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Formulating a Test strategy
for an Agile software project

            By Tharinda Liyanage
•   About QA
•   Some terminology
•   Traditional test practices
•   Formulating a test strategy for the project
•   Iteration metrics
Word on QA…
• It is a set of activities intended to ensure that products satisfy
  customer requirements in a systematic, reliable fashion.

• In SCRUM (agile) QA is the responsibility of everyone in
  R&D, not only the Test team. QA is all the activities we do to
  ensure correct quality during development of new products.
Testing terminology
– Unit testing
    • Automatic test on code level run every night or after new code is added – to verify no bugs
– Integration testing
    • Testing interactions between different modules of the system
– Feature testing
    •   Performed by a QA when a feature is finished implemented

– System testing
    • To verify whether the system as a whole meets the specified requirements
– ExploratoryTesting
    • Exploratory testing is simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution.
– Regression Testing
    • Test to detect side effects from changes to the system, i.e after bug fix
– Retesting
    • Verification of bug fix
– Compatibility testing
    •   Verification of compatibility between AMX applications and the different OS, office applications, browsers and
        databases etc that we support

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QA Best Practices in Agile World_new
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QA Best Practices in Agile World_new

The document discusses QA best practices in an Agile development environment. It describes key aspects of Agile like iterative delivery, self-organizing teams, and rapid feedback. It addresses challenges of fitting QA into short iterations and questions around testing approaches. The document advocates for testing to be collaborative, automated, and continuous throughout development. It provides recommendations for QA roles in activities like planning, stand-ups, retrospectives and acceptance testing. Overall it promotes testing practices in Agile that focus on early feedback, automation, and involvement of QA throughout the development process.

Test Management introduction
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Test Management introduction

The document discusses test management for software quality assurance, including defining test management as organizing and controlling the testing process and artifacts. It covers the phases of test management like planning, authoring, execution, and reporting. Additionally, it discusses challenges in test management, priorities and classifications for testing, and the role and responsibilities of the test manager.

Agile testing
Agile testingAgile testing
Agile testing

This document provides an overview of agile testing. It discusses what agile testing is, common agile testing strategies and stages, principles of agile testing, advantages such as reduced time and money and regular feedback, challenges like compressed testing cycles and minimal time for planning, and concludes that communication between teams is key to agile testing success. The agile testing life cycle involves four stages: iteration 0 for initial setup, construction iterations for ongoing testing, release for deployment, and production for maintenance. Principles include testing moving the project forward, testing as a continuous activity, everyone on the team participating in testing, and reducing feedback loops.

software testingmanual testingtesting apporach
How Traditional Test Practices Evolved
How Traditional Test Practices Evolved
Agile testing
•   We test in iterations
•   Test early
•   Testers take more integrated, team oriented approach than previous
Test Strategy-outlined

• Test strategy in agile development
  Release        Each Sprint     Hardening
                                                Release QA
 planning        (Sprint QA         Sprint
(test plan)       activities)   (system test)

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Test Automation
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This presentation introduces Test Automation and gives overview of the tasks involved. For more info visit

test automationautomationqa automation
Test Strategy in agile
•   We start our QA activities at Release planning stage

• Release planning
     – Create test plans
           •   High level test planning
           •   budgeting enough time

     – Participate in story sizing

     – Typical Test plan will include
           •   Scope of testing
           •   New functionalities which are being tested
           •   Types/ level of testing based on the complexity of the features being tested
           •   Performance and load testing
           •   Infrastructure consideration (Test environment/software)
           •   Risks/ mitigation plans
           •   Resourcing
           •   Milestones and deliverables
Test Strategy in agile…
• Each Sprint
  – Participate in sprint planning
  – Estimate tasks(QA input)
  – Write test cases using stories(QA)
       •   High level test cases before coding begins- guide dev
       •   Detailed test cases written during coding
  – Unit/ Integration tests(Dev)
       •   Automatic test on code level run every night or after new code is added. Bugs found are fixed immediately

