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    the Web

       Richard Byrne
Free Technology for Teachers
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Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013

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ABCI - It takes 2.0 to tango
ABCI - It takes 2.0 to tangoABCI - It takes 2.0 to tango
ABCI - It takes 2.0 to tango

This document provides an overview of Web 2.0 technologies through a series of Flickr photos and captions. It discusses how Web 2.0 allows for collaborative writing and use of images and other tools. Key aspects of Web 2.0 highlighted include tags, collaboration, user-centered design, and democracy. The impact of Web 2.0 technologies on education is also examined, contrasting students' and teachers' approaches to learning and teaching with the traditional "three R's" versus the new "three C's" in a Web 2.0 environment. Suggestions are made for what users can do with photos and other media on collaborative writing platforms.

web 20ed techeducation
[ Persistent Backchannels and Social Graphs ]
[ Persistent Backchannels and Social Graphs ][ Persistent Backchannels and Social Graphs ]
[ Persistent Backchannels and Social Graphs ]

Slides for my talk at the 2010 Conference on College Composition and Communication, Louisville, KY. 3.19.10 My presentation explores the surfacing and tracing of the interstitial writing work that holds together sociotechnical communication. This is writing work that makes visible and persistent previously ephemeral phatic and backchannel communication, and that holds our social graphs together.

Do follow backlinks
Do follow backlinksDo follow backlinks
Do follow backlinks

Find Best Do Follow Backlink. and easy to get free do follow this notepad file here best do follow backlinks

seosearch engine optimizationbacklinks
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    favorite web tool.
Best of the web   april 2013

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Offline online activities
Offline online activities Offline online activities
Offline online activities

A few examples of online activities done as part of the offline activities in the classroom with groups of 11-13 year-old students. Technology gives these activities an added value and all the activities were very popular with students

readinglisteningclassroom activities
Social networks and you (ya, you)
Social networks and you (ya, you)Social networks and you (ya, you)
Social networks and you (ya, you)

The document discusses how social networks can be used for professional networking and career advancement. It defines social networking sites and provides examples like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. It emphasizes how using these networks to engage in discussions, share knowledge and expertise, and build connections can help brand yourself professionally and potentially lead to new job opportunities. As an example, the author notes how engaging on Twitter helped them get their current job.

Echo 08 Presentation
Echo 08 PresentationEcho 08 Presentation
Echo 08 Presentation

The document discusses using online tools like Flickr and Delicious for bookmarking and sharing photos and websites. It provides examples of early childhood educators who use blogs and Web 2.0 tools. It encourages exploring Flickr for its free collection of over 2 billion photos from different categories like dogs, locations, and occupations. Bookmarking websites on Delicious allows for tagging and organizing bookmarks in the cloud. The author provides his contact details and links to examples of photos on Flickr for further exploration of online resources.

Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013

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Flat Classroom Workshop Keynote
Flat Classroom Workshop KeynoteFlat Classroom Workshop Keynote
Flat Classroom Workshop Keynote

The Flat Classroom Workshop keynote presentation at the 21st Century Learning Conference in Hong Kong in September 2009.

flat classroomworkshop21chk
Twitter and Facebook: The New RSS
Twitter and Facebook: The New RSSTwitter and Facebook: The New RSS
Twitter and Facebook: The New RSS

Twitter and Facebook can serve as replacements for RSS feeds by allowing users to follow topics and people of interest to receive updates in a centralized location. The document discusses how information overload from blogs led to the decline of RSS services and describes how social networks address this issue through features like Twitter Lists, Facebook Groups, and third-party applications like TweetDeck that organize information flows.

Broadley fix it jibs3
Broadley fix it jibs3Broadley fix it jibs3
Broadley fix it jibs3

This document discusses options for giving emeritus professors access to e-resources they are allowed to use at Manchester Metropolitan University. It notes that changes cannot be made to the entire system at once and must be done in steps. Potential options mentioned include using EZProxy, a guest system, or adding emeritus professors to the UKFed/shib associates and guests group alongside other associate academics. The document raises this as a question and provides photo credits for images used in accompanying slides.

Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013

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ASCD 2012
ASCD 2012ASCD 2012
ASCD 2012

This document discusses how 21st century leaders can use data to improve elementary mathematics education. It argues that technology and blended learning approaches that are personalized and adaptive can increase the velocity of learning for students. When students follow highly customized, individualized learning paths tailored to their needs, they can progress through mathematics content at different paces and explore possibilities through creativity and problem solving.

math21st centurymathematics
2013 06 13 (uc3m) emadrid dcormier upei impact technology higher education
2013 06 13 (uc3m) emadrid dcormier upei impact technology higher education2013 06 13 (uc3m) emadrid dcormier upei impact technology higher education
2013 06 13 (uc3m) emadrid dcormier upei impact technology higher education

This document discusses learning in an age of abundance and raises three questions. It traces the evolution of learning from oral traditions to modern digital formats. MOOCs are presented as an example of this transition, being massive, open, online courses. The document advocates for rhizomatic learning, where the community decides the curriculum through collaboration. The three questions raised are: 1) Why are we learning?; 2) Who decides what we learn?; and 3) Who decides that we've learned? It argues that responsibility is key in an age with abundant access to information.

