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Progressive Web
What, why and how
Progressive Web
What is
We already Did it!
Believe it or not
Responsive, mobile first layout Cache, Localstorage, etc.
Progressive Web Apps. What, why and how

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Jaggery Introductory Webinar
Jaggery Introductory WebinarJaggery Introductory Webinar
Jaggery Introductory Webinar

Jaggery is a framework to write webapps and HTTP-focused web services for all aspects of the application: front-end, communication, Server-side logic and persistence in pure Javascript. One of the intents of this framework is to reduce the gap between writing web apps and web services. As a pure Javascript server-side scripting engine, Jaggery combines all the strengths of Javascript with flexibility and freedom at both the development and deployment stages. Most JavaScript webapp development mechanisms restrict developers to a framework-specific structure or patterns, which demand an additional learning curve. By contrast, with Jaggery, any developers who are versed in Javascript have everything they need to get going.

Visual resume
Visual resumeVisual resume
Visual resume

This document provides a visual resume for Milan. It summarizes his work experience developing systems using Microsoft technologies like C# and ASP.NET. It also outlines his experience managing projects and teams. Finally, it provides contact information for Milan.

Unobtrusive js
Unobtrusive jsUnobtrusive js
Unobtrusive js

This document discusses unobtrusive JavaScript and how it separates JavaScript behavior from HTML markup. Unobtrusive JavaScript allows web pages to degrade gracefully when JavaScript is disabled, as the functionality is not coupled to the document structure. It provides an example of unobtrusive JavaScript that is completely separate from the markup and reusable. The document recommends using frameworks like jQuery to select elements and enhance the user experience with JavaScript after the site functions without it.

HTML5 is a new hotness
2009 2012
Hybrid App
HTML5 is a new hotness
HTML5 is a new Notness
HTML5 is a new Notness
"The biggest mistake we made as a
company was be!ng too much on HTML5
as opposed to na"ve.”
This guy
From Facebook

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Single page application
Single page applicationSingle page application
Single page application

This document discusses single page applications (SPAs) and provides an overview of what SPAs are and their advantages compared to traditional websites. It defines SPAs as web applications that fit on a single web page and provide a more desktop-like user experience through features like fluid page transitions without reloads. The document outlines how SPAs move more of the application logic to the client, fetch data on demand, and support features like back/forward buttons and offline use. Examples of SPAs include Gmail and merchant locators.

Java script202
Java script202Java script202
Java script202

JavaScript is a scripting language that adds interactivity to HTML pages. It is embedded directly into HTML and allows dynamic updating of pages without reloading. JavaScript can react to events, read/write HTML elements, and validate data. AJAX uses JavaScript asynchronously to exchange small amounts of data with a server in the background without reloading the whole page. Common uses include Google Maps, Gmail, YouTube, and Facebook tabs.


Microsoft Blazor which allows developers to leverage the existing skills and makes .NET syntaxes render within the browser with the blend of Razor and the taste of Angular. It supports latest Single Page Application demanding technologies such as Routing, Layouting and Dependency Injection.

razorbrowserangular 2
Native Apps Rules
Hybrid App
Mobile apps rules!
✓ Great performance
✓ Smooth anima!ons & interac!ons
✓ Instant loading & offline support
✓ Easy access through home screen
x Distribu=on problems
x Upda=ng is a pain
x Extra care with low memory phone
x Applica=on size
Web StrikeS Back!
Hybrid App
Mobile apps rules!
Web strikes back

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Interoperability of components built with different frameworks
Interoperability of components built with different frameworksInteroperability of components built with different frameworks
Interoperability of components built with different frameworks

As React, Vue, Angular and other Frontend frameworks mature, more and more projects embrace them in production. It has reached a point where a project written in React wants to use Angular or Vue components (and vice versa). We will explore pragmatic ways to use components created using different frameworks in the same app. I am working on an Angular project for one of our clients. It recently acquired a company which is invested into React for few years. There is a plan to merge our products which has a lot of feature overlap. To use capabilities of existing teams, it was decided to use React components within Angular app. This is when we explored all possibilities of inter operations between frameworks. This talk will be case study of our work and what you can take away from it

Intro to Node.js
Intro to Node.jsIntro to Node.js
Intro to Node.js

This document provides an overview and roadmap for an introductory course on Node.js. The course will cover Node basics, building web servers with Express.js, using MongoDB and Mongoose for the database, and building both simple and more complex applications. Expectations are a familiarity with JavaScript, databases, and basic web development principles. Asynchronous programming and the event loop model will also be discussed.

