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Enterprise Software
Performance Engineering
Building systems that scream so your users don’t:
A key component of risk management
Presented By: Walter Kuketz
Hosted By: Frank Days

    © 2012 Collaborative Consulting

  Presentation will last 45                   Submit questions via the   Slides will be made
          minutes                                  chat window                 available

                        2012 Collaborative Consulting
Purpose of today’s webinar

                 Review the current challenges of being a performance engineer

   Overview of the five knowledge areas of Software performance engineering body of knowldge

    Where to inject PE tasks and activities into the SDLC to build more performant applications

         Overview of application performance management (end-to-end user experience)

                                       Roles and career path overview

                                             Case study – 10X event

                       2012 Collaborative Consulting
Performance engineering challenges today

                      Highly                 • Complex and tangled system of systems
                    distributed              • Distributed Infrastructure
                       apps                  • Distributed production operations

                                             • Performance engineering and testing
                                             • Architecture and development
                                             • Business

                   Evolving &                • Mobile devices
                    changing                 • Third party services
                   application               • SaaS products
                  architectures              • Cloud

                      Changing               • Driven by mobile anywhere
                                             • Flash traffic events

             2012 Collaborative Consulting
Performance engineering challenges

   Enterprise                                            Budget              Team skills
 • Release            • User populations             • Constant cost       • Performance
   schedules, mont      are exploding                  and budget            organization;
   hly, quarterly                                      pressure              skillsets, multi
                      • Web site                                             disciplined,
 • Project based        performance                  • Maintaining a         communication,
                        directly impacts               meaningful            split team
                        revenue                        performance lab
                                                       (production-like)   • Training and
                                                                             career paths

                     2012 Collaborative Consulting
No clear standards in the market for PE

             Test automation technician
                                                                     Capacity planner

                                                     Performance tester
     ?   Performance Engineer
                                                              Performance analyst

                             Performance Architect
                                                           Performance Data engineer

                     2012 Collaborative Consulting
Goal of the SPE Body of Knowledge

                                               Define the profession of performance
         Define profession                     engineering

         Establish Body of                     Establish a body of knowledge for
            Knowldge                           performance engineering

             Establish                         Establish a common language for roles,
             common                            responsibilities, and practice areas using
             language                          the form of Knowledge Areas

             Define                            Define the competencies shared across
          competencies                         the knowledge areas

         Capture common                        Capture common techniques for sharing
           techniques                          across the industry

               2012 Collaborative Consulting
The SPE Body of Knowledge

                               Enterprise Software Performance Engineering

                               Planning, coordination, information sharing, and control
  Knowledge areas

                                     validation and testing                                  Problem
                      SDLC &                 (PVT)                                          detection
                    architecture                                                               and
                       (SA)                              Capacity planning      (APM)

                                   Underlying competencies and roles for delivering

                                     Techniques supporting the knowledge areas

                                     2012 Collaborative Consulting
The Enterprise PE team: There must be a practice leader

       A shared service and clearing house for all performance, scalability and
        capacity planning information. Transforms performance information to
                        business knowledge and advantage.

               Communicates across the teams to share information

                                              For instance, the production workload and the
              Operations PT                   performance test workload – are they in sync?

             Architecture and                 Make sure the architecture team knows how the
               production                     new release, or newest build behave in production.

                                              The business risks are clearly identified and
            Business direction                communicated.

                                              Can provide performance guidelines to the
            Development teams                 developers, must influence the unit testing process.

                    2012 Collaborative Consulting
Information sharing across the knowledge areas

    Enterprise PE
    planning and                                         planning                                       Triage

                                                                                                SPE impacts Architects,
                                                                                                Developers, testing, and
                    Forecast                                        Workload                          operations
                    Workload                                        scalability

                                     NFR’s              Performance               User Exp
                                  Volumetrics,           validation,              Workload
                                   workload                testing

               SDLC,                                       Results
            Architecture                                 Observations                           APM
               , NFR

                                                         Growth plans

                        2012 Collaborative Consulting
PE: Knowledge areas

          SA                         PVT                                 CP                   APM                      PDR
  Software development       Performance testing and               Capacity planning   Application performance   Problem detection and
lifecycle and architecture          validation                                               management                resolution