The 21st Century Learner
The 21st Century LearnerThe 21st Century Learner
The 21st Century Learner

A presentation by Kim Cofino given to Qatar Academy staff in February 2009. Find more details on the presentation wiki:

Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013

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EDIM 510 Wikispaces Online Presentation
EDIM 510 Wikispaces Online PresentationEDIM 510 Wikispaces Online Presentation
EDIM 510 Wikispaces Online Presentation

Wikispaces allows for easy online collaboration through a wiki platform that enables multiple users to easily add and edit content. The document discusses how Wikispaces can be used in education by teachers to share resources, students to work collaboratively on group projects and portfolios, and to communicate with parents. Additional features like widgets, message boards, and privacy controls provide flexibility when setting up Wikispaces for educational purposes.

Web 2.0 - A Business Perspective
Web 2.0  - A Business PerspectiveWeb 2.0  - A Business Perspective
Web 2.0 - A Business Perspective

This document discusses various aspects of Web 2.0 including social networks like Facebook and Myspace, file sharing sites like YouTube and Flickr, mashups like Zillow that combine data from multiple sources, and the use of AJAX and tags. It emphasizes that an open approach is better than a closed one, and that individuals can facilitate innovation through communities, business models, and experimentation to make markets more interesting.

Student blog urls
Student blog urlsStudent blog urls
Student blog urls

This document lists the blog URLs for 20 different students taking a media studies course. The blogs are hosted on Blogger and WordPress and cover a range of media related topics from video projects to zombies to drugs. Most blogs include the students' first and last names or initials in the blog URL.

Sushi Monster
Image Source:
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013

Recommended for you

Twitter & Teacher Collaboration - NETA 2012
Twitter & Teacher Collaboration - NETA 2012Twitter & Teacher Collaboration - NETA 2012
Twitter & Teacher Collaboration - NETA 2012

Twitter can be a powerful collaboration tool for teachers. It allows teachers to connect with others, share ideas and resources, and find answers to questions quickly. Some benefits include reducing teacher isolation, providing information on-demand, and allowing free sharing of ideas. With hashtags and chats, teachers can easily find discussions on topics relevant to their classes.

[ YouTube as Boundary Object :: Appropriation in Overlapping Publics ]
[ YouTube as Boundary Object :: Appropriation in Overlapping Publics ][ YouTube as Boundary Object :: Appropriation in Overlapping Publics ]
[ YouTube as Boundary Object :: Appropriation in Overlapping Publics ]

Slides from my talk at the 2010 Popular Culture Association national conference, St. Louis, MO, 4.2.2010.

Best of the web january 2013
Best of the web january 2013Best of the web january 2013
Best of the web january 2013

This document provides a list of the best web tools for teachers in 2012 as selected by Richard Byrne. It includes tools for polling students, creating picture books, making storyboards, interactive lessons, online safety videos, and games. Contact information is provided for Richard Byrne to discuss the tools further via email, Twitter, and Facebook.

Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013

Recommended for you

The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)
The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)
The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)

Keynote presentation for Keene State College Faculty Technology Showcase (Feb 19, 2011). Join the Revolution! Audio available at

Den Sci Con10
Den Sci Con10Den Sci Con10
Den Sci Con10

This document provides a summary of various web 2.0 tools for education including tools for digital storytelling, polling, timelines, photo editing, and professional development. It lists specific websites for creating animations, voice threads, blogs, glogs, comics, and more. Contact information is also provided for the author in case readers have additional questions.

Join the Secret Revolution
Join the Secret RevolutionJoin the Secret Revolution
Join the Secret Revolution

Opening keynote for the 2010 Canadian eLearning Conference, Edmonton, Alberta. Tell everyone to join the revolution at

Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
WWF Together

Recommended for you

A Digital Toolkit for Years 5 to 8 teachers - July 2010
A Digital Toolkit for Years 5 to 8 teachers - July 2010A Digital Toolkit for Years 5 to 8 teachers - July 2010
A Digital Toolkit for Years 5 to 8 teachers - July 2010

Presentation of suitable digital tools (and examples of use) for teachers of year 5 to 8 students. Presented at/for Hokitika ICT Cluster, July 2010.

