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from acceleration
         volume 1

Which ad-serving option
best serves you?
Side-by-side comparisons of industry-
leading technologies to help you
choose the best solution.
Finding opinions is easy.
Finding opinions you can trust…
How do you determine what opinion to trust? There are literally millions of
them online, but sifting through the internet’s many sales pitches, pundits and
less-than-informed denizens to uncover valid, unbiased perspectives can quickly
lead to web-rage.

Or so we’ve heard at some point, from virtually every one of our clients.

So we’ve elected to do something about it. Digital Intelligence is the result – a
magazine that applies a scientific approach to making practical, intelligent
digital marketing decisions. Each issue will focus on one question. It will include
compiled and distilled insight from multiple, trusted sources - thought-leaders,
partner-companies, research firms, clients and yes, our own consultants. And
it will present these findings in an organized manner to help you find the right

I hope you find this issue helpful. Welcome to Digital Intelligence.


Cameron Hulett
SVP Publisher Solutions

Information resources for this issue:
• Jupiter Research • Google • iMedia • Online Publishers Association • Interactive Advertising Bureau
• ClickZ • DoubleClick • Media Post • Adotas • Biz Report • Silicon Alley Insider• Advertising Age
We address one of the most important questions facing
In THIs IssUe…
                 publishers today - What’s the the right ad-serving solution for
                 me? Making the correct choice will have a significant impact
                 on ad-revenue generation. Making the wrong choice will not
                 only impact revenue, but workflows, employee satisfaction and
                 advertiser relationships as well.

                 You’ll notice that we’ve focused on Google/DoubleClick products.
                 This isn’t to say they are the only options available – we simply
                 feel they cover the entire spectrum of publisher needs.

                  AdSense           GAM                 DFP

                 Finally, most publications focused on ad-serving would also
                 include content about best-practices on using advertising
                 exchanges to sell ad inventory. This one doesn’t. We think it’s a
                 big enough subject to warrant an issue on its own, as are mobile
                 content and emerging platforms.

                 Want to hear about one of these (or another subject) urgently?
                 Send us an email at and let us know.
steps to your
      intelligent solution
 1         LEARN about the different technologies.

 2         DISCOVER services to optimize the technologies.

 3         CHOOSE your solution and service package
           with the the ROI calculator.

The cost of owning technology?
Staffing – 60%
Downtime 15%
Buying the software only accounts for 7%
IDC 2007

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BZ Results is a digital marketing firm that helps automotive dealerships increase leads, sales, profits, and customer loyalty through an online marketing strategy. Their comprehensive solution includes custom websites, online inventory management, email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, analytics tools, and a CRM system. Dealers who partner with BZ see substantial returns through increased traffic and sales in all departments. BZ takes a five-phase process to define goals and measure results for dealerships.

AdTech - Display Advertising Space Overview
AdTech - Display Advertising Space OverviewAdTech - Display Advertising Space Overview
AdTech - Display Advertising Space Overview

The document discusses disruption in the display advertising industry. It notes that advances in technology have led to greater targeting capabilities, more available data, and more efficient execution. This has resulted in a complex "lumascape" of companies involved in display advertising, including publishers, agencies, ad exchanges, and other players. The document outlines opportunities and challenges for publishers and agencies in this evolving landscape.


The document is a FAQ explaining the concept of programmatic video advertising. It defines programmatic video as using software to automate digital video ad buys. Key aspects of programmatic video explained include automation of the buying process, real-time bidding (RTB) auctions, and leveraging data. A demand side platform (DSP) is software that allows buyers to purchase video inventory programmatically and manage campaigns. The document discusses whether to self-manage a DSP or use a managed service.

step 1 learn
                                          Small requirements
                                          - Google AdSense
AdSense is Google’s network ad serving solution. It provides a fast
and easy way for you to drive revenue by automatically displaying
relevant ads sold by Google on your website. This solution is
particularly suited to small publishers who may not have the
resources to develop and manage an advertising sales program.

“A ‘free’ technology that’s IDEAL for publishers wanting
to generate site revenue with no sales hassle.”

