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tools to introduce programming to kids Σαρημπαλίδης Ιωάννης 11

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Transhumanism is a philosophy and movement that aims to enhance human capabilities through technologies like genetic engineering, cybernetics, and nanotechnology. Transhumanists believe these technologies could be used to reduce suffering, extend healthy lifespans, and improve cognitive abilities and physical capacities beyond what is naturally human. However, some argue these technologies could worsen social inequalities or be used to coercively modify humans without consent. The ethical implications and potential risks and benefits of emerging technologies are an ongoing topic of debate among philosophers, scientists, and transhumanists.

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This document contains 20 hyperlinks to images related to various topics including: the first generation iPod, Android vs Apple devices, the Oregon Trail computer game, the Apple II computer, government shutdowns, woodworking, Steve Jobs, libraries and iPads, the Macbook Air laptop, and Star Wars holograms. The hyperlinks provide visual examples related to technology, history, and popular culture.

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Using HTML5 For a Great Open Web - Valtech Tech Days

HTML5 provides many new features for building rich and engaging web applications, including improved multimedia, graphics, and offline capabilities. It defines new semantic elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, and <aside> that help structure and outline pages. HTML5 also introduces form input types for color picking, date/time selection, email, URL and more. Additional APIs allow creation of offline web applications using the Cache Manifest, storing persistent data locally with Web Storage, and manipulating browser history. HTML5 brings powerful new capabilities for embedding video, using <canvas> for drawing, and 3D graphics with WebGL.


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There are so many great interactive websites that work well with the SMART Board. Come and learn about 10 of the presenters favorites. This presentation is from the SUCCESS Conference that took place on August 20th and 21st, 2009 in Arlington, VA.

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Learning is the bottleneck in most software projects. Pairing is an essential practice to increase the rate of individual and team learning.

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This document contains a list of URLs related to Google products and services. It includes links about controlling the first page on Google, Google image search filtering by topic, Google Docs, Google Alerts, Google Groups, Google Scholar, Google Chrome Sync, and news articles about Android mobile development. The document acts as a reference list for information on various Google technologies.

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The document discusses user stories and agile testing. It introduces user stories as a way to describe features from the perspective of different roles. Each story follows the format "As a [role] I want [feature] so that [benefit]". It also discusses how to write good stories and estimate tasks using techniques like planning poker. The document advocates writing tests before coding to ensure quality and avoid bugs. It provides an example of scenario-based testing using the Given-When-Then format.

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This document contains images of various robotic animals and fictional robots from movies and television shows. It includes images of robotic cheetahs, whales, R2-D2 from Star Wars, K-9 from Doctor Who, wall-e and eve from the movie wall-e, Bender from Futurama, C-3PO from Star Wars, a clockwork cat, Sony's AIBO robot dog, and a stealth robot.

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11 web 2.0 εργαλεία για την τάξη11 web 2.0 εργαλεία για την τάξη
11 web 2.0 εργαλεία για την τάξη

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