                                   2012 Collaborative Consulting
PE: Software development lifecycle and architecture

          SA                         PVT                                 CP                   APM                      PDR
  Software development       Performance testing and               Capacity planning   Application performance   Problem detection and
lifecycle and architecture          validation                                               management                resolution

                                   2012 Collaborative Consulting
PE: SA (software development lifecycle)
                                         Waterfall methodologies

                                                                   Functional        Performance
   Define            Design                    Develop                                             Deploy
                                                                      test               test

                            Need to plan for                      Build code to performance
                          performance testing                            requirements


                          Deploy                         Agile                  Design

                                         Test                           Build

   Can a system be designed to support 10 TPS and 1 second response time work @ 100 TPS and 1 second?

                        2012 Collaborative Consulting
SDLC: Define and design
                   Define                                                                     Design
  1.   Project risk scorecard                                                1.   Technology Architecture validated
        -   Key business transactions                                             to the performance Usage
            identified                                                            Scenarios. How will it achieve the
        -   Workflow constraints                                                  key performance requirements?
        -   SLA’s and penalties                            response time.         Define the scalability approach.
                                                           Flash marketing
  2.   Workload model and usage                                 event.       2.   Scalability to support flash events
                                                                             3.   Environments: include any
  3.   Business volumes with peak
                                                                                  required changes to develop and
                                                                                  test the performance usage
  4.   Business performance                                                       scenarios.

                  Communication to your downstream processes and people
                                             Prepare to deal with flash events

                                                Design to avoid flash events
                            (they are expensive. E.g. Work with business why does the outbound email
                                      have to send email to all xM customers at the same time

                           2012 Collaborative Consulting
SDLC: Develop and functional testing
                   Functions are tested. Performance needs to be analyzed.

                  Develop                                              Functional test
  •   The functions are mapped to software                   •   Verify business functions and key
      components. The performance req’s are                      performance functions.
      assigned to the components.
                                                             •   Verify the key performance workflows
  •   Unit testing for early validation of the                   and functions.
      performance req’s for the software
      components. Response time                              •   Define and execute micro-performance
      measurements.                                              testing in the QA process.

  •   Integration testing include micro-                     •   Produce report on for each key
      performance testing of key functions.                      performance Usage Scenario with
      Code review of the key performance                         response time and throughput.

  •   Enhance unit and integration test for
      early validation of key performance

  Greatest impact on performance and scalability, but you must know the goals.
                  Communication to your downstream processes and people

                             2012 Collaborative Consulting
Performance budgets
  Do your developers know how much time they have for their piece of the transaction?

         Code runs

                                                              WEB   APP SVR


                                                                     LDAP           CORBA


    Respond to the user
       in 2 seconds.                                                                                Web

                      2012 Collaborative Consulting
PE: Performance testing and validation

          SA                         PVT                                 CP                   APM                      PDR
  Software development       Performance testing and               Capacity planning   Application performance   Problem detection and
lifecycle and architecture          validation                                               management                resolution

                                   2012 Collaborative Consulting
PE: PTV (performance testing and validation)

     What is changing? Where does it need to be validated? What (all) is being measured?

      The project: Why are we testing and what are the success criteria?

                      Business goals and non-functional requirements are defined

                                         Workload and scenarios defined

                                 Environment defined (where are we testing)

                                            Application in a stable state

                      Configuration management and release management ready

                                        Core performance team identified

                                            Supporting team committed

                     2012 Collaborative Consulting
Organization: Performance team value
               You still need to explain to the rest of the organization what you do

    Business and            Early involvement
   application area        with the applications              Test execution                Environment
     knowledge                     team

• Deep understanding of   • Performance engineers         • Well-understood            • Testing environment is
  the application being     involved in design              workload model and           a close approximation
  tested                    sessions                        characterization             of production, including
                                                                                         database size
• Deep understanding of   • Understand the nature         • All components in the
  the technical             of the data required for        test are monitored and     • Differences between
  architecture of the       testing                         reported on                  test and production are
  application                                                                            clearly known
                          • Able to understand            • A defined triage process
• Understanding of the      technical gaps to meet          for troubleshooting        • Release and
  business area             requirements not                                             configuration
                                                          • A process to manage
  supported by the          supported by the tool                                        management in place
                                                            the inevitable
  applications                                              unplanned tests and          and procedures
                                                            test archive exists

