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Developing Our Future Workforce
Kelly Gaither
Director of Health Analytics, Senior Research Scientist, Texas
Advanced Computing Center
Associate Professor Women’s Health, Dell Medical School
The University of Texas at Austin
4/3/2019 1
 By 2040, US
projected to be
 Census Bureau
projects that by
2050, minorities will
comprise 53
percent of the
 By 2020, the US is projected to
have need for an additional
1,400,000 high tech jobs
 Computer science programs
are projected to graduate
400,000 students with
qualifications for these jobs
 That leaves a deficit of
1,000,000 unmet jobs
 By 2020, the US is projected to
have need for an additional
1,400,000 high tech jobs
 Computer science programs
are projected to graduate
400,000 students with
qualifications for these jobs
 That leaves a deficit of
1,000,000 unmet jobs

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Agron 342 Pres
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Agron 342 Pres

Education provides significant benefits to individuals, societies, and the world. It enables people to gain skills and knowledge that allow them to earn more money and live better lives. However, many parts of the world still face problems in ensuring universal access to education, especially for girls. Issues include inadequate funding, lack of schools and teachers, and costs of attending school. To address these problems, initiatives aim to increase attendance, promote equal access for boys and girls through scholarships, and reduce class sizes.

"Silver Workers": Their Motives of working in Post-Retirement Period
"Silver Workers": Their Motives of working in Post-Retirement Period"Silver Workers": Their Motives of working in Post-Retirement Period
"Silver Workers": Their Motives of working in Post-Retirement Period

This ppt is about senior citizens working in their post retirement period.It mainly focuses on their needs to work in this phase of life. This is a part of the larger study conducted for partial fulfillment of Ph.D. degree.

work in post retirement period
2010 Census PR Plan
2010 Census PR Plan2010 Census PR Plan
2010 Census PR Plan

The document discusses a campaign called "Keep'n it Real" created by a PRSSA team at the University of Texas at Arlington to increase census participation. It conducted research on hard-to-count groups like students and low-income residents. Students were identified as one of the hardest groups to count. Research found students prefer humorous, relatable messages on platforms like social media. The campaign aims to educate students on the importance of the census and encourage them to complete it through fun, engaging content tailored to students.

 By 2020, the US is projected to
have need for an additional
1,400,000 high tech jobs
 Computer science programs
are projected to graduate
400,000 students with
qualifications for these jobs
 That leaves a deficit of
1,000,000 unmet jobs
 McKinsey Global Institute predicts a 2020 global workforce with the
requisite college and postgraduate education qualified to fill just 13
percent of projected labor demands worldwide.
 Demographics globally:
 India and Brazil are rapidly increasing STEM enrollments through targeted
enrollment programs.
 Europe, however, is projected to have a shortage in the high-tech sector
similar to the United States.
 This deficit is much more extreme in emerging countries that are
depending on 21st century skill sets for economic growth.
• Women’s representation in STEM occupations has declined since
the 1990s
• Men are employed in STEM occupations at 2X the rate of women:
31% vs 15%
• Nearly 1 in 5 female STEM graduates leave the labor force, less than
1 in 10 male STEM graduates.
• In 2011, 6% of STEM workers were Black (up from 2% in 1970).
• Hispanics were only 7%of the STEM workforce in 2011.
• Native Americans, Pacific islanders and Indigenous Peoples have
been historically low in STEM employment, registering consistently in
the low single digits.
• 95% corporate leaders believe culture of diversity and inclusion
contribute to innovation
• For every 10% increase in racial and ethnic diversity on senior
executive team, earnings increase .8%
• Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35%
more likely to have financial returns above national industry median
• 86% female and 74% male millennials consider employers’ policies
on diversity, equality and inclusion
• Transitioning from a single-gender office to office evenly split
estimate 41% revenue gain
• A move from no female leaders to 30% representation is associated
with a 15% increase in revenue

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International perspective on information literacy: national frameworks
International perspective on information literacy: national frameworksInternational perspective on information literacy: national frameworks
International perspective on information literacy: national frameworks

This presentation was given by Sheila Webber at the meeting held to plan for an Information Literacy Strategy for Wales, on 30 November 2009 at Gregynogg Hall in Wales. In it she identifies point’s from Woody Horton’s Information Literacy “primer”, gives her own perspective on the 4 areas identified in the UNESCO-sponsored discussions (governance/ citizenship; Education; Health; Business) and talks about visions for information literacy.


