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A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
A Guide to Securing Networks
for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family)
Department of Homeland Security
Cybersecurity Engineering
Version 1.0 – March 15, 2017
A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
Prepared By
United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Cybersecurity Engineering
Revision History
Version Date Description Authors Section/Page
1.0 3/15/17 First Release DHS All
A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
2. Threat Types............................................................................................................................ 2
3. Threat Remediation ................................................................................................................. 3
4. Recommended Requirements for Enterprise Wireless Networking........................................ 3
5. Recommended Requirements for WIDS/WIPS ...................................................................... 4
6. Recommended Requirements for Wireless Surveys ............................................................... 5
7. Budget Estimation Guide......................................................................................................... 7
8. Bluetooth Security Considerations .......................................................................................... 8
Appendix A: Authorities and References ..................................................................................... 10
Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations.................................................................................. 12
A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
1. Introduction
This guide summarizes leading practices and technical guidance for securing networks from
wireless threats and for securely implementing wireless access to networks. This document is
specifically focused on the wireless technologies commonly referred to as “Wi-Fi” as defined in
the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 family. This guide does not
include commercial mobile networks (e.g., 3GPP, LTE). The recommendations in this guide
address wireless threats that are universal to all networks and describe security controls that can
work together to mitigate these threats.
Wireless capabilities are widely available, even on networks that are not intentionally providing
these services. Wi-Fi signals may infiltrate buildings from commercial providers, adjacent
buildings and businesses, and other publicly available services. Authorized and unauthorized Wi-
Fi services can be used to gain unauthorized access to networks that are otherwise strongly
secured. Due to the pervasive nature of Wi-Fi, it is important to consider the risks associated
with these technologies and to examine potential impacts to confidentiality, availability, and
integrity when conducting risk and threat analyses. On March 31, 2014, the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) increased the availability of the radio frequency (RF)
spectrum for high-speed, high-capacity Wi-Fi in the 5 GHz band in support of the ever-
increasing demand for Wi-Fi data connectivity.1
In response to the growing number of attacks on networks and the risks associated with the
pervasive nature of wireless technologies, a number of wireless security guides have been
produced by commercial interests, the Federal Government, and the Department of Defense
(DoD). Two of the SANS CIS2
Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense v6.0—
Boundary Defense (Critical Security Control (CSC) 12) and Wireless Access Control (CSC
15)—are specific to wireless risks and threats.
A major recommendation in the guidance above is to deploy a wireless intrusion detection
system (WIDS) and wireless intrusion prevention system (WIPS) on every network, even when
wireless access to that network is not offered, to detect and automatically disconnect devices
using unauthorized wireless services.
CSC 12 and CSC 15 recommend monitoring for communication between networks of different
trust levels and specifically calling out WIDS as part of the technical approach for monitoring
communication. DoD Directive 8100.2, Use of Commercial Wireless Devices, Services, and
Technologies in the Department of Defense (DoD) Global Information Grid (GIG), includes the
DoD policy for addressing Wi-Fi threats to both wireless local area networks (WLANs) as well
Link to FCC announcement:
According to the SANS Institute, the “SANS CIS Critical Security Controls are a recommended set of actions for
cyber defense that provide specific and actionable ways to stop today's most pervasive and dangerous attacks.” See
Appendix A for link to the SANS CIS webpage.

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The document discusses wireless network security and methods to prevent unauthorized access. It describes common types of wireless encryption like WEP and WPA and risks from rogue access points. Effective wireless security policies and systems like WIPS are important to enforce policies and prevent intrusion. Potential modes of unauthorized network access are also outlined, as well as security measures, mobile device security categories, and methods for implementing network encryption using authentication servers and client software. Open access points are also discussed, with arguments for and against allowing public access to wireless networks.

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A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
as wired networks. The directive requires that an active screening capability for wireless devices
be implemented on every DoD network. In July 2016, the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence issued guidance requiring WIDS capabilities for continuous monitoring.
The significant increase of wireless technology in and around enterprise networks has
correspondingly increased the associated risks. These risks include neighboring Wi-Fi networks,
hot spots, hotels, mobile hotspot devices such as mobile Wi-Fi (MiFi), and a multitude of mobile
devices and smart phones that have Wi-Fi capabilities. The focus on securing enterprise wired
networks (through technologies such as firewalls, intrusion prevention systems (IPSs), content
filters, and anti-virus and anti-malware detection tools) has made enterprise networks a more
difficult target for adversaries. As a result, adversaries are now exploiting less secure end user
devices and Wi-Fi networks to penetrate enterprise networks.
In June 2009, Gartner, Inc., a technology research company, performed a study entitled “Next
Generation Threats and Vulnerabilities.” This study concluded that Wi-Fi infrastructure
attacks had the highest level of severity and the lowest time to invest for the attacker. While
improvements have been made in Wi-Fi technologies since the time of this report that improve
the basic security of Wi-Fi systems, users are still a weak link and must have a significant
understanding of the technology in order to safeguard against many types of attacks. The
automation of connections for ease of use and insecure default configurations can lead users to
inadvertently compromise the security of their device or network.
2. Threat Types
By not addressing wireless security, enterprise networks are exposed to the threats listed below.