Edge 2016 what slows you down - your network or your device
Edge 2016 what slows you down - your network or your deviceEdge 2016 what slows you down - your network or your device
Edge 2016 what slows you down - your network or your device

For many years we have concentrated on back-end and network latency and ignored the processing time on the user device. Today, we spent most time on small mobile devices, compared to laptops they’re underpowered and web performance suffers. While handheld devices get more powerful, web pages get more and more complex. Especially the usage of javascript libraries and css framworks is very computational expensive. Based on data from real users, we quantify the relative importance of network and device for web performance. We also benchmark mobile devices and correlate their power to the web performance they achieve.

Best of Both Worlds
Progressive Web Apps
What Progressive Web Apps Is
App-like Linkable
Reliable Fast
Case Studies

users on 2G

increase on conversion
Case Studies

increase in Tweet Sent

increase in pages per session

decrease in bounce rate

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Serverless computing con Azure Functions
Serverless computing con Azure FunctionsServerless computing con Azure Functions
Serverless computing con Azure Functions

Diapositivas usadas durante la charla sobre Azure Functions en el .NET Conf UY el día 1 de octubre de 2016.

software developmentazure functionsserverless
Isomorphic javascript - Uppsala.js #8
Isomorphic javascript - Uppsala.js #8Isomorphic javascript - Uppsala.js #8
Isomorphic javascript - Uppsala.js #8

This document discusses building isomorphic JavaScript applications. It begins by explaining the benefits of isomorphic apps such as delivering the best experience to all users regardless of device or browser capabilities. It then describes how to build isomorphic apps using Node.js, a microservice architecture, and React for a unified coding experience. Finally, it highlights how isomorphic apps with React make development more productive and enjoyable by fixing the DOM issues and allowing developers to focus on what to build rather than how to build it.

Progressive web apps - prepare your web for 2017 (Devfest Ukraine 2016)
Progressive web apps - prepare your web for 2017 (Devfest Ukraine 2016)Progressive web apps - prepare your web for 2017 (Devfest Ukraine 2016)
Progressive web apps - prepare your web for 2017 (Devfest Ukraine 2016)

Remember back when AJAX completely changed what was possible in the desktop web? Progressive web apps are that same fundamental shift for the mobile web." said Rahul Row-Chowdhury (Google’s product lead for chrome and the web platform) on stage at Google I/O 2016. - Progressive web apps use new capabilities to deliver an app-like user experience. In this talk we will take a look at push notifications, app shell, RAIL and other new technologies.

service workersprogressive web appsjavascript
Case Studies

higher conversion rate

page visit
increase "me spent
Tech BehindProgressive Web Apps
Service Woker App Manifest
How ToProgressive Web Apps

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AngularJS + NancyFx + MongoDB = The best trio for ultimate SPA by Bojan Velja...
AngularJS + NancyFx + MongoDB = The best trio for ultimate SPA by Bojan Velja...AngularJS + NancyFx + MongoDB = The best trio for ultimate SPA by Bojan Velja...
AngularJS + NancyFx + MongoDB = The best trio for ultimate SPA by Bojan Velja...

This document discusses building single page applications (SPAs) using AngularJS for the front-end framework, NancyFx for the back-end API framework, and MongoDB for data storage. It describes characteristics of SPAs and how they work, outlines advantages of the AngularJS, NancyFx, and MongoDB stack, and provides an example code repository for a demo SPA application built with this technology trio. Potential use cases and challenges of the SPA approach are also highlighted.

W3C Web Performance - A detailed overview
W3C Web Performance - A detailed overviewW3C Web Performance - A detailed overview
W3C Web Performance - A detailed overview

The document discusses web performance optimization techniques. It introduces tools in the Navigation Timing and Resource Timing APIs to measure page load times and resource loading speeds. It presents methods to instrument pages to measure parts of the loading process. The document also discusses upcoming web performance APIs like Beacon, Navigation Timing 2, and ways to prioritize visible resources. Polyfilling techniques are mentioned to bring these capabilities to older browsers. Real-world uses are discussed, like CDN monitoring and integrating performance data with analytics.

javascriptweb design and developmentweb performance
WordPress on the Jamstack by rtCamper Muhammad Muhsin @ WordPress Colombo Meetup
WordPress on the Jamstack by rtCamper Muhammad Muhsin @ WordPress Colombo MeetupWordPress on the Jamstack by rtCamper Muhammad Muhsin @ WordPress Colombo Meetup
WordPress on the Jamstack by rtCamper Muhammad Muhsin @ WordPress Colombo Meetup

Jamstack sites have received huge popularity lately. Muhammad Muhsin has explored WordPress as a viable back-end API for Jamstack, which turned out to be a great solution. He has built multiple Jamstack sites using WordPress for data via REST API or GraphQL. In this session, Muhammad introduces WordPress as an API for Jamstack sites.