PROS                                        CONS
No expertize is required.                   While marketed as ‘free’, AdSense will
                                            typically require service and support to
Can be an effective revenue generator       optimize it for your site.
if your site has relevant content and
significant traffic volume.                   Revenue is dependent on traffic – you only
                                            earn as you generate clicks, and it takes a lot
Targeting is automatic.                     to earn a little.

No third parties are involved.              You have no control over which ads are
                                            shown. Ads may not complement your
Can be implemented immediately.             website design, and may look unprofessional.

The interface for managing ads and ad       AdSense users cannot fully format the ads
formats is easy to use.                     according to their specific requirements.

Includes statistics that are simple and     Google can stop AdSense revenue when it
understandable.                             deems appropriate.

The technology is free (though support      You can’t control (and don’t know) the
and service is not included).               revenue paid-per-click.
step 1 learn
                           Medium requirements - GAM
                           GAM is Google’s ‘free’ hosted ad-serving and
                           management technology, typically aimed at publishers
                           with smaller, direct sales teams. This tool allows you
                           to sell and manage both reserved and discretionary
                           inventory, either directly to advertisers, or through ad
                           networks including Google AdSense.

A ‘free’ technology with optional optimization
services, this inventory management solution
is PERFECT for publishers wanting to sell and
serve their own ads in a simple manner.”

PROS                                                  CONS
The technology is free – no sign-up,                  The technology does not include product support or
ad-serving or support costs.                          optimization services – those have an associated cost.

Offers an uncomplicated inventory structure.          The simple inventory structure may limit your ability
                                                      to target to particular pages on your site.
Easy to set-up and use immediately.
                                                      Creative support (particularly for rich media and
Includes an inventory forecast-offering               video) is limited.

Has an intuitive ad-tag generation process,           Reporting options offered are basic and standardized
with less room for user error.                        –you can’t customize based on specific metrics.

Optional AdSense integration to fill unsold           GAM offers only country, state and city geo-targeting
inventory.                                            – you can’t target based on postal code or area.

Multiple levels of user frequency capping.            There are limited opportunities to integrate GAM
                                                      with your CRM, reporting and billing systems.
Familiar Google system interface, robust and
                                                      Pushing high-revenue-potential ads is a time
fast delivery including quick search functionality,
intuitive workflow and browser session support.       consuming, manual task.
step 1 learn
                                       Large requirements - DFP
                                       DFP is DoubleClick’s hosted ad-serving and
                                       management solution. Think of it as ‘GAM on steroids’,
                                       plus professional support and consulting services. It is
                                       typically aimed at publishers with highly sophisticated
                                       ad-serving needs DFP is widely recognized as one of
                                       the most advanced options available.

FEATURE-RICH technology plus
extensive professional services
perfect for publishers with
sophisticated ad-serving needs.

PROS                                                            CONS
Offers advanced targeting to help increase the value of         The technology and services are
inventory, including flexible key-value targeting.              combined in one fee, and the cost may
                                                                be hard to justify for smaller publishers.
Offers the largest database of mapped IP addresses
available, in conjunction with Digital Envoy.                   Features and functionality require
                                                                greater knowledge.
The price includes product and many support services.
                                                                Currently DFP can only be used on PC
Handles advanced rich media, including video and mobile.        systems using Windows Explorer.

Integrateswith DART Sales Manager, Mobile and other
DART product, as well as DoubleClick’s proposal and
finance management solution.

Offers an extensive, reliable ad-serving infrastructure, with
data centers around the world.
step 1 learn
Technology Features
– Side-by-side Comparison
How do they compare and which one offers the features you need?
Find out in this feature comparison chart, and make an informed decision.

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JDX Suite - A Product by Ad2pro Group
JDX Suite - A Product by Ad2pro GroupJDX Suite - A Product by Ad2pro Group
JDX Suite - A Product by Ad2pro Group