Monitoring for wireless activity and devices enables an enterprise to have better visibility into
Wi-Fi use and to identify and mitigate Wi-Fi-related threats. Wi-Fi threats include:
• Hidden or Rogue Access Points (APs) – unauthorized wireless APs attached to the
enterprise network may not transmit their service set identifier (SSID) to hide their
• Misconfigured APs – APs with weak or incorrect settings that allow unauthorized
devices to connect or expose connection communications to sniffing and replay attacks.
• Banned Devices – devices not allowed on the network by organizational policy (e.g.,
wireless storage devices).
• Client Mis-association (e.g., department and agency (D/A)) clients connecting to non-
D/A networks while at D/A sites) – clients using unsecured and unmonitored networks
when secured and monitored network connections are available increases the risk of data
loss and system compromise.
• Rogue Clients – unauthorized clients attaching to the network. Rogue clients pose risks
of bridging and data loss as well as circumventing established security controls and
monitoring efforts.
• Internet Connection Sharing and Bridging Clients – a device that shares its Internet
connection or allows connectivity to multiple networks concurrently can be used to
A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
bypass network monitoring and security controls and may result in data loss or provide
an unsecured network entry point for an attacker.
• Unauthorized Association – an AP-to-AP association that can violate the security
perimeter of the network.
• Ad hoc Connections – a peer-to-peer network connection that can violate the security
perimeter of the network.
• Honeypot/Evil Twin APs – an AP setup to impersonate authorized APs intercepting
network communications and compromising systems that connect to it.
• Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks – an attack that seeks to overwhelm the system causing
it to fail or degrade its usability. These attacks are frequently used in conjunction with
other attacks (e.g., honeypot) to encourage a wireless client to associate with
compromised wireless APs.
3. Threat Remediation
An active WIDS/WIPS enables enterprise networks to create and enforce wireless security
policies. WIDS/WIPS provides the ability to centrally monitor and manage enterprise wireless
security with respect to the various threats listed above. Alternatively, during an incident related
to these threats, an on-site technician would be required to survey the entire enterprise with a
laptop or other wireless network detection device in an attempt to locate and identify a rogue AP.
Having a WIDS/WIPS capability in place greatly aids in incident remediation.
Successfully identifying and mitigating rogue APs and wireless devices is a challenging and
labor-intensive process, as rogue APs are frequently moved and not always powered on. A
WIDS/WIPS capability provides immediate automated alerts to the enterprise security operations
center (SOC) and can be configured to automatically prevent any clients from attaching to rogue
APs. WIDS/WIPS capabilities are also useful for physically locating rogue APs in order to
remove them.
4. Recommended Requirements for Enterprise Wireless Networking
Listed below are sample requirements for consideration when securing an enterprise network
from wireless threats. These requirements are derived from the sources listed in Appendix A:
Authorities and References and should be tailored to specific considerations and applicable
compliance requirements. These requirements are currently tailored to guidance applicable to
federal Executive Branch D/As.
• Use existing equipment that can be securely configured and is free from known
vulnerabilities where possible.
• Meet Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 compliance for encryption.
• Be compliant to relevant National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-53
A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
• Use the certificates that reside on personal identification verification (PIV) cards for user
authentication to comply with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Homeland
Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12).
• Support an alternative method of certificate authentication where PIV cannot be used.
• Use Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS3
) certificate
based methods or better for to secure the entire authentication transaction and
• Minimally use Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) counter mode cipher block
chaining message authentication code4
protocol (CCMP), a form of AES encryption
utilized by Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) 2 enterprise networks. More complex
encryption technologies supporting the requirement for an enhanced data cryptographic
encapsulation mechanism providing confidentiality and the client’s capabilities while
conforming to FIPS 140-2 may be used as they are developed and approved.
• Allow for enterprise users to operate seamlessly and allow for login scripts and login
activities to function normally. Wireless access clients should be able to transition from
AP-to-AP with no service disruption while maintaining the security of the connection.
5. Recommended Requirements for WIDS/WIPS
Even wired networks that do not support wireless access should utilize a WIDS/WIPS solution to
monitor and detect rogue APs and unauthorized connections. The following list includes specific
recommended requirements for WIDS/WIPS sensor networks and should be tailored based on
local considerations and applicable compliance requirements. WIDS/WIPS systems should
include the following characteristics:
• Rogue client detection capability. The system will reliably detect the presence of a
workstation simultaneously broadcasting IP from a second wireless network interface
card (NIC).
• Have a rogue WAP detection capability. WAP detection capability should reliably detect
the presence of a WAP communicating inside the physical perimeter of the enterprise.
• Have a rogue detection process capability. Rogue client or WAP detection shall occur
regardless of authentication or encryption techniques in use by the offending device
(e.g., network address translation (NAT), encrypted, and soft WAPs). Rogue detection
should combine over-the-air and over-the wire techniques to reliably expose rogue
• Detect and classify mobile Wi-Fi devices such as iPads, iPods, iPhones, Androids,
Nooks, and MiFi devices.
• Detect 802.11a/b/g/n/ac devices connected to the wired or wireless network.
RFC 5216
Cipher block chaining message authentication code is abbreviated as CBC-MAC.
A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
• Be able to detect and block multiple WAPs from a single sensor device over multiple
wireless channels.
• Be able to enforce a “no Wi-Fi” policy per subnet and across multiple subnets.
