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FEATURE               IPTV Standard OIPF

The New IPTV
Standard OIPF
■ Yun Chao Hu is president of the ‘Open IPTV Forum’. He
discussed the future of the OIPF standard with TELE-
satellite during the first OIPF workshop held in Asia.

54    TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/201 —
• OIPF is the new global standard for Internet TV
• OIPF is already in use in Singapore and Taiwan
• The new standard incorporates existing
technologies and specifications
• OIPF has the same specifications world-wide,
making it THE standard for Internet-based TV

   It was exactly four years ago, in March      standard is being built. Secondly, all appli-
2007, that five telecom heavyweights            cations that arise from IPTV interactivity
founded the ‘Open IPTV Forum’, with             need to be integrated into the open stand-
major players such as Sony, Samsung,            ardized application enablers. “The OIPF
Philips and Panasonic, but also with tel-       specifications will address the necessary
ecom companies focusing mainly on the           application enablers that will be the basis
Internet, like France Telecom, AT&T and         for an open application ecosystem secur-
Telecom Italia. Added to that were cor-         ing transparency towards the IPTV appli-
porations from the mobile sphere, such          cation developers. This will ensure that
as Ericsson or Nokia Siemens Networks.          the application development will be inde-
What started with nine founding members         pendent of the IPTV middleware and the
has meanwhile grown to 66 OIPF member           specific IPTV end-devices. The increased
companies, all of which have defined a          availability of IPTV applications will enrich
single goal: to establish a uniform global      the end user Quality of Experience of the
standard for TV services via Internet           standard based IPTV deployments,” Yun
(IPTV) and stimulating a horizontal retail      Chao Hu adds.
market for IPTV end devices.                       Interactivity does not only mean that
   On the journey to this goal the chal-        end users – i.e. TV viewers – select the
lenge does not lie in video and audio           channel they want to watch from a list
transmission – more than enough estab-          of offerings by using a remote control to
lished standards are used for that already.     send a request to the provider. There‘s
The tricky part is interactivity and per-       way more to it. The OIPF standard cre-
sonalization, as that is the main distin-       ates a log with information about which
guishing feature of IPTV when compared          channel is currently being watched, how
with terrestrial or satellite reception. In     many times a new channel is selected and
the past, each IPTV provider seemed to          at what time channels are switched. This
do its own thing, developing applications       way a user profile with a precise viewing
and technologies that best fit its particular   pattern can be created to provide valuable
purpose. IPTV had become a playground           information for advertisers and content
for unregulated proprietary         develop-    providers. Commercials can be inserted
ments, and that is exactly what hindered        at a time that creates most viewer atten-
further growth. Software engineers and          tion and a whole range of offerings can be
hardware manufacturers were having a            tailor-made to maximise their effect.
hard time trying to incorporate as many of         In order to collect the required data
these diverging developments as possible,       there needs to be an established and uni-
which at the same time meant too much           form standard across platforms. What’s
energy had to be wasted on developments         more, the OIPF standard defines how
and technologies that would simply come         advertisements and other offers are
and go.                                         transmitted to the viewer.
   Yun Chao Hu is the president of OIPF,           As you can see, simply watching TV
and we had the pleasure of meeting him          is already based on a rather complex
during an OIPF workshop in China. “There        technological structure. If we now con-
is a solution in sight,“ he states. „A uni-     sider pay TV or pay-per-view – both of
form standard that is accepted and imple-       which also have to be implemented in the
mented by all players and that establishes      OIPF standard – it becomes plain for all
a level playing ground for all interested       to see that establishing a new standard
parties.” The challenges that come with         involves overcoming a great many stum-
creating the new OIPF standard are two-         bling blocks. And then there’s the Inter-
fold:                                           net, which offers even more possibilities,
   For one, there is no need to start from      according to OIPF marketing director
scratch again and re-invent something           Monika Gadhammar: “Interactive EPG,
that is already available at our finger-        video calling, chatting, file sharing, online
tips. Rather, existing standards should be      voting, mobile TV and the like are only
the foundation onto which the new OIPF          some of the applications that can be real-