Our Project✓ Single page app for local meetup videos
✓ Offline support via browser caches
✓ Modern, ES6 JavaScript syntax, no framework
✓ Mul"pla$orm, Android and iOS
✓ Na"ve app look & feel
✓ Fullscreen app
✓ Splash screen
✓ Home screen icon
Our Plan✓ Design App Shell
✓ Ge!ng The Data from API
✓ Using Service Worker:
✓ Caching App Shell
✓ Caching Data
✓ Na"ve-like apps:
✓ Standalone app
✓ Adding App Icons
✓ Adding Splas Screen
✓ Deploy and securing our
Chrome DevTools - Device Mode
✓Simulate device web experiences
✓Responsive breakpoint visualiza"on
✓First meaningful paint, metrics, etc
✓Service worker, manifest, etc
iOS Simulator
✓localhost is your machine
✓Cri"cal for tes"ng apple-specific features
✓Connect to desktop’s safari for debugging

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How i acheived a pretty good google page speed insights score
How i acheived a pretty good google page speed insights scoreHow i acheived a pretty good google page speed insights score
How i acheived a pretty good google page speed insights score

Last year I decided to check out my own personal site in Google PageSpeed Insights. Even though it’s only a simple static flat-file site, Google didn’t give it a very good score. I decided to see if things could be improved. This presentation covers what I discovered, and what I was able to do about it.

web performancegoogle pagespeed insights
Demand driven applications with and react native
Demand driven applications with and react nativeDemand driven applications with and react native
Demand driven applications with and react native

This document discusses building applications using a demand-driven architecture where the client describes the data it needs from the server. It provides examples in Clojure of defining Post and Timeline components that specify the data queries. The approach shifts ownership of data to the client, allows the server to return exactly what is needed, and has advantages like smaller payloads, no unnecessary AJAX calls, and reusable components.

An Introduction to Web Components
An Introduction to Web ComponentsAn Introduction to Web Components
An Introduction to Web Components

This document provides an introduction to web components and discusses their benefits. It explains that web components bring a native component model to HTML, allowing for reusable UI functionality both within and across applications. The document demonstrates several types of web components, including custom elements, HTML templates, HTML imports, and shadow DOM. It also discusses browser support for web components and strategies for improving support, such as using polyfills.

mwlugweb componentspolymer
Android Emulator
✓ is your machine
✓Connect to desktop’s chrome for debugging
✓Chrome extension or CLI
✓Checklist for our progressive enhancements
✓Performance sugges"ons
Designing The App Shell
Applica"on Shell
Step 1
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie-edge">
<meta name="description" content="Best video resources for learn programming">
<link rel="stylesheet" href=“styles/main.css" type="text/css" media="screen"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/spinner.css" type="text/css" media="screen"


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Web Apps and more
Web Apps and moreWeb Apps and more
Web Apps and more

This document discusses various topics related to developing web apps, including HTML5, responsive design, touch events, offline capabilities, and debugging tools. It provides links to resources on HTML5 features like media queries, SVG, web workers, and the page visibility API. It also covers techniques for adapting content like responsive web design, progressive enhancement, and server-side adaptation. Mobile browser stats and popular devices on Douban are mentioned. Frameworks like Bootstrap and tools like Weinre for debugging mobile apps are referenced.

readermobile application developmentweb applications
Web app and more
Web app and moreWeb app and more
Web app and more

This document discusses various techniques for making web applications work offline and with unreliable network connections, including: - The application cache manifest which allows specifying cached resources to work offline - Issues with the current manifest specification and potential enhancements - The window.applicationCache API for caching resources and monitoring cache status - Detecting online/offline status using the navigator.onLine property In 3 sentences or less, it summarizes approaches for offline web applications using the application cache manifest, applicationCache API, and navigator.onLine property.

web application
Dave Orchard - Offline Web Apps with HTML5
Dave Orchard - Offline Web Apps with HTML5Dave Orchard - Offline Web Apps with HTML5
Dave Orchard - Offline Web Apps with HTML5