• Block multiple simultaneous instances of the following: DoS attacks, ad hoc
connections, client mis-associations, media access control (MAC) address spoofing,
honeypot WAPs, rogue WAPs, misconfigured WAPs, and unauthorized associations.
• Detect and report additional attacks while blocking the above listed exploits (detection
and reporting capabilities will not be affected during prevention).
• Not affect any external (neighboring) Wi-Fi devices. This includes attempting to connect
over the air to provide Layer Two fingerprinting; therefore, the use of existing content
addressable memory (CAM) tables is not acceptable to fulfill this requirement.
• Provide minimal communications between sensor and server, and a specific minimum
allowable Kbps should be identified. The system shall provide automatic classification
of clients and WAPs based upon enterprise policy and governance.
• Provide secure communications between each sensor and server to prevent tampering by
an attacker.
• Have at least four different levels of permissions allowing WIPS administrators to
delegate specific view and admin privileges to other administrators as determined by the
• Have automated (event triggered) and scheduled reporting.
• Provide customizable reports.
• Segment reporting and administration based on enterprise requirements.
• Produce live packet capture over the air and display directly on analyst workstations.
• Provide event log capture.
• Import site drawings for site planning and location tracking requirements.
• Manually create simple building layouts with auto-scale capability within the
• Be able to place sensors and WAPs electronically on building maps to maintain accurate
records of sensor placement and future AP locations.
• Meet all applicable federal standards and Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)5
Federal Government deployments.
6. Recommended Requirements for Wireless Surveys
Many integrators of wireless solutions can perform a predictive or virtual site survey as part of
the proposal or estimating process. This approach utilizes a set of building blueprints or floor
plans to determine the optimal placement of sensors and APs within the facility. A predictive site
survey takes into account the building dimension and structure but cannot account for potential
RF sources because no direct examination of the site is conducted. This approach may be
Federal standards and Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)

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This document provides an analysis of security issues and solutions for routing protocols in wireless sensor networks and wireless mesh networks. It discusses various threats and attacks at different layers of the OSI model, including jamming, man-in-the-middle attacks, and denial-of-service attacks at the physical layer. At higher layers, threats include selective forwarding, sinkhole attacks, and wormhole attacks. The document then outlines some solutions, such as intrusion prevention, intrusion detection systems, and key management techniques. It concludes by discussing prospects for improved security through techniques like elliptic curve cryptography and quantum cryptography.

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THREATS are possible attacks. It includes The spread of computer viruses Infiltration and theft of data from external hackers Engineered network overloads triggered by malicious mass e-mailing Misuse of computer resources and confidential information by employees Unauthorized financial transactions and other kinds of computer fraud conducted in the company's name Electronic inspection of corporate computer data by outside parties Damage from failure, fire, or natural disasters

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Malware called SYNful Knock has been hijacking internet routers by exploiting default login credentials, allowing threat actors to integrate their own operating system on the routers. Over 200 routers across 31 countries have been infected so far. With access to the routers, threat actors can view all network traffic and use the routers to launch further cyber attacks. Countermeasures have been ineffective due to the new and complex nature of these router hijacking attacks.

A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
sufficient for some enterprises and is significantly less expensive than a more thorough RF site
Alternatively, a wireless site survey, also known as a RF site survey, provides a definitive set of
information for developing a wireless deployment and security plan. The survey is a defined set
of tasks performed in the facility that documents the wireless characteristics of the physical
facilities, coverage areas, and interference sources. This information is essential to understanding
the optimal number and placement of WAPs and WIDS/WIPS devices to provide desired
coverage and functionality in a facility.
Issues that a wireless survey seeks to identify include:
• Multipath Distortion – distortion of RF signals caused by multiple RF reflective paths
between the transmitter and receiver.
• RF Coverage Barriers – materials used in construction may not transmit RF signals
resulting in unexpected loss of strength and reduced range.
• External and Internal Interference Sources – RF signals used by Wi-Fi are not the only
users in that frequency. Identification of interference sources assists in designing a
solution that achieves the desired coverage in the most efficient manner.
Before beginning a wireless survey, the following information should be obtained:
• Where in the facility is Wi-Fi access needed?
• Will there be more than one wireless network, such as a work and guest network?
• How many devices and connections will be supported over Wi-Fi?
• What are the data rate needs of these devices over Wi-Fi?
• A facility map or floor plan is essential to overlay the survey results on. This floor plan
should be provided to the survey team in a digital file format appropriate to their needs,
if possible.
The following list provides specific recommendations for a wireless survey. These
recommendations should be tailored based on local considerations and applicable compliance
requirements. A survey not intended to serve as a guide for network design and installation, and
verification of the wireless communication infrastructure may not require all of the details listed.
The wireless survey should produce the following documents as a product:
• A facilities map(s) showing wireless coverage with the following indicated:
− Interference sources and strength,
− Any existing networks’ signal strength and coverage contours,
− External network sources available in the facility with signal strength coverage
− Identification of areas where multipath distortion may occur,
− Recommended WAP placement,
A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
− Recommended WIDS/WIPS placement, and
− Indication of signal strength coverage contours using recommended placement.
• A report providing details of findings and recommendations including details of risks,
threats, and recommended mitigations. The report should include a RF spectrum analysis
that will minimally indicate:
− RF interference sources,
− Measurement of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR),
− RF power peaks, and
− Wi-Fi channel interference.
