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Dr. Max Völkel, Calpano
§  Language?
§  Java?
§  AppEngine?
§  Servlets?

           GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
Do you know Servlets?
§  HttpServlet
     •  void doGet( HttpServletRequest req,

        "HttpServletResponse res);"
     •  void doPost(…)"
§  HttpServletRequest
     •  get Header(…), get InputStream(...)"
§  HttpServletResponse
     •  set Header(…), getOutputStream(...)"

See:, AppEngine supports version 2.5            "

                         GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
AppEngine is a Servlet Container
§  Servlet Container runs a Web Application
    Archive (WAR)
  •  Class files
  •  Static resources
  •  web.xml"

§  In AppEngine also:
  •  appengine-web.xml, queue.xml, cron.xml,
    backends.xml, indexes.xml,                           …

                GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |

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Faster java ee builds with gradle [con4921]Faster java ee builds with gradle [con4921]
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JavaOne 2016 It is time to move your Java EE builds over to Gradle! Gradle continues to gain momentum across the industry. In fact, Google is now pushing Gradle for Android development. Gradle draws on lessons learned from both Ant and Maven and is the next evolutionary step in Java build tools. This session covers the basics of switching existing Java EE projects (that use Maven) over to Gradle and the benefits you will reap, such as incremental compiling, custom distributions, and task parallelization. You’ll see demos of all the goodies you’ve come to expect, such as integration testing and leveraging of Docker. Switching is easier than you think, and no refactoring is required.

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Resin Outperforms NginX
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Resin Outperforms NginX Using industry standard tool and methodology, Resin Pro web server was put to the test versus Nginx, a popular web server with a reputation for efficiency and performance. Nginx is known to be faster and more reliable under load than the popular Apache HTTPD. Benchmark tests between Resin and Nginx yielded competitive figures, with Resin leading with fewer errors and faster response times. In numerous and varying tests, Resin handled 20% to 25% more load while still outperforming Nginx. In particular, Resin was able to sustain fast response times under extremely heavy load while Nginx performance degraded.

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Rebooting a Cloud
Rebooting a CloudRebooting a Cloud
Rebooting a Cloud

The document discusses the importance of resilience and failure preparation in cloud systems. It introduces the concept of "GameDay", which are large-scale exercises that inject faults across critical systems to increase an organization's resilience. These exercises help identify risks, reduce failure frequency and recovery time, and build confidence and competence in responding to failures. The document advocates designing infrastructure to be rebuildable from source code and data backups alone. It also stresses the importance of automation, emergencies tools testing, and culture of collaboration between dev and ops.

AppEngine Architecture

§  Running Code
§  Storing Data
    •  JVM
    •  Memcache
    •  Data store (Old vs. High
§  Connect to the outside world
    •  Mail (Incoming, Outgoing)
    •  Urlfetch
§  Delay or schedule work
    •  Taskqueue
    •  Cron
§  More helper services
    •  Images
    •  Users

                    GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
Hello AppEngine
§  Typical first test:
   •  Register, Verify mobile number via SMS
   •  Create new app “helloworld”
§  Next step:
   •  Buy domain name
   •  Configure …

              GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
1. > Create App

2.  Go to “Apps for your Domain”
3.  Organization & Users > Create user
    ! Only those can send emails
4.  Domain Settings >
    Domain names >
    Add domain name or alias >

5.  Go to and “Add Domain”


                    GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
Application Versions
§  http://{version}.{appid}"
§  http://{appid]
    à main version (Selected in Dashboard)
§  All versions
  •  Share the same datastore, memcache (!)
  •  Different logs, stats, instances

            GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |

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What is different about this generation of web applications? A solid development approach must consider latency, throughput, and interactivity demanded by users users across mobile devices, web browsers, and IoT. These applications often use NoSQL to support a flexible data model and easy scalability required for modern development. A full stack application (composed of Couchbase, WebAPI, Angular2, and ASP.NET/ASP.NET Core) will be demonstrated in this session. The individual parts of a stack may vary, but the overall design is the focus.
Integrating multiple CDN providers at Etsy - Velocity Europe (London) 2013
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Virtualization and Containers
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Virtualization and Containers

This document discusses using virtualization and containers to improve database deployments in development environments. It notes that traditional database deployments are slow, taking 85% of project time for creation and refreshes. Virtualization allows for more frequent releases by speeding up refresh times. The document discusses how virtualization engines can track database changes and provision new virtual databases in seconds from a source database. This allows developers and testers to self-service provision databases without involving DBAs. It also discusses how virtualization and containers can optimize database deployments in cloud environments by reducing storage usage and data transfers.

Running Code
§  Java 6 VM (experimental Java 7)
§  No Files (only read the ones you put in your .war)
§  Explicit whitelist which Java classes are allowed (many!)