                                             Performance team value

                          2012 Collaborative Consulting
Performance team reference model

 Primary test, design, and execution team               Performance engineering support skills

                                                                                Planning and
              Performance                                  architect


                               analyst                      Data

                Must determine the core team members vs. on-demand team

                        2012 Collaborative Consulting
Enterprise performance team

    PT problem                                                                                 Strategy and
                                          PT technology
     resolution                                                                                  planning
       board                                                                                  (architecture)**


                                  Performance test                                            engineering and
                                   execution team                                               optimization

                           Vendor                             Application
                         management                           deployment

     Vendor       IBM              Oracle               EMC        Informatica   Vendor   Vendor


                        2012 Collaborative Consulting
Model test case execution
                                 In the end, the test has to be run.

                              Prepare test
                                                       Prepare test                Confirm
        Select test          harness online                                                                 Initiate test
  0       case                  or batch
                                                                                                                case              1

                                                                 analysis and                       Evaluate
                                                                 triage team                        impact of
        Select test                Normal test
  1       case                     completion?

                                       Yes         Gather test
                                                                                Analysis for                      Create test
                                                                                 specific                       report; publish
                                                  Txn RT, CPU,
                                                                                 change?                         to repository    2

             Are                  Categorize                                        Can you
          changes               change – enter                                     retest with                  Rerun the test
  2     required for
                                change to CM
           retest?               tracking tool                                      change?

            No                                                                         No

                                 Move to next                                                                   Move to next
                                  test case                      0                                              test scenario

                       2012 Collaborative Consulting
PE: Capacity planning

          SA                         PVT                                 CP                   APM                      PDR
  Software development       Performance testing and               Capacity planning   Application performance   Problem detection and
lifecycle and architecture          validation                                               management                resolution

                                   2012 Collaborative Consulting
PE: CP (capacity planning)
                                      The right system at the right price!

                                                             Plan for              • Forecast workloads
                                                              future               • Plan for usage

  • Track utilization of
    existing systems                      current
  • Track workload
                                                                      Determine                 • Define system to
                                                                       capacity                   support workloads
                                                                    requirements                • Test
                                                                                                • Define service

                     Workloads drive system transactions, which drive resource utilization

                             2012 Collaborative Consulting
Capacity: Use of resources
       The overall system has a capacity; each component has a capacity.


                                                          WEB   APP SVR


                                                                 LDAP           CORBA



                  2012 Collaborative Consulting
Workload model validation

       Actual workload                               Synthetic workload

                                                                                        Model calibration
              System                                           System
      Measured response times,                         Measured response times,
     throughputs, utilizations, etc.                  throughputs, utilizations, etc.

                                   Acceptable                             No


                              2012 Collaborative Consulting
PE: Application performance management

          SA                         PVT                                 CP                   APM                      PDR
  Software development       Performance testing and               Capacity planning   Application performance   Problem detection and
lifecycle and architecture          validation                                               management                resolution

                                   2012 Collaborative Consulting
Five elements of APM (Gartner)

           Monitoring the performance of complex distributed applications

                        End user experience measurement – browser/mobile
               1        device

               2        Create a model of the run-time environment (discovery)

                        Profile the performance and behavior of user-defined
               3        transactions

                        Performance metrics from each of the
               4        applications/systems technical components (Webserver,
                        App server, Database, etc.)