• A detailed list of materials needed to accomplish goals and coverages as identified in the
survey maps and reports.
• An estimated labor hours report required to install, test, and validate the installation
described in the survey maps and reports.
The survey information enables optimization of AP channels, antenna type, AP transmit power
levels, and placement for the proposed wireless network installation.
7. Budget Estimation Guide
Configuration and budget estimation guidance is provided below for the technical solutions
outlined in these recommendations. The example information is the product of market research
conducted by DHS. This guidance should be used for budgetary purposes only and the final costs
will be heavily dependent on the physical characteristics of the facilities being considered.
Accurate cost estimation is best determined by working with your Network Infrastructure
Support team and requesting competitive proposals from experienced installers of these
The following factors should be accounted for to ensure a comprehensive estimate of the total
project costs:
• Site Evaluation – a predictive site survey utilizing the site floor plans with
documentation on existing network infrastructure can provide an accurate cost
estimation for equipment required to cover the facility. While not as precise as an onsite
RF survey, this typically provides sufficient accuracy for budget purposes. If your site is
over 50,000 square feet (sq. ft.) or has significant potential RF interference sources (e.g.,
onsite RF transmitters, radar installations, or is older stone, masonry, or steel
construction), an RF survey may be indicated. Vendors should be informed of these
considerations when requesting estimates.
• Labor – cost should include the initial installation, training for network staff to maintain
the solution, and training for the Security Operations team to utilize the solution.
A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
• Physical and Virtual Infrastructure – equipment and service costs to support the solution
should include: physical or virtual server costs, network infrastructure costs, network
cabling, and power cabling.
• Maintenance and Support – costs include warranty, software support, and licensing costs
that are part of the ongoing operations and maintenance of the solution.
Table 1 shows budgetary estimate example details for WIDS/WIPS solutions.
Table 1: Budgetary Estimate Example for WIDS/WIPS Solutions
Item Description Purpose
Costs ($)
Predictive RF Survey Utilizes facility plans to estimate
coverage needs for sensors and APs
sq. ft.
Onsite Support Utilized for training, system tuning, and
configuration services, as well as an
onsite RF spectrum survey, if desired
Per day
Sensor Dual band 802.11AC sensor unit Per sensor
Cell Sensor Option Additional radio for detection of US cell
phone signals by the 802.11 AC
Per sensor
Management Server
Virtual Machine (VM)
A VM image for the management
server that can support up to 50
Cloud-based, physical appliances, and
other license models are available
depending on business needs and
Per VM or
Service and Support Support costs for each component
varies depending on response time
and level of service desired
Per device
or license
8. Bluetooth Security Considerations
Bluetooth technologies (IEEE 802.15) in mobile devices present additional risks for the loss of
data and the potential to eavesdrop on conversations. This exposes D/As to a higher risk for loss
of confidentiality on D/A-managed devices and networks when Bluetooth is utilized while
conducting D/A business. Any device–including laptops, cell phones, and tablets–that has this
capability is subject to this risk.
A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
Bluetooth technologies are designed to create a personal area network (PAN) that supports the
connection of devices such as audio, keyboard, mice, or data storage devices to a system. All
versions of the Bluetooth specification include unsecured modes of connection, and these are
typically the easiest connections to establish. Bluetooth signals have been exploited at distances
of several hundred feet, and this should be taken into consideration when evaluating the risks and
establishing policies around its usage.
Mitigation methods for Bluetooth risks should include the development of a Bluetooth usage
policy, enforcement of configuration management for D/A-managed devices based on this
policy, and user awareness training that informs users of the risks associated with using
Bluetooth. More detailed information on threats and mitigations for Bluetooth technologies can
be found in NIST SP 800-121 rev 1.

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A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
Appendix A: Authorities and References
Listed below are the technical authorities, references, standards, and publications used in the
creation of this guide.
Authorities and
CIO Council Mobile
Security (Baseline,
Framework, and
CIO Council’s government mobile and wireless security baseline of
standard security requirements
DHS 4300A DHS Sensitive System Policy
CSC 12 Boundary
The CIS Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense
CSC 15 Wireless
Access Control
The CIS Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense
DoD Directive 8100.02 Use of Commercial Wireless Devices, Services, and Technologies in
the Department of Defense (DoD) Global Information Grid (GIG)
DoD Instruction
Commercial Wireless Local Area Network Devices, Systems, and
NIST SP 800-160 NIST SP 800-160 Systems Security Engineering: Considerations for
a Multidisciplinary Approach in the Engineering of Trustworthy
Secure Systems
(While not specifically related to this topic, this publication provides
guidance on security engineering applicable to all systems.)
A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
Authorities and
FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules
GAO 11-43 GAO Report to Congressional Committees: Federal Agencies Have
Taken Steps to Secure Wireless Networks, but Further Actions Can
Mitigate Risk
Gartner, Inc. Next Generation Threats and Vulnerabilities, June 2009
HSPD-12 Policies for a Common Identification Standard for Federal
Employees and Contractors
NIST 800-153 Guidelines for Securing Wireless Local Networks (WLANs)
NIST 800-53 rev 4 Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and
NIST SP 800-121 rev
Guide to Bluetooth Security
SANS CIS Critical
Security Controls
The SANS CIS Critical Security Controls are a recommended set of
actions for cyber defense that provide specific and actionable ways
to stop today's most pervasive and dangerous attacks.
