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Quiet ‘kwī-ətmarked by little or no motion or activity Crisis krī-səsan unstable or crucial time whose outcome will make a decisive difference, for better or for worse Webster’s  New Collegiate Dictionary
We tire hearing of ‘crises,’ but consider that: There is declining student interest in mathematics, computer science, physical sciences and engineering Half of the technical workforce is over 40 and one-third of technical workers are over 50 Despite decades of efforts, this workforce is over 75% male and 80% white And, there is an increase of foreign-born technical workers, from 11.2% in 1980 to 19.3% in 2000.
Higher Education Pipeline   Minority = Black/African American, Hispanic, and American Indian Source:   Joan Burrelli, NSF, based on 1999 Common Core of Data, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES); NCES, 1998 IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey; UCLA Higher Education Research Institute,1998 American Freshman Survey (estimate); and NCES, 1998 IPEDS Completions Survey

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Research, policy and practice in widening participation: the evidence from A...
Research, policy and practice in widening participation:  the evidence from A...Research, policy and practice in widening participation:  the evidence from A...
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The session will include a brief overview of the statistical trends in part-time admissions to HE, a presentation on the approaches used in Aimhigher to track learners and the impact of Aimhigher interventions on their progress and discussion of research methods and the uses of data for targeting. Questions will be raised about the ways in which researchers and practitioners frame an oppositional discourse and could do things differently. Discussion groups will include: • Trend data in part-time applicants and entrants. • Taking the evidence from Aimhigher - how could/does this translate into research? • Making a difference in widening participation - the responsibilities of researchers and practitioners

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The document summarizes key findings from a survey of 325 Chief Academic Officers about how their institutions track data on underserved student success and outcomes. Some of the main findings include: - Most institutions track graduation and retention rates, but fewer track data on high-impact practices and learning outcomes, and even fewer disaggregate those data by factors like race/ethnicity. - Institutions are more likely to track and disaggregate data based on race/ethnicity than other factors like socioeconomic status. - Over half of institutions have set goals to close gaps in retention and graduation rates specifically for different racial/ethnic groups. - The majority have or are developing programs to build faculty capacity to support underserved

underserved studentsequityaacu
Nurturing the Connections: The Role of Quantitative Ethnography in Learning A...
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Nurturing the Connections: The Role of Quantitative Ethnography in Learning A...

The document discusses the role of quantitative ethnography in learning analytics. It describes how quantitative ethnography can be used as a systematic approach to advance learning analytics by enhancing understanding and quality. Some key challenges discussed include limitations in adoption, validity, and measurement of learning analytics. The document advocates for the use of quantitative ethnographic methods and techniques to address these challenges and move the field forward.

learning analyticsquantitative ethongraphyethonography
A world-class science and engineering workforce is indispensable: Innovation accounts for 50% of long-term US economic growth Human capital is our most precious innovation asset The growth of science, math and engineering capacity among our worldwide economic competitors is considerable. Why this Matters
NCTM Professional Oath This matters for more personal reasons: “ Students are my first priority I promise that I will use my knowledge to benefit students. I will ensure that students in my classes receive the information and support they need to study mathematics and improve their knowledge. I will encourage all students of differing abilities to participate in intellectually honest math courses and will use a variety of strategies to help each student learn.”
BEST is a public-private partnership building a stronger, more diverse U.S. workforce in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Mission
Goals In other words…. BEST seeks to ensure that the  current crisis remains quiet no longer and that the decisive outcome is for the better.

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This talk summarised the SHEILA project and its preliminary findings. It was presented at the EUNIS (European University Information Systems) workshop on 7 November 2017.

learning analyticspolicyhigher education
LEAP States Summit Visuals
LEAP States Summit VisualsLEAP States Summit Visuals
LEAP States Summit Visuals

This document contains a word cloud and text from a five-year plan for LEAP State Georgia. The plan discusses developing a stronger statewide system through a steering committee, annual conferences, and improved communication. It also outlines goals for individual institutions, such as incorporating LEAP into strategic plans, developing community partnerships, and providing professional development for faculty on essential learning outcomes. The plan aims to strengthen LEAP implementation at both the system and institutional levels in Georgia over five years.

