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172-Careers-Resp-system postural drainage.ppt
The pulmonologist…
The pulmonologist
is the physician that
specializes in
diseases of the lungs
and respiratory tract.
The pulmonologist makes a
diagnosis based on
hereditary diseases such as
cystic fibrosis, exposure to
toxins such as tobacco
smoke or asbestos,
exposure to infectious
agents autoimmune
problems, signs of cyanosis
or clubbing of the fingers,
palpation of the lymph
nodes, auscultation with a
stethoscope for diminished
breath sounds or rales, and
heart disease.
The pulmonologist…
The pulmonologist may order blood tests, blood
gas measurements, spirometry to determine lung
volume, chest xrays, nuclear medicine imagery,
PET scans, CT scans, MRI scans, etc.
PET Scan Spirometry
The pulmonologist…
The pulmonologist might
treat diseases such as
allergies, acute
respiratory distress
syndrome, asthma,
bronchitis, emphysema,
cystic fibrosis, lung
cancer, pleurisy,
pulmonary embolism,
sleep apnea, and

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Upper respiratory disorders and nursing mangement
Upper respiratory disorders and nursing mangementUpper respiratory disorders and nursing mangement
Upper respiratory disorders and nursing mangement

This document discusses nursing management of various respiratory disorders. It provides an overview of nursing assessment including history and physical assessment. It then discusses the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of many respiratory conditions including upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, pneumonia and others. It also reviews anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system and describes common diagnostic tests used to evaluate respiratory disorders.

Diagnostic test for respiratory system disorder and nursing responsibility
Diagnostic test for respiratory system disorder and nursing responsibilityDiagnostic test for respiratory system disorder and nursing responsibility
Diagnostic test for respiratory system disorder and nursing responsibility

The document discusses various diagnostic tests for respiratory system disorders and nursing responsibilities related to those tests. It describes tests such as pulse oximetry, sputum examination, pulmonary function tests, chest x-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography. For each test, it provides details about the purpose, procedure, and nursing responsibilities before, during, and after the test.


Pneumothorax, also referred to as lung collapse, is the result of unwanted air trapped around the lungs.

pneumothoraxcauses of pneumothoraxsymptoms of pneumothorax
The respiration therapist…
There are two levels of respiration therapists, the
certified (CRT) and the registered (RRT). The term
‘respiratory care practicioner’ (RCP) applies to both.
All respiratory care therapists
must complete a 2-4 year
program of study approved
by the Committee on
Accreditation for Respiratory
Care (CoARC) and pass the
National Board for
Respiratory Care (NBRC)
The respiration therapist…
The goal of the respiratory therapist is to help the
client breathe more easily. They work in hospitals,
rehab centers, nursing homes, and client’s homes.
Clients range from premature infants to the elderly.
should also
have CPR
The respiration therapist…
The respiration therapist educates their clients
about their disease, and trains them in how to live
with it. Sometimes they work in a public health
setting, conducting smoking cessation programs,
asthma awareness campaigns, etc.
They assess the
need for therapy
determine the
benefits of such
procedures, and
monitor the
The PFT has obtained the
CRT and RRT credentials,
and has also passed an
additional test in
performing pulmonary
function tests.
Pulmonary function
tests determine the
presence or absence of
disease, measures the
effect of a disease on
lung function, measures
the effects of
occupational and
exposure, determines
the effects of therapy,
and the risk for surgery.
The pulmonary function

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Emphysema is a lung disease characterized by breakdown of lung tissue and alveoli, reducing the lungs' ability to exchange oxygen. There are three main types: centrilobular emphysema primarily affects the center of lung lobes and is usually caused by smoking; panlobular emphysema affects all alveoli and is associated with genetic deficiencies; paraseptal emphysema relates to changes near the pleura. Diagnosis involves imaging, lung function tests, and blood tests to assess oxygen levels. Treatment focuses on medications, pulmonary rehabilitation, and sometimes surgery to improve breathing and quality of life.

