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Agile: Myths and
Angela Dugan



.NET Solutions

Obligatory Dilbert
Agile Tenets
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

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From Chaos to Confidence: DevOps at LeanKit
From Chaos to Confidence: DevOps at LeanKitFrom Chaos to Confidence: DevOps at LeanKit
From Chaos to Confidence: DevOps at LeanKit

This document outlines LeanKit's product development operating model, which aims to transition the organization from chaos to confidence. Key elements of the model include using Kanban and cadences to visualize and limit work-in-progress, organizing teams into squads and guilds for autonomous delivery, and holding regular meetings like tribal councils and architecture committees. The model emphasizes continuous delivery of value through deploying increments every 5 days, measuring outcomes, and improving collaboratively.

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The slides from my talk at WebExpo about how to make your retrospectives the heart of your agile proces

Scrumagilean: Understanding Lean and Forgetting Scrum vs Kanban
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Scrumagilean: Understanding Lean and Forgetting Scrum vs Kanban

The document discusses the shared heritage and principles of modern management methods like Lean, Agile, Scrum, and Kanban. It explains that while these methods may have different terminology and practices, they are all based on the same timeless Lean principles of eliminating waste, building quality in, creating knowledge, optimizing the whole process, and more. The document advocates understanding the shared principles between methods in order to broaden learning and improve communication. It also presents that Scrum and Kanban are not competing frameworks but rather complementary, with teams able to benefit from elements of both.

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Quick review of Agile/Scrum

SCRUM = Agile

Agile <> Scrum
My Top Agile Myths & Legends

Organizations are not succeeding with agile


Agile works better than traditional approaches (e.g. Waterfall)


Traditional (Waterfall) works better for distributed/offshore


Agile teams waste a lot of time testing that traditional teams


Agile teams don’t produce documentation


Daily stand-ups are just glorified status meetings


Without detailed records, I don’t know that my people are really
working all the time!


If we convert to Agile, that means we can “do more with less”
Myth #1
Organizations are not succeeding
with agile
(a.k.a. “Agile is just a fad”)
Agile Myths and Legends

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How (fr)agile we are. ALE2011
How (fr)agile we are. ALE2011How (fr)agile we are. ALE2011
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This document discusses metrics for agile product development. It argues that traditional metrics designed for linear processes do not work for complex and unpredictable agile systems. Instead, it recommends focusing on metrics that allow for learning and change over time through single and double loop learning. The document presents a framework with four quadrants of metrics for measuring business outcomes, products, processes, and team maturity using metrics that serve as "boundary objects" between teams.

metrics agile complexity ale2011
Regarding that fad nonsense…
Agile has been around as a general methodology since as
early as the 70s
Agile was introduced as an “official” flavor of software
development processes in the early 90’s
The Agile Manifesto came into being in 2001
Myth #1
Organizations are not succeeding
with agile
False: At least 86% are trying, and most are succeeding!
Myth #2
Agile generally works better than
traditional approaches (e.g. Waterfall)
The Numbers Don’t Lie

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Your team is already running along with JIRA, Confluence, or HipChat enabling you to deliver awesome projects. But can they help you with team culture? How can you use the tools your team already has in place to cultivate an innovative and open culture? This talk will cover different ways to use JIRA and Confluence to hack your team culture. We will give you tips on how to use Atlassian to make large organizations feel like small teams, build and maintain an innovative culture, and inject some fun and humor into your team - making your workplace feel a bit more enjoyable! Sherif Mansour, Principal Product Manager, Atlassian

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Intro to Lean Practices & Tools
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Intro to Lean Practices & Tools

While LeanKit sell a kanban tool, we firmly believe that kanban is only one of many powerful tools available to Lean practitioners and that all of these tools are best applied within a framework of Lean principles. This talk briefly re-introduces those principles and then provides an introduction to more than ten main Lean practices and tools, including kanban, gemba, kaizen, takt time, obeya, value stream mapping, muri, mura, muda (waste) and more. It gives real-world examples of their use in different domains to make clear that these ideas are readily applicable across industries and functions. Bio: Jon Terry is co-Chief Executive Officer of LeanKit. Before LeanKit, Jon held a number of senior IT positions with hospital-giant HCA and its logistics subsidiary, HealthTrust Purchasing Group. He was among those responsible for launching HCA’s adoption of Lean/Agile methods. Jon earned his Global Executive MBA from Georgetown University and ESADE Business School in Barcelona, Spain, and his Masters Certificate in Project Management from George Washington University. He is a Project Management Professional, a Certified Scrum Master, a Kanban Coaching Professional, is certified in the Lean Construction Institute’s Last Planner Method, and trained in the SAFe Lean Systems Engineering method.

lean manufacturingkanbanmanagement
But Agile Projects Still Fail!
Agile is more than 3 time LESS likely to fail than Waterfall.