AAC&U Members on Trends in Learning Outcomes Assessment
AAC&U Members on Trends in Learning Outcomes AssessmentAAC&U Members on Trends in Learning Outcomes Assessment
AAC&U Members on Trends in Learning Outcomes Assessment

56% of AAC&U member institutions assess learning outcomes across the curriculum in departments. This is up from 42% in 2008. 77% assess outcomes in all or most departments, while 16% do so in a few or no departments. Assessment of cumulative learning outcomes in general education has also increased, from 52% in 2008 to 67% in 2015. Institutions most commonly use rubrics applied to student work and culminating projects to assess general education outcomes. Use of rubrics has increased while use of standardized tests has decreased. When using AAC&U VALUE rubrics, critical thinking and written communication rubrics are used most often by institutions to assess general education student learning outcomes.

Background Launched September 2001 $2M Seed funding from 7 federal agencies, led by the National Science Foundation Corporate and Foundation Sponsors: Alcoa Foundation Lockheed Martin American Institutes for Research Lounsbery Foundation CH2M Hill QUALCOMM Hewlett Packard  Microsoft William and Flora Hewlett Foundation  Pfizer Intel Foundation  TXU W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Strategy Convene  the nation’s most respected practitioners and researchers to identify effective practices to increase diversity in pre-K-12, higher education, and the workplace.  Disseminate  findings and work with stakeholders to drive systemwide change. Empower  districts and schools to implement change
Leverage Points BEST looks to: PreK-12 as the foundation of mathematics, science and pre-engineering knowledge Higher Ed for specialization and degree completion Workplace for a focus on retention and advancement
Solutions require effective programs … and program effectiveness must rest on evidence.

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Learning Analytics: Innovative Practices
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Learning Analytics: Innovative Practices

National Forum Webinar Wednesday 6th November 2019 Video:

Development of educational tools that enable large-scale ethical empirical re...
Development of educational tools that enable large-scale ethical empirical re...Development of educational tools that enable large-scale ethical empirical re...
Development of educational tools that enable large-scale ethical empirical re...

The value of students developing the capacity to make accurate judgements about the quality of their work and that of others has been widely studied and recognised in higher education literature. To date, much of the research and commentary on evaluative judgement has been theoretical in nature, focusing on perceived benefits and proposing strategies seen to hold the potential to foster evaluative judgement. Their efficacy remains largely untested. The rise of educational tools and technologies which generate data on learning activities at an unprecedented scale, alongside insights from the learning analytics and educational data mining communities, provide new opportunities for fostering and supporting empirical research on evaluative judgement. Accordingly, this paper offers a conceptual framework and an instantiation of the framework in the form of an educational tool called RiPPLE for data-driven approaches to investigate the enhancement of evaluative judgement. Two case studies, demonstrating how RiPPLE can foster and support empirical research on evaluative judgement are presented.

learning analytics dashboardhigher educationadaptive educational systems
Scientific expertise; what it is and how it relates to scientific critical th...
Scientific expertise; what it is and how it relates to scientific critical th...Scientific expertise; what it is and how it relates to scientific critical th...
Scientific expertise; what it is and how it relates to scientific critical th...

This presentation was given by Carl Wieman at the conference “Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills in School: Moving a shared agenda forward” on 24-25 September 2019, London, UK.

educationcreativitycritical thinking
BEST’s PreK-12 Methodology 1) Define an Approach 2) Create a National Sample 3) Apply Criteria to Rate Programs 4) Distill Design Principles
Define an Approach BEST, in collaboration with the American Institutes of Research, developed a protocol to guide an in-depth analysis of research evidence. The protocol defined what could be considered a rigorous study by assigning meaningful ratings of the research evidence for the outcomes of students who experience a given intervention and those who do not.
Verified  if 5 studies of acceptable rigor conducted by independent evaluators have substantially positive results.  At least two of the studies must be of high rigor, and none of the studies of acceptable rigor can have substantially negative findings.  Probable  if the results of two or more acceptably rigorous studies by independent researchers or evaluators show positive immediate or longer-term effects and no substantially negative studies.  Notable  if at least one acceptably rigorous study is substantially positive and no studies have substantially negative results.
Merits further research investment  if annual data on student outcomes from developers or from less rigorous evaluations contains descriptive evidence that a program is successfully serving one or more of the targeted populations.  Information not available  if programs have little research evidence of effectiveness, or descriptive evidence of student outcomes was not sufficient to indicate that the program is successfully serving one of the targeted populations.