A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym Definition
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AP access point
CAM content addressable memory
CBC-MAC cipher block chaining message authentication code
CCMP Counter mode CBC-MAC protocol
CIO Chief Information Officer
CSC Critical Security Control
D/A department and agency
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DoD Department of Defense
DoS denial of service
EAP-TLS Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
GAO Government Accounting Office
GIG Global Information Grid
HSPD Homeland Security Presidential Directive
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IPS intrusion prevention system
MAC media access control
MiFi mobile Wi-Fi
NIC network interface card
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PAN personal area network
A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11 Family)
Acronym Definition
PIV personal identification verification
RF radio frequency
SOC security operations center
SNR signal-to-noise ratio
SP Special Publication
SSID service set identifier
VM virtual machine
WAP wireless access point
WIDS wireless intrusion detection system
WIPS wireless intrusion prevention system
WLAN wireless local area network

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Network Security protects your network and data from breaches, intrusions and other threats. View this presentation now to understand what is network security and the types of network security. Happy learning!!

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A Guide to 802.11 WiFi Security by US-CERT

  • 1. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) i A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Engineering Version 1.0 – March 15, 2017
  • 2. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) i Prepared By United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity Engineering Revision History Version Date Description Authors Section/Page 1.0 3/15/17 First Release DHS All
  • 3. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) ii Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1 2. Threat Types............................................................................................................................ 2 3. Threat Remediation ................................................................................................................. 3 4. Recommended Requirements for Enterprise Wireless Networking........................................ 3 5. Recommended Requirements for WIDS/WIPS ...................................................................... 4 6. Recommended Requirements for Wireless Surveys ............................................................... 5 7. Budget Estimation Guide......................................................................................................... 7 8. Bluetooth Security Considerations .......................................................................................... 8 Appendix A: Authorities and References ..................................................................................... 10 Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations.................................................................................. 12
  • 4. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) 1 1. Introduction This guide summarizes leading practices and technical guidance for securing networks from wireless threats and for securely implementing wireless access to networks. This document is specifically focused on the wireless technologies commonly referred to as “Wi-Fi” as defined in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 family. This guide does not include commercial mobile networks (e.g., 3GPP, LTE). The recommendations in this guide address wireless threats that are universal to all networks and describe security controls that can work together to mitigate these threats. Wireless capabilities are widely available, even on networks that are not intentionally providing these services. Wi-Fi signals may infiltrate buildings from commercial providers, adjacent buildings and businesses, and other publicly available services. Authorized and unauthorized Wi- Fi services can be used to gain unauthorized access to networks that are otherwise strongly secured. Due to the pervasive nature of Wi-Fi, it is important to consider the risks associated with these technologies and to examine potential impacts to confidentiality, availability, and integrity when conducting risk and threat analyses. On March 31, 2014, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) increased the availability of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum for high-speed, high-capacity Wi-Fi in the 5 GHz band in support of the ever- increasing demand for Wi-Fi data connectivity.1 In response to the growing number of attacks on networks and the risks associated with the pervasive nature of wireless technologies, a number of wireless security guides have been produced by commercial interests, the Federal Government, and the Department of Defense (DoD). Two of the SANS CIS2 Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense v6.0— Boundary Defense (Critical Security Control (CSC) 12) and Wireless Access Control (CSC 15)—are specific to wireless risks and threats. A major recommendation in the guidance above is to deploy a wireless intrusion detection system (WIDS) and wireless intrusion prevention system (WIPS) on every network, even when wireless access to that network is not offered, to detect and automatically disconnect devices using unauthorized wireless services. CSC 12 and CSC 15 recommend monitoring for communication between networks of different trust levels and specifically calling out WIDS as part of the technical approach for monitoring communication. DoD Directive 8100.2, Use of Commercial Wireless Devices, Services, and Technologies in the Department of Defense (DoD) Global Information Grid (GIG), includes the DoD policy for addressing Wi-Fi threats to both wireless local area networks (WLANs) as well 1 Link to FCC announcement: uses 2 According to the SANS Institute, the “SANS CIS Critical Security Controls are a recommended set of actions for cyber defense that provide specific and actionable ways to stop today's most pervasive and dangerous attacks.” See Appendix A for link to the SANS CIS webpage.