There’s an old expression, that there are only 2 hard problems in computing: naming, cache invalidation and off-​​by-​​one errors. Building offline web apps is all about those hard problems. There are some different ways of storing stuff — such as html5 caching, html5 storage, sqllite, and even native stores such as contacts and calendars — and we’ll sing their praises. But the really hard problems are knowing what to store, whether the stuff is still good or needs refreshing, how much to store, how to resolve conflicts between the client and server, how to integrate with data-​​specific stores, all in a bewildering cacophony of network and storage limited devices. We’ll spend the bulk of our time on these hard problems, which is probably more useful than api description and sample code. Dave Orchard is Mobile Architect at Salesforce​.com and located in Vancouver, Canada. This means being involved in many mobile platforms, architectures, tools, technologies and APIs. Prior to that, he was a co-​​founder of Ayogo Games and focused on iPhone and ruby/​merb/​mysql based casual social games. Back further in the mists of time, he was the Web standards lead for BEA Systems for 7 years, including being elected three times to 2 year terms on the W3C Technical Architecture Group chaired by Sir Tim Berners-​​Lee. Follow Dave on Twitter: @DaveO

<div class="left">
<a href="/">


<div class="right">
<button onclick="location.reload()" class="btn card__btn">Refresh


<div class=“spinner”>

<ul class="cards">

<script id="card" type="text/template">
<li class="cards__item">



Test it out!
Get The Data
Step 2

// scripts/app.js
const url = 'https:
=> response.json())
=> {
Test it out!

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HTML5 on Mobile
HTML5 on MobileHTML5 on Mobile
HTML5 on Mobile

This document discusses HTML5 on mobile devices. It begins by explaining why mobile web is growing and why HTML5 is well-suited for mobile. It then provides an overview of what HTML5 is and examples of features like forms, multimedia, geolocation that can be used on mobile. It also discusses considerations for mobile web development like responsive design and frameworks. The document recommends tools for mobile debugging and testing performance.

Web Development for UX Designers
Web Development for UX DesignersWeb Development for UX Designers
Web Development for UX Designers

An overview of web development essentials that will help you as a user experience designer to not only understand how to integrate designs with development components, but also to learn some tips on interacting effectively with developers.

user experience designhtml5web development
Mobile Apps with PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile
Mobile Apps with PhoneGap and jQuery MobileMobile Apps with PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile
Mobile Apps with PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile

The Codeworks presentation on mobile front ends including PhoneGap, jQuery Mobile, CSS Shaders and Proto.

adobejquery mobilephonegap
fetch Polyfill



<script src="scripts/vendors/fetch.js">
<script src="scripts/app.js">


Test it out!
Zoom it out!
Naviga"on begins

First conten$ul paint
First meaningful paint
Time to interac"ve
Service Worker
Not really a new
Parallel, not just
Independent script
Sends message to

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App engine devfest_mexico_10
App engine devfest_mexico_10App engine devfest_mexico_10
App engine devfest_mexico_10

The document provides an overview of Google App Engine, a platform for developing and hosting web applications on Google's infrastructure. It discusses the different language runtimes, services, and development tools available on App Engine and highlights some example applications that have been built on the platform. The document also shares experiences from Latin American users and details some new features recently added to App Engine like cursors, task queues, and cron jobs.

Everything is Awesome - Cutting the Corners off the Web
Everything is Awesome - Cutting the Corners off the WebEverything is Awesome - Cutting the Corners off the Web
Everything is Awesome - Cutting the Corners off the Web

The web is awesome despite it's detractors. But we can't forget our fundamentals when we're trying to forge ahead with new tech. This talk is about how to approach the building blocks of the web in a way that takes advantage of their strengths and avoids their weaknesses.

web development
Ruby on Rails Performance Tuning. Make it faster, make it better (WindyCityRa...
Ruby on Rails Performance Tuning. Make it faster, make it better (WindyCityRa...Ruby on Rails Performance Tuning. Make it faster, make it better (WindyCityRa...
Ruby on Rails Performance Tuning. Make it faster, make it better (WindyCityRa...

(reposting with clearer title) Performance tuning presentation from WindyCityRails 2010. Why performance matters The right way to approach it Front end testing tools Automated testing tools Common problems and the ways to solve them in Rails Rails specific tools bullet slim_scrooge rack bug request log analyzer rails indexes

Register Service Worker
Step 3

// scripts/app.js
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
worker.js').then(function () {
console.log('Service Worker Registered')
Test it out!
Test it out!
Cache The App Shell
Step 4

// service-worker.js
var cacheName = ‘engineers-id’
var filesToCache = [


self.addEventListener('install', function (e) {
e.waitUntil( (cache) {
return cache.addAll(filesToCache)

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Windy cityrails performance_tuning
Windy cityrails performance_tuningWindy cityrails performance_tuning
Windy cityrails performance_tuning

Performance tuning presentation for Chicago Rails Conference. Focusing on Front end page improvements

IPhone Web Development With Grails from CodeMash 2009
IPhone Web Development With Grails from CodeMash 2009IPhone Web Development With Grails from CodeMash 2009
IPhone Web Development With Grails from CodeMash 2009

These are slides from my CodeMash 2009 presentation on developing iPhone web applications using Grails, Groovy and iUI.