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Stem partnerships

Presentation made by Rob Siegel at the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) Conference February 11-12, 2013 in Yakima, WA

science and mathstemscience and technology
Learning analytics: Threats and opportunities
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Learning analytics: Threats and opportunities

Learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts in order to understand and optimize the learning environment. It involves techniques from computer science, statistics, programming and other disciplines. While learning analytics can provide opportunities to give feedback and improve learning, it also poses threats regarding privacy, ethics, and the misuse of visualizations and absence of educational theory. Overall, learning analytics should be used to start conversations to improve learning rather than make definitive decisions, and it is important that the needs and experiences of learners guide its application.

learning analytics.
Extended Orientation for Peer Educator Development
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Extended Orientation for Peer Educator Development

Presentation originally presented at the 2018 National Peer Mentoring Symposium in Indianapolisn Indiana on Saturday November 10, 2018

peer education
National Sample From the collective professional judgment of the Blue Ribbon Panel: Over 200 programs were nominated 34 programs were culled out for analysis representing a cross-section of interventions varying in content, purpose, grade level, mode of delivery and sponsorship. BEST makes no claim that every worthy program was considered.
Apply Criteria Probable Project SEED ( Special Elementary Education for the Disadvantaged  ) Direct Instruction Mathematics Notable AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination )   Algebra Project   FAST (Foundational Approaches in Science Teaching ) Gateway to Higher Education Project GRAD (Graduation Really Achieves Dreams) Puente Yup’ik Mathematics
Design Principles Defined outcomes  Persistence  Personalization  Challenging content Engaged adults
“ Anti Design Principles” Defined outcomes   Blurred Vision Intervention du jour Over-reliance on testing to measure performance Competing Agendas Persistence Discretionary Funding Political Bias Inconsistent Leadership Motivation

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Leveraging Early-Alert Programs to Foster Cross-Campus Collaborations Aimed a...

This document discusses early alert programs aimed at improving student belonging and success. It provides background on the history and rationale of early alert programs, as well as considerations for their implementation including the types of students targeted, timing, communication approaches, roles of different campus offices, and the level of technology versus human involvement. Research findings are presented on common early alert practices from a national survey of over 500 institutions. Key factors discussed include the prevalence and reach of programs, as well as the timing of monitoring, response approaches, and staff roles.

early alertstudent success
Designing Early Alert Programs Aimed at Fostering Student Success and Persist...
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Designing Early Alert Programs Aimed at Fostering Student Success and Persist...

This document provides an overview of designing early alert programs aimed at fostering student success and persistence. It discusses defining early intervention, the history and purpose of early intervention programs, how they have developed on a national level, and the theoretical underpinnings that guide their design. The document outlines an agenda for a workshop on early intervention that will explore recent research, help participants identify at-risk students at their institutions, design systematic early alert programs, and develop networks to support students through bottlenecks in their first year.

early alerthigher educationadvising
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Wsu class 071816

This document discusses using digital communications and social media to increase parental and community engagement in schools. It reviews research showing student achievement is related to community involvement. The study aims to understand how administrators use tools like social media to engage stakeholders and whether this relates to perceptions of the school. Focus groups and a parent survey were conducted in two districts. Themes that emerged included administrators strategically using tools to create transparency and influence reputation. Survey results found most parents prefer websites and newsletters for information and participate in special events. While participation was limited, the study provides examples of how principals communicate and celebrates collaboration between schools and communities. Further research is needed as technologies change and apprehension towards their use exists.