  • 5. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) 2 as wired networks. The directive requires that an active screening capability for wireless devices be implemented on every DoD network. In July 2016, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued guidance requiring WIDS capabilities for continuous monitoring. The significant increase of wireless technology in and around enterprise networks has correspondingly increased the associated risks. These risks include neighboring Wi-Fi networks, hot spots, hotels, mobile hotspot devices such as mobile Wi-Fi (MiFi), and a multitude of mobile devices and smart phones that have Wi-Fi capabilities. The focus on securing enterprise wired networks (through technologies such as firewalls, intrusion prevention systems (IPSs), content filters, and anti-virus and anti-malware detection tools) has made enterprise networks a more difficult target for adversaries. As a result, adversaries are now exploiting less secure end user devices and Wi-Fi networks to penetrate enterprise networks. In June 2009, Gartner, Inc., a technology research company, performed a study entitled “Next Generation Threats and Vulnerabilities.” This study concluded that Wi-Fi infrastructure attacks had the highest level of severity and the lowest time to invest for the attacker. While improvements have been made in Wi-Fi technologies since the time of this report that improve the basic security of Wi-Fi systems, users are still a weak link and must have a significant understanding of the technology in order to safeguard against many types of attacks. The automation of connections for ease of use and insecure default configurations can lead users to inadvertently compromise the security of their device or network. 2. Threat Types By not addressing wireless security, enterprise networks are exposed to the threats listed below. Monitoring for wireless activity and devices enables an enterprise to have better visibility into Wi-Fi use and to identify and mitigate Wi-Fi-related threats. Wi-Fi threats include: • Hidden or Rogue Access Points (APs) – unauthorized wireless APs attached to the enterprise network may not transmit their service set identifier (SSID) to hide their existence. • Misconfigured APs – APs with weak or incorrect settings that allow unauthorized devices to connect or expose connection communications to sniffing and replay attacks. • Banned Devices – devices not allowed on the network by organizational policy (e.g., wireless storage devices). • Client Mis-association (e.g., department and agency (D/A)) clients connecting to non- D/A networks while at D/A sites) – clients using unsecured and unmonitored networks when secured and monitored network connections are available increases the risk of data loss and system compromise. • Rogue Clients – unauthorized clients attaching to the network. Rogue clients pose risks of bridging and data loss as well as circumventing established security controls and monitoring efforts. • Internet Connection Sharing and Bridging Clients – a device that shares its Internet connection or allows connectivity to multiple networks concurrently can be used to
  • 6. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) 3 bypass network monitoring and security controls and may result in data loss or provide an unsecured network entry point for an attacker. • Unauthorized Association – an AP-to-AP association that can violate the security perimeter of the network. • Ad hoc Connections – a peer-to-peer network connection that can violate the security perimeter of the network. • Honeypot/Evil Twin APs – an AP setup to impersonate authorized APs intercepting network communications and compromising systems that connect to it. • Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks – an attack that seeks to overwhelm the system causing it to fail or degrade its usability. These attacks are frequently used in conjunction with other attacks (e.g., honeypot) to encourage a wireless client to associate with compromised wireless APs. 3. Threat Remediation An active WIDS/WIPS enables enterprise networks to create and enforce wireless security policies. WIDS/WIPS provides the ability to centrally monitor and manage enterprise wireless security with respect to the various threats listed above. Alternatively, during an incident related to these threats, an on-site technician would be required to survey the entire enterprise with a laptop or other wireless network detection device in an attempt to locate and identify a rogue AP. Having a WIDS/WIPS capability in place greatly aids in incident remediation. Successfully identifying and mitigating rogue APs and wireless devices is a challenging and labor-intensive process, as rogue APs are frequently moved and not always powered on. A WIDS/WIPS capability provides immediate automated alerts to the enterprise security operations center (SOC) and can be configured to automatically prevent any clients from attaching to rogue APs. WIDS/WIPS capabilities are also useful for physically locating rogue APs in order to remove them. 4. Recommended Requirements for Enterprise Wireless Networking Listed below are sample requirements for consideration when securing an enterprise network from wireless threats. These requirements are derived from the sources listed in Appendix A: Authorities and References and should be tailored to specific considerations and applicable compliance requirements. These requirements are currently tailored to guidance applicable to federal Executive Branch D/As. • Use existing equipment that can be securely configured and is free from known vulnerabilities where possible. • Meet Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 compliance for encryption. • Be compliant to relevant National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-53 controls.
  • 7. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) 4 • Use the certificates that reside on personal identification verification (PIV) cards for user authentication to comply with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12). • Support an alternative method of certificate authentication where PIV cannot be used. • Use Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS3 ) certificate based methods or better for to secure the entire authentication transaction and communications. • Minimally use Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) counter mode cipher block chaining message authentication code4 protocol (CCMP), a form of AES encryption utilized by Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) 2 enterprise networks. More complex encryption technologies supporting the requirement for an enhanced data cryptographic encapsulation mechanism providing confidentiality and the client’s capabilities while conforming to FIPS 140-2 may be used as they are developed and approved. • Allow for enterprise users to operate seamlessly and allow for login scripts and login activities to function normally. Wireless access clients should be able to transition from AP-to-AP with no service disruption while maintaining the security of the connection. 5. Recommended Requirements for WIDS/WIPS Even wired networks that do not support wireless access should utilize a WIDS/WIPS solution to monitor and detect rogue APs and unauthorized connections. The following list includes specific recommended requirements for WIDS/WIPS sensor networks and should be tailored based on local considerations and applicable compliance requirements. WIDS/WIPS systems should include the following characteristics: • Rogue client detection capability. The system will reliably detect the presence of a workstation simultaneously broadcasting IP from a second wireless network interface card (NIC). • Have a rogue WAP detection capability. WAP detection capability should reliably detect the presence of a WAP communicating inside the physical perimeter of the enterprise. • Have a rogue detection process capability. Rogue client or WAP detection shall occur regardless of authentication or encryption techniques in use by the offending device (e.g., network address translation (NAT), encrypted, and soft WAPs). Rogue detection should combine over-the-air and over-the wire techniques to reliably expose rogue devices. • Detect and classify mobile Wi-Fi devices such as iPads, iPods, iPhones, Androids, Nooks, and MiFi devices. • Detect 802.11a/b/g/n/ac devices connected to the wired or wireless network. 3 RFC 5216 4 Cipher block chaining message authentication code is abbreviated as CBC-MAC.