Introduction to Client Side Dev in SharePoint Workshop
Introduction to Client Side Dev in SharePoint WorkshopIntroduction to Client Side Dev in SharePoint Workshop
Introduction to Client Side Dev in SharePoint Workshop

The document is a presentation on client side development in SharePoint using jQuery. It begins with introductions and an agenda. The agenda covers deploying and referencing scripts, a jQuery primer, debugging techniques, modifying default SharePoint forms, REST/CSOM/SPServices, third party libraries, and SharePoint hosted apps. It then discusses why client side development is useful and challenges like browser inconsistencies. Best practices covered include avoiding global variables and writing performant code. Various development tools are presented. Finally, a demo is shown of building a simple contract management solution using the techniques discussed.

client side devsharepointjquery
Cache The App Shell
Step 4
Wait, How Service Worker actually work?!
Service worker
Installing Ac"vated
Idle Push
Web page
App Shell
Cache The Content
Step 5
Caching Strategy - Cache Only

self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {

// If a match isn't found in the cache, the response

// will look like a connection error

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GDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale
GDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and ScaleGDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale
GDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale

Google Developer Days Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale Original slides from Arne Roomann-Kurrik & Chris Chabot with a few Zen quotes and references added by me:-)

[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses responsive image techniques for adaptive web design. It begins by explaining browser sniffing versus feature testing, and recommends using feature testing to determine browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth instead of browser sniffing. It then covers techniques like using background-size to control image sizes, SVG for smaller file sizes, and font-based solutions. The document also discusses server-side techniques like .htaccess rewrite rules and client-side techniques like picture and HiSRC. It advocates for a mobile-first approach using CSS media queries and a single pixel GIF for responsive images.

csshtml5responsive web design
Usability in the GeoWeb
Usability in the GeoWebUsability in the GeoWeb
Usability in the GeoWeb

This document discusses how web design firms can compete with internal GIS teams by providing web-based GIS (WebGIS) applications. It notes that WebGIS requires learning new tools like JavaScript, AJAX, and RESTful services. To protect their work, internal GIS teams need to learn these new web technologies and prioritize usability over features to create responsive applications. The document advocates for an iterative development process with a focus on performance and usability testing.

Caching Strategy - Network Only
self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {

// or simply don't call event.respondWith, which

// will result in default browser behaviour
Caching Strategy - Cache, failing back to network

self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {
caches.match(event.request).then(function (response) {
return response 
|| fetch(event.request)
Caching Strategy - Cache, NetworK Race

// service-worker.js
function promiseAny (promises) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) 
=> {
promises = 
=> Promise.resolve(p))
=> p.then(resolve))
.reduce((a, b) 
=> a.catch(() 
=> b))
=> reject(Error('All failed')))
self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {
promiseAny([caches.match(event.request), fetch(event.request)])
Caching Strategy - Cache Then Network

// service-worker.js
self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {
event.respondWith('mysite-dynamic').then(function (cache) {
return fetch(event.request).then(function (response) {
cache.put(event.request, response.clone())
return response

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Hybrid application development
Hybrid application developmentHybrid application development
Hybrid application development

The presentation I prepared for AndroidDeveloperDays Ankara’12.

debuggingmobile application developmentwebsocket
Web assembly with PWA
Web assembly with PWA Web assembly with PWA
Web assembly with PWA

This document discusses modern web applications using progressive web apps (PWA) and WebAssembly (WASM). It begins by defining a web application and describing challenges like performance issues. It then introduces PWAs and WASM as solutions, explaining what they are, how they work, and providing examples. The document shares links to starter kits and success stories to help readers get started with building modern web apps using these technologies.

Google Gears
Google GearsGoogle Gears
Google Gears

Summary seminar of the possible functions and present state of google gears. For more useful information on similar topics visit

offline modejavascriptgoogle gears
Caching Strategy - Network Falling Back To Cache
self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {
fetch(event.request).catch(function () {
return caches.match(event.request)
Cache The Content
Step 5

// service-worker.js
self.addEventListener('fetch', e 
=> {
=> {
return fetch(e.request)
=> {
cache.put(e.request, networkResponse.clone())
return networkResponse
=> {
return caches.match(e.request)
When Our Users Going Rogue...

