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Cloud Computing & Web2.0: Cédric Moullet Head of FSDI (Federal Spatial Data Infrastructure) Web Infrastructure  October 2010
Swisstop - COGIS The COSIG is the coordination agency for geoinformation for the swiss administration Verordnung über Geoinformation : Für die Koordination im Bereich der Geoinformation des Bundes wird ein Koordinationsorgan nach Artikel 55 des Regierungs- und Verwaltungsorganisationsgesetzes vom 21. März 19971 eingesetzt. Das Koordinationsorgan hat folgende Aufgaben: Koordination der Tätigkeiten der Bundesverwaltung; Entwicklung von Strategien des Bundes; Mitwirkung bei der Entwicklung von technischen Normen; Betrieb eines Kompetenzzentrums; Beratung von kantonalen Stellen.
Use case:

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An Introduction to MapBox
An Introduction to MapBoxAn Introduction to MapBox
An Introduction to MapBox

MapBox is a company that provides a cloud-based map hosting service and set of tools for designing and deploying map tiles. It uses modern web technologies like CSS, JavaScript, and JSON to allow for separation of concerns, platform agnosticism, and sharing of map styles and data. The MapBox stack includes TileMill for map styling, TileStream for serving map tiles from MBTiles files, and Wax as a JavaScript library for connecting to mapping services.

The Good Cluster and Auto Scaling Made Simple
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The Good Cluster and Auto Scaling Made Simple

dotCSM BootCamp Presentation With the release of dotCMS 3.0, creating dotCMS server clusters has never been simplier. Join dotCMS architects and experts, Brent, Chris and Daniel for a practical demonstration and see how easy setting up a cluster server environment can be. We'll discuss settings, options and tuning and demonstrate how you can autoscale your cluster to dynamically meet your online demand too. Note: This session can help managers and front-end developers gain valuable insight into what their counterpart Sys Admins are actually doing and thinking durring their work day!

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Build Custom Maps with Appcelerator Titanium, Mapbox and OpenStreetMap - tiCo...
Build Custom Maps with Appcelerator Titanium, Mapbox and OpenStreetMap - tiCo...Build Custom Maps with Appcelerator Titanium, Mapbox and OpenStreetMap - tiCo...
Build Custom Maps with Appcelerator Titanium, Mapbox and OpenStreetMap - tiCo...

How to create and style custom maps for you Appcelerator Titanium apps using tools from Mapbox and data from the OpenStreetMap project

Requirements Like Google Maps ! Fast User friendly High availability High load 150 layers …  and, of course, low cost !
Requirements How to have  fast  web mapping applications ? Web 2.0 / REST Services Pregenerated tiles for spatial data
Requirements How to have  user friendly  web mapping applications ? User centered design, « don’t decide for your users »
Requirements How to have  high available  web mapping applications ? - Load balancing  - Make applications stateless - Automate the application deployment

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ML6 talk at Nexxworks Bootcamp
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ML6 talk at Nexxworks Bootcamp

Some weeks ago, our ML6 agent Karel Dumon gave a talk at a Nexxworks Bootcamp. During this week-long event, several speakers are invited to take the floor to inspire a heterogenous group of (senior) business people from a wide range of industries. On the third day, Artificial Intelligence was planned. A broad intro to AI and ML was given by prof. dr. Eric Mannens, after which Karel provided the audience with some hands-on insights through use cases.

machine learningartificial intelligence
Aws cloud big data trends
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Aws cloud big data trends

The document discusses trends in AWS cloud, big data, Hadoop, and Kubernetes. It covers topics like data lakes, modern principles for infrastructure like event-driven architectures and serverless computing. It also discusses how these principles can be applied to Hadoop on-premises systems as well as in the cloud using AWS services. Kubernetes is mentioned as a platform for running big data workloads. Contact information is provided at the end.

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Snowball 180625113523
Snowball 180625113523Snowball 180625113523
Snowball 180625113523

Amazon offers Snowball, Snowball Edge, and Snowmobile for moving large amounts of data into and out of AWS. Snowball is a portable storage device that can import and export up to 80TB from S3. Snowball Edge stores 100TB and has onboard compute capabilities. Snowmobile is a secured truck that can hold up to 100PB to migrate exabyte-scale data between on-premises and AWS. These options provide secure, fast, and cost-effective ways to transfer petabyte and exabyte amounts of data to the cloud.