Agile is 3 times MORE likely to succeed than Waterfall.
Agile is not a guarantee of Success (“no silver bullet”)
Agile will never be perfect so long as imperfect people
are executing it
Myth #2
Agile generally works better than
traditional approaches (e.g. Waterfall)
True: Anybody can fail with Agile, but when done right I’ve yet to see a
situation where adopting agile practices didn’t improve things
Myth #3
Traditional (Waterfall) works better for
distributed/offshore teams
Challenges of Distributed Teams
Communication and coordination can be hampered by timezone differences
Self-management and communicating impediments is
difficult for some cultures
Daily stand-ups may require additional technology to

Peer review and code quality/standards enforcement may
require extra effort and diligence

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The document discusses an introduction to agile principles and practices. It begins with introductions from Yves Hanoulle and Vera Peeters. It then discusses agile manifesto values and principles. It covers topics like agile project management, scaling agile, and introduces an XP game exercise. The goal is to provide an overview of agile concepts and how they can help the situation at Porthus.

PixelCrayons’ Tips and Strategies for a Successful Remote Team Management
PixelCrayons’ Tips and Strategies for a Successful Remote Team ManagementPixelCrayons’ Tips and Strategies for a Successful Remote Team Management
PixelCrayons’ Tips and Strategies for a Successful Remote Team Management

Read the full blog here: Connect with us through: Contact us : Facebook : Twitter : LinkedIn : Instagram : Pinterest :

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Managing Virtual Teams [The Ultimate Guide]
Managing Virtual Teams [The Ultimate Guide] Managing Virtual Teams [The Ultimate Guide]
Managing Virtual Teams [The Ultimate Guide]

This document provides tips and strategies for successfully managing virtual teams. It discusses establishing clear goals, roles, communication guidelines, and processes to provide structure for virtual teams. It also emphasizes building trust with team members by giving autonomy, encouraging creativity, and including employees in decision-making. The best leadership styles for virtual teams are directive, participative, and coaching styles that clearly guide employees while allowing independence.

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TFS 2012 Team Dashboard
TFS 2012 Backlog Planner
VS 2012 Code Review Tool (requires VS Premium or better)
Distributed Agile Strategies
Coordinate schedules to ensure overlap in the work-day
Meet face to face to establish trust
Install web cameras, Skype, and/or on-line task boards to
enable real-time communication
Establish continuous integration CI and target high test
coverage across all teams

Keep iterations short

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Ever wondered what it takes to be a successful remote worker? Join Stella Garber from Trello and learn the tips and tricks for time and work management that make remote work an absolute joy. Hear personal and life tips from Trello's team of 70% remote workers, and learn how they tackled the challenges and succeeded in making remote work work.


A very quick introduction to the usefulness of the main Agile concepts to the business of running projects within an award-winning London ad agency. Nothing new here but the briefness may be useful to others.

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Three steps to transform from a waterfall to an Agile org
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A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... before the LeSS framework existed as a clearly defined framework, a few chosen Agile coaches were trying to restore agility to the galaxy by introducing the organization to the concepts that were later named as the LeSS framework. This is a story about one Agile coach trying to help a product group in a security company to improve their business success by optimizing the whole rather than parts, by eliminating silos and getting rid of the fore waterfall forces of the dark side

lessagileagile software development
Myth #3
Traditional (Waterfall) works better for
distributed/offshore teams
Sometimes: Agile can work for distributed teams, but takes work and it IS succeeding.
Myth #4
Agile teams waste a lot of time up front
testing that traditional teams don’t
Why Does Testing Early and
Often Matter?
Agile Testing Practices
Automated Unit Testing

Automated Regression Testing
Continuous Integration
Exploratory Testing

Again… tools are your friend!