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Fake it 'til you make it
Fake it 'til you make itFake it 'til you make it
Fake it 'til you make it

This document discusses how to create mobile apps that feel native using only web technologies. It covers supporting features in Mobile Safari like local storage, CSS3 features, and geolocation. It recommends using web technologies over native due to quicker iteration times. Specific techniques covered include detecting browser type, adding home screen icons, startup images, going full screen, and viewport settings. The document also discusses frameworks like jQuery Mobile but notes native DOM APIs may be sufficient. It covers input features, touch vs click, animations, locking orientation, and performance tips. It acknowledges limitations of Android and webOS and recommends testing on actual devices. Finally, it discusses hybrid mobile frameworks like PhoneGap and Titanium that allow developing for multiple platforms using one code

Membangun Aplikasi Web dengan Elixir dan Phoenix
Membangun Aplikasi Web dengan Elixir dan PhoenixMembangun Aplikasi Web dengan Elixir dan Phoenix
Membangun Aplikasi Web dengan Elixir dan Phoenix

Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang bahasa pemrograman Elixir dan framework Phoenix. Elixir adalah bahasa fungsional dan dinamis yang berjalan pada BEAM, sedangkan Phoenix adalah framework modern untuk membangun aplikasi web yang menerapkan MVC. Keduanya memiliki fitur-fitur seperti LiveView, PubSub dan Channel yang mendukung pengembangan aplikasi real-time.

Berbagai Pilihan Karir Developer
Berbagai Pilihan Karir DeveloperBerbagai Pilihan Karir Developer
Berbagai Pilihan Karir Developer

Memilih karir sebagai developer adalah hal yang tepat untuk saat ini. Namun banyaknya pilihan terkadang bisa membuat kita bimbang. Apa saja pilihan yang kita punya? Slide presentasi berikut memaparkan beberapa diantaranya.

cloud computingdeveloperdevelopment
App Manifest
App Manifest
// manifest.json
"name": "",
"short_name": "",
"lang": "en-US",
"start_url": "/index.html",
"display": "standalone",
"theme_color": "#fff",
"icons": [
"src": "images/icons/icon-128x128.png",
"sizes": "128x128",
"type": "image/png"

"background_color": “#fff”,
“orientation”: “portrait”
App Manifest - Display Mode
App Manifest - Icons
144px by 144px
128px by 128px
192px by 192px
256px by 256px
512px by 512px

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Web dan Progressive Web Apps di 2020
Web dan Progressive Web Apps di 2020Web dan Progressive Web Apps di 2020
Web dan Progressive Web Apps di 2020

- Membahas perkembangan web dan aplikasi web - Kelebihan dan kekurangan mengembangkan aplikasi untuk web platform - Tentang PWA - Komponen utama PWA - Masa depan platform web

webprogressive web appsjavascript
Remote Working/Learning
Remote Working/LearningRemote Working/Learning
Remote Working/Learning

Remote working provides opportunities for flexible work arrangements but also presents challenges. It requires strong self-management and communication skills. Preparing for remote work involves treating yourself as the manager by setting goals and priorities. Communication is key, both synchronous and asynchronous. Remote workers must also find ways to maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid isolation through community engagement and physical activity. Overall, remote work allows accessing new opportunities if one adapts to its requirements for independence and communication.

How to learn programming
How to learn programmingHow to learn programming
How to learn programming

This document provides tips for how to learn programming. It emphasizes that programming is difficult but not impossible, and encourages finding problems to solve. It recommends finding your learning style, improving foundational skills, narrowing your focus, getting excited, and just coding. It also suggests getting help from others, being persistent, and developing a passion for programming in order to succeed.

App Manifest - Home Screen Icons
48 dp icons for
home screen and task switcher
144px by 144px
192px by 192px
48px by 48px
96px by96px
App Manifest - Splash Screen Icons
128 dp icons for
splash screen
128px by 128px
256px by 256px
512px by 512px
"name": "",
"short_name": "",
"lang": "en-US",
"start_url": "/index.html",
"display": "standalone",
"theme_color": "#fff",
"background_color": “#fff”,
“orientation”: “portrait”
App Manifest

<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json">
Install Banners
"name": "",
"short_name": "",
"lang": "en-US",
"start_url": "/index.html",
"display": "standalone",
"theme_color": "#fff",
"icons": [

"src": "images/icons/icon-144x144.png",
"sizes": "144x144",
"type": "image/png"
"background_color": “#fff”,
“orientation��: “portrait”

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Rapid App Development with AWS Amplify
Rapid App Development with AWS AmplifyRapid App Development with AWS Amplify
Rapid App Development with AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify is a development platform that allows developers to build secure and scalable mobile and web applications quickly. It provides tools and services for continuous integration, hosting, functions, authentication, real-time data stores, serverless APIs, analytics, push notifications and more. Developers can get started by installing the Amplify CLI, initializing a project, and then adding features like authentication, storage, analytics and more through commands. The document demonstrates setting up and building a meetup app with features like user authentication and a serverless API in under 15 minutes using Amplify.