  • 8. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) 5 • Be able to detect and block multiple WAPs from a single sensor device over multiple wireless channels. • Be able to enforce a “no Wi-Fi” policy per subnet and across multiple subnets. • Block multiple simultaneous instances of the following: DoS attacks, ad hoc connections, client mis-associations, media access control (MAC) address spoofing, honeypot WAPs, rogue WAPs, misconfigured WAPs, and unauthorized associations. • Detect and report additional attacks while blocking the above listed exploits (detection and reporting capabilities will not be affected during prevention). • Not affect any external (neighboring) Wi-Fi devices. This includes attempting to connect over the air to provide Layer Two fingerprinting; therefore, the use of existing content addressable memory (CAM) tables is not acceptable to fulfill this requirement. • Provide minimal communications between sensor and server, and a specific minimum allowable Kbps should be identified. The system shall provide automatic classification of clients and WAPs based upon enterprise policy and governance. • Provide secure communications between each sensor and server to prevent tampering by an attacker. • Have at least four different levels of permissions allowing WIPS administrators to delegate specific view and admin privileges to other administrators as determined by the D/A. • Have automated (event triggered) and scheduled reporting. • Provide customizable reports. • Segment reporting and administration based on enterprise requirements. • Produce live packet capture over the air and display directly on analyst workstations. • Provide event log capture. • Import site drawings for site planning and location tracking requirements. • Manually create simple building layouts with auto-scale capability within the application. • Be able to place sensors and WAPs electronically on building maps to maintain accurate records of sensor placement and future AP locations. • Meet all applicable federal standards and Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)5 for Federal Government deployments. 6. Recommended Requirements for Wireless Surveys Many integrators of wireless solutions can perform a predictive or virtual site survey as part of the proposal or estimating process. This approach utilizes a set of building blueprints or floor plans to determine the optimal placement of sensors and APs within the facility. A predictive site survey takes into account the building dimension and structure but cannot account for potential RF sources because no direct examination of the site is conducted. This approach may be 5 Federal standards and Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)
  • 9. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) 6 sufficient for some enterprises and is significantly less expensive than a more thorough RF site survey. Alternatively, a wireless site survey, also known as a RF site survey, provides a definitive set of information for developing a wireless deployment and security plan. The survey is a defined set of tasks performed in the facility that documents the wireless characteristics of the physical facilities, coverage areas, and interference sources. This information is essential to understanding the optimal number and placement of WAPs and WIDS/WIPS devices to provide desired coverage and functionality in a facility. Issues that a wireless survey seeks to identify include: • Multipath Distortion – distortion of RF signals caused by multiple RF reflective paths between the transmitter and receiver. • RF Coverage Barriers – materials used in construction may not transmit RF signals resulting in unexpected loss of strength and reduced range. • External and Internal Interference Sources – RF signals used by Wi-Fi are not the only users in that frequency. Identification of interference sources assists in designing a solution that achieves the desired coverage in the most efficient manner. Before beginning a wireless survey, the following information should be obtained: • Where in the facility is Wi-Fi access needed? • Will there be more than one wireless network, such as a work and guest network? • How many devices and connections will be supported over Wi-Fi? • What are the data rate needs of these devices over Wi-Fi? • A facility map or floor plan is essential to overlay the survey results on. This floor plan should be provided to the survey team in a digital file format appropriate to their needs, if possible. The following list provides specific recommendations for a wireless survey. These recommendations should be tailored based on local considerations and applicable compliance requirements. A survey not intended to serve as a guide for network design and installation, and verification of the wireless communication infrastructure may not require all of the details listed. The wireless survey should produce the following documents as a product: • A facilities map(s) showing wireless coverage with the following indicated: − Interference sources and strength, − Any existing networks’ signal strength and coverage contours, − External network sources available in the facility with signal strength coverage contours, − Identification of areas where multipath distortion may occur, − Recommended WAP placement,
  • 10. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) 7 − Recommended WIDS/WIPS placement, and − Indication of signal strength coverage contours using recommended placement. • A report providing details of findings and recommendations including details of risks, threats, and recommended mitigations. The report should include a RF spectrum analysis that will minimally indicate: − RF interference sources, − Measurement of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), − RF power peaks, and − Wi-Fi channel interference. • A detailed list of materials needed to accomplish goals and coverages as identified in the survey maps and reports. • An estimated labor hours report required to install, test, and validate the installation described in the survey maps and reports. The survey information enables optimization of AP channels, antenna type, AP transmit power levels, and placement for the proposed wireless network installation. 7. Budget Estimation Guide Configuration and budget estimation guidance is provided below for the technical solutions outlined in these recommendations. The example information is the product of market research conducted by DHS. This guidance should be used for budgetary purposes only and the final costs will be heavily dependent on the physical characteristics of the facilities being considered. Accurate cost estimation is best determined by working with your Network Infrastructure Support team and requesting competitive proposals from experienced installers of these solutions. The following factors should be accounted for to ensure a comprehensive estimate of the total project costs: • Site Evaluation – a predictive site survey utilizing the site floor plans with documentation on existing network infrastructure can provide an accurate cost estimation for equipment required to cover the facility. While not as precise as an onsite RF survey, this typically provides sufficient accuracy for budget purposes. If your site is over 50,000 square feet (sq. ft.) or has significant potential RF interference sources (e.g., onsite RF transmitters, radar installations, or is older stone, masonry, or steel construction), an RF survey may be indicated. Vendors should be informed of these considerations when requesting estimates. • Labor – cost should include the initial installation, training for network staff to maintain the solution, and training for the Security Operations team to utilize the solution.