Noninvasive Tests for Asthma Diagnosis
Noninvasive Tests for Asthma DiagnosisNoninvasive Tests for Asthma Diagnosis
Noninvasive Tests for Asthma Diagnosis

This document discusses non-invasive tests for diagnosing and monitoring asthma, focusing on exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) measurement. It describes how eNO levels are elevated in asthmatic patients due to airway inflammation and correlate with tissue eosinophils. The document outlines the procedure for measuring eNO according to guidelines and how it can help diagnose asthma, monitor treatment response, and detect different asthma phenotypes in a safe, repeatable way without invasive procedures.

Presentation1.pptx, radiological imaging of diffuse lung disease.
Presentation1.pptx, radiological imaging of diffuse lung disease.Presentation1.pptx, radiological imaging of diffuse lung disease.
Presentation1.pptx, radiological imaging of diffuse lung disease.

This document discusses radiological imaging techniques for evaluating diffuse interstitial lung disease. It begins by describing diffuse interstitial lung disease as a group of conditions that cause inflammation and scarring of the lung tissue supporting the air sacs. Common symptoms include shortness of breath and cough. The document then outlines the various tests and imaging modalities used to diagnose interstitial lung diseases, including blood tests, spirometry, pulse oximetry, chest x-rays, CT scans, and biopsies. CT scans are highlighted as particularly useful for identifying patterns of lung damage and assessing disease progression and severity. Specific interstitial lung diseases like idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and sarco

Respiratory diagnostic procedures…
Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
A small amount of
blood is drawn from
an artery using a
small needle and
syringe, and placed
in an analyzer. The
analysis is done to
assess the levels of
oxygen, carbon
dioxide, and other
elements in the
Respiratory diagnostic procedures…
Pulmonary Function Testing
This is a group of
tests that measure
lung volumes and
flow rates. They
determine impaired
functioning and can
be used to diagnose
In a spirometry test, you breathe into a spirometer
that records the amount and the rate of air that you
breathe in and out over a period of time… with
force or normally.
Respiratory diagnostic procedures…
Pulse Oximetry
This test measures the level of
oxygen-carrying capabilities in
the blood.
Respiratory diagnostic procedures…
Auscultation is listening for normal and abnormal
lung sounds with a stethoscope.

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What is Pulmonology? Everything You Need to Know.pdfWhat is Pulmonology? Everything You Need to Know.pdf
What is Pulmonology? Everything You Need to Know.pdf

Explore the comprehensive guide to Pulmonology—what it is, diseases treated, and when to seek help. Get all the essential information. What is Pulmonology?

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Lung disease is any condition that affects the lungs and prevents them from working properly. There are three main types of lung disease: airway diseases which affect the tubes that carry air to the lungs, lung tissue diseases which affect lung tissue structure, and lung circulation diseases which affect blood vessels in the lungs. Common lung diseases include asthma, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Asthma causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways and is diagnosed based on a person's medical history, physical exam findings, and results of breathing tests.


The document discusses airway management and ventilation, which are critical steps in assessing patients. It covers anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system, respiratory problems, and assessment techniques. Key points include the importance of establishing a patent airway and adequate breathing. Manual maneuvers like head-tilt chin-lift are described. Basic airway devices like oropharyngeal airways are presented. Methods of ventilation including bag-valve masks are covered. Advanced techniques like endotracheal intubation are discussed in detail, including indications, equipment, techniques, and verification of proper placement. Continuous monitoring of the airway is emphasized.

Respiratory diagnostic procedures…
This test measures the amount of exhaled carbon
dioxide to assess the level of ventilation.
Respiratory therapeutic procedures…
Oxygen Therapy
Oxygen therapy increases the saturation of
oxygen in the blood, decreases the work of
breathing, and decreases the work of the heart.
oxygen therapy
can be
delivered via a
nasal cannula.
Higher oxygen
levels can be
achieved using
a mask.
Respiratory therapeutic procedures…
Oxygen Therapy
Oxygen therapy should produce results:
1. The client thinks more clearly and is less
agitated because oxygen is reaching the brain
2. Shortness of breath decreases
3. Vital signs return to normal
4. Oxygen levels return to normal, usually 80-100
mm Hg
A hyperbaric chamber
can also be used for
oxygen therapy.
Respiratory therapeutic procedures…
Oxygen Therapy
Oxygen therapy must
be monitored closely, as
oxygen is considered a
drug. Too much oxygen
over a long period of
time results in oxygen
toxicity. It may lead to
retinopathy and blindess
in premature infants. It
may lead to atelectasis
(ĂT ul LECK ta sis) or
lung collapse from a low
ratio of nitrogen.