Requirements How to have web mapping applications supporting  high load  ? Cache everything you can Load balancing
Cloud computing for Usage of an  IaaS  Provider ( Infrastructure as a Service ) -> Rent RAM + CPU + Storage Other possibilities: SaaS: Software as a Service -> Rent a Software PaaS: Plattform as a Service -> Rent a Development environment
Cloud computing SaaS PaaS IaaS
Cloud computing for Amazon Web Services

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Clustering? Push-Publishing? Geo-load-balancing and CDNs? Scale-out or scale-up? Dotcms enables many different ways to implement multi-server architectures for performance and fault-tolerance. Learn more about these options, and how you can choose which architecture works best for your deployment

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Preliminary xsx die_fact_finding
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The document discusses preliminary findings regarding the Xbox Series X (XSX) architecture based on information from AMD slides and cache sizes from RDNA1. It notes that in the RDNA1 (Navi10) architecture, two compute engines form a workgroup processor, and five workgroup processors form an asynchronous compute engine. It provides details on cache and memory sizes per workgroup processor and compute unit from AMD slides. It also notes similarities between the XSX and RDNA1 structures but that the number of compute units per group may be customized and references sources showing six compute units per group.

xbox series x

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment that uses JavaScript for building scalable network applications. It provides an event-driven and non-blocking I/O model that makes it optimized for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. Node.js uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine and allows coding in JavaScript along with a package manager called npm. It was created by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and is well-suited for building applications with high throughput and scalability like chat applications, message queuing, and IoT.

Cloud computing: Amazon EC2 From Amazon:  Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It’s basically RAM + CPU  YOU  install what you want on it (OS / software) -> Installation process has to be automated (with puppet, for example) You pay when the instance runs You start it with the Amazon API / Tools You access it through network (ssh, for example) WARNING: don’t consider it as persistent -> Used to run the application / proxy
Cloud computing: Amazon S3 From Amazon:  Amazon S3 is storage for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers. Access and store your file with URL It’s NOT an hard disk You pay for the storage and the data transfer Consider it as persistent -> Used to store the 300’000’000 pregenerated tiles
Cloud computing: Amazon EBS From Amazon:  Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) provides block level storage volumes for use with Amazon EC2 instances. It’s an hard disk that can be mounted on an EC2 instance You pay for the storage Consider it as persistent Used to store user input
Why is cloud computing so important ? Launch of on 18.8.2010 Number of visitors 33’000 (20.8), 1’600 (17.8) -> factor 20 ! 1 new visitor every second on 19.8 Bandwidth 750 GB per day (20.8), 33 GB per day (17.8) Peak of 1’400 tiles per second delivered on 19.8

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Amazon Webservice & Cloud Computing
Amazon Webservice & Cloud ComputingAmazon Webservice & Cloud Computing
Amazon Webservice & Cloud Computing

The document discusses Amazon web services and cloud computing. It provides an overview of Amazon's services including Fulfillment, Associates, web search, Mechanical Turk, Payments, Infrastructure services like Simple Queue, SimpleDB, Simple Storage, and Elastic Compute Cloud. It also discusses cloud computing concepts and compares Amazon services to offerings from Google, Microsoft, Salesforce and others. The document considers potential applications and services that could be developed using these cloud platforms.

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Slides utilizados na palestra apresentado ao curso de Pós Graduação em Ciências da Computação, na PUCRS.

#cloud #azure #
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Proximos Eventos

El documento describe varios eventos culturales y educativos que tendrán lugar en octubre. Los programas de formación y ventas estarán a cargo de la logística de una feria cultural el 2 de octubre. También habrá una demostración cultural de entidades educativas regionales y invitados especiales. Del 23 al 24 de octubre será el III Simposio Regional sobre las TIC aplicadas a la formación. Finalmente, se anuncian próximamente un festival de juegos autóctonos y uno del humor.