§  F1: 8 cent/hour 
   •  128MB memory (!), 
   •  600MHz CPU
§  F2 = F1 * 2; F4 = F1 * 4
§  ! Servlet response max. time is 60 seconds

                  GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
Storing Data
§  JVM
  •  Great when “always on”
§  Memcache
  •  Really just a cache
§  Data store
  •  Old: Master-Slave (2 data centers)
  •  High Replication (3 data centers)

             GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
Connect to the outside world
§  Mail
   •  Incoming
      •  Send as a servlet request
   •  Outgoing
      •  Via Java Mail API, only some headers used
      •  ! Bounce processing

§  Urlfetch
      •  ! Calling Twitter API etc.

                 GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
Delay or schedule work
§  Taskqueue
Queue queue = QueueFactory.getDefaultQueue();!
   •  Task is a DeferredTask (has a run() method)
   •  Very quick to enqueue task
   •  Task queue service fires requests as
      HttpRequests at defined rates, unwraps task,
      runs it
   •  Max runtime: 10 minutes
§  Cron
   •  Scheduled GET-requests at defined urls

              GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |

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More helper services
§  Images
   •  Looks like a subset of ImageMagick
§  Users
   •  Log in via Google Account

              GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
Where is a request going?
Typical setup
§  DNS lookup: CNAME or A-record to Google
§  GAE scheduler: 
   •  Request queue for your app
   •  Boot new instance? Takes ca. 10-30 seconds.
§  On instance: 
   •  Run WAR, 
   •  Run servlet

               GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |

GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
Time is Money. What time?
§  Free vs. Payment enabled
§  Quotas
   •  Usage – Free = Billable à Pay 
   •  Resource quota à Fair use limit à Error page
§  Data store
   •  See also
§  Instance hours
   •  Usage (code time * complexity + 15 min)
   •  What???

                 GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |

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Real time vs. API time

§  CPU-intensive code is more expensive
  •  Is magically speed-up by AppEngine

           GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
The Scheduler
Appspot > App Settings > Performance

                GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |

GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
More stuff
§  Backends
      •  Requests run for hours (or even days?)
§  Logging
      •  Java.util.logging runs fine
§    Blobstore
§    Channel ~ like websockets
§    XMPP
§    Remote API: 
      •  Call services remotely

                 GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |

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Practical Tips on Datastore
§  Don’t use JDO abstraction
  •  Leaky abstraction anyway
§  Low-level API quite easy
  •  Objectify (open source) makes using it nice
  • adds versioning/synchronisation

            GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
Real-World Experiences
§  Xydra



           GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
When to use AppEngine?
§  Best: Spikes in demand
§  OK: Outsource server management

          GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
Where to learn more?
§  Next talk from Florian Krupicka on
    Continuous Integration with AppEngine and
§  Google webseits – Docu, JavaDocs, Articles,
§  Stackoverflow – Googles official developer
    support moved there
§  Books
  •  Programming Google AppEngine – was OK when
     it came out, but now too outdated
§  Book a workshop from Calpano Consulting
            GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |

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                                                              Dr. Max Völkel

                       GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |
Contact Information
§  Dr. Max Völkel
§  +49 171 8359678


           GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel |

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Google AppEngine (GAE/J) - Introduction and Overview from a Java Guy