     — 02-03/201 —
                                               1     TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine   55
■ Monika Gadhammar is marketing
manager of OIPF. Here she can be
seen in front of a presentation of all                 OIPF in
current ‘Open IPTV Forum’ member
companies.                                             Mobile
ised. To give you an example: If a phone
call comes in while you are watching TV
the caller’s number and name will pop up
on the TV screen. If you decide to accept
that call the system automatically starts
                                                       executives are
PVR recording so that you are able to con-             given a tool for
tinue watching after hanging up, without               coordinating
missing a single second.”                              while on the
   This just goes to show that the list of             go.
possible applications is virtually end-
less. Major landline phone companies
and Internet service providers are free to
implement as many features as they think
fit, and that’s one of the major draw cards            ■OIPF also
of the new OIPF standard. Yet, all these               incorporates
features that are made available to con-               specifications
                                                       for TV via
sumers are only one side of the coin. The              mobile phone
other is the fact that all features need to            networks.
be implemented at the provider’s end –
and the OIPF is the right answer for that
as well.
   OIPF president Yun Chao Hu adds that
OIPF is already being used in large-scale
test set-ups. “There’s the NIMS project in
Singapore, and another one in Taiwan.”
Both make sure OIPF can make the quan-
tum leap from developer’s playground to
real-world application. OIPF is right on
track to becoming a reality of TV viewers
in the future!

  More information available at:
  For the latest technical specifications
have a look at:

56    TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/201 —
List of All Current OIPF Member Companies

 The New IPTV Standard

 • OIPF provides the IPTV market with open end-2-end IPTV specifications
 • OIPF includes most IPTV stakeholders
 • OIPF stimulates a go-to-market drive from the IPTV industry
 Open IPTV Forum                                                                          Tel: +33 4 92 94 43 83
 650, Route des Lucioles                                                                 Fax: +33 4 92 38 52 90
 F-06921 SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS Cedex                                                         Email:
 France                                                                                   Website:

58   TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/201 —

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The document summarizes several topics related to digital television broadcasting and IPTV: 1) Many countries are transitioning from analog to digital TV broadcasting, freeing up transmission channels that will be used by mobile operators for data services and IPTV. 2) IPTV delivered over these high-speed wireless networks will allow anyone to become a broadcaster without needing authorization or infrastructure, lowering the barrier to entry. 3) The document advertises companies that offer generators and satellite internet services to enable this new era of wireless IPTV broadcasting.

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A Look Behind the Scenes:
Standard in The
Making                                                                                                            ■This modern office
                                                                                                                  complex in northwestern
                                                                                                                  Berlin (Germany) houses the
                                                                                                                  Fraunhofer FOKUS institute.
                                                                                                                  A range of other well-known
                                                                                                                  telecom providers also
                                                                                                                  rent office space here. The
                                                                                                                  Fraunhofer FOKUS institute
                                                                                                                  participates in exhibitions
                                                                                                                  as well and can be found
                                                                                                                  exhibiting at the CeBIT in
                                                                                                                  Hanover, IFA in Berlin, IBC
                                                                                                                  in Amsterdam and IPTV
                                                                                                                  World Forum in London.

  One of the strong technical partners              which is renting office space at this build-   schaft employs a technical workforce of
of the Open IPTV Forum is Fraunhofer-               ing, but also other well-known businesses      17,000 and generates an annual turno-
Gesellschaft from Germany, which                    from the telecom field. One of them is         ver of 1.7 billion EUR.“ We’re not talking
has been looking at IPTV since 2005.                Media Broadcast, a satellite broadcaster       about a commercial company here, but
We wanted to learn more about their                 on which TELE-satellite reported only          rather an association with an exclusive
approach to that topic and met with                 recently in issue 08-09/2010.                  focus on technical research. „Some 30%
Robert Seeliger, the OIPF project man-                                                             of Fraunhofer‘s budget are received from
ager at Fraunhofer. He occupies an office             We started out with asking Robert            the German state, with the remaining
on the fourth floor of a recently built             Seeliger about the nature of Fraunhofer-       70% being generated from commercial
office complex in northwestern Berlin               Gesellschaft. Naturally, he can fill us in     corporations with all sorts of manufac-
(Germany). Yet, it‘s not only Fraunhofer            with all the details: „Fraunhofer-Gesell-      turers. Some monies also come from the