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What does a Scrum Master do, or should do, all day?
What does a Scrum Master do, or should do, all day? What does a Scrum Master do, or should do, all day?
What does a Scrum Master do, or should do, all day?

A Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum process, creates rhythm and sets expectations for projects and team members. They facilitate daily stand-ups and meetings, enhance communication, and act as an approachable coach through 1:1 meetings and active listening. Scrum Masters also train teams, products, and the organization on Agile practices.

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Death by Dogma versus Agile Assembly
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This is the slide deck I used for the keynote at the Agile Open Holland Conference 2011, held November 3 & 4 in Dieren. Using this slide deck I explain about being dogmatic and religious about agile approaches, and how a lot of the lightweight approaches are not sufficient as such for most larger, more complex or enterprise projects.

3 beliefs you need to let go to start your agile journey - Wildcard 2015
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3 beliefs you need to let go to start your agile journey - Wildcard 2015

Slides (with extra info) for my talk at Wildcard Unconference 2015. For the past 10-15 years, many organisations have gone through agile transformations, mainly in the software industry. The success rate has not been stellar to say the least. The State of Agile surveys point out that management support and general resistance to change are among biggest barriers to agile adoption. In my experience, the root causes for resistance of change and lack of management support are: belief of the importance of maximising resource utilisation, batch thinking and process roll-out positivism, the belief that new processes can be rolled out in the organisation and communicating new prescriptive processes can impact the ways of working for everyone. These paradigms are fundamentally incompatible with the agile way of working. If an organisation tries to transform its ways of working to agile without helping its members to unlearn these paradigms, the transformation will probably fail. In my presentation I will provide examples of how these paradigms form barriers to agile transformation. I will also describe my own attempts to help people unlearn these paradigms in order to be ready to adopt new ones. I will conclude my presentation by describing the approaches that I have found working to help people unlearn these paradigms. My talk will help people in any knowledge work organisation who want to change their organisation into more agile mindset and ways of working.

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VS 2012 Unit Test Frameworks
MTM 2012 Exploratory Testing
MTM 2012 Web UI
Myth #4
Agile teams waste a lot of time up front
testing that traditional teams don’t
False: Agile teams do a LOT more *continual* testing than traditional
Waterfall teams, but I wouldn’t say the time is wasted. Testing early and
often builds in quality, rather than tests in quality.

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Kanban 101 - 2 Flow basics

Kanban 101 workshop by John Goodsen and Michael Sahota. This module is about the basics of flow: batch size, limiting work in process and bottlenecks (theory of constraints). Please ask us if you would like PPT version.

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Agile Myths and Misconceptions
Agile Myths and MisconceptionsAgile Myths and Misconceptions
Agile Myths and Misconceptions

The document discusses 12 common myths and misconceptions about agile practices. It summarizes that agile is based on principles and values rather than rigid methodologies. Additionally, it emphasizes that agile focuses equally on engineering practices as project management. Iterative development aims to evolve working software incrementally rather than view a project in isolated milestones. Budgets are fixed while scope is variable to allow for adapting to feedback. Problems are expected to surface earlier when using agile to allow for easier fixing compared to later discovery in waterfall approaches. Documentation and design are evidence-based rather than speculative upfront plans. Adopting agile is an ongoing cultural shift rather than a single change and continuous improvement is key.

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Agile Myths
Agile MythsAgile Myths
Agile Myths

The document discusses several common myths about agile development practices and provides the realities in each case. Some myths addressed include that test-driven development is slow, pair programming is inefficient, agile does not work for large or distributed teams, agile requires no documentation or process, and that every project is unique and agile cannot apply. The realities provided counter each myth by explaining how the practices have been shown to save time and improve quality when implemented properly. The document aims to dispel misconceptions about agile and convince readers that with commitment, agile can work for their projects and teams.

Myth #5
Agile teams don’t produce
Agile Tenets
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
VS 2012 Storyboards
Myth #5
Agile teams don’t produce
False: Agile teams only produce as much documentation as necessary

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Batch is Back: Critical for Agile Application Adoption
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Batch processes are critical for agile application development but existing batch scheduling tools are not keeping up with modern approaches like DevOps, containers, cloud, and big data. BMC Control-M is a batch scheduling solution that addresses these issues by providing enterprise-scale workflow scheduling that integrates with the entire technology ecosystem, supports DevOps methodologies, and offers self-service, monitoring, and automation capabilities.