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This document provides information on managing diseases of the respiratory system. It begins by outlining learning objectives which are to describe respiratory anatomy and physiology, recognize abnormal assessment findings, identify major respiratory symptoms, and diagnostic tests. It then defines several respiratory terms. The document discusses anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system including ventilation, gas exchange, and pleural structures. It covers obtaining a health history, performing a physical exam including inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation. It also discusses common respiratory diseases like upper respiratory infections, pneumonia, diagnostic tests, nursing diagnoses and treatment plans.

assessment of resp system

Emphysema is a condition that damages the air sacs in the lungs called alveoli, causing them to lose their elasticity and become enlarged. This makes breathing difficult. The main causes are smoking cigarettes and exposure to air pollution or dust. Symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, and fatigue. Diagnosis involves medical history, physical exam, chest X-rays, and lung function tests. Treatment focuses on quitting smoking, using inhalers, oxygen therapy, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Managing the condition can help prevent further lung damage and associated complications.


Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the airways that carry air to your lungs. It causes a cough that often brings up mucus. It can also cause shortness of breath, wheezing, a low fever, and chest tightness. There are two main types of bronchitis: acute and chronic

Aerosol therapy provides medication and/or
humidity to the airways of the lungs via a nebulizer.
Inhaled medications
go directly and
quickly to the lungs.
There are usually
fewer side effects than
oral medications.
They can be used at
home, and are
convenient, easy, and
Respiratory therapeutic procedures…
Aerosol Therapy
Dosages may be
difficult to monitor with
aerosol therapy.
Common medications:
nasal decongestants
(decrease the flow of blood to
the nose), bronchodilators
(increase the diameter of the
lung airways),
antiasthmatics (reduce
allergic response),
corticosteroids (anti-
inflammatories), mucolytics
(break down lung secretions),
and antimicrobials
(antibiotics) .
Respiratory therapeutic procedures…
Aerosol Therapy
The most common
delivery method of
aerosol is a metered
dose inhaler. A metered
dose, or measured
amount of medication
is delivered to the
lungs via a pressurized
gas propellant.
Respiratory therapeutic procedures…
Aerosol Therapy
Accessory devices are special mouthpieces, and
extenders that deliver the dosage further back in
the throat.
Hyperinflation therapy is a lung expansion
therapy. It prevents or treats lung collapse
through deep breathing or secretion removal.
Respiratory therapeutic procedures…
Hyperinflation Therapy
The client may start
using a visual
spirometer. The client
takes deep breaths,
and can see when the
goal volume is

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Interstitial lung diseases
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Interstitial lung diseases

This document provides information about interstitial lung diseases (ILD). It begins with objectives of providing detailed knowledge about ILD and being able to define, classify, identify causes, signs/symptoms, risk factors, clinical manifestations and complications of various types of ILD. It then defines ILD, discusses types including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Diagnostic studies and medical management including antibiotics, corticosteroids and lung transplant are covered. Nursing management focuses on improving breathing, promoting gas exchange, and providing health education.

Copd imp د. جيهان
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Copd imp د. جيهان

The document discusses chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including its definition as a progressive lung disease characterized by limited airflow; causes such as smoking, air pollution, and genetic factors; symptoms like breathlessness, cough, and sputum production; diagnostic tests and medical management including bronchodilators, antibiotics, and oxygen therapy; preventive measures like smoking cessation and flu vaccines; and nursing interventions focused on assessment, education, and managing complications. COPD encompasses chronic bronchitis and emphysema and is a serious lung condition caused primarily by smoking.

fundamental of nursing tanta univ
Asthma pathology
Asthma pathologyAsthma pathology
Asthma pathology