60   TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/201 —
■ Graduate engineer                                                                                receivers. „To this end we use the CE-
Robert Seeliger is OIPF                                                                            HTML programming language,“ Robert
project manager at the
Fraunhofer FOKUS institute                                                                         Seeliger explains. „It‘s the same lan-
in Berlin. Here he shows the                                                                       guage that is also used for HbbTV, for
institute‘s website on his
monitor. Apart from the new
                                                                                                   example.“ CE stands for consumer elec-
OIPF standard FOKUS also                                                                           tronics and is perfect for calling up and
looks at another interesting                                                                       displaying media content.
development: a universal
operating system that can
be implemented in mobile
phones, set-top boxes, TV
sets and so on. You can find
                                                                                                       What is CE-HTML?
out more about that project
at                                                                                     HTML is the programming language
                                                                                                     used to create web pages. You do not
                                                                                                     have to be an accomplished expert to
                                                                                                     realize that the web pages you surf
                                                                                                     on with your PC or a laptop are not
                                                                                                     so easy to navigate when displayed
                                                                                                     on the TV screen and handled with
European Union‘s research funds.“                    and developing solutions for them.
                                                                                                     a remote control. There are several
                                                     „IPTV has been around for some time,
                                                                                                     things that make reading and naviga-
  Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is divided up              which means huge efforts have already
                                                                                                     ting them difficult:
into different institutes. „We currently             been put in doing research in this field,“
                                                                                                        - sometimes simply the font is too
run 57 institutes, each of which does                Robert Seeliger continues. „Our job is
                                                                                                     small to be read from a distance by a
research on a specific field,“ Robert Seel-          to define gaps that are still around and
                                                                                                     regular TV viewer
iger goes on. One of the institutes caries           then combine all aspects to arrive at a
                                                                                                        - they often require a mouse action
the name FOKUS, which is the German                  point where all the pieces of this puzzle
                                                                                                     or keyboard entry rather than the
acronym for ‚Fraunhofer Institute for                fall into place.“
                                                                                                     directional arrows and OK button that
Open Communications Systems‘. FOKUS
                                                                                                     the regular remote control units have
consists of seven departments and one                   By the way, this particular Fraunhofer
                                                                                                        - they lack a highlight that show the
of these departments is FAME, short for              institute can proudly look back on an
                                                                                                     user what will happen when he/she
‚Future Applications and Media‘, with a              extremely successful Internet develop-
                                                                                                     presses the OK button
permanent staff of 40 employees.“                    ment: „We were the ones to come up
                                                                                                        - they use different audio/video
                                                     with the Session Initiation Protocol that
                                                                                                     object implementations
  The FAME department within FOKUS                   is being used for VoIP,“ Robert Seeliger
                                                                                                        - they use specific extensions like
deals with the new IPTV standard. It is              reveals and lends further proof to the
                                                                                                     Adobe Flash that require more soft-
headed by Dr. Stefan Arabnowski, with                fact that Fraunhofer scientist are spot
                                                                                                     ware and more powerful hardware to
Robert Seeliger running the project                  on when it comes to developing solu-
                                                                                                     be used than is available in popular
group that looks at OIPF. „Altogether                tions that are required in a real-world
                                                                                                     consumer electronics equipment
we are 15 scientists,“ Robert Seeliger               scenario.
                                                                                                        Therefore, the manufacturers of
explains, „which means employees with
                                                                                                     consumer electronics products deci-
a degree in either software development                One task on the path to the new OIPF
                                                                                                     ded to create a special version of HTML
or engineering.“ Their work consists                 standard is to design a HTML-based user
                                                                                                     and called it CE-HTML. More precisely,
mainly of looking at technological niches            interface for implementation in IPTV
                                                                                                     CE-HTML is based on XHTML and has
                                                                                                     additional extensions.
                                                                                                        The pages created with CE-HTML
                                                                                                     are well suited to be viewed from a
                                                                                                     distance and be controlled with 4
                                                                                                     arrows and an OK button. CE-HTML
                                                                                                     can be used to create the regular (on-
                                                                                                     line) pages but also to create the user
                                                                                                     interface screens of the CE devices
                                                                                                     you use at home, like digital TV recei-
                                                                                                        Additionally, CE-HTML simplifies
                                                                                                     interfacing of various multimedia
                                                                                                     devices you use at home. We can say
                                                                                                     that thanks to such standardization
                                                                                                     efforts like CE-HTML, the develop-
                                                                                                     ment of new CE equipment is faster
                                                                                                     and simpler, and the compatibility
                                                                                                     between different brands and models
                                                                                                     is better.
                                                                                                        CE-HTML is already incorporated in
                                                                                                     CEA-2014, HbbTV, OpenIPTV and Digi-
                                                                                                     tal Living Network Alliance industry
■ Several monitors and boxes in the lobby of the Fraunhofer FOKUS institute display applications     standards. There are already TV-sets
that were developed at the institute.
                                                                                                     on the market which are CE-HTML
62    TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/201 —