  – Pair tests(Dev + QA)
       •   Performed when a part of a feature is finished implemented. Bugs found are fixed immediately

  – Feature tests(QA)
       •   Performed when a feature is finished implemented. Errors found are logged in main project in bug system and
           prioritized during next sprint planning. After all prioritized bugs are fixed, the feature is ready for System Test at
           the end of the project

  – Reviews (stories, req, test cases with customer, programmer)
       • Increase collaboration and communications
Test Strategy in agile…
• Each Sprint contd…
  – Test automation
       • Automate new functional test cases
       • Run automated regression tests

  – Perform non functional testing (load, security, usability etc)
  – Demo to the stakeholders
Test Strategy in agile…
• Hardening sprint
   – A hardening sprint can be used for bug fixes in previous sprints. Bugs that are prioritized
     will be considered here

   – The end game(System test)

        Every member in the team is involved in this.

        •   Mock deploy on staging
        •   Smoke test on staging
        •   Perform non functional testing (load, security, usability etc)
        •   Complete regression test
        •   Perform UAT tests
        •   Other tests
               – Compatibility(DB upgrade etc)
               – Installation
               – Localization etc

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Testing concepts ppt

Testing involves finding errors in a program. The goal is to assume a program contains errors and test to find as many as possible. Different testing techniques include white box testing by developers and black box testing by testers. Testing levels include unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing. Developers and testers have different goals - developers want code to work while testers try to make code fail. Good development practices from a tester's view include doing own acceptance tests, fixing bugs, writing helpful error messages, and not artificially adding bugs. Good relationships between project managers, developers and testers help ensure quality.

Testing methodology
Testing methodologyTesting methodology
Testing methodology

This document provides an overview of software testing and the testing process. It discusses: - The purpose of testing is to find errors and ensure software meets requirements. - The testing process includes test planning, analysis and design, execution, evaluation and reporting. - Key methodologies like unit, integration, system and acceptance testing are explained. - Regression testing is described as important for ensuring changes don't break existing functionality. - The roles of different teams in the testing process and the goals at each testing level are outlined.

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Manual testing concepts course 1

Testing software is conducted to ensure the system meets user needs and requirements. The primary objectives of testing are to verify that the right system was built according to specifications and that it was built correctly. Testing helps instill user confidence, ensures functionality and performance, and identifies any issues where the system does not meet specifications. Different types of testing include unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing, which are done at various stages of the software development life cycle.

Test Strategy in agile…
• Release
  – Define Exit criteria
      • Testing activities (bug severity, open bugs, coverage levels, metrics etc)
      • Product Artifacts (user guide, installation guides, other necessary
        documentation are in place)

  – Participate in retrospectives
      • Start
      • Stop
      • Continue
Iteration metrics
To enhance predictability…
– Measuring progress
    • Burn down charts
    • Estimated vs. Actual time for tasks

– Defect metrics
   • Root cause analysis
   • Results from defect tracking system

– Traceability metrics
    • Test coverage (story vs. test cases)
    • Code coverage