Why is cloud computing so important ?
Why is cloud computing so important ?
Why is cloud computing so important ? Datacenter Microsoft, Dublin 51’000 m 2  = 500m x 100m US$ 500 Mio 22.2 MegaWatt 400 Server online in 90min

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5 Coisinhas
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O documento lista 5 coisas que deixam o autor feliz: sua família, conversar com amigos, dormir até tarde, assistir filmes e rezar. Em seguida, há frases enfatizando que embora Deus crie e dê diversas coisas, como vida, fé e paz, os humanos podem valorizar Sua criação, transmitir a vida, dar testemunho da fé, semear união, apoiar os necessitados e restituir confiança.

Probabilidad 10 2
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Probabilidad 10 2

Este documento trata sobre la probabilidad y la teoría de probabilidad. Explica que la probabilidad mide la frecuencia con la que ocurre un resultado en un experimento bajo condiciones estables. Además, describe que la teoría de probabilidad se usa ampliamente en áreas como las estadísticas, las matemáticas y la ciencia. Finalmente, señala que existen dos enfoques para interpretar la probabilidad: el enfoque frecuentista y el enfoque bayesiano. lessons learnt On-demand infrastructure: flexibility, scalability and high availability are possible with cloud computing Automation is required YOU  are responsible for what you do with cloud computing Avoid vendor lock-in No CapEx, only OpEx
Web 2.0: client development It’s now possible to build complete application within a browser Usage of JavaScript libraries. For OpenLayers ExtJS GeoExt -> All open source software
Client development HTML5: Geolocation API GeoLocation API: the browser knows where you are ! Particularly useful for mobile application Javascript object: navigator.geolocation
Client development HTML5:  Web Storage API Web Storage API: the browser can store information in files or in a database Particularly useful for offline application Javascript object: Storage (session or locale) Web SQL database:

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Algumas coisas que deixam a pessoa feliz são: sentir liberdade, desfrutar de uma bela praia com boa companhia, admirar o pôr do sol e explorar lugares novos.

Literacy Without Walls
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Literacy Without Walls

This is a presentation for Indiana Conference on Learning on Tuesday, February 3, 2009. The conference will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Google Cloud Platform - Building a scalable Mobile Application
Google Cloud Platform - Building a scalable Mobile ApplicationGoogle Cloud Platform - Building a scalable Mobile Application
Google Cloud Platform - Building a scalable Mobile Application

by Lukas Masuch, Henning Muszynski and Benjamin Raethlein Originally held on 'Karlsruhe Entwicklertag 2015' In this presentation we give an overview on several services of the Google Cloud Platform and showcase an Android application utilizing these technologies. We cover technologies, such as Google App Engine, Cloud Endpoints, Cloud Storage, Cloud Datastore and Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). We will talk about pitfalls, show meaningful code examples (in Java) and provide several tips and dev tools on how to get the most out of Google’s Cloud Platform.

gcmobjectifygoogle cloud platform
Client development HTML5:  Media support Your browser supports natively audio, video and drawing (canvas) Canvas: Video: Audio:
Client development HTML5: Device API Your browser is able communicate with external devices Device API:
Client development HTML5: Device API Your browser is able communicate with external devices Device API:
Client development HTML5: Web Workers API Your browser is able to handle multithreading Web Workers:

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Introduction to Cloud computing

This document provides an introduction and overview of cloud computing. It defines cloud computing as applications and services delivered over the internet, as well as the hardware and systems that provide those services. The document discusses common cloud services like SaaS, utility computing using Amazon EC2 as an example, and the key characteristics of cloud computing. It also covers challenges of cloud computing like availability, data security, and performance unpredictability, as well as the growth and future potential of cloud computing.

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A look at some of exciting features of HTML5, a presentation given by me at Universtiy Seminar in 7th Semester.

Fowa Miami 09 Cloud Computing Workshop
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Fowa Miami 09 Cloud Computing Workshop

Slides for an introductory workshop on cloud computing for a web app developer audience at FOWA Miami 09 (

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Client development CSS3 Your browser is able to make animations (without plug-in) CSS3:
Conclusions Cloud computing is a valid alternative to traditional IT Cloud computing requires to make the application « cloud enabled » The browser applications replace the desktop applications

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Cloud Computing and HTML5, 2010