JDX is a cloud-based, enterprise grade, creative lifecycle management suite comprising products that help to effectively manage the end-to-end lifecycle of creative ordering, production, workflow, serving, optimization and measurement for media, brands and enterprises at scale Website:

creative workflow managementdigital asset managementrich media creatives
Marketo Summit 2012 SF- Lead Follow Up
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Presented by: Melissa McCready (CRM Happy) Carly Guarcello (Joyent, Inc.) (Sponsored by ReachForce) What are the best practices for tradeshow/event management using Marketo? Are you sending a pre-show invite to your booth including a link to your post-show webinar? How are you managing the tradeshow where you can report on ROI? How are those leads being passed to sales to effectively work? Learn from customers who have perfected the pre and post-show best practices on when to send, what to send, setting up a webinar using Marketo, and how to set up the processes up in a way to capture quality information to then pass to sales to increase your tradeshow pre and post-show activities.

webinartradeshowlead management
Kritter introduction - advertiser
Kritter   introduction - advertiserKritter   introduction - advertiser
Kritter introduction - advertiser

Kritter is proposing a homegrown online media buying platform for advertisers. The platform would include a DSP, ad server, and bidder that are customizable and integrated with each other. This would allow advertisers to manage their entire digital advertising campaigns through a single platform. Key benefits include centralized control of campaigns, automated media planning and buying, and leveraging of data to optimize advertising performance and ROI. Kritter outlines the features and architecture of each proposed software component, and presents a pricing model and timeline for implementation.

GOOGle aD                     DarT FOr
FeaTUres             GOOGle aDsense
                                                       ManaGer (GaM)                 PUBlIsHers (DFP)
accessibility        Can be accessed online via any    Can be accessed online        ActiveX Architecture
                     operating system or browser       via any operating system or
                                                       browser                       Can be accessed online
                                                                                     via Windows XP using
                                                                                     Internet Explorer 6+

Workflow              AdSense code implemented          Simplified, intuitive         Structured and more
                     directly within source            trafficking and reporting       complex trafficking and
                                                       workflow                      reporting workflow

                                                       Offers swift campaign         Allows a higher degree
                                                       setup and tag generation      of control over all stages
                                                       procedures                    of campaign and creative

support              Self-service help center          Self-service help center      Full-service help center

                     User-to-user groups               User-to-user groups           Knowledge base access

                                                       Email support from the        Direct support from the
                                                       Google product specialist     DoubleClick product
                                                       team                          specialist team

Creative support     Google text, image and video      Basic creative upload         Advanced creative upload
                     unit ads                          procedure, eliminating the    procedure
                                                       most frequent trafficking
                                                       issues                        Rich media templates for
                                                                                     creative upload assistance

                                                                                     DART Rich Media available
                                                                                     for cutting edge display
                                                                                     and tracking features

Targeting criteria   Competitive ad filter             Geography (country, region,   Geography (country, region,
                                                       metro, city)                  metro, city, postal code)
                     Manual section targeting
                                                       Browser type                  Browser type

                                                       Operating system              Operating system

                                                       Bandwidth                     Bandwidth
                                                       User domain                   Custom key-value

                                                       Custom key-value              Internet service provider
                                                                                     (ISP), online service
                                                       Browser language              provider (OSP)

reporting            Basic delivery and earnings       Basic, standardized           Advanced reporting
                     reporting                         reporting


system integration   None                              None                          Application protocol
                                                                                     interface (API) support

Typical volume       Up to 200,000 impressions p/m     Up to 2,000,000               Over 2,000,000
limit                                                  impressions p/m               impressions p/m

audience             Small publishers with no direct   Small to medium sized         Medium to large-sized
                     advertising programs              publishers                    publishers

ease of setting up   Immediate with no expertise       Quick, self-service process   Complex, structured
                     required                                                        implementation

associated costs     Free technology                   Free technology               Paid
step 2
Technology makes it possible.
Services make it fit.
Once you’ve selected a technology, how do you customize and use it to
maximize results? You should consider the following service and support
options to ensure your chosen technology is optimized for maximum results
and effectiveness.

Training services to build your knowledge: Arrange for
comprehensive, ongoing education to ensure employees are comfortable with
the technology, actively use it and are able to leverage its full potential.

Technical support services to limit the impact when
something goes wrong (included as part of DFP fee):
Issues and questions will appear with any technology, usually without any
warning. This can put incredible strain on your people and revenue. Having
professional technical support available on call (possibly a credit-based system
where you pay-per-issue) is the ideal way to mitigate this risk.