Asthma is a condition that causes airways to narrow and swell, producing extra mucus. This makes breathing difficult and can trigger coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. The lungs become inflamed, making the airways extremely sensitive and more reactive to allergens. During an allergic reaction, airway muscles tighten, restricting airflow. Common asthma triggers include pollution, humidity changes, and temperatures. Symptoms include increasing difficulty breathing, loss of breath, wheezing, and chest pain. Diagnosis involves medical history, exams, and breathing tests to evaluate lung function and check for airway inflammation.

rohit pratap ojharishi richasushrut richa
Physical therapy is sometimes used to improve
postural drainage, percussion, breathing retraining,
and coughing. Vibration or pounding on the chest
is used to loosen mucous so it can be coughed out.
Respiratory therapeutic procedures…
Chest Physical Therapy
Suctioning applies negative pressure directly to
the airways to remove secretions.
Respiratory therapeutic procedures…
Suctioning Therapy
Mechanical ventilation means the client is attached
to a machine that helps them breathe. It is used
when all other therapies have failed to keep the
lungs and blood adequately oxygenated or enough
carbon dioxide removed.
Respiratory therapeutic procedures…
Mechanical Ventilation
172-Careers-Resp-system postural drainage.ppt

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Here are the key steps in asthma management for adults and adolescents at the primary health care level in Ethiopia: 1. Assess asthma control and severity. This involves evaluating symptoms, limitations, rescue inhaler use, and risk factors. 2. For mild intermittent asthma (Step 1), use a low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (Beclometasone 100μg) as needed with a short-acting beta agonist (SABAs) like Salbutamol. 3. For mild persistent asthma (Step 2a), use a standing dose of daily Beclometasone inhaler 100μg twice daily plus SABA as needed. 4. For moderate persistent asthma (


This document provides an outline and overview of pneumonia. It begins by defining pneumonia and describing its signs and symptoms. It then discusses risk factors, pathogenesis, classifications, and clinical features. The remainder of the document covers investigations into pneumonia, including medical history, physical exams, imaging tests, laboratory tests, and diagnostic criteria. It concludes by addressing treatment for community-acquired pneumonia and inpatient management.