Personalization   School & Class sizes Insufficient Time to Develop Relationships among teachers, parents and students Challenging Content Teaching to Inadequate Tests Cognitively Undemanding Curricula
Engaged Adults Fear Safety Workload Attitude Lack of Cultural Competencies
Effective PreK-12 programs must be more closely aligned to system-wide reform.   Disseminate Findings
System-wide Premise: A rising tide lifts all boats   Leverage Points: Teachers Curriculum Standards School and Class Size Technology

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Employer Priorities for Most Important College Learning Outcomes

Employers were surveyed about important college learning outcomes. The top three outcomes identified were: oral communication (85% said very important), problem solving in diverse settings (96% agreed is important regardless of field), and knowledge and understanding of democratic institutions and values (87% agreed is important regardless of field). Teamwork skills, written communication, and critical thinking were also identified as very important outcomes.

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The Impact of Open Textbooks in the USA and South Africa: When? Why? How?

These slides accompanied the OER Research Hub webinar "The Impact of Open Textbooks in the USA and South Africa: When? Why? How?" on 28 May 2014. Speakers: Megan Beckett (Siyavula), Beck Pitt (The Open University, OER Research Hub) and Daniel Williamson (OpenStax College). The session was chaired by Martin Weller (The Open University, OER Research Hub). You can watch a recording of the webinar here:

south africaopentextbooksusa
Young Inventors Workshop
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Young Inventors Workshop

The document provides an overview of a young inventor's workshop that teaches participants the inventive process. It discusses finding problems, brainstorming solutions, and building models. Participants are guided through each step of invention, including learning about simple machines. The workshop helps young inventors generate ideas using techniques like magnifying, adapting, putting to other uses, and substituting. Attendees are encouraged to choose solutions that are practical, simple, safe, and cost-effective.

Targeted Premise: The PreK-12 system cannot meet   the challenge alone Leverage Points: Individual Students Mentoring Parents Role Models
Empower Help communities anticipate and meet the challenge of broadening the pipeline: Congressional Briefing Department of Defense San Diego Foundation
District Appropriate Questions Defined Outcomes 1)  How well defined are the outcomes of the science, mathematics or pre-engineering program? 2)  Are these outcomes fully understood by students, teachers, parents, school boards and other educational decision makers? 3)  What evidence indicates the desired outcomes are being reached?
Persistence   1)  How long has the program lasted?   2)  Has the program shown the capacity to scale up in different settings? 3)  Has the program proved sustainable in changing conditions?  Why and how?

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The stem innovation equation nsta

This document summarizes a presentation on improving STEM education. It discusses 9 keys to improving STEM education: investigate community needs, focus programs, collaborate with partners, engage students through hands-on learning, enrich programs with activities like camps and competitions, design curricula around engineering challenges, inspire teachers with professional development, integrate STEM across subjects, and evaluate programs. It provides examples for each key and discusses barriers to STEM participation like attitudes, knowledge, and equity issues that programs should address.

workshop short course
Prof Dev Grants Presentation
Prof Dev Grants PresentationProf Dev Grants Presentation
Prof Dev Grants Presentation

This document summarizes a seminar titled "Leadership and Gender Dynamics in the Workplace" presented to the Society for Women Engineers Columbia River Section. The seminar brought the latest research on gender dynamics in leadership roles and provided strategies for women to address these dynamics. It included examples of research presented, implications and tools, and case studies. Feedback from attendees found the seminar very useful, particularly strategies for negotiating workplace issues and making contributions visible. The speaker was praised for her pragmatic, non-accusatory approach.

The technology book for girls - excerpt on Silent Signals
The technology book for girls - excerpt on Silent SignalsThe technology book for girls - excerpt on Silent Signals
The technology book for girls - excerpt on Silent Signals

Page 9: Profile of Diana Laboy-Rush, Electrical Engineer at ZiLOG

Personalization 1)  How is one-on-one contact between students and teachers organized; e.g., mentors, tutors, etc. 2)  How are teachers, tutors and mentors selected and trained? 3)  What indicators provide evidence that significant personalization has been achieved and has been effective?
Challenging Content 1)  Does content match state standards and assessments as well as national standards? 2)  Is mastery of content a high expectation for all students and is this well communicated to students and parents? 3)  How much pertinent training do program instructors have and what level of credential is required?
Engaged Adults 1)  Do all adults engaged in the program buy into it and believe in the capacity of all students to succeed? 2)  What is the consistency of staff involved in the program over time? 3)  Is parental support sought and encouraged?  Is the level of support measured?

