Development for Back End Developers - Devoxx UK 2017

Are you a backend developer that’s being pushed into front end development? Are you frustrated with all JavaScript frameworks and build tools you have to learn to be a good UI developer? If so, this session is for you! We’ll explore the tools of the trade for fronted development (npm, yarn, Gulp, Webpack, Yeoman) and learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We’ll dive into the intricacies of Bootstrap, Material Design, ES6, and TypeScript. Finally, after getting you up to speed with all this new tech, we’ll show how it can all be found and integrated through the fine and dandy JHipster project.


The document discusses the features of HTML5 including: 1) New elements such as <video>, <audio>, and <canvas> that allow embedding multimedia directly into webpages. 2) Block-level elements like <article>, <section>, <aside>, <header>, <footer>, and <nav> that help define page structure and outlines. 3) Associated technologies enabled by HTML5 including geolocation, offline storage, and CSS3 features for animations, gradients and rounded corners.

Html5 & less css
Html5 & less cssHtml5 & less css
Html5 & less css

The document provides an overview of HTML5, CSS3, and LESS CSS. It describes new HTML5 elements like <canvas>, <audio>, <video>, and attributes for existing tags. CSS3 features covered include rounded corners, animations, and media queries. LESS CSS allows snippets to be reused through mixins and nested rules. The document recommends tools like Modernizr, polyfills, and Crunch to compile LESS into CSS.

htmlcss3less css
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Cross-platform apps
Extend cross platform experience beyond the browser
Progressive Web Applications
Cordova / Hybrid Applications
NativeScript / React Native
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Angular + React = ?
react-native-renderer – Angular project in a react native app
ng-redux – Use redux (popularized by React) in your Angular projects
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
Equal, yet different:Two approaches to solving common problems all
developers face.
Choice between Angular and React is ultimately driven by an
organization’s development philosophy.
Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17

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How i made the responsive mobile version of
How i made the responsive mobile version ofHow i made the responsive mobile version of
How i made the responsive mobile version of

The document describes the steps taken to make the website responsive for mobile devices. Key steps included copying CSS and JavaScript files from the ResponsiveRabbits example project, adding them to the website folders, and inserting code in the HTML head to reference these files. Media queries were also applied to style elements differently based on screen width, such as using the desktop CSS file for widths over 800px. The outcome was deemed acceptable with minor adjustments planned such as removing the home page carousel on mobile versions.

An introduction to Vue.js
An introduction to Vue.jsAn introduction to Vue.js
An introduction to Vue.js

Do you hear of Vue.js everywhere lately? With this presentation, you will be able to create your first app in just 30 minutes. Understand the basics and get yourself a solid knowledge to start your journey with the new progressive JavaScript Framework.

vue.jsjavascriptweb development

React JS is a library for creating user interfaces that focuses on the view layer. It uses a virtual DOM which is a JavaScript object representation of real DOM elements to efficiently update and render components when data changes. Components can contain subcomponents in a nested structure similar to HTML. Data flows through states that store application data and react to changes, and props are used to pass data between components. The DOM represents elements in a web page as JavaScript objects that can be manipulated. React components can be functions or classes, accept arbitrary inputs via props, and return React elements describing what should appear on screen.

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Angular vs React for Web Application Development