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  • 1. FEATURE IPTV Standard OIPF The New IPTV Standard OIPF ■ Yun Chao Hu is president of the ‘Open IPTV Forum’. He discussed the future of the OIPF standard with TELE- satellite during the first OIPF workshop held in Asia. 54 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/201 — 1
  • 2. • OIPF is the new global standard for Internet TV • OIPF is already in use in Singapore and Taiwan • The new standard incorporates existing technologies and specifications • OIPF has the same specifications world-wide, making it THE standard for Internet-based TV applications It was exactly four years ago, in March standard is being built. Secondly, all appli- 2007, that five telecom heavyweights cations that arise from IPTV interactivity founded the ‘Open IPTV Forum’, with need to be integrated into the open stand- major players such as Sony, Samsung, ardized application enablers. “The OIPF Philips and Panasonic, but also with tel- specifications will address the necessary ecom companies focusing mainly on the application enablers that will be the basis Internet, like France Telecom, AT&T and for an open application ecosystem secur- Telecom Italia. Added to that were cor- ing transparency towards the IPTV appli- porations from the mobile sphere, such cation developers. This will ensure that as Ericsson or Nokia Siemens Networks. the application development will be inde- What started with nine founding members pendent of the IPTV middleware and the has meanwhile grown to 66 OIPF member specific IPTV end-devices. The increased companies, all of which have defined a availability of IPTV applications will enrich single goal: to establish a uniform global the end user Quality of Experience of the standard for TV services via Internet standard based IPTV deployments,” Yun (IPTV) and stimulating a horizontal retail Chao Hu adds. market for IPTV end devices. Interactivity does not only mean that On the journey to this goal the chal- end users – i.e. TV viewers – select the lenge does not lie in video and audio channel they want to watch from a list transmission – more than enough estab- of offerings by using a remote control to lished standards are used for that already. send a request to the provider. There‘s The tricky part is interactivity and per- way more to it. The OIPF standard cre- sonalization, as that is the main distin- ates a log with information about which guishing feature of IPTV when compared channel is currently being watched, how with terrestrial or satellite reception. In many times a new channel is selected and the past, each IPTV provider seemed to at what time channels are switched. This do its own thing, developing applications way a user profile with a precise viewing and technologies that best fit its particular pattern can be created to provide valuable purpose. IPTV had become a playground information for advertisers and content for unregulated proprietary develop- providers. Commercials can be inserted ments, and that is exactly what hindered at a time that creates most viewer atten- further growth. Software engineers and tion and a whole range of offerings can be hardware manufacturers were having a tailor-made to maximise their effect. hard time trying to incorporate as many of In order to collect the required data these diverging developments as possible, there needs to be an established and uni- which at the same time meant too much form standard across platforms. What’s energy had to be wasted on developments more, the OIPF standard defines how and technologies that would simply come advertisements and other offers are and go. transmitted to the viewer. Yun Chao Hu is the president of OIPF, As you can see, simply watching TV and we had the pleasure of meeting him is already based on a rather complex during an OIPF workshop in China. “There technological structure. If we now con- is a solution in sight,“ he states. „A uni- sider pay TV or pay-per-view – both of form standard that is accepted and imple- which also have to be implemented in the mented by all players and that establishes OIPF standard – it becomes plain for all a level playing ground for all interested to see that establishing a new standard parties.” The challenges that come with involves overcoming a great many stum- creating the new OIPF standard are two- bling blocks. And then there’s the Inter- fold: net, which offers even more possibilities, For one, there is no need to start from according to OIPF marketing director scratch again and re-invent something Monika Gadhammar: “Interactive EPG, that is already available at our finger- video calling, chatting, file sharing, online tips. Rather, existing standards should be voting, mobile TV and the like are only the foundation onto which the new OIPF some of the applications that can be real- — 02-03/201 — 1 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 55