Outsourced ad-operations OR trafficking services to
reduce costs and resource constraints: Ad-serving and trafficking
aren’t typically part of the core business, and many publishers are choosing
to completely outsource these tasks to trustworthy third party providers so
internal resources can be focused on core competencies.

Every minute spent implementing a solution
translates into lost opportunity
step 3
From general information
to personal assessment.
By now, you’ve likely narrowed your choice down to one or two options – but
which one is the perfect fit for your business? Acceleration has compiled
additional, in-depth information and specialized tools to make your final
decision easy.

1. The Feature and ROI calculator
This calculator has been created specifically to help you determine the
financial implications of choosing any of the technology and service
options. Insert your numbers, see the result and make an informed decision. – Download the Calculator now.

2. Technology – in-depth material
If you need additional information regarding any of the three options outlined
in this issue, you’ll find it here:

3. Take the next step
Decide on the direction you need to go:

     AdSense               GAM self-serve            GAM with             DFP for                   DFP for   optimization          mid-size                   large-
                                                      services           enterprises               enterprise
You’ve taken care of ad-serving.
What about everything else?

              digital marketing consulting,
          outsourcing and technology services

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Kritter introduction - agency - atd
Kritter   introduction - agency - atdKritter   introduction - agency - atd
Kritter introduction - agency - atd

The document provides an overview of Kritter, a company that provides customizable advertising technology products and services. Kritter has developed a demand-side platform (DSP), ad server, bidder, and data platform (DP) that can be customized and integrated into a client's existing technology stack. The products are designed to help agencies, trading desks, and advertisers automate tasks, access multiple supply sources, and optimize campaigns and media buys. Kritter also offers services like product customization, integration, and ongoing support to help clients manage their digital advertising businesses. Pricing models include one-time licenses for products, monthly installment plans, and acquiring specific modules.

Resume Alejandro Garcia De Frenza
Resume Alejandro Garcia De FrenzaResume Alejandro Garcia De Frenza
Resume Alejandro Garcia De Frenza

Italian / Venezuelan Project manager and Digital Marketing manager possessing a broad mix of technical experience, web marketing and Social Media skills with over 5 years of experience managing and developing web applications. Digital Marketing Skills (Google Adwords & Adsense,Google Insights,Google Analytics, SEO,SEM,PPC, Ad Server, DoubleClick for Publishers DFP, Facebook Ads, Joomla, Blogs, CMS, Magento and E-Commerce). Understanding of HTML5, Javascript, CSS3, PHP, MYSQL, AJAX. I'm looking for a role as a Digital Marketing Manager or Social Media, Digital Campaign Manager or Ad Operations Manager, a role as a Project Manager would also be great for me since I have a technical background and I can translate business needs into technical requirements to be shared with the development team. Currently I'm not looking for roles as a developer.

digital marketing managerppcweb development
Interact Media Overview
Interact Media OverviewInteract Media Overview
Interact Media Overview

The document describes The Interact Customer Journey platform, which is created by Mobile Marketing Experts to drive customer engagement across various channels. It allows connecting traditional and digital advertising to capture user data and generate qualified leads. The platform manages all campaigns on a single system and aims to improve customer experience, drive business development, and increase ROI. It provides clients with an interactivity tool to inform campaigns and a demonstrable ROI.

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Acceleration Digitalintelligence