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Design and Discovery Grant Report
Design and Discovery Grant ReportDesign and Discovery Grant Report
Design and Discovery Grant Report

The Design & Discovery program is a partnership between Girl Scouts and the Society of Women Engineers to encourage girls ages 12-15 to consider careers in STEM. The program has three phases: a two-week summer camp for hands-on activities and guest speakers; a six-month mentoring partnership where girls work on an engineering project; and presenting their project at a science fair. Over 40 girls participated in camps and some continued with mentors and entered science fairs, with several girls winning awards for their projects. Qualitative results found the program helped build girls' confidence in math and science.

ZiLOG Universal Infrared Remote Reference Design
ZiLOG Universal Infrared Remote Reference DesignZiLOG Universal Infrared Remote Reference Design
ZiLOG Universal Infrared Remote Reference Design

The document describes a universal infrared remote reference design using Zilog infrared controllers. It includes an overview of the hardware and firmware, describing the key scanning, programming procedure, and results of operation. Codes for controlling various devices from many brands are stored in the controller's memory as tables in an appendix. The design allows programming the remote to control different devices by selecting the appropriate code number from the tables.

remote control
Future City to Facilitate Team Teaching
Future City to Facilitate Team TeachingFuture City to Facilitate Team Teaching
Future City to Facilitate Team Teaching

Using the Future City Competition to Facilitate Multidisciplinary Team Teaching in Middle Schools - presentation to Oregon Association for Talented and Gifted