Menguak Misteri Module Bundler
Menguak Misteri Module BundlerMenguak Misteri Module Bundler
Menguak Misteri Module Bundler

Pernah bingung gimana caranya sebuah framework menghasilkan sebuah kode output yang berbeda dengan kode yang kamu tulis? Penasaran sebetulnya apa yang terjadi dibalik layar dan gimana caranya kamu bisa belajar dari hal itu untuk memperbaiki kode yang kamu hasilkan?

bundlermodule bundlerjavascript
Beberapa Web API Menarik
Beberapa Web API MenarikBeberapa Web API Menarik
Beberapa Web API Menarik

Beriktu beberapa Web Browser API menarik yang layak dicoba seperti ambient light, device orientation dan lain sebagainya.

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  • 7. HTML5 is a new Notness
  • 8. HTML5 is a new Notness "The biggest mistake we made as a company was be!ng too much on HTML5 as opposed to na"ve.” This guy From Facebook
  • 10. Native Advantages ✓ Great performance ✓ Smooth anima!ons & interac!ons ✓ Instant loading & offline support ✓ Easy access through home screen
  • 11. x Distribu=on problems x Upda=ng is a pain x Extra care with low memory phone x Applica=on size Native disadvantages
  • 12. Web StrikeS Back! HTML5 20122009 Facebook Hybrid App Mobile apps rules! 2016 Web strikes back
  • 13. Best of Both Worlds Progressive Web Apps
  • 14. What Progressive Web Apps Is Engaging App-like Linkable Reliable Fast Secure
  • 15. Case Studies 63% 
 users on 2G 70% 
 increase on conversion
  • 16. Case Studies 75% 
 increase in Tweet Sent 65% 
 increase in pages per session 20% 
 decrease in bounce rate
  • 17. Case Studies 104% 
 higher conversion rate 2x
 page visit 74% 
increase "me spent
  • 19. Service Woker App Manifest
  • 21. Our Project✓ Single page app for local meetup videos ✓ Offline support via browser caches ✓ Modern, ES6 JavaScript syntax, no framework ✓ Mul"pla$orm, Android and iOS ✓ Na"ve app look & feel ✓ Fullscreen app ✓ Splash screen ✓ Home screen icon
  • 22. Our Plan✓ Design App Shell ✓ Ge!ng The Data from API ✓ Using Service Worker: ✓ Caching App Shell ✓ Caching Data ✓ Na"ve-like apps: ✓ Standalone app ✓ Adding App Icons ✓ Adding Splas Screen ✓ Deploy and securing our app
  • 23. Tools Chrome DevTools - Device Mode ✓Simulate device web experiences ✓Responsive breakpoint visualiza"on ✓First meaningful paint, metrics, etc ✓Service worker, manifest, etc
  • 24. Tools iOS Simulator ✓localhost is your machine ✓Cri"cal for tes"ng apple-specific features ✓Connect to desktop’s safari for debugging
  • 25. Tools Android Emulator ✓ is your machine ✓Connect to desktop’s chrome for debugging
  • 26. Tools Lighthouse ✓Chrome extension or CLI ✓Checklist for our progressive enhancements ✓Performance sugges"ons
  • 27. Designing The App Shell Content Applica"on Shell Step 1
  • 28. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie-edge"> <meta name="description" content="Best video resources for learn programming"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=“styles/main.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/spinner.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8"> <title> </title> </head>
  • 29. <body> <nav> <div class="left"> <a href="/"> <h1> </h1> </a> </div> <div class="right"> <button onclick="location.reload()" class="btn card__btn">Refresh </button> </div> </nav> <div class=“spinner”> ... </div> <ul class="cards"> </ul> <script id="card" type="text/template"> <li class="cards__item"> </li> </script> </body>
  • 31. Get The Data Step 2 // scripts/app.js const url = 'https: //engineers-id-backend-' fetch(url) .then(response => response.json()) .then(json => { appendData(json) })
  • 33. fetch Polyfill <!-- index.html --> <html> <head> ... </head> <body> <!-- ... --> <script src="scripts/vendors/fetch.js"> </script> <script src="scripts/app.js"> </script> </body> </html>
  • 35. Zoom it out! Naviga"on begins
 (17ms) First conten$ul paint (600ms) First meaningful paint (1.58s) Time to interac"ve (1.8s)
  • 36. Service Worker Not really a new technology Parallel, not just concurrent Independent script Sends message to origin