               5        Application performance management database

                2012 Collaborative Consulting
End user experience monitoring

             2012 Collaborative Consulting
Track key user experience metrics

     Mobile                           Total end-user response time
                                         Browser rendering time
                                             Network latency

      Mobile Real User Monitoring

                     2012 Collaborative Consulting
And see every hop of the transaction


                                                   Web server
                                                       App server
                                                  Data warehouse gateway

              Dynamic Transaction
                Path Detection

                       2012 Collaborative Consulting
PE: Problem detection and resolution

          SA                         PVT                                 CP                   APM                      PDR
  Software development       Performance testing and               Capacity planning   Application performance   Problem detection and
lifecycle and architecture          validation                                               management                resolution

                                   2012 Collaborative Consulting
Performance issues and root-cause analysis

                        This leverages several knowledge areas

               A solution must be found quickly (under pressure)

   Performance issues are found in:
       • Preproduction environment
       • Production and operations environments

   Key business transactions are not meeting their service level objectives:
       • End user experience is degrading (acute or chronic)
       • Overnight processing is taking longer
       • Stability and performance issues

                    2012 Collaborative Consulting
When problems occur

                Flash web site events (all at once)

             New code released causes problems

                             Infrastructure upgrade

           Consolidation of applications and servers

            New workload model (batch and online)

             2012 Collaborative Consulting
Underlying competencies

                                      Project                         Communication
                                    management                           skills
                                                     problem solver

                                                       Business       Monitoring and
                                                      Knowledge          tuning

                                    Behavioral                        Application and
                                  characteristics                     tool knowledge
     Underlying                                      development

                                     Test data       Test execution
                                    management          process

                   2012 Collaborative Consulting
Technical competencies

                                                       Code             Deep dive          Resource
                                   Database           profiling           tools
                                   monitoring          tools            (HP Diagnostics,
                                                                          CA Wily, etc,     system
                                                    (Static analysis,     Jprobe, etc)
                                                      diagnostics)                            level

                                       End to end           Comprehensive
                                                                                       Statistics and
                                      performance          results collection
                                          tools              and reporting

    competencies                  Test design        Queuing
                                      and              and               Test data
                                                                                           Little’s law
                                   execution         modeling             creation
                                     tools            tools

                   2012 Collaborative Consulting
PE Techniques

           Brainstorming                          Data modeling

      Creating a workload model                 Performance testing

          Triage approach                       Static code analysis

                                                    Logging and
      System metrics collection

                2012 Collaborative Consulting
PE roles: The team – many possible roles

          Managing and developing the core team members

              1            Technical Project manager

              2            Performance Architect

              3            Sr. Performance Engineer

              4            Performance Engineer

              5            Sr. Test automation technician

              6            Test automation technician

              7            Performance data engineer

              8            Sr. Capacity planner

              9            Capacity planner

             10            Modeler

                  2012 Collaborative Consulting
Career path: Performance engineer foundation


   Grow your                                              Performance
 leadership and                                 Lead
 communication                                technical                 Workload
                                                 role                    models

                                             Technical                  Production
                                            architecture                  triage
                          Core                             Additional
                        technical                            tech
                       competency                                               Communication

                                            Grow your breadth of capabilities
                  2012 Collaborative Consulting
Case study: Preparing for a flash marketing event

                     Planning a large event to introduce a new product

  • Send out email to all registered customers (500,000 currently), there is a link in the email.
  • Run multiple TV ad’s encouraging people to register and then come to the event, results in
    100,000 new registrations
  • No new functionality required to support the event
  • Potential 600,000 users of the web site

             The business is forecasting at least a 10X increase during the
                           event, in terms of product sales

  • How does this translate into system workload and utilization?
  • Do we need more servers?
  • The current system was not really designed for such a flash event

                          2012 Collaborative Consulting
PE: Process to prepare for the event (10X)

       CP                        CP                    PVT                SA

    Forecast the
     workload                                                         Tune application
                                                                      based on results
                              APM                      PDR

                    Measure the current            Plan and execute
                       workload and                 PT for forecast
                    resource utilization               workload

                   2012 Collaborative Consulting
CP: Workload model

                     The CP team uses this information to forecast the
                                   new workload 10X.