This document summarizes a symposium held by ASCD on the topic of poverty and education. It discusses how a majority of public school students in the US now live in poverty, highlighting research showing the steady increase in the percentage of low-income students over recent decades. Experts at the symposium explored the negative effects of poverty on children's learning and achievement, and ways that policymakers, community leaders, and educators can help address challenges faced by students in poverty. The goal was to have proactive discussions on important issues around poverty and education.

Case 4 space 2.2. presentation layne robinson_commonwealth secretariat.pptx
Case 4 space 2.2. presentation layne robinson_commonwealth secretariat.pptxCase 4 space 2.2. presentation layne robinson_commonwealth secretariat.pptx
Case 4 space 2.2. presentation layne robinson_commonwealth secretariat.pptx

This document discusses political and civic participation in youth development as measured by the Youth Development Index (YDI). It notes that youth participation in formal politics is declining globally except in new democracies, though youth are more engaged in civic affairs through alternative modes of participation and technology. Enhancing youth participation requires measures like civic education, quotas, and citizenship education. The YDI measures youth development across five domains using 18 indicators, though data gaps exist, particularly in political and civic participation. Gender gaps also differ between regions and more disaggregated data is needed. Sub-national data is important to avoid averages hiding variations, and challenges collecting such data include outdated sources and competing priorities.

• 15% of the world’s population has some form of disability and represent
$200B in discretionary spending
• Combined buying power of U.S. LGBT adult population is estimated at
• Veterans perform 4% higher than average employees and have 3% less
turnover (Company with 1K employees, translates to $7.3M annually)
Ignoring inclusion and diversity in tech comes with a $16B
price tag
Unfair treatment in the workplace is the single largest driver
of turnover in tech
 Millenials/Post-millenials are most diverse sector of our population and represent the
largest generation to date.
 Grown up in an age of pervasive and often-times ubiquitous technology, violence,
and with the introduction of the internet, information overload.
 According to a report by The Council of Economic Advisers in 2014, millennials are
more connected to technology than any previous generation. They are more likely
to be constantly connected to their smart phones and have multiple means of
communicating with their peers via social media.
 They express a greater value to the role they play in their communities, including a
close relationship with their families. They rate quality of life as being very important
as well as a strong desire to make a positive social impact on their own children and
communities and society at large [2].
4/3/2019 11
4/3/2019 12

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Child Poverty Research Day: Gina Porter Institute of Development Studies, Brighton. 18th November 2016

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This document summarizes a research article that examines the prevalence and influence of cyberbullying behavior on self-esteem and body image among adolescents. It finds that cyberbullying is a widespread and growing problem affecting 20-40% of youth. Studies show cyberbullying is associated with negative consequences like lower self-esteem, depression, feelings of powerlessness, and academic difficulties. The rapid rise of internet and smartphone use among adolescents has increased their risk of being both victims and perpetrators of cyberbullying.

Idgc briefing bookfinal28sept
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Idgc briefing bookfinal28sept

This document provides an overview and background information for the 2015 International Day of the Girl Child. It discusses how adolescent girls are often left behind and invisible in development efforts despite their potential. Investing in adolescent girls' health, education and empowerment promotes gender equality and benefits communities and future generations. The briefing book outlines UNICEF's messaging and asks partners to promote empowering adolescent girls and recognizing their power to transform the world.

