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Matt Raible | @mraible
Spring Boot APIs and Angular Apps: Get Hip with JHipster!
July 19, 2019 Photo by Matthew Whitehead
Titanium Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Blogger on and
Web Developer and Java Champion
Father, Skier, Mountain Biker,
Whitewater Rafter
Open Source Developer + User
Who is Matt Raible?
Bus Lover
Okta Developer Advocate
public class Okta {
public Okta(DeveloperDNA developerDna) {
DeveloperRelations devRel = developerDna.getDeveloperRelations();
Assert.notNull(devRel,"Developer Relations is required to operate effectively.");
Set<Developer> team = devRel.getTeam();
Assert.isTrue(!team.isEmpty(),"Team cannot be empty.");
Assert.isTrue(!devRel.getSdks().isEmpty(), "SDKs required for developers.");
Authentication Standards
What about YOU?
Are you a Java Developer? Web Developer?
How long have you been doing web development?
Do you like JSF? Do you like GWT?
Do you like JavaScript? TypeScript?
Do you want to be a hip Java Developer?
Java 8
Parallel Collections
JSR 310 Date and Time API
Functional Interfaces with default method
Lambda Expressions (a.k.a. Closures)
Nashorn JavaScript Engine
Java 11
New String Methods
File Utility Methods
Local Variable Syntax: var
Java EE and CORBA modules removed
What about Java 12?
n. noun
1. One who is exceptionally aware of or interested in the latest trends
and tastes.
Latest trends in JavaLand?
Embedded App Servers
Deployment with Containers
Environments: dev, test, production
Spring Boot
Automatically configures Spring whenever possible
Provides production-ready features such as metrics, health checks and
externalized configuration
Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML
Embeds Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow directly
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
class Blog {
private Long id;
private String name;
// getters, setters, toString(), etc
interface BlogRepository extends JpaRepository<Blog, Long> {
class NotesApplication
fun main(args: Array<String>) {, *args)
data class Note(@Id @GeneratedValue var id: Long? = null,
var text: String? = null,
@JsonIgnore var user: String? = null)
interface NotesRepository : JpaRepository<Note, Long>
Microservices with Spring Boot
Latest trends in Web Development?
Progressive Web Applications
JavaScript MVC Frameworks
CSS 3 with Animations
Mobile First
Front-End Optimization
REST and GraphQL APIs
Spring Boot APIs and Angular Apps: Get Hip with JHipster! KCDC 2019
Spring Boot APIs and Angular Apps: Get Hip with JHipster! KCDC 2019
Hot Frameworks
Hot Frameworks
Jobs on Indeed (US)
July 2019
React Angular Vue Vanilla
Stack Overflow Tags
July 2019
React Angular Vue
GitHub Stars
July 2019
React Angular Vue
Spring Boot APIs and Angular Apps: Get Hip with JHipster! KCDC 2019
“Angular and React dominate:
Nothing else even comes close.”
Wouldn’t it be hip if…?
JHipster is a development platform to generate, develop and deploy 
Spring Boot + Angular/React Web applications and Spring microservices. 
and Vue! ✨
JHipster is Inclusive
JHipster is Open Source
Web Statistics, July 2019
356K Page Views / 704K on GitHub
GitHub Statistics
14K Stars
512 Contributors
JHipster Foundations
Spring Boot
Spring Security
Maven or Gradle
Authentication Type: cookie-
based, JWT, or OAuth 2.0 / OIDC
Type of Database: SQL or NoSQL
Caching: EhCache or Hazelcast
Frameworks Project Options
How to use JHipster
To install JHipster and Yeoman, use npm:
npm install -g generator-jhipster
Then create a directory and cd into it:
mkdir myapp && cd myapp
Then run JHipster:
Demo Time!
Generate a basic blog application
Look at its files and configuration

Generate the CRUD entities
Limit blogs to current user, allow HTML
Deploy to … all in 20 minutes!
Demo Entity Diagram
Get Started with JHipster 6 Demo |
JHipster 6 with OIDC Authentication
OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect
OpenID Connect
OAuth 2.0
OpenID Connect is for

OAuth 2.0 is for
React PWA with JHipster 5
Spring Boot APIs and Angular Apps: Get Hip with JHipster! KCDC 2019
Microservices with JHipster 6
JHipster is Knowledge
The JHipster Mini-Book
Written with Asciidoctor
Quick and to the point, 164 pages
Developed a Real World App:
Free Download from
Lines of Code in 21-Points
Project Created Entities Generated Business Logic and UI
Project Creation
Entities Generated
Biz Logic and UI
0 10000 20000 30000
Java TypeScript HTML
Lines of Code by Language
Learn More
Spring Boot
Okta APIs
Getting Help
Try Spring Boot
Try Angular, React, or Vue
Try JHipster
Explore PWAs
Enjoy the bootiful experience!
Keep in touch!

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