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Agile Testing Strategy

  • 1. Formulating a Test strategy for an Agile software project By Tharinda Liyanage
  • 2. Agenda • About QA • Some terminology • Traditional test practices • Formulating a test strategy for the project • Iteration metrics
  • 3. Word on QA… • It is a set of activities intended to ensure that products satisfy customer requirements in a systematic, reliable fashion. • In SCRUM (agile) QA is the responsibility of everyone in R&D, not only the Test team. QA is all the activities we do to ensure correct quality during development of new products.
  • 4. Testing terminology – Unit testing • Automatic test on code level run every night or after new code is added – to verify no bugs introduced – Integration testing • Testing interactions between different modules of the system – Feature testing • Performed by a QA when a feature is finished implemented – System testing • To verify whether the system as a whole meets the specified requirements – ExploratoryTesting • Exploratory testing is simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution. – Regression Testing • Test to detect side effects from changes to the system, i.e after bug fix – Retesting • Verification of bug fix – Compatibility testing • Verification of compatibility between AMX applications and the different OS, office applications, browsers and databases etc that we support
  • 5. How Traditional Test Practices Evolved
  • 6. How Traditional Test Practices Evolved
  • 7. Agile testing • We test in iterations • Test early • Testers take more integrated, team oriented approach than previous
  • 8. Test Strategy-outlined • Test strategy in agile development Release Each Sprint Hardening Release QA planning (Sprint QA Sprint activities (test plan) activities) (system test)
  • 9. Test Strategy in agile • We start our QA activities at Release planning stage • Release planning – Create test plans • High level test planning • budgeting enough time – Participate in story sizing – Typical Test plan will include • Scope of testing • New functionalities which are being tested • Types/ level of testing based on the complexity of the features being tested • Performance and load testing • Infrastructure consideration (Test environment/software) • Risks/ mitigation plans • Resourcing • Milestones and deliverables
  • 10. Test Strategy in agile… • Each Sprint – Participate in sprint planning – Estimate tasks(QA input) – Write test cases using stories(QA) • High level test cases before coding begins- guide dev • Detailed test cases written during coding – Unit/ Integration tests(Dev) • Automatic test on code level run every night or after new code is added. Bugs found are fixed immediately – Pair tests(Dev + QA) • Performed when a part of a feature is finished implemented. Bugs found are fixed immediately – Feature tests(QA) • Performed when a feature is finished implemented. Errors found are logged in main project in bug system and prioritized during next sprint planning. After all prioritized bugs are fixed, the feature is ready for System Test at the end of the project – Reviews (stories, req, test cases with customer, programmer) • Increase collaboration and communications
  • 11. Test Strategy in agile… • Each Sprint contd… – Test automation • Automate new functional test cases • Run automated regression tests – Perform non functional testing (load, security, usability etc) – Demo to the stakeholders
  • 12. Test Strategy in agile… • Hardening sprint – A hardening sprint can be used for bug fixes in previous sprints. Bugs that are prioritized will be considered here – The end game(System test) Every member in the team is involved in this. • Mock deploy on staging • Smoke test on staging • Perform non functional testing (load, security, usability etc) • Complete regression test • Perform UAT tests • Other tests – Compatibility(DB upgrade etc) – Installation – Localization etc
  • 13. Test Strategy in agile… • Release – Define Exit criteria • Testing activities (bug severity, open bugs, coverage levels, metrics etc) • Product Artifacts (user guide, installation guides, other necessary documentation are in place) – Participate in retrospectives • Start • Stop • Continue
  • 14. Iteration metrics To enhance predictability… – Measuring progress • Burn down charts • Estimated vs. Actual time for tasks – Defect metrics • Root cause analysis • Results from defect tracking system – Traceability metrics • Test coverage (story vs. test cases) • Code coverage

Editor's Notes

  1. Test strategy document can be used to give new employees a high level understanding of how your test processes work.Keeping the agile nature in mind, we have identified areas that we can incorporate QA activities.
  2. Test plan- helps to identify possible issues and dependencies, to bring risks to be talked about and to be addressed and to think about the big picture.Story sizing- sometimes testing wasn’t include in estimates of story size. Sometimes testing a piece of functionality will take longer than coding it. To identify ripple effect and to uncover hidden stories with in a story.
  3. To achieve Definition of done. We have to make sure that each story is tested. Peer reviewed. Review stories from the customer and tester perspective with programmer. Look for mismatches
  4. Test automation - need to reduce repetitive work of the tester so that more time can be spent doing exploratory testing. - need to identify repetitive tasks - identify tools, - skills
  5. Measuring progress- you need an idea how much work is left and whether some stories cannot be completed on time. Go for different plans as needed.Defect metrics- track what type of bugs are popping up and their root cause. Whether they could have been captured in unit test level so that training on writing unit tests. Misunderstood requirements, not enough time for iteration planning or UAT test cases are not detailed enough.