        Step    Transaction – by product                Percentage
         1      Login                                       100
         2      Search product                              100
         3      View product detail                         100
         4      Add to shopping cart                        50
         5      Confirm purchase method                     50
         6      Shipping information                        50
         7      Send confirmation email                     50

               2012 Collaborative Consulting
CP: Analyze current capacity

   CP          Review current Production workload, and the under lying system
                 •      Average workload
                 •      Current peak workload


                                                                          Service level

                                                     System utilization

                     2012 Collaborative Consulting
PVT: planning, executing, and analysis

                        •      Use the workload model from CP
                        •      Enable APM during testing
                        •      Work with the Application Architect

                               Methodology is iterative and tactical

                                                      Define business
     Review infrastructure
                                                     activity profiles &       Design & build tests
        & architecture
                                                       service levels

     • Identify risk areas                      • Types & numbers of       •   Test data generation
     • Review configuration                       users                    •   Create test scripts
       settings, topology, & sizing             • Business activities &    •   User & transaction profiles
     • Define points of                           frequencies              •   Infrastructure configuration
                                                                           Iterate testing & tuning

                            2012 Collaborative Consulting

                               Thank you!

               Get your free copy
             SharePath RUM today!

                                   More information:

             2012 Collaborative Consulting

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An Introduction to Software Performance Engineering