  • 1. You   know   Java,   but   what   is   AppEngine?   In   this   session   Max   will   walk   you   from   a   brief   introducAon   of   Servlets   to   an   overview   of   the   Google   AppEngine.   We   learn   about   the   basics   such   as   the   data   store   –   which   is   quite   different   from   SQL   -­‐,   applicaAon   versions,   back-­‐ends,   scheduler,   instances   and   logging.   Services   such   as   mail,   url   fetch,   task   queue   are   also   explained.   Since   we   use   GAE/J   since   2010   in   Calpano   we   also  talk  about  costs  and  experience   in  pracAce.     Dr. Max Völkel, Calpano 1
  • 2. Poll §  Language? §  Java? §  AppEngine? §  Servlets? GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 2
  • 3. Do you know Servlets? §  HttpServlet •  void doGet( HttpServletRequest req,
 "HttpServletResponse res);" •  void doPost(…)" §  HttpServletRequest •  get Header(…), get InputStream(...)" §  HttpServletResponse •  set Header(…), getOutputStream(...)" See:, AppEngine supports version 2.5 " GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 3
  • 4. AppEngine is a Servlet Container §  Servlet Container runs a Web Application Archive (WAR) •  Class files •  Static resources •  web.xml" §  In AppEngine also: •  appengine-web.xml, queue.xml, cron.xml, backends.xml, indexes.xml, … GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 4
  • 5. AppEngine Architecture Java/Python/Go §  Running Code HTTP,  Incoming  Mail,   §  Storing Data Cron,  Taskqueue   •  JVM •  Memcache •  Data store (Old vs. High Replication) Servlet  Container   §  Connect to the outside world   •  Mail (Incoming, Outgoing) JVM   •  Urlfetch §  Delay or schedule work •  Taskqueue Memcache   •  Cron Data  Store   Images   §  More helper services •  Images Urlfetch,  Outgoing  Mail,   •  Users Taskqueue   GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 5
  • 6. Hello AppEngine §  Typical first test: •  Register, Verify mobile number via SMS •  Create new app “helloworld” • §  Next step: •  Buy domain name •  Configure … GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 6
  • 7. 1. > Create App 2.  Go to “Apps for your Domain” 3.  Organization & Users > Create user ! Only those can send emails 4.  Domain Settings > Domain names > Add domain name or alias > 5.  Go to and “Add Domain” GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 7
  • 8. Application Versions §  http://{version}.{appid}" §  http://{appid] à main version (Selected in Dashboard) §  All versions •  Share the same datastore, memcache (!) •  Different logs, stats, instances GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 8
  • 9. Running Code §  Java 6 VM (experimental Java 7) §  No Files (only read the ones you put in your .war) §  Explicit whitelist which Java classes are allowed (many!) • §  F1: 8 cent/hour •  128MB memory (!), •  600MHz CPU §  F2 = F1 * 2; F4 = F1 * 4 §  ! Servlet response max. time is 60 seconds GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 9
  • 10. Storing Data §  JVM •  Great when “always on” §  Memcache •  Really just a cache §  Data store •  Old: Master-Slave (2 data centers) •  High Replication (3 data centers) GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 10
  • 11. Connect to the outside world §  Mail •  Incoming •  Send as a servlet request •  Outgoing •  Via Java Mail API, only some headers used •  ! Bounce processing • detail?id=1800 §  Urlfetch •  ! Calling Twitter API etc. GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 11
  • 12. Delay or schedule work §  Taskqueue Queue queue = QueueFactory.getDefaultQueue();! queue.add(TaskOptions.Builder.withDefaults()! .payload(task));! •  Task is a DeferredTask (has a run() method) •  Very quick to enqueue task •  Task queue service fires requests as HttpRequests at defined rates, unwraps task, runs it •  Max runtime: 10 minutes §  Cron •  Scheduled GET-requests at defined urls GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 12
  • 13. More helper services §  Images •  Looks like a subset of ImageMagick §  Users •  Log in via Google Account GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 13
  • 14. Where is a request going? Typical setup §  DNS lookup: CNAME or A-record to Google §  GAE scheduler: •  Request queue for your app •  Boot new instance? Takes ca. 10-30 seconds. §  On instance: •  Run WAR, •  Run servlet GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 14
  • 15. Instances GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 15
  • 16. Time is Money. What time? §  Free vs. Payment enabled §  Quotas •  Usage – Free = Billable à Pay •  Resource quota à Fair use limit à Error page §  Data store •  See also cost.html §  Instance hours •  Usage (code time * complexity + 15 min) •  What??? GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 16
  • 17. Real time vs. API time §  CPU-intensive code is more expensive •  Is magically speed-up by AppEngine GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 17
  • 18. The Scheduler Appspot > App Settings > Performance GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 18
  • 19. Appstats GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 19
  • 20. More stuff §  Backends •  Requests run for hours (or even days?) §  Logging •  Java.util.logging runs fine §  Blobstore §  Channel ~ like websockets §  XMPP §  Remote API: •  Call services remotely GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 20
  • 21. Practical Tips on Datastore §  Don’t use JDO abstraction •  Leaky abstraction anyway §  Low-level API quite easy •  Objectify (open source) makes using it nice • adds versioning/synchronisation GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 21
  • 22. Real-World Experiences §  Xydra HTTP,  Incoming  Mail,   Cron,  Taskqueue   § § Servlet  Container     JVM   Memcache   Data  Store   Images   Urlfetch,  Outgoing  Mail,   Taskqueue   GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 22
  • 23. When to use AppEngine? §  Best: Spikes in demand §  OK: Outsource server management GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 23
  • 24. Where to learn more? §  Next talk from Florian Krupicka on Continuous Integration with AppEngine and Maven §  Google webseits – Docu, JavaDocs, Articles, §  Stackoverflow – Googles official developer support moved there §  Books •  Programming Google AppEngine – was OK when it came out, but now too outdated §  Book a workshop from Calpano Consulting J GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 24
  • 25. HTTP,  Incoming  Mail,   Cron,  Taskqueue   Servlet  Container     JVM   Memcache   Data  Store   Images   Urlfetch,  Outgoing  Mail,   Taskqueue   Dr. Max Völkel GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 25
  • 26. Contact Information §  Dr. Max Völkel § §  +49 171 8359678 § GDG Karlsruhe DevFest 2012 | Dr. Max Völkel | 26