  • 1. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 ?
  • 2. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17
  • 3. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Hasan Ahmad Senior Consultant @ DEV6 Lead @ DevC Toronto
  • 4. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Front-end frameworks have more in common than you might expect Component based architecture View-Model / State management Routing views with URLs
  • 5. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Components Angular: Decorate classes with component life-cycle hooks React: ES6 inheritance provides interfaces for life-cycle hooks
  • 6. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 @Component({selector: 'greet', template: 'Hello {{name}}!’}) class Greet { name: string = 'World'; } class Welcome extends React.component { render() { return <h1>Hello, {}</h1> } }
  • 7. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 ngOnChanges() – when a data binding has changed ngOnInit() – when angular has already displayed bound data ngOnCheck() – manual change detection ngAfterContentInit() - … ngAfterContentInitChecked() - … ngAfterViewInit() - … ngAfterViewInitChecked() - … ngOnDestroy() – right before angular removes a component
  • 8. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 constructor() – component is created componentWillMount() – before a component has been attached to view render() – return the react view element componentDidMount() – after react has attached component to view componentWillRecieveProps() - … shouldComponentUpdate() - … componentWillUpdate() - … componentDidUpdate() - after react has updated a component componentWillUnmount() – before react removes a component
  • 9. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 export class PeekABoo implements OnInit { constructor(private logger: LoggerService) { } // implement OnInit's `ngOnInit` method ngOnInit() { this.logIt(`OnInit`); } logIt(msg: string) { this.logger.log(`#${nextId++} ${msg}`); } }
  • 10. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 class Clock extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {date: new Date()}; } componentDidMount() { this.timerID = setInterval( () => this.tick(), 1000 ); } componentWillUnmount() { clearInterval(this.timerID); } //... }
  • 11. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Data Binding Angular - flexible data binding options, including two-way React - One-way data binding, lift state up
  • 12. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Component to DOM Interpolation and Property Binding One-way binding: Value goes from component data property to a target element property DOM to Component Event Binding: user interacted with page, bring that back to the component Both Two-Way Binding: update data as soon as it has been changed by the user
  • 13. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Handling State Angular – Mutable data, services as singletons (can opt for immutable too) React – state & props, flux, redux
  • 14. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Service is a singleton – only one instance in memory Components can mutate data in services, everyone who injects a service can see the altered state Angular will automatically re-draw the UI with the new data (Change Detection + Zones + Data Binding)
  • 15. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Components have their own state, react renders components when their state changes By default, you have to maintain parent-child relationships to state, using props redux: have one giant state object
  • 16. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Store Single big JSON, all state for entire application Reducer Update store, return a new state Action Dispatched to trigger a state change Follow up on
  • 17. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Layout & Styling Angular has embraced Shadow DOM +View Encapsulation for styling components React is compatible with many styling approaches: traditional CSS, bootstrap, and flexbox
  • 18. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 @Component({ selector: 'hero-details', template: ` <h2>{{}}</h2> <hero-team [hero]=hero></hero-team> <ng-content></ng-content> `, styleUrls: ['app/hero-details.component.css'] }) export class HeroDetailsComponent { /* . . . */ }
  • 19. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 What is Shadow DOM? Shadow DOM is included in the Web Components standard by W3C Refers to the ability to include a subtree of DOM elements Allows DOM implementation to be hidden from the rest of the document
  • 20. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 <hero-details _nghost-pmm-5> <h2 _ngcontent-pmm-5>Mister Fantastic</h2> <hero-team _ngcontent-pmm-5 _nghost-pmm-6> <h3 _ngcontent-pmm-6>Team</h3> </hero-team> </hero-detail>
  • 21. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 render(props, context) { const notes = this.props.notes; return <ul className='notes'>{}</ul>; } render(props, context) { const notes = this.props.notes; const style = { margin: '0.5em', paddingLeft: 0, listStyle: 'none' }; return <ul style={style}>{}</ul>; }
  • 22. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 import React from 'react' import injectSheet from 'react-jss' const styles = { button: { background: props => props.color }, label: { fontWeight: 'bold' } } const Button = ({classes, children}) => ( <button className={classes.button}> <span className={classes.label}> {children} </span> </button> ) export default injectSheet(styles)(Button)
  • 23. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 var Block = require('jsxstyle/Block'); var React = require('react'); var MyComponent = React.createClass({ render: function() { return <Block color="red">Hello, world!</Block>; } });
  • 24. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Routing Angular has one routing model, driven by the URL @angular/router is engineered for many scenarios React has many different options, depending on your app architecture react-router, fluxxor-react-router, react-redux-router
  • 25. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 template: ` <h1>Angular Router</h1> <nav> <a routerLink="/crisis-center" routerLinkActive="active">Crisis Center</a> <a routerLink="/heroes" routerLinkActive="active">Heroes</a> </nav> <router-outlet></router-outlet> ` const appRoutes: Routes = [ { path: 'crisis-center', component: CrisisListComponent }, { path: 'hero/:id', component: HeroDetailComponent }, { path: 'heroes', component: HeroListComponent, data: { title: 'Heroes List' } }, { path: '', redirectTo: '/heroes', pathMatch: 'full' }, { path: '**', component: PageNotFoundComponent } ];
  • 26. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 // ./src/index.jsx import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; // Import routing components import {Router, Route} from 'react-router'; class Home extends Component { render(){ return (<h1>Hi</h1>); } } render( <Router> <!--Each route is defined with Route--> <Route path="/" component={Home}/> </Router>, document.getElementById('container') );
  • 27. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux' import { Provider } from 'react-redux' import { Router, Route, browserHistory } from 'react-router' import { syncHistoryWithStore, routerReducer } from 'react-router-redux' import reducers from '<project-path>/reducers' const store = createStore( combineReducers({ ...reducers, routing: routerReducer }) ) // Create an enhanced history that syncs navigation events with the store const history = syncHistoryWithStore(browserHistory, store) ReactDOM.render( <Provider store={store}> <Router history={history}> <Route path="/" component={App}> <Route path="foo" component={Foo}/> <Route path="bar" component={Bar}/> </Route> </Router> </Provider>, document.getElementById('mount') )
  • 28. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Testing Angular comes with extensive support for jasmine with karma and protractor React varies by project, some use Jest, others use Mocha/Chai/Enzyme
  • 29. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Cross-platform apps Extend cross platform experience beyond the browser Progressive Web Applications Cordova / Hybrid Applications NativeScript / React Native
  • 30. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Angular + React = ? react-native-renderer – Angular project in a react native app ng-redux – Use redux (popularized by React) in your Angular projects
  • 31. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 Summary Equal, yet different:Two approaches to solving common problems all developers face. Choice between Angular and React is ultimately driven by an organization’s development philosophy.
  • 32. Hasan @ DEV6 – #WEBU17 ThankYou! Questions?