Advanced Computing for Social Change
Black Lives Matter SC16 Challenge
Advanced Computing for Social Change
Examining Immigration Through a Data
Science Lens SC17 Challenge
Best Workforce Development Paper
Chosen to be featured in Jan 2018
issue of IEEE’s Computing Edge
Engage students through socially relevant topics
Curriculum Elements:
Storytelling – aids memory by putting
information into an emotional context
• When emotions are present, hormones
released to the brain act as a memory
• Story shapes life values and teaches
acceptance, and provides students an
opportunity to broaden their
understanding of heritage and culture,
both theirs and others.
Engage students through socially
relevant topics
Curriculum Elements:
Visualization – we remember 10% of what
we hear, 65% of what we see
30%Discover Magazine, June 1993: “The Vision Thing: Mainly in the Brain”
Engage students through socially
relevant topics
Curriculum Elements:
Team Science – research is becoming
increasingly more multidisciplinary
• Requires skills in leadership, communication,
and an understanding of the bigger picture
• Curriculum that actively fosters collaboration
has proven successful at increasing
productivity, retention, and success of
women and underrepresented minority
scientists in multiple STEM fields

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Deomi womens history_month_2013_facts_of_day
Deomi womens history_month_2013_facts_of_dayDeomi womens history_month_2013_facts_of_day
Deomi womens history_month_2013_facts_of_day

The document provides 31 facts about women's history and achievements in various fields such as science, technology, engineering, mathematics, the military, and government. Some key points include: the theme for Women's History Month 2013 is celebrating women's contributions to STEM fields; women currently hold less than 25% of STEM jobs despite making up half the college-educated workforce; and efforts are being made to promote gender equality and increase women's participation in STEM education and careers.


A presentation summarizing the book "Catching Up or Leading the Way" by Young Zhao that highlights the differences between the American and Chinese education system.

catching upnclbschool reform

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is committed to providing development assistance that improves the lives of women, men, and children around the world. USAID has a special interest in the advancement of women worldwide. Women’s health, education, economic opportunity and human rights are at the core of successful, stable societies and economic growth. One of the fundamental principles of the Department of State/USAID strategic plan is that “all citizens, men and women, are vital to meeting the critical challenges of today and reaching the goals of equality, peace and security.” USAID’s commitment to the full inclusion of women dates back to 1973, when the United States Congress passed the “Percy Amendment” to the Foreign Assistance Act, requiring that particular attention be given to integrating women into national economies to improve the status of women and to assist the overall development effort. Today, USAID embraces this goal, and seeks to understand the different needs of men and women, to improve the efficiency and overall impact of its programs, and to ensure that both women and men have equitable access to development activities and their benefits. This document profiles USAID efforts to address barriers to full access to opportunity for women and men throughout the developing world. The success stories are a testament to the progress women and men have made. The selected examples illustrate the many efforts made by the USAID field missions, the Office of Women in Development, and other operating units in USAID to fully integrate women into development programs and policies throughout USAID. It is important to note that women’s leadership is not treated as a separate category in this report, but is reflected in all the examples. Women are becoming political leaders, grassroots leaders, leaders in their professions, leaders in their communities, and heads of households, especially in regions ravaged by HIV/AIDS and conflict, and are growing into leaders in many other ways. As a result, all USAID efforts to support women’s skills, opportunities and rights contribute to “women’s leadership.” WOMEN, MEN AND DEVELOPMENT 1

Engage students through socially relevant topics
Curriculum Elements:
Discovery Based Learning – active
learning increases mastery of technical
• Active learning increases mastery of
technical skills, improves communication
skills, and enhances critical thinking.
• It provides an opportunity for students to
explore and ask questions of the data, and
promotes curiosity and interaction with the
science, facilitating an iterative
question/answer loop
• Data-driven discussion to confirm/debunk
perceptions/misperceptions on Black
Lives Matter
• Worked in four teams
• Identified their audience
• Identified their argument
• Team presentations using evidence-
based analysis and visualization
• 60% Female Participants, 40% African
American, 58% First Generation College
• External Evaluators did focus groups
• Students Rated Challenge Experience
 Advanced Computing for
Social Change Challenge
(Second Year) at SC17
 Nine students from local
 Four mentors brought back
from SC16 challenge
 In 2017, SIGHPC
approached us to create an
international version of the
 Applications opened up for
 Huge thanks to John West
and Cherri Pancake for
believing in this program

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Factors Affecting Labor Availability
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Factors Affecting Labor Availability

Presentation by Rose Baker and David Passmore at a meeting hosted by Day & Zimmerman ( on 28 January 2015.