  • 1. Enterprise Software Performance Engineering Building systems that scream so your users don’t: A key component of risk management Presented By: Walter Kuketz Hosted By: Frank Days © 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 2. Housekeeping Presentation will last 45 Submit questions via the Slides will be made minutes chat window available 2 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 3. Purpose of today’s webinar Review the current challenges of being a performance engineer Overview of the five knowledge areas of Software performance engineering body of knowldge Where to inject PE tasks and activities into the SDLC to build more performant applications Overview of application performance management (end-to-end user experience) Roles and career path overview Case study – 10X event 3 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 4. Performance engineering challenges today Highly • Complex and tangled system of systems distributed • Distributed Infrastructure apps • Distributed production operations • Performance engineering and testing Distributed • Architecture and development teams • Business Evolving & • Mobile devices changing • Third party services application • SaaS products architectures • Cloud Changing • Driven by mobile anywhere usage • Flash traffic events patterns 4 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 5. Performance engineering challenges User Enterprise Budget Team skills experience • Release • User populations • Constant cost • Performance schedules, mont are exploding and budget organization; hly, quarterly pressure skillsets, multi • Web site disciplined, • Project based performance • Maintaining a communication, directly impacts meaningful split team revenue performance lab (production-like) • Training and career paths 5 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 6. No clear standards in the market for PE Test automation technician Capacity planner ? Performance tester ? ? Performance Engineer Performance analyst ? Performance Architect ? Benchmarks ? Troubleshooting Performance Data engineer ? 6 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 7. Goal of the SPE Body of Knowledge Define the profession of performance Define profession engineering Establish Body of Establish a body of knowledge for Knowldge performance engineering Establish Establish a common language for roles, common responsibilities, and practice areas using language the form of Knowledge Areas Define Define the competencies shared across competencies the knowledge areas Capture common Capture common techniques for sharing techniques across the industry 7 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 8. The SPE Body of Knowledge Enterprise Software Performance Engineering Planning, coordination, information sharing, and control Knowledge areas Performance validation and testing Problem Application SDLC & (PVT) detection performance architecture and management (SA) Capacity planning (APM) resolution (PDR) (CP) Underlying competencies and roles for delivering Techniques supporting the knowledge areas 8 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 9. The Enterprise PE team: There must be a practice leader A shared service and clearing house for all performance, scalability and capacity planning information. Transforms performance information to business knowledge and advantage. Communicates across the teams to share information For instance, the production workload and the Operations PT performance test workload – are they in sync? Architecture and Make sure the architecture team knows how the production new release, or newest build behave in production. The business risks are clearly identified and Business direction communicated. Can provide performance guidelines to the Development teams developers, must influence the unit testing process. 9 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 10. Information sharing across the knowledge areas Enterprise PE Capacity planning and planning Triage monitoring SPE impacts Architects, Results, Developers, testing, and Forecast Workload operations Workload scalability NFR’s Performance User Exp Volumetrics, validation, Workload Utilization workload testing SDLC, Results Architecture Observations APM , NFR Growth plans Workload NFR’s 10 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 11. PE: Knowledge areas SA PVT CP APM PDR Software development Performance testing and Capacity planning Application performance Problem detection and lifecycle and architecture validation management resolution 11 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 12. PE: Software development lifecycle and architecture SA PVT CP APM PDR Software development Performance testing and Capacity planning Application performance Problem detection and lifecycle and architecture validation management resolution 12 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 13. PE: SA (software development lifecycle) Waterfall methodologies Functional Performance Define Design Develop Deploy test test Need to plan for Build code to performance performance testing requirements Define Deploy Agile Design methods Test Build Can a system be designed to support 10 TPS and 1 second response time work @ 100 TPS and 1 second? 13 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 14. SDLC: Define and design Define Design 1. Project risk scorecard 1. Technology Architecture validated - Key business transactions to the performance Usage identified Scenarios. How will it achieve the - Workflow constraints key performance requirements? Sub-second - SLA’s and penalties response time. Define the scalability approach. Flash marketing 2. Workload model and usage event. 2. Scalability to support flash events scenarios 3. Environments: include any 3. Business volumes with peak required changes to develop and factors test the performance usage 4. Business performance scenarios. requirements Communication to your downstream processes and people Prepare to deal with flash events Design to avoid flash events (they are expensive. E.g. Work with business why does the outbound email have to send email to all xM customers at the same time 14 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 15. SDLC: Develop and functional testing Functions are tested. Performance needs to be analyzed. Develop Functional test • The functions are mapped to software • Verify business functions and key components. The performance req’s are performance functions. assigned to the components. • Verify the key performance workflows • Unit testing for early validation of the and functions. performance req’s for the software components. Response time • Define and execute micro-performance measurements. testing in the QA process. • Integration testing include micro- • Produce report on for each key performance testing of key functions. performance Usage Scenario with Code review of the key performance response time and throughput. functions. • Enhance unit and integration test for early validation of key performance functions Greatest impact on performance and scalability, but you must know the goals. Communication to your downstream processes and people 15 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 16. Performance budgets Do your developers know how much time they have for their piece of the transaction? Code runs everywhere. SERVER WEB APP SVR PROXY MQ/ESB LDAP CORBA DCOM Respond to the user in 2 seconds. Web Services Datacenter 16 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 17. PE: Performance testing and validation SA PVT CP APM PDR Software development Performance testing and Capacity planning Application performance Problem detection and lifecycle and architecture validation management resolution 17 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 18. PE: PTV (performance testing and validation) What is changing? Where does it need to be validated? What (all) is being measured? The project: Why are we testing and what are the success criteria? Prerequisites: Business goals and non-functional requirements are defined Workload and scenarios defined Environment defined (where are we testing) Application in a stable state Configuration management and release management ready Core performance team identified Supporting team committed 18 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 19. Organization: Performance team value You still need to explain to the rest of the organization what you do Business and Early involvement application area with the applications Test execution Environment knowledge team • Deep understanding of • Performance engineers • Well-understood • Testing environment is the application being involved in design workload model and a close approximation tested sessions characterization of production, including database size • Deep understanding of • Understand the nature • All components in the the technical of the data required for test are monitored and • Differences between architecture of the testing reported on test and production are application clearly known • Able to understand • A defined triage process • Understanding of the technical gaps to meet for troubleshooting • Release and business area requirements not configuration • A process to manage supported by the supported by the tool management in place the inevitable applications unplanned