  • 11. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) 8 • Physical and Virtual Infrastructure – equipment and service costs to support the solution should include: physical or virtual server costs, network infrastructure costs, network cabling, and power cabling. • Maintenance and Support – costs include warranty, software support, and licensing costs that are part of the ongoing operations and maintenance of the solution. Table 1 shows budgetary estimate example details for WIDS/WIPS solutions. Table 1: Budgetary Estimate Example for WIDS/WIPS Solutions Item Description Purpose Estimated Costs ($) Unit Predictive RF Survey Utilizes facility plans to estimate coverage needs for sensors and APs sq. ft. Onsite Support Utilized for training, system tuning, and configuration services, as well as an onsite RF spectrum survey, if desired Per day Sensor Dual band 802.11AC sensor unit Per sensor Cell Sensor Option Additional radio for detection of US cell phone signals by the 802.11 AC sensor Per sensor Management Server Virtual Machine (VM) A VM image for the management server that can support up to 50 sensors Cloud-based, physical appliances, and other license models are available depending on business needs and goals Per VM or appliance Service and Support Support costs for each component varies depending on response time and level of service desired Per device or license 8. Bluetooth Security Considerations Bluetooth technologies (IEEE 802.15) in mobile devices present additional risks for the loss of data and the potential to eavesdrop on conversations. This exposes D/As to a higher risk for loss of confidentiality on D/A-managed devices and networks when Bluetooth is utilized while conducting D/A business. Any device–including laptops, cell phones, and tablets–that has this capability is subject to this risk.
  • 12. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) 9 Bluetooth technologies are designed to create a personal area network (PAN) that supports the connection of devices such as audio, keyboard, mice, or data storage devices to a system. All versions of the Bluetooth specification include unsecured modes of connection, and these are typically the easiest connections to establish. Bluetooth signals have been exploited at distances of several hundred feet, and this should be taken into consideration when evaluating the risks and establishing policies around its usage. Mitigation methods for Bluetooth risks should include the development of a Bluetooth usage policy, enforcement of configuration management for D/A-managed devices based on this policy, and user awareness training that informs users of the risks associated with using Bluetooth. More detailed information on threats and mitigations for Bluetooth technologies can be found in NIST SP 800-121 rev 1.
  • 13. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) 10 Appendix A: Authorities and References Listed below are the technical authorities, references, standards, and publications used in the creation of this guide. Authorities and References Description CIO Council Mobile Security (Baseline, Framework, and Reference Architecture) CIO Council’s government mobile and wireless security baseline of standard security requirements Mobile-Security-Baseline.pdf DHS 4300A DHS Sensitive System Policy y_v8.pdf CSC 12 Boundary Defense The CIS Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense CSC 15 Wireless Access Control The CIS Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense DoD Directive 8100.02 Use of Commercial Wireless Devices, Services, and Technologies in the Department of Defense (DoD) Global Information Grid (GIG) DoD Instruction 8420.01 Commercial Wireless Local Area Network Devices, Systems, and Technologies NIST SP 800-160 NIST SP 800-160 Systems Security Engineering: Considerations for a Multidisciplinary Approach in the Engineering of Trustworthy Secure Systems (While not specifically related to this topic, this publication provides guidance on security engineering applicable to all systems.) 160.pdf
  • 14. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) 11 Authorities and References Description FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules GAO 11-43 GAO Report to Congressional Committees: Federal Agencies Have Taken Steps to Secure Wireless Networks, but Further Actions Can Mitigate Risk Gartner, Inc. Next Generation Threats and Vulnerabilities, June 2009 HSPD-12 Policies for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors NIST 800-153 Guidelines for Securing Wireless Local Networks (WLANs) 153.pdf NIST 800-53 rev 4 Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations 53r4.pdf NIST SP 800-121 rev 1 Guide to Bluetooth Security 121r1.pdf SANS CIS Critical Security Controls The SANS CIS Critical Security Controls are a recommended set of actions for cyber defense that provide specific and actionable ways to stop today's most pervasive and dangerous attacks.
  • 15. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) 12 Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard AP access point CAM content addressable memory CBC-MAC cipher block chaining message authentication code CCMP Counter mode CBC-MAC protocol CIO Chief Information Officer CSC Critical Security Control D/A department and agency DHS Department of Homeland Security DoD Department of Defense DoS denial of service EAP-TLS Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations FCC Federal Communications Commission FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards GAO Government Accounting Office GIG Global Information Grid HSPD Homeland Security Presidential Directive IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IPS intrusion prevention system MAC media access control MiFi mobile Wi-Fi NIC network interface card NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology OMB Office of Management and Budget PAN personal area network
  • 16. A Guide to Securing Networks for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 Family) 13 Acronym Definition PIV personal identification verification RF radio frequency SOC security operations center SNR signal-to-noise ratio SP Special Publication SSID service set identifier VM virtual machine WAP wireless access point WIDS wireless intrusion detection system WIPS wireless intrusion prevention system WLAN wireless local area network