  • 3. ■ Monika Gadhammar is marketing manager of OIPF. Here she can be seen in front of a presentation of all OIPF in current ‘Open IPTV Forum’ member companies. Mobile Use ised. To give you an example: If a phone call comes in while you are watching TV the caller’s number and name will pop up on the TV screen. If you decide to accept that call the system automatically starts ■Business executives are PVR recording so that you are able to con- given a tool for tinue watching after hanging up, without coordinating appointments missing a single second.” while on the This just goes to show that the list of go. possible applications is virtually end- less. Major landline phone companies and Internet service providers are free to implement as many features as they think fit, and that’s one of the major draw cards ■OIPF also of the new OIPF standard. Yet, all these incorporates features that are made available to con- specifications for TV via sumers are only one side of the coin. The mobile phone other is the fact that all features need to networks. be implemented at the provider’s end – and the OIPF is the right answer for that as well. OIPF president Yun Chao Hu adds that OIPF is already being used in large-scale test set-ups. “There’s the NIMS project in Singapore, and another one in Taiwan.” Both make sure OIPF can make the quan- tum leap from developer’s playground to real-world application. OIPF is right on track to becoming a reality of TV viewers in the future! More information available at: For the latest technical specifications have a look at: 56 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/201 — 1
  • 4. List of All Current OIPF Member Companies The New IPTV Standard • OIPF provides the IPTV market with open end-2-end IPTV specifications • OIPF includes most IPTV stakeholders • OIPF stimulates a go-to-market drive from the IPTV industry Open IPTV Forum Tel: +33 4 92 94 43 83 650, Route des Lucioles Fax: +33 4 92 38 52 90 F-06921 SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS Cedex Email: France Website: 58 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/201 — 1
  • 5. A Look Behind the Scenes: The New OIPF IPTV Standard in The Making ■This modern office complex in northwestern Berlin (Germany) houses the Fraunhofer FOKUS institute. A range of other well-known telecom providers also rent office space here. The Fraunhofer FOKUS institute participates in exhibitions as well and can be found exhibiting at the CeBIT in Hanover, IFA in Berlin, IBC in Amsterdam and IPTV World Forum in London. One of the strong technical partners which is renting office space at this build- schaft employs a technical workforce of of the Open IPTV Forum is Fraunhofer- ing, but also other well-known businesses 17,000 and generates an annual turno- Gesellschaft from Germany, which from the telecom field. One of them is ver of 1.7 billion EUR.“ We’re not talking has been looking at IPTV since 2005. Media Broadcast, a satellite broadcaster about a commercial company here, but We wanted to learn more about their on which TELE-satellite reported only rather an association with an exclusive approach to that topic and met with recently in issue 08-09/2010. focus on technical research. „Some 30% Robert Seeliger, the OIPF project man- of Fraunhofer‘s budget are received from ager at Fraunhofer. He occupies an office We started out with asking Robert the German state, with the remaining on the fourth floor of a recently built Seeliger about the nature of Fraunhofer- 70% being generated from commercial office complex in northwestern Berlin Gesellschaft. Naturally, he can fill us in corporations with all sorts of manufac- (Germany). Yet, it‘s not only Fraunhofer with all the details: „Fraunhofer-Gesell- turers. Some monies also come from the 60 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/201 — 1