  • 1. from acceleration volume 1 Which ad-serving option best serves you? Side-by-side comparisons of industry- leading technologies to help you choose the best solution.
  • 2. Finding opinions is easy. Finding opinions you can trust… How do you determine what opinion to trust? There are literally millions of them online, but sifting through the internet’s many sales pitches, pundits and less-than-informed denizens to uncover valid, unbiased perspectives can quickly lead to web-rage. Or so we’ve heard at some point, from virtually every one of our clients. So we’ve elected to do something about it. Digital Intelligence is the result – a magazine that applies a scientific approach to making practical, intelligent digital marketing decisions. Each issue will focus on one question. It will include compiled and distilled insight from multiple, trusted sources - thought-leaders, partner-companies, research firms, clients and yes, our own consultants. And it will present these findings in an organized manner to help you find the right answer. I hope you find this issue helpful. Welcome to Digital Intelligence. Sincerely, Cameron Hulett SVP Publisher Solutions Acceleration Information resources for this issue: • Jupiter Research • Google • iMedia • Online Publishers Association • Interactive Advertising Bureau • ClickZ • DoubleClick • Media Post • Adotas • Biz Report • Silicon Alley Insider• Advertising Age
  • 3. We address one of the most important questions facing In THIs IssUe… publishers today - What’s the the right ad-serving solution for me? Making the correct choice will have a significant impact on ad-revenue generation. Making the wrong choice will not only impact revenue, but workflows, employee satisfaction and advertiser relationships as well. You’ll notice that we’ve focused on Google/DoubleClick products. This isn’t to say they are the only options available – we simply feel they cover the entire spectrum of publisher needs. AdSense GAM DFP Finally, most publications focused on ad-serving would also include content about best-practices on using advertising exchanges to sell ad inventory. This one doesn’t. We think it’s a big enough subject to warrant an issue on its own, as are mobile content and emerging platforms. Want to hear about one of these (or another subject) urgently? Send us an email at and let us know.
  • 4. steps to your intelligent solution 1 LEARN about the different technologies. 2 DISCOVER services to optimize the technologies. 3 CHOOSE your solution and service package with the the ROI calculator. The cost of owning technology? Staffing – 60% Downtime 15% Buying the software only accounts for 7% IDC 2007
  • 5. step 1 learn Small requirements - Google AdSense AdSense is Google’s network ad serving solution. It provides a fast and easy way for you to drive revenue by automatically displaying relevant ads sold by Google on your website. This solution is particularly suited to small publishers who may not have the resources to develop and manage an advertising sales program. “A ‘free’ technology that’s IDEAL for publishers wanting to generate site revenue with no sales hassle.” PROS CONS No expertize is required. While marketed as ‘free’, AdSense will typically require service and support to Can be an effective revenue generator optimize it for your site. if your site has relevant content and significant traffic volume. Revenue is dependent on traffic – you only earn as you generate clicks, and it takes a lot Targeting is automatic. to earn a little. No third parties are involved. You have no control over which ads are shown. Ads may not complement your Can be implemented immediately. website design, and may look unprofessional. The interface for managing ads and ad AdSense users cannot fully format the ads formats is easy to use. according to their specific requirements. Includes statistics that are simple and Google can stop AdSense revenue when it understandable. deems appropriate. The technology is free (though support You can’t control (and don’t know) the and service is not included). revenue paid-per-click.
  • 6. step 1 learn Medium requirements - GAM GAM is Google’s ‘free’ hosted ad-serving and management technology, typically aimed at publishers with smaller, direct sales teams. This tool allows you to sell and manage both reserved and discretionary inventory, either directly to advertisers, or through ad networks including Google AdSense. A ‘free’ technology with optional optimization services, this inventory management solution is PERFECT for publishers wanting to sell and serve their own ads in a simple manner.” PROS CONS The technology is free – no sign-up, The technology does not include product support or ad-serving or support costs. optimization services – those have an associated cost. Offers an uncomplicated inventory structure. The simple inventory structure may limit your ability to target to particular pages on your site. Easy to set-up and use immediately. Creative support (particularly for rich media and Includes an inventory forecast-offering video) is limited. Has an intuitive ad-tag generation process, Reporting options offered are basic and standardized with less room for user error. –you can’t customize based on specific metrics. Optional AdSense integration to fill unsold GAM offers only country, state and city geo-targeting inventory. – you can’t target based on postal code or area. Multiple levels of user frequency capping. There are limited opportunities to integrate GAM with your CRM, reporting and billing systems. Familiar Google system interface, robust and Pushing high-revenue-potential ads is a time fast delivery including quick search functionality, intuitive workflow and browser session support. consuming, manual task.