  • 37. Register Service Worker Step 3 // scripts/app.js if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { navigator.serviceWorker.register('./service- worker.js').then(function () { console.log('Service Worker Registered') }) }
  • 40. Cache The App Shell Step 4 // service-worker.js var cacheName = ‘engineers-id’ var filesToCache = [ '/', '/index.html', '/scripts/app.js', ‘/styles/main.css', '/styles/spinner.css', ‘/images/logo.svg', // ... ] self.addEventListener('install', function (e) { e.waitUntil( (cache) { return cache.addAll(filesToCache) }) ) })
  • 41. Cache The App Shell Step 4
  • 42. Wait, How Service Worker actually work?! Service worker Installing Ac"vated Error Idle Push Fetch Terminated Web page Caching App Shell
  • 44. Caching Strategy - Cache Only //service-worker.js self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) { // If a match isn't found in the cache, the response // will look like a connection error event.respondWith(caches.match(event.request)) })
  • 45. Caching Strategy - Network Only self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) { event.respondWith(fetch(event.request)) // or simply don't call event.respondWith, which // will result in default browser behaviour })
  • 46. Caching Strategy - Cache, failing back to network //service-worker.js self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) { event.respondWith( caches.match(event.request).then(function (response) { return response || fetch(event.request) }) ) })
  • 47. Caching Strategy - Cache, NetworK Race // service-worker.js function promiseAny (promises) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { promises = => Promise.resolve(p)) promises.forEach(p => p.then(resolve)) promises .reduce((a, b) => a.catch(() => b)) .catch(() => reject(Error('All failed'))) }) } self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) { event.respondWith( promiseAny([caches.match(event.request), fetch(event.request)]) ) })
  • 48. Caching Strategy - Cache Then Network // service-worker.js self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) { event.respondWith('mysite-dynamic').then(function (cache) { return fetch(event.request).then(function (response) { cache.put(event.request, response.clone()) return response }) }) ) })
  • 49. Caching Strategy - Network Falling Back To Cache self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) { event.respondWith( fetch(event.request).catch(function () { return caches.match(event.request) }) ) })
  • 50. Cache The Content Step 5 // service-worker.js self.addEventListener('fetch', e => { e.respondWith( => { return fetch(e.request) .then(networkResponse => { cache.put(e.request, networkResponse.clone()) return networkResponse }) .catch(() => { return caches.match(e.request) }) }) ) })
  • 51. When Our Users Going Rogue...
  • 52. Recap
  • 54. App Manifest // manifest.json { "name": "", "short_name": "", "lang": "en-US", "start_url": "/index.html", "display": "standalone", "theme_color": "#fff", "icons": [ { "src": "images/icons/icon-128x128.png", "sizes": "128x128", "type": "image/png" }, ... ], "background_color": “#fff”, “orientation”: “portrait” }
  • 55. App Manifest - Display Mode ‘fullscreen’ ‘standalone’ ‘minimal-ui’ ‘browser’
  • 56. App Manifest - Icons 144px by 144px 128px by 128px 192px by 192px 256px by 256px 512px by 512px
  • 57. App Manifest - Home Screen Icons 48 dp icons for home screen and task switcher 144px by 144px 192px by 192px 48px by 48px 96px by96px
  • 58. App Manifest - Splash Screen Icons 128 dp icons for splash screen 128px by 128px 256px by 256px 512px by 512px { "name": "", "short_name": "", "lang": "en-US", "start_url": "/index.html", "display": "standalone", "theme_color": "#fff", "icons": [], "background_color": “#fff”, “orientation”: “portrait” }
  • 59. App Manifest <!-- index.html --> <link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json">
  • 60. Install Banners { "name": "", "short_name": "", "lang": "en-US", "start_url": "/index.html", "display": "standalone", "theme_color": "#fff", "icons": [ ... { "src": "images/icons/icon-144x144.png", "sizes": "144x144", "type": "image/png" }, ], "background_color": “#fff”, “orientation”: “portrait” }
  • 63. One last thing: Deploy h%ps://