Agile Myths by Ruchika Goyal and Ganesh Gembali
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Agile Myths by Ruchika Goyal and Ganesh Gembali

The document discusses common myths about agile development practices. It addresses misconceptions such as that agile means undisciplined coding, no planning or upfront design, unpredictable outcomes, no contracts or documentation, limitations on distributed teams, fixed cost projects, and diminished project manager roles. The document seeks to clarify what agile truly means and correct these misperceptions.

Tony Fifoot - Improving innovation through batch size optimisation
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Tony Fifoot - Improving innovation through batch size optimisation

The document discusses optimizing batch size to improve innovation. It defines batch size and explains that smaller batch sizes allow organizations to generate valuable information quickly, maximize opportunities, and minimize risks. Smaller batch sizes also exploit variability, which is necessary for innovation. The document recommends reducing batch size by making projects and planning sessions smaller. It also suggests optimizing governance, roadmaps, empowering teams, and reducing utilization to further support smaller batch sizes and continuous learning and innovation.

Myth #6
Daily stand-ups are just glorified status
Daily Standups
Should be 15 minutes or less
Limited to what you did, what you plan to do, impediments
Goal is coordination and collaboration

If it devolves into a status meeting you are DOING IT
TFS 2012 Task Board
Myth #6
Daily stand-ups are just glorified status
False: Standups are only about the entire software team
collaborating on the next 24 hours of work.

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Kanban: No Answers, Just Questions
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Kanban: No Answers, Just Questions

In a world where the there is no perfect visualisation, WiP limit, policy or measures? A good choice depends on the context. There aren't only one answer, but in my experience good questions could help to guide to your answer.

Training - Introducing Agile, Lean and Kanban
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This is a presentation that I did for a team to introduce them to Agile, Lean and Kanban, It covers these these 3 areas, how they overlap and then gets into greater details about the Kanban Method.

Improving throughput with the Theory of Constraints and Queuing Theory
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Improving throughput with the Theory of Constraints and Queuing Theory

Practical advice on how to improve the throughput of your agile team, by using the Theory of Constraints and Queuing Theory. Shows how to apply TOC to your task board. Explains how Queuing Theory is built into Scrum and Kanban, powering you to make the most of them.

Myth #7
Without detailed records, I don’t know that
my people are really working all the time!
TFS 2012 Sprint Planning tool
TFS 2012 Remaining Work Report
F i n d a n s w e rs t o t h e s e q u e st i o n s :
 H o w fa s t i s t h e t e a m b u r n i n g d o w n
re m a i n i n g w o r k ?
 I s w o r k b e i n g a d d e d d u r i n g t h e i t e ra t i o n ?
 H o w m u c h p ro g re s s c a n t h e t e a m m a ke i n
t h e ava i l a b l e t i m e ?
 A p p rox i m ate l y w h e n c a n t h e t e a m f i n i s h
the work?
 I s t o o m u c h w o r k i n p ro g re s s ?
 I s t h e f l o w o f w o r k b e i n g i m p e d ed o r
b l o c ke d ?
 W h e n w i l l t h e t e a m f i n i s h t h e c u r re nt
i t e rat i o n ?

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Agile Games Night is a recurring series I started for South Florida Agile Association. Cadence is to meet on 3rd Wednesday of every month to play an Agile Game and more importantly the lessons learned from the game to become better coaches, ScrumMasters, Product Owners, etc. The first games night used the penny game to study batch size effects on teams workflow.

LeanUX is a Useful F*&king Lie
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1. The document discusses Lean Startup and Lean UX methodologies for product development under conditions of uncertainty. It emphasizes starting with customer development and validating hypotheses through iterative testing of prototypes. 2. Key concepts include minimizing waste, focusing on learning through experiments, and getting customer feedback early via low-fidelity prototypes. Cross-functional collaboration and visualizing processes are also emphasized. 3. Successful implementation requires formulating hypotheses about problems and solutions, designing experiments to test assumptions, and using results to continuously improve products and the development process.