Cellular growth disturbance

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  • 2. The pulmonologist… The pulmonologist is the physician that specializes in diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract. The pulmonologist makes a diagnosis based on hereditary diseases such as cystic fibrosis, exposure to toxins such as tobacco smoke or asbestos, exposure to infectious agents autoimmune problems, signs of cyanosis or clubbing of the fingers, palpation of the lymph nodes, auscultation with a stethoscope for diminished breath sounds or rales, and heart disease.
  • 3. The pulmonologist… The pulmonologist may order blood tests, blood gas measurements, spirometry to determine lung volume, chest xrays, nuclear medicine imagery, PET scans, CT scans, MRI scans, etc. PET Scan Spirometry
  • 4. The pulmonologist… The pulmonologist might treat diseases such as allergies, acute respiratory distress syndrome, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, cystic fibrosis, lung cancer, pleurisy, pneumonia, pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, sleep apnea, and tuberculosis.
  • 5. The respiration therapist… There are two levels of respiration therapists, the certified (CRT) and the registered (RRT). The term ‘respiratory care practicioner’ (RCP) applies to both. All respiratory care therapists must complete a 2-4 year program of study approved by the Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) and pass the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) exam.
  • 6. The respiration therapist… The goal of the respiratory therapist is to help the client breathe more easily. They work in hospitals, rehab centers, nursing homes, and client’s homes. Clients range from premature infants to the elderly. All respiratory care therapists should also have CPR certification .
  • 7. The respiration therapist… The respiration therapist educates their clients about their disease, and trains them in how to live with it. Sometimes they work in a public health setting, conducting smoking cessation programs, asthma awareness campaigns, etc. They assess the need for therapy procedures, determine the benefits of such procedures, and monitor the outcome.
  • 8. The PFT has obtained the CRT and RRT credentials, and has also passed an additional test in performing pulmonary function tests. Pulmonary function tests determine the presence or absence of disease, measures the effect of a disease on lung function, measures the effects of occupational and environmental exposure, determines the effects of therapy, and the risk for surgery. The pulmonary function technologist…
  • 9. Respiratory diagnostic procedures… Arterial Blood Gas Analysis A small amount of blood is drawn from an artery using a small needle and syringe, and placed in an analyzer. The analysis is done to assess the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other elements in the bloodstream.
  • 10. Respiratory diagnostic procedures… Pulmonary Function Testing This is a group of tests that measure lung volumes and flow rates. They determine impaired functioning and can be used to diagnose disease. In a spirometry test, you breathe into a spirometer that records the amount and the rate of air that you breathe in and out over a period of time… with force or normally.
  • 11. Respiratory diagnostic procedures… Pulse Oximetry This test measures the level of oxygen-carrying capabilities in the blood.
  • 12. Respiratory diagnostic procedures… Auscultation Auscultation is listening for normal and abnormal lung sounds with a stethoscope.
  • 13. Respiratory diagnostic procedures… Capnography This test measures the amount of exhaled carbon dioxide to assess the level of ventilation.
  • 14. Respiratory therapeutic procedures… Oxygen Therapy Oxygen therapy increases the saturation of oxygen in the blood, decreases the work of breathing, and decreases the work of the heart. Low-flow oxygen therapy can be delivered via a nasal cannula. Higher oxygen levels can be achieved using a mask.
  • 15. Respiratory therapeutic procedures… Oxygen Therapy Oxygen therapy should produce results: 1. The client thinks more clearly and is less agitated because oxygen is reaching the brain 2. Shortness of breath decreases 3. Vital signs return to normal 4. Oxygen levels return to normal, usually 80-100 mm Hg A hyperbaric chamber can also be used for oxygen therapy.
  • 16. Respiratory therapeutic procedures… Oxygen Therapy Oxygen therapy must be monitored closely, as oxygen is considered a drug. Too much oxygen over a long period of time results in oxygen toxicity. It may lead to retinopathy and blindess in premature infants. It may lead to atelectasis (ĂT ul LECK ta sis) or lung collapse from a low ratio of nitrogen.
  • 17. Aerosol therapy provides medication and/or humidity to the airways of the lungs via a nebulizer. Inhaled medications go directly and quickly to the lungs. There are usually fewer side effects than oral medications. They can be used at home, and are convenient, easy, and painless. Respiratory therapeutic procedures… Aerosol Therapy
  • 18. Dosages may be difficult to monitor with aerosol therapy. Common medications: nasal decongestants (decrease the flow of blood to the nose), bronchodilators (increase the diameter of the lung airways), antiasthmatics (reduce allergic response), corticosteroids (anti- inflammatories), mucolytics (break down lung secretions), and antimicrobials (antibiotics) . Respiratory therapeutic procedures… Aerosol Therapy
  • 19. The most common delivery method of aerosol is a metered dose inhaler. A metered dose, or measured amount of medication is delivered to the lungs via a pressurized gas propellant. Respiratory therapeutic procedures… Aerosol Therapy Accessory devices are special mouthpieces, and extenders that deliver the dosage further back in the throat.
  • 20. Hyperinflation therapy is a lung expansion therapy. It prevents or treats lung collapse through deep breathing or secretion removal. Respiratory therapeutic procedures… Hyperinflation Therapy The client may start using a visual spirometer. The client takes deep breaths, and can see when the goal volume is reached.
  • 21. Physical therapy is sometimes used to improve postural drainage, percussion, breathing retraining, and coughing. Vibration or pounding on the chest is used to loosen mucous so it can be coughed out. Respiratory therapeutic procedures… Chest Physical Therapy
  • 22. Suctioning applies negative pressure directly to the airways to remove secretions. Respiratory therapeutic procedures… Suctioning Therapy
  • 23. Mechanical ventilation means the client is attached to a machine that helps them breathe. It is used when all other therapies have failed to keep the lungs and blood adequately oxygenated or enough carbon dioxide removed. Respiratory therapeutic procedures… Mechanical Ventilation