  • 7. step 1 learn Large requirements - DFP DFP is DoubleClick’s hosted ad-serving and management solution. Think of it as ‘GAM on steroids’, plus professional support and consulting services. It is typically aimed at publishers with highly sophisticated ad-serving needs DFP is widely recognized as one of the most advanced options available. FEATURE-RICH technology plus extensive professional services perfect for publishers with sophisticated ad-serving needs. PROS CONS Offers advanced targeting to help increase the value of The technology and services are inventory, including flexible key-value targeting. combined in one fee, and the cost may be hard to justify for smaller publishers. Offers the largest database of mapped IP addresses available, in conjunction with Digital Envoy. Features and functionality require greater knowledge. The price includes product and many support services. Currently DFP can only be used on PC Handles advanced rich media, including video and mobile. systems using Windows Explorer. Integrateswith DART Sales Manager, Mobile and other DART product, as well as DoubleClick’s proposal and finance management solution. Offers an extensive, reliable ad-serving infrastructure, with data centers around the world.
  • 8. step 1 learn Technology Features – Side-by-side Comparison How do they compare and which one offers the features you need? Find out in this feature comparison chart, and make an informed decision.
  • 9. GOOGle aD DarT FOr FeaTUres GOOGle aDsense ManaGer (GaM) PUBlIsHers (DFP) accessibility Can be accessed online via any Can be accessed online ActiveX Architecture operating system or browser via any operating system or browser Can be accessed online via Windows XP using Internet Explorer 6+ Workflow AdSense code implemented Simplified, intuitive Structured and more directly within source trafficking and reporting complex trafficking and workflow reporting workflow Offers swift campaign Allows a higher degree setup and tag generation of control over all stages procedures of campaign and creative trafficking support Self-service help center Self-service help center Full-service help center User-to-user groups User-to-user groups Knowledge base access Email support from the Direct support from the Google product specialist DoubleClick product team specialist team Creative support Google text, image and video Basic creative upload Advanced creative upload unit ads procedure, eliminating the procedure most frequent trafficking issues Rich media templates for creative upload assistance DART Rich Media available for cutting edge display and tracking features Targeting criteria Competitive ad filter Geography (country, region, Geography (country, region, metro, city) metro, city, postal code) Manual section targeting Browser type Browser type Operating system Operating system Bandwidth Bandwidth User domain Custom key-value Custom key-value Internet service provider (ISP), online service Browser language provider (OSP) reporting Basic delivery and earnings Basic, standardized Advanced reporting reporting reporting Scheduled Customizable system integration None None Application protocol interface (API) support Typical volume Up to 200,000 impressions p/m Up to 2,000,000 Over 2,000,000 limit impressions p/m impressions p/m audience Small publishers with no direct Small to medium sized Medium to large-sized advertising programs publishers publishers ease of setting up Immediate with no expertise Quick, self-service process Complex, structured required implementation associated costs Free technology Free technology Paid
  • 10. step 2 DIsCOVer Technology makes it possible. Services make it fit. Once you’ve selected a technology, how do you customize and use it to maximize results? You should consider the following service and support options to ensure your chosen technology is optimized for maximum results and effectiveness. Training services to build your knowledge: Arrange for comprehensive, ongoing education to ensure employees are comfortable with the technology, actively use it and are able to leverage its full potential. Technical support services to limit the impact when something goes wrong (included as part of DFP fee): Issues and questions will appear with any technology, usually without any warning. This can put incredible strain on your people and revenue. Having professional technical support available on call (possibly a credit-based system where you pay-per-issue) is the ideal way to mitigate this risk. Outsourced ad-operations OR trafficking services to reduce costs and resource constraints: Ad-serving and trafficking aren’t typically part of the core business, and many publishers are choosing to completely outsource these tasks to trustworthy third party providers so internal resources can be focused on core competencies. Every minute spent implementing a solution translates into lost opportunity -
  • 11. step 3 assess From general information to personal assessment. By now, you’ve likely narrowed your choice down to one or two options – but which one is the perfect fit for your business? Acceleration has compiled additional, in-depth information and specialized tools to make your final decision easy. 1. The Feature and ROI calculator This calculator has been created specifically to help you determine the financial implications of choosing any of the technology and service options. Insert your numbers, see the result and make an informed decision. – Download the Calculator now. 2. Technology – in-depth material If you need additional information regarding any of the three options outlined in this issue, you’ll find it here: 3. Take the next step Decide on the direction you need to go: AdSense GAM self-serve GAM with DFP for DFP for optimization mid-size large- services enterprises enterprise
  • 12. You’ve taken care of ad-serving. What about everything else? digital marketing consulting, outsourcing and technology services