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Agile Metrics V6
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Agile Metrics V6

The document discusses various metrics that can be used to measure progress on agile software development projects. It describes metrics like running tested features, earned business value, velocity, burn charts, and cumulative flow diagrams. It explains how these metrics can provide information on outcomes, identify areas for improvement, and influence team behavior in agile projects.

agile metrics
TFS 2012 Cross-Team Reporting
Be Careful What You Measure

Time to rethink what you are measuring! ;)
Myth #7
Without detailed records, I don’t know that
my people are really working all the time
With agile you are MORE likely to know EXACTLY what
people are working on every day.
The better question might be, why are you focusing on
the number of hours worked?
Myth #8
If we convert to Agile, that means we
can “do more with less” right?

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Recording of this presentation: More info DevOps Community:

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Why Agile Is Failing in Large Enterprises, And What You Can Do About It
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The Cost of Multi-Tasking
Do More With Less
Humans are TERRIBLE at multi-tasking!
Multi-tasking includes meetings, answering email, one-off
conversations, they are all distractions

You will get 6 – 7 hours of productive time a day out of
people AT BEST, but only if you *leave them alone*
Agile is not magic, you won’t get more hours in a day, but
you will deliver more VALUE in the same amount of time
Agile Myths and Legends
Myth #8
If we convert to Agile, that means we
can “do more with less” right?
Sort of: People will be allowed to focus, and you
will see more value delivered with less bugs in
the same amount of time

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Many organizations have accelerated their transformation to cloud enabled and powered Microsoft 365 digital workplaces. While technologies like Microsoft Teams have been prioritized, for many organizations their intranets have not evolved to keep up with a more demanding workforce. Modern intranets and digital workplaces don’t look the same as they did even a few years ago. With rich new capabilities, innovation from Microsoft, a changing technology landscape, and increased expectations from an increasingly digitally literate user population – a world class Intranet and Microsoft 365 powered Digital Workplace looks very different than it has in the past. Join Richard Harbridge, a Microsoft MVP, CTO at 2toLead and internationally recognized expert on Microsoft 365 and the Digital Workplace, who will share best practices on: How organizations are planning their digital workplace strategy How organizations today are taking their intranets to the next level How designs and intranet patterns continue to evolve What organizations are doing to deliver more value How you can improve your own Digital Workplace

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The 7 Deadly Sins Of Almost Being Agile
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Agile 2009 presentation by Bob Hartman and Richard Lawrence titled "The 7 Deadly Sins of Almost Being Agile"

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Good reads

Drive: The Surprising Truth
About What Motivates Us
Daniel H. Pink
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Good reads