  • 6. ■ Graduate engineer receivers. „To this end we use the CE- Robert Seeliger is OIPF HTML programming language,“ Robert project manager at the Fraunhofer FOKUS institute Seeliger explains. „It‘s the same lan- in Berlin. Here he shows the guage that is also used for HbbTV, for institute‘s website on his monitor. Apart from the new example.“ CE stands for consumer elec- OIPF standard FOKUS also tronics and is perfect for calling up and looks at another interesting displaying media content. development: a universal operating system that can be implemented in mobile phones, set-top boxes, TV sets and so on. You can find What is CE-HTML? out more about that project at HTML is the programming language used to create web pages. You do not have to be an accomplished expert to realize that the web pages you surf on with your PC or a laptop are not so easy to navigate when displayed on the TV screen and handled with European Union‘s research funds.“ and developing solutions for them. a remote control. There are several „IPTV has been around for some time, things that make reading and naviga- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is divided up which means huge efforts have already ting them difficult: into different institutes. „We currently been put in doing research in this field,“ - sometimes simply the font is too run 57 institutes, each of which does Robert Seeliger continues. „Our job is small to be read from a distance by a research on a specific field,“ Robert Seel- to define gaps that are still around and regular TV viewer iger goes on. One of the institutes caries then combine all aspects to arrive at a - they often require a mouse action the name FOKUS, which is the German point where all the pieces of this puzzle or keyboard entry rather than the acronym for ‚Fraunhofer Institute for fall into place.“ directional arrows and OK button that Open Communications Systems‘. FOKUS the regular remote control units have consists of seven departments and one By the way, this particular Fraunhofer - they lack a highlight that show the of these departments is FAME, short for institute can proudly look back on an user what will happen when he/she ‚Future Applications and Media‘, with a extremely successful Internet develop- presses the OK button permanent staff of 40 employees.“ ment: „We were the ones to come up - they use different audio/video with the Session Initiation Protocol that object implementations The FAME department within FOKUS is being used for VoIP,“ Robert Seeliger - they use specific extensions like deals with the new IPTV standard. It is reveals and lends further proof to the Adobe Flash that require more soft- headed by Dr. Stefan Arabnowski, with fact that Fraunhofer scientist are spot ware and more powerful hardware to Robert Seeliger running the project on when it comes to developing solu- be used than is available in popular group that looks at OIPF. „Altogether tions that are required in a real-world consumer electronics equipment we are 15 scientists,“ Robert Seeliger scenario. Therefore, the manufacturers of explains, „which means employees with consumer electronics products deci- a degree in either software development One task on the path to the new OIPF ded to create a special version of HTML or engineering.“ Their work consists standard is to design a HTML-based user and called it CE-HTML. More precisely, mainly of looking at technological niches interface for implementation in IPTV CE-HTML is based on XHTML and has additional extensions. The pages created with CE-HTML are well suited to be viewed from a distance and be controlled with 4 arrows and an OK button. CE-HTML can be used to create the regular (on- line) pages but also to create the user interface screens of the CE devices you use at home, like digital TV recei- vers. Additionally, CE-HTML simplifies interfacing of various multimedia devices you use at home. We can say that thanks to such standardization efforts like CE-HTML, the develop- ment of new CE equipment is faster and simpler, and the compatibility between different brands and models is better. CE-HTML is already incorporated in CEA-2014, HbbTV, OpenIPTV and Digi- tal Living Network Alliance industry ■ Several monitors and boxes in the lobby of the Fraunhofer FOKUS institute display applications standards. There are already TV-sets that were developed at the institute. on the market which are CE-HTML compatible. 62 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/201 — 1