The library without walls
The library without wallsThe library without walls
The library without walls

Students effectively obtaining, organising and sharing information from the World Wide Web. This presentation looks at strategies and tools schools can apply to support students in getting information from the Internet, using it effectively, and becoming good digital citizens.

internetweb 20students
Cybersurfing With Young Learners
Cybersurfing With Young LearnersCybersurfing With Young Learners
Cybersurfing With Young Learners

This document provides examples of ways to engage young learners in cybersurfing activities. It lists various websites and online tools that allow students to be creative, communicate, tell stories, and learn while having fun through activities like making comics, podcasts, scrapbooks and more. The goal is to help students go beyond boredom by connecting to others, thinking critically and remixing their classroom practices through emerging technologies.

Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013

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What have i learned
What have i learnedWhat have i learned
What have i learned

The document discusses a workshop on connecting students to the world through technology and collaboration. It covers topics like creative commons, MOOCs, amazing apps for education, and how technology impacts the digital footprint of students. Participants were encouraged to reflect, share, think about connections, and debate ideas to build understanding.

Washington Prevention Summit 09
Washington Prevention Summit 09Washington Prevention Summit 09
Washington Prevention Summit 09

The document discusses the shift from traditional communication tools like faxes and landlines to modern social media tools like Facebook and Twitter. It highlights how social media allows for connecting, listening, networking, and collaborating online. The presentation aims to help participants describe the shift to social media, map their social media presence, identify social media tools, and determine next steps for using social media.

preventionsocial media
Using Web 2.0 Tools fTo Enhance Your Courses
Using Web 2.0 Tools fTo Enhance Your CoursesUsing Web 2.0 Tools fTo Enhance Your Courses
Using Web 2.0 Tools fTo Enhance Your Courses

This document summarizes a presentation about using free Web 2.0 applications to enhance courses. It provides examples of applications like slide shows, movies, avatars, mobile surveys, question/answer sites, wikis and blogs. The presentation discusses how these tools can increase student engagement by appealing to their technology interests and short attention spans. It also lists specific websites where these tools can be accessed for free, including SlideShare, Prezi, Polleverywhere and Google SMS.

Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013

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Nonprofit Blogging Game
Nonprofit Blogging GameNonprofit Blogging Game
Nonprofit Blogging Game

Used with social media game to help nonprofits think through what it takes to have a successful blog version 1

Web 2 Whats In Your Basket
Web 2 Whats In Your BasketWeb 2 Whats In Your Basket
Web 2 Whats In Your Basket

Web 2.0, also known as the Read & Write Web, contains a full menu of amazing applications that we can use in our libraries and classrooms. Come and dine on a smorgasbord of free resources available on the web.

Web tools to foster creativity
Web tools to foster creativityWeb tools to foster creativity
Web tools to foster creativity

The document defines creativity and discusses how social software like blogs and wikis can foster creativity. It provides examples of creative works students can share online, such as animations, videos, podcasts, and digital stories. The document also gives numerous websites where students can create and embed these works, including tools for writing, working with music, and citing sources.

Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013

Recommended for you

Andrew Blum Presentation
Andrew Blum PresentationAndrew Blum Presentation
Andrew Blum Presentation

This Ted Talk discusses the physical infrastructure of the Internet and explores what it is made of through personal anecdotes and stories. The speaker shares his experiences researching undersea cables and other physical aspects that enable digital connectivity. While providing insightful information through a personal lens, the talk would benefit from more audience engagement techniques.

A Digital Toolkit for Year 0 to 4 Teachers - July 2010
A Digital Toolkit for Year 0 to 4 Teachers - July 2010A Digital Toolkit for Year 0 to 4 Teachers - July 2010
A Digital Toolkit for Year 0 to 4 Teachers - July 2010

This document provides an overview of top digital tools for teachers in years 0-4. It describes the digital camera as a simple yet amazing tool that allows teachers to teach students how to safely handle cameras and tips for taking great shots. It then summarizes various free online tools for creating mind maps, digital diagrams, social bookmarking, blogging, comic making, word clouds and more that are excellent resources for junior and middle school teachers. It concludes by asking teachers to share their ideas for how they could use these digital tools in the classroom.

Chapter 5 Digital Interpersonal Skills
Chapter 5  Digital Interpersonal SkillsChapter 5  Digital Interpersonal Skills
Chapter 5 Digital Interpersonal Skills

This document discusses the importance of digital communication and social media for careers. It notes that most recruiters now use social media to evaluate candidates and that what people share online can help or hinder job prospects. The document also covers privacy issues, noting that information shared on social networking sites may not remain private and could be used in ways that harm future employment opportunities if not carefully managed. It encourages people to learn more about how their data is used and ensure social media profiles and online sharing respects privacy.

Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013

Recommended for you

Pathways to Future Learning - Keynote #smootau13
Pathways to Future Learning - Keynote #smootau13Pathways to Future Learning - Keynote #smootau13
Pathways to Future Learning - Keynote #smootau13

Keynote for the Schools Moodle Moot in Sydney, 3-4 October 2013 hosted by Pukunui Technology. As the first keynote, I framed my presentation to guide participants to the themes of the conference they may want to focus on.

personal learning networkbadgesmoodle
A teacher's guide to classroom backchannels (september 2013)
A teacher's guide to classroom backchannels (september 2013)A teacher's guide to classroom backchannels (september 2013)
A teacher's guide to classroom backchannels (september 2013)

This document provides a summary of different digital tools that teachers can use for backchannel discussions and informal student assessment. It discusses the free services TodaysMeet, Padlet, and Socrative. TodaysMeet allows for real-time backchannel discussions during videos or lectures. Padlet functions as an online bulletin board where students can anonymously contribute to topics. Socrative is used to gather anonymous feedback through open-ended questions, multiple choice, and other formats. Examples are given for how each tool can increase classroom participation and assess student understanding.

virtual meetingweb 2.0padlet
Geeks Have Inherited The Earth - Round Rock 2015
Geeks Have Inherited The Earth - Round Rock 2015Geeks Have Inherited The Earth - Round Rock 2015
Geeks Have Inherited The Earth - Round Rock 2015

This document appears to be a slide presentation about geeks inheriting the earth. It includes slides about the definition of geeks and nerds, results from an online quiz about geekiness traits, and ideas for how gifted students can find community and opportunities online and through massive open online courses. It encourages embracing passions and strengths, embracing failure, and cultivating creativity, curiosity and imagination. It concludes by saying the best is yet to come.

Daisy the Dinosaur
Best of the web   april 2013
Best of the web   april 2013

Recommended for you

SEDA conference: wired for sound
SEDA conference: wired for soundSEDA conference: wired for sound
SEDA conference: wired for sound

This document discusses how using audio feedback can improve communication with distance learners compared to only using written feedback. It provides evidence from studies that students prefer audio feedback because it allows them to better understand nuances and is more personal. The author details different tools that can be used to record and share audio feedback, such as Turnitin, voice recording apps, Audacity, and Audioboo. Risks like privacy and accessibility must be considered. Overall, audio feedback can enhance feedback and engagement if the teacher has the right tools and understands how to address limitations.

appsaudiohigher education
10 sites & apps to inspire creative writing
10 sites & apps to inspire creative writing10 sites & apps to inspire creative writing
10 sites & apps to inspire creative writing

The document summarizes several online tools that can be used for creative writing activities and storytelling. Things to Think About, StoryToolz, and Write About This are iPad apps containing writing prompts. Story Map, Scholastic Story Starters, and Make Beliefs Comix provide story planning templates. Twine, Storybird and My Storybook are websites that offer digital storytelling and comic creation tools using text and images.

storytellingcreative writingwriting
Sample Presentation
Sample PresentationSample Presentation
Sample Presentation

This presentation functions similarly to a web application. It contains multiple slides of information including an introductory slide and additional slides that provide more details. The presentation utilizes a slide format to convey its content across several brief sections.

Best of the web   april 2013
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Recommended for you

Share my-lesson-webinar-on-shakespeare
Share my-lesson-webinar-on-shakespeareShare my-lesson-webinar-on-shakespeare
Share my-lesson-webinar-on-shakespeare

This document outlines a presentation about using storyboards to break down Shakespearean plays. It discusses using a five act structure and six cell summaries to analyze plot. It provides examples of how to enhance characterization, including character maps and analyzing protagonists as heroes, antiheroes, or tragic heroes. It also explores Shakespearean genres like tragedies, using Romeo and Juliet as an example. One activity described assigns students 50 consecutive lines from a play to storyboard. The presentation aims to show how digital storytelling can improve understanding of literature.

Discovery, Discussion, Demonstration - A Selection of Educational Technology ...
Discovery, Discussion, Demonstration - A Selection of Educational Technology ...Discovery, Discussion, Demonstration - A Selection of Educational Technology ...
Discovery, Discussion, Demonstration - A Selection of Educational Technology ...

The document discusses discovery, discussion, and demonstration in education. It provides examples of tools that can be used for each including websites for discovering resources, interactive games for discussion, and polling tools for demonstrations. The document encourages thinking about how these three concepts can be incorporated into lessons to engage students in learning.

free technology for teacherseducational technologyeducation
The power of technology to prepare students for...
The power of technology to prepare students for...The power of technology to prepare students for...
The power of technology to prepare students for...

The power of technology to prepare students for... Slides from my opening presentation at the Literacy Promise Conference in Salt Lake City, 2014.

educational technologydigital learningliteracy
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