tests and and procedures enforced test archive exists Performance team value 19 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 20. Performance team reference model Primary test, design, and execution team Performance engineering support skills Planning and Application project Performance architect management engineer Technology SME Test Results automation analyst Data technician engineering Must determine the core team members vs. on-demand team 20 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 21. Enterprise performance team PT problem Strategy and PT technology resolution planning PMO board (architecture)** Infrastructure** Performance Performance test engineering and execution team optimization Application Vendor Application support management deployment Vendor IBM Oracle EMC Informatica Vendor Vendor Vendors 21 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 22. Model test case execution In the end, the test has to be run. Prepare test Prepare test Confirm Select test harness online Initiate test 0 case or batch monitoring components environment readiness case 1 messages No Problem analysis and Evaluate triage team impact of Select test Normal test 1 case completion? change Yes Yes Gather test Analysis for Create test results specific report; publish Txn RT, CPU, DB change? to repository 2 No Are Categorize Can you Implement changes change – enter retest with Rerun the test 2 required for Yes change to CM configuration change the Yes case retest? tracking tool change? No No Move to next Move to next test case 0 test scenario 22 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 23. PE: Capacity planning SA PVT CP APM PDR Software development Performance testing and Capacity planning Application performance Problem detection and lifecycle and architecture validation management resolution 23 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 24. PE: CP (capacity planning) The right system at the right price! Plan for • Forecast workloads future • Plan for usage Analyze • Track utilization of existing systems current capacity • Track workload Determine • Define system to capacity support workloads requirements • Test • Define service levels Workloads drive system transactions, which drive resource utilization 24 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 25. Capacity: Use of resources The overall system has a capacity; each component has a capacity. SERVER WEB APP SVR PROXY MQ/ESB LDAP CORBA DCOM Web Services Datacenter 25 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 26. Workload model validation Actual workload Synthetic workload Model calibration System System Measured response times, Measured response times, throughputs, utilizations, etc. throughputs, utilizations, etc. Acceptable No Yes 26 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 27. PE: Application performance management SA PVT CP APM PDR Software development Performance testing and Capacity planning Application performance Problem detection and lifecycle and architecture validation management resolution 27 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 28. Five elements of APM (Gartner) Monitoring the performance of complex distributed applications End user experience measurement – browser/mobile 1 device 2 Create a model of the run-time environment (discovery) Profile the performance and behavior of user-defined 3 transactions Performance metrics from each of the 4 applications/systems technical components (Webserver, App server, Database, etc.) 5 Application performance management database 28 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 29. End user experience monitoring 29 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 30. Track key user experience metrics Mobile Total end-user response time Browser rendering time Network latency Mobile Real User Monitoring Rendering 30 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 31. And see every hop of the transaction Mobile Proxy server Web server App server Data warehouse gateway Mainframe Database Dynamic Transaction Path Detection Rendering 31 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 32. PE: Problem detection and resolution SA PVT CP APM PDR Software development Performance testing and Capacity planning Application performance Problem detection and lifecycle and architecture validation management resolution 32 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 33. Performance issues and root-cause analysis This leverages several knowledge areas A solution must be found quickly (under pressure) Performance issues are found in: • Preproduction environment • Production and operations environments Key business transactions are not meeting their service level objectives: • End user experience is degrading (acute or chronic) • Overnight processing is taking longer • Stability and performance issues 33 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 34. When problems occur Flash web site events (all at once) New code released causes problems Infrastructure upgrade Consolidation of applications and servers New workload model (batch and online) 34 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 35. Underlying competencies Analytical Project Communication thinking management skills problem solver Business Monitoring and Statistics Knowledge tuning Workload Behavioral Application and model characteristics tool knowledge Underlying development competencies Test data Test execution Forecasting management process 35 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 36. Technical competencies Code Deep dive Resource Database profiling tools utilization monitoring tools (HP Diagnostics, tools CA Wily, etc, system (Static analysis, Jprobe, etc) diagnostics) level End to end Comprehensive Statistics and performance results collection Distributions tools and reporting Technical competencies Test design Queuing and and Test data Little’s law execution modeling creation tools tools 36 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 37. PE Techniques Brainstorming Data modeling Creating a workload model Performance testing Triage approach Static code analysis Logging and System metrics collection instrumentation 37 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 38. PE roles: The team – many possible roles Managing and developing the core team members 1 Technical Project manager 2 Performance Architect 3 Sr. Performance Engineer 4 Performance Engineer 5 Sr. Test automation technician 6 Test automation technician 7 Performance data engineer 8 Sr. Capacity planner 9 Capacity planner 10 Modeler 38 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 39. Career path: Performance engineer foundation Performance Engineer Grow your Performance testing leadership and Lead communication technical Workload role models Technical Production architecture triage Core Additional technical tech competency Communication competency Grow your breadth of capabilities 39 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 40. Case study: Preparing for a flash marketing event Planning a large event to introduce a new product • Send out email to all registered customers (500,000 currently), there is a link in the email. • Run multiple TV ad’s encouraging people to register and then come to the event, results in 100,000 new registrations • No new functionality required to support the event • Potential 600,000 users of the web site The business is forecasting at least a 10X increase during the event, in terms of product sales • How does this translate into system workload and utilization? • Do we need more servers? • The current system was not really designed for such a flash event 40 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 41. PE: Process to prepare for the event (10X) CP CP PVT SA Forecast the workload Tune application based on results APM PDR Measure the current Plan and execute workload and PT for forecast resource utilization workload 41 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 42. CP: Workload model CP The CP team uses this information to forecast the new workload 10X. Step Transaction – by product Percentage 1 Login 100 2 Search product 100 3 View product detail 100 4 Add to shopping cart 50 5 Confirm purchase method 50 6 Shipping information 50 7 Send confirmation email 50 42 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 43. CP: Analyze current capacity CP Review current Production workload, and the under lying system utilization. • Average workload • Current peak workload Response time Service level 100% System utilization 43 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 44. PVT: planning, executing, and analysis PVT • Use the workload model from CP • Enable APM during testing • Work with the Application Architect Methodology is iterative and tactical Define business Review infrastructure activity profiles & Design & build tests & architecture service levels • Identify risk areas • Types & numbers of • Test data generation • Review configuration users • Create test scripts settings, topology, & sizing • Business activities & • User & transaction profiles • Define points of frequencies • Infrastructure configuration measurement Iterate testing & tuning 44 2012 Collaborative Consulting
  • 45. Questions? Thank you! Get your free copy SharePath RUM today! More information: 45 2012 Collaborative Consulting