Visual Studio Team Foundation
Server 2012:
Adopting Agile Software Practices

Sam Guckenheimer
Neno Loje
$30 on Amazon

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Agile Myths and Legends

  • 1. Agile: Myths and Legends FEATURING: TFS AND VISUAL STUDIO 2012
  • 4. Agile Tenets Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan
  • 5. Quick review of Agile/Scrum SCRUM = Agile Agile <> Scrum
  • 6. My Top Agile Myths & Legends 1. Organizations are not succeeding with agile 2. Agile works better than traditional approaches (e.g. Waterfall) 3. Traditional (Waterfall) works better for distributed/offshore teams 4. Agile teams waste a lot of time testing that traditional teams don’t 5. Agile teams don’t produce documentation 6. Daily stand-ups are just glorified status meetings 7. Without detailed records, I don’t know that my people are really working all the time! 8. If we convert to Agile, that means we can “do more with less” right?
  • 7. Myth #1 Organizations are not succeeding with agile (a.k.a. “Agile is just a fad”)
  • 9. Regarding that fad nonsense… Agile has been around as a general methodology since as early as the 70s Agile was introduced as an “official” flavor of software development processes in the early 90’s The Agile Manifesto came into being in 2001
  • 10. Myth #1 Organizations are not succeeding with agile False: At least 86% are trying, and most are succeeding!
  • 11. Myth #2 Agile generally works better than traditional approaches (e.g. Waterfall)
  • 13. But Agile Projects Still Fail! Agile is more than 3 time LESS likely to fail than Waterfall. Agile is 3 times MORE likely to succeed than Waterfall. But… Agile is not a guarantee of Success (“no silver bullet”) Agile will never be perfect so long as imperfect people are executing it
  • 14. Myth #2 Agile generally works better than traditional approaches (e.g. Waterfall) True: Anybody can fail with Agile, but when done right I’ve yet to see a situation where adopting agile practices didn’t improve things
  • 15. Myth #3 Traditional (Waterfall) works better for distributed/offshore teams
  • 16. Challenges of Distributed Teams Communication and coordination can be hampered by timezone differences Self-management and communicating impediments is difficult for some cultures Daily stand-ups may require additional technology to facilitate Peer review and code quality/standards enforcement may require extra effort and diligence
  • 17. TFS 2012 Team Dashboard
  • 18. TFS 2012 Backlog Planner
  • 19. VS 2012 Code Review Tool (requires VS Premium or better)
  • 20. Distributed Agile Strategies Coordinate schedules to ensure overlap in the work-day Meet face to face to establish trust Install web cameras, Skype, and/or on-line task boards to enable real-time communication Establish continuous integration CI and target high test coverage across all teams Keep iterations short
  • 21. Myth #3 Traditional (Waterfall) works better for distributed/offshore teams Sometimes: Agile can work for distributed teams, but takes work and it IS succeeding.
  • 22. Myth #4 Agile teams waste a lot of time up front testing that traditional teams don’t
  • 23. Why Does Testing Early and Often Matter?
  • 24. Agile Testing Practices TDD ATDD Automated Unit Testing Automated Regression Testing Continuous Integration Exploratory Testing Again… tools are your friend!
  • 25. VS 2012 Unit Test Frameworks
  • 28. Myth #4 Agile teams waste a lot of time up front testing that traditional teams don’t False: Agile teams do a LOT more *continual* testing than traditional Waterfall teams, but I wouldn’t say the time is wasted. Testing early and often builds in quality, rather than tests in quality.
  • 29. Myth #5 Agile teams don’t produce documentation
  • 30. Agile Tenets Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan
  • 32. Myth #5 Agile teams don’t produce documentation False: Agile teams only produce as much documentation as necessary
  • 33. Myth #6 Daily stand-ups are just glorified status meetings
  • 34. Daily Standups Should be 15 minutes or less Limited to what you did, what you plan to do, impediments Goal is coordination and collaboration If it devolves into a status meeting you are DOING IT WRONG!
  • 35. TFS 2012 Task Board
  • 36. Myth #6 Daily stand-ups are just glorified status meetings False: Standups are only about the entire software team collaborating on the next 24 hours of work.
  • 37. Myth #7 Without detailed records, I don’t know that my people are really working all the time!
  • 39. TFS 2012 Sprint Planning tool
  • 40. TFS 2012 Remaining Work Report F i n d a n s w e rs t o t h e s e q u e st i o n s :  H o w fa s t i s t h e t e a m b u r n i n g d o w n re m a i n i n g w o r k ?  I s w o r k b e i n g a d d e d d u r i n g t h e i t e ra t i o n ?  H o w m u c h p ro g re s s c a n t h e t e a m m a ke i n t h e ava i l a b l e t i m e ?  A p p rox i m ate l y w h e n c a n t h e t e a m f i n i s h the work?  I s t o o m u c h w o r k i n p ro g re s s ?  I s t h e f l o w o f w o r k b e i n g i m p e d ed o r b l o c ke d ?  W h e n w i l l t h e t e a m f i n i s h t h e c u r re nt i t e rat i o n ?
  • 41. TFS 2012 Cross-Team Reporting
  • 42. Be Careful What You Measure Time to rethink what you are measuring! ;)
  • 43. Myth #7 Without detailed records, I don’t know that my people are really working all the time With agile you are MORE likely to know EXACTLY what people are working on every day. The better question might be, why are you focusing on the number of hours worked?
  • 44. Myth #8 If we convert to Agile, that means we can “do more with less” right?
  • 45. The Cost of Multi-Tasking
  • 46. Do More With Less Humans are TERRIBLE at multi-tasking! Multi-tasking includes meetings, answering email, one-off conversations, they are all distractions You will get 6 – 7 hours of productive time a day out of people AT BEST, but only if you *leave them alone* Agile is not magic, you won’t get more hours in a day, but you will deliver more VALUE in the same amount of time
  • 48. Myth #8 If we convert to Agile, that means we can “do more with less” right? Sort of: People will be allowed to focus, and you will see more value delivered with less bugs in the same amount of time
  • 49. Good reads Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us Daniel H. Pink $10 on Amazon
  • 50. Good reads Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2012: Adopting Agile Software Practices Sam Guckenheimer Neno Loje $30 on Amazon