Caribbean Studies - CAPE Unit 2 - Internal Assignment/IA 2017
Caribbean Studies - CAPE Unit 2 - Internal Assignment/IA 2017Caribbean Studies - CAPE Unit 2 - Internal Assignment/IA 2017
Caribbean Studies - CAPE Unit 2 - Internal Assignment/IA 2017

This document appears to be a research paper or project on the topic of how poverty affects social development in Lengua Village, Princes Town, Trinidad and Tobago. It includes an introduction outlining the research problem, purpose, objectives and definitions. It also includes a literature review summarizing several sources on the relationship between poverty and social development. For data collection, the author used a questionnaire distributed to households in the village as well as secondary sources like books and articles. The document goes on to present and analyze the collected data, discuss findings, and provide conclusions and recommendations.

internal assignmentpovertycompleted ia
Project ISR
Project ISRProject ISR
Project ISR

Being socially responsible means that people & organization must behave ethically & with sensitivity towards social, cultural, economic and environmental issues which will create a positive impact on development, business, and society.

project management
SC18: Computing4Change
Topic: Violence
Sponsored by SIGHPC
 Received ~250 applications from
around the world
 Accepted 16 competitors
 From 5 countries
 10 female, 1 non-binary
 2 with disabilities
 33% Black/African American, 25% Latinx,
19% White , 13% Asian, Native
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander or
Mediterranean descent
 44% from resource constrained institutions
 1 from a Community College
Brought in a Native Hawaiian team from
Chaminade University
Supplemented by NSF XSEDE
• 2 Year NSF INCLUDES grant
• Partnership with Chaminade University of
Honolulu and Georgia Tech University
• Summer Immersion Experience to train
undergraduate Native Hawaiian and Pacific
Islanders in data science and analytics using
visualization as “universal language”
• Privileges Indigenous Culture
• 22 students (91% Native Hawaiian/Pacific
• Month long immersion experience at
• Submitted YESTERDAY to
• Backbone: TACC,
Chaminade University of
Honolulu and Georgia Tech
• Month Summer Immersion
• Rotating Sabbatical Program
• Brings in students, faculty and
people from local agencies
This is not exclusively a pipeline problem
Attracting students into this field requires that we look
outside our norms
There is far too little money going into successful programs
On the flip side, to grow a successful program requires
investment in evaluation and data collection
Engaging the “why” is crucial before teaching the “how”

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The World Youth Report 2013 - Youth Migration and Development
The World Youth Report 2013 - Youth Migration and DevelopmentThe World Youth Report 2013 - Youth Migration and Development
The World Youth Report 2013 - Youth Migration and Development

The World Youth Report 2013—Youth Migration and Development is the product of the efforts, contributions and support of many people and organizations. From the outset, the process of developing the Report involved a range of participatory consultations designed to draw on the perspectives of youth on how migration affects them. These consultative sessions included a five-week e-consultation process, a survey on youth migration and development, a call for visual art illustrating the daily life experiences of young migrants as well as youth initiatives on migration and development, and a Google+ Hangout held on 6 March 2013 to identify sustainable solutions for addressing youth migration challenges. For more information:

division for social policy and developmentreport
Bringing it all together!
Bringing it all together!Bringing it all together!
Bringing it all together!

Bringing it all together! Building a citywide intelligence hub to support the development of a place-based joint strategic needs assessment. Presentation to the Local Area Research and Intelligence Association (Laria) Annual Conference, 13 May 2019.

public healthhealthhealthcare
Lema comprehensive
Lema  comprehensiveLema  comprehensive
Lema comprehensive

The document proposes a new high school called LEADERSHIP in ENTERTAINMENT & MEDIA ARTS (LEMA) that will prepare students for 21st century careers. LEMA will have three majors - Law and Leadership, Entertainment, and Media Arts. It will focus on skills like communication, technology, business and leadership. LEMA aims to improve graduation rates and better prepare students for college or careers in growing industries like entertainment, videogames and law.

