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Bloomfield  College Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D . Ph.D. Ph.D. Dr. Ansley Abraham May 17, 2011
Why Is Graduate Education Important? General Vibrant Economy—jobs, innovation, research, etc. Public Good—civic engagement Community Health—physical/mental health Global Competiveness Personal Earning power More/Better jobs Job security More Benefits (insurance, vacation, medical) More job options (3-4 jobs in lifetime)
2011 bloomfield college may 17 ansley
Top 10 Occupations with the Largest Job Growth 2002-2012

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Mapping the Geography of Opportunity for African American Males
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Mapping the Geography of Opportunity for African American Males

This document summarizes findings from mapping community opportunity for African American males across seven major metropolitan regions. It was found that Black males have significantly less access to high-opportunity neighborhoods than white males. Living in low-opportunity neighborhoods negatively impacts educational achievement, health, and economic outcomes. The document calls for investments in people through programs supporting education, health, and wealth building, as well as place-based investments to improve infrastructure, housing, and development in disadvantaged communities. College admissions policies should account for differing opportunity contexts faced by students.

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This document summarizes information about Howard University, including: - It is a private HBCU located in Washington D.C. established in 1867. - It has a diverse student body and seeks to preserve artifacts of the black experience. Required courses include African American studies. - The university faced issues like low enrollment, outdated facilities, and administrative problems under funding academic programs. - In 2010, President Sidney Ribeau proposed reforms like eliminating some programs and increasing STEM programs that faced faculty resistance due to lack of shared governance and transparency. - Ribeau's leadership was criticized for causing conflicts and he resigned midway through the reform process in 2013, leaving challenges for Howard's future

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Presentation to members of the CA Assembly Select Committee on the Status of Boys and Men of Color on June 19, 2014 at the Hiram W. Johnson State Building, San Francisco.

apihigher educationmen of color
New American Landscape People of Color will be the majority by 2042! U. TX freshman class 2010-11, first-time majority is non-white Globalization & Interdisciplinarity will be a norm.  You have always known the Internet. Knowledge will continue to accumulate at a faster rate! “ Smart” classrooms will be normal classrooms. Technology will not be “whether,” but “which.” By 2018, est. 2.8 million jobs will require a grad. degree.
Inside the Academy Too few students and faculty of color. Women earn the majority of bachelors degrees. Still far to few women in MANY fields! (STEM) YOU are needed to replace the 1/3 of current faculty who will retire in the next 10-15 years! ALL students benefit from a diverse faculty in becoming globally and nationally competitive. Diversity will be seen as a benefit for all! YOU must help us kill “WE CAN’T FIND ANY!”
The PhD is the currency to access the professoriate. Without it there is no access.
Percent Change in Minority Full-Time Faculty   1995   2005  % Change Total Minority 70,000  110,000   60 Hispanic 13,000  23,000   75 Asian 27,000  48,000   75 Native Amer.   2,000  3,000   50 African Amer. 26,000  35,000   33 Minority faculty representation among all faculty increased from 12.7% to 16.5% from 1995-2005.

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This document provides an overview of immigrants and international students in the United States. It notes that the foreign-born population is over 40 million people, with the largest numbers coming from Mexico and Asia. Immigrants are more likely to live in multi-generational family households and have lower incomes than native-born citizens. There are an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants, with over half living in the US for at least a decade. International students number over 500,000 with the majority from Asia studying business, engineering, and computer science. They face challenges with language barriers, culture shock, and financial pressures.

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The document discusses challenges facing underprepared and underserved college students. It notes that while more students now attend college, many enter underprepared for college-level coursework and require remedial classes. Specifically, between 30-40% of freshmen need remediation in reading and writing, and 44% of students overall take at least one remedial class. Additionally, the document outlines that today's students are more likely to have non-traditional characteristics like attending part-time or working full-time, and there are disparities in completion rates between white and non-white students.

Racial/Ethnic Group Representation — U.S. Population to Faculty in Four-Year Institutions Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates Program; U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics IPEDS and NSOPF; University Leadership Council analysis, all 2008. Faculty Racial/Ethnic Groups  U.S. Population Under-graduates All Fields  Education  Engineering Humanities  Life Sciences  Phy, Math & Computer Sciences  Prof.  Fields  Social Sci.  Native American 1% 1% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Asian/ Pacific Islander 4% 6% 9% 5% 24% 5% 11% 16% 11% 5% Black 12% 12% 5% 7% 4% 5% 3% 4% 6% 7% Hispanic 14% 10% 3% 4% 2% 4% 2% 3% 2% 5% White 67% 68% 81% 81% 68% 85% 82% 77% 79% 82%
Minorities as Percentage of All Full-Time Faculty 4-Year Institutions  1980   1990  2000   2008 Black 4.3%   4.5%  5.1%  5.4% Hispanic 1.5%   2.0%  2.9%  3.5% American Indian 0.2%   0.3%  0.4%  .6% Total 6.0%   6.8%  8.4%  9.5% *Over 50% teach at minority serving institutions *Change is incremental—”snails pace”
Total Number and Percentage of Black Ph.D.s by Field of Study 2009 Total Number  2,230 Fields of study   Education   36% Life Sciences  19% Soc.Sci./Psy.  17% Humanities    8% Phy. Sciences  6% Engineering  6% Other Fields  9%
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Goal Increase number of minorities who earn Ph.D.s and become college & university faculty members MOTTO ” MORE THAN A CHECK AND A HANDSHAKE” Service Financial support--long-term Mentoring Professional development Regular contact/follow-up Networking/community building Advocacy and counseling Preparation for the professoriate Career counseling Institute on Teaching and Mentoring