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A Quiet Crisis

  • 2. Quiet ‘kwī-ətmarked by little or no motion or activity Crisis krī-səsan unstable or crucial time whose outcome will make a decisive difference, for better or for worse Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary
  • 3. We tire hearing of ‘crises,’ but consider that: There is declining student interest in mathematics, computer science, physical sciences and engineering Half of the technical workforce is over 40 and one-third of technical workers are over 50 Despite decades of efforts, this workforce is over 75% male and 80% white And, there is an increase of foreign-born technical workers, from 11.2% in 1980 to 19.3% in 2000.
  • 4. Higher Education Pipeline Minority = Black/African American, Hispanic, and American Indian Source: Joan Burrelli, NSF, based on 1999 Common Core of Data, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES); NCES, 1998 IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey; UCLA Higher Education Research Institute,1998 American Freshman Survey (estimate); and NCES, 1998 IPEDS Completions Survey
  • 5. A world-class science and engineering workforce is indispensable: Innovation accounts for 50% of long-term US economic growth Human capital is our most precious innovation asset The growth of science, math and engineering capacity among our worldwide economic competitors is considerable. Why this Matters
  • 6. NCTM Professional Oath This matters for more personal reasons: “ Students are my first priority I promise that I will use my knowledge to benefit students. I will ensure that students in my classes receive the information and support they need to study mathematics and improve their knowledge. I will encourage all students of differing abilities to participate in intellectually honest math courses and will use a variety of strategies to help each student learn.”
  • 7. BEST is a public-private partnership building a stronger, more diverse U.S. workforce in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Mission
  • 8. Goals In other words…. BEST seeks to ensure that the current crisis remains quiet no longer and that the decisive outcome is for the better.
  • 9. Background Launched September 2001 $2M Seed funding from 7 federal agencies, led by the National Science Foundation Corporate and Foundation Sponsors: Alcoa Foundation Lockheed Martin American Institutes for Research Lounsbery Foundation CH2M Hill QUALCOMM Hewlett Packard Microsoft William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Pfizer Intel Foundation TXU W. K. Kellogg Foundation
  • 10. Strategy Convene the nation’s most respected practitioners and researchers to identify effective practices to increase diversity in pre-K-12, higher education, and the workplace. Disseminate findings and work with stakeholders to drive systemwide change. Empower districts and schools to implement change
  • 11. Leverage Points BEST looks to: PreK-12 as the foundation of mathematics, science and pre-engineering knowledge Higher Ed for specialization and degree completion Workplace for a focus on retention and advancement
  • 12. Solutions require effective programs … and program effectiveness must rest on evidence.
  • 13. BEST’s PreK-12 Methodology 1) Define an Approach 2) Create a National Sample 3) Apply Criteria to Rate Programs 4) Distill Design Principles
  • 14. Define an Approach BEST, in collaboration with the American Institutes of Research, developed a protocol to guide an in-depth analysis of research evidence. The protocol defined what could be considered a rigorous study by assigning meaningful ratings of the research evidence for the outcomes of students who experience a given intervention and those who do not.
  • 15. Verified if 5 studies of acceptable rigor conducted by independent evaluators have substantially positive results. At least two of the studies must be of high rigor, and none of the studies of acceptable rigor can have substantially negative findings. Probable if the results of two or more acceptably rigorous studies by independent researchers or evaluators show positive immediate or longer-term effects and no substantially negative studies. Notable if at least one acceptably rigorous study is substantially positive and no studies have substantially negative results.
  • 16. Merits further research investment if annual data on student outcomes from developers or from less rigorous evaluations contains descriptive evidence that a program is successfully serving one or more of the targeted populations. Information not available if programs have little research evidence of effectiveness, or descriptive evidence of student outcomes was not sufficient to indicate that the program is successfully serving one of the targeted populations.
  • 17. National Sample From the collective professional judgment of the Blue Ribbon Panel: Over 200 programs were nominated 34 programs were culled out for analysis representing a cross-section of interventions varying in content, purpose, grade level, mode of delivery and sponsorship. BEST makes no claim that every worthy program was considered.
  • 18. Apply Criteria Probable Project SEED ( Special Elementary Education for the Disadvantaged ) Direct Instruction Mathematics Notable AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination ) Algebra Project FAST (Foundational Approaches in Science Teaching ) Gateway to Higher Education Project GRAD (Graduation Really Achieves Dreams) Puente Yup’ik Mathematics
  • 19. Design Principles Defined outcomes Persistence Personalization Challenging content Engaged adults
  • 20. “ Anti Design Principles” Defined outcomes Blurred Vision Intervention du jour Over-reliance on testing to measure performance Competing Agendas Persistence Discretionary Funding Political Bias Inconsistent Leadership Motivation
  • 21. Personalization School & Class sizes Insufficient Time to Develop Relationships among teachers, parents and students Challenging Content Teaching to Inadequate Tests Cognitively Undemanding Curricula
  • 22. Engaged Adults Fear Safety Workload Attitude Lack of Cultural Competencies
  • 23. Effective PreK-12 programs must be more closely aligned to system-wide reform. Disseminate Findings
  • 24. System-wide Premise: A rising tide lifts all boats Leverage Points: Teachers Curriculum Standards School and Class Size Technology
  • 25. Targeted Premise: The PreK-12 system cannot meet the challenge alone Leverage Points: Individual Students Mentoring Parents Role Models
  • 26. Empower Help communities anticipate and meet the challenge of broadening the pipeline: Congressional Briefing Department of Defense San Diego Foundation
  • 27. District Appropriate Questions Defined Outcomes 1) How well defined are the outcomes of the science, mathematics or pre-engineering program? 2) Are these outcomes fully understood by students, teachers, parents, school boards and other educational decision makers? 3) What evidence indicates the desired outcomes are being reached?
  • 28. Persistence 1) How long has the program lasted? 2) Has the program shown the capacity to scale up in different settings? 3) Has the program proved sustainable in changing conditions? Why and how?
  • 29. Personalization 1) How is one-on-one contact between students and teachers organized; e.g., mentors, tutors, etc. 2) How are teachers, tutors and mentors selected and trained? 3) What indicators provide evidence that significant personalization has been achieved and has been effective?
  • 30. Challenging Content 1) Does content match state standards and assessments as well as national standards? 2) Is mastery of content a high expectation for all students and is this well communicated to students and parents? 3) How much pertinent training do program instructors have and what level of credential is required?
  • 31. Engaged Adults 1) Do all adults engaged in the program buy into it and believe in the capacity of all students to succeed? 2) What is the consistency of staff involved in the program over time? 3) Is parental support sought and encouraged? Is the level of support measured?