Editor's Notes

  1. Performance is often at odds with other key quality attributes, such as flexibility, portablility, maintainability, etc.
  2. The performance team fits inside a large context model. How does it interact with other groups?
  3. The performance database is required to support performance analysis and analytics. This is a resource for the CP team.
  4. You have the ability to watch/monitor every transaction for every user. What Is A Transaction?Request issued by an end-userGoes through multiple componentsEach component may be activated multiple timesNote that:Different transaction types take different paths and flowsSometimes instances of the same transaction type execute across different flows
  5. What Is A Transaction?Request issued by an end-userGoes through multiple componentsEach component may be activated multiple timesNote that:Different transaction types take different paths and flowsSometimes instances of the same transaction type execute across different flows
  6. The process for PDR is need for production and preproduction environments. This is required in Performance testing, critical for a key POC that demonstrates business advantage. Most POC’s experience problems along the way. Having a well defined detection and resolution process is key to success. Problems will happen and you must be ready for them, and move past them quickly.They can occur gradually or suddenly. A small change can cause big problems or disruptions. How do they manifest themselves to the end-user, or business workflow?
  7. Flash events can wreak havoc on a system that was not designed for scaling. Database contention can come into play at much higher transaction levels. Slow memory leaks can suddenly become exposed at 10x level.Consolidation of servers or applications is a difficult tasks. Combining workloads onto one physical server that is hosting many Virtual Servers always has few unintended consequences.
  8. How do we support the delivery of the five knowledge areas?Analytic skills are required; Decision making, Creative thinking, Learning, Problem solving, Systems thinkingBusiness knowledge – awareness of your organization and how it makes decisions (especially on budgeting)Interaction skills - Negotiation and facilitation, Leadership, Consultative/Influencing, Teamwork. Test data management – a very critical part of the Body of Knowledge.
  9. You should correlate the TV ad to the system utilization. Did the ad drive traffic to your web site?
  10. Each step is multiple system transactions. For instance, I have seen some login processes display too much information. In a low volume site, that might be ok. But under stress, the information for the login screen could crush the system.
  11. Understand when the current system violates the service level. How many transactions and how far away from the Flash event goal are we? This relies on the APM tools and procedures in place. Collecting the system CPU metrics and database usage information.
  12. Test planning, results review.Stress testing approach for the application. Most application break well before the 10X level. During the testing process, the development team will be making coding changes to help scale the application.Results reporting, detailed metrics on utilization are critical, also, often times deep diagnostics are required to find the problems.