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The document provides demographic information about several racial and ethnic groups in the United States, including population sizes, geographic distributions, and some health statistics. It notes that as of 2010, the largest Asian American groups were Chinese, Filipino, and Asian Indian, and over half of Asian Americans live in California, New York, or Hawaii. It also provides information on the populations and characteristics of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, and American Indians.

Program Demographics 18 th  Year 1007 Scholars Served (29 states, 87 institutions) 347 Matriculating 542 Graduates Fields of study: STEM (37%); Bus. (5%); Health Prof. (6%); Soc. & Beh. (28%); Hum. (17%); Edu. (6%)
Doctoral Scholars Program Successes 89% retention/graduation rate 78% grads employed in education 92% in higher education 67% grads employed in SREB states 1+ grads employed in 32 states & 3 foreign countries 52 Tenured Grad. Reduced Time to Degree Doc. : 4.6 years with master’s 4.9 years w/o master’s Diss. : 1.8 years Institute on Teaching and Mentoring/Junior Faculty Professional Development Conference Scholar Directory Recognized National Leader
What does it take to be a successful graduate student? Intelligence Determination Focus Perseverance Tenacity Communicator Curiosity Motivated Passion
Compact   for Faculty Diversity SREB Scholars and Mentors 2009  Institute on Teaching and Mentoring, Arlington, VA

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This document summarizes key characteristics and issues facing international students in the United States. It notes that over 720,000 international students study in the US each year, primarily from Asia and at the graduate level. The top challenges international students face are homesickness, language barriers, cultural adjustment, social isolation, lack of financial support and discrimination. The document outlines support services and resources that can help international students overcome these difficulties and succeed in their academic studies.

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This document discusses challenges and best practices for career support of international students. It notes that the US welcomed over 819,000 international students in 2012-2013. Primary concerns for these students include cultural and language barriers, navigating employment regulations, and competing with domestic students. Career counselors face challenges like utilizing services and uncertain post-graduation plans. Best practices include targeted outreach, job preparation workshops, collaboration across campus, and education on immigration policies to better prepare international students for the US job market and fulfill institutional missions. Further research is needed, especially quantitative studies measuring international student placement outcomes.

First Generation College Students
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This document discusses first-generation college students through multiple sections. It defines a first-generation student as someone whose parents did not attend college. It also notes that Hispanics are currently the most likely ethnic group to be first-generation. The document discusses how first-generation students may face less support and understanding from their families due to lack of college experience. It also explores financial challenges first-generation students face like working more and having less time to study. The document concludes by discussing programs universities have implemented to help support retention and graduation of first-generation students.

Compact for Faculty Diversity Institute on Teaching and Mentoring Graduate Study Support –  knowledge and skills to  successfully navigate graduate study Professional Development –  strategies for success as faculty Teaching & Mentoring –  experts, scholars, mentors share knowledge about academic life (teaching, mentoring, research, and service) Networking & Community Building –  build a broader community of scholars & faculty members across academic disciplines from across the nation Faculty Recruiting –  institutions access to qualified faculty candidates
Compact for Faculty Diversity Institute on Teaching and Mentoring 17 th  year National in focus – 45 states represented Partnerships – SREB, AGEP, SBE, NIH, Sloan, Gates, McNair More than 1,100 participants Largest gathering of minority Ph.D. scholars pursuing academic careers in the nation Diversity of fields – STEM (51%), Soc./Beh. (16%), Edu. (12%), Hum. (10%), Bus./Man. (7%), Hlth. Prof. (4%) Host  the Junior Faculty Professional Development Conference
We Cannot Afford To Lose  ONE of You on Your Journeys!!

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2011 bloomfield college may 17 ansley