  • 1. Cloud Computing & Web2.0: Cédric Moullet Head of FSDI (Federal Spatial Data Infrastructure) Web Infrastructure October 2010
  • 2. Swisstop - COGIS The COSIG is the coordination agency for geoinformation for the swiss administration Verordnung über Geoinformation : Für die Koordination im Bereich der Geoinformation des Bundes wird ein Koordinationsorgan nach Artikel 55 des Regierungs- und Verwaltungsorganisationsgesetzes vom 21. März 19971 eingesetzt. Das Koordinationsorgan hat folgende Aufgaben: Koordination der Tätigkeiten der Bundesverwaltung; Entwicklung von Strategien des Bundes; Mitwirkung bei der Entwicklung von technischen Normen; Betrieb eines Kompetenzzentrums; Beratung von kantonalen Stellen.
  • 4.  
  • 5. Requirements Like Google Maps ! Fast User friendly High availability High load 150 layers … and, of course, low cost !
  • 6. Requirements How to have fast web mapping applications ? Web 2.0 / REST Services Pregenerated tiles for spatial data
  • 7. Requirements How to have user friendly web mapping applications ? User centered design, « don’t decide for your users »
  • 8. Requirements How to have high available web mapping applications ? - Load balancing - Make applications stateless - Automate the application deployment
  • 9. Requirements How to have web mapping applications supporting high load ? Cache everything you can Load balancing
  • 10. Cloud computing for Usage of an IaaS Provider ( Infrastructure as a Service ) -> Rent RAM + CPU + Storage Other possibilities: SaaS: Software as a Service -> Rent a Software PaaS: Plattform as a Service -> Rent a Development environment
  • 11. Cloud computing SaaS PaaS IaaS
  • 12. Cloud computing for Amazon Web Services
  • 13. Cloud computing: Amazon EC2 From Amazon: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It’s basically RAM + CPU YOU install what you want on it (OS / software) -> Installation process has to be automated (with puppet, for example) You pay when the instance runs You start it with the Amazon API / Tools You access it through network (ssh, for example) WARNING: don’t consider it as persistent -> Used to run the application / proxy
  • 14. Cloud computing: Amazon S3 From Amazon: Amazon S3 is storage for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers. Access and store your file with URL It’s NOT an hard disk You pay for the storage and the data transfer Consider it as persistent -> Used to store the 300’000’000 pregenerated tiles
  • 15. Cloud computing: Amazon EBS From Amazon: Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) provides block level storage volumes for use with Amazon EC2 instances. It’s an hard disk that can be mounted on an EC2 instance You pay for the storage Consider it as persistent Used to store user input
  • 16. Why is cloud computing so important ? Launch of on 18.8.2010 Number of visitors 33’000 (20.8), 1’600 (17.8) -> factor 20 ! 1 new visitor every second on 19.8 Bandwidth 750 GB per day (20.8), 33 GB per day (17.8) Peak of 1’400 tiles per second delivered on 19.8
  • 17. Why is cloud computing so important ?
  • 18. Why is cloud computing so important ?
  • 19. Why is cloud computing so important ? Datacenter Microsoft, Dublin 51’000 m 2 = 500m x 100m US$ 500 Mio 22.2 MegaWatt 400 Server online in 90min
  • 21. lessons learnt On-demand infrastructure: flexibility, scalability and high availability are possible with cloud computing Automation is required YOU are responsible for what you do with cloud computing Avoid vendor lock-in No CapEx, only OpEx
  • 22. Web 2.0: client development It’s now possible to build complete application within a browser Usage of JavaScript libraries. For OpenLayers ExtJS GeoExt -> All open source software
  • 23. Client development HTML5: Geolocation API GeoLocation API: the browser knows where you are ! Particularly useful for mobile application Javascript object: navigator.geolocation
  • 24. Client development HTML5: Web Storage API Web Storage API: the browser can store information in files or in a database Particularly useful for offline application Javascript object: Storage (session or locale) Web SQL database:
  • 25. Client development HTML5: Media support Your browser supports natively audio, video and drawing (canvas) Canvas: Video: Audio:
  • 26. Client development HTML5: Device API Your browser is able communicate with external devices Device API:
  • 27. Client development HTML5: Device API Your browser is able communicate with external devices Device API:
  • 28. Client development HTML5: Web Workers API Your browser is able to handle multithreading Web Workers:
  • 29. Client development CSS3 Your browser is able to make animations (without plug-in) CSS3:
  • 30. Conclusions Cloud computing is a valid alternative to traditional IT Cloud computing requires to make the application « cloud enabled » The browser applications replace the desktop applications