4/3/2019 26

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The Computing4Change Program

  • 1. Computing4Change Developing Our Future Workforce Kelly Gaither Director of Health Analytics, Senior Research Scientist, Texas Advanced Computing Center Associate Professor Women’s Health, Dell Medical School The University of Texas at Austin 4/3/2019 1
  • 2. OUR LOOMING CRISIS 2  By 2040, US projected to be majority/minority country  Census Bureau projects that by 2050, minorities will comprise 53 percent of the population
  • 3. INCREASINGLY DIGITAL WORLD NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF OUR INCREASINGLY DIVERSE POPULATION 3  By 2020, the US is projected to have need for an additional 1,400,000 high tech jobs  Computer science programs are projected to graduate 400,000 students with qualifications for these jobs  That leaves a deficit of 1,000,000 unmet jobs
  • 4. INCREASINGLY DIGITAL WORLD NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF OUR INCREASINGLY DIVERSE POPULATION 4  By 2020, the US is projected to have need for an additional 1,400,000 high tech jobs  Computer science programs are projected to graduate 400,000 students with qualifications for these jobs  That leaves a deficit of 1,000,000 unmet jobs
  • 5. INCREASINGLY DIGITAL WORLD NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF OUR INCREASINGLY DIVERSE POPULATION 5  By 2020, the US is projected to have need for an additional 1,400,000 high tech jobs  Computer science programs are projected to graduate 400,000 students with qualifications for these jobs  That leaves a deficit of 1,000,000 unmet jobs
  • 6.  McKinsey Global Institute predicts a 2020 global workforce with the requisite college and postgraduate education qualified to fill just 13 percent of projected labor demands worldwide.  Demographics globally:  India and Brazil are rapidly increasing STEM enrollments through targeted enrollment programs.  Europe, however, is projected to have a shortage in the high-tech sector similar to the United States.  This deficit is much more extreme in emerging countries that are depending on 21st century skill sets for economic growth. GLOBAL WORKFORCE ISSUE
  • 7. DEMOGRAPHICS • Women’s representation in STEM occupations has declined since the 1990s • Men are employed in STEM occupations at 2X the rate of women: 31% vs 15% • Nearly 1 in 5 female STEM graduates leave the labor force, less than 1 in 10 male STEM graduates. • In 2011, 6% of STEM workers were Black (up from 2% in 1970). • Hispanics were only 7%of the STEM workforce in 2011. • Native Americans, Pacific islanders and Indigenous Peoples have been historically low in STEM employment, registering consistently in the low single digits.
  • 8. DIVERSITY/INCLUSION → INNOVATION → ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS • 95% corporate leaders believe culture of diversity and inclusion contribute to innovation • For every 10% increase in racial and ethnic diversity on senior executive team, earnings increase .8% • Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above national industry median • 86% female and 74% male millennials consider employers’ policies on diversity, equality and inclusion • Transitioning from a single-gender office to office evenly split estimate 41% revenue gain • A move from no female leaders to 30% representation is associated with a 15% increase in revenue
  • 9. DIVERSITY/INCLUSION → INNOVATION → ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS • 15% of the world’s population has some form of disability and represent $200B in discretionary spending • Combined buying power of U.S. LGBT adult population is estimated at $917B • Veterans perform 4% higher than average employees and have 3% less turnover (Company with 1K employees, translates to $7.3M annually) Ignoring inclusion and diversity in tech comes with a $16B price tag Unfair treatment in the workplace is the single largest driver of turnover in tech
  • 10. 10  Millenials/Post-millenials are most diverse sector of our population and represent the largest generation to date.  Grown up in an age of pervasive and often-times ubiquitous technology, violence, and with the introduction of the internet, information overload.  According to a report by The Council of Economic Advisers in 2014, millennials are more connected to technology than any previous generation. They are more likely to be constantly connected to their smart phones and have multiple means of communicating with their peers via social media.  They express a greater value to the role they play in their communities, including a close relationship with their families. They rate quality of life as being very important as well as a strong desire to make a positive social impact on their own children and communities and society at large [2]. WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT OUR FUTURE WORKFORCE?