  • 1. Bloomfield College Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D . Ph.D. Ph.D. Dr. Ansley Abraham May 17, 2011
  • 2. Why Is Graduate Education Important? General Vibrant Economy—jobs, innovation, research, etc. Public Good—civic engagement Community Health—physical/mental health Global Competiveness Personal Earning power More/Better jobs Job security More Benefits (insurance, vacation, medical) More job options (3-4 jobs in lifetime)
  • 4. Top 10 Occupations with the Largest Job Growth 2002-2012
  • 5. New American Landscape People of Color will be the majority by 2042! U. TX freshman class 2010-11, first-time majority is non-white Globalization & Interdisciplinarity will be a norm. You have always known the Internet. Knowledge will continue to accumulate at a faster rate! “ Smart” classrooms will be normal classrooms. Technology will not be “whether,” but “which.” By 2018, est. 2.8 million jobs will require a grad. degree.
  • 6. Inside the Academy Too few students and faculty of color. Women earn the majority of bachelors degrees. Still far to few women in MANY fields! (STEM) YOU are needed to replace the 1/3 of current faculty who will retire in the next 10-15 years! ALL students benefit from a diverse faculty in becoming globally and nationally competitive. Diversity will be seen as a benefit for all! YOU must help us kill “WE CAN’T FIND ANY!”
  • 7. The PhD is the currency to access the professoriate. Without it there is no access.
  • 8. Percent Change in Minority Full-Time Faculty 1995 2005 % Change Total Minority 70,000 110,000 60 Hispanic 13,000 23,000 75 Asian 27,000 48,000 75 Native Amer. 2,000 3,000 50 African Amer. 26,000 35,000 33 Minority faculty representation among all faculty increased from 12.7% to 16.5% from 1995-2005.
  • 9. Racial/Ethnic Group Representation — U.S. Population to Faculty in Four-Year Institutions Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates Program; U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics IPEDS and NSOPF; University Leadership Council analysis, all 2008. Faculty Racial/Ethnic Groups U.S. Population Under-graduates All Fields Education Engineering Humanities Life Sciences Phy, Math & Computer Sciences Prof. Fields Social Sci. Native American 1% 1% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Asian/ Pacific Islander 4% 6% 9% 5% 24% 5% 11% 16% 11% 5% Black 12% 12% 5% 7% 4% 5% 3% 4% 6% 7% Hispanic 14% 10% 3% 4% 2% 4% 2% 3% 2% 5% White 67% 68% 81% 81% 68% 85% 82% 77% 79% 82%
  • 10. Minorities as Percentage of All Full-Time Faculty 4-Year Institutions 1980 1990 2000 2008 Black 4.3% 4.5% 5.1% 5.4% Hispanic 1.5% 2.0% 2.9% 3.5% American Indian 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% .6% Total 6.0% 6.8% 8.4% 9.5% *Over 50% teach at minority serving institutions *Change is incremental—”snails pace”
  • 11. Total Number and Percentage of Black Ph.D.s by Field of Study 2009 Total Number 2,230 Fields of study Education 36% Life Sciences 19% Soc.Sci./Psy. 17% Humanities 8% Phy. Sciences 6% Engineering 6% Other Fields 9%
  • 12. SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Goal Increase number of minorities who earn Ph.D.s and become college & university faculty members MOTTO ” MORE THAN A CHECK AND A HANDSHAKE” Service Financial support--long-term Mentoring Professional development Regular contact/follow-up Networking/community building Advocacy and counseling Preparation for the professoriate Career counseling Institute on Teaching and Mentoring
  • 13. Program Demographics 18 th Year 1007 Scholars Served (29 states, 87 institutions) 347 Matriculating 542 Graduates Fields of study: STEM (37%); Bus. (5%); Health Prof. (6%); Soc. & Beh. (28%); Hum. (17%); Edu. (6%)
  • 14. Doctoral Scholars Program Successes 89% retention/graduation rate 78% grads employed in education 92% in higher education 67% grads employed in SREB states 1+ grads employed in 32 states & 3 foreign countries 52 Tenured Grad. Reduced Time to Degree Doc. : 4.6 years with master’s 4.9 years w/o master’s Diss. : 1.8 years Institute on Teaching and Mentoring/Junior Faculty Professional Development Conference Scholar Directory Recognized National Leader
  • 15. What does it take to be a successful graduate student? Intelligence Determination Focus Perseverance Tenacity Communicator Curiosity Motivated Passion
  • 16. Compact for Faculty Diversity SREB Scholars and Mentors 2009 Institute on Teaching and Mentoring, Arlington, VA
  • 17. Compact for Faculty Diversity Institute on Teaching and Mentoring Graduate Study Support – knowledge and skills to successfully navigate graduate study Professional Development – strategies for success as faculty Teaching & Mentoring – experts, scholars, mentors share knowledge about academic life (teaching, mentoring, research, and service) Networking & Community Building – build a broader community of scholars & faculty members across academic disciplines from across the nation Faculty Recruiting – institutions access to qualified faculty candidates
  • 18. Compact for Faculty Diversity Institute on Teaching and Mentoring 17 th year National in focus – 45 states represented Partnerships – SREB, AGEP, SBE, NIH, Sloan, Gates, McNair More than 1,100 participants Largest gathering of minority Ph.D. scholars pursuing academic careers in the nation Diversity of fields – STEM (51%), Soc./Beh. (16%), Edu. (12%), Hum. (10%), Bus./Man. (7%), Hlth. Prof. (4%) Host the Junior Faculty Professional Development Conference
  • 19. We Cannot Afford To Lose ONE of You on Your Journeys!!

Editor's Notes

  1. Many researchers have noted that the next 10 years are crucial, because all of the faculty hired in the 1950s and 1960s are finally retiring. And if we don’t make significant progress in diversity, given this hiring opportunity, we will have missed a real window of opportunity to replaced another generation of faculty on college and university campuses.