  • 13. ADVANCED COMPUTING FOR SOCIAL CHANGE 13 Advanced Computing for Social Change Black Lives Matter SC16 Challenge Advanced Computing for Social Change Examining Immigration Through a Data Science Lens SC17 Challenge Best Workforce Development Paper PEARC’17 Chosen to be featured in Jan 2018 issue of IEEE’s Computing Edge
  • 14. ADVANCED COMPUTING FOR SOCIAL CHANGE Engage students through socially relevant topics Curriculum Elements: 14 Storytelling – aids memory by putting information into an emotional context • When emotions are present, hormones released to the brain act as a memory fixative. • Story shapes life values and teaches acceptance, and provides students an opportunity to broaden their understanding of heritage and culture, both theirs and others.
  • 15. ADVANCED COMPUTING FOR SOCIAL CHANGE Engage students through socially relevant topics Curriculum Elements: 15 Visualization – we remember 10% of what we hear, 65% of what we see 30%Discover Magazine, June 1993: “The Vision Thing: Mainly in the Brain” 3% 8%
  • 16. ADVANCED COMPUTING FOR SOCIAL CHANGE Engage students through socially relevant topics Curriculum Elements: 16 Team Science – research is becoming increasingly more multidisciplinary • Requires skills in leadership, communication, and an understanding of the bigger picture • Curriculum that actively fosters collaboration has proven successful at increasing productivity, retention, and success of women and underrepresented minority scientists in multiple STEM fields
  • 17. ADVANCED COMPUTING FOR SOCIAL CHANGE Engage students through socially relevant topics Curriculum Elements: 17 Discovery Based Learning – active learning increases mastery of technical skills • Active learning increases mastery of technical skills, improves communication skills, and enhances critical thinking. • It provides an opportunity for students to explore and ask questions of the data, and promotes curiosity and interaction with the science, facilitating an iterative question/answer loop
  • 18. SC16 ADVANCED COMPUTING FOR SOCIAL CHANGE CHALLENGE • Data-driven discussion to confirm/debunk perceptions/misperceptions on Black Lives Matter • Worked in four teams • Identified their audience • Identified their argument • Team presentations using evidence- based analysis and visualization • 60% Female Participants, 40% African American, 58% First Generation College Students • External Evaluators did focus groups • Students Rated Challenge Experience 4.5/5.0
  • 19. SC17: EXPLORING IMMIGRATION THROUGH BIG DATA LENS  Advanced Computing for Social Change Challenge (Second Year) at SC17  Nine students from local area  Four mentors brought back from SC16 challenge 19
  • 20. Computing4Change 20  In 2017, SIGHPC approached us to create an international version of the program  Applications opened up for SC18  Huge thanks to John West and Cherri Pancake for believing in this program
  • 21. SC18: Computing4Change Topic: Violence 21 Sponsored by SIGHPC  Received ~250 applications from around the world  Accepted 16 competitors  From 5 countries  10 female, 1 non-binary  2 with disabilities  33% Black/African American, 25% Latinx, 19% White , 13% Asian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander or Mediterranean descent  44% from resource constrained institutions  1 from a Community College Brought in a Native Hawaiian team from Chaminade University Supplemented by NSF XSEDE
  • 22. SUPPORTING PACIFIC INDIGENOUS COMPUTING EXCELLENT (SPICE) 22 • 2 Year NSF INCLUDES grant • Partnership with Chaminade University of Honolulu and Georgia Tech University • Summer Immersion Experience to train undergraduate Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders in data science and analytics using visualization as “universal language” • Privileges Indigenous Culture • 22 students (91% Native Hawaiian/Pacific islander) • Month long immersion experience at Chaminade
  • 23. ALLIANCE FOR SUPPORTING PACIFIC INDIGENOUS COMPUTING EXCELLENT (ALL-SPICE) 23 • Submitted YESTERDAY to NSF!!! • Backbone: TACC, Chaminade University of Honolulu and Georgia Tech University • Month Summer Immersion Experience • Rotating Sabbatical Program • Brings in students, faculty and people from local agencies
  • 24. IN SUMMARY 24 This is not exclusively a pipeline problem Attracting students into this field requires that we look outside our norms There is far too little money going into successful programs On the flip side, to grow a successful program requires investment in evaluation and data collection Engaging the “why” is crucial before teaching the “how”